2016, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 590-609 Interdependence Across a Firm's International Trajectories
by Andre Limp & Sérgio Fernando Loureiro Rezende & Angela Versiani - 610-629 Materialistic Behavior in Adolescents and Children: A Meta-analysis of the Antecedents and Consequents
by Wagner Junior Ladeira & Fernando de Oliveira Santini & Clecio Falcão Araujo - 630-650 Fenomenografia e Valoração do Conhecimento nas Organizações: Diálogo entre Método e Fenômeno
by Andréa Cherman & Sandra Regina Rocha-Pinto
2016, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 389-411 The Influence of Power in the Relationship between Consumers and Brand
by Elder Semprebon & Paulo Henrique Muller Prado - 412-433 A Comparative Analysis of Why Papers Are Rejected in Management Journals of Different Strata
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Christian Falaster - 434-457 Scientific Knowledge on Leadership: A Bibliometric Analysis of The Leadership Quarterly’s Collection
by Lucas Martins Turano & Flávia Cavazotte - 458-476 Project and Metamorphosis: Gilberto Velho’s Contributions to Career Studies
by Gabriela DeLuca & Sidinei Rocha-de-Oliveira & Carolina Dalla Chiesa - 477-501 Extra-contractual Incentives and Ex Post Behavior in Relationships between Shopping and Store
by Valter Afonso Vieira - 502-523 Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Supplier Stakeholders: Creating Value for Sustainable Development
by Thálita Anny Estefanuto Orsiolli & Farley Simon Nobre
2016, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 261-282 Mozart, Rock and Creativity Activation
by Guilherme Macedo de Souza Tieppo & Germano Glufke Reis & Djair Picchiai - 283-304 The Multiple Functions of Budgeting
by Daniel Magalhães Mucci & Fabio Frezatti & Mamadou Dieng - 305-327 Teaching Entrepreneurship Using Effectuation Theory
by Marcus Alexandre Yshikawa Salusse & Tales Andreassi - 328-346 Consumption Trajectories: Elderly Consumers of Bank Services
by Marlon Dalmoro & Kasiana Vittorazzi - 347-367 The Impact of Social Interaction on Consumer's Hedonic Adaptation
by Gabriela de Souza Neves & Vinicius Andrade Brei - 368-388 International Financial Reporting Standards and Earnings Management in Latin America
by Alex Augusto Timm Rathke & Verônica de Fátima Santana & Isabel Maria Estima Costa Lourenço & Flávia Zóboli Dalmácio
2016, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 135-153 Forecast Techniques: A Comparative Study
by Dálcio Roberto dos Reis & Ticiana Braga de Vincenzi & Fabricio Palermo Pupo - 154-174 Effects of Live and Mechanized Music in Retail Environments
by Marconi Freitas da Costa & Salomão Alencar de Farias - 175-196 Social Skills and Attitudes for Teamwork: Scale Development
by Catarina Cecília Odelius & Rafael Nishino Ono & Gardênia da Silva Abbad & Pedro Henrique Melo Albuquerque - 197-215 The Impact of Internal Marketing on the Market Orientation of Brazilian Companies
by Iara Dantas Cordeiro de Morais & Ana Maria Soares - 216-237 Does the Perception of Fairness in Management Control Systems Increase Manager Commitment and Confidence?
by Ilse Maria Beuren & Luciana Klein & Flávio Luiz Lara & Lauro Brito de Almeida - 238-260 Exploration, Exploitation, and Organizational Coordination Mechanisms
by Silvio Popadiuk & Diógenes de Souza Bido
2016, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 0 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 1-20 Absorptive Capacity, Organization Learning and Social Integration Mechanisms
by Florindo Rhaoni Picoli & Adriana Takahashi - 21-40 Social Impact: A Study of Selected Brazilian Graduate Management Programs
by Thomaz Wood Jr & Caio César Medeiros Costa & Giovanna de Moura Rocha Lima & Rosana Córdova Guimarães - 41-63 Green Information Technology: A Study of its Adoption in Organizations
by Ana Carolina Salles & Ana Paula Ferreira Alves & Décio Bittencourt Dolci & Guilherme Lerch Lunardi - 64-83 Organizational Unlearning: An Empirical Study in the Federal University of Santa Catarina
by Gustavo Tomaz Buchele & Pierry Teza & Isabela Regina Fornari Müller & João Artur de Souza - 84-105 Reputation Systems: A Sudy on Trust and Reputation in Brazilian Electronic Commerce
by Douglas de Lima Feitosa & Leandro Sumida Garcia - 106-130 Are There Non-economic Factors in Real-estate Pricing?
by Lincoln Brando & Claudio Henrique Barbedo - 131-133 Green IT Strategies and Applications: Using Environmental Intelligence. Bhuvan Unhelkar. Boca Raton, Flórida: CRC Press, 2011. 480 p. ISBN 978-14-3983-780-1
by Vanessa Theis & Dusan Schreiber - 134-134 Public Sector Entrepreneurship. Dennis Patrick Leyden e Albert N. Link. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. 250 p. ISBN: 978-0-19-931385-3
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2015, Volume 19, Issue spe3
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 245-268 What Color Should I Go as to the Shopping Mall that You Invited Me to?
by Marco César Ribeiro Nascimento & Josiane Silva de Oliveira & Juliana Cristina Teixeira & Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri - 269-287 Contestations on Masculinity in the Context of Work: A Post-modernist Study of Mining and Steelworks
by Eloísio Moulin de Souza & Mônica de Fatima Bianco & Gelson Silva Junquilho - 288-304 Different Individual-Organization Attachments: Exploring Their Meanings between Managers
by Ana Paula Moreno Pinho & Antonio Virgilio Bittencourt Bastos & Diva Ester Okazaki Rowe - 305-327 Analysis of Brazilian Academic Publication about Communities of Practice
by Luciano Mendes & Ligia Maria Soto Urbina - 328-347 Exploring Indigenous Management Aspects in a Financial Organization: Jeitinho and Relational Society
by Ricardo Antonio Fernandes & Darcy Mitiko Mori Hanashiro - 348-366 Intra-organizational Social Connection, Support at Work and Organizational Identification
by Cristiano Oliveira Maciel & Camila Camargo
2015, Volume 19, Issue spe2
- 1-1 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 117-136 Building a Brand Community Online During a New Product Launch
by Maribel Carvalho Suarez & Flavia Luzia Oliveira da Cunha Galindo & Vaclav Soukup Filho & Rafael Machado - 137-156 Influence of Stress, Materialism and Self-Esteem in Adolescent Compulsive Buying
by Fabiana Gama de Medeiros & Ionara Saraí Ferreira Nóbrega Diniz & Francisco José da Costa & Rita de Cássia Faria Pereira - 157-177 Measurement of Attitude: Proposition of a Protocol for Preparation of Scales
by Rafael Lucian & Jairo Simião Dornelas - 178-196 When Do Opposing Forces Increase Willingness to Buy? Regulatory Motivational Focus and Ad Messages
by Danielle Mantovani & Mariana Monfort Barboza & Juan José Camou Viacava & Paulo Henrique Muller Prado - 197-220 The Contribution of Scientific Production in Marketing for the Social Sciences
by Renato Hübner Barcelos & Carlos Alberto Vargas Rossi - 221-244 Impact of Control Systems over New Product Sales
by Valter Afonso Vieira & Juliano Domingues Silva & Sean Cassiolato Berbert & Valter da Silva Faia
2015, Volume 19, Issue spe1
- 0 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 1-19 Internationalization and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Brazil and Mexico
by Newton Arata & Hsia Hua Sheng & Mayra Ivanoff Lora - 20-37 Capital Structure Rebalancing: Industry Leverage and Financial Slack
by Anderson Luis Saber Campos & Wilson Toshiro Nakamura - 38-52 Relevance of Country Risk Premium in Cost of Equity Estimation
by Antonio Zoratto Sanvicente - 53-76 Bank Capital and Lending in Brazil
by Valter Takuo Yoshida Junior & Rafael Felipe Schiozer - 77-97 How Credit Extension Management affects Inventory Practices
by Claudinê Jordão Carvalho - 98-116 Callendar Effect and Behavioral Finance in Brazilian Hedge Funds
by Rodrigo Fernandes Malaquias & Samuel de Paiva Naves Mamede
2015, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 673-695 Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Study of Dimensions and its Relationship with Performance at Firms Graduating from Incubators
by Fábio Lazzarotti & Alissane Lia Tasca da Silveira & Carlos Eduardo Carvalho & Carlos Ricardo Rossetto & Jonatha Correia Sychoski - 696-711 Punctuated Equilibrium Theory in Brazilian Public Policy: The Case of Ceará
by Hugo Consciência Silvestre & Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de Araújo - 712-731 Does Pride of Being Brazilian Impact Happiness?
by Luciana Massaro Onusic & Wesley Mendes-da-Silva - 732-749 Pay and Sin: A Commodified Adultery Discourse Archeology
by Thiago Ianatoni Camargo & André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão - 750-771 Analysis of Competitiveness of the Whole Milk Powder Production Chain
by João Batista de Freitas & Jean Philippe Palma Revillion & Luiz Clovis Belarmino - 772-794 Leadership Style, Management Control and Innovation: The Role of Control Levers
by Ana Paula Capuano da Cruz & Fábio Frezatti & Diógenes de Souza Bido
2015, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 544-564 Equally Weighed Portfolios with Few Stocks and Small Investors
by Diogo Carneiro Santiago & Ricardo Pereira Câmara Leal - 565-583 Religious Entrepreneurship: A Study of Businesses that Explore the Religiosity Niche
by Alex Fernando Borges & Alessandro Gomes Enoque & Jacquelaine Florindo Borges & Lorrana Laila Silva de Almeida - 584-605 The Consultant’s Role in the Strategic Alignment Process
by Gustavo Abib & Norberto Hoppen - 606-625 Analysis of Effects in Capital Markets Resulting from Mergers: The BRF Case
by Patrícia Ribeiro Romano & Vinicio de Souza e Almeida - 626-648 The Influence of Consumer Embarrassment on the Purchase Process
by Giuliana Isabella & Lucia Salmonson Guimarães Barros & José Afonso Mazzon - 649-670 Socio-hermeneutic Discourse Analysis of Sustainability Based on Visual Materials
by Ana Lúcia de Araújo Lima Coelho & Christiane Kleinübing Godoi & Christiano Coelho - 671-671 O Futuro das Cidades
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer - 672-672 Assédio Moral em Organizações Públicas e a (Re)ação dos Sindicatos
by Ranniéry Mazzilly Silva Souza
2015, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 419-439 Interested in Being a Business Owner? Improving Higher Education in Entrepreneurship
by Edmilson Lima & Rose Mary Almeida Lopes & Vânia Maria Jorge Nassif & Dirceu Silva - 440-460 A Conceptual View of Internationalization Strategies under Dual Institutional Pressures for Legitimacy and Conformity
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra - 461-485 The Effect of Longer Development Times on Product Pipeline Management Performance
by Paulo S. Figueiredo & Xisto L. Travassos & Elisabeth Loiola - 486-507 "What Do I Manage and on Whom Do I Depend": Determinants of Bloggers' Actions
by Isadora Vergara Castro & Carlos Denner dos Santos Júnior - 508-524 Provisioning Information to Evaluate Public Policies: A Financial Inclusion Case
by Marcelo Machado Teixeira de Andrade & Eduardo Henrique Diniz - 525-543 Life History and Career Paths: A Study of Brazilian Executives
by Lisiane Quadrado Closs & Sidinei Rocha-de-Oliveira
2015, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 290-310 Leadership: A Portrait of Brazilian Scientific Production
by Ana Márcia de Oliveira Fonseca & Juliana Barreiros Porto & Jairo Eduardo Borges-Andrade - 311-335 Impact of the Adoption of International Accounting Standards in the Area of Controllership
by Ilse Maria Beuren & Dalci Mendes Almeida - 336-354 Practical Knowledge Transmission as Embodied Intentionality: Ethnography in an Artisanal Confectionary Shop
by Marina Dantas de Figueiredo & Neusa Rolita Cavedon - 355-373 Doing Business: A Comparative Analysis of the Rules in the BRICS
by Diego de Queiroz Machado & Gleison Mendonça Diniz & Mario Henrique Ogasavara & Fátima Regina Ney Matos - 374-397 Bureaucratic Corruption and Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Analysis of Brazilian States
by Felipe Luiz Neves Bezerra de Melo & Luciano Menezes Bezerra Sampaio & Renato Lima de Oliveira - 398-418 Life Cycle Stages and Earnings Quality in Brazil
by Ailza Silva de Lima & Evelyne Vilhete Antonio de Carvalho & Edilson Paulo & Luiz Felipe de Araújo Pontes Girão
2015, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 1-4 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 170-192 Information technology's value at the firm level: a study of Brazilian companies
by Deyvison de Lima Oliveira & Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada & Gessy Dhein Oliveira - 193-211 Regulatory risk assessment of research & development in the Brazilian electrical sector
by José Luiz Pereira Brittes & Sergio L. M. Salles-Filho & Mariana Savedra Pfitzner - 212-231 Governance and strategy of undergraduate business programs in light of the actor-network theory
by Ludmilla Meyer Montenegro & Sergio Bulgacov - 232-248 Corporate social responsibility and Brazilian firms' financial performance
by Lilian Marques Freguete & Valcemiro Nossa & Bruno Funchal - 249-269 Capital structure and staff salary: empirical evidence in Brazil
by Duk Young Choi & Richard Saito & Vinicius Augusto Brunassi Silva - 270-289 Case study in public administration: a critical review of Brazilian scientific production
by Mariana Guerra & Adalmir de Oliveira Gomes & Antônio Isidro da Silva Filho
2015, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 0 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 0 Desafios da Editoração de Periódicos Científicos no Brasil
by Herbert Kimura - 1-25 Synthesis of Main Criteria, Methods and Issues of Multicriteria Supplier Selection
by Patricia Guarnieri - 26-44 Evaluating Supply Chain Management: A Methodology Based on a Theoretical Model
by Alexandre Tadeu Simon & Luiz Carlos Di Serio & Silvio Roberto Ignacio Pires & Guilherme Silveira Martins - 45-64 Voluntary Carbon Markets: Analysis of Co-benefits of Brazilian Projects
by Danielle Soares Paiva & Luz Garcia Fernandez & Andréa Cardoso Ventura & Guineverre Alvarez & José Célio Silveira Andrade - 65-83 The Environmental Regulation Driving Eco-innovative Strategies in the Pulp and Paper Industry
by Marlete Beatriz Maçaneiro & Sieglinde Kindl da Cunha & Marcos Roberto Kuhl & João Carlos da Cunha - 84-106 Corporate Education and Leadership Development in Multisite Organizations
by Ticiana Nunes Moscardini & Amarolinda Klein - 107-126 Motivations for Positive Electronic Word-of-mouth between Consumers on Facebook
by Daniel Buarque Tubenchlak & Diego de Faveri & Marco Tulio Zanini & Rafael Goldszmidt - 127-141 Is Organizational Growth a Managerial Ideology?
by Rene Eugenio Seifert & Fabio Vizeu - 142-148 Organizational Growth, Firm Size and Economic Value
by Eduardo Kazuo Kayo - 149-159 Fostering (De)growth in Management and Organizational Studies
by Alexandre de Almeida Faria - 160-168 David and Goliath: The Possibilities for Overcoming Growth Ideology in Management Studies, a Reply
by Rene Eugenio Seifert & Fabio Vizeu - 169-169 A Intersetorialidade na Agenda das Políticas Sociais
by Poty Colaço Fonseca
2014, Volume 18, Issue spe
- 1-1 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 2-21 What Does Strategic Management Have to do With Capitalism(s)?
by Alexandre de Almeida Faria & Takeyoshi Imasato & Ana Lucia Malheiros Guedes - 22-40 Political Strategy Formulation and Implementation in the Ethanol Industry: A Procedural Model
by Antonio Thiago Benedete da Silva & Carlos Afonso Caldeira & Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello - 41-64 Dynamic Capabilities: What Are They and How to Identify Them?
by Dimária Silva e Meirelles & Álvaro Antônio Bueno Camargo - 65-85 Stakeholder Management in Nonprofit and Religious Hospital Fundraising
by Fábio Augusto Martins & Amélia Ferreira-da-Silva & Carlos Machado-Santos - 86-108 Banking Competition: Comparison of Public and Private Bank Behavior
by Tiago Sammarco Martins & Adriana Bruscato Bortoluzzo & Sérgio Giovanetti Lazzarini - 109-133 Two Decades of Research on Strategic Alliances: Analysis of Citations, Co-citations and Themes Researched
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & José Eduardo Storopoli & Fernando Ribeiro Serra
2014, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 2-4 O Processo de Internacionalização de Periódicos Nacionais
by Herbert Kimura & Jorge Carneiro & Graziela Dias Alperstedt & Antonio Carvalho Neto - 748-771 Cargo Transshipment Stations as Logistic Mediators for the Fertilizer Industry
by Roberto Giro Moori & Alessandro Riquetti - 772-794 A Slaughterhouse Oligopsony: An Empirical Assessment of Market Power
by Rodrigo Menon Moita & Lucille Assad Golon - 795-812 Agenda Setting at the Comitê Itajaí: An Application of the Kingdon Model
by Marcello Beckert Zapelini - 813-831 The New Post-Professional Advocacy and Modernization of Major Brazilian Law Firms
by Clóvis Castelo Júnior & César Tureta - 832-853 Distributed Resources and Organizational Skills in Public Health
by Ana Maria dos Santos Carnasciali & Sergio Bulgacov - 854-873 Institutionalization of Environmental Sustainability Knowledge in Research-Oriented Graduate Management Programs
by Celso Machado Junior & Maria Tereza Saraiva de Souza & Iara Regina dos Santos Parisotto - 874-891 Entrepreneur: Origins, Theoretical Concepts, Dispersion and Integration
by Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale - 892-899 Entrepreneurs: Reflections on Historical and Contemporary Concepts
by Hilka Pelizza Vier Machado & Vânia Maria Jorge Nassif - 900-908 After All, What Kind of Animal Is This? Rejoinder the Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship
by Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale
2014, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 551-576 Exporter networks, innovation, and performance: an institutional approach
by Ilisangela Mais & Luciano Castro de Carvalho & Mohamed Amal - 577-597 National and Industry Determinants of Capital Structure in Latin America
by Henrique Castro Martins & Paulo Renato Soares Terra - 598-626 Innovation Capability: A Systematic Review of the Literature
by Paulo Sergio Duarte de Almeida Valladares & Marcos Augusto de Vasconcellos & Luiz Carlos Di Serio - 627-649 Research, Teaching and Practice of Operations Management: Consonances and Divergences among Three Worlds
by Jurandir Peinado & Alexandre Reis Graeml - 650-669 An Institutional Perspective of Health Information Systems in two Brazilian States
by Vanessa Marques Daniel & Gabriela Viale Pereira & Marie Anne Macadar - 670-694 Stress, Coping Strategies and Quality of Life: A Survey of Brazilian Managers
by Andre Barcaui & Ana Cristina Limongi-França - 695-709 Why read teaching and research classics in management?
by Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti & Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho & Ariston Azevêdo - 710-718 Classics and training in management: What, when and why
by Janette Brunstein & Pedro Jaime - 719-725 Why read teaching and research classics in management?
by Sergio Bulgacov - 726-735 Classics...Which classics? Antinomies and tensions when ?toing science? in management
by Alketa Peci - 736-744 Transcendence of the classics
by Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti & Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho & Ariston Azevêdo - 745-747 Qualidade de vida no trabalho: Uma abordagem centrada no olhar dos trabalhadores. Mário César Ferreira. Brasília: Paralelo 15, 2012. 341 p. ISBN978-85-86315-79-4
by Veruska Albuquerque Pacheco
2014, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 372-396 Culture of Innovation: Concepts and Theoretical Models
by Maria de Fátima Bruno-Faria & Marcus Vinicius de Araujo Fonseca - 397-415 Financial Performance, Strategic Change and Industrial Concentration Dynamics in Brazilian Companies
by Renato Nogueira Starling & Rafael Barreiros Porto - 416-445 Foreign Direct Investment Entry Modes: A Study of the Empirical Literature
by Augusto Cesar Arenaro e Mello Dias & Angela Maria Cavalcanti da Rocha & Jorge Ferreira da Silva - 446-464 Work Levels and Embeddedness in a Drug Rehab Center Social Network
by Beatris Kemper Fernandes & Luis Gabriel Abravanel Santos & Bruno Henrique Rocha Fernandes - 465-486 Evaluation of Teaching Entrepreneurship among University Students by Means of an Entrepreneur Profile
by Estevão Lima de Carvalho Rocha & Ana Augusta Ferreira Freitas - 487-507 Collective Action and Information Technology: Stimulating Configuration of Intelligent Collectives
by Jefferson David Araujo Sales & Jairo Simião Dornelas - 508-522 Coopetition in Interpersonal Networks: Networks are Networks
by Caio Cesar Giannini Oliveira & Humberto Elias Garcia Lopes - 523-533 Are Networks Just Networks or Are Networks Organizations?
by Alsones Balestrin & Jorge Renato Verschoore - 534-546 Networks of Individuals and Networks of Institutions as Networks and, of course, as Organizations
by Caio Cesar Giannini Oliveira & Humberto Elias Garcia Lopes - 547-549 Teorias da Administração Pública. Robert Denhardt. São Paulo: Cengage Learning, 2012. 367 p. ISBN: 8522110816
by José Roberto Pereira & Érica Aline Ferreira Silva - 550-550 Gestão Pública do Turismo no Brasil: Teorias, Metodologias e Aplicações
by Alexandre Sette Abrantes Fioravante
2014, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 240-260 Race relations and organizational studies in Brazil
by Alexandre Reis Rosa - 261-284 The effect of signaling quality in a service context
by Gabriela Solalinde & Cristiane Pizzutti - 285-310 Relationships between differentiation strategies, innovation and management control systems
by Ilse Maria Beuren & Ieda Margarete Oro - 311-327 Motivations for entrepreneurship: necessity versus opportunity?
by Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale & Victor Silva Corrêa & Renato Francisco dos Reis - 328-350 Microfranchising value perception and structural elements
by Pedro Lucas de Resende Melo & Felipe Mendes Borini & Julio Araujo Carneiro da Cunha - 351-367 Path dependence and path creation in volunteer partners, a non-governmental organization
by Claudia Bitencourt & Talita Oliveira - 368-371 Resenhas bibliográficas: sustentabilidade: o que é, o que não é
by Jorge Alfredo Cerqueira Streit - 371-372 Handbook de administração pública
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2014, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 118-138 Employee perception on transactional and transformational changes in a public organization
by Sérgio Gabriel Domingos & Elaine Rabelo Neiva - 139-160 Antecedents of resistance to enterprise systems: the Brazilian managers' view
by David Gradvohl Macêdo & Luciano Gaete & Luiz Antonio Joia - 161-175 Relationships between resistance to change and organizational commitment of public employees from Minas Gerais
by Antônio Luiz Marques & Renata Borges & Kelly Morais & Mariane Coimbra Silva - 176-195 A theoretical essay on TV show placement and its effects on consumers
by Martin de La Martinière Petroll & Paulo Henrique Müller Prado - 196-216 Entrepreneurial alertness and the causation and effectuation approaches to entrepreneurship
by Valter da Silva Faia & Marco Aurélio Garcia Rosa & Hilka Pelizza Vier Machado - 217-235 Information technology investments and supply chain governance
by Pietro Cunha Dolci & Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada - 236-238 The social media strategist: building a successful program from the inside out
by Mauro Maia Laruccia - 239-239 Coletânea em administração pública
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2014, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 01-19 Protean bureaucrats: career articulations within and beyond the public sector
by Josélia Rita da Silva & Moisés Balassiano & Alfredo Rodrigues Leite da Silva - 20-36 Institutionalization process of a distance public administration course of a Federal University
by Rosália Rodrigues Alves & Cleber Carvalho de Castro & Cleverton Luiz Souto - 37-58 The influence of justice in the retail failure recovery process
by Marcos Antonio da Silva & Evandro Luiz Lopes - 59-77 The priming effect on the appraisal of unethical behaviors: an experimental study
by Bernardo de Abreu Guelber Fajardo & Guilherme Abib Leão - 78-95 Work, violence and sexuality: a study of lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals
by Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri & Eloisio Moulin de Souza & Ana Rosa Camillo Aguiar - 96-117 Facets of risk in international entrepreneurship
by Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira Leite & Walter Fernando Araújo de Moraes
2013, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 642-660 Epistemological reflections on business administration research: contributions of Theodor W. Adorno
by José Henrique de Faria & Carolina Machado Saraiva de Albuquerque Maranhão & Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti - 661-678 The plurality of sugar cane transactions in western São Paulo
by Cristiane Feltre & Luiz Fernando de Oriani e Paulillo - 679-703 Organizations' use of mobile internet: adoption factors and impacts on performance
by Guilherme Lerch Lunardi & Décio Bittencourt Dolci & Jonatas Wendland - 704-719 Analyzing local government financial performance: evidence from Brazilian municipalities 2005-2008
by Ricardo Correa Gomes & Solange Alfinito & Pedro Henrique Melo Albuquerque - 720-738 Embodiment in dance: dancing with the soul or due to extreme demands
by Dóris Dornelles de Almeida & Maria Tereza Flores-Pereira - 739-763 The finance research network in Brazil: a small world
by Wesley Mendes-da-Silva & Luciana Massaro Onusic & Ernesto Michelangelo Giglio
2013, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 1-1 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 518-535 Deconstruction of founder myths and succession in family businesses
by Antonio Carlos Soares Pereira & Adriane Vieira & Fernando Coutinho Garcia & Maria Teresa de Azeredo Roscoe - 536-555 Strategy in complex and pluralistic contexts
by Lucilaine Pascucci & Victor Meyer Jr. - 556-573 Wittgenstein and management: potentialities of linguistic pragmatics to organizational studies and strategy
by Samir Adamoglu de Oliveira & Yára Lúcia Mazziotti Bulgacov - 574-597 Does Dionysius wear Chilli Beans ?: mythological analysis of the "Pepper Brand" advertising
by Ildembergue Leite de Souza & André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão - 598-619 People management as a success factor in the acquisition of Nossa Caixa by Banco do Brasil
by Hugo Pena Brandão & Rafael Almeida Costa Dutra da Silva & Isa Aparecida de Freitas & Stella Cristina Moraes Pereira & Wagner Soares Fernandes dos Santos - 620-641 Management and economics student ethics in higher education
by Paulo Gama & Paulo Peixoto & Ana Maria Seixas & Filipe Almeida & Denise Esteves
2013, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 398-417 Women and their stories: reason, sensibility and subjectivity in women entrepreneurship
by Jane Mendes Ferreira & Eloy Eros Silva Nogueira - 418-437 Antecedents and consequences of work-family conflicts
by Lucia Barbosa de Oliveira & Flávia de Souza Costa Neves Cavazotte & Raul Ricardo Paciello - 438-458 Hedge and speculation with currency derivatives: evidence of everyday operations
by João Luiz Guillaumon Lopes & Rafael Felipe Schiozer & Hsia Hua Sheng - 459-478 Global innovation in foreign subsidiaries located in emerging markets
by Sidney Costa & Felipe Mendes Borini & Marcos Amatucci - 479-498 The non-economic dimension of changes prompted by cross-border acquisitions: a relational view
by Sergio Fernando Loureiro Rezende & Jeferson Vinhas Ferreira & Angela França Versiani & Liliane Oliveira Guimarães - 499-517 Cognition and sustainability: multiple case studies of the BM&FBovespa corporate sustainability index
by Farley Simon Nobre & Rhubens Ewald Moura Ribeiro
2013, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 263-284 Technology transfer management at inova Unicamp
by Alexandre Aparecido Dias & Geciane Silveira Porto - 285-303 Value creation: incorporating elements from transaction cost economics into the porterian perspective
by Ana Graziele Lourenço Toledo & Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello - 304-324 Ownership concentration, top management and board compensation
by Marcos Barbosa Pinto & Ricardo Pereira Câmara Leal - 325-349 Research process and bibliometric analysis: bank service quality assessment
by Leonardo Ensslin & Sandra Rolim Ensslin & Hugo de Moraes Pinto