- 1-6 Introduction: University Autonomy
by Roberts Lyer, Kirsten & Saliba, Ilyas & Spannagel, Janika - 9-29 University Autonomy and Academic Freedom
by Roberts Lyer, Kirsten & Saliba, Ilyas & Spannagel, Janika - 13-35 Einleitung: Queering KI
by Klipphahn-Karge, Michael & Koster, Ann-Kathrin & Morais dos Santos Bruss, Sara - 33-37 Introduction to the Case Studies
by Roberts Lyer, Kirsten & Saliba, Ilyas & Spannagel, Janika - 177-193 Hypotheses on Institutional Autonomy Decline
by Roberts Lyer, Kirsten & Saliba, Ilyas & Spannagel, Janika - 188-196 Den öffentlichen Verkehr neu erfinden: Autonome Flotten statt Linienbusse
by Canzler, Weert & Knie, Andreas - 194-205 Conclusions: Learning Lessons and Moving Forward
by Roberts Lyer, Kirsten & Saliba, Ilyas & Spannagel, Janika
2022, Volume forthcoming, Issue forthcoming
- 251948 A business-cycle model with money-in-utility (MIU) and government sector: the case of Bulgaria (1999-2020)
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2022, Volume ahead-of-print
- 264599 Optimal fiscal policy in a model with efficiency wages: the case of Bulgaria
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2022, Volume XIII, Issue 1 (forthcoming)
- 251943 The Effect of Regulations in an Endogenous growth model with Research and Development
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2022, Volume 702, Issue 1
- 37-54 Cross-National Variation in the Relationship between Welfare Generosity and Single Mother Employment
by Biegert, Thomas & Brady, David & Hipp, Lena
2022, Volume 365
- 1-48 Towards Inclusive Green Growth in Africa: Critical energy efficiency synergies and governance thresholds
by Ofori, Isaac K. & Gbolonyo, Emmanuel & Ojong, Nathanael
2022, Volume 363
- 1-10 Study of structural imbalances in agricultural engineering
by Abuselidze, George & Kotliarov, Valerii & Petrychuk, Svitlana & Danylevska-Zhugunisova, Olga & Mohylevska, Olga
2022, Volume 247
- 1-15 Temporal aggregation of time series to identify typical hourly electricity system states: A systematic assessment of relevant cluster algorithms
by Kittel, Martin & Hobbie, Hannes & Dierstein, Constantin
2022, Volume 213
- 251467 Interpolation and shock persistence of prewar U.S. macroeconomic time series: A reconsideration
by Dezhbakhsh, Hashem & Levy, Daniel
2022, Volume 203
- 519-542 Zero-Ending Prices, Cognitive Convenience, and Price Rigidity
by Snir, Avichai & Chen, Haipeng (Allan) & Levy, Daniel
2022, Volume 184
- 1-46 Going online: Forecasting the impact of websites on productivity and market structure
by Rizov, Marian & Vecchi, Michela & Domenech, Josep
2022, Volume 180
- 253272 Boundary spanning R&D collaboration: Key enabling technologies and missions as alleviators of proximity effects?
by Janssen, Matthijs J. & Abbasiharofteh, Milad
2022, Volume 166, Issue 2
- 62-71 Wirkungslos und virtuell? Das Schulfach Wirtschaft in Baden-Württemberg und Nordrhein-Westfalen
by Hedtke, Reinhold
2022, Volume 141
- 1-12 Field-level land-use data reveal heterogeneous crop sequences with distinct regional differences in Germany
by Jänicke, Clemens & Goddard, Adam & Stein, Susanne & Steinmann, Horst-Henning & Lakes, Tobia & Nendel, Claas & Müller, Daniel
2022, Volume 139, Issue November 2022
- 1-1 Capital Controls, Domestic Macroprudential Policy and the Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy
by Fabiani, Andrea & López-Piñeros, Martha & Peydró, José-Luis & Soto, Paul E.
2022, Volume 136
- 542-558 The broken chain: evidence against emotionally driven upstream indirect reciprocity
by Schnedler, Wendelin
2022, Volume 130, Issue 6
- 1-1 Preference Discovery in University Admissions: The Case for Dynamic Multioffer Mechanisms
by Grenet, Julien & He, YingHua & Kübler, Dorothea
2022, Volume 127, Issue 6
- 1-15 Land management explains the contrasting greening pattern across China‐Russia border based on Paired Land Use Experiment approach
by Chen, Tiexi & Dolman, Han & Sun, Zhanli & Zeng, Ning & Gao, Haiyang & Miao, Lijuan & Wei, Xueqiong & Li, Chaofan & Han, Qifei & Shi, Tingting & Wang, Guojie & Zhou, Shengjie & Liang, Chuanzhuang & Chen, Xin
2022, Volume 124, Issue 13
- 183-199 Understanding the market potential of products from alternative food networks in a transition economy - A discrete choice experiment
by Möllers, Judith & Bäuml, Theresa & Dufhues, Thomas
2022, Volume 124, Issue 3
- 718-731 Salt iodisation of processed foods in Germany: evidence, processors' perceptions and implications for public health
by Bissinger, Katharina & Herrmann, Roland & Jordan, Irmgard
2022, Volume 119, Issue 44
- 1-8 Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
by Breznau, Nate & Rinke, Eike Mark & Wuttke, Alexander & Nguyen, Hung H. V. & Adem, Muna & Adriaans, Jule & Alvarez-Benjumea, Amalia & Andersen, Henrik K. & Auer, Daniel & Azevedo, Flavio & Bahnsen, Oke & Schlueter, Elmar & Schmidt, Regine & Schmidt, Katja M. & Schmidt-Catran, Alexander & Schmiedeberg, Claudia & Schneider, Jürgen & Schoonvelde, Martijn & Schulte-Cloos, Julia & Schumann, Sandy & Bauer, Paul C. & Christmann, Pablo & Schunck, Reinhard & Schupp, Jürgen & Seuring, Julian & Silber, Henning & Sleegers, Willem & Sonntag, Nico & Staudt, Alexander & Steiber, Nadia & Steiner, Nils & Sternberg, Sebastian & Connelly, Roxanne & Baumann, Markus & Stiers, Dieter & Stojmenovska, Dragana & Storz, Nora & Striessnig, Erich & Stroppe, Anne-Kathrin & Teltemann, Janna & Tibajev, Andrey & Tung, Brian & Vagni, Giacomo & Czymara, Christian S. & Van Assche, Jasper & Baute, Sharon & van der Linden, Meta & van der Noll, Jolanda & Van Hootegem, Arno & Vogtenhuber, Stefan & Voicu, Bogdan & Wagemans, Fieke & Wehl, Nadja & Werner, Hannah & Damian, Elena & Wiernik, Brenton M. & Winter, Fabian & Benoit, Verena & Wolf, Christof & Yamada, Yuki & Zhang, Nan & Ziller, Conrad & Zins, Stefan & Żółtak, Tomasz & Bernauer, Julian & Ecker, Alejandro & Berning, Carl & Berthold, Anna & Bethke, Felix S. & Biegert, Thomas & Blinzler, Katharina & Blumenberg, Johannes N. & Bobzien, Licia & Bohman, Andrea & Bol, Thijs & Bostic, Amie & Edelmann, Achim & Brzozowska, Zuzanna & Burgdorf, Katharina & Burger, Kaspar & Busch, Kathrin B. & Carlos-Castillo, Juan & Chan, Nathan & Eger, Maureen A. & Ellerbrock, Simon & Forke, Anna & Forster, Andrea & Micheli, Leticia & Gaasendam, Chris & Gavras, Konstantin & Gayle, Vernon & Gessler, Theresa & Gnambs, Timo & Godefroidt, Amélie & Grömping, Max & Groß, Martin & Gruber, Stefan & Gummer, Tobias & Mijs, Jonathan & Hadjar, Andreas & Heisig, Jan Paul & Hellmeier, Sebastian & Heyne, Stefanie & Hirsch, Magdalena & Hjerm, Mikael & Hochman, Oshrat & Hövermann, Andreas & Hunger, Sophia & Hunkler, Christian & Moya, Cristóbal & Huth, Nora & Ignácz, Zsófia S. & Jacobs, Laura & Jacobsen, Jannes & Jaeger, Bastian & Jungkunz, Sebastian & Jungmann, Nils & Kauff, Mathias & Kleinert, Manuel & Klinger, Julia & Neunhoeffer, Marcel & Kolb, Jan-Philipp & Kołczyńska, Marta & Kuk, John & Kunißen, Katharina & Kurti Sinatra, Dafina & Langenkamp, Alexander & Lersch, Philipp M. & Löbel, Lea-Maria & Lutscher, Philipp & Mader, Matthias & Nüst, Daniel & Madia, Joan E. & Malancu, Natalia & Maldonado, Luis & Marahrens, Helge & Martin, Nicole & Martinez, Paul & Mayerl, Jochen & Mayorga, Oscar J. & McManus, Patricia & McWagner, Kyle & Nygård, Olav & Meeusen, Cecil & Meierrieks, Daniel & Mellon, Jonathan & Merhout, Friedolin & Merk, Samuel & Meyer, Daniel & Ochsenfeld, Fabian & Otte, Gunnar & Pechenkina, Anna O. & Prosser, Christopher & Balzer, Dave & Raes, Louis & Ralston, Kevin & Ramos, Miguel R. & Roets, Arne & Rogers, Jonathan & Ropers, Guido & Samuel, Robin & Sand, Gregor & Schachter, Ariela & Schaeffer, Merlin & Bauer, Gerrit & Schieferdecker, David
2022, Volume 119, Issue 6
- 1-1 Preferences predict who commits crime among young men
by Epper, Thomas & Fehr, Ernst & Hvidberg, Kristoffer Balle & Kreiner, Claus Thustrup & Leth-Petersen, Søren & Nytoft Rasmussen, Gregers
2022, Volume 116, Issue 2
2022, Volume 114, Issue 2
- 127-134 Editorial zum Schwerpunktthema: Governance im Schulsystem unter dem Eindruck demografischen Wandels
[Editorial to the Focus Topic: Governance in the School System in the Face of Demographic Change]
by Edelstein, Benjamin & Hermstein, Björn
2022, Volume 114
- 249210 Decentralized public farmland conveyance: Rental rights auctioning in Ukraine
by Kvartiuk, Vasyl & Herzfeld, Thomas & Bukin, Eduard
2022, Volume 113, Issue 2
- 211-224 Workspaces of Mediation: How Digital Platforms Shape Practices, Spaces and Places of Creative Work
by Repenning, Alica
2022, Volume 107
- 1-1 Sequence analysis: Its past, present, and future
by Liao, Tim F. & Bolano, Danilo & Brzinsky-Fay, Christian & Cornwell, Benjamin & Fasang, Anette Eva & Helske, Satu & Piccarreta, Raffaella & Raab, Marcel & Ritschard, Gilbert & Struffolino, Emanuela & Studer, Matthias
2022, Volume 101, Issue 1
2022, Volume 100
- 1-1 Ignorance, intention and stochastic outcomes
by Friedrichsen, Jana & Momsen, Katharina & Piasenti, Stefano
2022, Volume 98
- 1-13 Resuming social contact after months of contact restrictions: Social traits moderate associations between changes in social contact and well-being
by Krämer, Michael D. & Roos, Yannick & Richter, David & Wrzus, Cornelia
2022, Volume 96
- 1-1 The effect of online reputation systems on intergroup inequality
by Kas, Judith
2022, Volume 93
- 1-41 Emergency-aid for self-employed in the Covid-19 pandemic: A flash in the pan?
by Block, Joern & Kritikos, Alexander S. & Priem, Maximilian & Stiel, Caroline
2022, Volume 90
- 249676 The effect of tourism on gender equality in the labour market: Helpmate or hindrance?
by Jackman, Mahalia
2022, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 144-185 Becoming a young farmer in the digital age: An island perspective
by Unay‐Gailhard, İlkay & Simões, Francisco
2022, Volume 84
- 1-15 Online trade platforms: Hosting, selling, or both?
by Anderson, Simon & Bedre-Defolie, Özlem
2022, Volume 82, Issue 1
- 143-159 Völkerrechtlicher Investitionsschutz made in Germany? Zur Genese und Gestalt des ersten BIT zwischen Deutschland und Pakistan (1959)
[International Investment Protection Made in Germany? On the Genesis and Shape of the First BIT between Germany and Pakistan (1959)]
by Venzke, Ingo & Günther, Philipp - 255-260 [Book Review] Van Hulle, Inge: Britain and International Law in West Africa. The Practice of Empire. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2020
by Zollmann, Jakob
2022, Volume 80, Issue 6
2022, Volume 80
- 253271 Policy analysis with Melitz-type gravity model: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan
by Kimsanova, Barchynai & Herzfeld, Thomas
2022, Volume 79
- 1-13 Oil and property rights
by de Soysa, Indra & Krieger, Tim & Meierrieks, Daniel - 1-35 Cost and productivity effects of demographic changes on local water service
by Cullmann, Astrid & Stiel, Caroline
2022, Volume 77, Issue 6
- 3339-3372 Financial crises and political radicalization: How failing banks paved Hitler’s path to power
by Doerr, Sebastian & Gissler, Stefan & Peydró, José-Luis & Voth, Hans-Joachim
2022, Volume 77, Issue 5
- 905-915 The Development of Life Goals Across the Adult Lifespan
by Buchinger, Laura & Richter, David & Heckhausen, Jutta
2022, Volume 77, Issue 4
- 739-749 Pension Policy Literacy and Retirement Expectations: A Cross-Country Survey Experiment
by Radl, Jonas & Fernández, Juan J
2022, Volume 76, Issue 6
- 73-88 Capital Flows at Risk: India’s Experience
by Muduli, Silu & Behera, Harendra & Patra, Michael Debabrata
2022, Volume 76, Issue 2
- 53-66 Zombies and the Process of Creative Destruction
by Pattanaik, Sitikantha & Muduli, Silu & Jose, Jibin
2022, Volume 75, Issue 7
- 137-159 Headwinds of COVID-19 and India’s Inward Remittances
by Tewari, Soumasree & Mishra, Ranjeeta
2022, Volume 75, Issue 4
- 891-917 Labor Unions and American Poverty
by VanHeuvelen, Tom & Brady, David
2022, Volume 75, Issue 04
- 03-32 Bilanz der ersten 100 Tage der Ampel-Koalition: Ist der Neustart gelungen?
by Boysen-Hogrefe, Jens & Ludwig, Alexander & Schmitz-Kießler, Jutta & Blömer, Maximilian Joseph & Consiglio, Valentina & Gerlach, Irene & Fischedick, Manfred & Thomas, Stefan & Müller-Lietzkow, Jörg & Knie, Andreas
2022, Volume 74, Issue S1
- 307-330 Why Organization Matters in “Algorithmic Discrimination”
[Warum Organisationen einen Unterschied bei „algorithmischer Diskriminierung“ machen]
by Schwarting, Rena & Ulbricht, Lena
2022, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 161-208 Characterising scoring rules by their solution in iteratively undominated strategies
by Basteck, Christian
2022, Volume 73, Issue 4
2022, Volume 71, Issue S1
- 110-123 Investment traps and resilience to shocks: An experimental study of Central Asian collective water governance
by Amirova, Iroda & Petrick, Martin & Djanibekov, Nodir
2022, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 114-133 Why did Ukraine become a Key Player on the World Agri-Food Markets? An Enterprise-Level Perspective
by Gagalyuk, Taras & Ostapchuk, Igor & Lapa, Volodymyr & Balmann, Alfons
2022, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 241-252 Why It Matters What Autocrats Say: Assessing Competing Theories of Propaganda
by Boussalis, Constantine & Dukalskis, Alexander & Gerschewski, Johannes - 540-553 Big (Crisis) Data in Refugee and Migration Studies – Case Study of Ukrainian Refugees
by Jurić, Tado
2022, Volume 70, Issue 1
2022, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-45 The Length of Schooling and the Timing of Family Formation
by Marcus, Jan
2022, Volume 67, Issue 1
2022, Volume 65, Issue 2
2022, Volume 63, Issue 10-12
- 576-588 A Progressive Consumption Tax: An Important Instrument for Stabilizing Business Cycles, or Just an Exotic Idea?
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 589-603 How Important Are Consumer Confidence Shocks for the Propagation of Business Cycles in Bulgaria?
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2022, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 543-559 The Long Arm of Prospective Childhood Income for Mature Adult Health in the United States
by Brady, David & Guerra, Christian & Kohler, Ulrich & Link, Bruce - 755-757 [Rezension] Van Alst, Niklas: Die USA, Deutschland und der Fall Huawei. Zur Geopolitik und Geoökonomie des Internets, Verlag Barbara Budrich, Opladen, 2021
by Schneidemesser, Lea
2022, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 3-15 O (nie)potrzebności humanistyki
[On the (un)necessity of the humanities]
by Popiołek-Roßkamp, Małgorzata
2022, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 759-782 Conceptualizing the Regulator‐Buyer State in the European Union for the Exercise of Socially Responsible Public Procurement in Global Production Networks
by Raj‐Reichert, Gale & Staritz, Cornelia & Plank, Leonhard
2022, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 977-996 Terrorism and Migration: An Overview
by Helbling, Marc & Meierrieks, Daniel
2022, Volume 59, Issue 14
- 2985-3004 Ethno-religious neighbourhood infrastructures and the life satisfaction of immigrants and their descendants in Germany
by Wiedner, Jonas & Schaeffer, Merlin & Carol, Sarah
2022, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 925-957 How do Intermediaries Build Inclusive Markets? The Role of the Social Context
by Bhatt, Babita & Qureshi, Israr & Sutter, Christopher
2022, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 341-359 Imagining the smart city through smart grids? Urban energy futures between technological experimentation and the imagined low-carbon city
by Quitzow, Leslie & Rohde, Friederike - 607-628 Death by Robots? Automation and Working-Age Mortality in the United States
by O'Brien, Rourke & Bair, Elizabeth F. & Venkataramani, Atheendar S.
2022, Volume 58, Issue (Art. No.:) e20
- 1-12 Between global collaboration and national competition: Unraveling the many faces of Arctic science diplomacy
by Rüffin, Nicolas & Rüland, Anna-Lena
2022, Volume 57, Issue 11
- 262161 Household Consumption Expenditure Inequality in Rural India: 1993-94 to 2011-12
by Pawde, Balu & Shaw, Tara Shankar & Trivedi, Pushpa L
2022, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 685-692 Children's awareness of ethnic outgroup symbols: Piloting a task in the Republic of Ireland
by Counihan, Dearbháile & Carol, Sarah & Taylor, Laura K.
2022, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 32-49 Entwicklungspfade städtischer Klimapolitik: Bedeutung von Schlüsselereignissen und Schlüsselakteur:innen für die Klimapolitik in Potsdam, Remscheid und Würzburg
by Kern, Kristine & Haupt, Wolfgang & Niederhafner, Stefan
2022, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 157-163 The War in Ukraine, Agricultural Trade and Risks to Global Food Security
by Glauben, Thomas & Svanidze, Miranda & Götz, Linde & Prehn, Sören & Jaghdani, Tinoush Jamali & Đurić, Ivan & Kuhn, Lena
2022, Volume 56, Issue 117
- 1-11 Factors associated with bariatric surgery rates in federative units in Brazil
by Cecilio e Silva, Ivan Augusto & Favoretto, Cassia Kely & Russo, Leticia Xander
2022, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 707-720 Chester Barnard’s theory of the firm: An institutionalist view
by Valentinov, Vladislav & Roth, Steffen
2022, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 344-375 Which Integration Policies Work? The Heterogeneous Impact of National Institutions on Immigrants’ Labor Market Attainment in Europe
by Platt, Lucinda & Polavieja, Javier & Radl, Jonas
2022, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 125-139 A New Teleworking Growth Model
by Bran, Florina & Tudorache, Maria-Daniela & Nicolescu, Andreea Florentina & Bodislav, Dumitru Alexandru & Oancea Negescu, Mihaela Diana & Popescu, Maria Loredana - 176-205 Immigrant Men’s Economic Adaptation in Changing Labor Markets: Why Gaps between Turkish and German Men Expanded, 1976–2015
by Wiedner, Jonas & Giesecke, Johannes
2022, Volume 55, Issue 11
- 1947-1980 How Voters Respond to Presidential Assaults on Checks and Balances: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Turkey
by Şaşmaz, Aytuğ & Yagci, Alper H. & Ziblatt, Daniel
2022, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 407-421 Agricultural policies and technical efficiency of wheat production in Kazakhstan and Russia: Evidence from a stochastic frontier approach
by Tleubayev, Alisher & Bobojonov, Ihtiyor & Götz, Linde
2022, Volume 54, Issue 2
2022, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 5-38 The Term Structure of Currency Futures' Risk Premia
by Bernoth, Kerstin & von Hagen, Jürgen & de Vries, Caspar
2022, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 827-859 Rethinking Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Worker Power, State‒Labour Relations and Intersectionality
by Marslev, Kristoffer & Staritz, Cornelia & Raj‐Reichert, Gale
2022, Volume 52
- 1-1 Family demographic processes and in-work poverty: A systematic review
by Polizzi, Antonino & Struffolino, Emanuela & Van Winkle, Zachary
2022, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 1535-1551 Resource frontiers and agglomeration economies: The varied logics of transnational land-based investing in Southern and Eastern Africa
by Abeygunawardane, Dilini & Kronenburg García, Angela & Sun, Zhanli & Müller, Daniel & Sitoe, Almeida & Meyfroidt, Patrick
2022, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 1738-1758 Adaptive governance: Learning from what organizations do and managing the role they play
by van Assche, Kristof & Valentinov, Vladislav & Verschraegen, Gert
2022, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 1-10 R&D Spillovers through RJV Cooperation
by Banal-Estañol, Albert & Duso, Tomaso & Seldeslachts, Jo & Szücs, Florian
2022, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 99-111 No Evidence that Strict Educational Tracking Improves Student Performance through Classroom Homogeneity: A Critical Reanalysis of Esser and Seuring (2020)
[Keine Belege für leistungsfördernde Effekte von strikter Leistungsdifferenzierung durch kognitive Homogenisierung: Eine kritische Reanalyse von Esser und Seuring (2020)]
by Heisig, Jan Paul & Matthewes, Sönke Hendrik
2022, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 375-380 Krieg und Frieden (anders) denken
by Czingon, Claudia - 395-412 Macht Putin den (Neo-)Realismus stark?
by Zürn, Michael
2022, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 209-215 »Milliarden von Ursachen« und Folgen des Krieges
by Czingon, Claudia
2022, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 1033-1054 Natural resources, institutions and the quality-adjusted human capital
by Mohtadi, Soran
2022, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 167-182 The “Big Two” in Hiring Discrimination: Evidence From a Cross-National Field Experiment
by Veit, Susanne & Arnu, Hannah & Stasio, Valentina Di & Yemane, Ruta & Coenders, Marcel - 341-365 Politicising immigration in times of crisis
by Hutter, Swen & Kriesi, Hanspeter
2022, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 137-162 Können intensive Beratungsprogramme soziale Ungleichheit beim Übergang in die Hochschule reduzieren? Ergebnisse eines Feldexperiments
[Do Intensive Guidance Programs Reduce Social Inequality in the Transition to Higher Education? Results of a Field Experiment]
by Erdmann, Melinda & Pietrzyk, Irena & Helbig, Marcel & Jacob, Marita & Stuth, Stefan
2022, Volume 46, Issue 7
- 249564 Inclusive growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the interaction between ICT diffusion and financial development
by Ofori, Isaac K. & Osei, Dennis B. & Alagidede, Imhotep P.
2022, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 21-43 2D:4D and Self-Employment: A Preregistered Replication Study in a Large General Population Sample
by Fossen, Frank M. & Neyse, Levent & Johannesson, Magnus & Dreber, Anna
2022, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 100-134 Why change does (not) happen: Understanding and overcoming status quo biases in climate change mitigation
by Rabaa, Simon & Geisendorf, Sylvie & Wilken, Robert - 149-153 [Rezension] Klaus-Peter Buss / Martin Kuhlmann / Marliese Weißmann / Harald Wolf / Birgit Apitzsch (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung und Arbeit: Triebkräfte – Arbeitsfolgen – Regulierung. Frankfurt a. M. / New York: Campus Verlag 2021
by Krzywdzinski, Martin
2022, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 617-634 International organizations, European Union access, and authority
by Tokhi, Alexandros
2022, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 641-662 Gender roles and selection mechanisms across contexts: a comparative analysis of the relationship between unemployment, self‐perceived health and gender
by Tattarini, Giulia & Grotti, Raffaele
2022, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 1083-1099 The influence of Russia's 2010/2011 wheat export ban on spatial market integration and transaction costs of grain markets
by Svanidze, Miranda & Götz, Linde & Serebrennikov, Dmytro
2022, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 296-303 Can people detect the trustworthiness of strangers based on their facial appearance?
by Jaeger, Bastian & Oud, Bastiaan & Williams, Tony & Krumhuber, Eva G. & Fehr, Ernst & Engelmann, Jan B.
2022, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 862-879 Board leadership, board meeting frequency and firm performance in two‐tier boards
by Hossain, Md Arafat & Oon, Elaine Yen Nee
2022, Volume 43
- 257-269 Policy instruments for green-growth of clusters: Implications from an agent-based model
by Kamath, Ram & Sun, Zhanli & Hermans, Frans
2022, Volume 42, Issue 11
- 5554-5569 Comparing the performance of high‐resolution global precipitation products across topographic and climatic gradients of Central Asia
by Peña‐Guerrero, Mayra Daniela & Umirbekov, Atabek & Tarasova, Larisa & Müller, Daniel
2022, Volume 42, Issue 4
2022, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 256895 The carbon footprint of milk during the conversion from conventional to organic production on a dairy farm in central Germany
by Gross, Arthur & Bromm, Tobias & Polifka, Steven & Schierhorn, Florian
2022, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 139-156 Refining the Ethics of Leadership-as-Practice: A Counter-Case Analysis
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2022, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 129-143 Social Media and the Digital Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
by Staab, Philipp & Thiel, Thorsten - 1491-1508 How digital communications contribute to shaping the career paths of youth: A review study focused on farming as a career option
by Unay-Gailhard, İlkay & Brennen, Mark A.
2022, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 560-574 Are Men or Women More Unsettled by Fixed-Term Contracts? Gender Differences in Affective Job Insecurity and the Role of Household Context and Labour Market Positions
by Morgenroth, Nicolas & Schels, Brigitte & Teichler, Nils
2022, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 337-354 Gender Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from a Cross-National Harmonized Field Experiment
by Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth & Lancee, Bram & Larsen, Edvard Nergård & Polavieja, Javier G. & Radl, Jonas & Yemane, Ruta - 472-492 (Mis)Matched College Aspirations and Expectations: The Role of Social Background and Admission Barriers
by Finger, Claudia
2022, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 529-543 Discounting Behavior in Problem Gambling
by Ring, Patrick & Probst, Catharina C. & Neyse, Levent & Wolff, Stephan & Kaernbach, Christian & van Eimeren, Thilo & Schmidt, Ulrich
2022, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-15 Special issue Intro: housing estates in the era of marketization – governance practices and urban planning
by Leetmaa, Kadri & Bernt, Matthias
2022, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 206-230 Gender and precarity in platform work: Old inequalities in the new world of work
by Gerber, Christine
2022, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-12 Planning in the Face of Extraordinary Uncertainty: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Ibert, Oliver & Baumgart, Sabine & Siedentop, Stefan & Weith, Thomas
2022, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 25-48 Advocacy Coalition Constellations and Norm Collisions: Insights from International Drug Control, Human Trafficking, and Child Labour
by Holzscheiter, Anna & Gholiagha, Sassan & Liese, Andrea
2022, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 592-617 Governing effectively in a complex world? How metagovernance norms and changing repertoires of knowledge shape international organization discourses on institutional order in global health
by Pantzerhielm, Laura & Holzscheiter, Anna & Bahr, Thurid
2022, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 336-350 Polarisierung auf der Straße – Die politischen Folgen der Dynamiken von Protest und Gegenprotest
by Hellmeier, Sebastian
2022, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-14 System or process? A meta-theoretical reflection on the nature of the firm
by Valentinov, Vladislav - 2984-3010 Does a higher minimum wage accelerate labour division in agricultural production? Evidence from the main rice-planting area in China
by Guo, Lili & Duan, Xiaoyu & Li, Houjian & Yang, Wanjiang & Ren, Yanjun & Guo, Yangli - 249297 People prefer moral discretion to algorithms: Algorithm aversion beyond intransparency
by Jauernig, Johanna & Uhl, Matthias & Walkowitz, Gari
2022, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 774-786 Enabling service innovation and firm performance: the role of co-creation and technological innovation in the hospitality industry
by Bhat, Dada Ab Rouf & Sharma, Vivek
2022, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 782-801 Parents' nonstandard work schedules and parents' perception of adolescent social and emotional wellbeing
[Atypische Arbeitszeiten der Eltern und die Wahrnehmung des sozialen und emotionalen Wohlbefindens von Jugendlichen durch die Eltern]
by Li, Jianghong & Kenyon Lair, Hannah & Schӓfer, Jakob & Kendall, Garth
2022, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 134-160 Has Covid-19 increased gender inequalities in professional advancement? Cross-country evidence on productivity differences between male and female software developers
[Hat Covid-19 geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktungleichheiten verstärkt? Produktivitätsunterschiede zwischen männlichen und weiblichen Softwareentwicklern in 37 Ländern]
by Hipp, Lena & Konrad, Markus - 281-309 Who suffered most? Parental stress and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany
[Wer leidet am stärksten? Erziehungsstress und psychische Belastungen bei Eltern während der COVID-19 Pandemie in Deutschland]
by Li, Jianghong & Bünning, Mareike & Kaiser, Till & Hipp, Lena
2022, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 161-184 Combining Experiential Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence. The Digital Transformation of a Traditional Machine-Building Company
by Krzywdzinski, Martin & Butollo, Florian
2022, Volume 32, Issue 4
2022, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 317-332 Political party families and student social rights
by Czarnecki, Krzysztof - 393-425 Deglobalisierung, Rekonfiguration oder Business as Usual? COVID-19 und die Grenzen der Rückverlagerung globalisierter Produktion
[Deglobalization, reconfiguration, or business as usual? COVID-19 and the limits of reshoring of globalized production]
by Butollo, Florian & Staritz, Cornelia - 427-454 Umkämpfte Globalisierung: Amerikanische und europäische Reaktionen auf Chinas Aufstieg im Hochtechnologiebereich
[Contested globalization: US and EU responses to China’s rise as a high-tech power]
by Schmalz, Stefan & Gräf, Helena & Köncke, Philipp & Schneidemesser, Lea - 455-487 Das Netz und die Netze. Vom Wandel des Internets und der globalen digitalen Ordnung
[The net and the networks. Transformations of the Internet and the global digital order]
by Pohle, Julia & Voelsen, Daniel
2022, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 166-181 Family policies’ long-term effects on poverty: a comparative analysis of single and partnered mothers
by Zagel, Hannah & Van Lancker, Wim - 182-196 How can we become more equal? Public policies and parents' work-family preferences in Germany
by Bünning, Mareike & Hipp, Lena - 251-265 Political Theory of the Digital Constellation
[Politische Theorie der digitalen Konstellation]
by Berg, Sebastian & Staemmler, Daniel & Thiel, Thorsten - 457-480 "Herren der Information" - Die transnationale Autonomie digitaler Überwachung
["Masters of information" - The transnational autonomy of digital surveillance]
by Kniep, Ronja
2022, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 773-795 Insult, Charisma, and Legitimacy: Turkey's Transition to Personalist Rule
by Över, Defne & Tuncer-Ebetürk, Irem - 1223-1258 Sectoral patterns of collaborative tie formation: Investigating geographic, cognitive, and technological dimensions
by Simensen, Erlend Osland & Abbasiharofteh, Milad
2022, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 602-625 Germany Going Postal? Comparing Postal and Election Day Voters in the 2017 German Federal Election
by Wagner, Aiko & Lichteblau, Josephine
2022, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 736-761 Personality characteristics and the decision to hire
by Caliendo, Marco & Fossen, Frank M. & Kritikos, Alexander S. - 762-776 Stakeholder theory: A process‐ontological perspective
by Valentinov, Vladislav & Chia, Robert
2022, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 536-545 Stakeholder theory and the knowledge problem: A Hayekian perspective
by Valentinov, Vladislav
2022, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 966-978 Supranational emergency politics? What executives’ public crisis communication may tell us
by Rauh, Christian - 1991-2011 Has the COVID‐19 pandemic changed gender‐ and parental‐status‐specific differences in working from home? Panel evidence from Germany
by Abendroth, Anja‐Kristin & Lott, Yvonne & Hipp, Lena & Müller, Dana & Sauermann, Armin & Carstensen, Tanja
2022, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 1420-1447 Utilization of GSP schemes as a political and economic determinant of the utilization of North-South FTAs
by Postigo, Antonio
2022, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 446-476 Women’s Family and Employment Life Courses Across Twentieth-Century Europe: The Role of Policies and Norms
by Zagel, Hannah & Van Winkle, Zachary
2022, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 297-318 ‘Respect for Religious Feelings’: As the Italian Case Shows, Fresh Paint Can’t Fix the Crumbling Wall of Blasphemy
by Virgili, Tommaso - 318-344 Organizational Leadership through the Massive Transformative Purpose
by Dimitrov, Kiril - 329-341 Support for insider parties: The role of political trust in a longitudinal-comparative perspective
by Petrarca, Constanza Sanhueza & Giebler, Heiko & Weßels, Bernhard
2022, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 388-403 In Between Centre and Periphery: Kenya as a Key Scientific Nation in East Africa?
by Lutomiah, Agnes & Blanckenberg, Jaco P. & Skupien, Stefan
2022, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 251580 Waves and legacies: The making of an investment frontier in Niassa, Mozambique
by Kronenburg García, Angela & Meyfroidt, Patrick & Abeygunawardane, Dilini & Sitoe, Almeida A.
2022, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 2514-2534 The relationship between humanitarian NGO communication and user engagement on Twitter
by Dimitrova, Daniela & Heidenreich, Tobias & Georgiev, Teodor Antonio
2022, Volume 26, Issue 1 (forthcoming)
2022, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 1399-1417 Voluntary ‘donations’ versus reward-oriented ‘contributions’: two experiments on framing in funding mechanisms
by Adena, Maja & Huck, Steffen
2022, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 824-844 COVID-19 and pro-sociality: How do donors respond to local pandemic severity, increased salience, and media coverage?
by Adena, Maja & Harke, Julian
2022, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 323-340 Management Geography - Making Place for Space in Management Thought
by Suwala, Lech & Pachura, Piotr & Schlunze, Rolf Dieter
2022, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 281-296 Material dependencies: hidden underpinnings of sustainability transitions
by Van Assche, Kristof & Duineveld, Martijn & Beunen, Raoul & Valentinov, Vladislav & Gruezmacher, Monica
2022, Volume 23
- 1-31 The effect of unemployment on care provision
by Fischer, Björn & Haan, Peter & Salazar Sanchez, Santiago - 1-53 The effects of an increase in the retirement age on health — Evidence from administrative data
by Barschkett, Mara & Geyer, Johannes & Haan, Peter & Hammerschmid, Anna
2022, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 585-594 Digital transformation and value chains: Introduction
by Butollo, Florian & Gereffi, Gary & Yang, Chun & Krzywdzinski, Martin - 595-614 Who runs the show in digitalized manufacturing? Data, digital platforms and the restructuring of global value chains
by Butollo, Florian & Schneidemesser, Lea - 666-683 Emerging positions of German firms in the industrial internet of things: A global technological ecosystem perspective
by Lechowski, Grzegorz & Krzywdzinski, Martin - 684-700 Digital value chain restructuring and labour process transformations in the fast-fashion sector: Evidence from the value chains of Zara & H&M
by López, Tatiana & Riedler, Tim & Köhnen, Heiner & Fütterer, Michael
2022, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 141-150 Dynamic grouping of vehicle trajectories
[Agrupamiento dinámico de trayectorias vehiculares]
by Reyes, Gary & Lanzarini, Laura & Estrebou, Cesar & Bariviera, Aurelio F.
2022, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-33 The impact of fiscal dominance on macroeconomic performance in Sierra Leone: a DSGE simulation approach
by Barrie, Mohamed Samba & Jackson, Emerson Abraham - 26-39 What Can Leadership-as-Practice Contribute to OD?
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2022, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 509-522 Trust spillovers in the sharing economy: Does international Airbnb experience foster cross‐national trust?
by Kas, Judith & Delnoij, Joyce & Corten, Rense & Parigi, Paolo
2022, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 1595-1618 Gender Differences in Tournament Choices: Risk Preferences, Overconfidence or Competitiveness?
by van Veldhuizen, Roel - 1905-1932 The role of reputation systems in digital discrimination
by Kas, Judith & Corten, Rense & van de Rijt, Arnout
2022, Volume 20, Issue 3
2022, Volume 19, Issue 21
- 1-22 Determinants of food waste from household food consumption: A case study from field survey in Germany
by Hermanussen, Henrike & Loy, Jens-Peter & Egamberdiev, Bekhzod
2022, Volume 19, Issue 14
- 1-14 Does adoption of honeybee pollination promote the economic value of kiwifruit farmers? Evidence from China
by Zhang, Shemei & Ma, Jiliang & Zhang, Liu & Sun, Zhanli & Zhao, Zhijun & Khan, Nawab
2022, Volume 19, Issue 10
- 1-15 Dark side or bright side: The impact of alcohol drinking on the trust of Chinese rural residents
by Dong, Jie & Zhao, Qiran & Ren, Yanjun
2022, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 695-706 Update of leadership-as-practice “practice theory”: Featuring Joe Raelin Interviewed by Jenny Robinson
by Raelin, Joseph A. & Robinson, Jennifer L.
2022, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 115-136 Skill formation, automation and governance: comparing German and Korean automotive manufacturers in Central-Eastern Europe
by Krzywdzinski, Martin & Jo, Hyung Je
2022, Volume 17, Issue 11
- 1-1 Trust and vaccination intentions: Evidence from Lithuania during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Galdikiene, Laura & Jaraite, Jurate & Kajackaite, Agne - 1-10 Adaptive approaches to REDD+ are needed for countries with high forest cover and low deforestation rates
by Schweikart, Melanie & Mertz, Ole & Müller, Daniel - 1-20 Can digital farming technologies enhance the willingness to buy products from current farming systems?
by Wilmes, Rolf & Waldhof, Gabi & Breunig, Peter
2022, Volume 17, Issue 9
- 264381 Frontier metrics for a process-based understanding of deforestation dynamics
by Baumann, Matthias & Gasparri, Ignacio & Buchadas, Ana & Oeser, Julian & Meyfroidt, Patrick & Levers, Christian & Romero-Muñoz, Alfredo & le Polain de Waroux, Yann & Müller, Daniel & Kuemmerle, Tobias - 264382 Post-Soviet changes in cropping practices in the irrigated drylands of the Aral Sea basin
by Rufin, Philippe & Peña-Guerrero, Mayra Daniela & Umirbekov, Atabek & Wei, Yanbing & Müller, Daniel
2022, Volume 17, Issue 8
- 264384 Agricultural livelihoods, adaptation, and environmental migration in sub-Saharan drylands: A meta-analytical review
by Hoffmann, Roman & Wiederkehr, Charlotte & Dimitrova, Anna & Hermans, Kathleen
2022, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 251962 Regionalization of climate teleconnections across Central Asian mountains improves the predictability of seasonal precipitation
by Umirbekov, Atabek & Peña-Guerrero, Mayra Daniela & Müller, Daniel
2022, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 206-223 Assessing the adoption rates of improved technology in traditional poultry farming: evidence from rural Togo
by Soviadan, Mawussi Kossivi & Kubik, Zaneta & Enete, Anselm Anibueze & Okoye, Chukwuemeka Uzoma
2022, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 723-750 The Long Arm of an Unsupportive Work-Family Culture in Work Organizations: Crossover to the Partner’s Work-Family Balance Satisfaction in Dual-Earner Couples
by Bernhardt, Janine & Bünning, Mareike
2022, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 67-88 The Impact of Financial Sanctions on Capital Inflow and Outflow (case of Iran)
by Heydarian, Samira & Pahlavani, Mosayeb & Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein
2022, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 45-62 Contexts of Radicalization of Jihadi Foreign Fighters from Europe
by Kanol, Eylem
2022, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 183-202 Loan Repayment Dynamics of Self-Help Groups in India
by Muduli, Silu & Sharma, Manu