2021, Volume 97, Issue 4
- 315-337 Geographies of Marketization in Higher Education: Branch Campuses as Territorial and Symbolic Fixes
by Kleibert, Jana M.
2021, Volume 97, Issue 1
- 89-112 Hiding in the Spotlight: Commodifying Nature and Geographies of Dissociation in the Fur-Fashion Complex
by Müller, Felix C. & Kleibert, Jana M. & Ibert, Oliver
2021, Volume 92, Issue 1
- 115-123 Parental Wealth and Children’s Cognitive Ability, Mental, and Physical Health: Evidence From the UK Millennium Cohort Study
by Moulton, Vanessa & Goodman, Alissa & Nasim, Bilal & Ploubidis, George B. & Gambaro, Ludovica
2021, Volume 88, Issue 28
- 491-499 Eingewanderte bauen nur schrittweise Bindungen an Parteien in Deutschland auf
by Jacobsen, Jannes & Kroh, Martin
2021, Volume 88, Issue 12
- 227-232 Geflüchtete sind auch in der Corona-Pandemie psychisch belastet und fühlen sich weiterhin sehr einsam
by Entringer, Theresa Margareta & Jacobsen, Jannes & Kröger, Hannes & Metzing, Maria
2021, Volume 88
- 71-82 Gender and the environmental concerns of young farmers: Do young women farmers make a difference on family farms?
by Unay-Gailhard, İlkay & Bojnec, Štefan - 214-226 Participatory assessment of critical thresholds for resilient and sustainable European farming systems
by Paas, Wim & Accatino, Francesco & Bijttebier, Jo & Black, Jasmine E. & Gavrilescu, Camelia & Krupin, Vitaliy & Manevska-Tasevska, Gordana & Ollendorf, Franziska & Peneva, Mariya & San Martin, Carolina & Zinnanti, Cinzia & Appel, Franziska & Courtney, Paul & Severini, Simone & Soriano, Bárbara & Vigani, Mauro & Zawalińska, Katarzyna & van Ittersum, Martin K. & Meuwissen, Miranda P.M. & Reidsma, Pytrik
2021, Volume 85
- 35-50 Il pubblico della sociologia – Interventi di Massimiano Bucchi, Mario Morcellini, Chiara Saraceno
by Bucchi, Massimiano & Morcellini, Mario & Saraceno, Chiara
2021, Volume 84
- 1-1 Lost job, lost trust? On the effect of involuntary job loss on trust
by Friehe, Tim & Marcus, Jan - 147-161 Stakeholder perspectives to improve risk management in European farming systems
by Bertolozzi-Caredio, Daniele & Bardají, Isabel & Garrido, Alberto & Berry, Robert & Bijttebier, Jo & Gavrilescu, Camelia & Harizanova, Hristina & Jendrzejewski, Błażej & Meuwissen, Miranda M.P. & Ollendorf, Franziska & Pinsard, Corentin & Rommel, Jens & Severini, Simone & Soriano, Barbara
2021, Volume 83, Issue 7
- 85-707 Remembering John/Ivan Demjanjuk: Inclusive and exclusive frames in cosmopolitan holocaust discourse
by Pentzold, Christian & Sommer, Vivien
2021, Volume 83
- 1-1 Gender differences in willingness to compete: The role of public observability
by Buser, Thomas & Ranehill, Eva & van Veldhuizen, Roel
2021, Volume 81
- 345-357 “Why villagers stay put – A structural equation model on staying intentions”
by Dufhues, Thomas & Möllers, Judith & Traikova, Diana & Buchenrieder, Gertrud & Runschke, David - 266343 Housing rent dynamics and rent regulation in St. Petersburg (1880–1917)
by Kholodilin, Konstantin A. & Limonov, Leonid E. & Waltl, Sofie R.
2021, Volume 79
- 1-19 The effect of mergers on variety in grocery retailing
by Argentesi, Elena & Buccirossi, Paolo & Cervone, Roberto & Duso, Tomaso & Marrazzo, Alessia
2021, Volume 76, Issue 5=899
- 81-97 Dunkelgrüne Religion. Phantom oder neue globale Umweltbewegung
by Simonis, Udo E.
2021, Volume 76
- 1-1 The leniency rule revisited: Experiments on cartel formation with open communication
by Andres, Maximilian & Bruttel, Lisa & Friedrichsen, Jana - 1-62 25 years of European merger control
by Affeldt, Pauline & Duso, Tomaso & Szücs, Florian
2021, Volume 75, Issue 2
- 282-305 Contestations of the Liberal International Order: From Liberal Multilateralism to Postnational Liberalism
by Börzel, Tanja A. & Zürn, Michael
2021, Volume 75
- 1-1 All-pay competition with captive consumers
by Foucart, Renaud & Friedrichsen, Jana
2021, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 87-97 Unternehmensmitbestimmung und langfristige Investitionen in deutschen Unternehmen
by Vitols, Sigurt & Scholz, Robert
2021, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 3-11 Soziales Upgrading und Beschäftigtenmacht in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten
by Marslev, Kristoffer & Staritz, Cornelia & Raj-Reichert, Gale & Plank, Leonhard
2021, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 1218-1243 Measuring the Efficiency of VAT Reforms: A Demand System Simulation Approach
by Tóth, Peter & Cupák, Andrej & Rizov, Marian
2021, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 406-434 Negotiated Partition of South Africa – An Idea and its History (1920s–1980s)
by Zollmann, Jakob
2021, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 1-24 How Often Have You Felt Disadvantaged? Explaining Perceived Discrimination
by Diehl, Claudia & Liebau, Elisabeth & Mühlau, Peter
2021, Volume 73
2021, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 415-452 Grasping Digitalization in the Working World: An Example From the German National Educational Panel Study
[Die Erfassung von Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt: Ein Beispiel aus dem Nationalen Bildungspanel]
by Friedrich, Teresa Sophie & Laible, Marie-Christine & Pollak, Reinhard & Schongen, Sebastian & Schulz, Benjamin & Vicari, Basha
2021, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 255-282 Lehrende als Gatekeeper für externe Förderprogramme im Bildungssystem: Eine Analyse von Fremdselektionsprozessen bei der Schülerauswahl anhand einer Bildungsintervention
[Teachers as gatekeepers of educational support programs: An analysis of external selection processes within an educational intervention]
by Erdmann, Melinda & Helbig, Marcel & Stuth, Stefan
2021, Volume 71, Issue 37
- 32-39 Rechtsstaat unter Druck. Ungarn, Polen und die Rolle der EU
by Kovács, Kriszta & Scheppele, Kim Lane - 48-54 Gleicher Zugang zum Recht. (Menschen-)Rechtlicher Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
by Wrase, Michael & Thies, Leonie & Behr, Johanna & Stegemann, Tim
2021, Volume 71, Issue 5-6
2021, Volume 70, Issue Supplement (2021)
- 1-12 Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2020
by Herzfeld, Thomas
2021, Volume 70, Issue 5/6
- 293-315 Geschlechterungleichheiten im Arbeitsleben und subjektiven Wohlbefinden von Erwerbstätigen während der COVID-19-Pandemie
by Bünning, Mareike & Hipp, Lena
2021, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 213-235 Market Power in Agricultural Land Markets: Concepts and Empirical Challenges
by Balmann, Alfons & Graubner, Marten & Müller, Daniel & Hüttel, Silke & Seifert, Stefan & Odening, Martin & Plogmann, Jana & Ritter, Matthias - 663-668 Architects in the General Government: Activities, Reckoning, Memory
by Popiołek-Roßkamp, Małgorzata
2021, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 900-920 Discontent With What? Linking Self-Centered and Society-Centered Discontent to Populist Party Support
by Giebler, Heiko & Hirsch, Magdalena & Schürmann, Benjamin & Veit, Susanne
2021, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 307-325 Measuring Nation States’ Deliberativeness: Systematic Challenges, Methodological Pitfalls, and Strategies for Upscaling the Measurement of Deliberation
by Fleuß, Dannica & Helbig, Karoline
2021, Volume 67, Issue 11
- 445-456 One or many European models of agriculture? How heterogeneity influences income creation among farms in the European Union
by Kryszak, Łukasz & Herzfeld, Thomas
2021, Volume 67, Issue 1-2
- 251880 Ranking local climate policy: assessing the mitigation and adaptation activities of 104 German cities
by Otto, Antje & Kern, Kristine & Haupt, Wolfgang & Eckersley, Peter & Thieken, Annegret H.
2021, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 68-99 Common Ownership in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry: A Network Analysis
by Banal-Estañol, Albert & Newham, Melissa & Seldeslachts, Jo
2021, Volume 65, Issue 11
- 1447-1456 Conceptual and Methodological Considerations on Effort: An Interdisciplinary Approach
by Radl, Jonas & Miller, Luis - 1457-1479 The Difference Between Saying and Doing: Comparing Subjective and Objective Measures of Effort Among Fifth Graders
by Apascaritei, Paula & Demel, Simona & Radl, Jonas - 1531-1554 Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment: How Important Are Children’s Personality Characteristics?
by Holtmann, Anne Christine & Menze, Laura & Solga, Heike - 1555-1576 Strive to Succeed? The Role of Persistence in the Process of Educational Attainment
by Palacios-Abad, Alberto
2021, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 197-209 The Increasing Representativeness of International Organizations’ Secretariats: Evidence from the United Nations System, 1997–2015
by Parizek, Michal & Stephen, Matthew D.
2021, Volume 65
- 1-1 On spatial variation in the detectability and density of social media user protest supporters
by Masías, Víctor Hugo & Crespo R., Fernando A. & Navarro R., Pilar & Masood, Razan & Krämer, Nicole C. & Hoppe, H. Ulrich
2021, Volume 64, Issue 12
- 1533-1540 Anstieg depressiver Symptome bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen während des ersten Lockdowns in Deutschland: Ergebnisse des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels pairfam
[Increase of depressive symptoms among adolescents during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany: Results from the German family panel]
by Naumann, Elias & von den Driesch, Ellen & Schumann, Almut & Thönnissen, Carolin
2021, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 1-23 A Real-Business-Cycle model with search-and-matching frictions and efficiency ("fair") wages
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2021, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 36-40 [Book Review] A Better Planet: 40 Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future
by Simonis, Udo E. - 623-647 Post-Soviet agricultural restructuring: A success story after all?
by Petrick, Martin
2021, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-30 Redistributive politics in Russia: The political economy of agricultural subsidies
by Kvartiuk, Vasyl & Herzfeld, Thomas - 167-170 Više od druge violine: povodom dvestogodišnjeg rođendana Fridriha Engelsa
[Mehr als die zweite Violine: zum 200. Geburtstag von Friedrich Engels]
by Kocka, Jürgen
2021, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 281-310 The dynamics of attitudes toward immigrants: Cohort analyses for Western EU member states
by Schmidt, Katja - 481-506 Decreasing labor intensity in agriculture and the accessibility of major cities shape the rural population decline in postsocialist Russia
by Sheludkov, Alexander & Kamp, Johannes & Müller, Daniel - 621-642 Civic Hackathons und der Formwandel der Demokratie - Eine repräsentationstheoretische Analyse von #WirVsVirus
[Civic Hackathons and Democratic Transformation - #WirVsVirus in Terms of Political Representation]
by Berg, Sebastian & Clute-Simon, Veza & Freudl, Rebecca-Lea & Rakowski, Niklas & Thiel, Thorsten
2021, Volume 62, Issue 3
2021, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 590-610 Explaining Unfavorable Attitudes Toward Religious Out-Groups Among Three Major Religions
by Kanol, Eylem
2021, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 359-375 Do populist values or civic values drive support for referendums in Europe?
by Weßels, Bernhard & Rose, Richard
2021, Volume 59, Issue 5
- 1124-1141 Politicizing Europe in Elections to the European Parliament (1994–2019): The Crucial Role of Mainstream Parties
by Braun, Daniela & Grande, Edgar
2021, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 42-49 Zur Theorie der Militärlogistik
by Alexa, Andreas & Schorn, Christian
2021, Volume 59
- 63-78 The distributional dimension of the resource curse: Commodity price shocks and income inequality
by Mohtadi, Soran & Castells-Quintana, David
2021, Volume 58, Issue 14
- 2845-2862 Transnational education zones: Towards an urban political economy of ‘education cities’
by Kleibert, Jana M. & Bobée, Alice & Rottleb, Tim & Schulze, Marc
2021, Volume 58, Issue 8
- 2111-2136 Bridging Caste Divides: Middle‐Status Ambivalence, Elite Closure, and Lower‐Status Social Withdrawal
by Bhardwaj, Arjun & Mishra, Sushanta Kumar & Qureshi, Israr & Kumar, Kunal Kamal & Konrad, Alison M. & Seidel, Marc‐David L. & Bhatt, Babita
2021, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-1 'Business as usual': The Treaty of Lisbon and transnational party manifestos
[Business as usual: el Tratado de Lisboa y los programas de los europartidos]
by Ares, Cristina & Volkens, Andrea - 379-381 Reexamining the influence of conditional cash transfers on migration from a gendered lens: Comment
by Stark, Oded
2021, Volume 58
- 235717 Freedom gas to Europe: Scenarios analyzed using the Global Gas Model
by Egging-Bratseth, Ruud & Holz, Franziska & Czempinski, Victoria
2021, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 18-35 Zuwanderung in Städte: Chancen und Grenzen der planerischen Steuerung
by Kühn, Manfred
2021, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 316-342 When Do Strong Parties “Throw the Bums Out”? Competition and Accountability in South African Candidate Nominations
by Lieberman, Evan & Martin, Philip & McMurry, Nina
2021, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 204-223 The long march through the institutions: Emerging powers and the staffing of international organizations
by Parizek, Michal & Stephen, Matthew D.
2021, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 485-500 Work–family balance in the second half of life: Caregivers' decisions regarding retirement and working time reduction in Europe
by Bertogg, Ariane & Nazio, Tiziana & Strauss, Susanne
2021, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 125-142 Income Inequalities and their Social Determinants: an Analysis over Developed vs. Developing EU Member States
by Jianu, Ionut & Gavril, Ioana Andrada & Iacob, Silvia Elena & Hrebenciuc, Andrei - 141-162 On the Difficulties to Calculate Infrastructure Charges for Heavy Goods Vehicles A Review of 15 Years' Experience in Germany
by Link, Heike
2021, Volume 54, Issue 3-4
- 686-717 Strangers in Hostile Lands: Exposure to Refugees and Right-Wing Support in Germany’s Eastern Regions
by Schaub, Max & Gereke, Johanna & Baldassarri, Delia
2021, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 1202-1217 Web-based and mixed-mode cognitive large-scale assessments in higher education: An evaluation of selection bias, measurement bias, and prediction bias
by Zinn, Sabine & Landrock, Uta & Gnambs, Timo
2021, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 73-94 Still in the shadow of the wall? The case of the Berlin biotechnology cluster
by Abbasiharofteh, Milad & Broekel, Tom
2021, Volume 52, Issue 5
- 819-831 Price formation within Egypt's wheat tender market: Implications for Black Sea exporters
by Heigermoser, Maximilian & Götz, Linde & Svanidze, Miranda
2021, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 15-22 Competition and Market Power in the Manufacturing Industries: A Comparative Study
by Mohseni, Hadiseh & Pahlavani, Mosayeb & Shahiki Tash, Mohhamad Nabi & Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein - 187-196 Does the accessibility of a farmer predict the delivery of extension services? Evidence from Rwanda
by Kabirigi, Michel
2021, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-14 Financial Sanctions and Economic Growth: An Intervention Time-series Approach
by Heydarian, Samira & Pahlavani, Mosayeb & Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein - 73-86 Dynamics of Tourism and Economic Growth in the Oil-Exporting Economies: A Tri-Variate Causality
by Khavari, Saeed Dehghan & Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein & Derakhsh, Saeedeh - 412-426 Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference
by Elff, Martin & Heisig, Jan Paul & Schaeffer, Merlin & Shikano, Susumu - 460-462 Rejoinder to Daniel Stegmueller's Comments
by Elff, Martin & Heisig, Jan Paul & Schaeffer, Merlin & Shikano, Susumu
2021, Volume 50, Issue 3-4
- 241-258 Keine Meritokratie im Förderschulsystem? Zum Zusammenhang von demografischer Entwicklung, lokalen Förderschulstrukturen und der Wahrscheinlichkeit, eine Förderschule zu besuchen
[No Meritocracy in Special Education? The Relationship of Demographic Change, the Local System of Special Schooling and the Likelihood to Attend a Special School]
by Helbig, Marcel & Steinmetz, Sebastian
2021, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 463-469 Zu diesem Heft – Mit Georg Simmel über einsinnige Begriffsgehäuse hinaus
by Blomert, Reinhard
2021, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 163-168 Dazugehören und zusammenhalten: Die Corona-Pandemie offenbart die Herausforderungen der Familienpolitik wie in einem Brennglas
by Fegert, Jörg M. & Schuler-Harms, Margarete & Spieß, C. Katharina - 289-296 Zu diesem Heft – Die fremdartige und gewaltsame Berührung von Gliedern der Menschheit
by Blomert, Reinhard
2021, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 155-156 Zu diesem Heft – Mittelklasse und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in der Debatte
by Czingon, Claudia
2021, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 3-6 Zu diesem Heft – Gespaltene Gesellschaft?
by Czingon, Claudia
2021, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 123-139 The appropriateness of the macroeconomic imbalance procedure for Central and Eastern European Countries
by Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine & Kämpfe, Martina & Knedlik, Tobias
2021, Volume 47, Issue 13
- 236199 Waiting for kin: a longitudinal study of family reunification and refugee mental health in Germany
by Löbel, Lea-Maria & Jacobsen, Jannes
2021, Volume 47, Issue 7
- 1498-1516 Scriptural legitimation and the mobilisation of support for religious violence: experimental evidence across three religions and seven countries
by Koopmans, Ruud & Kanol, Eylem & Stolle, Dietlind
2021, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 1222-1239 Discrimination against Turkish minorities in Germany and the Netherlands: field experimental evidence on the effect of diagnostic information on labour market outcomes
by Thijssen, Lex & Lancee, Bram & Veit, Susanne & Yemane, Ruta - 1240-1260 Latinos in the United States and in Spain: the impact of ethnic group stereotypes on labour market outcomes
by Yemane, Ruta & Fernández-Reino, Mariña - 1305-1326 Muslim by default or religious discrimination? Results from a cross-national field experiment on hiring discrimination
by Stasio, Valentina Di & Lancee, Bram & Veit, Susanne & Yemane, Ruta
2021, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 92-107 Transnational spaces of education as infrastructures of im/mobility
by Kleibert, Jana M.
2021, Volume 47
- 1-1 The impact of economic uncertainty, precarious employment, and risk attitudes on the transition to parenthood
by Schmitt, Christian - 100392-100392 Early retirement as a privilege for the rich? A comparative analysis of Germany and Switzerland
by Kuhn, Ursina & Grabka, Markus M. & Suter, Christian
2021, Volume 46, Issue 11
- 2230-2244 Two hearts beating in a research centers’ chest: how scholars in interdisciplinary research settings cope with monodisciplinary deep structures
by Woiwode, Hendrik & Froese, Anna
2021, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 7-34 Positionality Reloaded: Debating the Dimensions of Reflexivity in the Relationship Between Science and Society: An Editorial
by Marguin, Séverine & Haus, Juliane & Heinrich, Anna Juliane & Kahl, Antje & Schendzielorz, Cornelia & Singh, Ajit - 287-312 Crossing Borders, Creating Together: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production
by Dirnagl, Ulrich & Misselwitz, Philipp & Ruhrort, Lisa & Simon, Dagmar
2021, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 136-159 Digitalizing Community Health Work: A Struggle over the Values of Global Health Policy
by Hanrieder, Tine & Montt Maray, Eloisa
2021, Volume 46
- 187-214 Panel Data in Research on Mobility and Migration: A Review of Recent Advances
by Vidal, Sergi & Lersch, Philipp M.
2021, Volume 45, Issue 340
- 94-112 State decoupling audit of low-carbon agricultural production
by Datsii, Oleksandr & Levchenko, Nataliia & Shyshkanova, Ganna & Dmytrenko, Ruslan & Abuselidze, George
2021, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 1-1 Democratic legitimacy in global platform governance
by Haggart, Blayne & Iglesias Keller, Clara
2021, Volume 45, Issue 1
2021, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 99-124 Coronavirus and care: How the coronavirus crisis affected fathers' involvement in Germany
by Kreyenfeld, Michaela & Zinn, Sabine
2021, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 197-214 Work-related online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany
[Berufsbezogenes Online-Lernen während der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland]
by Kleinert, Corinna & Zoch, Gundula & Vicari, Basha & Ehlert, Martin
2021, Volume 44, Issue 2
2021, Volume 42, Issue 8
- 1715-1732 Domestic humanitarianism: the Mission France of Médecins Sans Frontières and Médecins du Monde
by Hanrieder, Tine & Galesne, Claire
2021, Volume 42, Issue 7
- 1321-1337 Gaps in the (paid) work hours of male and female heads of households: empirical evidence from Barbados
by Jackman, Mahalia & Lorde, Kishmar
2021, Volume 38, Issue 5
2021, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 85-99 Dwelling in failure: power and uncertainty in a socialist large housing estate regeneration program in Saint Petersburg, Russia
by Korableva, Ekaterina & Shirobokova, Irina & Pachenkov, Oleg & Bernt, Matthias
2021, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 218-237 Improving Formal Qualifications or Firm Linkages-What Supports Successful School-to-Work Transitions among Low-Achieving School Leavers in Germany?
by Holtmann, Anne Christine & Ehlert, Martin & Menze, Laura & Solga, Heike - 332-351 … Because the homeland cannot be in opposition: analysing the discourses of Fidesz and Law and Justice (PiS) from opposition to power
by Kim, Seongcheol
2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 329-342 Engines of Patriarchy: Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Times of Illiberal Backlash Politics
by Schopmans, Hendrik & Cupać, Jelena
2021, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 2181-2235 The rise of shadow banking: Evidence from capital regulation
by Irani, Rustom & Iyer, Rajkamal & Meisenzahl, Ralf & Peydró, José-Luis
2021, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 397-427 What’s in a Word? Just vs. Fair vs. Appropriate Earnings for Self and Others
by Adriaans, Jule & Liebig, Stefan & Sabbagh, Clara & Jasso, Guillermina - 1141-1187 COVID-19: a crisis of the female self-employed
by Graeber, Daniel & Kritikos, Alexander S. & Seebauer, Johannes
2021, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 218-234 Fridays for Future in der Corona-Krise: Welche Mobilisierungskraft haben Online-Proteste?
by Hunger, Sophia & Hutter, Swen - 281-292 Die Zivilgesellschaft in der Krise: Einblicke aus einer Organisationsbefragung zu den Herausforderungen der COVID-19 Pandemie
by Hutter, Swen & Teune, Simon & Daphi, Priska & Nikolas, Ana-Maria & Schäfer, Ines & Sommer, Moritz & Steinhilper, Elias & Zajak, Sabrina
2021, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1814-1835 Higher minimum wage, better labour market returns for rural migrants? Evidence from China
by Ren, Yanjun & Peng, Yanling & Campos, Bente Castro & Li, Houjian
2021, Volume 34
- 229441 Central Asian rivers under climate change: Impacts assessment in eight representative catchments
by Didovets, Iulii & Lobanova, Anastasia & Krysanova, Valentina & Menz, Christoph & Babagalieva, Zhanna & Nurbatsina, Aliya & Gavrilenko, Nadejda & Khamidov, Vohid & Umirbekov, Atabek & Qodirov, Sobir & Muhyyew, Dowletgeldi & Hattermann, Fred Fokko
2021, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 553-577 Exploring policy options in regulating rural-urban migration with a Bayesian Network: A case study in Kazakhstan
by Dufhues, Thomas & Buchenrieder, Gertrud & Sun, Zhanli
2021, Volume 33
- 237114 Stewardship and administrative capacity in green public procurement in the Czech Republic: Evidence from a large-N survey
by Plaček, Michal & Valentinov, Vladislav & del Campo, Cristina & Vaceková, Gabriela & Ochrana, František & Šumpíková, Markéta
2021, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 681-697 Class Warfare: Political Exclusion of the Poor and the Roots of Social-Revolutionary Terrorism, 1860-1950
by Meierrieks, Daniel & Krieger, Tim & Klotzbücher, Valentin
2021, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 219-243 Labour in the Board and Good Work: How to Measure and Evidence From Germany
by Scholz, Robert
2021, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 792-802 Grassland greening on the Mongolian Plateau despite higher grazing intensity
by Miao, Lijuan & Sun, Zhanli & Ren, Yanjun & Schierhorn, Florian & Müller, Daniel
2021, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 565-579 Wealth of children from single-parent families: Low levels and high inequality in Germany
by Lersch, Philipp M. & Grabka, Markus M. & Rüß, Kilian & Schröder, Carsten
2021, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 539-563 Energiekonflikte und Demokratiekrise. Eine radikaldemokratische Perspektive auf das Ringen um Gemeinwohlziele der Energiewende
by Krüger, Timmo - 1317-1331 Social capital in cooperatives: An evolutionary Luhmannian perspective
by Valentinov, Vladislav & Iliopoulos, Constantine
2021, Volume 31, Issue 3-4
- 317-325 Das Erfordernis der Kühlung. Besänftigung als Angelegenheit der Soziologie
by Matthies, Hildegard & Seyd, Benjamin - 415-443 Cooling out in der Arbeitswelt: Berufswechsel als Folge eines Mismatch von Habitus und Feld
[Cooling out in the working world: Career change as a consequence of mismatch between habitus and field]
by Hildegard Matthies
2021, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 243-262 The changing meaning of left and right: supply- and demand-side effects on the perception of party positions
by Giebler, Heiko & Meyer, Thomas M. & Wagner, Markus
2021, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-29 Dawning of a New Age? Economics Journals’ Data Policies on the Test Bench
by Vlaeminck, Sven - 91-100 Wählen in der Pandemie: Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen
by Leininger, Arndt & Wagner, Aiko
2021, Volume 31
- 1-1 Long-run expectations of households
by Breunig, Christoph & Grabova, Iuliia & Haan, Peter & Weinhardt, Felix & Weizsäcker, Georg - 101-107 Familien im Fokus der Bundestagswahl: Ein Bekenntnis zur Systemrelevanz von Familien
by Huebener, Mathias & Spieß, C. Katharina
2021, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 276-277 Forschung für die Mobilitätswende: COVID-19-Pandemie als Treiber?
[Research for the mobility transition: the COVID-19 pandemic as an accelerator?]
by Rasche, Barbara & Dreber, Niels & Zehl, Franziska & Knie, Andreas
2021, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 249-262 To ban or not to ban carbon‐intensive materials: A legal and administrative assessment of product carbon requirements
by Gerres, Timo & Haussner, Manuel & Neuhoff, Karsten & Pirlot, Alice
2021, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 1053-1074 State of the world 2020: autocratization turns viral
by Hellmeier, Sebastian & Cole, Rowan & Grahn, Sandra & Kolvani, Palina & Lachapelle, Jean & Lührmann, Anna & Maerz, Seraphine F. & Pillai, Shreeya & Lindberg, Staffan I.
2021, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 869-884 Resilience of democracies: responses to illiberal and authoritarian challenges
by Merkel, Wolfgang & Lührmann, Anna - 885-907 How democracies prevail: democratic resilience as a two-stage process
by Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A. & Edgell, Amanda B. & Hellmeier, Sebastian & Maerz, Seraphine F. & Lindberg, Staffan I.
2021, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 6-8 The labor behind the tools: using design thinking methods to examine content moderation software
by Sinders, Caroline & Ahmad, Sana
2021, Volume 28, Issue 3(628)
- 15-32 Development in Romania during the post-crisis period: A human, economic and social perspective
by Tudorache, Maria-Daniela
2021, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 17-24 The autonomy of autonomy: On Jürgen Habermas's Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie
by Forst, Rainer - 43-62 Erosion or decay? Conceptualizing causes and mechanisms of democratic regression
by Gerschewski, Johannes
2021, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 896-908 Protesting Parties in Europe: A comparative analysis
by Borbáth, Endre & Hutter, Swen - 996-1008 Two faces of party system stability: Programmatic change and party replacement
by Borbáth, Endre
2021, Volume 27, Issue 3
2021, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 311-324 Civic and Political Engagement during the Multifaceted COVID-19 Crisis
by Borbáth, Endre & Hunger, Sophia & Hutter, Swen & Oana, Ioana-Elena - 388-401 Post-Soviet shifts in grazing and fire regimes changed the functional plant community composition on the Eurasian steppe
by Freitag, Martin & Kamp, Johannes & Dara, Andrey & Kuemmerle, Tobias & Sidorova, Tatyana V. & Stirnemann, Ingrid A. & Velbert, Frederike & Hölzel, Norbert
2021, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-22 Why Escalate?: Symbolic Territory and Strategy Choice in Conflicts Over Self-Determination
by Kelle, Friederike Luise - 161-173 Becoming part of the gang? Established and nonestablished populist parties and the role of external efficacy
by Krause, Werner & Wagner, Aiko
2021, Volume 27
- 1-1 COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy in low- and middle-income countries
by Solís Arce, Julio S. & Warren, Shana S. & Meriggi, Niccolò F. & Scacco, Alexandra & McMurry, Nina & Voors, Maarten & Syunyaev, Georgiy & Malik, Amyn Abdul & Aboutajdine, Samya & Adeojo, Opeyemi & Anigo, Deborah & Armand, Alex & Asad, Saher & Atyera, Martin & Augsburg, Britta & Awasthi, Manisha & Ayesiga, Gloria Eden & Bancalari, Antonella & Björkman Nyqvist, Martina & Borisova, Ekaterina & Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel & Cabra García, Magarita Rosa & Cheema, Ali & Collins, Elliott & Cuccaro, Filippo & Farooqi, Ahsan Zia & Fatima, Tatheer & Fracchia, Mattia & Galindo Soria, Mery Len & Guariso, Andrea & Hasanain, Ali & Jaramillo, Sofía & Kallon, Sellu & Kamwesigye, Anthony & Kharel, Arjun & Kreps, Sarah & Levine, Madison & Littman, Rebecca & Malik, Mohammad & Manirabaruta, Gisele & Mfura, Jean Léodomir Habarimana & Momoh, Fatoma & Mucauque, Alberto & Mussa, Imamo & Nsabimana, Jean Aime & Obara, Isaac & Otálora, María Juliana & Ouédraogo, Béchir Wendemi & Pare, Touba Bakary & Platas, Melina R. & Polanco, Laura & Qureshi, Javaeria Ashraf & Raheem, Mariam & Ramakrishna, Vasudha & Rendrá, Ismail & Shah, Taimur & Shaked, Sarene Eyla & Shapiro, Jacob N. & Svensson, Jakob & Tariq, Ahsan & Tchibozo, Achille Mignondo & Tiwana, Hamid Ali & Trivedi, Bhartendu & Vernot, Corey & Vicente, Pedro C. & Weissinger, Laurin B. & Zafar, Basit & Zhang, Baobao & Karlan, Dean & Callen, Michael & Teachout, Matthieu & Humphreys, Macartan & Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq & Omer, Saad B.
2021, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 1137-1175 The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance
by Downar, Benedict & Ernstberger, Jürgen & Reichelstein, Stefan & Schwenen, Sebastian & Zaklan, Aleksandar
2021, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 251883 Systematic learning in water governance: insights from five local adaptive management projects for water quality innovation
by Kochskämper, Elisa & Koontz, Tomas M. & Newig, Jens
2021, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 363-382 Transnational education for regional economic development? Understanding Malaysia's and Singapore's strategic coupling in global higher education
by Schulze, Marc Philipp & Kleibert, Jana Maria - 655-676 Inflow and Outflow of Oil Revenues: Scenarios for National Development Fund of Iran(NDFI)
by Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein & Karimzadeh, Salim - 2323-2349 How climate change leads to emigration: Conditional and long‐run effects
by Helbling, Marc & Meierrieks, Daniel
2021, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 133-141 Introduction to special issue on digitalization, labour and global production
by Raj-Reichert, Gale & Zajak, Sabrina & Helmerich, Nicole - 142-166 Exercising associational and networked power through the use of digital technology by workers in global value chains
by Helmerich, Nicole & Raj-Reichert, Gale & Zajak, Sabrina - 190-211 Community building on crowdwork platforms: Autonomy and control of online workers?
by Gerber, Christine - 259-278 Digitalization and the geographies of production: Towards reshoring or global fragmentation?
by Butollo, Florian
2021, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 1355-1378 Gemeinsamer Unterricht auf Kosten der sozialen Inklusion? Analyse der sozialen Lage in inklusiven Schulen am Beispiel der Schwerpunktschulen in Rheinland-Pfalz
[Inclusive education at the expense of social inclusion? Analysis of the social composition in inclusive schools in Rhineland-Palatinate]
by Helbig, Marcel & Steinmetz, Sebastian
2021, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 581-592 Editorial. Special Issue: Growth of agroholdings and mega-farms in transition and emerging market economies: Institutional and organizational aspects
by Gagalyuk, Taras & Meyers, William H. & Balmann, Alfons - 593-613 What drives the acquisition behavior of agroholdings? Performance analysis of agricultural acquisition targets in Northwest Russia and Ukraine
by Ostapchuk, Igor & Gagalyuk, Taras & Epshtein, David & Dibirov, Abusupyan - 615-636 Post-acquisition integration and growth of farms: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings
by Ostapchuk, Igor & Gagalyuk, Taras & Curtiss, Jarmila - 649-668 Corporate governance and firm performance within the Russian agri-food sector: does ownership structure matter?
by Tleubayev, Alisher & Bobojonov, Ihtiyor & Gagalyuk, Taras & García Meca, Emma & Glauben, Thomas - 669-696 Institutions and individual values motivating corporate social responsibility activities in large farms and agroholdings
by Hajdu, Anna & Daziano, Marcos F. & Visser, Oane - 697-716 Determinants of corporate social responsibility among farms in Russia and Kazakhstan: A multilevel approach using survey data
by Hajdu, Anna & Gagalyuk, Taras & Bukin, Eduard & Petrick, Martin - 717-737 Broadening the scope of instrumental motivations for CSR disclosure: An illustration for agroholdings in transition economies
by Gagalyuk, Taras & Chatalova, Lioudmila & Kalyuzhnyy, Oleksandr & Ostapchuk, Igor
2021, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 162-185 Who is really ‘left behind’? Half a century of gender differences in the school-to-work transitions of low-educated youth
by Struffolino, Emanuela & Borgna, Camilla - 339-365 Subjektive Belastung der Eltern durch die Beschulung ihrer Kinder zu Hause zu Zeiten des Corona-bedingten Lockdowns im Frühjahr 2020
by Zinn, Sabine & Bayer, Michael - 434-488 Experiments on centralized school choice and college admissions: a survey
by Hakimov, Rustamdjan & Kübler, Dorothea
2021, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-22 Testing identification via heteroskedasticity in structural vector autoregressive models
by Lütkepohl, Helmut & Meitz, Mika & Netšunajev, Aleksei & Saikkonen, Pentti - 31-58 Belief updating: does the 'good-news, bad-news' asymmetry extend to purely financial domains?
by Barron, Kai
2021, Volume 23, Issue S1
- 658-673 Parenthood as a driver of increased gender inequality during COVID-19? Exploratory evidence from Germany
by Hipp, Lena & Bünning, Mareike
2021, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 1415-1434 Can water rights trading pilot policy ensure food security in China? Based on the difference-in-differences method
by Fang, Lan & Fu, Yong & Chen, Shaojian & Mao, Hui
2021, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 807-834 China's New Multilateral Institutions: A Framework and Research Agenda
by Stephen, Matthew D.
2021, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 227-242 Deconstructing the attractiveness of biocluster imaginaries
by Wilde, Kerstin & Hermans, Frans - 368-375 [Book Review] Völkerrechtliche Beziehungen zwischen Äthiopien und Italien im Lichte des Vertrages von Uccialli/Wuchale (1889), written by Hatem Elliesie
by Zollmann, Jakob
2021, Volume 23
- 242479 Mapping weather risk – A multi-indicator analysis of satellite-based weather data for agricultural index insurance development in semi-arid and arid zones of Central Asia
by Eltazarov, Sarvarbek & Bobojonov, Ihtiyor & Kuhn, Lena & Glauben, Thomas
2021, Volume 22, Issue 7
- 3001-3021 Does Fixed-Term Employment Have Spillover Effects on the Well-Being of Partners? A Panel Data Analysis for East and West Germany
by Scheuring, Sonja & Voßemer, Jonas & Baranowska-Rataj, Anna & Tattarini, Giulia
2021, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 6-27 Measuring oligopsonistic power in the Kazakh grain processing industry: Empirical evidence from the General Identification Method
by Chezhia, Giorgi & Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr & Glauben, Thomas - 44-68 The relationship between trade policies and macroeconomic adjustments in the Russian cheese market integration
by Tleubayev, Alisher & Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush & Götz, Linde & Svanidze, Miranda - 125-143 The effect of income inequality on nutritional outcomes: Evidence from rural China
by Liu, Jian & Ren, Yanjun & Glauben, Thomas - 144-160 Agricultural labour in transition: An update
by Herzfeld, Thomas & Akhmadiyeva, Zarema - 242934 Concepts of Space, Refiguration of Spaces, and Comparative Research: Perspectives from Economic Geography and Regional Economics
by Suwala, Lech
2021, Volume 22, Issue 1
2021, Volume 21, Issue 10
- 1328-1346 A green COVID-19 recovery of the EU basic materials sector: identifying potentials, barriers and policy solutions
by Chiappinelli, Olga & Gerres, Timo & Neuhoff, Karsten & Lettow, Frederik & de Coninck, Heleen & Felsmann, Balázs & Joltreau, Eugénie & Khandekar, Gauri & Linares, Pedro & Richstein, Jörn & Śniegocki, Aleksander & Stede, Jan & Wyns, Tomas & Zandt, Cornelis & Zetterberg, Lars
2021, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 778-791 The EU ETS to 2030 and beyond: adjusting the cap in light of the 1.5°C target and current energy policies
by Zaklan, Aleksandar & Wachsmuth, Jakob & Duscha, Vicki
2021, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 385-390 Leadership-as-Practice: Antecedent to Leaderful Purpose
by Raelin, Joseph A. - 684-705 Repetition, adaptation, institutionalization—How the narratives of political communities change
by Hase, Johanna
2021, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 235660 Dynamics of soil organic carbon in the steppes of Russia and Kazakhstan under past and future climate and land use
by Rolinski, Susanne & Prishchepov, Alexander V. & Guggenberger, Georg & Bischoff, Norbert & Kurganova, Irina & Schierhorn, Florian & Müller, Daniel & Müller, Christoph
2021, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 2552-2568 Do credit constraints affect households' economic vulnerability? Empirical evidence from rural China
by Peng, Yan-ling & Ren, Yanjun & Li, Hou-jian
2021, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 65-83 Do future markets protect the spot markets in developing countries? The case of the Egyptian wheat market
by Ahmed, Osama - 85-95 Youth’s potential of adopting the Mediterranean diet lifestyle in response to climate change: Empirical study in Crete, Greece
by Essakkat, Kaouter & Mattas, Konstandinos & Unay-Gailhard, Ilkay & Baourakis, George