2017, Volume 7
- 1-8 In search of features that constitute an “enriched environment” in humans: Associations between geographical properties and brain structure
by Kühn, Simone & Düzel, Sandra & Eibich, Peter & Krekel, Christian & Wüstemann, Henry & Kolbe, Jens & Martensson, Johann & Goebel, Jan & Gallinat, Jürgen & Wagner, Gert G. & Lindenberger, Ulman - 1-10 Attraction Effect in Risky Choice Can Be Explained by Subjective Distance Between Choice Alternatives
by Mohr, Peter N. C. & Heekeren, Hauke R. & Rieskamp, Jörg
2017, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 20-30 Organizational Excellence in Palestinian Universities of Gaza Strip
by Al hilaa, Amal A. & Al Shobakib, Mazen J. & Abu Amuna, Youssef M. & Abu Naser, Samy S. - 42-55 Requirements for Applying Decision Support Systems in Palestinian Higher Education Institutions - Applied Study on Al - Aqsa University in Gaza
by Al Shobaki, Mazen J. & Abu Naser, Samy S.
2017, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-16 The land-water-food nexus: expanding the social-ecological system framework to link land and water governance
by Klümper, Frederike & Theesfeld, Insa
2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 Editorial: The end of ‘the West’ and the future of global constitutionalism
by Kumm, Mattias & Havercroft, Jonathan & Dunoff, Jeffrey L. & Wiener, Antje
2017, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-20 Management of Oil Revenues: Has That of Azerbaijan Been Prudent?
by Gurbanov, Sarvar & Nugent, Jeffrey B. & Mikayilov, Jeyhun - 106-109 Economics of Maize (Zea mays L.) production in Nigeria and Maize traditional utilization
by Adiaha, Monday Sunday
2017, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-6 Post-Snowden internet policy: between public outrage, resistance and policy change
by Pohle, Julia & Van Audenhove, Leo - 1-11 The PIAAC longitudinal study in Germany: rationale and design
by Rammstedt, Beatrice & Martin, Silke & Zabal, Anouk & Carstensen, Claus & Schupp, Jürgen - 93-95 The impact of Maize (Zea mays L.) and it uses for human development: A review
by Adiaha, Monday Sunday
2017, Volume 5, Issue 1/2
- 41-60 „Keine unklugen Leute“. Die Durchsetzung des „Stadtumbau Ost“
by Bernt, Matthias
2017, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 215-218 Capability Approach: A Formal Introduction
by León Tamayo, Dorian Fernando
2017, Volume 4
- 1-11 A new global anthropogenic heat estimation based on high-resolution nighttime light data
by Yang, Wangming & Luan, Yibo & Liu, Xiaolei & Yu, Xiaoyong & Miao, Lijuan & Cui, Xuefeng
2017, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 41-53 The rising challenge of multiple water resource use at the urban fringes - evidence from Ferghana District of Uzbekistan
by Mukhamedova, Nozilakhon & Wegerich, Kai - 89-108 Testing consumer theory: evidence from a natural field experiment
by Adena, Maja & Huck, Steffen & Rasul, Imran
2017, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 41-75 Free research in fearful times: conceptualizing an index to monitor academic freedom
by Grimm, Jannis & Saliba, Ilyas - 216-219 [Rezension] Wolfgang Ullrich: Siegerkunst. Neuer Adel, teure Lust. Berlin: Wagenbach, 2016
by Hutter, Michael
2017, Volume 3
- 1-11 The populism of the Alternative for Germany (AfD): an extended Essex School perspective
by Kim, Seongcheol - 1-19 Participatory local governance and cultural practices in Thailand
by Buchenrieder, Gertrud & Dufhues, Thomas & Theesfeld, Insa & Nuchanata, Mungkung
2017, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 19-34 Insurance-markets Equilibrium with Sequential Non-convex Private- and Public-Sector Labor Supply
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2017, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 22-35 The Effect of Academic Freedoms in Enhancing the Social Responsibility of Palestinian University Staff in the Gaza Governorates
by Al Hila, Amal A. & Al Shobaki, Mazen J. & Abu Naser, Samy S. - 36-55 The Efficiency of Information Technology and its Role of e-HRM in the Palestinian Universities
by Al Shobaki, Mazen J. & Abu Naser, Samy S. & Abu Amuna, Youssef M. & El Talla, Suliman A. - 93-109 The Impact of the Availability of Technological Infrastructure on the Success of the Electronic Document Management System of the Palestinian Pension Authority
by Kassab, Mohammed Khair I. & Abu Naser, Samy S. & Al Shobaki, Mazen J. - 110-125 Effects of Mobile Technology on Human Relationships
by Elsobeihi, Mohammed M. & Abu Naser, Samy S.
2017, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 55-66 Constitutional Courts and Legislatures: Institutional Terms of Engagement
by Kumm, Mattias
2017, Issue 157
- 53-56 Die populistische Revolte
by Merkel, Wolfgang
2017, Issue 43
- 115-135 ¿Por qué y cómo se está extendiendo el Manifesto Project a América Latina?
by Ares, Cristina & Volkens, Andrea
2017, Issue 12/2017
- 61-63 Übersicht der Zollbefreiungen (Teil 1 und 2)
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 9
- 51-52 Smartphone-App Zoll und Post
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 8
- 27-48 Acculturation and Ethnic Hybridism in Immigrant Entrepreneurship
by Arrighetti, Alessandro & Bolzani, Daniela & Lasagni, Andrea
2017, Issue 5/2017
- 28-30 Entwicklung des Harmonisierten Systems, neue Lücken und alle Anmerkungen - HS 2017
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 4
- 359-377 A Real-Business-Cycle model with efficiency wages and a government sector: the case of Bulgaria
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2017, Issue 4/2017
- 20-24 AEO-Programme weltweit – Stand 2017
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 3
- 17-31 Social democracy in Europe 4.0
by Gazier, Bernard & Schmid, Günther
2017, Issue 2
- 20-26 Trump, the Right-Wing Populists, and Democracy
by Merkel, Wolfgang - 36-56 The level of the inflation target – a review of the issues
by Apel, Mikael & Armelius, Hanna & Claussen, Carl Andreas
2017, Issue 1-2/2017
- 1-3 Das Zollverfahren der Ausfuhr nach dem Unionszollkodex in grafischen Übersichten
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 1
- 17-21 The New Dictatorships
by Merkel, Wolfgang - 30-46 Institutional underpinnings of the development of knowledge sub-systems in Central and Eastern Europe
by Karbowski, Adam - 83-103 Inflation targets and intervals – an overview of the issues
by Apel, Mikael & Claussen, Carl Andreas - 110-122 Zusammenhänge zwischen Beruf und befristeter Beschäftigung
by Stuth, Stefan
- 1-1 Changes in human resources in Poland with regard to migration tendencies in the period 2010-2016
by Karbowski, Adam - 1-4 Work, Domestic Work, Emotional Labour
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 1-5 Welfare State
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 1-5 Labor markets
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 1-8 Strategic Uncertainty in Markets for Nonrenewable Resources: A Level-k Approach
by Vierhaus, Ingmar & van Veldhuizen, Roel & Fügenschuh, Armin - 1-17 Labour Process Theory and the New Digital Workplace
by Briken, Kendra & Chillas, Shiona & Krzywdzinski, Martin & Marks, Abigail - 1-26 Gender Role Asymmetry and Stock Market Participation – Evidence from four European Household Surveys
by Barasinska, Nataliya & Schäfer, Dorothea - 1-39 Human Rights Protection in International Organizations: An Introduction
by Zürn, Michael & Heupel, Monika - 3-4 Warum Digitalpolitik?
by Jaume-Palasí, Lorena & Pohle, Julia & Spielkamp, Matthias - 3-12 Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe
by O'Reilly, Jacqueline & Smith, Mark & Nazio, Tiziana & Moyart, Clémentine - 31-42 Open Data in den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: das Forschungsdatenrepositorium SowiDataNet
by Droß, Patrick J. & Fräßdorf, Mathis & Kubaty, Paul & Naujoks, Julian - 46-52 Arbeitsprogramm zum UZK 2016 – Beschluss (EU) 2016/578
by Weerth, Carsten - 51-74 Is the Structure of Human Rights Practice Defensible? Three Puzzles and Their Resolution
by Kumm, Mattias - 85-98 Constellations of trust and distrust in internet governance
by Hofmann, Jeanette - 131-138 Was Keynes a Liberal?
by Blomert, Reinhard - 146-157 Between embeddedness and otherness – internationalisation of grocery retailers in emerging markets
by Suwala, Lech & Kulke, Elmar - 147-157 Social networks of influence in Europe - and beyond
by Plehwe, Dieter - 162-180 Ist eine "gute" Schule eine "inklusive" Schule? Bewertungskriterien von Schulinspektionen in Deutschland (Hamburg/Sachsen-Anhalt) und England
by Piezunka, Anne - 169-182 Wachstumszwänge: Ressourcenverbrauch und Akkumulation als Wettbewerbsverzerrungen
by Richters, Oliver & Siemoneit, Andreas - 179-182 Introduction: How do families matter in helping young people find work?
by Nazio, Tiziana & Gábos, András - 189-215 Digitalisierung als Kontext politischen Handelns. Republikanische Perspektiven auf die digitale Transformation der Gegenwart
by Thiel, Thorsten - 194-196 Is any job better than no job?
by Filandri, Marianna & Nazio, Tiziana & O'Reilly, Jacqueline - 197-199 The luck is in the family: Continued financial support after leaving the nest
by Filandri, Marianna & Nazio, Tiziana - 197-205 Neun Jahre Zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter (AEO)
by Weerth, Carsten - 207-211 Policy themes on family matters
by Nazio, Tiziana & Gábos, András - 221-251 So What Do You Do? Experimenting with Space for Social Creativity
by Berthoin Antal, Ariane & Friedman, Victor J. - 329-341 Possible Policy Responses to a Dark Side of the Integration of Regions and Nations
by Stark, Oded - 723-745 Methoden und Daten zur Erforschung spezieller Organisationen: Multinationale Unternehmen
by Krzywdzinski, Martin - 1206-1219 Schulgeschichte bis 1945: Von Preußen bis zum Dritten Reich
by Edelstein, Benjamin & Veith, Herrmann - 1220-1232 Schulgeschichte nach 1945: Von der Nachkriegszeit bis zur Gegenwart
by Edelstein, Benjamin & Veith, Herrmann - 167625 Togo: Political and Socio-Economic Development (2015 – 2017)
by Kohnert, Dirk
2016, Volume XXIII, Issue 2 (607)
2016, Volume VII, Issue 2(14), Winter
- 146518 Aggregation with sequential non-convex public- and private-sector labor suply decisions
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2016, Volume VII, Issue 1(13)
- 1-5 Straight-time and Overtime: A Sequential-Lottery Approach
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2016, Volume 351, Issue 6280
- 1405-1406 A Research Symbiont
by Fecher, Benedikt & Wagner, Gert G.
2016, Volume 236, Issue 2
- 241-273 Firms' Evaluation of Location Quality: Evidence from East Germany
by Eickelpasch, Alexander & Hirte, Georg & Stephan, Andreas
2016, Volume 141
- 119-121 Influence in the Face of Impunity
by Kritikos, Alexander S. & Tan, Jonathan H.W.
2016, Volume 138 (Part 1)
- 47-58 Sustainable participation behaviour in agri-environmental measures
by Unay-Gailhard, İlkay & Bojnec, Štefan
2016, Volume 132, Issue 1
- 128-132 [Book Review] Eduardo de la Fuente and Peter Murphy: Aesthetic Capitalism
by Hutter, Michael
2016, Volume 125, Issue 3
- 853-883 Statistical and Perceived Diversity and Their Impacts on Neighborhood Social Cohesion in Germany, France and the Netherlands
by Koopmans, Ruud & Schaeffer, Merlin
2016, Volume 118
- 245-265 Entrepreneurship versus joblessness: Explaining the rise in self-employment
by Falco, Paolo & Haywood, Luke
2016, Volume 102
- 217-222 Perceived female intelligence as economic bad in partner choice
by Karbowski, Adam & Deja, Dominik & Zawisza, Mateusz
2016, Volume 98, Issue 5
- 203-211 Warum es keine Ergänzungsbilanz des KGaA-Komplementärs gibt
by Kollruss, Thomas
2016, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 79-98 New horizontal inequalities in German higher education? Social selectivity of studying abroad between 1991 and 2012
by Netz, Nicolai & Finger, Claudia
2016, Volume 80, Issue 4
- 914-942 Using Person-Fit Measures to Assess the Impact of Panel Conditioning on Reliability
by Kroh, Martin & Winter, Florin & Schupp, Jürgen
2016, Volume 74, Issue 5
- 391-403 Schlüsselfiguren: Raum als Gegenstand und Ressource des Wandels
by Gailing, Ludger & Ibert, Oliver
2016, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 176-205 Futures of robotics. Human work in digital transformation
by Kaivo-oja, Jari & Roth, Steffen & Westerlund, Leo
2016, Volume 71, Issue 4
- 515-520 Exercise at Different Ages and Appendicular Lean Mass and Strength in Later Life: Results From the Berlin Aging Study II
by Eibich, Peter & Buchmann, Nikolaus & Kroh, Martin & Wagner, Gert G. & Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth & Demuth, Ilja & Norman, Kristina
2016, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 757-779 Green attitude and economic growth
by Ott, Ingrid & Soretz, Susanne
2016, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 147-163 US Health and Aggregate Fluctuations
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2016, Volume 68, Issue 4
2016, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 677-684 Are we moving towards functioning agricultural markets and trade relations?
by Brosig, Stephan & Glauben, Thomas & Levkovych, Inna & Prehn, Sören & Teuber, Ramona
2016, Volume 66, Issue 40/42
- 4-11 Krise der Demokratie? Anmerkungen zu einem schwierigen Begriff
by Merkel, Wolfgang
2016, Volume 66, Issue 9
- 42-48 Ungleichheiten und Diskriminierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
by Hipp, Lena
2016, Volume 65, Issue Supplement
- 1-8 Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2015
by Baisakova, Nurzat & Herzfeld, Thomas
2016, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 197-217 Occupational Mobility, Educational Mobility and Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantages in Europe
by Želinský, Tomáš & Mysíková, Martina & Večerník, Jiří - 353-372 'A fish out of water?' The therapeutic narratives of class change
by Franceschelli, Michela & Evans, Karen & Schoon, Ingrid
2016, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 170-200 Ex-post Merger Evaluation in the U.K. Retail Market for Books
by Aguzzoni, Luca & Argentesi, Elena & Ciari, Lorenzo & Duso, Tomaso & Tognoni, Massimo
2016, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 725-751 Early Birds in Day Care: The Social Gradient in Starting Day Care and Children’s Non-cognitive Skills
by Peter, Frauke H. & Schober, Pia S. & Spiess, Katharina C.
2016, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 68-87 Rules versus Human Beings, and the Mandate of the ECB
by Fratzscher, Marcel
2016, Volume 60
- 176-185 FTR allocations to ease transition to nodal pricing: An application to the German power system
by Kunz, Friedrich & Neuhoff, Karsten & Rosellón, Juan
2016, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 52-57 Change or charade? Morocco’s constitutional reform process 2011
by Saliba, Ilyas
2016, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 247-275 Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland. Eine empirische Einordnung der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2013 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der AfD
by Lewandowsky, Marcel & Giebler, Heiko & Wagner, Aiko
2016, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 207-213 Youth Participation in Agriculture in the Nkonkobe District Municipality, South Africa
by Cheteni, Priviledge
2016, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 1884-1903 Effective European Antitrust : Does EC Merger Policy Generate Deterrence?
by Clougherty, Joseph A. & Duso, Tomaso & Lee, Miyu & Seldeslachts, Jo
2016, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 6-32 A multination study of socioeconomic inequality in expectations for progression to higher education: the role of between-school tracking and ability stratification
by Parker, Philip D. & Jerrim, John & Schoon, Ingrid & Marsh, Herbert W.
2016, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 85-96 Comparative Advantage and Cost Efficiency of Rice-Producing Farms in Bangladesh: A Policy Analysis
by Islam, Mohammad Ariful
2016, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 278-285 EU Agricultural Policy Reform: Evaluating the EU's New Methodology for Direct Payments
by Koester, Ulrich & Loy, Jens-Peter
2016, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 27-39 L’ordoliberalismo e la ricerca della sacralità
by Hien, Josef
2016, Volume 50, Issue 7
- 649-660 Sicheres und einfaches Data Sharing mit SowiDataNet: dokumentieren – veröffentlichen – nachnutzen
by Droß, Patrick J. & Linne, Monika
2016, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 154-166 Risk factors for repetition of a deliberate self-harm episode within seven days in adolescents and young adults: A population-level record linkage study in Western Australia
by Hu, Nan & Glauert, Rebecca A. & Li, Jianghong & Taylor, Catherine L.
2016, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 76-92 A Two-Stage Efficiency Analysis of Rail Passenger Franchising in Germany
by Link, Heike
2016, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 391-424 How state support of religion shapes attitudes toward Muslim immigrants: New evidence from a sub-national comparison
by Helbling, Marc & Traunmüller, Richard - 968-996 Personal income tax progressivity and output volatility: Evidence from OECD countries
by Rieth, Malte & Checherita-Westphal, Cristina & Attinasi, Maria-Grazia
2016, Volume 49
- 444-454 Resource curse contagion in the case of Yemen
by Ansari, Dawud
2016, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 304-326 Symbolisch oder echt? Die politische Beteiligung junger Erwachsener in Deutschland online und offline
by Ritzi, Claudia & Wagner, Aiko
2016, Volume 47
- 123-133 Aggregation with a double non-convex labor supply decision: indivisible private- and public-sector hours
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2016, Volume 46
- 11-20 Diverse pathways in becoming an adult: The role of structure, agency and context
by Schoon, Ingrid & Lyons-Amos, Mark - 112-128 Institutional constraints and the translation of college aspirations into intentions—Evidence from a factorial survey
by Finger, Claudia
2016, Volume 46, Part B
- 129-140 A stalled revolution? What can we learn from women’s drop-out to part-time jobs: A comparative analysis of Germany and the UK
by Dieckhoff, Martina & Gash, Vanessa & Mertens, Antje & Romeu Gordo, Laura
2016, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 2163-2165 Commentary: Biases in the assessment of long-run effects of deworming
by Humphreys, Macartan
2016, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 124-131 It's not about the leaders: It's about the practice of leadership
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2016, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 35-51 Estimating Alternative Technology Sets in Nonparametric Efficiency Analysis: Restriction Tests for Panel and Clustered Data
by Neumann, Anne & Nieswand, Maria & Schubert, Torben - 75-108 The brink of poverty: Implementation of a social assistance programme in rural China
by Kuhn, Lena & Brosig, Stephan & Zhang, Linxiu
2016, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 485-490 Zu diesem Heft - Das Regieren des Demos
by Blomert, Reinhard - 578-603 Die EU als Solidargemeinschaft
by Loh, Wulf & Skupien, Stefan
2016, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 345-350 Zu diesem Heft - Geliebte Täuschungen
by Blomert, Reinhard
2016, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 183-186 Zu diesem Heft - Verdrängung und Subsistenznot, Herrschaftsnot und Inklusionsnot
by Blomert, Reinhard - 295-308 Between the Hammer and the Anvil: The Impact of Economic Sanctions and Oil Prices on Russia’s Ruble
by Dreger, Christian & Kholodilin, Konstantin A. & Ulbricht, Dirk & Fidrmuc, Jarko
2016, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 3-8 Zu diesem Heft - Tauchen vor Delos
by Blomert, Reinhard
2016, Volume 43, Issue 12
- 1507-1512 Aggregation with a mix of indivisible and continuous labor supply decisions: the case of home production
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2016, Volume 43, Issue 4
2016, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 119-177 Work-family policy trade-offs for mothers? Unpacking the cross-national variation in motherhood earnings penalties
by Budig, Michelle J. & Misra, Joya & Boeckmann, Irene
2016, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 61-82 On the Empirical Relevance of the Lucas Critique: the Case of Euro Area Money Demand
by Dreger, Christian & Wolters, Jürgen
2016, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 669-684 Behutsamer Erneuerer: Gerhard A. Ritter und die Sozialgeschichte in der Bundesrepublik
by Kocka, Jürgen
2016, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 145-159 Klimaschutzpolitik : Wie kann ein Politikmix gestaltet werden?
by Andor, Mark & Frondel, Manuel & Neuhoff, Karsten & Petrick, Sebastian & Rüster, Sophia - 205-226 Representation as power and performative practice: Global civil society advocacy for working children
by Holzscheiter, Anna
2016, Volume 42
2016, Volume 41
- 172-182 Effects of the German Renewable Energy Act on structural change in agriculture – The case of biogas
by Appel, Franziska & Ostermeyer-Wiethaup, Arlette & Balmann, Alfons - 252-263 A Coordinated Strategic Reserve to Safeguard the European Energy Transition
by Neuhoff, Karsten & Diekmann, Jochen & Kunz, Friedrich & Rüster, Sophia & Schill, Wolf-Peter & Schwenen, Sebastian
2016, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 533-554 Financialization or Capitalization? Debating Capitalist Power in South Korea in the Context of Neoliberal Globalization
by Park, Hyeng-Joon & Doucette, Jamie
2016, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 73-87 Bereitstellung von Regelleistung durch Elektrofahrzeuge: Modellrechnungen für Deutschland im Jahr 2035
by Schill, Wolf-Peter & Niemeyer, Moritz & Zerrahn, Alexander & Diekmann, Jochen
2016, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 107-114 Who buys from farmers’ markets and farm shops: The case of Germany
by Bavorova, Miroslava & Unay-Gailhard, İlkay & Lehberger, Mira
2016, Volume 40
- 312-317 Sustainable urban mobility through the perspective of overcompliance
by Köse, Mehmet Çağrı & Steingrímsson, Jón Garðar & Schmid, Julia & van Veldhuizen, Roel & Kübler, Dorothea & Seliger, Günther
2016, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 611-617 Trouvaillen aus dem Nachlass werfen ein neues Licht auf das Lebenswerk von Norbert Elias
by Blomert, Reinhard
2016, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 381-403 Employment regulation and productivity: Is there a case for deregulation?
by Brookes, Michael & James, Philip & Rizov, Marian
2016, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 156-166 Chinese and African Migrant Entrepreneur’s Articulation Shaped By African Agency
by Kohnert, Dirk
2016, Volume 38
- 1-11 Wealth effects on job preferences
by Haywood, Luke
2016, Volume 37, Issue SI37
- 33-59 The Role of Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Europe: Infrastructure and Supply Security
by Holz, Franziska & Richter, Philipp M. & Egging, Ruud
2016, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 594-605 Freedom and equality in democracies: is there a trade-off?
by Giebler, Heiko & Merkel, Wolfgang
2016, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 25-43 Housing Market Fundamentals, Housing Quality and Energy Consumption: Evidence from Germany
by Claudy, Marius & Michelsen, Claus
2016, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 488-501 Fathers' Commute to Work and Children's Social and Emotional Well-Being in Germany
by Li, Jianghong & Pollmann-Schult, Matthias
2016, Volume 37
- 3-38 Power markets with Renewables: New perspectives for the European Target Model
by Neuhoff, Karsten & Wolter, Sophia & Schwenen, Sebastian - 147-169 Renewable Energy Support, Negative Prices, and Real-time Pricing
by Pahle, Michael & Schill, Wolf-Peter & Gambardella, Christian & Tietjen, Oliver - 171-194 European Scenarios of CO2 Infrastructure Investment until 2050
by Oei, Pao-Yu & Mendelevitch, Roman
2016, Volume 35, Issue 22
- 1591-1598 Das missachtete Verfassungsgebot - Wie das Sonderungsverbot nach Art. 7 IV 3 GG unterlaufen wird
by Wrase, Michael & Helbig, Marcel
2016, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 593-606 Expansion of Full-Day Childcare and Subjective Well-Being of Mothers: Interdependencies with Culture and Resources
by Schober, Pia S. & Stahl, Juliane F.
2016, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 609-630 Bridging Iranian Exporters with Foreign Markets : Does Diaspora Matter?
by Haidar, Jamal Ibrahim & Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein
2016, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 149-165 Terminal Decline in Well-Being: The Role of Social Orientation
by Gerstorf, Denis & Hoppmann, Christiane A. & Löckenhoff, Corinna E. & Infurna, Frank J. & Schupp, Jürgen & Wagner, Gert G. - 158-160 Book Review: Vishwas Satgar (ed.), The Solidarity Economy Alternative: Emerging Theory and Practice
by Klimczuk, Andrzej
2016, Volume 30, Issue 4
2016, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 436-454 Social distance and wage inequalities for immigrants in Switzerland
by Ebner, Christian & Helbling, Marc
2016, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 256-274 Family policies and fathers’ working hours: cross-national differences in the paternal labour supply
by Bünning, Mareike & Pollmann-Schult, Matthias
2016, Volume 30
- 377-392 Structural Vector Autoregressions : Checking Identifying Long-Run Restrictions via Heteroskedasticity
by Lütkepohl, Helmut & Velinov, Anton
2016, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 121-134 Neuere kapitalismuskritische und antikapitalistische Bewegungen
by Rucht, Dieter
2016, Volume 29
- 1-4 Introduction to special issue on work and family from a life course perspective: In Honor of Karl Ulrich Mayer’s 70th Birthday
by Aisenbrey, Silke & Fasang, Anette Eva - 66-79 Gender, education, and family life courses in East and West Germany: Insights from new sequence analysis techniques
by Struffolino, Emanuela & Studer, Matthias & Fasang, Anette Eva
2016, Volume 28, Issue 7
- 867-885 Gender equality in German universities: vernacularising the battle for the best brains
by Zippel, Kathrin S. & Ferree, Myra Marx & Zimmermann, Karin
2016, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 311-319 Value at Risk at Asian Emerging Stock Markets
by Naqvi, Syed Muhammad Waqar Azeem & Rizvi, Syed Kumail Abbas & Orangzab & Ali, Muhammad
2016, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 112-143 Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der deutschen Familiensoziologie: Theorien, Daten, Methoden
by Fasang, Anette Eva & Huinink, Johannes & Pollmann-Schult, Matthias
2016, Volume 28
- 22-30 Crime involvement and family formation: Evidence from the British birth cohort study
by Schoon,Ingrid & Mullin, Annabel J. C.
2016, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 819-835 The UK national minimum wage's impact on productivity
by Rizov, Marian & Croucher, Richard & Lange, Thomas
2016, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 464-468 Economy, culture, discourse and engagement in heterogeneous societies
by Merkel, Wolfgang
2016, Volume 27
- 43-60 Gendered work-family life courses and financial well-being in retirement
by Madero-Cabib, Ignacio & Fasang, Anette Eva
2016, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 314-326 Varieties of familialism: Comparing four southern European and East Asian welfare regimes
by Saraceno, Chiara
2016, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 48-65 Family policy in comparative perspective: the concepts and measurement of familization and defamilization
by Lohmann, Henning & Zagel, Hannah
2016, Volume 25, Issue 1
2016, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 161-171 Discrimination due to Ethnicity and Gender: How susceptible are video‐based job interviews?
by Kroll, Esther & Ziegler, Matthias
2016, Volume 24
2016, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 1126-1159 Short- and long-term participation tax rates and their impact on labor supply
by Bartels, Charlotte & Pestel, Nico
2016, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 374-392 Konfliktpartnerschaft - still alive: veränderter Konfliktmodus in der verarbeitenden Industrie
by Schroeder, Wolfgang - 379-417 Institutional spillovers from the negotiation and formulation of East Asian free trade agreements: Government-business relations in the policymaking of bilateral free trade agreements
by Postigo, Antonio
2016, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 48-81 Personal Taxation of Capital Income and the Financial Leverage of Firms
by Fossen, Frank M. & Simmler, Martin
2016, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 380-392 Can intergroup contact affect ingroup dynamics? Insights from a field study with Jewish and Arab-Palestinian youth in Israel
by Ditlmann, Ruth K. & Samii, Cyrus - 823-846 Accountability and opposition to globalization in international assemblies
by Wilde, Pieter de & Junk, Wiebke Marie & Palmtag, Tabea
2016, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 1826-1849 Unit Total Costs: An Alternative Marginal Cost Proxy for Inflation Dynamics
by Bratsiotis, George J. & Robinson, Wayne A.
2016, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 322-344 War, Housing Rents, and Free Market: Berlin's Rental Housing during World War I
by Kholodilin, Konstantin A. - 670-680 Institutional Determinants of Financial Development in MENA countries
by Cherif, Mondher & Dreger, Christian
2016, Volume 19, Issue 10
- 1355-1381 Job access after leaving education: A comparative analysis of young women and men in rural Germany
by Unay-Gailhard, İlkay
2016, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 185-194 Fiscal Policy Rules, Budget Deficits, and Forecasting Biases
by Baldi, Guido - 415-442 Veränderungen in der gruppenspezifischen Nutzung von ganztägigen Schulangeboten - Längsschnittanalysen für den Primarbereich
by Marcus, Jan & Nemitz, Janina & Spieß, C. Katharina
2016, Volume 19
- 286-347 Correcting for Self-selection Based Endogeneity in Management Research: Review, Recommendations and Simulations
by Clougherty, Joseph A. & Duso, Tomaso & Muck, Johannes
2016, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 295-314 Parenthood, child care, and nonstandard work schedules in Europe
by Bünning, Mareike & Pollmann-Schult, Matthias
2016, Volume 17, Issue 4
2016, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 16-40 Trade Defense Actions in Arab Countries Free Trade Agreements with the U.S: The Case of Safeguards
by Malkawi, Bashar H.