2017, Volume 44, Issue 12
- 2500-2502 The Age of Sustainable Development
by Simonis, Udo E.
2017, Volume 43, Issue 2
2017, Volume 41, Issue 1-4
- 1-16 Journals in Economic Sciences: Paying Lip Service to Reproducible Research?
by Vlaeminck, Sven & Podkrajac, Felix
2017, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 169-198 Moves Towards an Islamic Common Market: Evaluation of the Potentials
by Jafarli, Said
2017, Volume 38, Issue 1 and 2
- 65-83 Inter-temporal Calculative Trust Design to Reduce Collateral Need for Business Credits
by Muduli, Silu & Dash, Shridhar Kumar
2017, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 100-123 Sons, Daughters, and the Parental Division of Paid Work and Housework
by Pollmann-Schult, Matthias
2017, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 593-607 Strengthening Consumer Brand Relationships through Consumer Engagement: Online Brand Communities in Landscape of Social Media
by Sheeraz, Muhammad & Tanweer, Mariam & Khan, Kanwal Iqbal & Mahmood, Shahid
2017, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 430-452 The return of the regulator: Kazakhstan’s cotton sector reforms since independence
by Petrick, Martin & Oshakbayev, Dauren & Taitukova, Regina & Djanibekov, Nodir
2017, Volume 36
- 1703-1720 From never partnered to serial cohabitors: union trajectories to childlessness
by Jalovaara, Marika & Fasang, Anette Eva
2017, Volume 35, Issue 148
- 91-96 Mobilität und Digitalisierung – Freie Fahrt für die Verkehrswende!
by Canzler, Weert & Knie, Andreas
2017, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 26-30 Perspektivwechsel – Strategie im digitalen Zeitalter
by Müller, Hans-Erich
2017, Volume 34, Issue 6
2017, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 917-934 Groundwater quota versus tiered groundwater pricing: Two cases of groundwater management in north-west China
by Aarnoudse, Eefje & Qu, Wei & Bluemling, Bettina & Herzfeld, Thomas
2017, Volume 33, Issue 3
2017, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 25-26 Vulnerabilität und Resilienz im Verkehrssektor
by Schelewsky, Marc & Canzler, Weert
2017, Volume 32, Issue 3
2017, Volume 32, Issue 2
2017, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 394-414 Marginal employment for welfare recipients: stepping stone or obstacle?
by Lietzmann, Torsten & Schmelzer, Paul & Wiemers, Jürgen
2017, Volume 31
- 1-10 The long arm of childhood circumstances on health in old age: Evidence from SHARELIFE
by Pakpahan, Eduwin & Hoffmann, Rasmus & Kröger, Hannes
2017, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 431-434 [Book review] Ralph R. Frerichs: Deadly river. Cholera and cover-up in post-earthquake
by Hanrieder, Tine
2017, Volume 30, Issue 3
2017, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-22 Uneven and Combined Confusion: On the Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism and the Rise of the West
by Di Muzio, Tim & Dow, Matthew
2017, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 32-48 Teilzeitväter? Deutschland, Schweden, Irland und die Niederlande im Vergleich
by Hipp, Lena & Molitor, Friederike & Leschke, Janine & Bekker, Sonja - 49-71 Arbeitszeiten von Vätern: Welche Rolle spielen betriebskulturelle und betriebsstrukturelle Rahmenbedingungen?
by Bernhardt, Janine & Bünning, Mareike
2017, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 619-626 Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: A Multi-Cohort Study of 90,164 Individuals
by Dragano, Nico & Siegrist, Johannes & Nyberg, Solja T. & Lunau, Thorsten & Fransson, Eleonor I. & Alfredsson, Lars & Bjorner, Jakob B. & Borritz, Marianne & Burr, Hermann & Erbel, Raimund & Fahlen, Göran & Goldberg, Marcel & Hamer, Mark & Heikkilä, Katriina & Jöckel, Karl-Heinz & Madsen, Ida E.H. & Nielsen, Martin L. & Nordin, Maria & Oksanen, Tuula & Pejtersen, Jan H. & Pentti, Jaana & Rugulies, Reiner & Salo, Paula & Schupp, Jürgen & Singh-Manoux, Archana & Steptoe, Andrew & Theorell, Töres & Vahtera, Jussi & Westerholm, Peter J. M. & Westerlund, Hugo & Virtanen, Marianna & Zins, Marie & Batty, G. David & Kivimäki, Mika
2017, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 313-319 Education as social policy: An introduction
by Di Stasio, Valentina & Solga, Heike - 320-331 Who is minding the kids? New developments and lost opportunities in reforming the British early education workforce
by Gambaro, Ludovica - 332-345 Different systems, same inequalities? Post-compulsory education and young adults’ literacy in 18 OECD countries
by Borgna, Camilla - 346-359 The interplay of educational and labour market institutions and links to relative youth unemployment
by Brzinsky-Fay, Christian - 387-399 Going across Europe for an apprenticeship? A factorial survey experiment on employers’ hiring preferences in Germany
by Protsch, Paula & Solga, Heike - 475-481 Festgefahren: Anleitung zum Wandel der Automobilgesellschaft. Was die sozialwissenschaftliche Mobilitätsforschung auf Fragen nach den Herausforderungen und Chancen der Mobilität der Zukunft antwortet
by Canzler, Weert & Knie, Andreas
2017, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 303-317 „Public Sociology“ – Burawoy-Hype und linkes Projekt
by Neidhardt, Friedhelm
2017, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 791-803 Influence of exposure to perinatal risk factors and parental mental health related hospital admission on adolescent deliberate self-harm risk
by Hu, Nan & Li, Jianghong & Glauert, Rebecca A. & Taylor, Catherine L.
2017, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 55-69 Macht und substantielle Repräsentation von Frauen
by Blome, Agnes & Fuchs, Gesine - 57-65 Psychological distress among re-education through labour camp detainees in Guangxi Autonomous Region, China
by Yap, Lorraine & Shu, Su & Zhang, Lei & Liu, Wei & Chen, Yi & Wu, Zunyou & Li, Jianghong & Wand, Handan & Donovan, Basil & Butler, Tony - 149-169 If You Don't Know Me by Now: Explaining Local Candidate Recognition
by Giebler, Heiko & Weßels, Bernhard
2017, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 89-95 On the Meaning of Democracy: Critique and Counter-Critique
by Gholiagha, Sassan - 115-124 The European Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Danger of Ideational Monocultures
by Hien, Josef
2017, Volume 25
- 229-239 The Languages of Multinormativity
by Schuppert, Gunnar Folke
2017, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 8-20 A New Model for Pricing Collateralized OTC Derivatives
by Xiao, Tim
2017, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 103-117 Microfinance for poverty alleviation: Do transnational initiatives overlook fundamental questions of competition and intermediation?
by Arp, Frithjof & Ardisa, Alvin & Ardisa, Alviani - 302-329 Between Milieu and Vacuum – Organizational, Programmatic, and Electoral Strategies of the Former Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) Reexamined
by Kim, Seongcheol - 497-537 Accumulating through Food Crisis? Farmers, Commodity Traders and the Distributional Politics of Financialization
by Baines, Joseph
2017, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 127-129 Im Anfang war das Wort... und es ward Schnee von gestern? Das Vermächtnis der zib-Debatte zum kommunikativen Handeln
by Holzscheiter, Anna - 143-159 Was vom arguing übrigblieb… Der Nachhall der kommunikativen Wende in den Internationalen Beziehungen
by Holzscheiter, Anna
2017, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 448-460 Beyond policy positions: How party type conditions programmatic responses to globalization pressures
by Lacewell, Onawa Promise
2017, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 225-242 European Works Councils during the financial and economic crisis: Activation, stagnation or disintegration?
by Mählmeyer, Valentina & Rampeltshammer, Luitpold & Hertwig, Markus - 483-502 Emerging Powers and Emerging Trends in Global Governance
by Stephen, Matthew D.
2017, Volume 23, Issue 1
2017, Volume 23
- 1-14 Moving to a better place? Residential mobility among families with young children in the Millennium Cohort Study
by Gambaro, Ludovica & Joshi, Heather E. & Lupton, Ruth - 457-467 The Linked Employer–Employee Study of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-LEE): Content, Design and Research Potential
by Weinhardt, Michael & Meyermann, Alexia & Liebig, Stefan & Schupp, Jürgen
2017, Volume 22, Issue 03
- 1-21 Corruption perceptions and entrepreneurial intentions in a transitional context - The case of rural Bulgaria
by Traikova, Diana & Manolova, Tatiana S. & Möllers, Judith & Buchenrieder, Gertrud
2017, Volume 22, Issue 1-2
- 381-423 Organisation und Verfahren. Zum Veranstaltungsproblem von Verfahren
by Schwarting, Rena
2017, Volume 20, Issue 3
2017, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 175-186 The emergence and proliferation of agroholdings and mega farms in a global context
by Hermans, Frans & Chaddad, Fabio & Gagalyuk, Taras & Senesi, Sebastián & Balmann, Alfons - 201-220 Agency costs and organizational architecture of large corporate farms: evidence from Brazil
by Chaddad, Fabio & Valentinov, Vladislav - 239-256 Incentive provision to farm workers in post-socialist settings: evidence from East Germany and North Kazakhstan
by Petrick, Martin - 257-278 Strategic role of corporate transparency: the case of Ukrainian agroholdings
by Gagalyuk, Taras - 506-530 The impact of stress on tournament entry
by Buser, Thomas & Dreber, Anna & Mollerstrom, Johanna
2017, Volume 20, Issue 1
2017, Volume 20
2017, Volume 19, Issue 36
- 11-56 Un Modelo CcP Del Mercado De Valores
[A CasP Model of the Stock Market]
by Bichler, Shimshon & Nitzan, Jonathan
2017, Volume 19, Issue 9
- 1406-1423 Between coordination and regulation: Finding the governance in Internet governance
by Hofmann, Jeanette & Katzenbach, Christian & Gollatz, Kirsten
2017, Volume 19, Issue 4
2017, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 251-266 Antecedents of Attitude Toward Counterfeit Wrist Watches
by Ali, Mazhar & Farhat, Kashif
2017, Volume 18, Issue 7
- 1587-1594 Constitutional Identity in the Age of Global Migration
by Bast, Jürgen & Orgad, Liav
2017, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 181-226 ‘In the Short Run Blasé, in the Long Run Risqué’. On the Effects of Monetary Policy on Bank Credit Risk-Taking in the Short versus Long Run
by Jiménez, Gabriel & Ongena, Steven & Peydró, José-Luis & Saurina, Jesús
2017, Volume 17, Issue 4
2017, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 79-98 Measuring immigration policies: the IMPIC database
by Helbling, Marc & Bjerre, Liv & Römer, Friederike & Zobel, Malisa
2017, Volume 16
- 1-1 The impact of racial discrimination on the health of Australian Indigenous children aged 5-10 years: analysis of national longitudinal data
by Shepherd, Carrington C.J. & Li, Jianghong & Cooper, Matthew N. & Hopkins, Katrina D. & Farrant, Brad M.
2017, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 480-488 Durch die Brille der Kritik: Wie man Kapitalismusgeschichte auch schreiben kann
by Kocka, Jürgen - 746-783 Neighbourhood Turnover and Teenage Attainment
by Gibbons, Stephen & Silva, Olmo & Weinhardt, Felix
2017, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 127-145 Endogenizing Total Factor Productivity: The Foreign Direct Investment channel in the case of Bulgaria (2004-2013)
by Pesheva, Milena & Vasilev, Aleksandar
2017, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1-1 Poverty and child behavioral problems: the mediating role of parenting and parental well-being
by Kaiser, Till & Li, Jianghong & Pollmann-Schult, Matthias & Song, Anne Y.
2017, Volume 14, Issue 4-2
- 413-424 Ownership structure and corporate governance: What does the data reveal about Saudi listed firms?
by Al-Faryan, Mamdouh Abdulaziz Saleh & Dockery, Everton
2017, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 5-16 Grenzenlose Freiheit oder sozialstaatliche Bindung? – Zum Verbot der Sonderung der Schülerinnen und Schüler an privaten Ersatzschulen
by Hanschmann, Felix & Wrase, Michael
2017, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 197-219 Business Cycle Accounting: Bulgaria after the introduction of the currency board arrangement (1999-2014)
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 211-219 Intangible Investments and International Business Cycles
by Baldi, Guido & Bodmer, André
2017, Volume 14, Issue 2-2
- 338-349 The relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and the performance of Saudi listed firms
by Al-Faryan, Mamdouh Abdulaziz Saleh
2017, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 215-221 Leadership-as-practice: Theory and application—An editor’s reflection
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2017, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 225075 The aggregate of professed firm culture elements
by Dimitrov, Kiril
2017, Volume 12, Issue 12
- 1-13 Changes in vegetation phenology on the Mongolian Plateau and their climatic determinants
by Miao, Lijuan & Müller, Daniel & Cui, Xuefeng & Ma, Meihong
2017, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1-12 Can facts trump unconditional trust? Evidence-based information halves the influence of physicians’ non-evidence-based cancer screening recommendations
by Wegwarth, Odette & Wagner, Gert G. & Gigerenzer, Gerd - 1-24 Data sharing as social dilemma: Influence of the researcher’s personality
by Linek, Stephanie B. & Fecher, Benedikt & Friesike, Sascha & Hebing, Marcel
2017, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 1-34 "What else are you worried about?" – Integrating textual responses into quantitative social science research
by Rohrer, Julia M. & Brümmer, Martin & Schmukle, Stefan C. & Goebel, Jan & Wagner, Gert G.
2017, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 1-15 Growing up with a single mother and life satisfaction in adulthood: A test of mediating and moderating factors
by Richter, David & Lemola, Sakari
2017, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 80-99 A Cross- country study of the effect of institutional ownership on credit ratings
by AlHares, Aws & Ntim, Collins - 344-368 FFTrees: A toolbox to create, visualize, and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision trees
by Phillips, Nathaniel D. & Neth, Hansjörg & Woike, Jan K. & Gaissmaier, Wolfgang
2017, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-21 Social network analysis of multi-stakeholder platforms in agricultural research for development: Opportunities and constraints for innovation and scaling
by Hermans, Frans & Sartas, Murat & van Schagen, Boudy & van Asten, Piet & Schut, Marc - 1-22 Energy and Institution Size
by Fix, Blair - 40-45 Martingale Regressions for a Continuous Time Model of Exchange Rates
by Guo, Zi-Yi - 46-53 Housing Dynamics, Empirical Facts and the Business Cycle
by Guo, Zi-Yi - 0170387-0170387 Delaying rewards has greater effect on altruism when the beneficiary is socially distant
by Osiński, Jerzy & Karbowski, Adam
2017, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-23 Rekonvaleszenz der Demokratie? Die Erholung bürgerlicher Freiheitsrechte im internationalen Vergleich
by Kneip, Sascha & Wagner, Aiko - 49-68 HS 2002–HS 2017: Notes of the tariff nomenclature and the additional notes of the EU revisited
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Volume 10, Issue 10
- 1-28 Designing a Model for the Global Energy System—GENeSYS-MOD: An Application of the Open-Source Energy Modeling System (OSeMOSYS)
by Löffler, Konstantin & Hainsch, Karlo & Burandt, Thorsten & Oei, Pao-Yu & Kemfert, Claudia & Von Hirschhausen, Christian
2017, Volume 10, Issue 3
2017, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-14 The paradox of water management projects in Central Asia: An institutionalist perspective
by Chatalova, Lioudmila & Djanibekov, Nodir & Gagalyuk, Taras & Valentinov, Vladislav - 1-20 Can water abundance compensate for weak water governance? Determining and comparing dimensions of irrigation water security in Tajikistan
by Klümper, Frederike & Herzfeld, Thomas & Theesfeld, Insa
2017, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 361-388 How effective are HIV behaviour change interventions? Experimental evidence from Zimbabwe
by Rink, Anselm & Wong-Grünwald, Ramona - 1631-1636 Deliverable Factors of Manpower Requirement Plan: An Evidence from Indian EPC Company
by Gurudev, Amruth S. & Potti, Srinivasa Rao & Prasad, Shiva H.C.
2017, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 5-27 Inclusive Growth in Iran's Provinces (2004 -2015)
by Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein & Mohseni Charaghlou, Amin & Safari, Omid - 261-285 From constitutional rule to loosely coupled spheres of liquid authority: a reflexive approach
by Zürn, Michael
2017, Volume 8, Issue 10
- 28-33 Microeconomic Simulator of Firm Behavior under Monopolistic Competition
by Angelov, Aleks & Vasilev, Aleksandar
2017, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 290-301 Is there a wage penalty associated with degree of indecision in career aspirations? Evidence from the BCS70
by Sabates, Ricardo & Gutman, Leslie Morrison & Schoon, Ingrid
2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-17 VAT Evasion in Bulgaria: A General-Equilibrium Approach
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 144-148 Aggregation with sequential indivisible and continuous labor supply decisions and an informal sector
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2017, Volume 8, Issue 1 (15)
- 73-77 Aggregation with two-member households and home production
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 45-77 Revisiting the Invisible Hand Hypothesis: A Comparative Study between Bulgaria and Germany
by Vasilev, Aleksandar & Gesheva, Nadezhda - 97-114 Social responsibility in Ukrainian agriculture: the regional issue
by Levkivska, Larysa & Levkovych, Inna
2017, Volume 8
- 1-1 Payoff information hampers the evolution of cooperation
by Huck, Steffen & Leutgeb, Johannes & Oprea, Ryan - 1-8 Imagine-self perspective-taking and rational self-interested behavior in a simple experimental normal-form game
by Karbowski, Adam & Ramsza, Michał
2017, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 17-24 The World Customs Organization - A History of 65 Years of Growth and its Legal Milestones
by Weerth, Carsten - 115-130 Ansturm auf „gute“ Schulen? Die Auswirkungen der Veröffentlichung von Abiturnoten auf die Zusammensetzung von Schülerinnen und Schülern an Berliner Schulen
[Mad dash for “good” schools? Consequences of publishing High School grades for the composition of students at schools in Berlin]
by Helbig, Marcel & Nikolai, Rita
2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
2017, Volume 7
- 1-8 In search of features that constitute an “enriched environment” in humans: Associations between geographical properties and brain structure
by Kühn, Simone & Düzel, Sandra & Eibich, Peter & Krekel, Christian & Wüstemann, Henry & Kolbe, Jens & Martensson, Johann & Goebel, Jan & Gallinat, Jürgen & Wagner, Gert G. & Lindenberger, Ulman - 1-10 Attraction Effect in Risky Choice Can Be Explained by Subjective Distance Between Choice Alternatives
by Mohr, Peter N. C. & Heekeren, Hauke R. & Rieskamp, Jörg
2017, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 20-30 Organizational Excellence in Palestinian Universities of Gaza Strip
by Al hilaa, Amal A. & Al Shobakib, Mazen J. & Abu Amuna, Youssef M. & Abu Naser, Samy S. - 42-55 Requirements for Applying Decision Support Systems in Palestinian Higher Education Institutions - Applied Study on Al - Aqsa University in Gaza
by Al Shobaki, Mazen J. & Abu Naser, Samy S.
2017, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-16 The land-water-food nexus: expanding the social-ecological system framework to link land and water governance
by Klümper, Frederike & Theesfeld, Insa
2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 Editorial: The end of ‘the West’ and the future of global constitutionalism
by Kumm, Mattias & Havercroft, Jonathan & Dunoff, Jeffrey L. & Wiener, Antje
2017, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-20 Management of Oil Revenues: Has That of Azerbaijan Been Prudent?
by Gurbanov, Sarvar & Nugent, Jeffrey B. & Mikayilov, Jeyhun - 106-109 Economics of Maize (Zea mays L.) production in Nigeria and Maize traditional utilization
by Adiaha, Monday Sunday
2017, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-6 Post-Snowden internet policy: between public outrage, resistance and policy change
by Pohle, Julia & Van Audenhove, Leo - 1-11 The PIAAC longitudinal study in Germany: rationale and design
by Rammstedt, Beatrice & Martin, Silke & Zabal, Anouk & Carstensen, Claus & Schupp, Jürgen - 93-95 The impact of Maize (Zea mays L.) and it uses for human development: A review
by Adiaha, Monday Sunday
2017, Volume 5, Issue 1/2
- 41-60 „Keine unklugen Leute“. Die Durchsetzung des „Stadtumbau Ost“
by Bernt, Matthias
2017, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 215-218 Capability Approach: A Formal Introduction
by León Tamayo, Dorian Fernando
2017, Volume 4
- 1-11 A new global anthropogenic heat estimation based on high-resolution nighttime light data
by Yang, Wangming & Luan, Yibo & Liu, Xiaolei & Yu, Xiaoyong & Miao, Lijuan & Cui, Xuefeng
2017, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 41-53 The rising challenge of multiple water resource use at the urban fringes - evidence from Ferghana District of Uzbekistan
by Mukhamedova, Nozilakhon & Wegerich, Kai - 89-108 Testing consumer theory: evidence from a natural field experiment
by Adena, Maja & Huck, Steffen & Rasul, Imran
2017, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 41-75 Free research in fearful times: conceptualizing an index to monitor academic freedom
by Grimm, Jannis & Saliba, Ilyas - 216-219 [Rezension] Wolfgang Ullrich: Siegerkunst. Neuer Adel, teure Lust. Berlin: Wagenbach, 2016
by Hutter, Michael
2017, Volume 3
- 1-11 The populism of the Alternative for Germany (AfD): an extended Essex School perspective
by Kim, Seongcheol - 1-19 Participatory local governance and cultural practices in Thailand
by Buchenrieder, Gertrud & Dufhues, Thomas & Theesfeld, Insa & Nuchanata, Mungkung
2017, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 19-34 Insurance-markets Equilibrium with Sequential Non-convex Private- and Public-Sector Labor Supply
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2017, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 22-35 The Effect of Academic Freedoms in Enhancing the Social Responsibility of Palestinian University Staff in the Gaza Governorates
by Al Hila, Amal A. & Al Shobaki, Mazen J. & Abu Naser, Samy S. - 36-55 The Efficiency of Information Technology and its Role of e-HRM in the Palestinian Universities
by Al Shobaki, Mazen J. & Abu Naser, Samy S. & Abu Amuna, Youssef M. & El Talla, Suliman A. - 93-109 The Impact of the Availability of Technological Infrastructure on the Success of the Electronic Document Management System of the Palestinian Pension Authority
by Kassab, Mohammed Khair I. & Abu Naser, Samy S. & Al Shobaki, Mazen J. - 110-125 Effects of Mobile Technology on Human Relationships
by Elsobeihi, Mohammed M. & Abu Naser, Samy S.
2017, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 55-66 Constitutional Courts and Legislatures: Institutional Terms of Engagement
by Kumm, Mattias
2017, Issue 157
- 53-56 Die populistische Revolte
by Merkel, Wolfgang
2017, Issue 43
- 115-135 ¿Por qué y cómo se está extendiendo el Manifesto Project a América Latina?
by Ares, Cristina & Volkens, Andrea
2017, Issue 12/2017
- 61-63 Übersicht der Zollbefreiungen (Teil 1 und 2)
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 9
- 51-52 Smartphone-App Zoll und Post
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 8
- 27-48 Acculturation and Ethnic Hybridism in Immigrant Entrepreneurship
by Arrighetti, Alessandro & Bolzani, Daniela & Lasagni, Andrea
2017, Issue 5/2017
- 28-30 Entwicklung des Harmonisierten Systems, neue Lücken und alle Anmerkungen - HS 2017
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 4
- 359-377 A Real-Business-Cycle model with efficiency wages and a government sector: the case of Bulgaria
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2017, Issue 4/2017
- 20-24 AEO-Programme weltweit – Stand 2017
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 3
- 17-31 Social democracy in Europe 4.0
by Gazier, Bernard & Schmid, Günther
2017, Issue 2
- 20-26 Trump, the Right-Wing Populists, and Democracy
by Merkel, Wolfgang - 36-56 The level of the inflation target – a review of the issues
by Apel, Mikael & Armelius, Hanna & Claussen, Carl Andreas
2017, Issue 1-2/2017
- 1-3 Das Zollverfahren der Ausfuhr nach dem Unionszollkodex in grafischen Übersichten
by Weerth, Carsten
2017, Issue 1
- 17-21 The New Dictatorships
by Merkel, Wolfgang - 30-46 Institutional underpinnings of the development of knowledge sub-systems in Central and Eastern Europe
by Karbowski, Adam - 83-103 Inflation targets and intervals – an overview of the issues
by Apel, Mikael & Claussen, Carl Andreas - 110-122 Zusammenhänge zwischen Beruf und befristeter Beschäftigung
by Stuth, Stefan
- 1-1 Changes in human resources in Poland with regard to migration tendencies in the period 2010-2016
by Karbowski, Adam - 1-4 Work, Domestic Work, Emotional Labour
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 1-5 Welfare State
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 1-5 Labor markets
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 1-8 Strategic Uncertainty in Markets for Nonrenewable Resources: A Level-k Approach
by Vierhaus, Ingmar & van Veldhuizen, Roel & Fügenschuh, Armin - 1-17 Labour Process Theory and the New Digital Workplace
by Briken, Kendra & Chillas, Shiona & Krzywdzinski, Martin & Marks, Abigail - 1-26 Gender Role Asymmetry and Stock Market Participation – Evidence from four European Household Surveys
by Barasinska, Nataliya & Schäfer, Dorothea - 1-39 Human Rights Protection in International Organizations: An Introduction
by Zürn, Michael & Heupel, Monika - 3-4 Warum Digitalpolitik?
by Jaume-Palasí, Lorena & Pohle, Julia & Spielkamp, Matthias - 3-12 Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe
by O'Reilly, Jacqueline & Smith, Mark & Nazio, Tiziana & Moyart, Clémentine - 31-42 Open Data in den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: das Forschungsdatenrepositorium SowiDataNet
by Droß, Patrick J. & Fräßdorf, Mathis & Kubaty, Paul & Naujoks, Julian - 46-52 Arbeitsprogramm zum UZK 2016 – Beschluss (EU) 2016/578
by Weerth, Carsten - 51-74 Is the Structure of Human Rights Practice Defensible? Three Puzzles and Their Resolution
by Kumm, Mattias - 85-98 Constellations of trust and distrust in internet governance
by Hofmann, Jeanette - 131-138 Was Keynes a Liberal?
by Blomert, Reinhard - 146-157 Between embeddedness and otherness – internationalisation of grocery retailers in emerging markets
by Suwala, Lech & Kulke, Elmar - 147-157 Social networks of influence in Europe - and beyond
by Plehwe, Dieter - 162-180 Ist eine "gute" Schule eine "inklusive" Schule? Bewertungskriterien von Schulinspektionen in Deutschland (Hamburg/Sachsen-Anhalt) und England
by Piezunka, Anne - 169-182 Wachstumszwänge: Ressourcenverbrauch und Akkumulation als Wettbewerbsverzerrungen
by Richters, Oliver & Siemoneit, Andreas - 179-182 Introduction: How do families matter in helping young people find work?
by Nazio, Tiziana & Gábos, András - 189-215 Digitalisierung als Kontext politischen Handelns. Republikanische Perspektiven auf die digitale Transformation der Gegenwart
by Thiel, Thorsten - 194-196 Is any job better than no job?
by Filandri, Marianna & Nazio, Tiziana & O'Reilly, Jacqueline - 197-199 The luck is in the family: Continued financial support after leaving the nest
by Filandri, Marianna & Nazio, Tiziana - 197-205 Neun Jahre Zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter (AEO)
by Weerth, Carsten - 207-211 Policy themes on family matters
by Nazio, Tiziana & Gábos, András - 221-251 So What Do You Do? Experimenting with Space for Social Creativity
by Berthoin Antal, Ariane & Friedman, Victor J. - 329-341 Possible Policy Responses to a Dark Side of the Integration of Regions and Nations
by Stark, Oded - 723-745 Methoden und Daten zur Erforschung spezieller Organisationen: Multinationale Unternehmen
by Krzywdzinski, Martin - 1206-1219 Schulgeschichte bis 1945: Von Preußen bis zum Dritten Reich
by Edelstein, Benjamin & Veith, Herrmann - 1220-1232 Schulgeschichte nach 1945: Von der Nachkriegszeit bis zur Gegenwart
by Edelstein, Benjamin & Veith, Herrmann - 167625 Togo: Political and Socio-Economic Development (2015 – 2017)
by Kohnert, Dirk
2016, Volume XXIII, Issue 2 (607)
2016, Volume VII, Issue 2(14), Winter
- 146518 Aggregation with sequential non-convex public- and private-sector labor suply decisions
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2016, Volume VII, Issue 1(13)
- 1-5 Straight-time and Overtime: A Sequential-Lottery Approach
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2016, Volume 351, Issue 6280
- 1405-1406 A Research Symbiont
by Fecher, Benedikt & Wagner, Gert G.
2016, Volume 236, Issue 2
- 241-273 Firms' Evaluation of Location Quality: Evidence from East Germany
by Eickelpasch, Alexander & Hirte, Georg & Stephan, Andreas
2016, Volume 141
- 119-121 Influence in the Face of Impunity
by Kritikos, Alexander S. & Tan, Jonathan H.W.
2016, Volume 138 (Part 1)
- 47-58 Sustainable participation behaviour in agri-environmental measures
by Unay-Gailhard, İlkay & Bojnec, Štefan
2016, Volume 132, Issue 1
- 128-132 [Book Review] Eduardo de la Fuente and Peter Murphy: Aesthetic Capitalism
by Hutter, Michael
2016, Volume 125, Issue 3
- 853-883 Statistical and Perceived Diversity and Their Impacts on Neighborhood Social Cohesion in Germany, France and the Netherlands
by Koopmans, Ruud & Schaeffer, Merlin
2016, Volume 118
- 245-265 Entrepreneurship versus joblessness: Explaining the rise in self-employment
by Falco, Paolo & Haywood, Luke