2000, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 339-352 On dynamic programming with unbounded returns
by Jorge DurÂn - 353-365 Individual monotonicity and the leximin solution
by Mark A. Chen - 367-387 How strategy sensitive are contributions?
by Gary E. Bolton & Jordi Brandts & Elena Katok - 389-419 An experimental study of decisions in dynamic optimization problems
by Kenneth Matheny & Charles Noussair - 421-462 An experimental study of information and mixed-strategy play in the three-person matching-pennies game
by Arijit Mukherji & Kevin A. McCabe & David E. Runkle - 463-468 A simple proof of Ekeland and Scheinkman's result on the necessity of a transversality condition
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 469-476 Parametric characterizations of risk aversion and prudence
by Lars Tyge Nielsen & Fatma Lajeri - 477-483 Approval voting in subset elections
by James Wiseman - 485-490 Two simple proofs of the feasibility of the linear tracing procedure
by P. Jean-Jacques Herings - 491-498 Effects of temporal heterogeniety in the Baumol-Wolff productivity growth model
by Hassan Sedaghat
March 2000, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 279-296 Bargaining, coalitions and competition
by Nir Dagan & Roberto Serrano & Oscar Volij
2000, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-53 Mathematical structure of voting paradoxes
by Donald G. Saari - 55-102 Mathematical structure of voting paradoxes
by Donald G. Saari - 103-138 Infinite horizon CAPM equilibrium
by Michael Magill & Martine Quinzii - 139-161 On the roles of impatiencein homothetic growth paths
by Jean-Pierre Drugeon - 163-184 Ergodic chaos, learning and sunspot equilibrium
by Wilfredo L. Maldonado & Aloisio P. Araujo - 185-205 Social learning and costly information acquisition
by Roberto Burguet & Xavier Vives - 207-213 A martingale characterization of equilibrium asset price processes
by A. Lazrak & J.P. DÊcamps - 215-219 Optimal investment sequence
by Ping-shu Tso & Koon-lam Shea & Tai-man Tang - 221-226 Independence of irrelevant alternatives and consistency of choice
by Vincenzo DenicolÔ - 227-233 Notes on some inequalities in economics
by Rolf Färe & Shawna Grosskopf
1999, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 507-544 The complete removal of individual uncertainty: multiple optimal choices and random exchange economies
by Yeneng Sun - 545-563 Manipulation-proof equilibrium in atomless economies with commodity differentiation
by Mário Rui Páscoa & Carlos Hervés-Beloso & Emma Moreno-García - 565-582 Optimal and competitive programs in reachable multi sector models
by Tapan Mitra & Swapan Dasgupta - 583-595 Efficient strategy-proof allocation functions in linear production economies
by François Maniquet & Yves Sprumont - 597-607 A turnpike property of optimal programs for a class of simple linear models of production
by Ilaria Ossella - 609-620 On the structure of choice under different external references
by Wulf Gaertner & Yongsheng Xu - 621-633 Nash equilibrium without mutual knowledge of rationality
by Kin Chung Lo - 635-651 Fictitious play in `one-against-all' multi-player games
by Aner Sela - 653-668 Speculative securities
by Rohit Rahi & José M. Marín - 669-684 Endogenous technological change with leisure-dependent utility
by Paul A. de Hek - 685-689 Strategy-proof and individually rational social choice functions for public good economies: A note
by Rajat Deb & Shinji Ohseto - 691-704 General equilibrium and resource economics
by Cees A. Withagen & Jan H. van Geldrop - 705-715 Long run equilibria in an asymmetric oligopoly
by Yasuhito Tanaka - 717-727 A difficulty with the address models of product differentiation
by Martin Peitz - 729-740 How to avoid the consequences of anticipated monetary policies
by Hans Gersbach - 741-749 A simple example of complex dynamics
by Anjan Mukherji
1999, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 257-284 The price normalization problem in imperfect competition and the objective of the firm
by Birgit Grodal & Egbert Dierker - 285-296 Differentiable von Neumann-Morgenstern utility
by Lars Tyge Nielsen - 297-310 Decentralizing Edgeworth equilibria in economies with many commodities
by Messaoud Deghdak & Monique Florenzano - 311-329 The robustness of optimal equilibrium among overlapping generations
by Jonathan L. Burke - 331-352 A general model of insurance under adverse selection
by Michael Landsberger & Isaac Meilijson - 353-371 Rationalizability and equilibrium in N-person sequential bargaining
by Vincent J. Vannetelbosch - 373-392 The multiple unit auction with variable supply
by Yvan Lengwiler - 393-415 Assignment models and reneging
by Prabal Roy Chowdhury - 417-428 Learning buyers' valuation distribution in posted-price selling
by Ruqu Wang & Yongmin Chen - 429-437 Uncertainty and entry deterrence
by Eric S. Maskin - 439-461 Fashion and wealth accumulation
by Shouyong Shi - 463-471 A note on asymmetric and mixed strategy equilibria in the search-theoretic model of fiat money
by Randall Wright - 473-478 Approximation by finite horizons of the undiscounted one-sector growth model
by Wilfredo Leiva Maldonado - 479-488 On Lipschitz continuity of policy functions in continuous-time optimal growth models
by Maria Luisa Gota & Luigi Montrucchio - 489-500 Environmental sustainability, nonlinear dynamics and chaos
by Junxi Zhang - 501-503 A simple proof of the Sato proposition on non-homothetic CES functions
by Koji Shimomura
1999, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-27 Non-computability of competitive equilibrium
by Kam-Chau Wong & Marcel K. Richter - 89-111 A general class of additively decomposable inequality measures
by James E. Foster & Artyom A. Shneyerov - 113-130 A formal model of theory choice in science
by William A. Brock & Steven N. Durlauf - 131-153 Strategic transmission of information and short-term commitment
by Theofanis Tsoulouhas & Charles M. Kahn - 155-180 A characterization of efficient, bayesian incentive compatible mechanisms
by Steven R. Williams - 181-201 Uncertainty and insurance in strategic market games
by Sonia Weyers - 203-218 Externalities, expectations, and growth
by Fernando Vega-Redondo - 219-226 The limit theorem on the core of a production economy in vector lattices with unordered preferences
by Rabee Tourky - 227-235 Efficiency and options on the market index
by Gabrielle Demange & Guy Laroque - 237-245 Stability in the patent race contest of Lee and Wilde
by Kofi O. Nti - 247-253 Bounding the benefits of stochastic auditing: The case of risk-neutral agents
by Christopher M. Snyder
1999, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 509-539 Equilibrium interest rate and liquidity premium with transaction costs
by Jean-Luc Vila & Dimitri Vayanos - 541-560 Weak measurability and characterizations of risk
by M. Ali Khan & Yeneng Sun - 561-575 Signaling via an agenda in multi-issue bargaining with incomplete information
by Lutz-Alexander Busch & Ignatius J. Horstmann - 577-601 Bargaining with asymmetric information in non-stationary markets
by Daniel Trefler - 603-628 Asymmetric information in a competitive market game: Reexamining the implications of rational expectations
by James Peck & Matthew O. Jackson - 629-642 Exchange and optimality
by S. Ghosal & H. M. Polemarchakis - 643-670 Exit, sunk costs and the selection of firms
by Yves Richelle & Paolo G. Garella - 671-687 Revealed group preferences on non-convex choice problems
by Efe A. Ok & Lin Zhou - 689-707 Double implementation in economies with production technologies unknown to the designer
by Guoqiang Tian - 709-722 Strategy-proofness versus efficiency for small domains of preferences over public goods
by James Schummer - 723-733 Bundling decisions for selling multiple objects
by Indranil Chakraborty - 735-742 Open core and quasi-equilibria with lower semi-continuous preferences
by Ning Sun - 743-751 Nash equilibria in \infty-dimensional spaces: an approximation theorem
by Allan Muir & Dionysius Glycopantis
1999, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 263-286 Least convex capacities
by Larry G. Epstein & Jiankang Zhang - 287-308 Disaggregation of excess demand and comparative statics with incomplete markets and nominal assets
by Thorsten Hens & Piero Gottardi - 309-327 On optimal cycles in dynamic programming models with convex return function
by Michael Kopel & Herbert Dawid - 329-343 Risk and evolution
by Ted To - 345-363 The likelihood of dubious election outcomes
by Donald G. Saari & Maria M. Tataru - 365-375 Satisficing and optimality in 2þ2 common interest games
by Youngse Kim - 377-391 Auctions with endogenous valuations: the snowball effect revisited
by Kala Krishna - 393-416 Endogenous fertility and growth in a model with old age support
by Rupa Chakrabarti - 417-428 Abraham Wald's equilibrium existence proof reconsidered
by Reinhard John - 429-445 Effects of uncertain lifetime and annuity insurance on capital accumulation and growth
by Luisa Fuster - 447-470 Competitive pricing of information goods: Subscription pricing versus pay-per-use
by Peter C. Fishburn & Andrew M. Odlyzko - 471-481 On the continuity of correspondences on sets of measures with restricted marginals
by James Bergin - 483-494 Stability of the cooperative equilibrium in N -person prisoners' dilemma with sequential moves
by Ko Nishihara - 495-505 Investment coordination and demand complementarities
by Jean-Marie Baland & Patrick Francois
1999, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-24 On the uniqueness of fully informative rational expectations equilibria
by Peter DeMarzo & Costis Skiadas - 25-40 Welfare-improving financial innovation with a single good
by Ronel Elul - 41-92 Decentralized computation procurement and computational robustness in a smart market
by Paul J. Brewer - 93-123 How complex are networks playing repeated games?
by Hao Li & In-Koo Cho - 125-142 Adaptive learning in extensive form games and sequential equilibrium
by Ebbe Groes & Hans JÛrgen Jacobsen & Birgitte Sloth - 143-169 Strong rationalizability for two-player noncooperative games
by Niels Anthonisen - 171-181 The ratchet effect and bargaining power in a two-stage model of competitive bidding
by Keith Waehrer - 183-197 Strategy-proof allocation mechanisms for pure public goods economies when preferences are monotonic
by Diego Moreno - 199-205 Fiscal rules of income transformation
by Isabel H. Correia - 207-219 Optimal accumulation in a small open economy with technological uncertainty
by Manjira Datta - 221-227 Quasiconcavity and the kernel of a separable utility
by Paulo Klinger Monteiro - 229-237 Payoff equivalence between Bayesian and ex post individually rational dominant strategy mechanisms
by Georgia Kosmopoulou - 239-246 A note on duality in consumer theory
by Susanne Fuchs-Seliger - 247-260 Multiple unit auctions with strategic price-quantity decisions
by Rafael Tenorio
1998, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 461-488 Capital accumulation and real exchange rate behavior in a small open economy with credit market frictions
by Elisabeth Huybens & Gaetano Antinolfi - 489-517 Unemployment, credit rationing, and capital accumulation: a tale of two frictions
by Caroline Betts & Joydeep Bhattacharya - 519-560 The evolution of debt and equity markets in economic development
by Bruce D. Smith & John H. Boyd - 561-581 Executive compensation: a calibration approach
by Ivilina Popova & Joseph G. Haubrich - 583-597 Agency costs and business cycles
by Timothy S. Fuerst & Charles T. Carlstrom - 599-620 Asymmetric information, financial intermediation, and business cycles
by Kwanghee Nam & Thomas F. Cooley - 621-648 Aggregate fluctuations, financial constraints and risk sharing
by Pamela Labadie - 649-665 Asset price volatility in a nonconvex general equilibrium model
by Costas Azariadis & Shankha Chakraborty
1998, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 227-258 Multi-unit auctions with uniform prices
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans & Charles M. Kahn - 259-292 Unawareness and bankruptcy: A general equilibrium model
by Salvatore Modica & J.-Marc Tallon & Aldo Rustichini - 293-312 Recursive utility and preferences for information
by Costis Skiadas - 313-334 Condorcet cycles in bipartite populations
by HervÊ CrÉs & Yves Balasko - 335-347 The role of diminishing returns in neo-Schumpeterian growth theory
by Cindy Houser - 349-369 A model with endogenously determined cycles, discounting and growth
by Jean-Pierre Drugeon - 371-391 Sequential decisions with several agents
by Marco Scarsini & Bruno Bassan - 393-421 The robustness of the independent private value model in Bayesian mechanism design
by Steven R. Williams & Georgia Kosmopoulou - 423-432 Efficiency, monotonicity and rationality in public goods economies
by M. GinÊs & F. Marhuenda - 433-440 Sequential equilibria of asymmetric ascending auctions: The case of log-normal distributions
by Robert Wilson - 441-448 Axiomatic characterizations of the Choquet integral
by Ebbe Groes & Hans JÛrgen Jacobsen & Birgitte Sloth & Torben TranÖs
1998, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-20 Sealed bid auctions with uncertainty averse bidders
by Kin Chung Lo - 21-75 General equilibrium, markets, macroeconomics and money in a laboratory experimental environment
by Peng Lian & Charles R. Plott - 77-102 The measurement of income mobility: A partial ordering approach
by Tapan Mitra & Efe A. Ok - 103-122 Uniqueness of asset prices in an exchange economy with unbounded utility
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 123-146 General equilibrium, markets, macroeconomics and money in a laboratory experimental environment
by Peng Lian & Charles R. Plott - 147-162 Quasitransitive social preference: why some very large coalitions have very little power
by Jerry S. Kelly & Donald E. Campbell - 163-176 A unified treatment of finite and infinite economies: limited arbitrage is necessary and sufficient for the existence of equilibrium and the core
by Graciela Chichilnisky & Geoffrey Heal - 177-188 Characterizing C2 aggregate excess demand functions
by Kam-Chau Wong - 189-198 Serial cost sharing of excludable public goods: general cost functions
by James A. Dearden - 199-212 Elastic demand, sunk costs and the Kreps-Scheinkman extension of the Cournot model
by Paul Madden - 213-223 A note on the "size" of determinacy and indeterminacy
by Julio DÂvila
1998, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 467-494 Pareto improving financial innovation in incomplete markets
by David Cass & Alessandro Citanna - 495-521 Constrained suboptimality in incomplete markets: a general approach and two applications
by Atsushi Kajii & Antonio Villanacci & Alessandro Citanna - 523-543 Cooperative interim contract and re-contract: Chandler's M-form firm
by Tatsuro Ichiishi & Murat R. Sertel - 545-562 The optimality of nominal contracts
by Guido Tabellini & Scott Freeman - 563-584 A two-stage core with applications to asset market and differential information economies
by Leonidas C. Koutsougeras - 585-601 The least core, kernel and bargaining sets of large games
by Dov Monderer & Ezra Einy & Diego Moreno - 603-627 Coalitional stability under perfect foresight
by Licun Xue - 629-641 Translation homotheticity
by Robert G. Chambers & Rolf Färe - 643-655 Bayesian learning and convergence to Nash equilibria without common priors
by Yaw Nyarko - 657-665 Social learning in a changing world
by Marco Ottaviani & Giuseppe Moscarini & Lones Smith - 667-672 Rubinstein bargaining with two-sided outside options
by JÕzsef SÂkovics & Clara PonsatÎ
1998, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 241-273 Capital market imperfections in a monetary growth model
by Bruce D. Smith & John H. Boyd - 275-294 Unstable and stable steady-states in the Kiyotaki-Wright model
by Juan-Manuel Renero - 295-315 Options and sunspots in a simple monetary economy
by Gaetano Antinolfi & Todd Keister - 317-330 Manifolds of golden rule and balanced steady state equilibria
by Yves Balasko & Christine Lang - 331-377 Edgeworth's conjecture with infinitely many commodities: commodity differentiation
by William R. Zame & Robert M. Anderson - 379-402 Non-neutral responses to money supply shocks when consumption and leisure are Pareto substitutes
by Kenneth J. Matheny - 403-412 The last word on Giffen goods?
by John H. Nachbar - 413-426 A revealed-preference implication of weighted utility decisions under uncertainty
by In-Uck Park - 427-442 Cooperative games in permutational structure
by Gerard van der Laan & Zaifu Yang & Dolf Talman - 443-455 Aggregation, efficiency and mutual fund separation in incomplete markets
by JÊrÆme B. Detemple & Piero Gottardi - 457-464 On capital accumulation paths in a neoclassical stochastic growth model
by Kaushik Mitra
1997, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-37 Convergence of the Aumann-Davis-Maschler and Geanakoplos bargaining sets
by Robert M. Anderson - 39-55 Efficient delays in a stochastic model of bargaining
by Antonio Merlo & Charles Wilson - 57-77 Strategic bargaining in the variable threat game
by Harold Houba & Wilko Bolt - 79-100 Markov-perfect Nash equilibria in a class of resource games
by Gerhard Sorger - 101-127 Semi-core equivalence
by Pieter H. M. Ruys & Robert P. Gilles & Hans H. Haller - 129-155 Ranking agencies under moral hazard
by Bharat Sarath & Edward Henry Robbins - 157-169 Monopolistic price setting and supply rigidities in a disequilibrium framework
by Werner Smolny - 171-200 Credit market imperfections, income distribution, and capital accumulation
by Joydeep Bhattacharya - 201-204 Contest success functions: an extension
by Christian Riis & Derek J. Clark - 205-213 Incomplete markets, continuum of states and default
by A. Araujo & M. R. Páscoa & P. K. Monteiro - 215-224 Matching and bargaining models of markets: approximating small markets by large markets
by John Wooders
1997, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 383-411 Efficiency and incentive compatibility in differential information economies
by Guangsug Hahn & Nicholas C. Yannelis - 413-435 Contract renegotiation in a continuous state space
by Ed Nosal - 437-462 Consumption choice and asset pricing with a non-price-taking agent
by Suleyman Basak - 463-482 Uninsured idiosyncratic risk, liquidity constraints and aggregate fluctuations
by Javier DÎaz-GimÊnez - 483-495 Sunspot fluctuations in dynamics with predetermined variables
by Julio DÂvila - 497-507 Bertrand versus Cournot revisited
by Cheng-Zhong Qin & Charles Stuart - 509-520 On the uniqueness of competitive equilibrium
by Anjan Mukherji - 521-530 A pitchfork bifurcation in the tatonnement process
by Venkatesh Bala - 531-540 A resolution of N -person prisoners' dilemma
by Ko Nishihara - 541-549 Uniqueness of the index for Nash equilibria of two-player games
by Robert Wilson & Srihari Govindan - 551-558 Simulating tatonnement in a production economy
by Claus Weddepohl - 559-563 A comparison between the core and the monopoly solutions in a mixed exchange economy
by Benyamin Shitovitz
1997, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 197-226 Coinage, debasements, and Gresham's laws
by Bruce D. Smith & Thomas J. Sargent - 227-240 Competition between asymmetrically informed principals
by Eric W. Bond & Thomas A. Gresik - 241-256 Social welfare orderings for ratio-scale measurable utilities
by John A. Weymark & Kai-yuen Tsui - 257-276 Arrow's Theorem and Turing computability
by H. Reiju Mihara - 277-304 Existence of equilibrium and stratification in local and hierarchical Tiebout economies with property taxes and voting
by Thomas. J. Nechyba - 305-333 Reallocation of an infinitely divisible good
by Bettina Klaus & Hans Peters & Ton Storcken - 335-360 Generalized assignment models: with an applicationto technology transfer
by Prabal Ray Chaudhuri - 361-367 An extremely simple proof of the K-K-M-S Theorem
by P. Jean-Jacques Herings - 369-372 Utility representation of continuous preferences
by A. F. Beardon - 373-379 A remark on the equilibrium set of pureexchange economies
by Ashvin Varada Rajan
1997, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-37 Which improves welfare more: A nominal or an indexed bond?
by Michael Magill & Martine Quinzii - 39-54 Excess demand functions, equilibrium prices, and existence of equilibrium
by Kam-Chau Wong - 55-77 An experimental analysis of the bandit problem
by Jeffrey Banks & David Porter & Mark Olson - 79-98 Robustness of sunspot equilibria
by Karl Shell & Aditya Goenka - 99-133 Money and specialization
by Shouyong Shi - 115-130 Relaxing Pareto optimality in economic environments
by Jerry S. Kelly & Donald E. Campbell - 131-146 Demand fluctuations and capacity utilization under duopoly
by Jean J. Gabszewicz & Sougata Poddar - 147-173 Chaotic consumption patterns in a simple2-D addiction model
by Gustav Feichtinger & Cars Hommes & Alexandra Milik