September 2012, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 300-310 The plight of pollination and the interface of neurobiology, ecology and food security
by Peter G. Kevan & Randolf Menzel - 311-317 Images of nature: collaboration at the intersection of nature, art and technology
by Shannon C. McMullen & Fabian Winkler - 318-325 Image as investigation: sciences of the otherworldly at the Bauhaus
by Elizabeth Otto - 326-331 Sustainability and emerging issues in scholarly (self-)publishing
by Michael Saffle - 332-338 Headwinds: sustainability as a theme in contemporary public art
by Carly Schmitt - 339-345 A common universe—questionable responses to tropical rainfall and aridity in Africa and Asia
by William R. Stanley - 346-352 The case for a return to nuclear power
by Juris P. Svenne - 353-359 Sustainability in medicine: a case for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases
by Gerdi Weidner - 360-362 Achieving energy security in South Asia
by Pranay P. Kohli
June 2012, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 119-120 Impact of physical factors on biosphere
by Marko S. Markov - 121-130 Impact of physical factors on the society and environment
by Marko S. Markov - 131-135 Six first weeks after Chernobyl nuclear accident (memoirs of an eyewitness)
by Yury G. Grigoriev - 136-143 The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident and exposures in the environment
by Keiichi Akahane & Shunsuke Yonai & Shigekazu Fukuda & Nobuyuki Miyahara & Hiroshi Yasuda & Kazuki Iwaoka & Masaki Matsumoto & Akifumi Fukumura & Makoto Akashi - 144-156 The similar effects of low-dose ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation from background environmental levels of exposure
by Cindy Sage - 157-165 The frequency-dependent effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field and mechanical vibration at infrasound frequency on the growth, division and motility of Escherichia coli K-12
by Varsik Martirosyan & Levon Markosyan & Hrachik Hovhanesyan & Karlen Hovnanyan & Sinerik Ayrapetyan - 166-174 The metabolic pathway of 4 Hz mechanical vibration-induced effect on snail heart muscle contractility
by Erna Dadasyan & Gayane Ayrapetyan & Naira Baghdasaryan & Yerazik Mikayelyan & Sinerik Ayrapetyan - 175-178 Influence of ionizing radiations of gamma background of Earth and natural radionuclide 40K on growth, development and physiological processes of plants
by B. I. Yakushev & Z. M. Anisova & M. M. Sak & G. D. Matusov & R. M. Golushko & M. N. Korseko - 179-187 The EMF-induced changes in aqua medium’s properties depend on background ionizing radiation, illumination and temperature
by Y. R. Mikayelyan & N. S. Baghdasaryan & A. K. Nikoghosyan & S. V. Barseghyan & S. N. Ayrapetyan - 188-192 Comparative study of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation effect on hydration of winter wheat seeds in metabolic active and inactive states
by Astghik Sukiasyan & Yerazik Mikaelyan & Sinerik Ayrapetyan - 193-200 Mobile communications and health of population: the risk assessment, social and ethical problems
by Yury Grigoriev - 201-209 Cellular phone hazard for children
by Marko S. Markov - 210-221 Cell hydration as a universal marker for detection of environmental pollution
by Sinerik Ayrapetyan - 222-227 Double-frequency impedance measurement method of determination of body hydration
by Anush Deghoyan & Robert Simonyan & Sinerik Ayrapetyan - 228-235 Age dependency of high-affinity ouabain receptors and their magnetosensitivity
by Armenuhi Heqimyan & Lilia Narinyan & Anna Nikoghosyan & Anush Deghoyan & Lianna Yeganyan & Sinerik Ayrapetyan - 236-241 Magnetically treated water at 4 Hz and 2.5 mT as a modulator of cisplatin effect on cell hydration and ouabain binding of sarcoma-180 tissue
by L. R. Yeganyan & R. E. Muradyan & F. H. Arsenyan & G. K. Bazikyan & S. N. Ayrapetyan - 242-248 High-affinity ouabain receptors: primary membrane sensors for ionizing radiation
by A. I. Dvoretsky & A. M. Shainskaya & S. N. Ayrapetyan - 249-255 Electromagnetic fields in clinical practice of physical and rehabilitation medicine: a health hazard assessment of personnel
by Lyubina Vesselinova - 256-268 Studies of lactic-acid bacteria in Armenia with emphasis on radioprotective properties
by E. Afrikian
March 2012, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-10 Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China
by Pei Wang & Tsutomu Yamanaka & Guo Yu Qiu - 11-18 Bioremediation of cutting fluids contaminated soil by Pleurotus tuber-regium Singer
by Clementina O. Adenipekun & Omasan E. Ejoh & Adeniyi A. Ogunjobi - 19-27 Decolourization, degradation and detoxification of textile dyes by Aspergillus species
by E. A. Ademola & A. A. Ogunjobi - 28-34 Temporal distribution of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) adults at a tropical forest stream: response to seasonal variations
by Abdul Hamid Suhaila & Md Rawi Che Salmah & Salman Abdo Al-Shami - 35-47 Assessment of habitat quality with relation to fish assemblages in an impacted river of the Ganges basin, northern India
by Braj Kishor Gupta & Uttam Kumar Sarkar & Sanjay Kumar Bhardwaj - 48-57 Bioaccumulation of metals in black mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in Cape Town Harbour, South Africa
by Olalekan S. Fatoki & Hussein K. Okoro & Folahan A. Adekola & Bhekumusa J. Ximba & Reinette G. Snyman - 58-69 Biodiversity and present status of freshwater fishes in Lohit river basin of India
by M. L. Kansal & Shilpy Arora - 70-84 Prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis in relation to fluoride in ground water in the villages of Birbhum district, West Bengal, India
by Naba Kumar Mondal & Kartick Chandra Pal & Sahadeb Kabi - 85-90 A grave danger for the Ganges dolphin (Platanista gangetica Roxburgh) in the Subansiri River due to a large hydroelectric project
by Debojit Baruah & Lakhi P. Hazarika & Bikramaditya Bakalial & Sabita Borah & Ranjit Dutta & S. P. Biswas - 91-98 Evaluation of heavy metals accumulation by two emergent macrophytes from the polluted soil: an experimental study
by N. Shabani & M. H. Sayadi - 99-110 An assessment of agricultural sustainability indicators in Bangladesh: review and synthesis
by Ranjan Roy & Ngai Weng Chan - 111-117 Land application of biomass residue generated from palm oil processing: its potential benefits and threats
by Asha Embrandiri & Rajeev P. Singh & Hakimi M. Ibrahim & Azhani A. Ramli - 118-118 Obituary: Dr. Michael Pugh Thomas (1932–2011)
by John F. Potter
December 2011, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 349-357 Optimization of activated carbon production from empty fruit bunch fibers in one-step steam pyrolysis for cadmium removal from aqueous solution
by Ma’an F. Alkhatib & Suleyman A. Muyibi & Jeminat Omotayo Amode - 358-363 Multivariate approach for surface water quality mapping with special reference to nitrate enrichment in Sugadaira, Nagano Prefecture (Japan)
by Pankaj Kumar & Sho Iwagami & Liu Yaping & Makato Mikita & Tadashi Tanaka & Tsutomu Yamanaka - 364-368 Interacting effects of pyrethroid and hormone on catalase and protein for toxicity amelioration in the freshwater fish, Clarias batrachus
by N. Bandooni & G. Tripathi - 369-375 Does radioactive contamination affect the shell morphology of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP (Ukraine)?
by Michael Zuykov & Dmitry Gudkov & Maxim Vinarski & Emilien Pelletier & David A. T. Harper & Serge Demers - 376-381 Periodical monitoring with lichen, Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Moberg in Dehradun city, Uttarakhand, India
by Manju Rani & Vertika Shukla & D. K. Upreti & G. S. Rajwar - 382-393 Carbofuran use and abuse in Kenya: residues in soils, plants, water courses and the African white-backed vultures (Gyps africanus) found dead
by Peter O. Otieno & Joseph O. Lalah & Munir Virani & Isaac O. Jondiko & Karl-Werner Schramm - 394-400 Water-holding capacity of earthworms’ vermicompost made of sugar industry waste (press mud) in mono- and polyculture vermireactors
by Prakash Mallappa Munnoli & Saroj Bhosle - 401-406 Dental fluorosis—a case study from Nawa tehsil in Nagaur district, Rajasthan (India)
by Radha Gautam & Nagendra Bhardwaj & Yashoda Saini - 407-415 Evaluation of water quality in the Ouémé River (Bénin)
by Mathieu B. Hounsou & Bernard Ahamide & Euloge K. Agbossou & Thomas Gaiser - 416-417 Frank Uekoetter (ed): The turning points of environmental history
by Udo E. Simonis
September 2011, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 197-199 The intergovernmental panel on climate change and developing countries
by Essam El-Hinnawi - 200-207 Removal of phosphorus from aqueous solutions using chemically modified sawdust of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller): kinetics and isotherm studies
by Salah Benyoucef & Moussa Amrani - 208-215 Microfiltration of pretreated sanitary landfill leachate
by Emad S. M. Ameen & Suleyman A. Muyibi & Mohamed I. Abdulkarim - 216-226 What is (responsible) consumption? Discussing environment and consumption with children from different socioeconomic backgrounds in The Netherlands
by Helen Kopnina - 227-236 Earthworm density, casting activities and its impact on canopy soil nutrient profile under different aboveground vegetations
by Surindra Suthar - 237-245 Concentrations and pattern of Fe, Cu, Cr, and Zn contamination in the soils of Akure, Nigeria
by O. F. Olorundare & J. G. Ayenimo & K. O. Ipinmoroti & A. V. Popoola - 246-253 Biodiversity conservation through a traditional beliefs system in Indian Himalaya: a case study from Nakuleshwar sacred grove
by Harsh Singh & Priyanka Agnihotri & P. C. Pande & Tariq Husain - 254-262 Open waste burning in Cameroonian cities: an environmental impact analysis
by George Teke Forbid & Julius Numbonui Ghogomu & Günter Busch & Reinhard Frey - 263-278 Phytoremediation of dairy effluent by constructed wetland technology
by S. Dipu & Anju A. Kumar & V. Salom Gnana Thanga - 279-287 Understanding of groundwater salinity using statistical modeling in a small tropical island, East Malaysia
by Sarva Mangala Praveena & Mohd Harun Abdullah & Kawi Bidin & Ahmad Zaharin Aris - 288-298 Morphological and anatomical effects of crude oil on Pistia stratiotes
by Akintunde Abdul-Rasaq Akapo & S. O. Omidiji & A. A. Otitoloju - 299-307 Criteria and indicators of forest sustainability assessment for Cameroon
by Victor N. Cheo - 308-314 Determination of 90Sr in milk and milk powder in Tehran and estimation of annual effective dose
by Neda Saraygord-Afshari & Fereshteh Abbasisiar & Parviz Abdolmaleki & Mahdi Ghiassi-Nejad & Ali Attarilar - 315-324 The impact of urban growth on regional air quality surrounding the Langat River Basin, Malaysia
by Mohd Talib Latif & Siti Zawiyah Azmi & Ahmad Daud Mohamed Noor & Aida Shafawati Ismail & Zaharizam Johny & Shaharudin Idrus & Ahmad Fariz Mohamed & Mazlin Bin Mokhtar - 325-337 Assessing farm-level agricultural sustainability over a 60-year period in rural eastern India
by Deepti Sharma & Shardendu Shardendu - 338-347 Remediation of oil spills in temperate and tropical coastal marine environments
by K. Mercer & J. T. Trevors - 348-348 Michale J. Graetz: The End of Energy
by J. T. Trevors
June 2011, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 87-88 Biological effects of electromagnetic fields
by Marko Markov - 89-96 How living systems recognize applied electromagnetic fields
by Marko S. Markov - 97-106 Clinical aspects of static magnetic field effects on circulatory system
by Chiyoji Ohkubo & Hideyuki Okano - 107-113 A novel view of biologically active electromagnetic fields
by Gabi N. Waite & Stéphane J. P. Egot-Lemaire & Walter X. Balcavage - 114-120 Nonthermal mechanism of interactions between electromagnetic fields and biological systems: a calmodulin example
by Marko Markov - 121-129 Criticism of the philosophy for development of standards for non-ionizing radiation
by M. Israel & M. Ivanova & V. Zaryabova - 130-133 Non-stationary electromagnetic field measurements accuracy improvement
by Tomasz Dlugosz & Hubert Trzaska - 134-139 Evolution of hybrid functional imaging in bioelectromagnetics research
by John A. Robertson & Alex W. Thomas & Julien Modolo & Jodi Miller & Nicole Juen & Alexandre Legros & Frank S. Prato - 140-148 Nonthermal GSM RF and ELF EMF effects upon rat BBB permeability
by Henrietta Nittby & Arne Brun & Susanne Strömblad & Mehri Kaviani Moghadam & Wenjun Sun & Lars Malmgren & Jacob Eberhardt & Bertil R. Persson & Leif G. Salford - 149-154 Cartilage chondroprotection and repair with pulsed electromagnetic fields: I-ONE therapy
by Ruggero Cadossi & Stefania Setti & Milena Fini - 155-160 An analytical design technique for magnetic field therapy devices
by Richard Parker & Marko Markov - 161-168 Electromagnetic fields and other physical factors around wind power generators (pilot study)
by M. Israel & P. Ivanova & M. Ivanova - 169-175 Study the effect of static magnetic field on chromosomal aberrations on Vicia faba in area with high natural radioactivity
by Fatemeh Javani Jouni & Parviz Abdolmaleki & Faezeh Ghanati - 176-180 Biological evidences than human osteoarthritic chondrocytes could be affected by electromagnetic fields with extremely low-frequency or new TAMMEF system
by A. Albanese & E. Battisti & N. Giordano & A. Vittoria & M. Rigato & R. Leoncini & D. Vannoni - 181-186 An investigation impact of user’s positions in closed space over SAR in the head induced from mobile phone
by Nikolai T. Atanasov & Gabriela L. Atanasova - 187-195 Signal processing and wavelet analysis of simultaneously registered blood pressure and laser Doppler flow signals during extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans in vivo
by Lubomir Traikov & I. Antonov & J. Petrova & M. Markov & C. Ohkubo
March 2011, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-2 Where have all the rivers gone?
by Hilary I. Inyang - 3-3 Treatment processes for contaminated aqueous media
by Humphrey Zebulun - 4-10 Effects of NO, NO2, CO and SO2 on NO oxidation over Pt/TiO2 for hybrid fast SCR process
by Muhammad F. Irfan & Jeong Hoi Goo & Sang Done Kim - 11-19 Decontamination of anthracene-polluted soil through white rot fungus-induced biodegradation
by Humphrey O. Zebulun & Omoanghe S. Isikhuemhen & Hilary Inyang - 20-25 Groundwater purification by membrane technology
by Meenakshi Arora & R. C. Maheshwari - 26-32 Electrokinetic extraction of lead from kaolinites: I. Numerical modeling
by Albert T. Yeung & Cheng-non Hsu & Rajendra M. Menon - 33-38 Electrokinetic extraction of lead from kaolinites: II. Experimental investigation
by Cheng-non Hsu & Albert T. Yeung & Rajendra M. Menon - 39-53 De-fluoridation of groundwater using magnesium oxide
by Mamatha Pemmaraju & Sudhakar M. Rao - 54-58 Impact of alphamethrin on antioxidant defense (catalase) and protein profile of a catfish
by G. Tripathi & N. Bandooni - 59-66 Environmental Kuznets Curve: the case of Bangladesh for waste emission and suspended particulate matter
by Md Danesh Miah & Md Farhad Hossain Masum & Masao Koike & Shalina Akther & Nur Muhammed - 67-73 Major climate-change issues covered by the daily newspapers of Bangladesh
by Md Danesh Miah & Md Humayain Kabir & Masao Koike & Shalina Akther - 74-86 Earthworm biodiversity in western arid and semiarid lands of India
by Surindra Suthar
December 2010, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 303-303 We do not have a spare Earth
by J. T. Trevors & M. H. Saier - 304-305 Human ignorance and education: a significant part of the global pollution crisis
by J. T. Trevors - 306-319 Fish diversity, habitat ecology and their conservation and management issues of a tropical River in Ganga basin, India
by Wazir Singh Lakra & Uttam Kumar Sarkar & Rupali Sani Kumar & Ajay Pandey & Vineet Kumar Dubey & Om Prakash Gusain - 320-329 An assessment of ecosystem services of Corbett Tiger Reserve, India
by Ruchi Badola & Syed Ainul Hussain & Bidyut Kumar Mishra & Bidyarani Konthoujam & Sneha Thapliyal & Parag Madhukar Dhakate - 330-332 Climate change impact on the density of Faidherbia albida on smallholder farms in the degraded lands of Kano, northern Nigeria
by I. Yakubu - 333-339 Physico-chemical characteristics of well waters in four urban centers in Southern Nigeria
by Christian Agatemor & Uzuazokaro M. Agatemor - 340-346 Effects of gas flaring on blood parameters and respiratory system of laboratory mice, Mus musculus
by Adebayo Otitoloju & Jemina Dan-Patrick - 347-352 The role of gas flaring in the rapid corrosion of zinc roofs in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
by Imo J. Ekpoh & Ajah E. Obia - 353-360 The impact of duckweed growth on water quality in sub-tropical ponds
by Saurabh Sengupta & Chiranjeeb Medda & Anjana Dewanji - 361-361 Henry N. Pollack: A world without ice
by Betty Galbraith - 362-363 Peter A. Victor: Managing without growth. Slower by design, not disaster
by Udo E. Simonis
September 2010, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 211-211 Human pollution: too many people
by M. H. Saier & J. T. Trevors - 212-215 Quantification of hydrolytic and proteolytic enzymes in the excreta of three epigeic earthworms and detection of thiocarbamic acid by GC-MS-MS
by P. Pramanik - 216-218 Assessment of noise pollution during Deepawali festival in a small township of Haridwar City of Uttarakhand, India
by Vijay Sharma & B. D. Joshi - 219-227 Groundwater quality assessment of Nawa Tehsil in Nagaur district (Rajasthan) with special reference to Fluoride
by Radha Gautam & Nagendra Bhardwaj - 228-241 Direct and indirect benefits of improving river quality: quantifying benefits and a case study of the River Klang, Malaysia
by Robert M. Bradley - 242-253 Evaluation of the gene expression changes in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as affected by the bio-removal of toxic textile dyes from aqueous solution in small-scale bioreactor
by Wafaa M. AbdEl-Rahim & Wagdy K. B. Khalil & Mariam G. Eshak - 254-259 Speciation of Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe and Pb in sediments sampled from Lake Victoria basin, Kenya
by D. M. K. Ongeri & J. O. Lalah & S. O. Wandiga - 260-266 Oxidative enzymes in tissues of the catfish (Clarias gariepinus) exposed to varying levels of cadmium
by S. O. Asagba & G. E. Eriyamremu & J. O. T. Emudainohwo & I. Okoro - 267-272 Efficacy of vermicomposting for recycling organic portion of hospital wastes using Eisenia fetida: standardization of cow manure proportion to increase enzymatic activities and fungal biomass
by Prabhat Pramanik & Young Ryun Chung - 273-278 Exploring chemical analysis of vermicompost of various oil palm fibre wastes
by Z. Nahrul Hayawin & H. P. S. Abdul Khalil & M. Jawaid & M. Hakimi Ibrahim & A. A. Astimar - 279-288 Litter decomposition rate and nutrient release from different litter forms in a Himalayan alpine ecosystem
by Neelam Rawat & B. P. Nautiyal & M. C. Nautiyal - 289-298 Effects of soil physical characteristics and biotic interferences on the herbaceous community composition and species diversity on the campus of Banaras Hindu University, India
by R. Sagar & Punita Verma - 299-299 William Iseminger: Cahokia mounds: America’s first city
by Peter G. Kevan - 300-301 Obituary: Harvey F. Ludwig 1916–2010
by John F. Potter
June 2010, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 99-100 Excellent research: challenging and expensive
by J. T. Trevors & M. H. Saier - 101-110 Role of traditional conservation practice: highlighting the importance of Shivbari sacred grove in biodiversity conservation
by Vikrant Jaryan & Sanjay Kr. Uniyal & Gopichand & R. D. Singh & Brij Lal & Amit Kumar & Varun Sharma - 111-122 Gender, age and subject matter: impact on teachers’ ecological values
by Britta Oerke & Franz X. Bogner - 123-130 Growth and yield response of marigold to potting media containing vermicompost produced from different wastes
by Pritam Sangwan & V. K. Garg & C. P. Kaushik - 131-132 Effect of population pressure on oasis agriculture (1984–2003) in Jinta Oasis, arid Northwestern China
by Qi Shanzhong & Li Xiaoyu - 133-144 A cross-national perspective on youth environmental attitudes
by Jelle Boeve-de Pauw & Peter Petegem - 145-152 Nutrient chemistry of the Densu River in Ghana
by J. R. Fianko & S. T. Lowor & A. Donkor & P. O. Yeboah - 153-162 Environmental education awareness among school teachers
by Vipinder Nagra - 163-170 Alterations in aerobic and anaerobic dehydrogenases and protein levels of three tropical earthworm species with respect to different seasons
by G. Tripathi & N. Kachhwaha & I. Dabi - 171-177 Habitat-associated changes in some metabolic dehydrogenases and proteins of tropical earthworms
by G. Tripathi & N. Kachhwaha & I. Dabi & N. Bandooni - 178-182 Development of a novel fungal consortium for the treatment of molasses distillery wastewater
by Deepak Pant & Alok Adholeya - 183-205 Identifying the major players behind increasing global carbon dioxide emissions: a decomposition analysis
by Ratnakar Pani & Ujjaini Mukhopadhyay - 206-210 Achieving uniform regulation of environmental lead exposure and poisoning in wildlife and humans
by Vernon G. Thomas
March 2010, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-2 Do shifting baselines in natural history knowledge threaten the environment?
by Simon R. Leather & Donald J. L. Quicke - 3-17 Biodiversity, ecohydrology, threat status and conservation priority of the freshwater fishes of river Gomti, a tributary of river Ganga (India)
by U. K. Sarkar & B. K. Gupta & W. S. Lakra - 18-23 Leaf surface structure alterations due to particulate pollution in some common plants
by A. Rai & K. Kulshreshtha & P. K. Srivastava & C. S. Mohanty - 24-34 Efficiency of cassava steep liquor for bioremediation of diesel oil-contaminated tropical agricultural soil
by Sunday A. Adebusoye & Matthew O. Ilori & Oluwafemi S. Obayori & Ganiyu O. Oyetibo & Kehinde A. Akindele & Olukayode O. Amund - 35-44 Decontamination of water polluted by heavy metals with Taro (Colocasia esculenta) cultured in a hydroponic NFT system
by T. Bindu & M. M. Sumi & E. V. Ramasamy - 45-53 Metal decontamination of tannery solid waste using Tagetes patula in association with saprobic and mycorrhizal fungi
by Firdaus-e-Bareen & Aisha Nazir - 54-66 Annual nutrients budget for the grazed and ungrazed sites of an alpine expanse in North-West Himalaya, India
by Neelam Rawat & B. P. Nautiyal & M. C. Nautiyal - 67-75 Perceptions and attitudes towards gas flaring in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
by Marcus O. Edino & Godwin N. Nsofor & Leonard S. Bombom - 76-84 Role of physiographic factors in distribution of Abies pindrow (Silver Fir) along an altitudinal gradient in Himalayan temperate forests
by C. M. Sharma & Sarvesh Suyal & S. K. Ghildiyal & Sumeet Gairola - 85-89 Traditional Indian beliefs: a key toward sustainable living
by Mayanka Kala & Aruna Sharma - 90-97 The incidence of electromagnetic pollution on wild mammals: A new “poison” with a slow effect on nature?
by Alfonso Balmori
December 2009, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 339-340 Earthworms: the miracle of nature (Charles Darwin’s ‘unheralded soldiers of mankind & farmer’s friends’)
by Rajiv K. Sinha - 341-347 Urbanization impact on hydrogeological regime in Jaipur Urban Block: a rapidly growing urban center in NW India
by M. K. Pandit & Vinay Bhardwaj & Naveen Pareek - 348-359 Evaluating policy options for managing diffuse source water quality in Lake Taupo, New Zealand
by Jeffrey D. Connor & Darla Hatton MacDonald & Mark Morrison & Andrea Cast - 360-370 Sustainability appraisal of used vehicle trade policy options in sub-Saharan African countries
by Anderson Gwanyebit Kehbila & Jürgen Ertel & Alan Colin Brent - 371-380 Estimation of “environmentally sensitive” dispersal ratios for chemical dispersants used in crude oil spill control
by Adebayo A. Otitoloju & Temitope O. Popoola - 381-387 A comparison of disposal methods for on-site sewage facilities within the state of Texas, USA
by Megan E. Carr & David L. Jumper & Joe C. Yelderman - 388-397 Marron farming and environmental sustainability: Western Australia’s case
by Abel Duarte Alonso - 398-404 Impact of industrial air pollutants on some biochemical parameters and yield in wheat and mustard plants
by Namita Joshi & Avnish Chauhan & P. C. Joshi - 405-410 Suitability of different erosivity models used in RUSLE2 for the South West Indian region
by Indrani Pal & Abir Al-Tabbaa - 411-420 Simplified DO sag models for rapid BOD removal
by Devendra Swaroop Bhargava - 421-430 Spatial and temporal variation of mercury load in surface water and sediments around an integrated steel plant in India
by Anubhuti Koshle & Yasmeen Pervez & Shamsh Pervez - 431-435 Characteristic levels of heavy metals in canned sardines consumed in Nigeria
by Chukwujindu M. A. Iwegbue & G. E. Nwajei & F. O. Arimoro & Osa Eguavoen - 436-440 Arsenic uptake and phytotoxicity of T-aman rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in the As-amended soil of Bangladesh
by Md. Abul Kalam Azad & Md. Nozrul Islam & Ashraful Alam & Hasan Mahmud & M. A. Islam & M. Rezaul Karim & Matiar Rahman - 441-447 Accretion of heavy metals in the catfish Bagrus bayad from Taylor Creek, southern Nigeria
by K. Opuene & E. C. Okafor & I. E. Agbozu
September 2009, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 241-254 Surveying macro-invertebrate diversity in the Tons river, Doon Valley, India
by Ramesh C. Sharma & Reena Arambam & Rekha Sharma - 255-262 Assessment of surface water quality of selected estuaries of Malaysia: multivariate statistical techniques
by Abbas F. M. Alkarkhi & Anees Ahmad & Azhar Mat Easa - 263-269 The effects of social desirability on self-reported environmental attitudes and ecological behaviour
by Taciano L. Milfont - 270-279 Treatment of domestic wastewater using an anaerobic baffled reactor followed by a duckweed pond for agricultural purposes
by Fayza A. Nasr & Hala S. Doma & Hossaam F. Nassar - 280-286 Fractionation of Cd, Cr, Pb and Ni in roadside soils of Uyo, Niger Delta Region: Nigeria using the optimized BCR sequential extraction technique
by I. U. Umoren & I. I. Udousoro - 287-300 Investigating efficiency of Lampito mauritii (Kinberg) and Perionyx ceylanensis Michaelsen for vermicomposting of different types of organic substrates
by Natchimuthu Karmegam & Thilagavathy Daniel - 301-309 Effects of tree size and spatial distribution on growth of ponderosa pine forests under alternative management scenarios
by C. W. Woodall & C. E. Fiedler & R. E. McRoberts - 310-317 Evaluation of aquifer vulnerability and the protective capacity in some oil producing communities of western Niger Delta
by Edmund Aviedo Atakpo & Elijah Adebowale Ayolabi - 318-329 Fauna-associated changes in soil biochemical properties beneath isolated trees in a desert pastureland of India and their importance in soil restoration
by G. Tripathi & S. Ram & B. M. Sharma & G. Singh - 330-332 The IPCC and climate politics: small potatoes
by Udo E. Simonis - 333-335 Social trends of the people of the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace-Greece: about the potential of using biofuels from forest products residues
by Antonios N. Papadopoulos & Anthi Gkaraveli & Theodora Merou - 336-337 A. John, An enthusiasm for orchids: sex and deception in plant evolution
by Peter Bernhardt
June 2009, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 107-108 The special issue on biological effects of electromagnetic fields
by Marko Markov - 109-117 Worldwide standards on exposure to electromagnetic fields: an overview
by Martino Grandolfo - 118-123 Measurements of human exposure from emerging wireless technologies
by Yngve Hamnerius - 124-129 On experimental setup in bioelectromagnetics
by Tomasz Dlugosz & Hubert Trzaska - 130-134 Interlaboratory comparisons in EMF survey measurements
by Pawel Bienkowski - 135-140 Choice of parameters for passive shielding of power-frequency magnetic fields
by Ener Salinas & Marina Rezinkina - 141-146 Some 2D–3D aspects of shielding of longitudinal sources of extremely low frequency magnetic fields
by Ener Salinas & Marina Rezinkina & Juan Atalaya - 147-152 Mathematical modelling of pulsed magnetic field action on neurons’ bioelectric activity
by Marina Rezinkina & Marko Markov - 153-156 Exposure to electromagnetic fields in the magnetic resonance imaging environment in South Africa
by L. Jager & T. Grobler - 157-160 Magnetotherapy—a brief excursion through the centuries
by N. Giordano & P. Papakostas & E. Battisti & A. Albanese & M. Rigato & A. Montella & R. Nuti - 161-168 Electromagnetic field dosimetry for clinical application
by Marko S. Markov & Carlton F. Hazlewood - 169-176 What need to be known about the therapy with static magnetic fields
by Marko S. Markov - 177-185 Static magnetic field therapy: methodological challenges to conducting clinical trials
by Agatha P. Colbert & James Souder & Marko Markov - 186-189 Direct observation of microcirculatory parameters in rat brain after local exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic field
by S. Hirota & M. Matsuura & H. Masuda & A. Ushiyama & K. Wake & S. Watanabe & M. Taki & C. Ohkubo - 190-195 TAMMEF therapy in the treatment of shoulder periarthritis: efficacy and safety
by E. Battisti & A. Albanese & L. Bianciardi & A. I. Fiaschi & M. Rigato & A. Vittoria & G. L. Messa & N. Giordano - 196-199 Preliminary studies about effects of ELF and TAMMEF electromagnetic fields on human lymphomonocytes
by Antonietta Albanese & E. Battisti & G. Pompella & A. Ghezzi & A. Vittoria & G. L. Messa & A. L. Pasqui & G. Campoccia & L. Bianciardi & N. Giordano & G. Galassi - 200-204 The role of TAMMEF therapy on the antioxidant status in osteoarthritis
by A. I. Fiaschi & D. Cerretani & E. Battisti & L. Bianciardi & N. Giordano & A. Albanese - 205-209 Influence of a 1,800 MHz electromagnetic field on the EEG energy
by Eleni Nanou & Chrissanthi Hountala & Argiro Maganioti & Charalabos Papageorgiou & Vassilis Tsiafakis & Andreas Rabavilas & Christos Capsalis - 210-214 Effect of modulated microwave radiation on human EEG asymmetry
by Anna Suhhova & Maie Bachmann & Jaanus Lass & Deniss Karai & Hiie Hinrikus - 215-219 Effect of modulated at different low frequencies microwave radiation on human EEG
by Hiie Hinrikus & Maie Bachmann & Jaanus Lass & Viiu Tuulik - 220-224 Investigation of the effects of static magnetic field on apoptosis in bone marrow stem cells of rat
by Zeinab Tavasoli & Parviz Abdolmaleki & Seyed Javad Mowla & Faezeh Ghanati & Amir Sabet Sarvestani - 225-231 Static magnetic field action on some markers of inflammation in animal model system—in vivo
by L. Traikov & K. Georgiev & A. Bocheva & E. Dzambazova & M. Markov - 232-239 Trigger points and systemic effect for EMF therapy
by C. F. Hazlewood & Marko Markov
March 2009, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-7 Influence of different nitrogen rich supplements during cultivation of Pleurotus florida on corn cob substrate
by R. Naraian & R. K. Sahu & S. Kumar & S. K. Garg & C. S. Singh & R. S. Kanaujia - 8-16 Speciation of some heavy metals in River Nile sediments, Cairo, Egypt
by M. R. Lasheen & N. S. Ammar - 17-32 Urbanization and its impact on groundwater: a remote sensing and GIS-based assessment approach
by Mahesh K. Jat & Deepak Khare & P. K. Garg - 33-36 Heavy metal distribution in crab (Callinectes amnicola) living on the shores of Ojo Rivers, Lagos, Nigeria
by Ayejuyo O. Olusegun & Tovide O. Olukemi & Moronkola B. Olukemi