December 2005, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 65-66 Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
by Panos Kostarakis & Marko Markov - 67-74 “Biological Windows”: A Tribute to W. Ross Adey
by Marko S. Markov - 75-82 Genome Stability vs. Deprivation or Enrichment of the Geomagnetic Field
by Pietro Volpe & Tamilla Eremenko - 83-92 Gene Expression in a Space-Simulating Magnetically Shielded Environment
by Pietro Volpe & Tamilla Eremenko - 93-101 Subcutaneous Arteriolar Vasomotion Changes During and After ELF-EMF Exposure in Mice in Vivo
by L. Traikov & A. Ushiyama & G. Lawlor & R. Sasaki & C. Ohkubo - 103-111 Radical Scavengers Suppress Low Frequency EMF Enhanced Proliferation in Cultured Cells and Stress Effects in Higher Plants
by Abraham H. Parola & Daniel Kost & Gila Katsir & Edna Ben-Izhak Monselise & Rivka Cohen-Luria - 113-119 In Vitro Evaluation of Biological Effects on Human Keratinocytes Exposed to 900 MHz Electromagnetic Field
by G. Duranti & A. Rossi & N. Rosato & G. Fazio & G. Sacerdoti & P. Rossi & R. Falsaperla & V. Cannelli & R. Supino - 121-129 Systemic Effect: A New Approach to Magnetic Field Therapy
by Marko Markov & Carlton Hazlewood & Arthur Ericsson - 131-137 Reduction of Pain in Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Associated with Objective Biochemical Changes in Circulating Lymphocytes
by A. D. Ericsson & C. F. Hazlewood & M. Markov & F. Crawford - 139-144 Changes of Surface Properties of Yeast Cell Wall Under Exposure of Electromagnetic Field (40.68 MHz) and Action of Nystatin
by S. I. Voychuk & E. N. Gromozova & P. M. Lytvyn & V. S. Podgorsky - 145-155 Neurophysiological Effects Induced in the Nervous Tissue by Low-Frequency, Pulsed Magnetic Fields
by A. Wieraszko & Z. Ahmed & J. Armani & N. Maqsood & S. Philips & H. Raja - 157-163 Low-Level Microwave Radiation Effect on Nerve Pulse Conduction Velocity
by Hiie Hinrikus & Ruth Tomson & Jaanus Lass & Deniss Karai & Jaak Kalda & Viiu Tuulik - 165-171 Effect of 450 MHz Microwave Modulated with 217 Hz on Human EEG in Rest
by Maie Bachmann & Maksim Säkki & Jaan Kalda & Jaanus Lass & Viiu Tuulik & Hiie Hinrikus - 173-179 Influence of the Interaction of a 900 MHz Signal with Gender on EEG Energy: Experimental Study on the Influence of 900 MHz Radiation on EEG
by Eleni Nanou & Vassilis Tsiafakis & E. Kapareliotis & Charalabos Papageorgiou & Andreas Rabavilas & Christos Capsalis - 181-185 Limitations in the SAR Use
by Hubert Trzaska - 187-194 Non-Thermal Effect of Microwave Radiation on Human Brain
by Hiie Hinrikus & Maie Bachmann & Ruth Tomson & Jaanus Lass - 195-199 A Graphical Method for the Estimation of Radiation Hazards from a Crowded Multiple Antenna Site
by Moshe Z. Netzer & Avi Shechter & Zvi Karni - 201-208 Graphical Presentation of 50/60 Hz Magnetic Field Contours as an Engineering Tool for Minimizing ELF Fields
by Josef Peker & Moshe Z. Netzer - 209-214 Shielding from ELF Magnetic Fields Emanating from Power Plants in Large Facilities
by Oren Hartal & Moshe Merzer & Moshe Netzer - 215-221 Interaction Between GSM Handset Helical Antenna and User's Head: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Results
by A. Alexiou & P. Kostarakis & V. N. Christofilakis & T. Zervos & A. A. Alexandridis & K. Dangakis & C. Soras & V. V. Petrović & B. M. Kolundžija & A. R. Dordević - 223-232 Comparative Assessment of Power Absorption in Heads of Adults and Children Exposed to the Radiation of Cellular Phones at 1800 MHz
by S. Koulouridis & M. Christopoulou & K. S. Nikita - 233-240 A Parallel Study of SAR Levels in Head Tissues for Three Antennas Used in Cellular Telephones: Monopole, Helix and Patch
by Milica Popović & Qingsheng Han & Houssam Kanj - 241-246 Thermal Effects of Photon-Phonon Interaction on a Simple Tissue
by N. M. Salem - 247-250 Evaluation of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) in Schools in Cyprus
by Andreas Neocleous - 251-255 RF Exposure Health Risk Perception—A Field Study on the Egyptian Public
by Hamdy Ellaithy - 257-263 New Device Against Non-Thermal Effects from Mobile Telephones
by J. L. Bardasano & J. Álvarez-Ude & I. Gutiérrez & R. Goya
March 2005, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-12 Quality of Water from Hand Dug Wells in Onitsha Metropolitan Areas of Nigeria
by S. I. Efe - 13-18 Photosensitized Inactivation of Cyst Forms of the Freshwater Amoeba Vahlkampfia hartmanni by Aluminium (III) Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate
by Kawser Kassab & Ahmad Z. Al-Herrawy - 19-30 Impact of Human Activities on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions: A Statistical Analysis
by Md. Abdus Salam & Toshikuni Noguchi - 31-38 Primary Productivity and the Impacts of the Exotic Weed Eupatorium Glandulosum in a Montane Grassland of Garhwal Himalaya
by Indu Bughani & GOVIND S. RAJWAR - 39-45 Public Perception of Flood Hazard in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
by Temi E. Ologunorisa & Ademola Adeyemo - 47-49 A Simplified Method for Determination of Pentachlorophenol and Hexachlorobenzene in Soil Contaminated by Industrial Chemical Residues
by Flavia P. S. Airoldi & Vânia G. Zuin & Maria D. Landgraf & Maria O. O. Rezende - 51-53 An Inexhaustible Supply
by Milton Saier - 55-55 Deserts: The Living Drylands, by Sora Oldfield
by M. Kassas
December 2004, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 211-221 Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, India
by Ramesh C. Sharma & Geetu Bhanot & Deepak Singh - 223-226 Physiological and Biochemical Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Phaseolus Vulgaris Var. HUR-15
by T. I. Khan & Shikha Devpura - 227-236 Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation for Agricultural Irrigation: The situation in Morocco and Palestine
by D. Fatta & Z. Salem & M. Mountadar & O. Assobhei & M. Loizidou - 237-247 Effects of Light Zenith Angle Variation on Spectral Responses of a Water Body’s Environmental Quality
by D. S. Bhargava & D. W. Mariam - 249-254 Assessment of the Microbiological Quality of Clarias gariepinus Exposed to an Industrial Effluent in Nigeria
by S. O. Adewoye & A. Lateef - 255-261 Silence on the Issue of our Time
by Maria Luisa Cohen - 267-268 Book Reviews
by John F. Potter - 269-270 Guest Commentary and Book Review: Who Could Deny Limits to Economic Growth?
by Udo E. Simonis
September 2004, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 147-151 Love You to Death: Tale of Two Japanese Seals
by Kumi Kato - 153-163 Economic Incentives to Conserve Wildlife on Private Lands: Analysis and Policy
by Clement A. Tisdell - 165-170 Is Shennongjia a Suitable Site for Reintroducing Giant Panda: An Appraisal on Food Supply
by Z. Li & M. Denich - 171-178 Assessment of Lead Exposure in Thohoyandou, South Africa
by Jonathan O. Okonkwo & Flora Maribe - 179-186 Predicting Sustainable Ground Water to Constructed Riparian Wetlands: Shaker Trace, Ohio, USA
by William C. Sidle - 187-193 Evaluation of Microbial Communities Colonizing Stone Ballasts at Diesel Depots
by Mphekgo P. Maila & Thomas E. Cloete - 195-197 Essay: The Rise and Fall of Civilizations
by Milton Saier - 199-201 Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union and Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States
by Udo E. Simonis
June 2004, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 71-71 An Open Letter and Invitation from the Editors
by Peter G. Kevan & Jack T. Trevors - 73-86 The Wild Kangaroo Industry: Developing the Potential for Sustainability
by Marion Hercock - 87-92 Indigenous Waste Management Practices among the Ngwa of Southeastern Nigeria: Some Lessons and Policy Implications
by C. Otutubikey Izugbara & J. O. Umoh - 93-99 Auditing International Environmental Agreements: The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions
by Sylvia van Leeuwen - 101-117 Teaching Approaches in Geography and Students’ Environmental Attitudes
by Stephen Pui-Ming Yeung - 119-124 The Effect of Oil Spraying on Eggs of Double-Crested Cormorants
by K. A. Shonk & S. D. Kevan & D. V. Weseloh - 125-134 Effect of Grazing and Climatic Changes on Alpine Vegetation of Tungnath, Garhwal Himalaya, India
by M. C. Nautiyal & B. P. Nautiyal & Vinay Prakash - 135-135 The Silver Lining: The Benefits of Natural Disasters, by Seth R. Reice, 2003. Princeton, USA, Princeton University Press. 218 pp., ISBN 0-691-11368-8, unpriced (paperback); £10.95 (hardback)
by John. F. Potter - 135-135 The Rapid Growth of Human Populations: 1750–2000. Histories, Consequences, Issues Nation by Nation, by William Stanton, 2003. New Jersey, USA, Multi-Science Publishing Co. 229 pp., ISBN 0 906522 21 8, £25 (paperback)
by John. F. Potter - 136-136 Exploring the Landscape of Assynt: A Walkers’ Guide and Map Showing the Rocks and Landscape of Assynt and Inverpolly, by K. Goodenough, E. Pickett, M. Krabbendam and T. Bradwell, 2004. Key-worth, England, British Geological Survey. 55 pp. and 1:50000 geological map, ISBN 085272471 3, £12 (paperback)
by John. F. Potter - 136-137 Murchison’s Wanderings in Russia: His Geological Exploration of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains, 1840 and 1841, Michael Collie and John Diemer (eds.), 2004. Keyworth, England, British Geological Survey Occasional Publication No. 2. 474 pp. and boxed maps and sections, ISBN 085272 467 5, £40 (hardback)
by John. F. Potter - 137-137 Catastrophes and Lesser Calamities: The Causes of Mass Extinctions, by Tony Hallam, 2004. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 274 pp., ISBN 0-19-852497-8, $24.95, £12.99 (hardback)
by John. F. Potter
March 2004, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 5-7 Guest Commentary and Book Review
by David W. Roubik - 9-10 Letter to the Editor
by Harvey F. Ludwig - 11-18 Assessment of Water Quality along River Asa, Ilorin, Nigeria
by L.T. Ajibade - 19-28 Rainfall and Spring Discharge Patterns in Two Small Drainage Catchments in the Western Himalayan Mountains, India
by Girish C.S. Negi & Varun Joshi - 29-37 Fish Species Used as Biomarker for Heavy Metal and Hydrocarbon Contamination for Cross River, Nigeria
by F. Emile Asuquo & Ita Ewa-Oboho & Ekaete F. Asuquo & Paul J. Udo - 39-48 Impact of Vegetative Cover on Runoff and Soil Erosion at Hillslope Scale in Lanjaron, Spain
by V.H. Durán Zuazo & J.R. Francia Martínez & A. Martínez Raya - 49-55 The Water Quality of some Tropical Freshwater Bodies in Uyo (Nigeria) Receiving Municipal Effluents, Slaughter-House Washings and Agricultural Land Drainage
by Anthony W. Akpan - 57-58 Red Sky at Morning. America and the Crisis of the Global Environment, by James Gustave Speth, 2004
by Udo E. Simonis - 59-59 First Ecology: Ecological Principles and Environmental Issues, 2nd edition, by Alan Beeby and Anne-Maria Brennan, 2004
by John F. Potter - 59-60 Soil Water Dynamics, by A.W. Warrick, 2003
by J. Rueedi - 60-61 Coastal Processes with Engineering Applications, by R.G. Dean and R.A. Dalrymple, 2002
by M. Kassas - 61-62 Atlas of the World's Deserts, by Nathaniel Harris, 2003
by Ward Chesworth - 62-63 Water and Sanitation in the World's Cities: Local Action for Global Goals, by Un-Habitat, 2003
by A.A. Cronin
December 2003, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 283-284 Do Americans Still Care about the Environment?
by Michael Greenberg - 285-295 A Comparative Analysis of the Vegetation and Topsoil Cover Nutrient Status between Two Similarly Rehabilitated Ash Disposal Sites
by L. Van Rensburg & T.L. Morgenthal & H. van Hamburg & M.D. Michael - 297-306 Consequences of Pollution and Degradation of Nigerian Aquatic Environment on Fisheries Resources
by Olanike K. Adeyemo - 307-312 Developmental Processes, Changing Lifestyle and Traditional Wisdom: Analyses from Western Himalaya
by Sanjay Kr. Uniyal & Anjali Awasthi & Gopal S. Rawat - 313-322 Glutathione Related Enzyme Levels of Freshwater Fish as Bioindicators of Pollution
by R.R. Hamed & N.M. Farid & Sh.E. Elowa & A.-M. Abdalla - 323-328 Epipellic Algae Profile of the Mixohaline Mangrove Swamp of Qua Iboe River Estuary (Nigeria)
by J.P. Essien & R.M. Ubom - 329-334 Possible Utilization of Silica Gel Sludge for the Removal of Phenol from Aqueous Solutions: Laboratory Studies
by Azni Idris & Katayon Saed - 335-335 Water Light Time, by David Doubliet
by John F. Potter - 335-336 The Great Barrier Reef: History, Science, Heritage, by James Bowen and Margarita Bowen
by John F. Potter - 336-336 Ancient Trees: Trees that Live for a Thousand Years, by Anna Lewington and Edward Parker
by John F. Potter - 336-336 Earth Story: The Forces that Have Shaped Our Planet, by Simon Lamb and David Singleton
by John F. Potter - 337-337 The Last Tasmanian Tiger: The History and Extinction of the Thylacine, by Robert Paddle
by John F. Potter - 337-338 Sheet Explanations of the British Geological Survey: Geology of the Alresford District, Geology of the Bristol District, Geology of the Guildford District, Geology of the Kilmarnock District and Geology of the Loughborough District. Various Authors
by John F. Potter
September 2003, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 203-204 The Environmentalist: From Molecular to the Biosphere
by P.G. Kevan & J.T. Trevors - 205-210 Vehicular Contamination of Dust in Amman, Jordan
by Anwar Jiries - 211-218 Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana
by Kwasi Owusu Boadi & Markku Kuitunen - 219-227 Desertification Control and Management of Land Degradation in the Thar Desert of India
by Surendra Singh Chauhan - 229-236 Trace Gas Emissions from Biomass Burning from Northeast Region in India—Estimates from Satellite Remote Sensing Data and GIS
by V. Krishna Prasad & M. Lata & K.V.S. Badarinath - 237-247 Quantitative Response of Vegetation in Glacial Moraine of Central Himalaya
by Udai N. Gaur & G.P. Raturi & A.B. Bhatt - 249-254 Stimulated Biodegradation of Crude Oil in Soil Amended with Periwinkle Shells
by U.J.J. Ijah & M. Ndana - 255-263 Are There Ecological Foundations for Ecosystem Health?
by Svenja Belaoussoff & Peter G. Kevan - 265-266 Water Resources Quality—Preserving the Quality of our Water Resources, H. Rubin, P. Nachtnebel, J. Furst and U. Shamir (Eds.)
by A.A. Cronin - 266-266 Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously, Kent E. Portney
by Michael Greenberg - 267-267 Human Population Competition: A Study of the Pursuit of Power through Numbers, Jack Parsons
by Michael Greenberg - 267-269 The Biogeochemistry of the Amazon Basin, M.E. McClain, R.L. Victoria and J.E. Richey (Eds.)
by Ian Douglas
June 2003, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 107-108 The Environmentalist from Molecular to the Biosphere
by P.G. Kevan & J.T. Trevors - 109-115 Distribution and Significance of Epipsammic Algae in the Coastal Shore (Ibeno Beach) of Qua Iboe River Estuary, Nigeria
by R.M. Ubom & J.P. Essien - 117-126 Wastewater Reuse Practices in Kuwait
by Jasem M. Alhumoud & Haider S. Behbehani & Tamama H. Abdullah - 127-136 Passive Samplers for NOx Monitoring: A Critical Review
by C.K. Varshney & Abhai Pratap Singh - 137-144 Biodiversity Conservation in the Thar Desert; with Emphasis on Endemic and Medicinal Plants
by T.I. Khan & Anil K. Dular & Deepika M. Solomon - 145-149 Decolorization and Complete Degradation of Methyl Red by a Mixed Culture
by P.P. Vijaya & S. Sandhya - 151-157 The Truth about Public Health Protection and Community Sewerage and Water Supply Sanitation in Developing Countries
by Harvey F. Ludwig & Kumar Mohit & Daniel Gunaratnam - 159-173 Individual-Oriented and Neighborhood Protecting Health Actions: The Critical Role of Environmental Education Seeking Behavior
by Michael R. Greenberg - 175-187 Implications of Land Use Changes on Carbon Dynamics and Sequestration—Evaluation from Forestry Datasets, India
by V. Krishna Prasad & K.V.S. Badarinath & H. Tsuruta & S. Sudo & S. Yonemura & John Cardina & Benjamin Stinner & Richard Moore & Deborah Stinner & Casey Hoy - 189-192 Destruction of Forests and Wildlife in the Kashmir Wilderness
by Gunavant M. Oza - 193-193 Oaks, Dragonflies and People: Creating a Small Nature Reserve and Relating Its Story to Wider Conservation Issues
by John F. Potter - 194-194 The Earth from the Air for Children
by John F. Potter
March 2003, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 5-5 Announcement
by Melinda Paul - 7-8 World Heritage Sites—What are They?
by John F. Potter - 9-15 Conservation of Biodiversity: How Are We Doing?
by Norman Myers - 17-28 Living with Pollution in Egypt
by Nicholas S. Hopkins & Sohair R. Mehanna - 29-38 Thought for Fuelling Change: A Review of Three Models for Understanding Environmentally Significant Transitions
by Ellen J. Klupfel & Wayne C. Pfeiffer & Glen C. Filson - 39-47 People's Perception About Participatory Developmental Programs: Lessons from the Mountain Risk Engineering Program in the Indian Central Himalaya
by Devendra Kumar Agrawal & Prasanna Kumar Samal & Nehal Ahmed Farooquee & Lok Man Singh Palni - 49-70 Sustainable Development and Environmental Impact Assessment in Egypt: Historical Assessment
by Rifaat Abdel Wahaab - 71-80 Comparison of Growth Kinetics in Pseudomonas using Two Different Sets of Conditions
by Hashmi Imran & Jong-Guk Kim - 81-87 A Survey of Strategies Adopted by UK Wildlife Trusts in the Promotion of Gardening for Wildlife
by Colin Ryall & Peter Hatherell - 89-95 The Potential Use of Chicken-Drop Micro-Organisms for Oil Spill Remediation
by U.J.J. Ijah & S.P. Antai - 97-98 Book Review: The Environmental Dimensions of Islam
by Iljas Baker - 98-100 Book Review: Drought, Food and Culture: Ecological Change and Food Security in Africa' Later Prehistory
by M. Kassas
December 2002, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 295-296 Is this the Answer?
by John F. Potter - 297-300 Recipe for Disaster
by Mario Petrucci - 301-309 Urban Waste Pollution in the Korle Lagoon, Accra, Ghana
by Kwasi Owusu Boadi & Markku Kuitunen - 311-318 The Ecological and Environmental Characteristics and Conservation of the Wetlands in the Changjiang Estuary, China
by X.Z. Yuan & H. Liu & J.J. Lu - 319-324 The Prospect of Municipal Waste Landfill Diversion Depends on Geographical Location
by M. Fehr - 325-331 How Science Contributes to Environmental Reporting in British Newspapers: A Case Study of the Reporting of Global Warming and Climate Change
by Neil Taylor & Subhashni Nathan - 333-343 The International Environmental Expert Panel for Major Dam/Reservoir Projects: The Yellow River, China
by Daniel J. Gunaratnam & Xie Qingtao & Harvey F. Ludwig - 345-351 Environmental Education: Biodiversity
by M. Kassas - 353-365 Energy Supply Potentials and Needs, and the Environmental Impact of their Use in Sudan
by Abdeen Mustafa Omer - 367-375 The Transboundary River Nestos and Its Water Quality Assessment: Cross-Border Cooperation between Greece and Bulgaria
by Efthymios Darakas - 377-385 Socio-Ecological Impact and Risk Assessments in the Urban Environment: A Multidisciplinary Concept from Hong Kong
by L.M. Marafa - 387-392 Market System to Curtail Emission Magnitudes Evolved from Electricity Generation
by Akim M. Rahman - 393-394 Book Reviews: Roads, Sensitive Habitats and Wildlife: Environmental Guideline for India and South Asia
by Harvey F. Ludwig - 394-394 Book Reviews: The Peopling of Britain: The Shaping of the Human Landscape
by John F. Potter
September 2002, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 203-204 You and I, and too many others!
by John F. Potter - 205-216 Youth environmental attitudes in Australia and Brunei: implications for education
by John Fien & Irene Teh-Cheong Poh Ai & David Yencken & Helen Sykes & David Treagust - 217-226 Environmental management systems and sustainable development
by K. McDonach & P.P. Yaneske - 227-235 Biological degradation of some organic compounds involved in the paper industry
by Rifaat Abdel Wahaab - 237-240 Iron and Zinc status in soils, water and staple food cultivars in Itakpe, Kogi State of Nigeria
by Francis C. Ezeonu & Amanabo Musa & Stanly C. Udedi & Oswald C. Edeogu - 241-260 Environmental impact assessment of a proposed info-tech complex in East Calcutta wetlands
by P.K. Sikdar & S. Mondal & L. Saha & S.S. Sarkar & S. Banerjee - 261-268 Vermiculture and waste management: study of action of earthworms Elsinia foetida, Eudrilus euginae and Perionyx excavatus on biodegradation of some community wastes in India and Australia
by Rajiv K. Sinha & Sunil Herat & Sunita Agarwal & Ravi Asadi & Emilio Carretero - 269-287 Selected landslide types in the Central Himalaya: their relation to geological structure and anthropogenic activities
by Anita Pande & R.C. Joshi & D.S. Jalal
June 2002, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 107-109 How to lose friends and not influence people!
by John F. Potter - 111-118 Trace elements in camel tissues from a semi-arid region
by M.N. Rashed - 119-131 Ecohydrology and fisheries of the upper Brahmaputra basin
by Sanchita Boruah & S.P. Biswas - 133-141 Runoff and soil loss from steep slopes treated with low cost bioengineering measures
by Kireet Kumar & Deep Pant & Y.S. Panda & G.S. Satyal - 143-148 Encouraging tribal women to conserve deciduous biodiversity
by Shobha J. Kamath & Premlata G. Oza - 149-159 Physiological responses of Avicennia marina seedlings to the phytotoxic effects of the water-soluble fraction of light Arabian crude oil
by Tarek Youssef - 161-172 Soil erosion under different vegetation covers in the Venezuelan Andes
by Luz Amelia Sánchez & Michele Ataroff & Roberto López - 173-182 Biomethanation of plant materials and agricultural residues using dung samples as wild population of microbes and also with isolated methanogens
by Nilanjan Chakraborty & G.M. Sarkar & S.C. Lahiri - 183-189 Effects of sheep and goat grazing on the species diversity in the alpine meadows of Western Himalaya
by Chandra Prakash Kala & Sanjay Kumar Singh & Gopal Singh Rawat - 191-191 Book review: Environment, Construction and Sustainable Development
by John F. Potter - 191-192 Book review: Wild Nights, the Nature of New York City
by Natalia Vinci - 192-193 Book review: Building Stone Resources Map of Britain
by John F. Potter - 193-194 Book review: The Physical Properties of Minor Aquifers in England and Wales
by A.A. Cronin - 194-195 Book review: The Reality of Aid 2000
by Harvey F. Ludwig - 195-196 Book review: An Invitation to Environmental Philosophy
by Harvey F. Ludwig - 196-197 Book review: Risk Assessment in Environmental Management, A Guide for Managing Chemical Contamination Problems
by Harvey F. Ludwig
March 2002, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 5-8 Editorial: But how do we get the message home?
by John F. Potter - 9-12 A cost-effective microbial slurry technology for rapid composting of municipal solid wastes in waste dump sites in India and its feasibility for use in Australia
by Rajiv K. Sinha & Sunil Herat - 13-21 The fate of heavy metals in green waste composting
by Adrian J. Whittle & Alex J. Dyson - 23-28 Effects of spent engine oil on the growth parameters, chlorophyll and protein levels of Amaranthus hybridus L
by Victor J. Odjegba & A. O. Sadiq - 29-42 Advancing the debate on a world environment organization
by Udo E. Simonis - 43-49 Biodiversity: gaps in knowledge
by M. Kassas - 51-57 Promoting sustainable development in Ghanaian small-scale gold mining operations
by Gavin Hilson - 59-65 Three Egyptian industrial wastewater management programmes
by Fatma A. El-Gohary & Rifaat A. Wahaab & Fayza A. Nasr & Hamdy I. Ali - 67-82 Recognizing hidden environmental and social costs and reducing ecological and societal damage through tax, price, and subsidy reform
by Walter H. Corson - 83-92 Towards global climate change mitigation: assessment of an afforestation option for Nigeria
by W. O. Siyanbola & F. A. Adesina & D. A. Pelemo & F. O. Oketola & L. O. Ojo & A. O. Adegbulugbe - 93-93 Book review: Environmental Economics: A Critical Overview
by Michael Greenberg - 94-94 Book review: Cities in Transition
by Michael Greenberg - 94-95 Book review: The Blue Planet: A Natural History of the Oceans
by John F. Potter - 95-96 Book review: Radioactive Waste Disposal at Sea: Public Ideas, Transnational Policy Enterpreneurs, and Environmental Regimes
by Martin Angel - 96-98 Book review: Land Resources: Now and For the Future
by M. Kassas - 98-99 Book review: An Integrated Approach to Waste Water Management, Deciding When, Where, and How Much To Invest
by Harvey F. Ludwig
December 2001, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 255-258 Environmentalism: A Time of Too Much Complacency?
by John F. Potter - 259-263 Distinguishing Ecotoxic Effects of Environmental Pollutants
by Francis C. Ezeonu - 265-272 Environmental Attitudes and Behavior of Primary and Secondary Students in Asian Cities: An Overview Strategy for Implementing an Eco-schools Programme
by David Chapman & Kamala Sharma - 273-286 A Baseline Study on Water Resources of the Tourist Island, Pulau Perhentian, Peninsular Malaysia, from an Ecological Perspective
by Siaw Yang Yap & Takushi Kahoru - 287-296 Organization of School Centres and Environmental Education: In Search of Action Models for the Greening of School Organization
by Jaume Sureda & Ana M. Calvo - 297-303 Landfill Bioreactor Cells as Ecofilters for Extraction of Bio-energy and Nutrients from Solid Wastes
by Torleif Bramryd & Michael Binder - 305-315 Could Peace be Worse than War for Colombia's Forests?
by María D. Álvarez
September 2001, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 183-185 Trends in environmentalism
by John F. Potter - 187-195 Lead removal from contaminated water using mineral adsorbents
by M. N. Rashed - 197-203 Depletion of forest resources in south eastern Nigeria: who loses?
by Maurice Akpan Okoji - 205-209 Determination of urinary lead in school children in Manzini, Swaziland, Southern Africa
by Jonathan O. Okonkwo & Salia M. Lwenje & Victor S. B. Mtetwa & Patience N. Gumedze & Mbuso M. Shilongonyane - 211-220 Sequential bioconversion of used paper to sugars by cellulases from Trichoderma reesei and Penicillium funiculosum
by J. P. H. van Wyk - 221-229 Agricultural colonisation and floristic degradation in Nigeria's rainforest ecosystem
by Ayobami T. Salami - 231-236 Floral biodiversity: a question of survival in the Indian Thar Desert
by T. I. Khan & S. Frost - 237-237 Book review: The variety of life: A survey and a celebration of all creatures that have ever lived
by Marcus Chambers - 237-239 Book review: Environments and historical change
by Hans Bandler - 239-240 Book review: Living with nature: environmental politics as cultural discourse
by J.C. Smyth - 240-241 Book review: Evolution: An introduction
by John F. Potter - 241-242 Book review: Atlas of the land and freshwater Molluscs of Britain and Ireland
by John F. Potter - 242-243 Book review: Using statistics to understand the environment
by Dona Schnieder