June 2001, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 91-92 SSSI—three S's but still one missing
by John F. Potter - 93-96 Waste scavenging in Third World cities: A case study in Ilorin, Nigeria
by A. S. Adeyemi & J. F. Olorunfemi & T. O. Adewoye - 97-101 Erosion studies in a Nigerian city: A methodological approach
by H. I. Jimoh - 103-107 NIEO revisited: A new international environmental order in the making
by Udo E. Simonis - 109-113 Levels of lead in blood in residents of Kuwait
by A. H. Bu-Olayan & B. V. Thomas - 115-127 Implementation of the European IPPC Directive—BAT guidelines for the cement industry in Cyprus
by M. Marneri & D. Fatta & M. Loizidou - 129-143 Brownfield redevelopment as a smart growth option in the United States
by Michael Greenberg & Karen Lowrie & Henry Mayer & K. Tyler Miller & Laura Solitare - 145-151 Monitoring air pollution in Kano municipality by chemical analysis of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles for sulphur content
by J. T. Ayodele & A. Ahmed - 153-159 Nutrient requirements for the growth of waterleaf (Talinum triangulare) in Uyo metropolis, Nigeria
by Imoh E. Ukpong & Julia O. Moses - 161-168 Application of modeling and simulation tools in costs and pollution monitoring
by H. H. Khoo & T. A. Spedding & D. Houston & D. Taplin - 169-170 Book Review: Managing the environment, managing ourselves, A history of American environmental policy
by Harvey F. Ludwig - 170-171 Book Review: Social funds and reaching the poor: experiences and future directions
by Harvey F. Ludwig - 171-172 Book Review: Making better environmental decisions: an alternative to risk assessment
by Dona Schnieder - 172-173 Book Review: The water crisis
by M. Kassas
March 2001, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-9 They could do better!
by Harvey F. Ludwig & John F. Potter - 11-21 A review of the Nigerian petroleum industry and the associated environmental problems
by Onah R. Ogri - 23-39 Changing scenario of Himalayan agroecosystems: loss of agrobiodiversity, an indicator of environmental change in Central Himalaya, India
by R. K. Maikhuri & K. S. Rao & R. L. Semwal - 41-69 Food and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Norman Myers & Jennifer Kent - 71-75 Arsenic levels in the marine ecosystem off the Kuwait coast, Arabian Gulf
by A. H. Bu-Olayan & B. V. Thomas - 77-80 Book Review: International Watercourses: Enhancing Cooperation and Management Conflict
by Hans Bandler - 80-81 Book Review: Human Population Competition: A Study of the Pursuit of Power through Numbers
by Norman Myers - 81-83 Book Review: Global Energy Perspectives
by Bruce Sellwood
December 2000, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 291-293 The spread of the aliens
by John F. Potter - 295-300 Toxicity and uptake of mercurials in a cyanobacterium
by Anjana Pant - 301-308 Evaluation of rainfall erosivity in Bheta Gad catchment, Kumaun Hills of Uttar Pradesh, central Himalayas
by B. K. Ramprasad & B. P. Kothyari & R. K. Pande - 309-317 Effect of aspect on the structure of some natural stands of Abies pindrow in Himalayan moist temperate forest
by C. M. Sharma & N. P. Baduni - 319-324 Preliminary assessment of indoor industrial noise pollution in Kuwait
by Ali Muhammad Khuraibet & Faten Al-Attar - 325-334 A generic comparison of the airborne risks to human health from landfill and incinerator disposal of municipal solid waste
by Olga Bridges & Jim W. Bridges & John F. Potter - 335-341 The terms genetic resource, biological resource, and biodiversity examined
by Antonio C. Allem - 343-350 Methane emission from rice paddy soils, aerotolerance of methanogens and global thermal warming
by N. Chakraborty & G. M. Sarkar & S. C. Lahiri
September 2000, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 191-194 Seeking a new home: some thoughts on the longer term trends in planetary environmental engineering
by John F. Potter - 195-203 Mining and the environment: a case study from Bijolia quarrying site in Rajasthan, India
by Rajiv K. Sinha & Dhirendra K. Pandey & Ambuj K. Sinha - 205-214 Soil properties in the metropolitan region of Ibadan, Nigeria: implications for the management of the urban environment of developing countries
by Adeniyi Gbadegesin & M. A. Olabode - 215-219 Appropriate technology for municipal sewerage/excreta management in developing countries, Thailand case study
by H. F. Ludwig & Kumar Mohit - 221-232 Eco-environmental changes and causative analysis in the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, China
by Wang Genxu & Cheng Guodong - 233-247 Environmental changes associated with mass urban tourism and nature tourism development in Hong Kong
by C. Y. Jim - 249-255 The impacts of tourism on the environment of Mussoorie, Garhwal Himalaya, India
by Sapna Madan & Laxmi Rawat - 257-271 The accumulation of geophysical data in digitized format may give glimpses into the evolution of the Earth
by Gabriel Godin - 273-276 Gardens for the third millennium: The Garden of Eden to urban paradise
by Maria L. Cohen & John F. Potter
June 2000, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 87-91 Protecting the last millennium
by John F. Potter - 93-104 Neighborhood quality in environmentally stressed areas of Accra, Ghana: a comparison with US counterparts
by Michael R. Greenberg & Lynda Osafo - 105-111 Histochemical and histopathological study of the intestine of the earthworm (Pheretima elongata) exposed to a field dose of the herbicide glyphosate
by Mohssen Morowati - 113-121 Use of environmental teaching kits in Hong Kong
by Kara Chan - 123-139 Environmental planning and management for the Assarawat highland region of south-western Saudi Arabia: the traditional versus the professional approach
by Mohammed Abdullah Eben Saleh - 141-155 Students' environmental concerns and opinions: a Chinese perspective
by John C. K. Lee & Baosheng An & K. K. Chan & Tammy Kwan - 157-168 Local impacts of US nuclear weapons facilities: a survey of planners
by Karen Lowrie & Michael Greenberg - 169-178 Education at the Commission on Sustainable Development: the perception of the international community
by Jennifer Young - 179-180 Book Reviews
by David Duthie
March 2000, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-7 A new millennium—so what's new?
by John F. Potter - 9-11 Cellulose degrading capabilities of cellulolytic bacteria isolated from the intestinal fluids of the silver cricket
by N. Chakraborty & G. M. Sarkar & S. C. Lahiri - 13-17 Constraints to effective pollution control and management in Nigeria
by Anthony Uzodinma Egbu - 19-27 An experimental study of soil conservation using herbaceous plants in Majuli Island, Assam, India
by S. P. Biswas & Debajit Baruah & Ananda Hazarika - 29-31 Effect of co-culturing of methanogens with sulphur-reducing bacteria on biomethanation
by N. Chakraborty & G. M. Sarkar & S. C. Lahiri - 33-39 A survey of rainstorms as weather hazards in southern Nigeria
by Ibidun O. Adelekan - 41-48 The environment and global security
by Ifeanyi C. Ezeonu & Francis C. Ezeonu - 49-62 Risk-taking and environmental perception
by Franz X. Bogner & Johann C. Brengelmann & Michael Wiseman - 63-67 Lead in particulate deposits and in leaves of roadside plants, Karachi, Pakistan
by Zafar Iqbal Shams & Mirza Arshad Ali beg
December 1999, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 291-295 On the Road to the Isles
by John F. Potter - 293-303 Local population impacts on the forests of Garhwal Himalaya, India
by A.K. Negi & B.P. Bhatt & N.P. Todaria - 305-316 Students' awareness of the urban environment in a small Greek city
by T.D. Karapantsios & E.I. Boutskou & A.I. Balouktsis - 317-323 Shrimps, bananas and mangroves: A dispute resolved
by Alissa J. Stern - 325-335 The limits to growth argument now
by F. E. Trainer - 337-342 Does environmental compliance pay?
by Vasanthakumar N. Bhat - 343-347 Studies on the primary production in a river basin in eastern India
by Sajalendu Nanda - 349-360 An international environmental study programme: the International Baccalaureate Environmental Systems course
by Patrick Armstrong & Jill Rutherford - 361-368 Nine years after the invasion of Kuwait: the impacts of the Iraqi left-over ordnance
by Ali Muhammad Khuraibet
September 1999, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 187-188 The dilemmas of tourism
by John F. Potter - 189-195 The Eighth Kew Environmental Lecture. Loving nature to promote national well being: a personal experience
by HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn - 197-201 Air pollution regulations new to Zambia
by Misheck C. Mulenga - 203-215 Informal settlers' perceptions of environmental quality: A case study of the Mizamoyethu Community, South Africa
by R. Ballantyne & C. Oelofse - 217-227 Indigenous economic institutions and ecological knowledge: A Ghanaian case study
by Seth Appiah-Opoku - 229-237 Reviewing the framework for dealing with urban environmental problems
by Usha Iyer-Raniga & Graham Treloar - 239-249 Forests and societal values: comparing scientific and public perception of forest health
by Aviva Patel & David J. Rapport & Loren Vanderlinden & John Eyles - 251-257 Environmental impact assessment in the People's Republic of China: a case study of the Shanghai Second Sewerage Project
by Sarah Hoyle & Shahed Power & Simon Hutchinson - 259-275 The impacts of recreation and tourism in the remote North Kimberly region of Western Australia
by Marion Hercock - 277-277 Book Reviews
by Colin Ryall
March 1999, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-4 Nor any drop to drink – a matter of principle
by JOHN F. Potter - 5-9 Drinking water supply – a backward look into the future
by EDMUND B. Pike - 11-16 Water quality and Health
by R. Helmer - 17-22 The World Health Organization in Europe and its role in water and health
by JAMIE Bartram - 23-26 Revision of the council directive on the quality of water intended for human consumption
by lEROTHEOS Papadopoulos - 27-33 Freshwater – a UNED-UK round table response
by FELIX Dodds - 35-38 Recreational waters and Health-swimming against the tide
by GARETH Rees - 39-60 The Wanjiazhai Water Transfer Project, China: an environmentally integrated water transfer system
by XIE Qingtao & GUO Xinan & HARVEY F. Ludwig - 61-65 Anaerobic/aerobic treatment of meat processing wastewater
by RIFAAT A. Wahaab & M. HAMDY El-awady - 67-79 Sustainable wetland management strategies under uncertainties
April 1999, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 195-196 Time to stop subsidising environmental degradation
by John F. Potter - 213-218 The role of climatic variations on migration and human health in Africa
by A.A. Afolayan & I.O. Adelekan - 219-221 Wildlife conservation in India
by Gunavant M. Oza & Premlata G. Oza - 223-229 An analysis of the problems of developing environmental education in Brazilian Federal protected areas
by Cristina A.R. De Carvalho & Walter Leal Filho & William H.G. Hale - 231-237 Birds and air traffic safety on Zagreb airport (Croatia)
by SnjeŽAna KuŽIr & Jasmina MuŽIniĆ - 239-249 Ecotourism options in coastal protected area management: a case study of North Head Quarantine Station, Australia
by Stephen Wearing & Simon Darcy - 251-261 Environmental knowing and action
by Susan Coldicutt - 263-265 UK Landfill – The Future?
by Adrian Whittle
June 1998, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 83-84 Too much accountability, too little research
by John F. Potter - 85-97 Mass media and environmental knowledge of secondary school students in Hong Kong
by Kara K.W. Chan - 99-107 The sustainability of a car dependent settlement pattern: an evaluation of new rural settlement in Ireland
by Brendan McGrath - 109-127 Seasonal ecological variations of phyto- and zoobenthic communities in the south of Nisyros Island, Greece
by Alexis Conides & Costantinos Bogdanos & Aristidis Diapoulis - 129-136 Removal of chromium(VI) from electroplating industry wastewater using bagasse fly ash—a sugar industry waste material
by Vinod K. Gupta & Dinesh Mohan & Saurabh Sharma & Kuk T. Park - 137-143 Environmental problems associated with livestock production in Tropical Africa
by Onah R. Ogri - 145-161 Economic, social, and environmental sustainability in development theory and urban planning practice
by A. D. Basiago - 163-169 Nature as an arena for the quality of life: psycho-spiritual values—the next main focus in nature conservation?
by Sigmund Hågvar - 171-171 Principles of conservation biology
by Colin Ryall - 173-174 Young person's guide to the environment: practical ways of making a difference
by Dona Schneider & Janet Huang - 175-176 Education for sustainability
by Clare Eddison - 177-178 Currents of change: El Niño's impact on climate and society
by M. Kassas - 179-179 Confronting crisis: a comparative study of household responses to poverty and vulnerability in four poor urban communities
by Michael Greenberg
September 1998, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 131-134 Facing up to environmental realityin the 21st century
by Harvey F. Ludwig & John F. Potter & Kasem Snidvongs - 135-138 Population: some overlooked issues
by Norman Myers - 139-148 Environmental risk perception and urban renewal in the West Midlands, UK
by Andrew G. Ayres & Michael Pugh Thomas - 149-155 Landslides in the Garhwal Lesser Himalaya, UP, India
by S.P. Sati & Ajay Naithani & G.S. Rawat - 157-166 Biodiversity values for alternative management regimes in remote UK coniferous forests: an iterative bidding polychotomous choice approach
by K.G. Willis & G.D. Garrod - 167-173 The prospects of tropical timber plantation investment funds
by Bert Scholtens - 175-182 A methodology for estimation of vehicle emissions in an urban environment: an example from Greater Manchester
by D. Rayfield & J.W.S. Longhurst & A.F.R. Watson & T. Hewison & D.W. Raper & D.E. Conlan & B. Owen
June 1998, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 65-66 How can I stop my fillets from shrinking?
by John F. Potter - 67-75 Land use and solid waste generation in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
by J.F. Olorunfemi & C.O. Odita - 77-86 Environmental issue area and game theory
by Heikki O. Kuismin - 87-93 Performance assessment of a wastewater treatment plant producing effluent for irrigation in Egypt
by Fatma A. El-Gohary & Fayza A. Nasr & S. El-Hawaary - 95-108 An examination of the compatibility of World Bank policies towards population, development and biodiversity in the Third World
by Ian J. Rappel & Neil H. Thomas - 109-118 Protected areas, agricultural pests and economic damage: conflicts with elephants and pests in Yunnan, China
by Clem Tisdell & Xiang Zhu
March 1998, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 3-13 The impacts of road transport on air quality in the Greater Manchester region, UK: policies towards a sustainable transport system
by D. Rayfield & J.W.S. Longhurst & P.S. Ramsden & J.A. Dinsdale & R.M. Elliott & D.E. Conlan - 15-25 A framework for identifying and classifyingecosystem dysfunctions
by Stephen Birkett & David Rapport - 27-38 Environmental perceptions of Irish and Bavarian pupils: an empirical study
by Franz X. Bogner - 39-45 Sensitizing technical experts to public concerns about industrial hazards using theory, guided imaging and focused group discussion
by Ilyas Baker & Thawatchai Boonchote - 47-57 Havana's popular gardens:sustainable prospects for urban agriculture
by Scott G. Chaplowe
December 1997, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 217-219 Green land misuse – a calamitous waste
by John F. Potter - 221-223 Education, communication and language
by John C. Smyth - 225-231 The Seventh Kew Environmental Lecture: Our global future: climate change
by Timothy E. Wirth - 233-247 Our forestry prospect: the past recycled or a surprise-rich future?
by Norman Myers - 249-258 Appreciating the biodiversity of remnant bushland: an ‘architectural’ approach
by Marion J. Hercock - 259-262 Fluorosis - a case study from the Sambher Salt Lake region in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
by Rajiv K. Sinha - 263-268 The pedagogy of atmospheric issues and the UK Atmospheric Research and Information Centre's Education Programme
by Sue Hare & James Longhurst & Kelvin Williams & Joe Buchdahl - 269-281 Rural blight and land use planning in Hong Kong
by C.Y. Jima - 283-287 Conservation of biodiversity in western India
by T.I. Khan - 289-295 Monitoring the dispersal of contaminants by wildlife at nuclear weapons production and waste storage facilities
by Michael L. Morrison & K. Shawn Smallwood & Jan Beyea - 297-306 A study of oil pollution effects on the ecology of a coastal lake ecosystem
by Alexis J. Conides & Alkistis R. Parpoura
September 1997, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 147-148 Sustainable development: are we being conned?
by John F. Potter - 149-151 The scientific enterprise
by Norman Myers - 153-156 Environmental education research news
by John F. Disinger - 159-162 An ethnobotanic garden
by Maria Luisa Cohen - 163-172 Urban deprivation: the case of Ondo Town, Nigeria
by V.E.A. Akorede - 173-179 Education for sustainability at the United Nations: making progress?
by John Smyth & Chris Blackmore & Trevor Harvey - 181-190 Innovation in environmental policy: the National Environmental Policy Act of the US and the Resource Management Act of New Zealand
by Sarah Michaels & Owen J. Furuseth - 191-195 Should Benji Dam be dredged? A preliminary impact assessment to dredging a water reservoir in an African national park
by C. Tafangenyasha - 197-208 Environmental reporting for global higher education institutions using the World Wide Web
by J. Walton & T. Alabaster & S. Richardson & R. Harrison - 209-210 Our Children's Toxic Legacy: How Science and Law Fail to Protect us from Pesticides
by Dona Schneider - 210-210 Terraforming: Engineering Planetary Environments
by J.F. Potter - 210-211 Forest Politics: The Evolution of International Cooperation: Institutions for Environment Aid: Pitfalls and Promise
by Dona Schneider
June 1997, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 79-86 Classification of a Malaysian river using biological indices: a preliminary attempt
by Siaw-Yang Yap - 87-96 Catalysts for change: the emerging role of participatory research in land management
by Meg Keen - 97-102 Sustainable development and technology
by Amin U. Sarkar - 103-108 The geoenvironmental cycle of cadmium: a case study
by A.R. Khwaja & Rashmi Singh & Madhuri Raju & S.N. Tandon - 109-113 Treatment and reuse of sewage sludge
by Fayza A. Nasr - 115-124 Impacts of urban agriculture in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
by Malongo R.S. Mlozi - 125-133 Eco-labelling: success or failure?
by Camilla C. Erskine & Lyndhurst Collins - 135-141 The challenge of sustainable tourism
by Stuart Mcminn
March 1997, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 7-10 Roadside habitats: a missing link in the conservation agenda
by Antonio C. Allem - 11-13 The local authority EMAS in the UK: the Sutton model
by Bruce Cockrean - 15-20 Soil: An Overlooked, Undervalued And Vital Part Of The Human Environment
by E.M. Bridges & J.H.V. Van Baren - 21-25 Re-evaluating energy efficiency in China
by Matthew R. Auer & Xiaolan Ye - 27-32 Bioaccumulation of metals in fishes: an in vivo experimental study of a sewage fed ecosystem
by S.C. Deb & S.C. Santra - 33-44 Consumption in relation to population, environment and development
by Norman Myers - 45-55 Employability of environmental science graduates in Australia
by A.L. Brown & Sally Clarke - 57-62 Energy and entropy: a thermodynamic approach to sustainability
by Willem Norde - 63-67 Environment and social transformation
by M. Kassas