June 2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 36-51 Disadoption
by Donald R. Lehmann & Jeffrey R. Parker - 52-66 Strategic marketing, sustainability, the triple bottom line, and resource-advantage (R-A) theory: Securing the foundations of strategic marketing theory and research
by Shelby D. Hunt - 67-84 The self-concept life cycle and brand perceptions: An interdisciplinary perspective
by Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez
December 2016, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 99-115 Marketing’s forthcoming Age of imagination
by Gerald Zaltman - 116-124 What makes a good theory practical?
by Bobby J. Calder & Alice M. Tybout - 125-131 Reflections on marketing and imagination
by William L. Wilkie - 132-141 From fragmentation to imagination: moving to Marketing’s next Era
by Robin A. Coulter - 142-156 Consumer cooperatives: uncovering the value potential of customer ownership
by Antti Talonen & Iiro Jussila & Hannu Saarijärvi & Timo Rintamäki - 157-175 Leveraged marketing communications: a framework for explaining the effects of secondary brand associations
by Lars Bergkvist & Charles R. Taylor - 176-193 Developing a conceptual model of small independent retailers in developing economies: the roles of embeddedness and subsistence markets
by Dev Narayan Sarkar & Kaushik Kundu & Himadri Roy Chaudhuri
June 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-16 Reflections on customer-based brand equity: perspectives, progress, and priorities
by Kevin Lane Keller - 17-22 Customer-based strategic brand management: past progress and future challenges
by Deborah Roedder John - 23-32 Customer-based brand equity in a technologically fast-paced, connected, and constrained environment
by Zeynep Gürhan-Canli & Ceren Hayran & Gülen Sarial-Abi - 33-38 Branding in the digital era: new directions for research on customer-based brand equity
by Vanitha Swaminathan - 39-58 A unified conceptualization of the attraction effect
by K. Sivakumar - 59-78 In search of clarity on servant leadership: domain specification and reconceptualization
by Rebecca VanMeter & Lawrence B. Chonko & Douglas B. Grisaffe & Emily A. Goad - 79-97 Firms’ adoption of self-service technology: how managerial beliefs shape co-production decisions
by Rita Di Mascio
December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 61-77 The theoretical foundations of strategic marketing and marketing strategy: foundational premises, R-A theory, three fundamental strategies, and societal welfare
by Shelby D. Hunt - 78-90 Strategic marketing, marketing strategy and market strategy
by Rajan Varadarajan - 91-97 Commentary on Shelby Hunt’s “The theoretical foundations of strategic marketing and marketing strategy: foundational premises, R-A theory, three fundamental strategies, and societal welfare”
by Neil A. Morgan - 98-102 Developing new marketing strategy theory: addressing the limitations of a singular focus on firm financial performance
by Sundar Bharadwaj - 103-122 Retail capability systems
by Efua Obeng & John E. Prescott & John Hulland & Robert Gilbert & James Maxham - 123-141 Knowledge management capabilities of lead firms in innovation ecosystems
by Chander Velu - 142-158 Cultural dynamics and marketing strategies for emerging markets: characterization of group subcultures and consumption preferences
by Gregory J. Kivenzor
June 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-19 On the practical relevance of the attraction effect: A cautionary note and guidelines for context effect experiments
by Marcel Lichters & Marko Sarstedt & Bodo Vogt - 20-27 Explicating the inductive realist model of theory generation
by Shelby D. Hunt - 28-44 An integrated framework for design perception and brand equity
by Abhishek Mishra & Satyabhushan Dash & Naresh K. Malhotra - 45-59 A framework for the formation of governance portfolios in international interfirm marketing collaborations
by Steven H. Dahlquist & David A. Griffith
December 2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 45-62 Which controls are better for service outsourcing? Integrating service-dominant logic and service characteristics
by Subroto Roy & K. Sivakumar - 63-77 Knowledge needs of firms: the know-x framework for marketing strategy
by Sreedhar Madhavaram & Andrew C. Gross & Radha Appan - 78-95 An integrated model of cause-related marketing strategy development
by Gordon Liu & Wai Wai Ko
June 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-4 Enhancing theory development in marketing
by Manjit S. Yadav - 5-20 Trust as a facilitator of co-creation in customer-salesperson interaction – an imperative for the realization of episodic and relational value?
by Jasmin Baumann & Kenneth Le Meunier-FitzHugh - 21-31 Customers’ coping with interpersonal conflicts in intra and inter-cultural service encounters
by Haithem Zourrig & Jean-Charles Chebat & Roy Toffoli & Alexandra Medina-Borja - 32-43 Material and efficient cause interpretations of the formative model: resolving misunderstandings and clarifying conceptual language
by Nick Lee & John W. Cadogan & Laura Chamberlain
December 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 181-192 Consciousness for sustainable consumption: scale development and new insights in the economic dimension of consumers’ sustainability
by Ingo Balderjahn & Anja Buerke & Manfred Kirchgeorg & Mathias Peyer & Barbara Seegebarth & Klaus-Peter Wiedmann - 193-204 Nomen est omen: formalizing customer labeling theory
by Kirk Plangger & Jan H. Kietzmann & Leyland F. Pitt & Pierre Berthon & David Hannah - 205-216 Exploring motivations and the capacity for business crowdsourcing
by Jule B. Gassenheimer & Judy A. Siguaw & Gary L. Hunter - 217-231 Remediating food deserts, food swamps, and food brownfields: helping the poor access nutritious, safe, and affordable food
by Arturo E. Osorio & Maria G. Corradini & Jerome D. Williams - 232-248 Reinterpreting cultural priming effects in cross-cultural consumer research
by Dwight R. Merunka
September 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 103-129 An appraisal of behavioral price research (part 1): price as a physical stimulus
by Lillian L. Cheng & Kent B. Monroe - 130-134 The utility of an information processing approach for behavioral price research
by Rashmi Adaval - 135-140 Commentary on: “an appraisal of behavioral price research (Part I)”
by Keith S. Coulter - 141-145 Commentary on behavioral price research: the role of subjective experiences in price cognition
by Manoj Thomas - 146-150 How and why is price perceived: a commentary on Cheng and Monroe
by Akshay R. Rao - 151-154 A Closer look at reference price: A commentary
by Angela Y. Lee - 155-159 Some reflections on an appraisal of behavioral price research (part 1)
by Lillian L. Cheng & Kent B. Monroe - 160-170 MIMIC models, formative indicators and the joys of research
by Adamantios Diamantopoulos & Dirk Temme - 171-179 Scientific progress in measurement theory?
by John R. Rossiter
June 2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 51-60 Theoretical development in ethical marketing decision making
by O. C. Ferrell & Victoria L. Crittenden & Linda Ferrell & William F. Crittenden - 61-73 The inductive realist model of theory generation: explaining the development of a theory of marketing ethics
by Shelby D. Hunt - 74-85 A special emphasis and look at the emotional side of ethical decision-making
by Scott J. Vitell & Robert Allen King & Jatinder Jit Singh - 86-102 Corporate societal responsibility in marketing: normatively broadening the concept
by Patrick E. Murphy & Magdalena Öberseder & Gene R. Laczniak
March 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Scientific progress in marketing
by V. L. Crittenden & R. A. Peterson - 3-17 The MIMIC model and formative variables: problems and solutions
by Nick Lee & John W. Cadogan & Laura Chamberlain - 18-23 Conceptual clarity in measurement—Constructs, composites, and causes: a commentary on Lee, Cadogan and Chamberlain
by Roy D. Howell - 24-29 Lee, Cadogan, and Chamberlain: an excellent point . . . But what about that iceberg?
by Edward E. Rigdon - 30-37 MIMIC models and formative measurement: some thoughts on Lee, Cadogan & Chamberlain
by Adamantios Diamantopoulos - 38-49 Formative variables are unreal variables: why the formative MIMIC model is invalid
by John W. Cadogan & Nick Lee & Laura Chamberlain
December 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 45-47 The AMS review: year 2
by Victoria L. Crittenden & Robert A. Peterson - 48-71 Two minds, three ways: dual system and dual process models in consumer psychology
by Alain Samson & Benjamin G. Voyer - 72-87 Identity-motivated marketing relationships: research synthesis, controversies, and research agenda
by Son K. Lam - 88-98 Brands and burlesque: toward a theory of spoof advertising
by Pierre R. Berthon & Leyland F. Pitt - 99-107 The relationship between cultural values and moral philosophy: a generational subculture theory approach
by Christopher J. Robertson & David A. Ralston & William F. Crittenden - 108-125 Relationships among time orientation, consumer innovativeness, and innovative behavior: the moderating role of product characteristics
by Kiran Karande & Altaf Merchant & K. Sivakumar
March 2012, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-4 On the impactfulness of theory and review articles
by Robert A. Peterson & Victoria L. Crittenden - 5-18 Explaining empirically successful marketing theories: the inductive realist model, approximate truth, and market orientation
by Shelby D. Hunt - 19-33 Comparative insights into the governance problems of agency theory: the influence of institutional environment on the basic human tenets
by Hannah S. Lee & David A. Griffith - 34-43 Effectual marketing planning for new ventures
by Peter S. Whalen & Samuel S. Holloway
December 2011, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 117-134 Benign envy
by Russell Belk - 135-136 Changes in the consequences of consumer envy due to ease of coping and social comparison targets
by Valerie S. Folkes - 137-139 Benign envy: is there a dark side of light green?
by David B. Wooten & Robert L. Harrison & Natalie Mitchell - 140-142 Benign .... or be mine?
by Michael R. Solomon - 143-144 Enveloping envy: reply to comments
by Russell Belk - 145-153 Forms of market orientation and firm performance: A complementary approach
by Ahmet H. Kirca & William O. Bearden & G. Tomas M. Hult - 154-170 Understanding the do-it-yourself consumer: DIY motivations and outcomes
by Marco Wolf & Shaun McQuitty - 171-182 Corporate and organizational identity: two sides of the same coin
by Grahame R. Dowling & Tayo Otubanjo
June 2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 67-71 Ruminations about making a theoretical contribution
by Victoria L. Crittenden & Robert A. Peterson - 72-84 Developing successful theories in marketing: insights from resource-advantage theory
by Shelby D. Hunt - 85-89 Commentary on “developing successful theories in marketing: insights from resource-advantage theory”
by Bodo B. Schlegelmilch - 90-92 Systematic reflection as a learning opportunity
by S. Adam Brasel - 93-94 Commentary on “developing successful theories in marketing: insights from resource-advantage theory”
by Colin Campbell - 95-98 Developing successful theories in marketing and R-A theory: Historical evolution? Other drivers? What’s important? What’s next?
by Shelby D. Hunt - 99-116 Erratum to: Relationships among time orientation, consumer innovativeness, and innovative behavior: the moderating role of product characteristics
by Kiran Karande & Altaf Merchant & K. Sivakumar
March 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-3 The AMS Review
by Victoria Crittenden & Robert A. Peterson - 4-17 Entrepreneurship in global innovation ecosystems
by Shaker A. Zahra & Satish Nambisan - 18-31 Resale price maintenance and free riding: insights from multi-channel research
by Gregory T. Gundlach & Kenneth C. Manning & Joseph P. Cannon - 32-43 Marketing strategy: discerning the relative influence of product and firm characteristics
by Rajan Varadarajan - 44-65 Stakeholder marketing: a definition and conceptual framework
by G. Tomas M. Hult & Jeannette A. Mena & O. C. Ferrell & Linda Ferrell