iulie 2024, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-11 The Effects Of Fiscal Policy In The Field Of Transfer Pricing - Empirical Research
by Cristina (Castrase) DIDEA & Simion Iosif MIHON & Dan Ioan TOPOR - 12-21 The Reference Framework And Development Stages Of The Internal Public Audit In The Context Of Improving Financial Management In The Republic Of Moldova
by Sofia Scutari & Tolan Anca Elena - 22-33 Theories On The Tax System And The Impact Of Managerial Administration In The Republic Of Moldova
by Sofia Scutari & Tolan Anca Elena - 34-42 Artificial Intelligence And Technology Transfer
by Ana-Maria NEDELCU (SEVERIN) & Daniela STANCU (ZAMFIR) & Cristinel BĂLAN - 43-54 The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Cultural Product Development: A Comprehensive Analysis
by Trif Georgiana - 55-64 Travel trends within Erasmus mobility programs
by Bzovii Teodora - 65-76 Elements of assessment of the eco-economy in the context of resource scarcity and consumer society
by Cristina Teodora Bălăceanu & Anca Bratu - 77-90 New Generation Of Business Incubators: Policy Overview In Romania
by Enikő MÁTYUS - 91-99 Artificial Intelligence And Technology Transfer
by Ana-Maria NEDELCU (SEVERIN) & Daniela STANCU (ZAMFIR) & Cristinel BĂLAN - 100-119 Measures And Policies To Strengthen The European Economy: A Roadmap For Romania
by Daniela Staicu
iulie 2024, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-9 Evaluation of treatment costs for patients with cirrhosis in the public medical unit:an interview with medical staff
by Anca Mihaela Belu & Zizi Niculescu & Eduard Circo - 10-16 The Perspective Of Internal Audit Policies
by Cristina Teodora BÄ‚LÄ‚CEANU & Doina Maria TILEA & DragoÈ™ LaurenÈ›iu ZAHARIA - 17-27 Managerial Accounting €“ A Systematic Review Of Specialty Literature
by Didea (Castrase) Cristina & Alexandra - Delia Bugnariu & Mihon Simion Iosif - 28-39 The Importance Of The Controlling System In The Entity: The Perception Of Specialists
by Cristina (Castrase) DIDEA & Dan Ioan TOPOR & Simion Iosif MIHON - 40-48 Cadastre in Romania: Importance, impact, benefits Case study: Systematic registration funded by European funds
by Cătălina Tarba (Duță) - 49-58 Digitalization of accounting within the concept of cost management
by Coman Elena Liliana - 50-60 Emerging Solutions For Integrating Blockchain Technology Into The Financial-Accounting Information Flow
by Lucian Gheorghe NÄ‚STASE & Dumitru BEJINARIU & Florin RADU
octombrie 2023, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-5 WOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY Abstract: Women’s entrepreneurship has gained increased recognition and support, thanks to advances in education, cultural shifts, and greater access to technology. Businesses led by women are often characterized by innovation, social responsibility, and adaptability, contributing to market diversification and promoting economic development. Support opportunities, such as mentorship programs and dedicated funding initiatives, are essential for overcoming various obstacles. Extended recognition and support for women’s entrepreneurship not only promote gender equality but also contribute to sustainable economic growth and equitable social development
by Daniela (STANCU) ZAMFIR & Mariana Pipirigeanu - 6-11 THE DIGITAL ECONOMY AND NEW BUSINESS MODELS Abstract:The digital economy represents a new era in which information and communications technology (ICT) plays a central role in all aspects of economic activity. This digital transformation has led to the emergence of new business models that harness the power of data, connectivity and online platforms to create value in unprecedented ways
by Daniela (STANCU) ZAMFIR & Mihaela Mirela Dogaru. PhD - 12-18 EFFICIENT DESIGN FOR NEW BUSINESSES IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY Abstract:In recent decades, the digital economy has become a vital driver of global development, transforming the ways businesses are created, operated, and grown. This evolution has been enabled by rapid technological advancements, which have lowered entry barriers and created new opportunities for entrepreneurs. In this context, business creation in the digital economy presents itself as both a challenge and a strategic opportunity
by Daniela (STANCU) ZAMFIR - 19-28 Entrepreneurship And Emotional Intelligence In The Digital Economy
by Daniela (STANCU) ZAMFIR & Ana-Maria Nedelcu
Februarie 2023, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-7 The Development Of Small Business In The Republic Of Moldova
by Sofia Scutari - 8-17 Digital services facing the new global challenges and supporting the globalization
by Georgeta Ilie - 18-27 Qualitative Templates Of The Company’S Intellectual Capital
by Mair AMZA
octombrie 2023, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 28-38 Green Finance €“ International Initiatives And Relevant Practices In Supporting Global Sustainable Goals
by Georgeta Ilie & Claudia Gabriela Baicu - 39-46 Managing Uncertainty: Using AI to Effectively Reduce Risk
by Tilea Doina Maria & Nicolau Irina & Dinu Ana-Maria - 47-53 Multinational Companies,The Main Vectors For Promoting Social Responsibility In The Context Of Globalization
by Cornelia Maria NIÈšU - 54-62 Application Of Environmental Accounting Methods In Business
by Adriana IACOB (ZAVINCU) & Ionel CIOBANU & Elena Liliana COMAN - 63-71 Contribution of accounting expertise to cost efficiency and application of unitary practices
by Pantazi Anca Alexandra & Coman Elena Liliana - 72-80 Relationships Among Erp Post-Implementation Success Constructs: An Analysis At The Organizational Level Of Forexebug Platform
by Isabela STANCU (LIȚĂ) & Dumitru BEJINARIU & Lucian Gheorghe NĂSTASE & Florin RADU - 81-103 Regional economic discrepancies and the impact of the underground economy in Romania
by Nicoleta-Luminița Popescu
Decembrie 2022, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-8 The Role Of International Business Management In Attracting And Retaining International Faculty And Staff
by Romeo-Aurelian CLINCIU & Gabriel Dumitru MIRCESCU - 9-24 Analysis of financial reporting in terms of costs for decision-making
by Pantazi Anca Alexandra & Coman Elena Liliana - 25-33 Performance evaluation and management within multi-national companies
by Ene (Mucuta) Marilena - 34-43 Aspects of the public administration's contribution to the economy of European Union countries
by Petrică Sorin ANGHELUȚĂ & Carmen Valentina RĂDULESCU & Svetlana Platagea GOMBOS & Ion BADEA - 51-56 Youth And Agriculture In Romania
by Silvia Mazare - 57-70 Implementation of fully automated electronic processes within the accounting system
by Ene (Mucuta) Marilena & Ponea Maria Georgiana & NAJM ALFRED - 76-92 Management Of The Industrialization Process In The Republic Of Moldova
by Aliona Lisii & Denis Rosca - 93-100 The Impact Of Social Networks On Tourism Marketing
by Ruxandra Bărbuc (Popescu) & Sebastian Gabor & Florin Dimitrescu & Cristian Daniel Pop & Marian Catalin Burcescu & George Alexandru Ivan - 101-106 The knowledge economy and the importance of quality
by Stancu (Zamfir) Daniela - 107-117 Aspects of globalization of employment in the European Union
by Petrica Sorin Angheluta & Svetlana Platagea Gombos & Ciprian Rotaru & Anna Kant
Septembrie 2022, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 44-50 The Perspective Of The Implementation Of The Blockchain Within Romanian Companies
by Marian Simion Cernea & Oana Cristina Balacciu (Ene) & Cosmin-Mihai Monac & Aurelian Vrânceanu & Ion-Ionuț Bratu - 71-75 The Scientific Approach'S Conceptual, Epistemological, And Methodological Frameworks
by Florin Savu - 118-124 The Perspective Of The Implementation Of The Blockchain Within Romanian Companies
by Marian Simion Cernea & Oana Cristina Balacciu (Ene) & Cosmin-Mihai Monac & Aurelian Vrânceanu & Ion-Ionuț Bratu - 125-133 Quality leaders and quality management
by Delia – Mioara POPESCU & Duţă (Ghită) Nicoleta Mihaela
Septembrie 2022, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-7 Rural development strategies
by Silvia Mazare - 14-23 Risk Factors Influencing Global Businesses In Services Industries In A World Of Overlapping Crises
by Georgeta Ilie - 24-36 Educational Diversity and National Cultural Heritage in the Process of Globalization
by KORAY Sari Yavuz & IONITA (VISOIU) Carmen & VASILE Gabriel Ionut & VASILE GOGLEA Alin Constantin - 37-41 Assuming a position of leadership within public organizations
by Florin Savu - 42-52 Communication in the 21st century. The influence of technology and globalization
by Florina Bran & Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav & Anna Kant & Raluca Iuliana Georgescu - 53-61 The Preimage Of The Smarandache Function And Connection With The Cryptographic Protection Of The Preimage Of The Smarandache Function And Connection With The Cryptographic Protection Of Financial Information (Ii)
by Tatiana Corina DOSESCU & -
Aprilie 2022, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 8-13 Effects of stress on work performance crises
by Duta (Ghita) Nicoleta Mihaela - 62-67 The role of entrepreneurship and the diversity of forms crises
by Sofia Scutari - 68-76 Fight against organized crime - a strategy to stimulate cooperation in the EU
by Madalina SPERLEA (POPESCU BORDENI) - 77-84 The role of an entrepreneurial economy in the modern society
by Elena Lupancu Popa
August 2021, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-12 Organizational culture and its influence on communication and human resources management
by Gabriel-Florin MESAROȘ & Cătălina Tarba (Duță) - 13-29 Group relations and internal communication in crisis situations
by Gabriel-Florin MESAROȘ & Cătălina Tarba (Duță) - 30-49 The new economy. Horizon and changes
by Ion BADEA - 50-70 The new economy. Model of analysis of financial control through the accounting information system
by Pantazi Anca Alexandra, & Coman Elena Liliana, - 71-77 Impact models and solutions for the management of the efficiency of European funds
by Silvia Mazare - 78-83 The concept of tourism community
by Delia – Mioara POPESCU & Duţa (Ghita) Nicoleta Mihaela - 84-91 The fight against human trafficking, its prevention strategy
by Madalina SPERLEA (POPESCU BORDENI) - 92-99 Methods of personal development through coaching
by Elena Lupancu Popa - 100-109 Formal And Informal Aspects Of The Interaction Between Fiscal Authorities And Taxpayers
by Ionel LEONIDA & - - 110-124 Correlations Between The Poverty Indicators Of The Sdgs And The Evolution Of Economic Growth In The Pre-Pandemic Period 2009-2019 In The Eu27
by Alina Goergeta Ailinca - 125-135 Interconnection Of Production Processes To Increase The Average Marginal Cost Per Economy
by Lisii Aliona & Rosca Denis
April 2021, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-9 Trends In The Evolution Of The Pharmaceutical Industry Market In The Pandemic Context
by Romeo-Aurelian CLINCIU & Gabriel Dumitru MIRCESCU - 10-16 The impact on performance workplace teamwork
by Duţă (Ghită) Nicoleta Mihaela - 17-29 Distributed leadership in education, contemporary issues in educational leadership
by IONITA (VISOIU) Carmen & KORAY Sari Yavuz & GOGLEA Alin Constantin & VASILE Gabriel Ionut - 30-36 The organisation. Analytical approaches regarding the organization
by Viorel MIHALCIOIU & Valentina ZAHARIA - 37-42 Digital Economy Versus The Informal Economy In Pandemic Conditions
by Alin Sergiu NITU & Marcel CONSTANTIN - 43-49 Corruption - A Disturbing Factor In The Development And Administration Of Business Through Prism Of Energy Sources
by Alin Sergiu NITU & Marcel CONSTANTIN - 50-57 Offset Benefits Contracts And Resolution Of Disputes The Greek Experience
by Constantin GEORGESCU Phd & Monica TUDOR - 58-66 The Preimage Of The Smarandache Function And Connection With The Cryptographic Protection Of Financial Information (I)
by Tatiana Corina DOSESCU & - - 67-85 Taxation In The European Union. Some Proposals To Support Economic Growth And Avoid The Profit Shifting
by Nicoleta MIHAILA & Ioana FLORESCU
August 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-4 The local community and agrotourism
by Delia – Mioara POPESCU & Duta (Ghita) Nicoleta Mihaela - 1-4 Quality leaders and quality management
by Delia – Mioara POPESCU & Duţă (Ghită) Nicoleta Mihaela - 1-5 Public Financial Education And Sustainable Development
by PhD. Student Jr. Alin Sergiu NITU & PhD. Student Ec. Marcel CONSTANTIN - 1-6 School Dropout In Pre-University Education
by Mihaela PREDA & Elena TOMA - 1-6 Human Resources Management
by Daniela IACOB (PETRE) & Elena TOMA - 1-7 European Union Security - Important Premises For The Period 2020 €“ 2025
by Madalina SPERLEA (POPESCU BORDENI) - 1-8 Classification tourist reception structures in the rural areas in Romania
by Daniela IACOB (PETRE) - 1-9 Leadership versus management in public organizations
by GOGLEA Alin Constantin & VASILE Gabriel Ionut & IONITÄ‚ (VISOIU) Carmen & KORAY Sari Yavuz - 1-10 An Algorithm for Calculating Smarandache's Function and Which Using Legendre's Formula
by Tatiana-Corina Dosescu & Tiberiu Dosescu
April 2020, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-8 Organizational Changes –Challenges For The Management Of The Establishment
by Emil Grigore & Lisii Aliona - 1-8 Human resources management in responsible small companies
by VASILE Gabriel Ionut & GOGLEA Alin Constantin & KORAY Sari Yavuz & IONITA (VISOIU) Carmen - 1-11 Views on the projection of the Romanian Economic Intelligence System (SIER)
by Tiberiu Tanase & Violeta Ioana Nagat - 12-20 Corruption acts and deeds. Provisions of the legislation in force
by Violeta Ioana Nagat - 21-34 Current characteristics and possible perspectives of the fiscal-budgetary system in Romania
by Ionel LEeonida - 35-43 A Simulation of a Homogeneous Markov Chain in Discrete - Time Whose Transition Matrix Changes Randomly
by Tatiana Dosescu & Victor Raischi & Adi Nicoleta Craciun
August 2019, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-6 European Union Internal security setting up security conditions against threats for the coming years
by M d lina SPERLEA (POPESCU BORDENI) - 1-8 The Management Of Hospital Units - Objectives, Competencies and Strategies
by Emil Grigore - 9-13 The Positive Impact of the Devaluation of National Currency on Azerbaijan's Manufacturing Industry
by Guluzadeh Sabir Badraddin Oglu - 14-19 Interagtion of Azerbaijan into the World Economy
by Mehriban Aliyeva Shaban - 20-27 Multicultural Values in the Conditions of Globalization of Education
by Firuza Rashova - 28-35 Analysis of the use of Authentic and Non-Authentic Texts in the Russian Language Lessons
by Vahabova Khumar - 46-66 Analysis of the Pre-Uuniversity Education System in Romania
by Anca Cristea & Florentina Gaspar - 67-89 Analysis of the Management Schools and Their Representatives
by Florentina Gaspar
April 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-12 Automatic Stailization - Argument for the Reduction of Discretionary Measures in Public Policies
by Ailinca Alina Georgeta - 13-19 An analysis of China's global position. Dimensions and perspectives
by Cristina Teodora Balaceanu & Aliona Lisii - 20-29 Quantitative and structural incidences of the main fiscal-budgetary discretionary measures implemented since 2018
by Ionel LEeonida - 30-38 The Importance of Feedback in Organizational Communication
by Petrisor Blidaru Onorel - 39-48 The Market for Pre-University Educational Services - Public and Private Services
by Doina Burcau - 49-56 The Objectives and Responsabilities of Risk Management
by Lavinia N. Costan (Popa) - 57-65 The Management of the Hospital Units and the Role of These in Economic Development
by Emil Grigore - 66-76 The Extended Sum of the Digits of a Natural Number in the Ddecimal Representation "The Test With 9" and Fermat's Diagnosis
by Tatiana Dosescu
August 2018, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-9 The Romanian rural tourism. Actuality and perspectives in the context of innovation economy
by Mirela Stoican & Daniela Varvaruc & Adina Camarda - 10-15 Distributing the capital premium
by Sebastian Bodu - 16-24 Sustainable Smart Cities
by Mihaela Eleonora Constantinescu & Cristina Teodora Balaceanu & Mihaela Gruiescu - 25-30 The import of paints and lacquers on the territory of the Republic of Moldova by the EU and CIS countries
by Olesea Cernavca - 31-37 An econometric approach of risk model in insurance
by Adriana Anca Cristea & Mihaela-Simona Apostol & Tatiana Corina Dosescu - 38-42 The Contribution of the Method of Calculating ABC Costs in Public Transport Entity
by Dumitru Elena Valentina & Ene (Mucuta) Marilena - 43-47 The Importance of the ABC Costing Method for the Strategic Analysis of Public Passenger Transport
by Dumitru Elena Valentina & Ene (Mucuta) Marilena - 48-54 General considerations of regional policy
by Claudia Bentoiu & Cristina Athu & Andreea Monica Predonu Nae - 55-61 Mechanisms and Tools used in Treasury Management of the Companies
by Gheorghe Lepadatu - 62-67 Approaching the Headmaster in the Context of Current Education Theory
by Florentina Gaspar - 63-71 Management System and Organizational Risks in Public Entities
by Stefan Simescu & Florin Radu - 72-78 The Standard Cost Method and the Opportunity to Apply it to Economic Furniture Producing Entities
by Gheorghe Andrei & Raluca Galmeanu & Zamfir Mariana - 79-83 Towards an operative and predictive management accounting
by Gheorghe Andrei & Raluca Galmeanu & Florin Radu - 84-92 Management Improvement in order to ensure the Acquirement and increase of performance in public entities
by Emilia Vasile & Stefan Simescu & Florin Radu - 93-99 The Value of Business Models for Hospitals
by Emil Grigore
April 2018, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-10 The importance of cross-border regions and trends in tourism development in the Danube-Cris-Mures-Tisa EuroregionSystems to manage the efficiency of public transport of people through indicators and respective values of good practice
by Daniela Varvaruc & Mirela Stoican & Adina Camarda - 11-18 The impact of globalization on the brain hunting and the brain drain. Case study – Israel
by Alon Menin - 19-24 The economic rationale of the effective establishment of the transport-logistic cluster in Odessa region
by Liliia Chernyshova & Olga Iermakova - 25-31 Implementing globalization on the transition to knowledge economy in the labor market. A brief look on the Israeli Market
by Bushra Masri - 32-41 Ethno cultural factor in the system of international economic relations
by Yuriy Kozak - 42-49 Features of innovative activity of industrial enterprise in Ukraine
by Mykola Zaets & Oleksandr Kovalenko - 50-55 Framework for developing leadership skill in child care centers in the Bedouin villages
by Neim Atef - 56-63 Impact of the Innovative Capital on the Security of the National Economy
by Boris Coretchi - 64-73 Approach of the Labour Market from the Human Resources Marketing Perspective
by Rodica Slutu (Bogdan) - 74-99 Public Knowledge, Individual Human Capital, and Private Wealth in a Generalized Dynamic Walrasian General Equilibrium Theory
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 100-105 IoT Technologies: Realities of the Future
by Adrian Sava
August 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-6 Systems to manage the efficiency of public transport of people through indicators and respective values of good practice
by Elena Valentina Dumitru & Cornel Nitu & Cornelia Maria Nitu - 7-12 A new design of hapiness in the context of the modern world
by Mihaela Eleonora Constantinescu - 13-18 Implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems
by Elena Valentina Dumitru & Cornel Nitu & Cornelia Maria Nitu - 19-31 Analyzing Costs and Making Decisions by Using the Standard Cost Method within the Enterprises Operating in the Treatment and Coating Metals Industry
by Andreea Mihaela Spiroiu (Dinu) - 32-42 The Principles of quality management
by Mirela Dogaru & Elena David - 43-50 Accountancy expertise in quantification of patrimonial damage
by Petrisor Danut Gruia - 51-59 Economic prerequisites of society's well-being
by Cristina Balaceanu & Daniela Penu & Iuliana Barbat
April 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-5 The evolution of concepts and procedures concerning the treatment of companies in difficulty
by Silviu Ilie Saplacan - 6-10 The exercise company - alive company
by Nicoleta Negoianu - 11-17 The Role of Leadership in Quality Management
by Mirela Dogaru - 18-24 Development of public transport and its effects on the economy
by Valentina Elena Dumitru - 25-33 Premises for monetary policies redirecting towards objectives other than just supporting price stability
by Alina Georgeta Ailinca - 34-47 Case Studies: Developing Financial Mathematics Systems
by Luis Emilio Alvarez-Dionisi & Gladys Tapia de Vidal - 48-56 The major ways to improve the role of qualitative of resources in nowadays economy
by Cristina Balaceanu & Diana Apostol & Daniela Penu - 57-64 Methods and techniques of introducing black money into the financial accounting circuit
by Petrisor Danut Gruia - 65-69 The importance of quality components of TQM
by Mirela Dogaru & Elena David
August 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-6 Bank Secrecy - Pillar for Performance of Tax Havens
by Marius Eugen Radu - 7-11 The Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union
by Vlad Mihai Dorel - 12-16 Approaching the human capital in the context of economic development
by Nicoleta Gudanescu Nicolau - 17-22 The Effectiveness of Control on Combating Tax Evasion and Fraud at National Level
by Ionel Leonida - 23-31 Statistical Assessment of Binary Sequences Generated by Cryptographic Algorithms
by Ioana Roxana Dragomir - 32-52 The diffusion of an integrated Activity-Based Costing (ABC) with the Economic Value Added (EVA) next to Tunisian enterprises
by Habib Affes - 53-60 Theoretical Assessment of Effects on Taxation and Tax System on Property Market
by Sorin Gabriel Badea & Florin Radu - 61-66 Implications of the gross national minimum wage guaranteed in payment. Case of Romania
by Elena Padurean - 67-75 Balanced economic growth
by Sorin Gabriel Badea & Florin Radu - 76-85 Post-crisis internal conditions that may affect the monetary policy in Romania
by Alina Georgeta Ailinca
April 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-7 The features of the marketing of the Heath services in Romania
by Pusa Tania Tapliga - 8-12 The risk associated to public enterprises - between probability and reality
by Nicoleta Moise - 13-17 The implementation of the finacial-accounting information system
by Dinu Octavian Nicolescu - 18-22 Smart economy- the potential of digital infrastructure for the circular economy
by Mihaela Eleonora Constantinescu & Gheorghe Marinescu - 23-29 Entrepreneurship implications on marketing function
by Isachi Silvia Elena - 30-35 Elements of comparative law on excise duty
by Marius Eugen Radu - 36-42 Value added tax - generalized method of consumption taxation. Comparative Approaches
by Vlad Mihai Dorel - 43-46 Impact of the financial-budgetary balance on the economy
by Elena Padurean - 47-51 Brief comments on the recovery of unused EU structural funds
by Vlad Mihai Dorel - 52-56 New directives taking action in the secondary education system Waldorf School where to?
by Stanciu Gh. Viorica (Manga) - 57-60 Online control-accounting tool
by Zaharia Dragos Laurentiu
August 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-10 Structural Trends in Romanian Tax System in the Context of the Tax Good Governance in the European Union
by Ionel Leonida - 11-26 Analysis of administrative risk on customer confidence in e-commerce system
by Habiballah Pilehvari & Salehi Asfiji - 27-31 Conceptual considerations on notions of social change versus social development
by Elena Padurean - 32-36 Corporate govenance and CSR – present and perspectives in Romanian economy
by Luminita Cecilia Crenicean & Manoela Popescu - 37-41 The development of modern English
by Mirela Copca - 42-45 The connection between financial management and financial control
by Dinu Octavian Nicolescu - 46-50 The public passenger transport. Role and evolution
by Dumitru Valentina - 51-56 Some Developments in Direct Marketing
by Eleonora Mihaela Constantinescu & Gheorghe Marinescu - 57-61 The connection between the information system and financial control
by Dinu Octavian Nicolescu
April 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-4 Some considerations of the construction contract
by Daniela Ciochina - 5-8 Tax haven implications in financial crime
by Daniela Iuliana Radu - 9-13 Cooperation with the International Criminal Court of the European Union
by George Dorel Matei & Luminita Dragne - 14-18 Rethinking the Company s Potential: A Real Way to Create Competitive Advantage
by Argentina Velea - 19-26 Medical Higher Education and the Need to Reform the Romanian Health System
by Tania Pusa Tapliga - 27-31 The proper factors that determine the risk
by Nicoleta Moise - 32-35 Specific aspects related to the partnership agreement
by Andreea Seucan - 36-41 The representative model of teamwork adapted administrative management theory where leadership is owned exclusively by physician
by Valentina Zaharia & Donciu I. & Dogaru M. & Perianu V. - 42-46 The considerations on informational warfare
by Agata Popescu - 47-50 The concept of home in relation to a professional`s office, according to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
by Andreea Seucan - 51-55 The implementation of scientific management theories and its effects within dentist practice
by Ionescu C. - 56-62 Analysis of taxation in Romania using Laffer curve, 1990-2012
by Andreea Stoian & Elena Padurean - 63-67 A constructive perspective on the concept of performance according to OMPF 1802/2014
by Doina Maria Tilea & Dragos Laurentiu Zaharia & Vasile Bleotu
August 2014, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 2-7 Poverty and the Social Exclusion in Compliance with the 2020 EU Strategy
by Claudia Bentoiu & Cristina Athu & Andreea – Monica Predonu - 8-11 Entrepreneurship and knowledge
by Cristina Balaceanu & Diana Apostol & Luminita Dragne - 12-16 Revaluation and the the internal audit limits that influence the financial-accounting activity
by Dragos Laurentiu Zaharia & Luminita Dragne & Doina Maria Tilea - 17-31 Medierea la distanta. Analiza cadrului legislativ local
by Gabriel - Cristian Constantinescu - 32-37 Nominal suffixes in the process of affixation
by Mirela Copca - 38-46 Considerations about mediation status in Romania, after declaring unconstitutional the mandatory information
by Drago? Marian Radulescu - 47-50 The importance of accounting principles in the accounting profession
by Daniela Raluca Patrascu - 51-55 The deadline for lodging an appeal and who can appeal
by Marius Eugen Radu