July 2019, Volume 56, Issue 9
- 1835-1849 Security beyond the men: Women and their everyday security apparatus in Mathare, Nairobi
by Peris Jones & Wangui Kimari - 1850-1864 Government fragmentation and economic growth in China’s cities
by Tinglin Zhang & Bindong Sun & Yinyin Cai & Rui Wang - 1865-1881 The hidden side of the entropy-based land-use mix index: Clarifying the relationship between pedestrian volume and land-use mix
by Ha Na Im & Chang Gyu Choi - 1882-1900 ‘Pray for transit’: Seeking transportation justice in metropolitan Atlanta
by Alex Karner & Richard Duckworth - 1901-1917 Framing regeneration: Embracing the inhabitants
by Menna Tudwal Jones - 1918-1920 Book review: Water, Technology and the Nation-State
by Lucy Goodman - 1920-1922 Book review: Building a Capable State: Service Delivery in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Laurence Piper - 1922-1925 Book review: New Islamist Architecture and Urbanism: Negotiating Nation and Islam Through Built Environment in Turkey
by Gulsah Aykac - 1925-1927 Book review: Bankers and Empire: How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean
by William Conroy
June 2019, Volume 56, Issue 8
- 1487-1497 Current debates in urban theory from a scale perspective: Introducing a scenes approach
by Cary Wu & Rima Wilkes & Daniel Silver & Terry Nichols Clark - 1498-1515 Economic impacts of alternative greenspace configurations in fast growing cities: The case of Greater Beijing
by Mingfei Ma & Ying Jin - 1516-1532 Spatial structure and labour productivity: Evidence from prefectures in China
by Wan Li & Bindong Sun & Tinglin Zhang - 1533-1553 A temporally cyclic growth model of urban spatial morphology in China: Evidence from Kunming Metropolis
by Qiyan Wu & Jianquan Cheng - 1554-1575 Trip and parking generation rates for different housing types: Effects of compact development
by Guang Tian & Keunhyun Park & Reid Ewing - 1576-1594 Does urban form matter for innovation productivity? A national multi-level study of the association between neighbourhood innovation capacity and urban sprawl
by Shima Hamidi & Ahoura Zandiatashbar - 1595-1610 The civic support paradox: Fighting unequal participation in deprived neighbourhoods
by Evelien Tonkens & Imrat Verhoeven - 1611-1627 The illicit side of urban development: Corruption and organised crime in the field of urban planning
by Francesco Chiodelli - 1628-1646 Understanding the role of life events on residential mobility for low-income, subsidised households
by Ruoniu Wang & Rebecca Walter & Abdulnaser Arafat & Jie Song - 1647-1663 The effects of physical restructuring on the socioeconomic status of neighbourhoods: Selective migration and upgrading
by Merle Zwiers & Maarten van Ham & Reinout Kleinhans - 1664-1680 Do low-paid workers benefit from the urban escalator? Evidence from British cities
by Sanne Velthuis & Paul Sissons & Nigel Berkeley - 1681-1700 Protesting iconic megaprojects. A discourse network analysis of the evolution of the conflict over Stuttgart 21
by Melanie Nagel & Keiichi Satoh - 1701-1703 Book review: Transit Life: How Commuting is Transforming Our Cities
by Debbie Hopkins - 1703-1704 Book review: Suburb: Planning Politics and the Public Interest
by Nicholas A Phelps - 1704-1707 Book review: Subaltern Urbanisation in India: An Introduction to the Dynamics of Ordinary Towns
by Gregory F Randolph & Mukta Naik
May 2019, Volume 56, Issue 7
- 1291-1303 Funding, financing and governing urban infrastructures
by Peter O’Brien & Phil O’Neill & Andy Pike - 1304-1325 The financialisation of urban infrastructure: A framework of analysis
by Phillip O’Neill - 1326-1346 Financialising urban water infrastructure: Extracting local value, distributing value globally
by Michael Pryke & John Allen - 1347-1367 Keeping financialisation under the radar: Brussels Airport, Macquarie Bank and the Belgian politics of privatised infrastructure
by Laura Deruytter & Ben Derudder - 1368-1385 The geopolitics of South–South infrastructure development: Chinese-financed energy projects in the global South
by Giles Mohan & May Tan-Mullins - 1386-1403 The smart grid as commons: Exploring alternatives to infrastructure financialisation
by Stephen Hall & Andrew EG Jonas & Simon Shepherd & Zia Wadud - 1404-1425 The financialising local growth machine in Chicago
by Stephanie Farmer & Chris D Poulos - 1426-1447 The global infrastructure public-private partnership and the extra-territorial politics of collective provision: The case of regional rail transit in Denver, USA
by Andrew EG Jonas & Andrew R Goetz & Sylvia Brady - 1448-1476 ‘Deal or no deal?’ Governing urban infrastructure funding and financing in the UK City Deals
by Peter O’Brien & Andy Pike - 1477-1484 Advanced perspectives on financialised urban infrastructures
by Heather Whiteside
May 2019, Volume 56, Issue 6
- 1075-1092 The knowledge economy city: Gentrification, studentification and youthification, and their connections to universities
by Markus Moos & Nick Revington & Tristan Wilkin & Jean Andrey - 1093-1112 Neighbourhood change and neighbour complaints: How gentrification and densification influence the prevalence of problems between neighbours
by Lynda Cheshire & Robin Fitzgerald & Yan Liu - 1113-1128 Shrinking metropolitan area: Costly homeownership and slow spatial shrinkage
by Masatomo Suzuki & Yasushi Asami - 1129-1147 Towards ‘ethno-national peripheralisation’? Economic dependency amidst political resistance in Palestinian East Jerusalem
by Marik Shtern - 1148-1164 Gay tourism to Tel-Aviv: Producing urban value?
by Gilly Hartal - 1165-1181 Property in a time of transition: An examination of perceptions, navigations and constructions of property relations among unlawful occupiers in Johannesburg’s inner city
by Jackie Dugard & Makale Ngwenya - 1182-1197 Where is the periphery even? Capturing urban marginality in South African human rights law
by Marius Pieterse - 1198-1214 Block-level changes in the socio-spatial landscape in Beijing: Trends and processes
by Lun Liu & Elisabete A Silva & Ying Long - 1215-1233 Theorising small city as ordinary city: Rethinking development and urbanism from China’s south-west frontier
by Junxi Qian & Xueqiong Tang - 1234-1249 A new plan for African cities: The Ethiopia Urban Expansion Initiative
by Patrick Lamson-Hall & Shlomo Angel & David DeGroot & Richard Martin & Tsigereda Tafesse - 1250-1266 Hybrid networks, everyday life and social control: Electricity access in urban Kenya
by Shaun Smith - 1267-1287 Comparing passenger flow and time schedule data to analyse High-Speed Railways and urban networks in China
by Haoran Yang & Martin Dijst & Patrick Witte & Hans van Ginkel & Jiao’e Wang
April 2019, Volume 56, Issue 5
- 855-867 Land in urban debates: Unpacking the grab–development dichotomy
by Femke van Noorloos & Christien Klaufus & Griet Steel - 868-884 Use and validation of location-based services in urban research: An example with Dutch restaurants
by Daniel Arribas-Bel & Jessie Bakens - 885-905 Mixed neighbourhoods and native out-mobility in the Oslo region: The importance of parenthood
by Terje Wessel & Viggo Nordvik - 906-921 Compassionate revanchism: The blurry geography of homelessness in the USA
by Brian Hennigan & Jessie Speer - 922-942 Understanding urban gentrification through machine learning
by Jonathan Reades & Jordan De Souza & Phil Hubbard - 943-959 Framing city networks through temporary projects: (Trans)national film production beyond ‘Global Hollywood’
by Michael Hoyler & Allan Watson - 960-976 Diversity, economic development and new migrant entrepreneurs
by Trevor Jones & Monder Ram & Maria Villares-Varela - 977-991 Between authoritarian governance and urban citizenship: Tree-felling protests in Hanoi
by John Gillespie & Quang Hung Nguyen - 992-1008 From sustainable urbanism to climate urbanism
by Joshua Long & Jennifer L Rice - 1009-1025 Entitled urbanism: Elite informality and the reimagining of a planned modern city
by Faiza Moatasim - 1026-1041 Does traffic congestion influence the location of new business establishments? An analysis of the San Francisco Bay Area
by Taner Osman & Trevor Thomas & Andrew Mondschein & Brian D Taylor - 1042-1060 Imaginations of post-suburbia: Suburban change and imaginative practices in Auckland, New Zealand
by Cameron Johnson & Tom Baker & Francis L Collins - 1061-1063 Book review: The Nocturnal City
by Casper Laing Ebbensgaard - 1063-1065 Book review: The Nocturnal City
by Ilse van Liempt - 1065-1068 Book Review: Transgressive Citizenship and the Struggle for Social Justice: The Right to the City in São Paulo
by Bianca Tavolari - 1068-1071 Book review: The Paradox of Repression and Nonviolent Movements
by Kristi Andrasik
March 2019, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 627-648 Jakarta’s great land transformation: Hybrid neoliberalisation and informality
by Suryono Herlambang & Helga Leitner & Liong Ju Tjung & Eric Sheppard & Dimitar Anguelov - 649-671 Urban megaprojects, nation-state politics and regulatory capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe: The Belgrade Waterfront project
by Monika Grubbauer & Nebojša Čamprag - 672-688 Minor stadiums, major effects? Patterns and sources of redevelopment surrounding minor league baseball stadiums
by Eric Joseph van Holm - 689-704 The performance of transparency in public–private infrastructure project governance: The politics of documentary practices
by Mariana Valverde & Aaron Moore - 705-721 Urban virtues and the innovative city: An experiment in placing innovation in Edmonton, Canada
by Kevin Edson Jones & Michael Granzow & Rob Shields - 722-740 Informal and ubiquitous: Colonias, premature subdivisions and other unplanned suburbs on America’s urban fringe
by Noah J Durst - 741-759 Planners’ role in accommodating citizen disagreement: The case of Dutch urban planning
by Esin Özdemir & Tuna Tasan-Kok - 760-777 Residential choices of foreign highly skilled workers in the Netherlands and the role of neighbourhood and urban regional characteristics
by Pascal Beckers & Sanne Boschman - 778-794 Re-assembling sustainable food cities: An exploration of translocal governance and its multiple agencies
by Ana Moragues-Faus & Roberta Sonnino - 795-817 The built environment and trip chaining behaviour revisited: The joint effects of the modifiable areal unit problem and tour purpose
by Liya Yang & Lingqian Hu & Zhenbo Wang - 818-835 The value of Twitter data for determining the emotional responses of people to urban green spaces: A case study and critical evaluation
by Helen Roberts & Jon Sadler & Lee Chapman - 836-851 The manipulations of time: On the temporal embeddedness of urban insecurity
by Daniel E Agbiboa
February 2019, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 475-487 Transcending (in)formal urbanism
by Michele Acuto & Cecilia Dinardi & Colin Marx - 488-493 A culture of informality
by Néstor GarcÃa Canclini - 494-509 Knowing urban informalities
by Colin Marx & Emily Kelling - 510-525 Electricity services always in the making: Informality and the work of infrastructure maintenance and repair in an African city
by Idalina Baptista - 526-547 ‘Freelance isn’t free.’ Co-working as a critical urban practice to cope with informality in creative labour markets
by Janet Merkel - 548-560 Cautious occupiers and restrained bureaucrats: Schwarzwohnen in the German Democratic Republic. Somewhat different from squatting
by Udo Grashoff - 561-577 Tacit networks, crucial care: Informal networks and disaster response in Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake
by Rocio Carrero & Michele Acuto & Asaf Tzachor & Niraj Subedi & Ben Campbell & Long Seng To - 578-593 Ins and outs of the cultural polis: Informality, culture and governance in the global South
by Jenny Mbaye & Cecilia Dinardi - 594-611 Towards a multi-scalar reading of informality in Delft, South Africa: Weaving the ‘everyday’ with wider structural tracings
by Liza Rose Cirolia & Suraya Scheba - 612-615 Formality as exception
by Andy Pratt - 616-619 Contests over value: From the informal to the popular
by AbdouMaliq Simone - 620-623 Thinking with and beyond the informal–formal relation in urban thought
by Colin McFarlane
February 2019, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 271-287 Paradigm or paradox? The ‘cumbersome impasse’ of the participatory turn in Brazilian urban planning
by Abigail Friendly & Kristine Stiphany - 288-300 The analysis of residential sorting trends: Measuring disparities in socio-spatial mobility
by Tal Modai-Snir & Pnina Plaut - 301-316 If we are flâneurs, can we be cosmopolitans?
by Bart van Leeuwen - 317-334 How attitudes towards immigrants are shaped by residential context: The role of ethnic diversity dynamics and immigrant visibility
by Sjoerdje van Heerden & Didier Ruedin - 335-351 Intergroup relations in a super-diverse neighbourhood: The dynamics of population composition, context and community
by Claire Bynner - 352-367 Everyday urbanism and the everyday state: Negotiating habitat in allotment gardens in Berlin
by Hanna Hilbrandt - 368-384 How family networks drive residential location choices: Evidence from a stated preference field experiment in Bogotá, Colombia
by Aiga Stokenberga - 385-400 Chronic urban trauma: The slow violence of housing dispossession
by Rachel Pain - 401-418 Ordering power? The politics of state-led housing delivery under authoritarianism – the case of Luanda, Angola
by Sylvia Croese & M Anne Pitcher - 419-433 Unruly bodies and dangerous spaces: Masculinity and the geography of ‘dreadful enclosures’
by Linda McDowell & Anna Harris - 434-451 Neighbourhood effects in cross-Atlantic perspective: A longitudinal analysis of impacts on intergenerational mobility in the USA and Germany
by Junia Howell - 452-470 Why bright city lights dazzle and illuminate: A cognitive science approach to urban promises
by Rodrigo Cardoso & Evert Meijers & Maarten van Ham & Martijn Burger & Duco de Vos
January 2019, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 3-32 Neighbourhood effects and beyond: Explaining the paradoxes of inequality in the changing American metropolis
by Robert J Sampson - 33-43 Urban China through the lens of neoliberalism: Is a conceptual twist enough?
by Yu Zhou & George CS Lin & Jun Zhang - 44-80 Knowledge circulation in urban geography/urban studies, 1990–2010: Testing the discourse of Anglo-American hegemony through publication and citation patterns
by Lily Kong & Junxi Qian - 81-96 Global cities and the geographical transfer of value
by Christof Parnreiter - 97-114 Global expertise, local convincing power: Management consultants and preserving the entrepreneurial city
by Anne Vogelpohl - 115-130 Social and economic consequences of black residential segregation by neighbourhood socioeconomic characteristics: The case of Metropolitan Detroit
by Joe Darden & Ron Malega & Rebecca Stallings - 131-146 Migrant belonging, social location and the neighbourhood: Recent migrants in East London and Birmingham
by Susanne Wessendorf - 147-166 Foreign in a domestic sense: Puerto Rico’s debt crisis and paradoxes in critical urban studies
by Heather Whiteside - 167-192 Accessibility planning in American metropolitan areas: Are we there yet?
by David G Proffitt & Keith Bartholomew & Reid Ewing & Harvey J Miller - 193-209 A problem with observational equivalence: Disentangling the renter illusion hypothesis
by Roberto Dell’Anno & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - 210-225 Inter-generational housing inequalities: ‘Baby Boomers’ versus the ‘Millennials’
by Jennifer Hoolachan & Kim McKee - 226-248 Neighbourhood social conduits and resident social cohesion
by Rebecca Wickes & Renee Zahnow & Jonathan Corcoran & John R Hipp - 249-265 Encounters with the centaur state: Advanced urban marginality and the practices and ethics of welfare sanctions regimes
by John Flint
December 2018, Volume 55, Issue 16
- 3503-3524 The effect of Tehran metro rail system on residential property values: A comparative analysis between high-income and low-income neighbourhoods
by Amir Forouhar & Mahnoosh Hasankhani - 3525-3544 Polycentricity of urban watershed governance: Towards a methodological approach
by Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah - 3545-3562 The post-political state? The role of administrative reform in managing tensions between urban growth and liveability in Brisbane, Australia
by Andrew Clarke & Lynda Cheshire - 3563-3578 Regulating and resisting queer creativity: Community-engaged arts practice in the neoliberal city
by Heather McLean - 3579-3595 Whose ‘fault’ is it? Becoming homeless in Singapore
by Harry Tan & Helen Forbes-Mewett - 3596-3614 The conditional spatial correlations between racial prejudice and racial disparities in the market for home loans
by Nolan Kopkin - 3615-3630 Rail station access and housing market resilience: Case studies of Atlanta, Baltimore and Portland
by Timothy F Welch & Steven R Gehrke & Steven Farber - 3631-3649 ‘At least it’s not a ghetto anymore’: Experiencing gentrification and ‘false choice urbanism’ in Rotterdam’s Afrikaanderwijk
by Brian Doucet & Daphne Koenders - 3650-3668 Linking processes and patterns: Spatial planning, governance and urban sprawl in the Barcelona and Milan metropolitan regions
by Sofia Pagliarin - 3669-3688 Urban heritages: How history and housing finance matter to housing form and homeownership rates
by Timothy Blackwell & Sebastian Kohl - 3689-3707 Breaking the barriers: How urban housing ownership has changed migrants’ settlement intentions in China
by Sisi Yang & Fei Guo - 3708-3724 A method for estimating localised space-use pattern and its applications in integrated land-use transport modelling
by Ming Zhong & Bilin Yu & Shaobo Liu & John Douglas Hunt & Huini Wang
November 2018, Volume 55, Issue 15
- 3279-3298 Addressing the determinants of built-up expansion and densification processes at the regional scale
by Ahmed Mustafa & Anton Van Rompaey & Mario Cools & Ismaïl Saadi & Jacques Teller - 3299-3317 Does the law of one price hold for hedonic prices?
by Sevrin Waights - 3318-3335 Impact of a new subway line on housing values in Daegu, Korea: Distance from existing lines
by Junhong Im & Sung Hyo Hong - 3336-3352 Assembling gentrification in Istanbul: The Cihangir neighbourhood of BeyoÄŸlu
by Emine Yetiskul & Sule Demirel - 3353-3368 Platform economies and urban planning: Airbnb and regulated deregulation in London
by Mara Ferreri & Romola Sanyal - 3369-3384 Mechanisms of policy failure: Boston’s 2024 Olympic bid
by Eva Kassens-Noor & John Lauermann - 3385-3403 Roadmaps to utopia: Tales of the smart city
by Alan-Miguel Valdez & Matthew Cook & Stephen Potter - 3404-3420 The rise of ‘Gangnam style’: Manufacturing the urban middle class in Seoul, 1976–1996
by Myungji Yang - 3421-3436 Tangential attachments: Towards a more nuanced understanding of the impacts of cultural urban regeneration on local identities
by Sophie Yarker - 3437-3453 Altruism or entrepreneurialism? The co-evolution of green place branding and policy tourism in Växjö, Sweden
by Ida Andersson & Laura James - 3454-3473 Segregation, mobility and encounters in Jerusalem: The role of public transport infrastructure in connecting the ‘divided city’
by Jonathan Rokem & Laura Vaughan - 3474-3491 Art’s failure to generate urban renewal: Lessons from Jerusalem
by Meirav Aharon-Gutman - 3492-3494 Book review: Narrating the Global Financial Crisis: Urban Imaginaries and the Politics of Myth
by Simon Ferdinand - 3494-3496 Book review: Sustainable Smart Cities in India: Challenges and Future Perspectives
by Federico Cugurullo - 3496-3499 Book review: Black London: The Imperial Metropolis and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century
by Ben Gowland
November 2018, Volume 55, Issue 14
- 3059-3075 Real estate developers’ influence of land use legislation in the Toronto region: An institutionalist investigation of developers, land conflict and property law
by Donald Leffers - 3076-3091 Complicity and contestation in the gentrifying urban primary school
by Ayo Mansaray - 3092-3109 Neighbourhoods, local networks and the non-linear path of the expiration and preservation of federal rental subsidies
by Kathryn Howell - 3110-3134 The dynamic connectedness of UK regional property returns
by Nikolaos Antonakakis & Ioannis Chatziantoniou & Christos Floros & David Gabauer - 3135-3150 When disaster strikes: Under-insurance in Australian households
by Kate Booth & Bruce Tranter - 3151-3167 Embodied geographies of liveability and urban parks
by Gordon Waitt & Hayden Knobel - 3168-3184 ‘Our interests matter’: Puerto Rican older adults in the age of gentrification
by Ivis GarcÃa & Mérida M Rúa - 3185-3201 ‘Anyway, you are an outsider’: Temporary migrants in urban China
by Huimin Du & Si-ming Li & Pu Hao - 3202-3217 ‘Nice apartments, no jobs’: How former villagers experienced displacement and resettlement in the western suburbs of Shanghai
by Yanpeng Jiang & Paul Waley & Sara Gonzalez - 3218-3233 The road to TRAs is paved with good intentions: Dispossession through delivery in post-apartheid Cape Town
by Zachary Levenson - 3234-3251 Supply-side subsidies to improve food access and dietary outcomes: Evidence from the New Markets Tax Credit
by Matthew Freedman & Annemarie Kuhns - 3252-3273 The impact of planning intervention on business development: Evidence from the Netherlands
by Huub Ploegmakers & Pascal Beckers & Erwin Van der Krabben
October 2018, Volume 55, Issue 13
- 2803-2820 Mechanisms of property ownership change and social change in inner-city Warsaw (Poland)
by Magdalena Górczyńska - 2821-2837 Drink what you can pay for: Financing infrastructure in a fragmented water system
by Tyler A Scott & Tima Moldogaziev & Robert A Greer - 2838-2862 Transit-oriented economic development: The impact of light rail on new business starts in the Phoenix, AZ Region, USA
by Kevin Credit - 2863-2885 Competitive sub-metropolitan regionalism: Local government collaboration and advocacy in northern Melbourne, Australia
by Steven Henderson - 2886-2902 Entrepreneurialising urban informality: Transforming governance of informal settlements in Taipei
by Ker-hsuan Chien - 2903-2922 The production of flood vulnerability in Accra, Ghana: Re-thinking flooding and informal urbanisation
by Clifford Amoako & Daniel Kweku Baah Inkoom - 2923-2945 Forced urbanisation: A cross-national assessment of the effects of intranational political violence on a nation’s largest cities
by Robert M Anthony & Kristopher K Robison - 2946-2959 The diversity of North American shrinking cities
by Maxwell Hartt - 2960-2979 Effects of bus transit-oriented development (BTOD) on single-family property value in Seattle metropolitan area
by Qing Shen & Simin Xu & Jiang Lin - 2980-2995 Desire lines and defensive architecture in modern urban environments
by Naomi Smith & Peter Walters - 2996-3011 Property and carceral spaces in Christiania, Copenhagen
by Päivi Rannila & Virve Repo - 3012-3033 Incorporating land use and pricing policies for reducing car dependence: Analytical framework and empirical evidence
by Wenjia Zhang & Ming Zhang - 3034-3047 Book review symposium: Key Thinkers on Cities
by N/A - 3048-3050 Book review: The Dead City: Urban Ruins and the Spectacle of Decay
by Pablo Arboleda - 3051-3053 Book review: Austerity and Democracy in Athens: Crisis and Community in Exarchia
by Georgia Alexandri
September 2018, Volume 55, Issue 12
- 2569-2585 Cities on and off the map: A bibliometric assessment of urban globalisation research
by J Miguel Kanai & Richard Grant & Radu Jianu - 2586-2602 Ungating the city: A permeability perspective
by Guibo Sun & Chris Webster & Alain Chiaradia - 2603-2617 Cities for profit: Profit-driven gentrification in Seoul, South Korea
by Seon Young Lee - 2618-2639 Explaining the declined affordability of housing for low-income private renters across Western Europe
by Caroline Dewilde - 2640-2659 Recognising the barriers to securing affordable housing through the land use planning system in Sub-Saharan Africa: A perspective from Ghana
by Felix SK Agyemang & Nicky Morrison - 2660-2681 Climbing the property ladder: An analysis of market integration in London property prices
by Mark J Holmes & Jesús Otero & Theodore Panagiotidis - 2682-2702 Mixed-use development in Christchurch, New Zealand: Do you want to live there?
by Diana Kusumastuti & Alan Nicholson - 2703-2720 Strategies of cities in globalised interurban competition: The locational policies framework
by David Kaufmann & Tobias Arnold - 2721-2742 The uneven distribution of capital gains in times of socio-spatial inequality: Evidence from Swedish housing pathways between 1995 and 2010
by Barend Wind & Lina Hedman - 2743-2761 Beyond unemployment: Informal employment and heterogeneous motivations for participating in street vending in present-day China
by Gengzhi Huang & Hong-ou Zhang & Desheng Xue - 2762-2779 Moving to a shrinking city? Some suggestive observations on why college-educated professionals came to New Orleans and why they stayed
by Renia Ehrenfeucht & Marla Nelson - 2780-2800 Ruptured space and spatial estrangement: (Un)making of public space in Kathmandu
by Urmi Sengupta
August 2018, Volume 55, Issue 11
- 2319-2336 To capitalise or not to capitalise? Public agencies versus urban residents
by Ravit Hananel & Joseph Berechman - 2337-2353 Exclusion as urban policy: The Dutch ‘Act on Extraordinary Measures for Urban Problems’
by Wouter van Gent & Cody Hochstenbach & Justus Uitermark - 2354-2371 Governing the global locally: Agonistic democracy practices in The Hague’s Schilderswijk
by Nanke Verloo - 2372-2390 Neighbourhood land use features, collective efficacy and local civic actions
by Jonathan Corcoran & Renee Zahnow & Rebecca Wickes & John Hipp - 2391-2407 Pathways to homeownership among young professionals in urban China: The role of family resources
by Tsz-ming Or - 2408-2430 Is compact city livable? The impact of compact versus sprawled neighbourhoods on neighbourhood satisfaction
by Kostas Mouratidis - 2431-2450 Minority groups in the metropolitan Chicago housing market: 1970–2015
by John F McDonald - 2451-2469 Two hearts and a loan? Mortgages, employment insecurity and earnings among young couples in six European countries
by Giulia M Dotti Sani & Claudia Acciai - 2470-2498 The ‘transportation disadvantaged’: Urban form, gender and automobile versus non-automobile travel in the Detroit region
by Jieun Lee & Igor Vojnovic & Sue C Grady - 2499-2521 Expansion of the subway network and spatial distribution of population and employment in the Seoul metropolitan area
by Jangik Jin & Danya Kim - 2522-2541 Technological spillovers in space and firm productivity: Evidence from China’s electric apparatus industry
by Ming He & Yang Chen & Ron Schramm - 2542-2558 Gentrification 1.0: Urban transformations in late-19th-century Berlin
by Philipp Reick - 2559-2561 Book review: City Unsilenced: Urban Resistance and Public Space in the Age of Shrinking Democracy
by Naomi Adiv - 2561-2564 Book review: New Urban Worlds: Inhabiting Dissonant Times
by William Monteith
August 2018, Volume 55, Issue 10
- 2087-2087 Urban Studies Best Article 2017
by N/A - 2088-2105 Car dependence and housing affordability: An emerging social deprivation issue in London?
by Mengqiu Cao & Robin Hickman - 2106-2122 The impact of income inequality on rental affordability: An empirical study in large American metropolitan areas
by Hongwei Dong - 2123-2141 Imperatives of care and control in the regulation of homelessness in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 1880s to present
by Rayna M Rusenko - 2142-2158 Understanding international students beyond studentification: A new class of transnational urban consumers. The example of Erasmus students in Lisbon (Portugal)
by Daniel Malet Calvo - 2159-2178 Co-ethnic concentration and trust in Canada’s urban neighbourhoods
by Zheng Wu & Feng Hou & Christoph Schimmele & Adam Carmichael - 2179-2196 Changing places, changing childhoods: Regeneration and children’s use of place in Istanbul
by Yucel Can Severcan