December 2022, Volume 40, Issue 8
- 1677-1692 Spatialising antagonism: A post-foundational analysis of the spatial dynamics of violence in nineteenth century Derry
by Gary Hussey - 1693-1710 Participatory governance in China: ‘Informal public participation’ through neighbourhood mobilisation
by Liu Cao - 1711-1726 Without a right to remain: Property’s limits on Portland’s self-governing houseless encampments
by Stephen Przybylinski - 1727-1744 Cross-border division of labor and China’s border control upon Myanmar migrants
by Cansong Li & Xiaobo Su - 1745-1762 Shadows of the shadow state: Grassroots, refugee-led organizations within a multi-scalar and contested resettlement institutional domain
by Odessa Gonzalez Benson - 1763-1783 The social vs. commercial ‘Dingpolitik’ of microlending: Mapping the glocal issue trajectory of a ‘messy object’
by Arnoud Lagendijk & Kim Simons - 1784-1800 The local state’s repertoires of governance strategies for the urban commons: Nuancing current perspectives
by Iolanda Bianchi - 1801-1818 The urban politicization of fossil fuel infrastructure: Mediatization and resistance in energy landscapes
by Sophie L. Van Neste & Annabelle Couture-Guillet
November 2022, Volume 40, Issue 7
- 1403-1420 The politics of co-implementation and their potential in shaping egalitarian cities
by Angeliki Paidakaki & Xenia Katsigianni & Pieter Van den Broeck - 1421-1436 I had no idea that Europe had internal borders: Migrants’ ‘secondary movements’ before the EU internal border regime
by Silvia Aru - 1437-1454 Competing climate spectacles in the amplified public space
by Eleanor Johnson & HÃ¥vard Haarstad - 1455-1472 The afterlives of urban megaprojects: Grounding policy models and recirculating knowledge through domestic networks
by Gabriel Silvestre & Guillermo Jajamovich - 1473-1491 How do cities challenge patterns of demand? Characterising the local governance of climate change in Nordic cities
by Jesse Schrage & Kristin Kjærås - 1492-1514 Toxic violence in marine sacrificial zones: Developing blue justice through marine democracy in Chile
by Jeremy Anbleyth-Evans & Manuel Prieto & Jonathan Barton & Ana Garcia Cegarra & Sandor Muslow & Emilo Ricci & Leonardo Campus & Vergara Pinto Francisca - 1515-1534 Power dynamics in collaborative rural planning: The case of Pematang Tengah, Indonesia
by Muhammad Taufiq & Suhirman Suhirman & Tubagus Furqon Sofhani & Benedictus Kombaitan - 1535-1550 De-politicising and re-politicising transport infrastructure futures
by Crystal Legacy - 1551-1569 Mixed signals: Understanding the democratic work of narratives in pro-immigrant protests across local policy environments
by Alice Huff & Abigail Cooke - 1570-1588 Infrastructure in times of exception: Unravelling the discourses, governance reforms and politics in ‘Building Back Better’ from COVID-19
by Iain White & Crystal Legacy & Graham Haughton - 1589-1605 Implementation of agrarian reform in North Sumatra, Indonesia: The productiveness of institutional fragmentation
by Zhe Yu Lee
September 2022, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 1203-1218 The declining appeal of mega-events in entrepreneurial cities: From Los Angeles 1984 to Los Angeles 2028
by John Lauermann - 1219-1236 Manufacturing mandates: Property, race, and the criminalisation of trespass in England and Wales
by Samuel Burgum & Helen Jones & Ryan Powell - 1237-1255 Transnational circuits of policy knowledge and discursive migration. The formation and transformation of planning policies in Argentina
by Rodrigo Alves Rolo & Martijn Duineveld & Kristof Van Assche - 1256-1271 Managing service hubs in Miami and Osaka: Between capacious commons and meagre street-level bureaucracies
by Geoffrey DeVerteuil & Matthew D. Marr & Johannes Kiener - 1272-1289 The urban political never sleeps: A framework for tracing emergent counter-responses to depoliticisation
by Mohamed Saleh & Ward Rauws - 1290-1306 Stewardship practice and the performance of citizenship: Greening tree-pits in the streets of Berlin
by Jens Lachmund - 1307-1325 Electoral politics, gentrification, and strategic use of contested place identities in Toronto’s Portuguese neighbourhood
by Koki Takahashi - 1326-1345 The making of low-carbon urbanism: Climate change, discursive strategy, and rhetorical decarbonization in Chinese cities
by Yunjing Li & George C. S. Lin - 1346-1364 Seeing like a Zone: Privately deputized sovereignty within Toronto’s Sanctuary City
by sasha skaidra - 1365-1381 Easier said than done? Involving citizens in the smart city
by David Sweeting & Jessica de Alba-Ulloa & Mario Pansera & Alex Marsh - 1382-1400 From policy mobility to top-down policy transfer: ‘Comfortization’ of Russian cities beyond neoliberal rationality
by Maria Gunko & Daniela Zupan & Larissa Riabova & Yulia Zaika & Andrey Medvedev
August 2022, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 989-993 Introduction
by Suzan Ilcan & Vicki Squire & Maurice Stierl - 994-1011 Mobility and its discontents: Seeing beyond international space and progressive time
by Anne McNevin - 1012-1031 The borderization of waiting: Negotiating borders and migration in the 2011 Syrian civil conflict
by Suzan Ilcan - 1032-1047 The intimate-mobility entanglement: Subaltern trajectories in the Haitian-Dominican borderlands
by Masaya Llavaneras Blanco - 1048-1063 Hidden geographies of the ‘Mediterranean migration crisis’
by Vicki Squire - 1064-1082 Reframing refugee crisis: A “European crisis of migration†or a “crisis of protection†?
by Maissaa Almustafa - 1083-1102 Do no harm? The impact of policy on migration scholarship
by Maurice Stierl - 1103-1105 Border practices and border games
by William Walters - 1106-1129 COVID “death pits†: US nursing homes, racial capitalism, and the urgency of antiracist eldercare
by Shiloh Krupar & Amina Sadural - 1130-1146 Who will man the rigs when we go?†transnational demographic fever dreams between Qatar and Texas
by Danya Al-Saleh - 1147-1164 Geographies of revolution: Prefiguration and spaces of alterity in Latin American radicalism
by Federico Ferretti - 1165-1181 The political geographies of strategic partnerships: City deals and non-deals
by Ilppo Soininvaara - 1182-1199 Dispossession by municipalization: Property, pipelines, and divisions of power in settler colonial Canada
by Jeremy J. Schmidt
June 2022, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 781-875 Minor keywords of political theory: Migration as a critical standpoint
by - 876-894 Aid micropolitics: Everyday southern resistance to racialized and geographical assumptions of expertise
by Gemma Sou - 895-912 Networked insurgence and an anti-electoral democracy: Bangkok space 2014–2020
by Ross King - 913-932 Becoming WestConnex – Becoming Sydney: Object-oriented politics, contested storylines and the multi-scalar imaginaries of building a motorway network in Sydney, Australia
by Graham Haughton & Phil McManus - 933-949 Institutional straddling: Negotiating micro-governance in Hanoi’s new urban areas
by Danielle Labbé & Gabriel Fauveaud - 950-969 Noxious deindustrialization: Experiences of precarity and pollution in Scotland’s petrochemical capital
by Lorenzo Feltrin & Alice Mah & David Brown - 970-986 Micropolitical practices of multispatial metagovernance in rural Denmark
by Jens Kaae Fisker & Pia Heike Johansen & Annette Aagaard Thuesen
May 2022, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 563-571 Just air? Spatial injustice and the politicisation of air pollution
by Anneleen Kenis & Maarten Loopmans - 572-591 Breathing in the polyrhythmic city: A spatiotemporal, rhythmanalytic account of urban air pollution and its inequalities
by Gordon Walker & Douglas Booker & Paul J Young - 592-610 Resistance is in the air: From post-politics to the politics of expertise
by Nicola da Schio & Bas van Heur - 611-628 The role of the media in staging air pollution: The controversy on extreme air pollution along Oxford Street and other debates on poor air quality in London
by Anneleen Kenis & Benjamin Barratt - 629-647 Towards a sensory politics of the Anthropocene: Exploring activist-artistic approaches to politicizing air pollution
by Friederike Landau & Alexandra Toland - 648-665 And then came this number PM2.5: Atmospheric particulate matter, sociotechnical imaginaries, and the politics of air quality data
by Agáta Marzecová & Hanna Husberg - 666-684 Left behind in perception of air pollution? A hidden form of spatial injustice in China
by Wei Hong & Yimeng Wei & Shuyan Wang - 685-704 Consensus and entrepreneurship: The contrasting local and national politics of UK air pollution
by Tomas Maltby - 705-723 Rethinking environmental justice: capability building, public knowledge and the struggle against traffic-related air pollution
by Maarten Loopmans & Linde Smits & Anneleen Kenis - 724-743 ‘Party in the street’: The partisan politics of space
by David Jenkins & Lipin Ram - 744-762 Toward the commoning of governance
by Stephen Leitheiser & Elen-Maarja Trell & Ina Horlings & Alex Franklin - 763-778 Urban planners as boundary spanners: Steering perceptions of asylum seeker accommodations in Germany
by Maria Schiller
March 2022, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 359-372 Critical political geographies of slow violence and resistance
by Rachel Pain & Caitlin Cahill - 373-390 Slow nonviolence: Muslim women resisting the everyday violence of dispossession and marginalization
by Amy D Piedalue - 391-408 Embodied and entangled: Slow violence and harm via digital technologies
by Rachel Brydolf-Horwitz - 409-427 Slow violence and toxic geographies: ‘Out of sight’ to whom?
by Thom Davies - 428-446 Death by ‘nature’: The European border regime and the spatial production of slow violence
by Estela Schindel - 447-462 Ethnographies of slow violence: Epistemological alliances in fieldwork and narrating ruins
by Alexander Vorbrugg - 463-480 Discursive politics and policy (im)mobility: Metro-TOD policies in India
by Harsh Mittal & Arpit Shah - 481-501 Pragmatic state rescaling: The dynamics and diversity of state space in Indonesian megaproject planning and governance
by Delik Hudalah & Tessa Talitha & Seruni Fauzia Lestari - 502-519 Dealing with violence: Varied reactions from frontline workers acting in highly vulnerable territories
by Gabriela Lotta & Fernanda Lima-Silva & Arilson Favareto - 520-540 “Still a bit uncomfortable, to be an arm of the state†: Making sense and subjects of counter-extremism in the UK and Morocco
by Niyousha Bastani & Lorena Gazzotti - 541-560 (In)coherent subjects? The politics of conceptualising resistance in the UK asylum system
by Sarah M Hughes
February 2022, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 3-30 Rethinking the biopolitical: Borders, refugees, mobilities…
by Claudio Minca & Alexandra Rijke & Polly Pallister-Wilkins & Martina Tazzioli & Darshan Vigneswaran & Henk van Houtum & Annelies van Uden - 31-49 Counter-hegemonic struggle and the framing practices of the anti-nuclear platform in Turkey (2002–2018)
by Sevgi Balkan Åžahin & Marella Bodur Ãœn - 50-68 Differential inclusion through education: Reforms and spatial justice in Finnish education policy
by Marika Kettunen & Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola - 69-89 Institutional capacity development within the national urban policy formation process – Participants’ views
by Ratka ÄŒolić & Ä orÄ‘e Milić & Jasna Petrić & NataÅ¡a ÄŒolić - 90-107 Filtered violence: Human rights law, forced displacement and land politics in Colombia
by Max Counter - 108-123 ‘Seeing like a city’, or ‘seeing like a state’ in a city? Paris, capital of femonationalism
by Claire Hancock - 124-142 From towers to walls: Trump’s border wall as entrepreneurial performance
by Åshild Kolås & Lacin ldil Oztig - 143-164 Homeland as a multi-scalar community: (Dis)continuities in the US security/safety discourse and practice
by Simone Tulumello & Roberto Falanga - 165-179 People as infrastructure politics in global north cities: Chicago’s South Side
by David Wilson - 180-200 Intersectionality and climate policy-making: The inclusion of social difference by three Swedish government agencies
by Benedict E Singleton & Nanna Rask & Gunnhildur Lily Magnusdottir & Annica Kronsell - 201-220 A participatory local governance approach to social innovation: A case study of Seongbuk-gu, South Korea
by Sangmin Kim - 221-240 Contested mobilities in the maritory: Implications of boundary formation in a nomadic space
by José Barrena & Alberto Harambour & Machiel Lamers & Simon R Bush - 241-259 The fantasmatic narrative of ‘sustainable development’. A political analysis of the 2030 Global Development Agenda
by Juan Telleria & Jorge Garcia-Arias - 260-278 Aversive racism and community-instigated policing: The spatial politics of Nextdoor
by Stefano Bloch - 279-297 Rhythmanalysis: Rethinking the politics of everyday negotiations in ordinary public spaces
by Marie Gibert-Flutre - 298-317 Austerity, teleological ‘ends’ and the timespace practices of the state organisation
by Crispian Fuller - 318-339 Smart as (un)democratic? The making of a smart city imaginary in Kolkata, India
by Bipashyee Ghosh & Saurabh Arora - 340-356 Retrofitting an emergency approach to the climate crisis: A study of two climate emergency declarations in Aotearoa New Zealand
by Sylvia Nissen & Raven Cretney
December 2021, Volume 39, Issue 8
- 1675-1691 For political geographies of fertilities
by Kate Coddington - 1692-1710 Mothers, babies, and abortion at the border: Contradictory U.S. policies, or targeting fertility?
by Nancy Hiemstra - 1711-1724 Incompatible with life: Embodied borders, migrant fertility, and the UK’s ‘hostile environment’
by Kate Coddington - 1725-1736 “Wait for a permanent contract†: The temporal politics of (in)fertility as an early career researcher
by Sarah M Hughes - 1737-1754 Staying with the trouble of collegiality, professionalism and care: Fertilities in academia
by Emily C Kaufman - 1755-1772 Postpartum geographies: Intersections of academic labor and care work
by Emily Mitchell-Eaton - 1773-1790 Why are designs for urban governance so often incomplete? A conceptual framework for explaining and harnessing institutional incompleteness
by Catherine Durose & Vivien Lowndes - 1791-1808 Ban the (plastic) bag? Explaining variation in the implementation of plastic bag bans in Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda
by Pritish Behuria - 1809-1826 The time and place of social mixing: Everyday rhythms of long-term residents and newcomers in a Dutch neighborhood
by Erik Meij & Tialda Haartsen & Louise Meijering - 1827-1846 Desired freight and undesired migrants: Security and market forces at internal EU borders
by Cecilia Vergnano - 1847-1864 Borders and resilience: Asylum seeker reception at the securitized Finnish-Swedish border
by Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola - 1865-1865 Erratum to Staying with the trouble of collegiality, professionalism and care: Fertilities in academia
by N/A
November 2021, Volume 39, Issue 7
- 1313-1318 The state of this: Introduction to the special issue
by Jason Dittmer - 1319-1337 Jeremy Corbyn and the war machine: Assemblage and affect in the 2015 UK Labour Party Leadership Contest
by Sam Page - 1338-1355 Out from the shadows? Voluntary organisations and the assembled state
by Tom Baker & Pauline McGuirk - 1356-1374 Scenes of emergency: Dis/re-assembling the promise of the UK emergency state
by Ben Anderson - 1375-1388 Biopolitics of migration: An assemblage approach
by Thilo Wiertz - 1389-1406 The state, all at sea: Interoperability and the Global Network of Navies
by Jason Dittmer - 1407-1435 Assessing socio-technical resistance to public policy instruments: Insights from water performance indicators in the Grenoble area (France)
by Thomas Bolognesi & Antoine Brochet & Yvan Renou - 1436-1452 Between nation and state: Boundary infrastructures, communities of practice and everyday nation-ness in the Chinese rail system
by Dylan Brady - 1453-1470 Expanding the Southern urban critique: Elite politics, popular politics, and self-governance in the wards of Mandalay
by Jérémie Sanchez & Su Su Myat - 1471-1491 “We just need the developer to develop†: Entrepreneurialism, financialization and urban redevelopment in Lexington, Kentucky
by Kevin Ward & Andrew Wood - 1492-1510 Indigenous participation and knowledge justice in deliberative systems: Flooding and wild creek remediation controversies in Taiwan
by Mei-Fang Fan - 1511-1528 Introducing the YIMBYs: Renters, housing, and supply-side politics in Los Angeles
by Renee Tapp - 1529-1546 Spatial shifts in migration governance: Public-private alliances in Swedish immigration administration
by Linn Axelsson & Nils Pettersson - 1547-1566 Philanthropy to the rescue? Detroit’s schools and urban policymaking under austerity
by Dan Cohen - 1567-1585 Improving public housing policies that target low-income households: The value of adding proximity to discretion
by Lauro Gonzalez & Fernanda Lima-Silva & Marlei Pozzebon - 1586-1605 Improvising against the racial state in Atlanta: Reimagining agency in environmental justice
by Richard Milligan & Tyler McCreary & Na’Taki Osborne Jelks - 1606-1624 Infrastructure governance in the post-networked city: State-led, high-tech sanitation in Addis Ababa’s condominium housing
by Liza Rose Cirolia & Tesfaye Hailu & Julia King & Nuno F da Cruz & Jo Beall - 1625-1643 ‘Utopia’ failed? Social enterprise, everyday practices and the closure of neoliberalism
by Micaela Mazzei & Tom Montgomery & Pascal Dey - 1644-1672 Linguistic ambivalence amidst suburban diversity: LGBTQ2S municipal ‘social inclusions’ on Vancouver’s periphery
by Alison L Bain & Julie A Podmore
September 2021, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 1069-1078 Sensorial politics
by Elsa Davidson & Julian Brash - 1079-1096 Sensing others: Empty buildings and sensory worlds in Detroit
by Nicholas L Caverly - 1097-1112 Sentio ergo sum: House paint as politics of the radically mundane
by Susan Falls - 1113-1128 Emplaced care and atmospheric politics in unbreathable worlds
by Alison Kenner - 1129-1147 The child sensorium as privileged biopolitical resource: Sensory care and the burden of emotional control in middle class North American childhood
by Elsa Davidson - 1148-1171 Beyond experiments: Embedding outcomes in climate governance
by Frans Sengers & Bruno Turnheim & Frans Berkhout - 1172-1191 Advocacy coalitions and flood insurance: Power and policies in the Australian Natural Disaster Insurance Review
by Michaela Dolk & Edmund C Penning-Rowsell - 1192-1210 Expertise, legitimacy and subjectivity: Three techniques for a will to govern low carbon energy projects in India
by Ankit Kumar - 1211-1230 Spatializing authoritarian neoliberalism by way of cultural politics: City, nation and the European Union in Gdańsk’s politics of cultural policy formation
by Thomas Borén & Patrycja Grzyś & Craig Young - 1231-1251 Territories of state-led aquaculture risk management: Thailand’s Plang Yai program
by Mariska JM Bottema & Simon R Bush & Peter Oosterveer - 1252-1273 Beyond the success/failure of travelling urban models: Exploring the politics of time and performance in Cape Town’s East City
by Enora Robin & Laura Nkula-Wenz - 1274-1293 Performing on the streets: Infrastructures of subaltern resistance in Pakistan
by Nishat Awan - 1294-1309 Conflict, consent, dissensus: The unfinished as challenge to politics and planning
by John Pløger
August 2021, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 859-878 Reclaiming the city one plot at a time? DIY garden projects, radical democracy, and the politics of spatial appropriation
by Claire E Bach & Nathan McClintock - 879-899 Contiguity, constituencies, and the political representation of minorities
by Benjamin Forest & Mike Medeiros - 900-918 Street level bureaucracy in response to environmental pressure. Insights from forestry and urban green space governance in Poland
by Renata Putkowska-Smoter & Krzysztof Niedziałkowski - 919-937 The concept of solidarity in cohesion policies of the European Union and Hungary
by Márton Czirfusz - 938-954 Reorienting The Production of Space: Rhythmanalysis, desire, and “The Siege of the Third Precinctâ€
by Alex Farrington - 955-971 Exposing the legal and bureaucratic underpinnings of gentrification: Municipal property transfers through alley closures in Washington, DC
by Rebecca Summer - 972-992 Resource extraction and intersectoral research: Engaging accountable relations in the Environment Community Health Observatory Network
by Vanessa Sloan Morgan & Dawn Hoogeveen & May Farrales & Maya K Gislason & Margot W Parkes & Henry G Harder - 993-1010 Mobility control in ungovernable spaces: Cultivating the Mediterranean’s fatal materiality
by Andonea Jon Dickson - 1011-1029 Scales of participation and multi-scalar citizenship in EU participatory governance
by Katja Mäkinen - 1030-1048 Criminalizing solidarity: Search and rescue in a neo-colonial sea
by ÄŠetta Mainwaring & Daniela DeBono - 1049-1065 Affective bureaucratic relations: File practices in a European deportation unit and criminal court
by Lieke Wissink & Irene van Oorschot
June 2021, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 667-685 The hybrid governance of environmental transnational municipal networks: Lessons from 100 Resilient Cities
by Anne Bach Nielsen & Marielle Papin - 686-704 Privatizing the production of settler colonial landscapes: ‘Authenticity’ and imaginative geography in Wadi Al-Salib, Haifa
by Yara Sa’di-Ibraheem - 705-721 Antagonistic landscapes
by Somdeep Sen - 722-739 Reconciliation and Indigenous resurgence in the Ontario Far North and Mushkegowuk Cree land use planning processes
by Ryan Bowie - 740-758 Broadening democracy against environmental justice: The example of Montreal borough councils
by Caroline Patsias - 759-780 Urban governance dispositifs: cohering diverse ecologies of urban energy governance
by Pauline McGuirk & Robyn Dowling - 781-799 What can co-creation do for the citizens? Applying co-creation for the promotion of participation in cities
by Helena Leino & Eeva Puumala - 800-817 Contracting-out care: The socio-spatial politics of nursing home care at the intersection of British Columbia’s labor, land, and capital markets
by CS Ponder & Andrew Longhurst & Margaret McGregor - 818-837 Religious revival or control? Reading the spatial politics of an officially atheist country’s planning of religious scenic areas: Three cases in Shaanxi, China
by Meng-chi Hsueh - 838-855 Is anyone home? Appropriating and re-narrativisating the post-criminalisation squatting scene in England and Wales
by Mel Nowicki
May 2021, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 437-450 Introduction: Anti-politics, austerity and spaces of politicisation
by Ross Beveridge & David Featherstone - 451-468 Contesting austerity, de-centring the state: Anti-politics and the political horizon of the urban
by Ross Beveridge & Philippe Koch - 469-490 From Out of Apathy to the post-political: The spatial politics of austerity, the geographies of politicisation and the trajectories of the Scottish left(s)
by David Featherstone - 491-511 Geographies of politics and the police: Post-democratization, SYRIZA, and the politics of the “Greek debt crisisâ€
by Lazaros Karaliotas - 512-535 Against austerity and repression: Historical and contemporary manifestations of progressive politicisation in Turkey
by Pınar E Dönmez - 536-554 Everyday antagonisms: Organising economic practices in Mercado Bonpland, Buenos Aires
by Victoria Habermehl - 555-573 Relational expertise and the spatial (re)production of austerity: Challenges and opportunities for progressive politics
by Adam Standring - 574-596 The revenge of the village? The geography of right-wing populist electoral success, anti-politics, and austerity in Germany
by Maximilian Förtner & Bernd Belina & Matthias Naumann - 597-605 Afterword: They say the Centre cannot hold: Austerity, crisis, and the rise of anti-politics
by Ana Drago - 606-625 Spaces of Islamophobia and spaces of inequality in Greater Paris
by Kawtar Najib - 626-645 After the facts: Producing, using and contesting knowledge in two spatial-environmental conflicts in the Netherlands
by Dik Roth & Michiel Köhne & Elisabet Dueholm Rasch & Madelinde Winnubst - 646-663 Plans and situated actions in urban renewal projects: The role of governance devices in realizing projects
by Sara Brorström & Alexander Styhre
March 2021, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 229-230 Introducing Minor Revisions, a podcast from Politics & Space
by Eugene McCann - 231-246 Rethinking urban environmental and infrastructural governance in the everyday: Perspectives from and of the global South
by Yaffa Truelove & Natasha Cornea - 247-264 Everyday states and water infrastructure: Insights from a small secondary city in Africa, Bafatá in Guinea-Bissau
by Susana Neves Alves - 265-281 Negotiating networked infrastructural inequalities: Governance, electricity access, and space in Rio de Janeiro
by Francesca Pilo' - 282-299 Who is the state? Infrastructural power and everyday water governance in Delhi
by Yaffa Truelove - 300-317 Everyday practices in the production of uneven water pricing regimes in Lilongwe, Malawi
by Lejla H Pihljak & Maria Rusca & Cecilia Alda-Vidal & Klaas Schwartz - 318-335 Pipe dreams? Practices of everyday governance of heterogeneous configurations of water supply in Baruipur, a small town in India
by Ratoola Kundu & Suchismita Chatterjee - 336-353 Transformative top-down planning in a small African city: How residents in Bagamoyo, Tanzania connect with a city in motion
by Seth Schindler & Nancy Duong Nguyen & Desdery Gerase Barongo - 354-370 Hacking the pipes: Hydro-political currents in a Nairobi housing estate
by Sophie Schramm & Basil Ibrahim - 371-392 Hybrid contractual landscapes of governance: Generation of fragmented regimes of public accountability through urban regeneration
by Tuna TaÅŸan-Kok & Rob Atkinson & Maria Lucia Refinetti Martins - 393-413 Fragmentation, commodification and responsibilisation in the governing of flood risk mitigation in Sweden
by Per Becker - 414-433 From right to good, and to asset: The state-led financialisation of the social rented housing in Italy
by Emanuele Belotti & Sonia Arbaci
February 2021, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 3-10 Sexual(ities that) progress: Introduction
by Kath Browne & Jason Lim & Joseph Hall & Nick McGlynn - 11-29 The progressive Orient: Gay tourism to Tel Aviv and Israeli ethnicities
by Gilly Hartal & Orna Sasson-Levy - 30-52 The limits of legislative change: Moving beyond inclusion/exclusion to create ‘a life worth living’
by Kath Browne & Niharika Banerjea & Nick McGlynn & Leela Bakshi & Sumita Beethi & Ranjita Biswas - 53-73 Permissible progress: Sexual(ities that) progress in and beyond English primary schools
by Joseph J Hall - 74-93 Resisting the mainstreaming of LGBT equalities in Canadian and British Schools: Sex education and trans school friends
by Catherine J Nash & Kath Browne - 94-113 Popular geopolitics ‘beyond the screen’: Bringing Modern Warfare to the city
by Daniel Bos - 114-131 Acquiescence in the face of dispossession in the Mahindra World City Special Economic Zone, Tamil Nadu, India
by Nidhi Subramanyam & Neema Kudva - 132-151 Unrooted responses: Addressing violence against environmental and land defenders
by Hollie Grant & Philippe Le Billon - 152-167 The popular sovereignty continuum: Civil and political society in contemporary South Africa
by Brandon M Finn - 168-183 Invasion and colonization: Islamophobia and anti-refugee sentiment in West Virginia
by Cynthia S Gorman & Karen Culcasi - 184-203 The big bang of neoliberal urbanism: The Gigantomachy of Santiago’s urban development
by Francisco Vergara-Perucich & Camillo Boano - 204-225 Political dynamics of local government reform in a development context: The case of Turkey
by Osman SavaÅŸkan
November 2020, Volume 38, Issue 7-8
- 1149-1159 Feminist political geographies: Critical reflections, new directions
by Caroline Faria & Vanessa A Massaro & Jill M Williams - 1160-1179 The domestic geopolitics of racial capitalism
by Pavithra Vasudevan & Sara Smith - 1180-1197 Misfit medicine and queer geographies: The diverse economy and politics of cannabis in carceral Los Angeles
by Robert Chlala - 1198-1215 Affecting migration: Public information campaigns and the intimate spatialities of border enforcement
by Jill M Williams - 1216-1236 Relocating the “inmate†: Tracing the geographies of social reproduction in correctional supervision
by Vanessa A Massaro - 1237-1255 Affective geopolitics: Anxiety, pain, and ethics in the encounter with Syrian refugees in Turkey
by Banu Gökarıksel & Anna J Secor