November 2020, Volume 38, Issue 7-8
- 1256-1274 Killing the joy, feeling the cruelty: Feminist geographies of nationalism in Azerbaijan
by Elisabeth Militz - 1275-1290 Gowns, globalization, and “global intimate mapping†: Geovisualizing Uganda’s wedding industry
by Dominica K Whitesell & Caroline V Faria - 1291-1307 It’s a small, small, small world: The Icesave dispute and global orders of difference
by Jess Bier - 1308-1327 Producing a Chinese hydrosocial territory: A river of clean water flows north from Danjiangkou
by Sarah Rogers & Mark Wang - 1328-1347 Decision-making processes for public memorials in Seoul: How well do they reflect and contribute to South Korea’s democracy?
by Quentin Stevens - 1348-1366 Waste and postsocialism in Estonia: Becoming European through the management of rubbish
by Francisco MartÃnez & Kaia Beilmann - 1367-1385 Performing legitimacy in neighbourhood planning: Conflicting identities and hybrid governance
by Andy Yuille - 1386-1411 Fostering place-based coalitions between social movements and science for sustainable urban environments: A case of embedded agency
by Matias Ramirez & Javier Hernando Garcia Estevez & Oscar Yandy Romero Goyeneche & Claudia E Obando Rodriguez - 1412-1428 Spectacle, tourism and the performance of everyday geopolitics
by Jacob C Miller & Vincent Del Casino Jr - 1429-1446 Embodying the nation, representing the state: Performativity of police work in the Franco-Romanian bilateral agreement
by Ioana Vrăbiescu - 1447-1464 Representation and power – Discursive constructions of stakeholder positions in regional place marketing collaboration
by Juha Halme - 1465-1483 Blue bioeconomy localities at the margins: Reconnecting Norwegian seaweed farming and Finnish small-scale lake fisheries with blue policies
by Moritz Albrecht & Jani Lukkarinen
September 2020, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 961-979 Thinking beyond success and failure: Dutch water expertise and friction in postcolonial Jakarta
by Emma Colven - 980-997 Scripting Indian and Chinese urban spatial transformation: Adding new narratives to gentrification and suburbanisation research
by Fulong Wu - 998-1016 Everyday invasions: Fuckland, geopolitics, and the (re)production of insecurity in the Falkland Islands
by Matthew C Benwell & Alasdair Pinkerton - 1017-1035 Tracing modes of politics at the United Nations: Spatial scripting, intimidation and subversion at the Forum on Minority Issues
by Fiona McConnell - 1036-1054 Spaces of regional governance: A periodisation approach
by Jacob Salder - 1055-1074 Politics of smell: Constructing animal waste governmentality and good farming subjectivities in colonial Hong Kong
by Kin Wing (Ray) Chan - 1075-1090 Staging Israel/Palestine: The geopolitical imaginaries of international tourism
by Connie Yang - 1091-1107 Reclaiming authenticity: The spaces and scales of national sincerity
by Rhys Jones & Elin Royles - 1108-1127 Irregular migration, borders, and the moral geographies of migration management
by Josh Watkins - 1128-1145 Bordering through recalibration: Exploring the temporality of the German “Ausbildungsduldungâ€
by Kari Anne Drangsland
August 2020, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 771-794 Fenced In
by N/A - 795-802 Introduction: Research agendas raised by the Belt and Road Initiative
by James D Sidaway & Simon C Rowedder & Chih Yuan Woon & Weiqiang Lin & Vatthana Pholsena - 803-808 Albert Herrmann: A missing link in establishing the Silk Road as a concept for Trans-Eurasian networks of trade
by Håkan Wahlquist - 809-813 Negotiating the boundaries of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
by Tim Summers - 815-819 Belts and roads every- and nowhere: Conceptualizing infrastructural corridorization in the Indian Ocean
by Henryk Alff - 820-825 Intensity, infrastructure, aquatectonics
by Andrew M Carruthers - 826-833 Navigating Sino-Thai ‘rocky’ bilateral ties: The geopolitics of riverine trade in the Greater Mekong Subregion
by Shaun Lin & Carl Grundy-Warr - 834-839 The Belt and Road as political technology: Power and economy in Pakistan and Tajikistan
by Hasan H Karrar & Till Mostowlansky - 840-847 Roads to China and infrastructural relations in Nepal
by Galen Murton - 848-865 Complicating notions of violence: An embodied view of violence against women in Honduras
by Maaret Jokela-Pansini - 866-884 Responsibility as a field: The circular economy of water, waste, and energy
by Federico Savini & Mendel Giezen - 885-901 Deterritorialising the Jungle: Understanding the Calais camp through its orderings
by Francesca Ansaloni - 902-919 The role of power in community participation: Relocation as climate change adaptation in Fiji
by Amanda Bertana - 920-937 Schooling from the classroom to the state: Understanding schools as geopolitical sites
by Christopher Lizotte & Nicole Nguyen - 938-957 Sindh in Karachi: A topography of separateness, connectivity, and juxtaposition
by Nichola Khan
June 2020, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 579-579 The spaces and politics of affective nationalism
by N/A - 580-582 Introduction
by Marco Antonsich & Michael Skey - 582-584 National potential: Affect, possibility and the nation-in-progress
by Shanti Sumartojo - 585-586 National movements
by Peter Merriman - 586-589 A hot afternoon
by Angharad Closs Stephens - 589-591 Affective nationalisms and race
by Divya P Tolia-Kelly - 591-598 Detachment, disaffection, and other ambivalent affects
by Helen F Wilson & Ben Anderson - 599-618 Engaging political histories of urban uprisings with young people: The Liverpool riots, 1981 and 2011
by Matthew C Benwell & Andrew Davies & Bethan Evans & Catherine Wilkinson - 619-635 Democratic decentralization, microcredit, and the workings of local government in rural India
by Dolly Daftary - 636-655 The politics of stuckness: Waiting lives in mobile worlds
by Elizabeth Straughan & David Bissell & Andrew Gorman-Murray - 656-673 Anxieties of an emerging donor: The Korean development experience and the politics of international development cooperation
by Jamie Doucette - 674-692 ‘God was a rotten plumber’: Common sense, moral economy and ‘financing water for all’
by Johanna Wadsley - 693-712 Leaving no one behind? The influence of civil society participation on the Sustainable Development Goals
by Carole-Anne Sénit - 713-732 ‘The object is to change the heart and soul’: Financial incentives, planning and opposition to new housebuilding in England
by Andy Inch & Richard Dunning & Aidan While & Hannah Hickman & Sarah Payne - 733-750 Making the subsurface political: How enhanced oil recovery techniques reshaped the energy transition
by Sébastien Chailleux - 751-767 Towards just production of tourism space via dialogical everyday politics in destination communities
by Outi Kulusjärvi
May 2020, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 387-404 Laughing at power: Humor, transgression, and the politics of refusal in Palestine
by Lisa Bhungalia - 405-422 Politics of recognition in between antagonism and agonism: Exploring ‘mediated agonism’ in Jaffa
by Ronnen Ben-Arie & Tovi Fenster - 423-442 Focalizing new-Fascism: Right politics and integralisms in contemporary Italy
by Luiza Bialasiewicz & Sabrina Stallone - 443-463 The Protean Environmental State in Dongguan: Reconceptualising the local state and ecological development in China
by Andrew Flynn & Li Yu - 464-483 Metropolitan and rural areas fighting for the control of electricity networks in France. A local geopolitics approach to energy transition
by François-Mathieu Poupeau - 484-502 Deregulation as socio-spatial transformation: Dimensions and consequences of shifting governmentalities in the Danish construction industry
by Stefan Christoffer Gottlieb & Nicolaj Frederiksen - 503-521 Mobilizing a fast policy fix: Exploring the translation of 10-year plans to end homelessness in Alberta, Canada
by Joshua Evans & Jeffrey R Masuda - 522-538 Extreme municipal fiscal stress and austerity? A case study of fiscal reform after Chapter 9 bankruptcy
by Mark Davidson - 539-556 Governing the noisy sphere: Geographies of noise regulation in the US
by Key MacFarlane - 557-576 International Migration and Gentrification: Territorial Exclusion at National and Urban Scales
by Darshan Vigneswaran
March 2020, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 195-213 Struggles over property in the ‘post-political’ era: Notes on the political from Rome and Dublin
by Cesare Di Feliciantonio & Cian O’Callaghan - 214-232 Questioning post-political perspectives on the psychological state: Behavioural public policy in the Netherlands
by Mark Whitehead & Rhys Jones & Jessica Pykett - 233-250 ‘Burn it down!’: Materialising intersectional solidarities in the architecture of the South African Embassy during the London Poll Tax Riot, March 1990
by Gavin Brown - 251-268 Towards a constructive critical geopolitics – Inspirations from the Frankfurt School of critical theory
by Veit Bachmann & Sami Moisio - 269-289 The political institutionalization of the social economy in Ecuador: Indigeneity and institutional logics
by Sara Calvo & Stephen Syrett & Andres Morales - 290-311 Assessing states: Water service delivery and evolving state–society relations in Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa
by Leila M Harris - 312-328 Territorialising control in urban West Bengal: Social clubs and everyday governance in the spaces between state and party
by Natasha Cornea - 329-346 Small horse pulls big cart in the scalar struggles of competing administrations in Anhui Province, China
by Yanpeng Jiang & Paul Waley - 347-365 What difference does democratic local governance make? Guggenheim museum initiatives in Abu Dhabi and Helsinki
by Davide Ponzini & Sampo Ruoppila & Zachary M Jones - 366-383 Introducing business regions in Denmark: The ‘businessification’ of strategic spatial planning?
by Kristian Olesen & Carsten J Hansen
February 2020, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 3-19 Governing migrant mobility through mobility: Containment and dispersal at the internal frontiers of Europe
by Martina Tazzioli - 20-39 The politics of development and humanitarianism in EU externalization: Managing migration in Ukraine
by Austin Crane - 40-59 Doing activism like a state: Progressive municipal government, Israel/Palestine and BDS
by Davina Cooper & Didi Herman - 60-78 Consultants as intermediaries: Their perceptions on citizen involvement in urban development
by EW Stapper & M Van der Veen & LB Janssen-Jansen - 79-96 Understanding project mobility: The movement of King’s Cross to Brussels and Johannesburg
by Frances Brill & Veronica Conte - 97-115 Planning by (mis)rule of laws: The idiom and dilemma of planning within Ghana’s dual legal land systems
by Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah & Clifford Amoako - 116-133 Caught in the middle? Creating and contesting intermediary spaces in low-carbon transitions
by Bregje van Veelen - 134-152 Who should be governed to reduce deforestation and how? Multiple governmentalities at the REDD+ negotiations
by Mattias Hjort - 153-173 The neoliberal policy experimentation on carbon emission trading in China
by Alex Y Lo & Kang Chen & Anna Ka-yin Lee & Lindsay Qianqing Mai - 174-192 The biopolitics of carbon accounting in Indonesia’s forests
by Henry J Boer
December 2019, Volume 37, Issue 8
- 1319-1342 Geontographies: On Elizabeth Povinelli’s Geontologies: A Requiem for Late Liberalism
by Elizabeth R Johnson & Garnet Kindervater & Zoe Todd & Kathryn Yusoff & Keith Woodward & Elizabeth A Povinelli - 1343-1360 Why did Cornwall vote for Brexit? Assessing the implications for EU structural funding programmes
by Joanie Willett & Rebecca Tidy & Garry Tregidga & Philip Passmore - 1361-1379 Conferences, award ceremonies and the showcasing of ‘best practice’: A case study of the annual European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels
by Ida Andersson & Ian R Cook - 1380-1399 Everyday politics of austerity: Infrastructure and vulnerability in times of crisis
by Saska Petrova & Alexandra Prodromidou - 1400-1417 Relational governance, distributed agency and the unfolding of movements, habits and environments: Parking practices and regulations in England
by Peter Merriman - 1418-1433 The common-seekers: Capturing and reclaiming value in the platform metropolis
by Ugo Rossi - 1434-1451 Bureaucracy, case geography and the governance of the inebriate in Scotland (1898–1918)
by David Beckingham - 1452-1470 “It belongs to the world.†Oil, conservation and futures in the making in Lofoten, Norway
by Marianne Karlsson & Brigt Dale - 1471-1488 Securitization of climate change: How invoking global dangers for instrumental ends can backfire
by Jeroen Warner & Ingrid Boas - 1489-1506 From stage-managed planning towards a more imaginative and inclusive strategic spatial planning
by Louis Albrechts & Angela Barbanente & Valeria Monno - 1507-1530 Relationships between land use changes, stakeholders, and national scenic area administrations: A case study of Mount Jinfo and its surroundings in China
by Wenwu Du & Sofia M Penabaz-Wiley & Isami Kinoshita
November 2019, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 1151-1160 Ethnographic conversations with Wittfogel’s ghost: An introduction
by Lukas Ley & Franz Krause - 1161-1178 Assistance and resistance of (hydro-)power: Contested relationships of control over the Volta River, Ghana
by Kirsty Wissing - 1179-1197 Collective irrigation, the state and social relations in the Eastern Pyrenees of France
by Etienne Delay & James Linton - 1198-1216 Dreaming of pipes: Kathmandu’s long-delayed Melamchi Water Supply Project
by Matthäus Rest - 1217-1234 The USSR as a hydraulic society: Wittfogel, the Aral Sea and the (post-)Soviet state
by William Wheeler - 1235-1251 The social embeddedness of hydraulic engineers in the regulation of water and infrastructure in Peru
by Astrid B Stensrud - 1252-1257 Epilogue: Anthropological conversations with Karl Wittfogel’s ghost
by Veronica Strang - 1258-1276 Refugeeness as political subjectivity: Experiencing the humanitarian border
by Kirsi Pauliina Kallio & Jouni Häkli & Elisa Pascucci - 1277-1295 An evolutionary perspective on experimental local governance arrangements with local governments and residents in Dutch rural areas of depopulation
by Hiska Ubels & Bettina Bock & Tialda Haartsen - 1296-1316 Decentralization and the quality of public services: Cross-country evidence from educational data
by Luis Diaz-Serrano & Enric Meix-Llop
September 2019, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 967-984 Towards an urban political geography of transport: Unpacking the political and scalar dynamics of fare-free public transport in Tallinn, Estonia
by Wojciech Kȩbłowski & Tauri Tuvikene & Tarmo Pikner & Jussi S Jauhiainen - 985-1004 Networked authority and regionalised governance: Public transport, a hierarchy of documents and the anti-hierarchy of authorship
by Alexander Paulsson & Karolina Isaksson - 1005-1023 A multimodal reading of public protests
by Sarah Day & Mohamed Seedat & Josephine Cornell & Shahnaaz Suffla - 1024-1044 Non-state nations: Structure, rescaling, and the role of territorial policy communities, illustrated by the cases of Wales and Sardinia
by Nick Clifton & Alessia Usai - 1045-1062 What’s in a home? Toward a critical theory of housing/dwelling
by Ariel Handel - 1063-1081 Opening the bunker: Function, materiality, temporality
by Bradley Garrett & Ian Klinke - 1082-1101 From policy community to issue networks: Implementing social sustainability in a Swedish urban development programme
by Ingemar Elander & Eva Gustavsson - 1102-1125 The evolution of Jakarta’s flood policy over the past 400 years: The lock-in of infrastructural solutions
by Thanti Octavianti & Katrina Charles - 1126-1147 The Dutch aid and trade policy: Policy discourses versus development practices in the Kenyan water and sanitation sector
by Elisa Savelli & Klaas Schwartz & Rhodante Ahlers
August 2019, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 775-794 Repoliticizing poverty: A symposium on Victoria Lawson and Sarah Elwood’s Relational Poverty Politics: Forms, Struggles, and Possibilities
by Eugene McCann & Juan Herrera & Mae A Miller & Ananya Roy & Sarah Elwood & Victoria Lawson - 795-812 Brexit in Sunderland: The production of difference and division in the UK referendum on European Union membership
by Harry Bromley-Davenport & Julie MacLeavy & David Manley - 813-830 Smart urbanism and smart citizenship: The neoliberal logic of ‘citizen-focused’ smart cities in Europe
by Paolo Cardullo & Rob Kitchin - 831-848 Post-politics contested: Why multiple voices on climate change do not equal politicisation
by Anneleen Kenis - 849-867 Policy mobilities and the sociomateriality of U.S. offshore aquaculture governance
by Luke Fairbanks - 868-888 Space, state-building and the hydraulic mission: Crafting the Mozambican state
by Maria Rusca & Tatiana dos Santos & Filippo Menga & Naho Mirumachi & Klaas Schwartz & Michaela Hordijk - 889-907 Halal meat and religious slaughter: From spatial concealment to social controversy – Breaching the boundaries of the permissible?
by John Lever - 908-928 Subsidiary upgrading and regional innovation policies: The case of Valeo lighting Systems Spain and the Andalusian Plastic Innovation Centre
by José Quesada-Vázquez & Juan Carlos RodrÃguez-Cohard - 929-945 Learning in the face of change: The Dutch National Collaboration Programme on Air Quality
by Tim Busscher & Christian Zuidema & Taede Tillema & Jos Arts - 946-964 ‘Incomers’ leading ‘community-led’ sustainability initiatives: A contradiction in terms?
by Emily Creamer & Simon Allen & Claire Haggett
June 2019, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 579-596 White supremacy, white counter-revolutionary politics, and the rise of Donald Trump
by Joshua Inwood - 597-616 Waiting for the state: Gender, citizenship and everyday encounters with bureaucracy in India
by Grace Carswell & Thomas Chambers & Geert De Neve - 617-633 The terroir of bureaucratic practice: Everyday life and scholarly method in the study of policy
by Merje Kuus - 634-651 Mobilizing smart grid experiments: Policy mobilities and urban energy governance
by Anthony M Levenda - 652-669 The urban resource nexus: On the politics of relationality, water–energy infrastructure and the fallacy of integration
by Joe Williams & Stefan Bouzarovski & Erik Swyngedouw - 670-688 The atomization of heritage politics in post-colonial cities: The case of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
by Adèle Esposito & Gabriel Fauveaud - 689-706 Spaces of city-regionalism: Conceptualising pluralism in policymaking
by David Waite & Gillian Bristow - 707-731 Socio-political drivers and consequences of landslide and flood risk zonation: A case study of Limbe city, Cameroon
by Jan Maes & Jeff Mbella Molombe & Kewan Mertens & Constanza Parra & Jean Poesen & Vivian Bih Che & Matthieu Kervyn - 732-749 Community as tool for low carbon transitions: Involvement and containment, policy and action
by Gerald Taylor Aiken - 750-772 Chinese leadership: Provincial perspectives on promotion and performance
by Jiajing Sun & Michael Cole & Zhiyuan Huang & Shouyang Wang
May 2019, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 385-385 Politics and Space welcomes a new editor
by Patricia Daley & Eugene McCann & Alison Mountz & Joe Painter - 386-406 #LetThemStay#BringThemHere: Embodied politics, asylum seeking, and performativities of protest opposing Australia’s Operation Sovereign Borders
by Paul Hodge - 407-423 Seeing like a border city: Refugee politics at the borders of city and nation-state
by Julie EE Young - 424-441 Elasticity at the Canada–US border: Jurisdiction, rights, accountability
by Emily Gilbert - 442-460 Depoliticizing space: The politics of governing global finance
by Jack Copley & Maria Eugenia Giraudo - 461-479 Transnationalizing bureaucracies through investment promotion: The case of Informest
by Christian Sellar - 480-497 Creating active citizens? Emotional geographies of citizenship in a diverse and deprived neighbourhood
by Myrte Sophie Hoekstra - 498-518 Powering the state: The political geographies of electrification in Mozambique
by Marcus Power & Joshua Kirshner - 519-538 Contesting deep sea oil: Politicisation–depoliticisation–repoliticisation
by Sophie Bond & Gradon Diprose & Amanda C Thomas - 539-557 Urban configurations of carbon neutrality: Insights from the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance
by Laura Tozer & Nicole Klenk - 558-576 International development ideology and two tourism policies of Nepal
by Kalyan Bhandari
March 2019, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 199-218 Enacting property: Making space for the public in the municipal library
by Lisa M Freeman & Nick Blomley - 219-236 Neglected rural geography: Exploring the quiet politics of ‘out-dwelling’
by Rachel Hunt - 237-255 Centralization, neoliberalism, and housing policy central–local government relations and residential development in Israel
by Sharon Eshel & Ravit Hananel - 256-276 Planning a ‘slum free' Trivandrum: Housing upgrade and the rescaling of urban governance in India
by Glyn Williams & Umesh Omanakuttan & J Devika & N Jagajeevan - 277-297 Techno-economic rationalities as a political practice in urban environmental politics in China
by Linda K Westman & Vanesa Castán Broto - 298-316 Just transition? Strategic framing and the challenges facing coal dependent communities
by Sally A Weller - 317-338 Governing renewables: Policy feedback in a global energy transition
by Jonas Meckling - 339-359 Cities, institutional entrepreneurship and the emergence of new environmental policies: The organizing of waste prevention in the City of Gothenburg, Sweden
by Patrik Zapata & MarÃa José Zapata Campos - 360-381 Fiscal decentralisation and local government efficiency: Does relative deprivation matter?
by Jose M Alonso & Rhys Andrews
February 2019, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 3-4 Brexit, race and migration
by N/A - 4-7 Introduction: Brexit, race and migration
by Kathy Burrell & Peter Hopkins - 7-12 Bad news from nowhere: Race, class and the ‘left behind’
by Arshad Isakjee & Colin Lorne - 12-16 Populism, immigration and the Trump phenomenon in the U.S
by Caroline Nagel - 17-23 Race, place and young people in the age of Brexit
by Robin Finlay & Anoop Nayak & Matthew C Benwell & Raksha Pande & Michael Richardson - 23-28 (In)visibility, privilege and the performance of whiteness in Brexit Britain: Polish migrants in Britain’s shifting migration regime
by Katherine Botterill & Kathy Burrell - 28-40 Brexit writings and the war of position over migration, ‘race’ and class
by Ben Rogaly - 41-58 On the grounds of the global Indian: Tracing the disjunctive spaces between diaspora and the nation-state
by Ishan Ashutosh - 59-80 ‘Who governs’ Berlin’s metropolitan region? The strategic-relational construction of metropolitan scale in Berlin–Brandenburg’s economic development policies
by Enrico Gualini & Carola Fricke - 81-101 Creating spaces of public insecurity in times of terror: The implications of code/space for urban vulnerability analyses
by Kevin Patrick Keenan - 102-118 (Im)mobile and (Un)successful? A policy mobilities approach to New Orleans’s residential security taxing districts
by Aaron Malone - 119-136 Neoliberal urbanism as ‘Strategic Coupling’ to global chains: Port infrastructure and the role of economic impact studies
by David Jaffee - 137-156 Governance for green urbanisation: Lessons from Singapore’s green building certification scheme
by Heejin Han - 157-176 The politics of Estonia’s offshore wind energy programme: Discourse, power and marine spatial planning
by Ralph Tafon & David Howarth & Steven Griggs - 177-196 Tensions in the transition: The politics of electricity distribution in South Africa
by Lucy Baker & Jon Phillips
December 2018, Volume 36, Issue 8
- 1341-1354 Integrative governance: The relationships between governance instruments taking center stage
by Ingrid J Visseren-Hamakers - 1355-1370 Mainstreaming the environment through appraisal: Integrative governance or logics of disintegration?
by Duncan Russel & John Turnpenny & Andrew Jordan - 1371-1390 The emerging accountability regimes for the Sustainable Development Goals and policy integration: Friend or foe?
by Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen & Arthur L Dahl & Ã…sa Persson - 1391-1414 A framework for analyzing and practicing Integrative Governance: The case of global animal and conservation governance
by Ingrid J Visseren-Hamakers - 1415-1436 Framing and integration in the global forest, agriculture and climate change nexus
by Cinthia Soto Golcher & Ingrid J Visseren-Hamakers - 1437-1457 Inter-sectoral and multilevel coordination alone do not reduce deforestation and advance environmental justice: Why bold contestation works when collaboration fails
by Ashwin Ravikumar & Anne M Larson & Rodd Myers & Tim Trench - 1458-1479 The curious death – and life? – of British transport policy
by Iain Docherty & Jon Shaw & Greg Marsden & Jillian Anable - 1480-1498 Conditioning experimentation: The struggle for place-based discretion in shaping urban infrastructures
by Mike Hodson & James Evans & Gabriele Schliwa - 1499-1521 Education and fiscal decentralization. The case of municipal education in Chile
by Leonardo Letelier S & Hector Ormeño C - 1522-1541 Firms as drivers of integrative adaptive regional development in the context of environmental hazards in developing countries and emerging economies – A conceptual framework
by Thomas Neise & Javier Revilla Diez & Matthias Garschagen
November 2018, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 1157-1175 The promise of proximity: The politics of knowledge and learning in South–South cooperation between water operators
by Gabriella Carolini & Daniel Gallagher & Isadora Cruxên - 1176-1194 Slow cities, urban politics and the temporalities of planning: Lessons from London
by Mike Raco & Daniel Durrant & Nicola Livingstone - 1195-1213 The everyday politics of waste collection practice in Addis Ababa (2003–2009)
by Nebiyu Baye Alene - 1214-1233 The evolution of China’s emission trading mechanisms: From international offset market to domestic Emission Trading Scheme
by Feng Ba & Paul R Thiers & Yonggong Liu - 1234-1255 No taxation, no representation: An investigation of the relationship between natural resources and fiscal decentralization
by Mohammad Arzaghi & Andrew Balthrop - 1256-1279 Mobilising diaspora to promote homeland investment: The progress of policy in post-conflict economies
by Nick Williams - 1280-1298 A framework for the evaluation of living labs as boundary spanners in innovation
by Marina van Geenhuizen - 1299-1318 Unravelling stakeholder participation under conditions of neoliberal biodiversity governance in Catalonia, Spain
by Sara Maestre-Andrés & Laura Calvet-Mir & Evangelia Apostolopoulou - 1319-1337 Collaborative dynamics in street level work: Working in and with communities to improve relationships and reduce deprivation
by Koen PR Bartels
September 2018, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 965-986 Examining regional competitiveness and the pressures of rapid growth: An interpretive institutionalist account of policy responses in three city regions
by Rob Krueger & David Gibbs & Constance Carr - 987-1005 Disrupting polarized discourses: Can we get out of the ruts of environmental conflicts?
by Chloe Lucas & Russell Warman - 1006-1026 Urban sustainability and political parties: Eco-development in Stockholm and Amsterdam
by Daniël M Bossuyt & Federico Savini - 1027-1045 Regional governance and public accountability in planning for new housing: A new approach in South Holland, the Netherlands
by Vitnarae Kang & Daniëlle A Groetelaers - 1046-1067 The many outcomes from contracting out: The voice of public managers
by Andrej Christian Lindholst & Morten Balle Hansen & Thomas Barfoed Randrup & Bengt Persson & Anders Kristoffersson - 1068-1087 The roles of capitals in building capacity to address urban flooding in the shift to a new water management approach
by Ryan Plummer & Steven Renzetti & Ryan Bullock & Maria de Lourdes Melo Zurita & Julia Baird & Diane Dupont & Timothy Smith & Dana Thomsen - 1088-1108 Anticipating water infrastructure renewal: A framing perspective on organizational learning in public agencies
by Jannes J Willems & Tim Busscher & Margo van den Brink & Jos Arts - 1109-1132 Exploring practitioners’ perception of ethical issues in planning: The Peruvian case
by Jessica S Pineda-Zumaran - 1133-1153 Evaluation of public–private partnerships: A life-cycle Performance Prism for ensuring value for money
by Henry J Liu & Peter ED Love & Jim Smith & Michael CP Sing & Jane Matthews
August 2018, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 775-795 Towards a versatile and multidimensional framework to analyse regional governance
by Yasmine Willi & Marco Pütz & Martin Müller - 796-815 Networked cities and steering states: Urban policy circulations and the reshaping of State–cities relationships in France
by Vincent Béal & Renaud Epstein & Gilles Pinson