- 05/299 Investigating the post-complaint period by means of survival analysis
by B. Larivière & D. Van Den Poel - 05/298 Constrained optimization of data-mining problems to improve model performance: A direct-marketing application
by A. Prinzie & D. Van Den Poel - 05/297 How do Early Stage High Technology Investors Select Their Investments?
by B. Clarysse & M. Knockaert & A. Lockett - 05/296 Institutional Origin and Resource Endowments to Science-Based Entrepreneurial Firms: A European Exploration
by N. Moray & B. Clarysse - 05/295 Network Perspective On Stakeholder Management: Facilitating Entrepreneurs In The Discovery Of Opportunities
by W. Vandekerckhove & N. A. Dentchev - 05/294 A Bi-Population Based Genetic Algorithm for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
by D. Debels & M. Vanhoucke - 05/293 A Decomposition-Based Heuristic For The Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
by D. Debels & M. Vanhoucke - 05/292 Incorporating sequential information into traditional classification models by using an element/position- sensitive SAM
by A. Prinzie & D. Van Den Poel - 05/291 Performance Improvement Through Supply Chain Collaboration: Conventional Wisdom Versus Empirical Findings
by A. Vereecke & S. Muylle - 05/290 The role of investor capabilities in public-to-private transactions
by H. T.J. Smit & W. De Maeseneire - 05/289 Acquisitions as a real options bidding game
by H. T.J. Smit & W. A. Van Den Berg & W. De Maeseneire - 05/288 Technology Shocks and Robust Sign Restrictions in a Euro Area SVAR
by G. Peersman & R. Straub - 05/287 Private Equity Investments and Disclosure Policy
by C. Beuselinck & M. Deloof & S. Manigart - 05/286 The relative importance of symmetric and asymmetric shocks and the determination of the exchange rate
by G. Peersman - 05/285 Is the exchange rate a shock absorber or a source of shocks? New empirical evidence
by K. Farrant & G. Peersman - 05/284 Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility In Business Models
by N. A. Dentchev - 05/283 Is it fair to “make work pay”?
by R. I. Luttens & E. Ooghe
- 04/282 Predicting Customer Retention and Profitability by Using Random Forests and Regression Forests Techniques
by B. Larivière & D. Van Den Poel - 04/281 Neural Network Survival Analysis for Personal Loan Data
by B. Baesens & T. Van Gestel & M. Stepanova & D. Van Den Poel - 04/280 Different Positive Feelings Leading to Different Ad Evaluations: The Case of Cosiness, Excitement and Romance
by T. Faseur & M. Geuens - 04/279 Explaining venture capital firms’ syndication behavior: A longitudinal study
by D. De Clercq & D. P. Dimov - 04/278 Antecedents of international and domestic learning effort
by H. J. Sapienza & D. De Clercq & W. R. Sandberg - 04/277 Accounting and Management Reform in Local Authorities: A Tool for Evaluating Empirically the Outcomes
by J. Christiaens & P. Windels & S. Vanslembrouck - 04/276 Dynamic cross-sales effects of price promotions: Empirical generalizations
by B. Vindevogel & D. Van Den Poel & G. Wets - 04/275 Fiscal Policy, Employment And Growth: Why Is Continental Europe Lagging Behind?
by T. Dhont & F. Heylen - 04/274 Examining Ricardian Equivalence by estimating and bootstrapping a nonlinear dynamic panel model
by G. Malengier & L. Pozzi - 04/273 Contemporary internal auditing practices : (new) roles and influencing variables. Evidence from extended case studies
by G. Sarens & I. De Beelde - 04/272 On The Morphological Structure Of A Network
by M. Vanhoucke & J. Coelho & L. V. Tavares & D. Debels - 04/271 Work Continuity In A Real-Life Schedule: The Westerschelde Tunnel
by M. Vanhoucke & K. Van Osselaer - 04/270 Need for Closure, Gender and Social Self-Esteem of youngsters
by I. Vermeir & M. Geuens - 04/269 Need for Closure and Leisure of Youngsters
by I. Vermeir & M. Geuens - 04/268 Sustainable Food Consumption: Exploring The Consumer Attitude – Behaviour Gap
by I. Vermeir & W. Verbeke - 04/267 The Influence of Need for Closure and Perceived Time Pressure on Search Effort for Price and Promotional Information in a Grocery Shopping Context
by I. Vermeir & P. Van Kenhove - 04/266 Measuring and Explaining Government Inefficiency in Developing Countries
by N. Van De Sijpe & G. Rayp - 04/265 Work Continuity Constraints In Project Scheduling
by M. Vanhoucke - 04/264 Bank risks and the business cycle
by R. Vander Vennet & O. De Jonghe & L. Baele - 04/263 Bootstrap Based Bias Correction for Homogeneous Dynamic²² Panels
by G. Everaert & L. Pozzi - 04/262 Why promotion strategies based on market basket analysis do not work
by B. Vindevogel & D. Van Den Poel & G. Wets - 04/261 Competition, transmission and bank pricing policies: Evidence from Belgian loan and deposit markets
by F. De Graeve & O. De Jonghe & R. Vander Vennet - 04/260 Inflation crises, human capital formation and growth
by F. Heylen & L. Pozzi & J. Vandewege - 04/259 Development of a measurement scale for business-to-business service quality: assessment in the facility services sector
by D. Vandaele & P. Gemmel - 04/258 Inequality and Growth: From Micro Theory to Macro Empirics
by N. Gobbin & G. Rayp & D. Van De Gaer - 04/257 Construction and Pre-Test of a Semantic Expressiveness Measure for Conceptual Models
by G. Poels & A. Maes & F. Gailly & R. Paemeleire - 04/256 Governmental Accounting Reform: Evolution Of The Implementation In Flemish Municipalities
by J. Christiaens & V. Van Peteghem - 04/255 The Long-Term Evolution of Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Treated Patients
by M. Neyt & J. Albrecht - 04/254 User Comprehension of Accounting Information Structures: An Empirical Test of the REA Model
by G. Poels & A. Maes & F. Gailly & R. Paemeleire - 04/253 A strategic perspective on stakeholder management
by A. Heene & N. A. Dentchev - 04/252 Income Inequality Data in Growth Empirics: From Cross-Sections to Time Series
by N. Gobbin & G. Rayp - 04/251 An Electromagnetism Meta-Heuristic For The Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
by D. Debels & M. Vanhoucke - 04/250 Informational efficiency of the US SO2 permit market
by J. Albrecht & T. Verbeke & M. De Clercq - 04/249 Alternative methodologies in studies on business failure: do they produce better results than the classical statistical methods?
by S. Balcaen & H. Ooghe - 04/248 35 years of studies on business failure: an overview of the classical statistical methodologiesand their related problems
by S. Balcaen & H. Ooghe - 04/247 Bayesian Kernel-Based Classification for Financial Distress Detection
by T. Van Gestel & B. Baesens & J. A.K. Suykens & D. Van Den Poel & D.-E. Baestaens & Bm. Willekens - 04/246 The Role of Career-Self-Management in Determining Employees’Perceptions and Evaluations of their Psychological Contract and their Esteemed Value of Career Activities Offered by the Organization
by V. De Schamphelaere & A. De Vos & D. Buyens - 04/245 To What Extent Is Business And Society Literature Idealistic?
by N. A. Dentchev - 04/244 Rationing : dynamic considerations, equivalent sacrifice and links between the two approaches
by T. Marchant - 04/243 Gradualism versus Big Bang: Evidence from Transition Countries
by B. Merlevede & K. Schoors - 04/242 The Environmental Kuznets Curve: some really disturbing Monte Carlo evidence
by T. Verbeke & M. De Clercq - 04/241 Institutional Change and the Resource Flows going to Spin off Projects: The case of IMEC
by N. Moray & B. Clarysse - 04/240 Equality of opportunity versus equality of opportunity sets
by E. Ooghe & E. Schokkaert & D. Van De Gaer - 04/239 Het financieel profiel van Waalse groeiondernemingen op basis van de positioneringsroos
by H. Ooghe & V. Collewaert - 04/238 Do Intangible Assets and Pre-founding R&D Efforts Matter for Innovation Speed in Start-Ups?
by A. Heirman & B. Clarysse - 04/237 A Hybrid Scatter Search / Electromagnetism Meta-Heuristic for Project Scheduling
by D. Debels & B. De Reyck & R. Leus & M. Vanhoucke - 04/236 Comparing the Cost of Delayed and Immediate Autologous Breast Reconstruction in Belgium
by M. Neyt & J. Albrecht & P. Blondeel & C. Morrison - 04/235 What caused the early millennium slowdown? Evidence based on vector autoregressions
by G. Peersman - 04/234 Comparative Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Methods: An Experimental Analysis
by S. Abrahão & G. Poels & O. Pastor - 04/233 Functional Size Measurement Method for Object-Oriented Conceptual Schemas: Design and Evaluation Issues
by S. Abrahão & G. Poels & O. Pastor - 04/232 The Impact of Sample Bias on Consumer Credit Scoring Performance and Profitability
by G. Verstraeten & D. Van Den Poel - 04/231 Determinants of consumption smoothing
by G. Peersman & L. Pozzi - 04/230 Inequality and Growth: Does Time Change Anything?
by N. Gobbin & G. Rayp - 04/229 The waiting experience and consumer perception of service quality in outpatient clinics
by S. De Man & D. Vandaele & P. Gemmel - 04/228 Spinning Out New Ventures: A Typology Of Incubation Strategies From European Research Institutions
by B. Clarysse & M. Wright & A. Lockett & E. Van De Velde & A. Vohora - 04/227 Information seeking about the psychological contract: The impact on newcomers’ evaluations of their employment relationship
by A. De Vos & D. Buyens - 04/226 Why Do Venture Capital Companies Syndicate?
by S. Manigart & A. Lockett & M. Meuleman & M. Wright & H. Landström & H. Bruining & P. Desbrières & U. Hommel - 04/225 Lorenz dominance and non-welfaristic redistribution
by R.I. Luttens & D. Van De Gaer - 04/224 Implicit Attitudes Toward Green Consumer Behavior
by D. Vantomme & M. Geuens & J. De Houwer & P. De Pelsmacker - 04/223 Investigating the role of product features in preventing customer churn, by using survival analysis and choice modeling: The case of financial services
by B. Larivière & D. Van Den Poel - 04/222 When do venture capital firms learn from their portfolio companies?
by D. De Clercq & H. J. Sapienza - 04/221 Venture Capital, Private Equity and Earnings Quality
by C. Beuselinck & M. Deloof & S. Manigart - 04/220 Gemeentelijke financiering van het deeltijds kunstonderwijs in Vlaanderen
by J. Christiaens - 04/219 The Pragmatic Quality of Resources-Events-Agents Diagrams: An Experimental Evaluation
by G. Poels & A. Maes & F. Gailly & R. Paemeleire - 04/218 The EKC for SO2: does firm size matter?
by B. Merlevede & T. Verbeke & M. De Clercq - 04/217 Bank Risk Strategies and Cyclical Variation in Bank Stock Returns
by L. Baele & R. Vander Vennet & A. Van Landschoot - 04/216 What determines measured overeducation?
by D. Verhaest & E. Omey - 04/215 The impact of overeducation and its measurement
by D. Verhaest & E. Omey
- 03/214 Joint Optimization of Customer Segmentation and Marketing Policy to Maximize Long-Term Profitability
by J.-J. Jonker & N. Piersma & D. Van Den Poel - 03/213 Investigating Purchasing Patterns for Financial Services using Markov, MTD and MTDg Models
by A. Prinzie & D. Van Den Poel - 03/212 The Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Firms: The Role of Organizational Learning Effort and Entrepreneurial Orientation
by D. De Clercq & H. J. Sapienza & H. Crijns - 03/211 Human Capital, Social Capital and Innovation: A Multi-Country Study
by M. Dakhli & D. De Clercq - 03/210 Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace: Reviewing the Empowerment Effects on Critical Work Outcomes
by K. Dewettinck & J. Singh & D. Buyens - 03/209 Making Sense of a New Employment Relationship: Psychological Contract- Related Information Seeking and the Role of Work Values and Locus of Control
by A. De Vos & D. Buyens & R. Schalk - 03/208 Environmental policy uncertainty, policy coordination and relocation decisions
by T. Verbeke & M. De Clercq - 03/207 Capital Assets in Governmental Accounting Reforms
by J. Christiaens & C. Vanhee - 03/206 Developing a typology of airport shoppers
by M. Geuens & D. Vantomme & M. Brengman - 03/205 Segmenting Internet shoppers based on their web-usage-related lifestyle: a cross-cultural validation
by M. Brengman & M. Geuens & B. Weijters & S. M. Smith & R. Swinyard - 03/204 The Four Dimensional Impact Of Color On Shoppers’ Emotions
by M. Brengman & M. Geuens - 03/203 Determinants of bank interest margins in Central and Eastern Europe. Convergence to the West?
by S. Claeys & R. Vander Vennet - 03/202 Direct and Indirect Effects of Retail Promotions
by D. VAN DEN POEL & Jan J. DE SCHAMPHELAERE & G. WETS - 03/201 Customer-Adapted Coupon Targeting Using Feature Selection
by W. Buckinx & E. Moons & D. Van Den Poel & G. Wets - 03/200 Strategic alignment of manufacturing processes in a Balanced Scorecard-based compensation plan: a theory illustration case
by V. Decoene & W. Bruggeman - 03/199 Defining and Validating Metrics for Assessing the Maintainability of Entity-Relationship Diagrams
by M. Genero & G. Poels & M. Piattini - 03/198 How and Why Do Firms Differ at Start-Up? A Resource-Based Configurational Perspective
by A. Heirman & B.T Clarysse & V. Van Den Haute - 03/197 The Debt-Maturity Structure of Small Firms in a Creditor-Oriented Environment
by D. Heyman & M. Deloof & H. Ooghe - 03/196 Toward stakeholder responsibility and stakeholder motivation: Systemic and holistic perspectives on corporate sustainability
by N. A. Dentchev & A. Heene - 03/195 Predicting Online Purchasing Behavior
by W.R Buckinx & D. Van Den Poel - 03/194 Psychological Contract Development during Organizational Socialization: Adaptation to Reality and the Role of Reciprocity
by A. De Vos & D. Buyens & R. Schalk - 03/193 Het type controleverslag: resultaten van een empirisch onderzoek in België
by S. Hermanns & H.Ooghe & E. Van Laere & C. Van Wymeersch - 03/192 The income-environment relationship: Does a logit model offer an alternative empirical strategy?
by Tom Verbeke & M. De Clercq - 03/191 Predicting Mail-Order Repeat Buying: Which Variables Matter?
by D. Van Den Poel - 03/190 Trust, Primary Commodity Dependence and Segregation
by A. Schollaert & D. Van De Gaer - 03/189 Volatility Spillover Effects in European Equity Markets
by L. Baele - 03/188 Disclosure of improvement activities related to tangible assets
by S. Schiller & I. De Beelde - 03/187 Oorzaken van faling en falingspaden: Literatuuroverzicht en conceptueel verklaringsmodel
by H. Ooghe & N. Waeyaert - 03/186 Consumers’ Reactions to “Receiving Too Much Change at the Checkout”
by S. Steenhaut & P. Van Kenhove - 03/185 A Classification Of Programmes And Its Managerial Impact
by A. Vereecke & M. Stevens & E. Pandelaere & D. Deschoolmeester - 03/184 Functional Size Measurement of Multi-Layer Object-Oriented - Conceptual Models
by G. Poels - 03/183 Reform Reversals and Output Growth in Transition Economies
by B. Merlevede - 03/182 Mobility as distributional difference
by C. Schluter & D. Van De Gaer - 03/181 New Computational Results For The Discrete Time/Cost Trade-Off Problem With Time-Switch Constraints
by M. Vanhoucke - 03/180 The Cost-Effectiveness of Herceptin® in a Standard Cost Model for Breast-Cancer Treatment in a Belgian University Hospital
by M. Neyt & J. Albrecht & B. Clarysse & V. Cocquyt - 03/179 Profile of multiple versus single acquirers and their targets : a research note
by H. Ooghe & T. De Langhe & J. Camerlynck - 03/178 Customer Base Analysis: Partial Defection of Behaviorally-Loyal Clients in a Non-Contractual FMCG Retail Setting
by W. Buckinx & D. Van Den Poel - 03/177 Passive Creditors
by K. Schoors & K. Sonin - 03/176 Making Competencies Cross Business Unit Boundaries: The Interplay between Inter-Unit Coordination, Trust and Knowledge Transferability
by A. Willem & M. Buelens - 03/175 Reputation management: Sending the right signal to the right stakeholder
by N. A. Dentchev & A. Heene - 03/174 Inflation and human capital formation : theory and panel data evidence
by F. Heylen & A. Schollaert & G. Everaert & L. Pozzi - 03/173 Imperfect information and the excess sensitivity of private consumption to government expenditures
by L. Pozzi - 03/172 Correcting Standard Errors in Two-Stage Estimation Procedures with Generated Regressands
by M. Dumont & G. Rayp & P. Willemé & O. Thas - 03/171 Joint Estimation of Price-Cost Margins and Union Bargaining Power for Belgian Manufacturing
by S. Dobbelaere - 03/170 Ownership, Firm Size and Rent Sharing in a Transition Country
by S. Dobbelaere - 03/169 The impact of education on job satisfaction in the first job
by E. Verhofstadt & E. Omey - 03/168 Does Attitudinal Commitment to Stores Always Lead to Behavioral Loyalty? The Moderating Effect of Age
by P. Van Kenhove & K. De Wulf & D. Van Den Poelt - 03/167 The Relationship between Consumers’ Unethical Behavior and Customer Loyalty in a Retail Environment
by P. Van Kenhove & K. De Wulf & S. Steenhaut - 03/166 Service Level Agreements – een literatuuroverzicht
by D. Vandaele & P. Gemmel - 03/165 Are fair trade labels good business ? Ethics and coffee buying intentions
by P. De Pelsmacker & L. Driesen & G. Rayp - 03/164 Customer Attrition Analysis For Financial Services Using Proportional Hazard Models
by D. Van Den Poel & B. Larivière - 03/163 Assessing the impact of offline URL advertising
by M. Geuens & D. Vantomme & G. Goessaert & B. Weijters
- 02/162 Media context and advertising effectiveness: The role of context appreciation and context-ad similarity
by P. De Pelsmacker & M. Geuens & P. Anckaert - 02/161 Developing a Short Affect Intensity Scale
by M. Geuens & P. De Pelsmacker - 02/160 The Value of Asset Allocation Advice - Evidence of The Economist’s Quarterly Portfolio Poll
by J. Annaert & J.K. De Ceuster & W. Van Hyfte - 02/159 Optimal Due Date Assignment In Project Scheduling
by M. Vanhoucke - 02/158 Home Employment Effects of EU Firms' Activities in Central and Eastern European Countries
by L. Cuyvers & M. Dumont & G. Rayp & K. Stevens - 02/157 Foreign direct investment spillovers within and between sectors: Evidence from Hungarian data
by K. Schoors & B. Van Der Tol - 02/156 Consequences of Specification Error for Distributional Analysis With an Application to Intergenerational Mobility
by D. O’Neill & O. Sweetman & D. Van De Gaer - 02/155 Government debt and the excess sensitivity of private consumption to current income: an empirical analysis for OECD countries
by L. Pozzi & F. Heylen & M. Dossche - 02/154 Bayesian Network Classifiers for Identifying the Slope of the Customer - Lifecycle of Long-Life Customers
by B. Baesens & G. Verstraeten & D. Van Den Poel & M. Egmont-Petersen & P. Van Kenhove & J. Vanthienen