2018, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 653-697 Progressive supply-side economics: an explanation and update of the Rehn-Meidner model
[Good jobs versus bad jobs]
by Lennart Erixon - 699-728 Top income shares and aggregate wealth-income ratio in a two-class corporate economy
[Growth and distribution in heterodox models with managers and financiers]
by Soon Ryoo - 729-755 The drivers of efficient knowledge transfer performance: evidence from British universities
[Benchmarking universities’ efficiency indicators in the presence of internal heterogeneity]
by Federica Rossi - 757-778 Dreaming big? Self-valuations, aspirations, networks and the private-school earnings premium
[Career success: the role of teenage career aspirations, ambition value and gender in predicting adult social status and earnings]
by Francis Green & Samantha Parsons & Alice Sullivan & Richard Wiggins - 779-795 A sectoral net lending perspective on Europe
[Fiscal, foreign, and private net borrowing: widely accepted theories don’t closely fit the facts]
by Florentin Glötzl & Armon Rezai - 797-816 Income polarization in European countries and Europe wide, 2004–2012
[Polarization of the poor: multivariate relative poverty measurement sans frontiers]
by Jinxian Wang & Koen Caminada & Kees Goudswaard & Chen Wang - 817-836 Sraffa on the degeneration of the notion of cost
[The ultimate standard of value]
by Saverio M Fratini - 837-850 A critique of Lawson’s ‘Social positioning and the nature of money’
[A reconsideration of the micro-foundations of money]
by Geoffrey Ingham - 851-873 The Constitution and Nature of Money
[A critique of Lawson’s ‘Social positioning and the nature of money’]
by Tony Lawson
2018, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 259-284 Marshallian Industrial Districts in Italy: the end of a model or adaptation to the global economy?
[Banks’ localism and industrial districts]
by Gabi Dei Ottati - 285-308 History matters: on the mystifying appeal of Bowles and Gintis
[Trust and antitrust]
by John H Finch & Robert McMaster - 309-330 Government policies and financial crises: mitigation, postponement or prevention?
[Net fiscal stimulus during the Great Recession]
by Jakob Kapeller & Michael A Landesmann & Franz X Mohr & Bernhard Schütz - 331-353 Wheels within wheels within wheels: the importance of capital inflows in the origin of the Spanish financial crisis
[Current Account Patterns and National Real Estate Markets]
by Rafael Fernández & Clara García - 355-381 The case for reindustrialisation in developing countries: towards the connection between the macroeconomic regime and the industrial policy in Brazil
[The economic implications of learning-by-doing]
by André Nassif & Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira & Carmem Feijo - 383-426 The aggregate production function is NOT neoclassical
[Econometric tools for analyzing market outcomes]
by Stefano Zambelli - 427-451 Just another niche in the wall? How specialization is changing the face of mainstream economics
[Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and the sciences]
by Mario Cedrini & Magda Fontana - 453-476 Synthesizing the Malthusian and Senian approaches on scarcity: a realist account
[Revisiting the entitlement approach to famine: taking a closer look at the supply factor—a critical survey of the literature]
by Adel Daoud - 477-504 Beyond capital fundamentalism: Harrod, Domar and the history of development economics
[Economics of growth]
by Mauro Boianovsky - 505-521 Adam Smith, natural movement and physics
[Adam Smith’s natural prices, the gravitation metaphor, and the purposes of nature]
by Spencer J Pack & Eric Schliesser - 523-541 What was the message of Friedman’s Presidential Address to the American Economic Association?
[Duelling presidential addresses: the Keynesian response to Milton Friedman’s ‘The role of monetary policy’]
by James Forder - 543-576 Aristotle’s geometrical accounting
[Opera omnia—Super ethica: commentum et quaestiones Ps. 1]
by Gerhard Michael Ambrosi - 577-594 Menger’s Aristotelianism
[Carl Menger and Homo Oeconomics: some thoughts on Austrian theory and methodology]
by Karl Mittermaier
2018, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-17 The economic problem of a community: ontological reflections inspired by the Socialist Calculation Debate
[Il ministro della produzione nello stato collettivista, Giornale degli economisti, 37 (Anno 19)]
by Diogo Lourenço & Mário Graça Moura - 19-31 A study in development by dispossession
[Class relations and the pattern of accumulation in an agrarian economy]
by Amit Bhaduri - 33-46 Are developing countries catching up?
[Aid, growth, and development: have we come full circle]
by Vladimir Popov & K S Jomo - 47-94 Income distribution and current account imbalances
[Notes on capacity utilisation, distribution and accumulation]
by Christian A Belabed & Thomas Theobald & Till van Treeck - 95-115 The global concentration of wealth
[Persistence of power, elites, and institutions]
by Thomas Goda - 117-135 Global liquidity and monetary policy autonomy: an examination of open-economy policy constraints
[Rapports entre l’évolution de la balance des paiements et l’évolution de la liquidité interne, pp. 89–113]
by Stefan Angrick - 137-153 Profitability in India’s Organized Manufacturing Sector: The Role of Technology, Distribution and Demand
[The effect of neoliberalism on the fall in the rate of profit in business cycles]
by Deepankar Basu & Debarshi Das - 155-175 Semi-autonomous household expenditures as the causa causans of postwar US business cycles: the stability and instability of Luxemburg-type external markets
[Cycles and trends in US net borrowing flows]
by Brett Fiebiger - 177-198 When development meets culture: the contribution of Celso Furtado in the 1970s
[Celso Furtado’s contributions to structuralism and their relevance today]
by Alexandre M Cunha & Gustavo Britto - 199-213 The ‘theoretical developments initiated by Haberler but named for Pigou’ do not provide sufficient grounds for rejecting ‘Keynes’s key theoretical proposition’
[The missing motivation in macroeconomics]
by Paul Wojick - 215-230 Environmental law & the limits of markets
[Getting to causation in toxic tort cases]
by Jonathan Benson - 231-257 The place of portfolio management in the Keynesian canon
[The role of securities in the optimal allocation of risk–bearing]
by J E Woods
2017, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 1265-1277 Cambridge Social Ontology: Clarification, Development and Deployment
by Phil Faulkner & Stephen Pratten & Jochen Runde - 1279-1302 Unknowns, Black Swans and the risk/uncertainty distinction
by Phil Faulkner & Alberto Feduzi & Jochen Runde - 1303-1321 The limits of ontological critique: from judgmental rationality to justification
by Ismael Al-Amoudi & John Latsis - 1323-1342 Critical ethical naturalism and the transformation of economics
by Nuno Ornelas Martins - 1343-1365 Ontology and the history of economic thought: the case of anti-reductionism in the work of Friedrich Hayek
by P A Lewis - 1367-1390 Formalising economics: social change, values, mechanics and mathematics in economic discourse
by Dimitris Milonakis - 1391-1418 Contrast explanation in economics: its context, meaning, and potential
by Jamie Morgan & Heikki Patomäki - 1419-1436 Trust and the social positioning process
by Stephen Pratten - 1437-1451 Materialising social ontology
by Dave Elder-Vass - 1453-1470 Money: Ontology and Deception
by John R Searle - 1471-1487 The ontology of money
by Mark S Peacock - 1489-1504 Social ontology and the modern corporation
by Jeroen Veldman & Hugh Willmott - 1505-1523 Tony Lawson’s Theory of the Corporation: Towards a Social Ontology of Law
by Simon Deakin - 1525-1537 Tony Lawson from a sociological point of view
by Douglas V Porpora
2017, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 977-998 Alternative interpretations of a stateless currency crisis
by Sergio Cesaratto - 999-1020 Is the end of fiscal austerity feasible in Spain? An alternative plan to the current Stability Programme (2015–2018)
by Jorge Uxó & Ignacio Álvarez - 1021-1041 Forecasting errors by the Troika in the economic adjustment programme for Portugal
by João Ferreira do Amaral & João Carlos Lopes - 1043-1059 The price of an apology: justice, compensation and rectification
by John O’Neill - 1061-1085 The neglect of society in the theory of the firm: a systems-theory perspective
by Spencer Thompson & Vladislav Valentinov - 1087-1122 Reviving demand-pull perspectives: The effect of demand uncertainty and stagnancy on R&D strategy
by José García-Quevedo & Gabriele Pellegrino & Maria Savona - 1123-1142 Towards an economics of well-being
by J. Allister McGregor & Nicky Pouw - 1143-1160 Karl Popper and the methodologists of economics
by Rod Thomas - 1161-1175 Max Weber within the Methodenstreit
by Fiona Maclachlan - 1177-1196 Scitovsky meets Sen: endogenising the dynamics of capability
by Maurizio Pugno - 1197-1212 Market sociality: Mirowski, Shiller and the tension between mimetic and anti-mimetic market features
by Christian Borch & Ann-Christina Lange - 1213-1235 Ubuntu and social capital: a strong relationship and a possible instrument of socio-economic development
by Matteo Migheli - 1237-1247 Wealth and capital: a critique of Piketty’s conceptualisation of return on capital
by Peter Mihalyi & Iván Szelényi - 1249-1264 Political economy of a euro area banking crisis
by Panicos O. Demetriades
2017, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 679-691 Capabilities, resources, learning and innovation: a blueprint for a post-classical economics and public policy
by Christos Pitelis & Jochen Runde - 693-720 Towards a capability theory of (innovating) firms: implications for management and policy
by David J. Teece - 721-747 Pursuing the evolutionary agenda in economics and management research
by Sidney G. Winter - 749-774 The organisational factor and the growth of firms
by Fabrizio Traùf - 775-806 A model of cognitive and operational memory of organizations in changing worlds
by Giovanni Dosi & Luigi Marengo & Evita Paraskevopoulou & Marco Valente - 807-828 The role of country alliances in reducing the transaction costs of internationalisation: evidence from Indian multinational enterprises
by Peter J. Buckley & Surender Munjal & Peter Enderwick & Nicolas Forsans - 829-858 Competitiveness and industrial policy: from rationalities of failure towards the ability to evolve
by Michael Peneder - 859-880 The American paradox: ideology of free markets and the hidden practice of directional thrust
by Robert H. Wade - 881-904 Structural cycles and industrial policy alignment: the private–public nexus in the Emilian Packaging Valley
by Antonio Andreoni & Federico Frattini & Giorgio Prodi - 905-926 Capabilities, economic development, sustainability
by Jan Fagerberg & Martin Srholec - 927-960 Public policy and catching up by developing countries in global industries: a simulation model
by Fabio Landini & Franco Malerba - 961-976 Evolutionary finance and central banking
by Giorgos Argitis
2017, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 327-347 The concept of need in Adam Smith
by Toru Yamamori - 349-365 Adam Smith and William James on the psychological basis of progress
by Simon Glaze - 367-390 Growth and inequality revisited: the role of primary distribution of income. A new approach for understanding today’s economic and social crises
by Ricardo Molero-Simarro - 391-412 Increasing returns to scale, technological catch-up and research intensity: endogenising the Verdoorn coefficient
by João P. Romerojpromero & Gustavo Britto - 413-439 The impact of internationalization on innovation at countries’ level: the role of absorptive capacity
by Andrea Filippetti & Marion Frenzm.frenz & Grazia Ietto-Gillies - 441-486 Sociability, altruism and well-being
by Leonardo Becchettibecchetti & Luisa Corrado & Pierluigi Conzo - 487-514 Facework: creating trust in systems, institutions and organisations
by Frens Kroeger - 515-544 Who Trusts Others? Community and Individual Determinants of Social Capital in a Low-Income Country
by M. Niaz Asadullah - 545-574 Understanding child labour beyond the standard economic assumption of monetary poverty
by Alexander Krauss - 575-593 Transactions in the European carbon market: a bubble of compliance in a whirlpool of speculation
by Nathalie Bertanathalie & Emmanuelle Gautherat & Ozgur Gun - 595-636 The heterogeneity of animal spirits: a first taxonomy of entrepreneurs with regard to investment expectations
by Michael Lainé - 637-660 Information, expectations and monetary policy: Keynes’s and Friedman’s complementary lessons for today
by Sylvie Rivot - 661-677 A comment on Sraffa’s ‘classical economics’
by Ajit Sinha
2017, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-24 Shackle on choice, imagination and creativity: Hayekian foundations
by Paul Lewis - 25-47 International competitiveness in post-Keynesian growth theory: controversies and empirical evidence
by Luciano Boggio & Laura Barbieri - 49-61 Wage- vs. profit-led growth: the role of the distribution of wages in determining regime character
by Thomas I. Palley - 63-80 Wages, competition and the surplus of labour: a classical contribution to explaining profit
by Olivier Rosell - 81-103 Turnover time and the organic composition of capital
by Peter Jones - 105-125 Pseudo-Goodwin cycles in a Minsky model
by E. Stockhammere & J. Michell - 127-145 Forms of Trust and Conditions for Their Stability
by Bénédicte Reynaud - 147-180 On the political economy of UK pension scheme regulation
by J. E. Woods - 181-201 Paradoxical Positions: The Methodological Contributions of Feminist Scholarship
by Ann E. Davis - 203-237 I, Roboticus Oeconomicus The philosophy of mind in economics, and why it matters
by Brendan Markey-Towler - 239-257 Unpacking monetary complementarity and competition: a conceptual framework
by Jérôme Blanc - 259-281 Let’s agree not to agree: F. A. Hayek’s ‘calculus of consent’
by Régis Servant - 283-306 Determinants of labour’s income share in the era of financialisation
by Petra Dünhaupt - 307-326 The London and Cambridge Economic Service: history and contributions
by Robert A. Cord
2016, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 1455-1477 The crisis of Spanish savings banks
by Juan Rafael Ruiz & Patricia Stupariu & Angel Vilariño - 1479-1496 Portugal’s bailout and the crisis of the European Union from a capability perspective
by Leonardo Costa & Nuno Ornelas Martins & Francisca Guedes de Oliveira - 1497-1515 Soft budget constraints and regional industrial policy: reinterpreting the rise and fall of DeLorean
by Graham Brownlow - 1517-1551 Wage-led growth in the EU15 member-states: the effects of income distribution on growth, investment, trade balance and inflation
by Ozlem Onaran & Thomas Obst - 1553-1580 Implicit asymmetric exchange rate peg under inflation targeting regimes: the case of Turkey
by Ahmet Benlialper & Hasan Cömert - 1581-1608 Correctly analysing the balance-of-payments constraint on growth
by Arslan Razmi - 1609-1634 Debt-driven growth? Wealth, distribution and demand in OECD countries
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Rafael Wildauer - 1635-1668 The state advances, the private sector retreats? Firm effects of China’s great stimulus programme
by Anders C. Johansson & Xunan Feng - 1669-1686 Issues and concerns in developing regulated markets for endangered species products: the case of rhinoceros horns
by Alan Collins & Gavin Fraser & Jen Snowball - 1687-1705 Tax cuts or social investment? Evaluating the opportunity cost of French employment strategy
by Clément Carbonnier & Bruno Palier & Michaël Zemmour - 1707-1724 A critical assessment of transaction cost theory and governance of public services with special reference to water and sanitation
by Hulya Dagdeviren & Simon A. Robertson - 1725-1741 Reading Keynes in Buenos Aires: Prebisch and the Dynamics of Capitalism
by Esteban Pérez Caldentey & Matías Vernengo - 1743-1760 Liberalism and democracy — a comparative reading of Eucken and Hayek
by Daniel Nientiedt & Ekkehard A. Köhler - 1761-1786 Learning, innovation, increasing returns and resource creation: Luigi Pasinetti’s ‘original sin’ of, and call for a post-classical, economics
by Christos N. Pitelis
2016, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 1247-1257 Introduction: ‘cranks’ and ‘brave heretics’: rethinking money and banking after the Great Financial Crisis
by Geoffrey Ingham & Ken Coutts & Sue Konzelmann - 1259-1274 Some puzzles about money, finance and the monetary circuit
by John Smithin - 1275-1295 Towards an ‘accounting view’ on money, banking and the macroeconomy: history, empirics, theory
by Dirk J. Bezemer - 1297-1316 Modern Money Theory and the facts of experience
by Yeva Nersisyan & L. Randall Wray - 1317-1332 Government monetary and fiscal operations: generalising the endogenous money approach
by Eric Tymoigne - 1333-1350 Full Reserve Banking: More ‘Cranks’ Than ‘Brave Heretics’
by Giuseppe Fontana & Malcolm Sawyer - 1351-1361 A response to critiques of ‘full reserve banking’
by Ben Dyson & Graham Hodgson & Frank van Lerven - 1363-1376 The Political Economy of Monetary Reform
by Sheila Dow - 1377-1395 Failures on the market and market failures: a complementary currency for bankruptcy procedures
by Massimo Amato & Luca Fantacci - 1397-1420 Local clearing unions as stabilizers of local economic systems: a stock flow consistent perspective
by Stefano Lucarelli & Lucio Gobbi - 1421-1437 Making sense of a crank case: monetary diversity in Argentina (1999–2003)
by Georgina M. Gómez & Paolo Dini - 1439-1453 Money reform and the Eurozone crisis: panacea, utopia or grassroots alternative?
by Peter North
2016, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 961-996 Editor's choice Social positioning and the nature of money
by Tony Lawson - 997-1018 Dark matter, black holes and old-fashioned exploitation: transnational corporations and the US economy
by Mona Ali - 1019-1035 Surplus-producing labour as a capability: a Marxian contribution to Amartya Sen’s revival of classical political economy
by Faruk Eray Düzenli - 1037-1054 Recognition: applications in aged care work
by Siobhan Austen & Therese Jefferson & Rachel Ong & Rhonda Sharp & Gill Lewin & Valerie Adams - 1055-1075 ‘Solvency rule’ and capital centralisation in a monetary union
by Emiliano Brancaccio & Giuseppe Fontana - 1077-1101 How can we explain the persistence of the Great Recession? A balanced stability approach
by Teodoro Dario Togati - 1103-1116 The consequences of fiscal stimulus on public debt: a historical perspective
by W. D. McCausland & I. Theodossiou - 1117-1136 Kaldor’s ‘technical progress function’ and Verdoorn’s law revisited
by John S. L. McCombie & Marta R. M. Spreafico - 1137-1147 Rigidities through flexibility: flexible labour and the rise of management bureaucracies
by Alfred Kleinknecht & Zenlin Kwee & Lilyana Budyanto - 1149-1166 Rates of return on capital across the world: are they converging?
by Nan-Ting Chou & Alexei Izyumov & John Vahaly - 1167-1183 Elasticity of substitution and social conflict: a structuralist note on Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century
by Nelson H. Barbosa-Filho - 1185-1201 The autonomisation of abstract wealth: new insights on the labour theory of value
by Tomas Nielsen Rotta & Rodrigo Alves Teixeira - 1203-1227 Coase’s choice of methodology
by Elodie Bertrand - 1229-1245 Hicks’s thread (out of the equilibrium labyrinth)
by Antonio Bianco
2016, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 701-726 The Apostles’ justice: Cambridge reflections on economic inequality from Moore’s Principia Ethica to Keynes’s General Theory (1903–36)
by Daniela Donnini Macciò - 727-753 Companies and markets: economic theories of the firm and a concept of companies as bargaining agencies
by Patrick Spread - 755-774 The development of China’s solar photovoltaic industry: why industrial policy failed
by Tain-Jy Chen - 775-796 On equity markets, long-term decision making and performance metrics
by J. E. Woods - 797-820 Sub-Saharan Africa’s growth, South–South trade and the generalised balance-of-payments constraint
by Alberto Bagnai & Arsène Rieber & Thi Anh-Dao Tran - 821-841 Tax morale and prosocial behaviour: evidence from a Palestinian survey
by Luca Andriani - 843-870 Jobless growth in India: an investigation
by Sheba Tejani - 871-894 The Australian growth miracle: an evolutionary macroeconomic explanation
by John Foster - 895-912 From stationary state to endogenous growth: international trade in the mathematical formulation of the Ricardian system
by Neri Salvadori & Rodolfo Signorino - 913-939 Linking the insights of Smith, Marx, Young and Hirschman on the division of labour: implications for economic integration and uneven development
by P. Sai-wing Ho - 941-960 Varieties of Capitalism: Some Philosophical and Historical Considerations
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
2016, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 365-372 Tribute to Ajit Singh
by John Eatwell - 373-399 Inequality, the Great Recession and slow recovery
by Barry Z. Cynamon & Steven M. Fazzari - 401-426 The influence of the economic approaches to regulation on banking regulations: a short history of banking regulations
by Sophie Harnay & Laurence Scialom - 427-436 Is Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis valid?
by Sébastien Charles - 437-467 On the ‘utilisation controversy’: a theoretical and empirical discussion of the Kaleckian model of growth and distribution
by Michalis Nikiforos - 469-489 Profit sharing and its effect on income distribution and output: a Kaleckian approach
by Hiroaki Sasaki - 491-505 Personal income inequality and aggregate demand
by Laura Carvalho & Armon Rezai - 507-539 Structural change, the real exchange rate and the balance of payments in Mexico, 1960–2012
by Carlos A. Ibarra & Robert A. Blecker - 541-574 North-south interactions in the presence of trade in environmental permits: a structuralist investigation
by Arslan Razmi - 575-598 Critical political economy: the ‘market-centric’ model of economic theory must remain in the past—notes of the Post-Soviet School of Critical Marxism
by Aleksandr Buzgalin & Andrey Kolganov - 599-613 Rent as a share of product and Sraffa’s price equations
by Saverio M. Fratini - 615-638 Adam Smith on markets, competition and violations of natural liberty
by Heinz D. Kurz - 639-661 Real wages in the business cycle and the theory of income distribution: an unresolved conflict between theory and facts in mainstream macroeconomics
by Antonella Stirati - 663-700 The contemporary relevance of a Cambridge tradition: economics as political economy, political economy as social theory and ethical theory
by Jamie Morgan
2016, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-15 Husbandry: a (feminist) reclamation of masculine responsibility for care
by Julie A. Nelson - 17-41 Bitcoin and the legitimacy crisis of money
by Beat Weber - 43-67 Convergence in the pre-1914 Atlantic economy: what really happened to wages in Ireland between 1881 and 1911?
by Jason Begley & Frank Geary & Tom Stark - 69-92 Achieving fair trade through a social tariff regime: a policy thought experiment
by George F. DeMartino & Jonathan D. Moyer & Kate M. Watkins - 93-121 Is firm renewal stimulated by negative shocks? The status of negative driving forces in Schumpeterian and Darwinian economics
by Lennart Erixon - 123-140 Do foreign owners favour short-term profit? Evidence from Germany
by Verena Dill & Uwe Jirjahn & Stephen C. Smith - 141-163 Foreign direct investment and employment rights in South-Eastern Europe
by Geoffrey Wood & Shuxing Yin & Khelifa Mazouz & Jeremy Eng-Tuck Cheah - 165-199 Profits equal surplus value on average and the significance of this result for the Marxian theory of accumulationBeing a new contribution to Engels’ Prize Essay Competition, based on random matrices and on manuscripts recently published in the MEGA for the first time
by Bertram Schefold - 201-225 Demand-driven inequality, endogenous saving rate and macroeconomic instability
by Soon Ryoo - 227-257 Inequality, credit and financial crises
by Cristiano Perugini & Jens Hölscher & Simon Collie - 259-281 Power, competition and the free trader vulgaris
by Giulio Palermo - 283-308 Philosophy and psychology of mathematics according to Alfred Marshall
by Marco Dardi - 309-325 Keynes and the confidence faeries
by John Considine & David Duffy - 327-348 Keynes and the interwar commodity option markets
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo & Eleonora Sanfilippo - 349-364 IYLM: a General Theory–compatible replacement for ISLM
by Rod O’Donnell & Colin Rogers
2015, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 1485-1496 Perspectives on the contributions of Richard Goodwin
by K. Vela Velupillai - 1497-1505 Richard Goodwin at Peterhouse
by Chris Calladine - 1507-1527 Goodwin in Siena: economist, social philosopher and artist
by Massimo Di Matteo & Serena Sordi - 1529-1532 A couple of thoughts about the matrix multiplier: Richard Goodwin at 10 × 10
by Robert Solow - 1533-1550 On Richard Goodwin’s Elementary Economics from the Higher Standpoint
by Guglielmo Chiodi - 1551-1567 Iteration, tâtonnement, computation and economic dynamics
by K. Vela Velupillai - 1569-1578 Fusing indissolubly the cycle and the trend: Richard Goodwin’s profound insight
by G. C. Harcourt - 1579-1586 Goodwin on the optimal growth path for a developing economy
by Prabhat Patnaik - 1587-1590 Richard Goodwin’s recruitment of non-linearity into a monolithic scientific community: an homage
by Otto E. Rössler - 1591-1605 Goodwin’s MKS system: a baseline macro model
by Peter Flaschel - 1607-1628 Dynamical coupling, the non-linear accelerator and the persistence of business cycles
by Stefano Zambelli - 1629-1643 The Tobin tax in a continuous-time non-linear dynamic model of the exchange rate
by Giancarlo Gandolfo - 1645-1658 The Goodwin growth cycle model as solution to a variational problem
by Gerhard Michael Ambrosi
2015, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 1191-1214 Climate change and sustainable welfare: the centrality of human needs
by Ian Gough - 1215-1229 Stratification economics and identity economics
by John B. Davis - 1231-1243 Agency and neoliberalism
by Mary V. Wrenn - 1245-1262 What really caused the Great Recession? Rhyme and repetition in a theme from the 1930s
by Nicholas Snowden