2013, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 57-89 Technology, distribution and the rate of profit in the US economy: understanding the current crisis
by Deepankar Basu & Ramaa Vasudevan - 91-111 Economics and the family: a postcolonial perspective
by Gillian Hewitson - 113-141 An alternative explanation of India's growth transition: a demand-side hypothesis
by Kevin S. Nell - 143-170 Inside the black box of services: evidence from India
by Gaurav Nayyar - 171-185 The King and I: monarchies and the performance of business groups
by Jeffrey Owen Herzog & Kamal A. Munir & Paul Kattuman - 187-208 Towards a new complexity economics for sustainability
by Timothy J. Foxon & Jonathan Köhler & Jonathan Michie & Christine Oughton - 209-225 Transmutability, generalised Darwinism and the limits to conceptual integration
by Christopher Brown
2012, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 1267-1290 Piero Sraffa and 'the true object of economics': the role of the unpublished manuscripts
by Stephanie Blankenburg & Richard Arena & Frank Wilkinson - 1291-1301 Circuitous processes, jigsaw puzzles and indisputable results: making best use of the manuscripts of Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities
by Jonathan Smith - 1303-1314 Piero Sraffa and the future of economics
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 1315-1322 The political economy of Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities: a comment on Pasinetti and Sraffa
by Roberto Scazzieri - 1323-1339 Listen to Sraffa's silences: a new interpretation of Sraffa's Production of Commodities
by Ajit Sinha - 1341-1356 The change in Sraffa's philosophical thinking
by John B. Davis - 1357-1383 Piero Sraffa's early views on classical political economy
by Pier Luigi Porta - 1385-1399 The 'tiresome objector' and Old Moor: a renewal of the debate on Marx after Sraffa based on the unpublished material at the Wren Library
by Riccardo Bellofiore - 1401-1415 Two notes on Piero Sraffa and Antonio Gramsci
by Nerio Naldi - 1417-1432 On the present state of the capital controversy
by Pierangelo Garegnani - 1433-1453 A few counter-factual hypotheses on the current economic crisis
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 1455-1477 Income distribution and the size of the financial sector: a Sraffian analysis
by Carlo Panico & Antonio Pinto & Martín Puchet Anyul - 1479-1496 An 'unproductive labour' view of finance
by Aldo Barba & Giancarlo de Vivo - 1497-1534 Wages, economic development and the customary standard of life
by Frank Wilkinson - 1535-1569 Don't treat too ill my Piero! Interpreting Sraffa's papers
by Heinz D. Kurz
2012, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 1019-1032 Prospects for a heterodox economics of the environment and sustainability
by Ali Douai & Andrew Mearman & Ioana Negru - 1033-1049 Green economics: putting the planet and politics back into economics
by Molly Scott Cato - 1051-1072 Climate change uncertainty, irreversibility and the precautionary principle
by Jonathan Aldred - 1073-1090 Austrian economics and the limits of markets
by O’Neill John - 1091-1121 Economic Schools of Thought on the Environment: Investigating Unity and Division
by Clive L. Spash & Anthony Ryan - 1123-1142 The identity of ecological economics: retrospects and prospects
by Begüm Özkaynak & Fikret Adaman & Pat Devine - 1143-1162 An inquiry into power and participatory natural resource management
by Bengi Akbulut & Ceren Soylu - 1163-1179 Towards a political economy approach to the Convention on Biological Diversity
by Valérie Boisvert & Franck-Dominique Vivien - 1181-1198 Examining the conventions of voluntary environmental approaches in French agriculture
by Cazals Clarisse - 1199-1220 Institutions and the environment: the case for a political socio-economy of environmental conflicts
by Ali Douai & Matthieu Montalban - 1221-1243 Aviation lock-in and emissions trading
by Clive Lawson - 1245-1266 Economic development and environmental policy in Turkey: an institutionalist critique
by Eyüp Özveren & Selin Efşan Nas
2012, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 781-798 The nature of economics and the failings of the mainstream: lessons from Lionel Robbins’s Essay
by Andrew Brown & David Spencer - 799-820 Adam Smith's 'History of Astronomy' and view of science
by Kwangsu Kim - 821-841 A system of self-managed firms as a new perspective on Marxism
by Bruno Jossa - 843-867 The mercantile form of value and its place in Marx's theory of the commodity
by Pablo Ahumada - 869-893 Revisiting Prebisch and Singer: beyond the declining terms of trade thesis and on to technological capability development
by P. Sai-wing Ho - 895-917 Distribution of income, labour productivity and competitiveness: is the Thai labour regime sustainable?
by Bruno Jetin - 919-939 Macroeconomic constraints to growth of the Brazilian economy: diagnosis and some policy proposals
by Jose Luis Oreiro & Lionello F. Punzo & Eliane C. Araujo - 941-962 Is there a European wage leader? Wage spillovers in the European Monetary Union
by Paul Ramskogler - 963-980 The kinetics of capital formation and economic organisation
by Anthony M. Endres & David A. Harper - 981-994 Economists and the analysis of government failure: fallacies in the Chicago and Virginia interpretations of Cambridge welfare economics
by Roger E. Backhouse & Steven G. Medema - 997-1017 The Treasury and the New Cambridge School in the 1970s
by John Maloney
2012, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 525-541 Universities as strategic actors in the knowledge economy
by Enrico Deiaco & Alan Hughes & Maureen McKelvey - 543-565 Are universities and university research under threat? Towards an evolutionary model of university speciation
by Ben R. Martin - 567-585 Government policy, university strategy and the academic entrepreneur: the case of Queensland's Smart State Institutes
by Mark Dodgson & Jonathan Staggs - 587-607 Transforming traditional university structures for the knowledge economy through multidisciplinary institutes
by Simon Mosey & Mike Wright & Bart Clarysse - 609-627 Universities, Technology and Innovation Centres and regional development: the case of the North-East of England
by John Goddard & Douglas Robertson & Paul Vallance - 629-654 University technology transfer: how (in)efficient are French universities?
by Claudia Curi & Cinzia Daraio & Patrick Llerena - 655-677 Crossing the Rubicon: exploring the factors that shape academics' perceptions of the barriers to working with industry
by Valentina Tartari & Ammon Salter & Pablo D'Este - 679-702 Universities in emerging economies: bridging local industry with international science--evidence from Chile and South Africa
by Elisa Giuliani & Roberta Rabellotti - 703-721 Innovation and university collaboration: paradox and complexity within the knowledge economy
by Jeremy Howells & Ronnie Ramlogan & Shu-Li Cheng - 723-750 Pathways to impact and the strategic role of universities: new evidence on the breadth and depth of university knowledge exchange in the UK and the factors constraining its development
by Alan Hughes & Michael Kitson - 751-780 Investigating the complexity facing academic entrepreneurs in science and engineering: the complementarities of research performance, networks and support structures in commercialisation
by Evangelos Bourelos & Mats Magnusson & Maureen McKelvey
2012, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 345-385 Ontology and the study of social reality: emergence, organisation, community, power, social relations, corporations, artefacts and money
by Tony Lawson - 387-403 The world improvement plans of Fritz Schumacher
by John Toye - 405-417 Dynamic Keynesian economics: cycling forward with Harrod and Kalecki
by Peter Kriesler & J. W. Nevile - 419-434 A suggestion for a new definition of the concept of finance capital using Marx's notion of 'capital as commodity'
by Bülent Hoca - 435-461 'Excessive' wages and the return on capital
by Margarita Katsimi & Sarantis Kalyvitis & Thomas Moutos - 463-479 The 'dangerous obsession' with cost competitiveness … and the not so dangerous obsession with competitiveness
by Colin Hay - 481-493 Trade flows revisited: further evidence on globalisation
by Philip Arestis & Georgios Chortareas & Evangelia Desli & Theodore Pelagidis - 495-524 The faces of liberal capitalism: Anglo-Saxon banking systems in crisis?
by Sue Konzelmann & Marc Fovargue-Davies & Gerhard Schnyder
2012, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-15 Making the same mistake again--or is this time different?
by Lawrence King & Michael Kitson & Sue Konzelmann & Frank Wilkinson - 17-42 Financial crisis and global imbalances: its labour market origins and the aftermath
by Pasquale Tridico - 43-63 Dangerous interconnectedness: economists' conflicts of interest, ideology and financial crisis
by Jessica Carrick-Hagenbarth & Gerald A. Epstein - 65-77 Contradictions of austerity
by Alex Callinicos - 79-104 The great austerity war: what caused the US deficit crisis and who should pay to fix it?
by James Crotty - 105-126 The end of the UK's liberal collectivist social model? The implications of the coalition government's policy during the austerity crisis
by Damian Grimshaw & Jill Rubery - 127-144 Iceland's rise, fall, stabilisation and beyond
by Robert H. Wade & Silla Sigurgeirsdottir - 145-153 Dire consequences: the conservative recapture of America's political narrative?
by David Coates - 155-160 A note on America's 1920--21 depression as an argument for austerity
by Daniel Kuehn - 161-187 US government deficits and debt amid the great recession: what the evidence shows
by Robert Pollin - 189-204 Fiscal deficits, economic growth and government debt in the USA
by Lance Taylor & Christian R. Proaño & Laura de Carvalho & Nelson Barbosa - 205-221 The tragedy of UK fiscal policy in the aftermath of the financial crisis
by Malcolm Sawyer - 223-235 Is Ireland really the role model for austerity?
by Stephen Kinsella - 237-251 The macroeconomic stabilisation effects of Social Security and 401(k) plans
by Teresa Ghilarducci & Joelle Saad-Lessler & Eloy Fisher - 253-270 The basic paradigms of EU economic policy-making need to be changed
by Kazimierz Laski & Leon Podkaminer - 271-281 Building faith in a common currency: can the eurozone get beyond the Common Market logic?
by Pascal Petit - 283-312 The four fallacies of contemporary austerity policies: the lost Keynesian legacy
by Robert Boyer - 313-334 Russia: austerity and deficit reduction in historical and comparative perspective
by Vladimir Popov - 335-343 Austerity and fraud under different structures of technology and resource abundance
by Jing Chen & James Galbraith
2011, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 995-1014 A contribution to the theory of financial fragility and crisis
by Amit Bhaduri - 1015-1033 Finance, inflation and employment: a post-Keynesian/Kaleckian analysis
by Georgios Argitis & Yannis Dafermos - 1035-1059 The rate of profit in the UK, 1920--1938
by Vincent Brown & Simon Mohun - 1061-1085 Comparing trajectories of structural change
by Ayça Akarçay Gürbüz - 1087-1101 Capabilities and social cohesion
by Diego Lanzi - 1103-1126 Towards a gendering of the labour market regulation debate
by J. Rubery - 1127-1149 Sraffian indeterminacy: a critical discussion
by Saverio M. Fratini & Enrico Sergio Levrero - 1151-1165 Heterodox economics: history and prospects
by Sheila C. Dow
2011, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 805-830 Not your grandfather's IMF: global crisis, 'productive incoherence' and developmental policy space
by Ilene Grabel - 831-852 Post the 'Washington Consensus': economic governance and industrial strategies for the twenty-first century
by Keith Cowling & Philip R. Tomlinson - 853-871 Money, housing and world market: the dialectic of globalised production
by Maria N. Ivanova - 873-896 The root cause of economic growth under capitalism
by Michael Joffe - 897-920 Why are household incomes more unequally distributed in China than in Russia?
by Björn Gustafsson & Li Shi & Ludmila Nivorozhkina - 921-936 Inflationary price stability and the Great Crash: an early analysis reconsidered
by Nicholas Snowden - 937-956 The first privatisation: selling SOEs and privatising public monopolies in Fascist Italy (1922--1925)
by Germà Bel - 957-972 Michal Kalecki and critical realism
by Therese Jefferson & John E. King - 973-994 Six titans of the Cambridge School: a review article
by Harvey Gram
2011, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 637-661 Financialisation, income distribution and aggregate demand in the USA
by Özlem Onaran & Engelbert Stockhammer & Lucas Grafl - 663-683 Capital flows to emerging economies: Minsky in the tropics
by Manuel R. Agosin & Franklin Huaita - 685-704 Routes of money endogeneity: a heuristic comparison
by Man-Seop Park - 705-728 Behavioural and experimental economics: are they really transforming economics?
by Ana C. Santos - 729-749 French utopian socialists as the first pioneers in development
by Ludovic Frobert - 751-769 Liquidity preference in a portfolio framework and the monetary theory of Kahn
by Theodore T. Koutsobinas - 771-783 Uncertainty and imagination, illusion and order: Shackleian connections
by Brian J. Loasby - 785-803 Special remedies for special causes: involuntary unemployment in Keynes' political writings
by Sylvie Rivot
2011, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 459-481 The provisions in a labour contract: technology and the market
by Christian Bessy & Daniel Szpiro - 483-498 The nature of international integration and human resource policies in multinational companies
by Tony Edwards - 499-526 Is there a link between quality of employment and indebtedness? the case of urban low-income households in Ecuador
by Maria Sagrario Floro & John Messier - 527-544 Industrial research versus development investment: the implications of financial constraints
by Dirk Czarnitzki & Hanna Hottenrott & Susanne Thorwarth - 545-567 Exploring the robustness of the balance of payments-constrained growth idea in a multiple good framework
by Arslan Razmi - 569-585 Monetary policy and macroeconomic stability under alternative demand regimes
by Christian R. Proaño & Peter Flaschel & Hans-Martin Krolzig & Mamadou Bobo Diallo - 587-612 Some instability puzzles in Kaleckian models of growth and distribution: a critical survey
by Eckhard Hein & Marc Lavoie & Till van Treeck - 613-618 On constructing numeraire-free measures of price--value deviation: a note on the Steedman--Tomkins distance
by Theodore Mariolis & George Soklis - 619-633 Keynes' abominable Z-footnote
by Gerhard Michael Ambrosi
2011, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 233-249 Cognition, market sentiment and financial instability
by Sheila C. Dow - 251-267 Can neuroscience inform economics? Rationality, emotions and preference formation
by Nuno Martins - 269-294 Accounting for Creativity in the European Union: A multi-level analysis of individual competence, labour market structure, and systems of education and training
by Edward Lorenz & Bengt-Åke Lundvall - 295-316 Working time trends and developments in Europe 1
by Jon C. Messenger - 317-334 Size and linkages of the Spanish construction industry: key sector or deformation of the economy?
by Jorge Bielsa & Rosa Duarte - 335-356 Situation as determinant of selection and valuation
by Patrick Spread - 357-382 The role of aggregate demand in classical-Marxian models of economic growth
by Amitava Krishna Dutt - 383-400 Global growth and international cooperation: a structuralist perspective
by Mario Cimoli & Gabriel Porcile - 401-421 The deindustrialisation/tertiarisation hypothesis reconsidered: a subsystem application to the OECD7
by Sandro Montresor & Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti - 423-436 Time to reject the privileging of economic theory over empirical evidence? A reply to Lawson
by Katarina Juselius - 437-457 Capital accumulation, labour market institutions and unemployment in the medium run
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Erik Klär
2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-13 The relevance of Keynes
by Robert Skidelsky - 15-38 Sketching a socio-economic model of labour markets
by Steve Fleetwood - 39-57 Could international labour rights play a role in US trade?
by Christian E. Weller - 59-84 Postponing maternity in Ireland
by Cathal O'Donoghue & David Meredith & Eamon O'Shea - 85-104 Private sector employment growth, 1998--2004: a panel analysis of British workplaces
by Alex Bryson & Satu Nurmi - 105-124 Peering over the edge of the short period? The Keynesian roots of stock-flow consistent macroeconomic models
by Antonio Carlos Macedo e Silva & Claudio H. Dos Santos - 125-143 Macroeconomic conditions and the determinants of commercialisation
by Paul H. Jensen & Elizabeth Webster - 145-172 Co-determination and innovation
by Kornelius Kraft & Jörg Stank & Ralf Dewenter - 173-198 Gatekeepers in regional networks of innovators
by Holger Graf - 199-217 Eichnerian megacorp and investment behaviour of Russian corporations
by Ruslan Dzarasov - 219-231 Sraffa and his arguments against 'marginism'
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo & Annalisa Rosselli
2010, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 955-974 Industrial districts, social cohesion and economic decline in Italy
by Paolo Ramazzotti - 975-1000 Banks, regional development disparity and growth: evidence from Turkey
by Zeynep Onder & Süheyla Ozyildirim - 1001-1017 Is cumulative growth in manufacturing productivity slowing down in the EU12 regions?
by Stilianos Alexiadis & Dimitrios Tsagdis - 1019-1039 Real exchange rate and elasticity of labour supply in a balance-of-payments-constrained macrodynamics
by Gabriel Porcile & Gilberto Tadeu Lima - 1041-1056 Critical realism and Russian economics
by Soltan Dzarasov - 1057-1074 Did Kaldor anticipate the New Economic Geography? Yes, but..
by Aditya Bhattacharjea - 1075-1096 Board structure and executive pay: evidence from the UK
by Paul M. Guest - 1097-1104 The dynamics of intensive cultivation
by Christian Bidard - 1105-1107 Introduction to the symposium on post-Keynesian and feminist economics
by Irene van Staveren & Colin Danby - 1109-1122 Feminist and post-Keynesian economics: challenges and opportunities
by Siobhan Austen & Therese Jefferson - 1123-1144 Post-Keynesianism meets feminist economics
by Irene van Staveren - 1145-1156 Gender and the stability of consumption: a feminist contribution to post-Keynesian economics
by S. Charusheela - 1157-1171 Interdependence through time: relationships in post-Keynesian thought and the care literature
by Colin Danby
2010, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 821-836 Limited liability and the modern corporation in theory and in practice
by Stephanie Blankenburg & Dan Plesch & Frank Wilkinson - 837-856 Limited liability, shareholder rights and the problem of corporate irresponsibility
by Paddy Ireland - 857-867 Limited liability and the wealth of 'uncivilised nations': Adam Smith and the limits to the European Enlightenment
by Hugh Goodacre - 869-883 Corporate limited liability and Cambridge economics in the inter-war period: Robertson, Keynes and Sraffa
by Richard Arena - 885-893 Corporate limited liability and the financial liabilities of firms
by Jan Toporowski - 895-913 Globalisation, corporate legal liability and big business houses in India
by Chirashree Das Gupta - 915-928 Limited liability and multinational enterprises: a case for reform?
by Peter Muchlinski - 929-954 Governance, regulation and financial market instability: the implications for policy
by Sue Konzelmann & Frank Wilkinson & Marc Fovargue-Davies & Duncan Sankey
2010, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 601-615 Veblen on the machine process and technological change
by John Latsis - 617-631 The impact of business group affiliation on performance: evidence from China's 'national champions'
by Paul Guest & Dylan Sutherland - 633-648 Economics, psychology and the history of consumer choice theory
by D. Wade Hands - 649-669 Wage--size relation and the structure of work-force composition in Italian manufacturing firms
by Giulio Bottazzi & Marco Grazzi - 671-685 The role of rating agencies in financial crises: event studies from the Asian flu
by Makram El-Shagi - 687-708 Integrating social conflict into economic theory
by Mehrdad Vahabi - 709-725 Uncertainty and money: Keynes, Tobin and Kahn and the disappearance of the precautionary demand for money from liquidity preference theory
by Fernando J. Cardim de Carvalho - 727-754 Distribution, aggregate demand and productivity growth: theory and empirical results for six OECD countries based on a post-Kaleckian model
by Eckhard Hein & Artur Tarassow - 755-772 Capital and interest in horizontal innovation models
by Man-Seop Park - 773-792 Household vulnerability estimates of Roma in Southeast Europe
by Susanne Milcher - 793-805 How monist is heterodoxy?
by Rogier De Langhe - 807-820 The loanable funds fallacy: saving, finance and equilibrium
by M. G. Hayes
2010, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 413-431 Accumulation of knowledge and accumulation of capital in early 'theories' of growth and development
by Renee Prendergast - 433-447 Public debt sustainability and alternative theories of interest
by Tony Aspromourgos & Daniel Rees & Graham White - 449-474 Ambiguity and uncertainty in Ellsberg and Shackle
by Marcello Basili & Carlo Zappia - 475-500 Works councils and employment growth in German establishments
by Uwe Jirjahn - 501-523 Why do hurdle rates differ from the cost of capital?
by Ciaran Driver & Paul Temple - 525-546 Little innovation, many jobs: An econometric analysis of the Italian labour productivity crisis
by Federico Lucidi & Alfred Kleinknecht - 547-568 Defending Marshall's 'masterpiece': Ralph Souter's critique of Robbins' Essay
by Anthony M. Endres & M. Donoghue - 569-586 Alfred Marshall on big business
by Jaques Kerstenetzky - 587-590 Comment: The nature of the ADAS model based on the ISLM model
by Derick Boyd - 591-595 Marx's reproduction schemes and the Keynesian multiplier: a reply to Sardoni
by Andrew B. Trigg & Jochen Hartwig - 597-599 A rejoinder to Trigg and Hartwig
by Claudio Sardoni
March 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 225-238 Financial globalisation and crisis, institutional transformation and equity
by Philip Arestis & Ajit Singh - 239-255 Why the subprime crisis is different: a Minskyian approach
by Gary A. Dymski - 257-273 Financial liberalisation, institutional transformation and credit allocation in developing countries: the World Bank and the internationalisation of banking
by Howard Stein - 275-293 Financialisation and the dynamics of offshoring in the USA
by William Milberg & Deborah Winkler - 295-323 Capital account liberalisation and poverty: how close is the link?
by Philip Arestis & Asena Caner - 325-346 Law, finance and development: further analyses of longitudinal data
by Prabirjit Sarkar & Ajit Singh - 347-366 Poverty, time and vagueness: integrating the core poverty and chronic poverty frameworks
by David Clark & David Hulme - 367-387 Private contributions to collective concerns: modelling donor behaviour
by Alexander von Kotzebue & Berthold U. Wigger - 389-411 Structural change and the BOP-constraint: why did Latin America fail to converge?
by Mario Cimoli & Gabriel Porcile & Sebastián Rovira
January 2010, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-16 Theorising technology
by Philip Faulkner & Clive Lawson & Jochen Runde - 17-25 Technology, objects and things in Heidegger
by G. Harman - 27-35 Reality and technology
by Albert Borgmann - 37-49 Marxism and the critique of social rationality: from surplus value to the politics of technology
by Andrew Feenberg - 51-62 Engineering and the dual nature of technical artefacts
by Peter Kroes - 63-76 How is technology made?--That is the question!
by Wiebe E. Bijker