2015, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 1263-1280 Inflation and economic growth in an open developing country: the case of Brazil
by Carolina Troncoso Baltar - 1281-1306 Developing countries’ changing nature of financial integration and new forms of external vulnerability: the Brazilian experience
by Annina Kaltenbrunner & Juan Pablo Painceira - 1307-1332 Structural change and economic development: is Brazil catching up or falling behind?
by André Nassif & Carmem Feijó & Eliane Araújo - 1333-1350 Profit maximising goes global: the race to the bottom
by David Kiefer & Codrina Rada - 1351-1371 Tackling the instability of growth: a Kaleckian-Harrodian model with an autonomous expenditure component
by Olivier Allain - 1373-1398 Heads I win, tails you lose? A career analysis of executive pay and corporate performance
by Ian Gregory-Smith & Brian G. M. Main - 1399-1414 Demand and distribution in integrated economies
by Armon Rezai - 1415-1441 Capital’s humpback bridge: ‘financialisation’ and the rate of turnover in Marx’s economic theory
by Marco Veronese Passarella & Hervé Baron - 1443-1455 Two trajectories of democratic capitalism in the post-war Chicago school: Frank Knight versus Aaron Director
by Robert Van Horn & Ross B. Emmett - 1457-1464 The UK’s Coalition government and heterodox economics
by Michael Ellman - 1465-1480 Maurice Dobb, Political Economist (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)
by J. E. King
2015, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 987-992 Introduction
by Richard Arena & Tony Lawson - 993-1030 Process, order and stability in Veblen
by Tony Lawson - 1031-1052 Dewey on habit, character, order and reform
by Stephen Pratten - 1053-1069 Order and process in institutionalist thought: Commons and Ayres
by Clive Lawson - 1071-1085 Marshall and complexity: a necessary balance between process and order
by Katia Caldari - 1087-1108 Order, process and morphology: Sraffa and Wittgenstein
by Richard Arena - 1109-1127 Interpreting the capitalist order before and after the marginalist revolution
by Nuno Ornelas Martins - 1129-1148 Schumpeter’s conceptions of process and order
by Mário Graça Moura - 1149-1165 Shackle on time, uncertainty and process
by John Latsis - 1167-1190 Notions of order and process in Hayek: the significance of emergence
by Paul Lewis
2015, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 675-688 Developing an understanding of meaningful work in economics: the case for a heterodox economics of work
by David A. Spencer - 689-710 Unpaid work and conformity: why care?
by Marina Della Giusta & Sarah Jewell - 711-732 New Labour and work-time regulation: a Marxian analysis of the UK economy
by Bruce Philp & Gary Slater & Daniel Wheatley - 733-750 The employment relationship in an (almost) structureless labour market: the case of domestic work
by Fátima Suleman - 751-767 Interlinkages between credit, debt and the labour market: evidence from Turkey
by Elif Karacimen - 769-781 Convergence of monetary equivalent of labour times (MELTs) in two Marxian interpretations
by Umit Akinci & Yigit Karahanogullari - 783-805 Visible seeds of socialism and metamorphoses of capitalism: socialism after Rosdolsky
by Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque - 807-824 Early classics and Quesnay after Sraffa: a suggested interpretation
by Jean Cartelier - 825-842 The new Keynesian view of aggregate demand: some reflections from a classical-Sraffian standpoint
by Graham White - 843-865 What’s in a name? Tony Lawson on neoclassical economics and heterodox economics
by Jamie Morgan - 867-870 Financialisation, income distribution and the crisis
by Dany Lang - 871-885 The demands of finance and the glass ceiling of profit without investment
by Laurent Cordonnier & Franck Van de Velde - 887-905 Unemployment, working time and financialisation: the French case
by Michel Husson - 907-934 Finance-dominated capitalism and re-distribution of income: a Kaleckian perspective
by Eckhard Hein - 935-958 Rising inequality as a cause of the present crisis
by Engelbert Stockhammer - 959-986 Europe’s Hunger Games: Income Distribution, Cost Competitiveness and Crisis
by Servaas Storm & C.W.M. Naastepad
2015, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 299-317 Equal Pay as a Moving Target: International perspectives on forty-years of addressing the gender pay gap
by Jacqueline O’Reilly & Mark Smith & Simon Deakin & Brendan Burchell - 319-343 The 40-year pursuit of equal pay: a case of constantly moving goalposts
by Jill Rubery & Damian Grimshaw - 345-362 Regulation distance, labour segmentation and gender gaps
by David Peetz - 363-379 Understanding the variations of unions’ litigation strategies to promote equal pay: reflection on the British case
by Cécile Guillaume - 381-403 Are litigation and collective bargaining complements or substitutes for achieving gender equality? A study of the British Equal Pay Act
by Simon Deakin & Sarah Fraser Butlin & Colm McLaughlin & Aleksandra Polanska - 405-419 Economic analysis, ideology and the public sphere: insights from Australia’s equal remuneration hearings
by Siobhan Austen & Therese Jefferson - 421-440 Australia’s gender pay equity legislation: how new, how different, what prospects?
by Sara Charlesworth & Fiona Macdonald - 441-465 Contradictions and misalignments in the EU approach towards the gender pay gap
by Marco Peruzzi - 467-496 From wage regulation to wage gap: how wage-setting institutions and structures shape the gender wage gap across three industries in 24 European countries and Germany
by Andrea Schäfer & Karin Gottschall - 497-535 Gender wage inequality in inclusive and exclusive industrial relations systems: a comparison of Argentina and Chile
by Sebastian M. Ugarte & Damian Grimshaw & Jill Rubery - 537-564 Do high-performance work practices exacerbate or mitigate the gender pay gap?
by Rhys Davies & Robert McNabb & Keith Whitfield - 565-598 Gender pay gaps and the restructuring of graduate labour markets in Southern Europe
by Hugo Figueiredo & Vera Rocha & Ricardo Biscaia & Pedro Teixeira - 599-629 The gender wage gap among PhDs in the UK
by Ute Schulze - 631-654 Ethnicity and gender in the labour market in Central and South-Eastern Europe
by Niall O’Higgins - 655-674 Equal pay by gender and by nationality: a comparative analysis of Switzerland’s unequal equal pay policy regimes across time
by Roland Erne & Natalie Imboden
2015, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-32 The nature of the firm and peculiarities of the corporation
by Tony Lawson - 33-47 Addressing uncertainty in economics and the economy
by Sheila C. Dow - 49-66 Spin-off and clustering: a return to the Marshallian district
by Lucia Cusmano & Andrea Morrison & Enrico Pandolfo - 67-92 Why ‘financialisation’ hasn’t depressed US productive investment
by Andrew Kliman & Shannon D. Williams - 93-112 Aggregate consumption and debt accumulation: an empirical examination of US household behaviour
by Yun K. Kim & Mark Setterfield & Yuan Mei - 113-137 Premature de-industrialisation: theory, evidence and policy recommendations in the Mexican case
by Moritz Cruz - 139-156 Financial hierarchy and banking strategies: a regional analysis for the Brazilian case
by Mara Nogueira & Marco Crocco & Ana Teresa Figueiredo & Gustavo Diniz - 157-187 Post-Keynesian stock-flow-consistent modelling: a survey
by Eugenio Caverzasi & Antoine Godin - 189-219 Comparative evaluation of post-Keynesian interest rate rules, income distribution and firms’ debts for macroeconomic performance
by Hiroshi Nishi - 221-243 The middle class in macroeconomics and growth theory: a three-class neo-Kaleckian–Goodwin model
by Thomas I. Palley - 245-264 Demand and structural change in Adam Smith’s view of economic progress
by Kwangsu Kim - 265-279 Natural price and the long run: Alfred Marshall’s misreading of Adam Smith
by David Andrews - 281-297 Jonathan Swift’s critique of consequentialism?
by Renee Prendergast
2014, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 1295-1305 Introduction
by S. Blankenburg - 1307-1328 The future of capitalism: a consideration of alternatives
by Wendy Harcourt - 1329-1338 Towards a political economy of the theory of economic policy
by K. Vela Velupillai - 1339-1353 Economic history and economic theory: the staples approach to economic development
by Alexander Dow & Sheila Dow - 1355-1372 A neo-Kaleckian–Goodwin model of capitalist economic growth: monopoly power, managerial pay and labour market conflict
by Thomas I. Palley - 1373-1390 A new theoretical analysis of deindustrialisation
by Fiona Tregenna - 1391-1408 Triggers of change: structural trajectories and production dynamics
by Antonio Andreoni & Roberto Scazzieri - 1409-1429 The crisis of intellectual monopoly capitalism
by Ugo Pagano - 1431-1452 Back to which Bretton Woods? Liquidity and clearing as alternative principles for reforming international money
by Massimo Amato & Luca Fantacci - 1453-1470 A bright future can be ours! Macroeconomic policy for non-eurozone Western countries
by J. W. Nevile & Peter Kriesler - 1471-1491 Identity economics meets financialisation: gender, race and occupational stratification in the US labour market
by Philip Arestis & Aurelie Charles & Giuseppe Fontana - 1493-1515 Veblen Contra Clark and Fisher: Veblen-Robinson-Harcourt lineagesin capital controversies and beyond
by Avi J. Cohen - 1517-1540 The scholar as reader: the last 50 years of economic theory seen through G.C. Harcourt’s book reviews
by Constantinos Repapis
2014, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 995-1014 The Lehman Sisters hypothesis
by Irene van Staveren - 1015-1042 The Great Recession and the bulimia of US consumers: deep causes and possible ways out
by Stefano Bartolini & Luigi Bonatti & Francesco Sarracino - 1043-1061 Thorstein Veblen on credit and economic crises
by Guglielmo Forges Davanzati & Andrea Pacella - 1063-1086 What is capital? Economists and sociologists have changed its meaning: should it be changed back?
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 1087-1113 Do labour supply and demand curves exist?
by Steve Fleetwood - 1115-1131 Ludwig Lachmann on expectations in his early writings: an aborted theory?
by Loïc Sauce - 1133-1154 Non-Bayesian decision theory ahead of its time: the case of G. L. S. Shackle
by Carlo Zappia - 1155-1169 On the sustainability of external debt: is debt relief enough?
by Gianni Vaggi & Annalisa Prizzon - 1171-1206 Is net stock issuance relevant to capital formation? Comparing heterodox models of firm-level capital expenditures across the advanced and largest developing economies
by Jason Hecht - 1207-1219 Is flexible labour good for innovation? Evidence from firm-level data
by Alfred Kleinknecht & Flore N. van Schaik & Haibo Zhou - 1221-1246 Disability, job mismatch, earnings and job satisfaction in Australia
by Melanie Jones & Kostas Mavromaras & Peter Sloane & Zhang Wei - 1247-1274 A transnational fast fashion industrial district: an analysis of the Chinese businesses in Prato
by Gabi Dei Ottati - 1275-1284 A note on Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century
by Robert Rowthorn - 1285-1292 A reply to Amitava Dutt: the role of aggregate demand in the long run
by Gérard Duménil & Dominique Lévy
2014, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 701-741 The political economics of austerity
by Suzanne J. Konzelmann - 743-760 A model intervenes: the many faces of moral hazard
by John Latsis & Constantinos Repapis - 761-777 Economic growth and welfare state: a case study of Sweden
by Luis Buendía & Enrique Palazuelos - 779-795 Money in contemporary capitalism and the autonomisation of capitalist forms in Marx’s theory
by Leda Maria Paulani - 797-815 Aggregate structural macroeconomic analysis: a reconsideration and defence
by Mark Setterfield & Shyam Gouri Suresh - 817-838 The balance of payments-constrained growth rate and the natural rate of growth: new empirical evidence
by Matteo Lanzafame - 839-867 Inflation targeting monetary and fiscal policies in a two-country stock–flow-consistent model
by Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo - 869-893 Social divisions in school participation and attainment in India: 1983–2004
by M. Niaz Asadullah & Uma Kambhampati & Florencia Lopez Boo - 895-923 The evolution of Engel curves and its implications for structural change theory
by Alessio Moneta & Andreas Chai - 925-943 D. Stewart and J. R. McCulloch: economic methodology and the making of orthodoxy
by Shin Kubo - 945-960 Pigou’s Wealth and Welfare: a centenary assessment
by David Collard - 961-985 Robertson and the Cambridge approach to utility and welfare
by Mauro Boianovsky - 987-990 The collapse of the Icelandic banks: a comment on Wade and Sigurgeirsdottir
by Hannes H. Gissurarson - 991-992 Reply to Hannes Holmsteinn Gissurarson
by Robert Wade
2014, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 519-529 Samuelson’s ghosts: Whig history and the reinterpretation of economic theory
by Alan Freeman & Victoria Chick & Serap Kayatekin - 531-544 Earw(h)ig: I can’t hear you because your ideas are old
by Peter J. Boettke & Christopher J. Coyne & Peter T. Leeson - 545-562 Contextual political economy, not Whig economics
by Amiya Kumar Bagchi - 563-583 The William Petty problem and the Whig history of economics
by Hugh Goodacre - 585-604 In search of a ‘crude fancy of childhood’: deconstructing mercantilism
by Jérôme Blanc & Ludovic Desmedt - 605-622 The relation of morality to political economy in Hume
by Serap Ayşe Kayatekin - 623-641 Political economy and the social disciplines: the modern life of Das Adam Smith Problem
by William Dixon & David Wilson - 643-661 The Whiggish foundations of Marxian and Sraffian economics
by Andrew Kliman - 663-679 Schumpeter’s theory of self-restoration: a casualty of Samuelson’s Whig historiography of science
by Alan Freeman - 681-699 Whatever happened to Keynes’s monetary theory?
by Victoria Chick & Geoff Tily
2014, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 257-279 Does high public debt consistently stifle economic growth? A critique of Reinhart and Rogoff
by Thomas Herndon & Michael Ash & Robert Pollin - 281-300 The role of the media in fiscal consolidation programmes: the case of Ireland
by Julien Mercille - 301-327 The contribution of wealth concentration to the subprime crisis: a quantitative estimation
by Thomas Goda & Photis Lysandrou - 329-347 Mathematical modelling in the wake of the crisis: a blessing or a curse? What does the economics profession say?
by Vinca Bigo & Ioana Negru - 349-367 What ended the Great Depression? Re-evaluating the role of fiscal policy
by Nathan Perry & Matías Vernengo - 369-397 To what extent were economic factors important in the separation of the south of Ireland from the United Kingdom and what was the economic impact?
by William Hynes - 399-424 Structural drivers of productivity and employment growth: a decomposition analysis for 81 countries
by Leanne Roncolato & David Kucera - 425-446 Identity and the hybridity of modern finance: how a specifically modern concept of the self underlies the modern ownership of property, trusts and finance
by Jongchul Kim - 447-457 Of goats and dogs: Joseph Townsend and the idealisation of markets—a decisive episode in the history of economics
by Philipp H. Lepenies - 459-477 The quality of employment and decent work: definitions, methodologies, and ongoing debates
by Brendan Burchell & Kirsten Sehnbruch & Agnieszka Piasna & Nurjk Agloni - 479-517 Multinational corporations’ economic and human rights impacts on developing countries: a review and research agenda
by Elisa Giuliani & Chiara Macchi
2014, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-21 De Finetti on uncertainty
by Alberto Feduzi & Jochen Runde & Carlo Zappia - 23-47 Chapter 18 of The General Theory ‘further analysed’: economics as a way of thinking
by Anna M. Carabelli & Mario A. Cedrini - 49-62 On alternative notions of change and choice: Krishna Bharadwaj’s legacy
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo - 63-86 A ‘Walrasian post-Keynesian’ model? Resolving the paradox of Oskar Lange’s 1938 theory of interest
by Roberto Lampa - 87-107 Knowledge, innovation and emulation in the evolutionary thought of Bernard Mandeville
by Renee Prendergast - 109-126 Good and bad institutions: is the debate over? Cross-country firm-level evidence from the textile industry
by Sumon Kumar Bhaumik & Ralitza Dimova - 127-152 The European Union’s Emissions Trading System
by Andriana Vlachou - 153-180 Running out of steam? Manufacturing in Malaysia
by Jeff Tan - 181-214 Evolution, roots and influence of the literature on National Systems of Innovation: a bibliometric account
by Aurora A. C. Teixeira - 215-237 Technology, structural change and BOP-constrained growth: a structuralist toolbox
by Mario Cimoli & Gabriel Porcile - 239-255 ‘Too bright for comfort’: a Kaleckian view of profit realisation in the USA, 1964–2009
by David M. Brennan
2013, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 1203-1219 Microfinance and the challenge of financial inclusion for development
by Jayati Ghosh - 1221-1241 The Human Values Index: conceptual foundations and evidence from Brazil
by Flavio Comim & Pedro V. Amaral - 1243-1261 The discourse of bounded rationality in academic and policy arenas: pathologising the errant consumer
by Judith Mehta - 1263-1282 The robot, the party animal and the philosopher: an evolutionary perspective on deliberation and preference
by Peter E. Earl - 1283-1301 An investigation of Oliver Williamson's analysis of the division of labour
by Robert McMaster & Michael J. White - 1303-1333 Type of employer and fertility of working women: does working in the public sector or in a large private firm matter?
by Maurizio Conti & Enrico Sette - 1335-1348 Does an employment protection law lead to unemployment? A panel data analysis of OECD countries, 1990–2008
by Prabirjit Sarkar - 1349-1379 Interrogating inclusive growth: formal-informal duality, complementarity, conflict
by Saumya Chakrabarti - 1381-1406 Class structure and economic inequality
by Edward N. Wolff & Ajit Zacharias - 1407-1430 Growth and income distribution with the dynamics of power in labour and goods markets
by Michael Assous & Amitava Krishna Dutt - 1431-1435 Note: Pasinetti's counter–factual hypotheses
by J. E. Woods - 1437-1441 New perspectives on the work of Piero Sraffa: a rejoinder to Professor Kurz
by Pier Luigi Porta - 1443-1447 On Sraffa and Marx: a Comment
by Giancarlo de Vivo & Giorgio Gilibert - 1449-1453 The new interpretation of Sraffa's prices: a response to Heinz Kurz
by Ajit Sinha
2013, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 947-983 What is this 'school' called neoclassical economics?
by Tony Lawson - 985-1000 What is the meaning of behavioural economics?
by Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap - 1001-1017 The Political and Moral Economies of Neoliberalism: Mises and Hayek
by João Rodrigues - 1019-1033 Reproducing the social structure: a Marxist critique of Anthony Giddens's Structuration Methodology
by Brian O'Boyle - 1035-1055 Social Funds, poverty management and subjectification: beyond the World Bank approach
by Anjan Chakrabarti & Anup Dhar - 1057-1075 A critical assessment of the incomplete contracts theory for private participation in public services: the case of the water sector in Ghana
by Hulya Dagdeviren & Simon A. Robertson - 1077-1106 Dynamics of output and employment in the US economy
by Deepankar Basu & Duncan K. Foley - 1107-1126 Labour values, prices of production and the missing equalisation tendency of profit rates: evidence from the German economy
by Nils Fröhlich - 1127-1160 Bank profitability, leverage and financial instability: a Minsky–Harrod model
by Soon Ryoo - 1161-1184 Approximate surrogate production functions
by Bertram Schefold - 1187-1202 The quest for evidence on the economic effects of copyright law
by Ruth Towse
2013, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 693-717 The UK Research Assessment Exercise and the narrowing of UK economics
by Frederic S. Lee & Xuan Pham & Gyun Gu - 719-736 On the identity of social capital and the social capital of identity
by Asimina Christoforou - 737-758 Forward-looking contrast explanation, illustrated using the Great Moderation
by Jamie Morgan - 759-774 Two conceptions of economics and maximisation
by Ricardo F. Crespo - 775-789 A. C. Pigou's rejection of Pareto's law
by Michael McLure - 791-818 Why has China succeeded? And why it will continue to do so
by Jesus Felipe & Utsav Kumar & Norio Usui & Arnelyn Abdon - 819-843 Economic transition and the motherhood wage penalty in urban China: investigation using panel data
by Nan Jia & Xiao-Yuan Dong - 845-862 Labour market effects of parental leave in Europe
by Yusuf Emre Akgunduz & Janneke Plantenga - 863-888 Law, finance and innovation: the dark side of shareholder protection
by Filippo Belloc - 889-920 A global model of recovery and rebalancing
by Rudiger von Arnim & Steve Bannister & Nathan Perry - 921-945 Wage stagnation, rising inequality and the financial crisis of 2008
by Jon D. Wisman
2013, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 463-477 Prospects for the eurozone
by Stephanie Blankenburg & Lawrence King & Sue Konzelmann & Frank Wilkinson - 479-496 European economic governance: the Berlin–Washington Consensus
by Jean-Paul Fitoussi & Francesco Saraceno - 497-512 'Two or three things I know about her': Europe in the global crisis and heterodox economics
by Riccardo Bellofiore - 513-532 In search of sustainable paths for the eurozone in the troubled post-2008 world
by Jacques Mazier & Pascal Petit - 533-569 The euro crisis: undetected by conventional economics, favoured by nationally focused polity
by Robert Boyer - 571-584 International credit, financial integration and the euro
by Jan Toporowski - 585-608 Policy coordination, conflicting national interests and the European debt crisis
by Carlo Panico & Francesco Purificato - 609-626 At the crossroads: the euro and its central bank guardian (and saviour?)
by Jörg Bibow - 627-651 Revisiting Latin America's debt crisis: some lessons for the periphery of the eurozone
by Santiago Capraro & Ignacio Perrotini - 653-675 Economic relations between Germany and southern Europe
by Annamaria Simonazzi & Andrea Ginzburg & Gianluigi Nocella - 677-692 Reconstructing the eurozone: the role of EU social policy
by John Grahl & Paul Teague
2013, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 227-250 How to evaluate creative destruction: reconstructing Schumpeter's approach
by Christian Schubert - 251-271 Schumpeter and Georgescu-Roegen on the foundations of an evolutionary analysis
by Christoph Heinzel - 273-297 Work arrangements and firm innovation: is there any relationship?
by Caterina Giannetti & Marianna Madia - 299-321 Can working and employment conditions in the personal services sector be improved?
by Franck Bailly & François-Xavier Devetter & François Horn - 323-347 Working time regulation in France from 1996 to 2012
by Philippe Askenazy - 349-377 Investigating the anatomy of the employment effect of new business formation
by Michael Fritsch & Florian Noseleit - 379-402 Labour productivity and the law of decreasing labour content
by Peter Flaschel & Reiner Franke & Roberto Veneziani - 403-421 Rhetoric and Keynes' use of statistics in The Economic Consequences of the Peace
by Larry Lepper - 423-442 On Keynes as an investor
by J. E. Woods - 443-462 Sraffa, Marshall and the principle of continuity
by Nuno Ornelas Martins
2013, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-16 Central banks and financial stability: rediscovering the lender-of-last-resort practice in a finance economy
by Laurent Le Maux & Laurence Scialom - 17-33 'Solvency rule' versus 'Taylor rule': an alternative interpretation of the relation between monetary policy and the economic crisis
by Emiliano Brancaccio & Giuseppe Fontana - 35-55 Financial economics: objects and methods of science
by Andreas Andrikopoulos