2025, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-18 How ‘nudge’ happened: the political economy of nudging in the UK
by Stuart Mills & Richard Whittle - 19-40 Ethics and ontology: comparing Amartya Sen’s ethics and Tony Lawson’s Critical Ethical Naturalism
by Antonis Ragkousis - 41-65 How the bourgeoisie’s quest for status placed blame for poverty on the poor
by Jon D Wisman - 67-93 Technology rhetoric and institutional ownership
by Panayiotis C Andreou & Kyriakos Drivas & Dennis Philip & Geoffrey Wood - 95-125 Capital nationality and long-run economic development
by Guilherme Klein Martins - 127-142 Central bank balance sheets under foreign exchange accumulation: insights from endogenous money theory and monetary policy implementation
by Simona Bozhinovska - 143-157 Technical progress, organisational innovations and labour intensity
by Gabriel Brondino & Matteo Gaddi & Nadia Garbellini - 159-188 Inflation targeting and the real exchange rate trend: theoretical discussion and empirical evidence for developed and developing countries
by André Nassif & Carmem Feijó & Eliane Araújo & Rafael Leão
2024, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 935-986 Luigi Pasinetti: an appreciation
by Murray Milgate & John Eatwell & Giancarlo de Vivo - 987-1004 Ontology, complex adaptive systems and economics
by Bahar Araz & Jamie Morgan - 1005-1026 How Lincoln’s revolutionary monetary policies tipped the scales in the Civil War
by Emir Phillips - 1027-1050 Employer branding and monopsony power in the labour market: a vignette experiment
by Céline Detilleux & Nick Deschacht - 1051-1090 Economic growth and the foreign sector: Peru 1821–2020
by Luis Varona & Jorge R Gonzales & Benjamín García & Laura Gismera - 1091-1118 Firms’ recruitment practices: the powers of segmentation and of valuation
by Guillemette de Larquier & Géraldine Rieucau - 1119-1165 Conspicuous consumption for social parity
by Chinmayi Srikanth & Shubhasis Dey
2024, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 785-802 Full employment as a condition of crisis: Kalecki’s Marxian critique of Keynes and the Fabians (1942–45)
by Roberto Lampa - 803-822 Truth or coherence? How Adam Smith used philosophical sources to explain how paradigms change
by Stefano Fiori - 823-842 Asymmetrical, symmetrical and artifactual man: group size and cooperation in James Buchanan’s constitutional economics
by Alain Marciano & John Meadowcroft - 843-868 Counter-power: a Marxist view—an ontological enquiry
by Giulio Palermo - 869-888 Polyarchy and societas: an extended continuum of discrete structural alternatives
by Anna Grandori & Bruno Varella Miranda - 889-908 Fundamental implications of the neglect of servicisation by development economists
by Adam Fforde - 909-926 What politics does to the economic analysis of the employment relationship: a critical perspective on personnel economics
by Franck Bailly & Benjamin Dubrion - 927-934 A note on the two approaches to the distribution of surplus value
by Hyun Woong Park & Dong-Min Rieu
2024, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 3-45 An empirical analysis of Minsky regimes in the US economy
by Leila E Davis & Joao Paulo A de Souza & Gonzalo Hernandez - 567-588 The industrial degradation of the workplace that Thorstein Veblen overlooked
by Jon D Wisman - 589-616 Between capitalism and socialism: Tugan-Baranovsky on cooperatives
by Mauro Boianovsky & Denis Melnik - 617-659 The finance and growth nexus revisited: a truly Schumpeterian perspective
by Peter Bofinger & Lisa Geiß & Thomas Haas & Fabian Mayer - 661-680 The problems of macroeconomics as institutional problems: complementing the ‘what went wrong’ story with a social epistemology perspective
by Teemu Lari - 681-708 Inflation regimes and hyperinflation: a Post-Keynesian/structuralist typology
by Eduardo F Bastian & Sébastien Charles & Jonathan Marie - 709-740 Effective corporate income taxation and its effect on capital accumulation: cross-country evidence
by Thomas Goda - 741-766 The real exchange rate and industrial investment: new evidence for Brazil
by Hugo C Iasco-Pereira & Gilberto Libânio & Fabrício Missio - 767-784 Does self-employment provide a bridge to retirement?
[Contract work at older ages]
by Brigitte Hoogendoorn & Martha O’Hagan-Luff & Sanaz Ramezani & André van Stel
2024, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 369-396 Léon Walras and Alfred Marshall: microeconomic rational choice or human and social nature?
by Richard Arena & Katia Caldari - 397-424 William Thompson and John Stuart Mill on co-operation and the rights of women
by Renee Prendergast - 425-450 ‘Who are the capability theorists?’: a tale of the origins and development of the capability approach
by Valentina Erasmo - 451-470 The endless expansion of carbon offsetting: sequestration by agricultural soils in historical perspective
by Nathalie Berta & Alain Roux - 471-488 The advantages of the corporate form—an impossibility theorem on persons and things
by Johann Graf Lambsdorff - 489-512 Is accounting a matter for bookkeepers only? The effects of IFRS adoption on the financialisation of economy
by Andrew G Haldane & Alessandro Migliavacca & Vera Palea - 513-524 A proper financialisation? New financing mechanisms for developing countries
by Massimo Cingolani & Jan Toporowski - 525-548 Profits and capital accumulation in the Mexican economy
by Carlos A Ibarra - 549-566 The effect of Brexit on British workers living in Portugal: a synthetic control method approach
by Ana Venâncio & João Pereira dos Santos
2024, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 169-186 On the survival of a flawed theory of capital: mainstream economics and the Cambridge capital controversies
by Francisco Nunes-Pereira & Mário Graça Moura - 187-212 Ricardo’s finances and Waterloo: legends by Samuelson and others lack historical evidence
by Wilfried Parys - 213-234 Gold Rush vs. War: Keynes on reviving animal spirits in times of crisis
by Michele Bee & Raphaël Fèvre - 235-256 Whitehead’s fallacy of misplaced concreteness and the unfortunate uselessness of all monetary-macro theory micro-founded on Walrasian-Pareto general equilibrium theory
by Colin Rogers - 257-274 Vertical integration, technical progress and structural change
by Theo Santini & Ricardo Azevedo Araujo - 275-302 Rentiers and distributive conflict in Brazil (2000–2019)
by Pedro Romero Marques & Fernando Rugitsky - 303-328 Wage-led or profit-led: is it the right question to examine the relationship between income inequality and economic growth? Insights from an empirical stock-flow consistent model for Denmark
by Mikael Randrup Byrialsen & Sebastian Valdecantos & Hamid Raza - 329-362 Criminal capitalism: a new socio-economic formation
by Rosario Patalano - 363-367 The way forward from Guild Socialism: a comment on Hodgson
by Mario Ferrero
2024, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-24 The future of work and working time: introduction to special issue
by Brendan Burchell & Simon Deakin & Jill Rubery & David A Spencer - 25-40 Marx, Keynes and the future of working time
by David A Spencer - 41-68 Reducing working hours: shorter days or fewer days per week? Insights from a 30-hour workweek experiment
by Francisca Mullens & Ignace Glorieux - 69-88 Experiences of working time intensification and extensification: examining the influence of logics of production in IT work
by Debra Howcroft & Phil Taylor - 89-114 Long day for few hours: impact of working time fragmentation on low wages in France
by François-Xavier Devetter & Julie Valentin - 115-132 Algorithms of time: how algorithmic management changes the temporalities of work and prospects for working time reduction
by Agnieszka Piasna - 133-150 ‘Digital Tournaments’: the colonisation of freelancers’ ‘free’ time and unpaid labour in the online platform economy
by Valeria Pulignano & Stefania Marino & Mathew Johnson & Markieta Domecka & Me-Linh Riemann - 151-168 Technology and remuneration of working time: a study on paid and unpaid working time in platform work
by Mariana Fernández Massi & Julieta Longo
2023, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 883-907 Joan Robinson and the reconstruction of economic theory
by Nuno Ornelas - 909-930 Time, equilibrium and uncertainty: Bergson and Robinson
by James Culham - 931-942 Joan Robinson’s intelligible Marxism and The Accumulation of Capital: a generalisation of the two-sector reproduction scheme
by Andrew B Trigg - 943-964 Joan Robinson: early endogenous growth theorist
by Christine Oughton & Damian Tobin - 965-984 Joan Robinson’s historical time and the current state of post-Keynesian growth theory
by Ettore Gallo & Mark Setterfield - 985-992 Kalecki’s notes on Robinson’s Essay on Marxian Economics
by Jan Toporowski - 993-1018 Joan Robinson through the lenses of sixty years of book reviews
by Maria Cristina & Giulia Zacchia
2023, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 681-702 From bazooka to backstop: the political economy of standing swap facilities
by Mathis L Richtmann & Lea Steininger - 703-724 Can wealth taxation fund public investment in a caring and sustainable economy? The case of the UK
by Özlem Onaran & Cem Oyvat & Eurydice Fotopoulou - 725-746 Premature deindustrialisation: the international evidence
by Emre Özçelik & Erdal Özmen - 747-762 A method for measuring rents
by Arend Stemerding - 763-792 Human dignity in organisations: the cooperative ideal
by Cian McMahon - 793-820 Sluggish investment, crisis and firm heterogeneity
by Alessandro Arrighetti & Fabio Landini - 821-834 Disentangling the connection between Marx’s ‘sixth’ countertendency to a falling rate of profit and the rise of financialisation
by Stefano Di Bucchianico & Luigi Salvati - 835-852 Keynes’s theories of the business cycle: evolution and contemporary relevance
by Pablo G Bortz - 853-880 Aristotelian themes in critical ethical naturalism
by Antonis Ragkousis
2023, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 475-506 The human person, the human social individual and community interactions
by Tony Lawson - 507-534 Mapping modern economic rents: the good, the bad, and the grey areas
by Mariana Mazzucato & Josh Ryan-Collins & Giorgos Gouzoulis - 535-554 Menger or Marx? The political ontology of cryptocurrency
by Tully Rector & Jason Grant Allen - 555-574 Weaknesses of MMT as a guide to development policy
by Adam Aboobaker & Esra Nur Ugurlu - 575-592 Complexity defying macroeconomics
by Pablo Paniagua - 593-610 The degree of utilisation and the slow adjustment of capacity to demand: reflections on the US Economy from the perspective of the Sraffian Supermultiplier
by Guilherme HaluskaLatin & Ricardo Summa & Franklin Serrano - 611-632 Persistently non-compliant employment practice in the informal economy: permissive visibility in a multiple regulator setting
by Ian Clark & Alan Collins & James Hunter & Richard Pickford & Jack Barratt & Huw Fearnall-Williams - 633-666 Wealth taxation in the Austrian Press from 2005 to 2020: a critical political economy analysis
by Quirin Dammerer & Georg Hubmann & Hendrik Theine - 667-679 Exchange liquidity and redemption liquidity
by James Culham
2023, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 263-288 The Money War: democracy, taxes and inflation in the U.S. Civil War
by Ariel Ron & Sofia Valeonti - 289-308 Setting the record straight on the recovery from the 1920–1921 recession
by Ahmad Borazan - 309-339 Who said or what said? Estimating ideological bias in views among economists
by Mohsen Javdani & Ha-Joon Chang - 341-372 Deindustrialisation and the post-socialist mortality crisis
by Gábor Scheiring & Aytalina Azarova & Darja Irdam & Katarzyna Doniec & Martin McKee & David Stuckler & Lawrence King - 373-391 Keynesian expectations, epistemic authority and pluralism in economics: placebo and nocebo effects in normal and abnormal times
by Ellen D Russell - 393-407 Smart city, eco city, world city, creative city, et cetera et cetera: a Marxian interpretation of urban discourses’ short lifecycles
by Jung Won Sonn & Joon Park - 409-434 Personal income distribution and the endogeneity of the demand regime
by Lorenzo Tonni - 435-449 Thorstein Veblen on the cultural and economic significance of modern sports
by Luke Petach & J Patrick Raines - 451-473 Alfred Marshall, Allyn Young and business size
by Ramesh Chandra
2023, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-19 Elite philanthropy and applied economics: the Rockefeller Foundation’s role in post-war research direction
by Ann Vogel & Alan Shipman - 21-43 The institutional impossibility of guild socialism
by Geoffrey M Hodgson - 45-66 Industrial policy and the creation of the electric vehicles market in China: demand structure, sectoral complementarities and policy coordination
by Alexandre De Podestá & Robert Pauls & Tobias ten Brink - 67-89 Stratification mechanisms in labour market matching of migrants
by Merve Burnazoglu - 91-112 Financial cycles and fiscal policy in developing and emerging economies: an evaluation of the Brazilian case (1997–2018)
by Dyeggo Rocha Guedes & André Moreira Cunha & Luiza Peruffo - 113-132 Monetary policy autonomy and foreign reserves accumulation in Brazil: a compensation view
by Enzo Matono Gerioni & Lilian Nogueira Rolim & Julia Alencar & Nikolas Alexander van de Bilt - 133-169 Marx’s equalised rate of exploitation
by Jonathan F Cogliano - 171-194 The ‘General Theory 4.0’ research programme: macroeconomics when Keynes eventually escapes Debreu and meets Ulysses and Einstein
by Teodoro Dario - 195-213 Ramsey and Keynes revisited
by Bill Gerrard - 215-260 Systemic stablecoin and the brave new world of digital money
by Jamie Morgan
2022, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 1205-1224 Big Tech Oligopolies, Keith Cowling, and Monopoly Capitalism
by Martin Conyon & Michael Ellman & Christos N Pitelis & Alan Shipman & Philip R Tomlinson - 1225-1241 Monopoly capitalism in the past four decades
by Malcolm Sawyer - 1243-1268 Big tech and platform-enabled multinational corporate capital(ism): the socialisation of capital, and the private appropriation of social value
by Christos Pitelis - 1269-1288 Digital platforms: monopoly capital through a classical-marxian lens
by Ramaa Vasudevan - 1289-1314 Platform power: monopolisation and financialisation in the era of big tech
by Zhongjin Li & Hao Qi - 1315-1339 Entrepreneurship and digital capitalism: an assessment of corporate power
by Domenico Catalano - 1341-1367 Monopoly Capital in the time of digital platforms: a radical approach to the Amazon case
by Andrea Coveri & Claudio Cozza & Dario Guarascio - 1369-1385 Big technology and data privacy
by Martin J Conyon - 1387-1406 Advertising and the consumer in the age of Big Tech: a new moment in the evolution of monopoly capitalism?
by David Bailey & Dan Coffey & Carole Thornley & Philip R Tomlinson - 1407-1429 Digital technologies, gig work and labour share
by Andrew Henley - 1431-1454 Governing digital platform power for industrial development: towards an entrepreneurial-regulatory state
by Antonio Andreoni & Simon Roberts - 1455-1479 The changing face of anti-trust in the world of Big Tech: Collusion versus Monopolisation
by Prishnee Armoogum & Stephen Davies & Franco Mariuzzo - 1481-1497 Industrial strategy in a transforming capitalism
by Patrizio Bianchi & Sandrine Labory
2022, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 921-929 Conceptualising financialisation in developing and emerging economies: the diversity within a unity
by Carolina Alves & Bruno Bonizzi & Annina Kaltenbrunner & José Gabriel Palma - 931-954 The regional distinctiveness and variegation of financialisation in emerging economies
by Ewa Karwowski - 955-976 Financialisation as the development of fictitious capital in developing and developed economies
by Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo & Fernando Fellows Dourado & Edemilson Paraná - 977-1003 External finance, subordinated financialisation: a reflection on Argentina’s currency flights in the last three decades
by Roberto Lampa & Daniela Tavasci & Luigi Ventimiglia - 1005-1024 Connecting financialisation and structural change: a critical appraisal regarding Brazil
by Mariana Finello Corrêa & Carmem Feijo - 1025-1044 The Indian road to financialisation: a case study of the Indian telecommunication sector
by Jai Bhatia - 1045-1072 Peripheral financialisation and monopoly capitalism in Nigeria: the case of the Dangote Business Group
by Richard Itaman & Christina Wolf - 1073-1086 Financialisation of monetary policy in a dollarised economy: the case of Georgia
by Ia Eradze - 1087-1108 A financial straitjacket? Côte d’Ivoire’s National Development Banks
by Georges Quist - 1109-1140 Financialisation and the authoritarian state: the case of Russia
by Anna Mishura & Svetlana Ageeva - 1141-1160 Advancing policy frameworks to safeguard financial stability in developing and emerging economies: the case of South Korea’s management of international financial flows after 1998
by Max Nagel - 1161-1182 Helpless victim of financialisation? Financial liberalisation, crisis and taking back control in South Korea
by Anne Henow - 1183-1204 Financialisation of developing and emerging economies and China’s experience: how China resists financialisation
by Fusheng Xie & Xiaolu Kuang & Zhi Li
2022, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 619-628 Conceptualising financialisation in developing and emerging economies: systemic and global perspectives
by Carolina Alves & Bruno Bonizzi & Annina Kaltenbrunner & José Gabriel Palma - 629-650 A core–periphery framework for understanding the place of Latin America in the global architecture of finance
by Nicole Cerpa Vielma & Gary Dymski - 651-678 Financialised capitalism and the subordination of emerging capitalist economies
by Bruno Bonizzi & Annina Kaltenbrunner & Jeff Powell - 679-702 Bringing subordinated financialisation down to earth: the political ecology of finance-dominated capitalism
by Jeffrey Althouse & Romain Svartzman - 703-733 Beyond financialisation: the longue durée of finance and production in the Global South
by Kai Koddenbrock & Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven & Ndongo Samba Sylla - 735-752 Exorbitant privilege and compulsory duty: the two faces of the financialised IMS
by Ricardo Carneiro & Bruno De Conti - 753-772 The dollar enablers and panhandlers: US capitalist power and the origins of the financialisation at the periphery
by Pedro Paulo Zahluth Bastos & Victor Young - 773-825 Finance as an (ever more fragile) ‘perpetual mania’: have they all lost their collective minds?
by José Gabriel Palma - 827-848 Producing investment space: the International Finance Corporation and the geofinancial power network
by Jayson J Funke - 849-868 Up the stairs, down in the elevator? The asymmetric response of emerging market currencies to the global liquidity cycle
by João Pedro Scalco Macalós & Pedro Rossi - 869-889 An international multi-sectoral approach to financialisation
by Matías Torchinsky Landau - 891-919 Financialisation and firm-level investment in developing and emerging economies
by Daniele Tori & Özlem Onaran
2022, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 429-445 A Tribute to Frank Wilkinson
by Jill Rubery & Brendan Burchell & Simon Deakin & Suzanne J Konzelmann - 447-463 A structural approach to labour law
by Zoe Adams - 465-490 Centring construction in the political economy of housing: variegated growth regimes after the Keynesian construction state
by Sebastian Kohl & Alexander Spielau - 491-509 Should central bank liquidity be a vehicle for fiscal disciplining?
by Jakob Vestergaard & Daniela Gabor - 511-530 In the spirit of radical liberalism: a historical review of land reforms in China from the 1970s to today
by Xiaorui Wang & Shen Hu - 531-544 Adam Smith’s Digression on Silver: the centrepiece of the Wealth of Nations
by Maria Pia Paganelli - 545-560 Marx’s fictitious capital: a misrepresented category revisited
by Alex Wilhans Antonio Palludeto & Pedro Rossi - 561-579 An emigrant economist in the tropics: Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen on Brazilian inflation and development
by André Roncaglia de Carvalho & Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak - 581-587 Is the Italian government debt sustainable? Scenarios after the Covid-19 shock
by Rosa Canelli & Giuseppe Fontana & Riccardo Realfonzo & Marco Veronese Passarella - 589-608 Guiding Covid policy: cost-benefit analysis and beyond
by Jonathan Aldred - 609-612 Politicised revisionism: comment on Lopes (2021)
by Per L Bylund & Christopher Lingle & Mark Packard - 613-617 Rejoinder: Mises’s attempt to scientifically reject socialism failed
by Tiago Camarinha Lopes
2022, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 251-274 What matters more for employees’ mental health: job quality or job quantity?
by Senhu Wang & Daiga Kamerāde & Brendan Burchell & Adam Coutts & Sarah Ursula Balderson - 275-292 Social positioning and the pursuit of power
by Nuno Ornelas Martins - 293-316 Dependent financialisation and its crisis: the case of Turkey
by Ümit Akçay & Ali Rıza Güngen - 317-340 The role of commodity speculation and household debt accumulation during financialization: a Classical-Keynesian analysis
by Stefano Di Bucchianico - 341-370 Information rents, economic growth and inequality: an empirical study of the United States
by Tomas N Rotta - 371-390 Demand-led growth decomposition: an empirical investigation of the Brazilian slowdown in the 2010s
by Guilherme R Magacho & Igor L Rocha - 391-420 Systems estimation of a structural model of distribution and demand in the US economy
by Robert A Blecker & Michael Cauvel & Y K Kim - 421-424 ‘Sraffa on non-self replacing systems’: a comment
by Ajit Sinha - 425-427 ‘Sraffa on non-self-replacing systems’: a rejoinder
by Fabio Ravagnani
2022, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-39 Social positioning theory
by Tony Lawson - 41-56 Frank Ramsey’s place in the history of mathematical economics: not what you think
by Pedro G Duarte & Cheryl Misak - 57-71 The unintended consequences of the regulation of cryptocurrencies
by Loïc Sauce - 73-103 Induced shifting involvements and cycles of growth and distribution
by Michalis Nikiforos - 105-131 From the entrepreneurial to the ossified economy
by Wim Naudé - 133-165 Out of balance? Revisiting the nexus of income inequality, household debt and current account imbalances after the Great Recession
by Fabio Ascione & Matthias Schnetzer - 167-194 Drivers of deindustrialisation in internationally fragmented production structures
by Martin Lábaj & Erika Majzlíková - 195-218 Path dependence and stagnation in a classical growth model
by Thomas R Michl & Daniele Tavani - 219-249 Profitability of small- and medium-sized enterprises in Marshall’s time: sector and spatial heterogeneity in the nineteenth century
by Robert J Bennett & Harry Smith & Piero Montebruno & Carry van Lieshout
2021, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 1165-1188 A triangle for the French translation of General Theory: Keynes, Sraffa, and Largentaye
[Own-rates of interest and their relevance for the existence of underemployment equilibrium positions]
by Ghislain Deleplace - 1189-1208 Keynes’s user cost and its implication for the real rate of interest
[Fixed Capital and Inflation: An Analysis of Applying Keynes’s Notion of User Cost’]
by Hiroyuki Takayama - 1209-1226 Hayek’s twin ideas: reconciling methodological individualism and group selection
[‘Hayek Reads the Literature on the Emergence of Norms’]
by Alexander Schaefer - 1227-1242 Mr Prebisch on the asymmetric Gold Standard
[Import substitution in high-tech industries: Prebisch lives in Asia!]
by Emiliano Libman - 1243-1268 What to make of the Kaldor-Verdoorn law?
[The economic implications of learning by doing]
by Deepankar Basu & Manya Budhiraja - 1269-1296 Institutional change and political conflict in a structuralist model
[Paths to inclusive institutions]
by Gabriel Porcile & Diego Sanchez-Ancochea - 1297-1318 The relationship between exchange rate and structural change: an approach based on income elasticities of trade
[New insights from a structural economic dynamic approach to balance of payments constrained growth]
by Nelson Marconi & Eliane Araujo & Marco Capraro Brancher & Tiago Couto Porto - 1319-1336 The effect of health shocks on labour market outcomes in Russia
[Ageing and unused capacity in Europe: is there an early retirement trap?]
by Ekaterina Aleksandrova & Venera Bagranova & Christopher J Gerry - 1337-1360 Centre–Periphery in the EU-20: a classification based on factor analysis and cluster analysis
[Comment: good-bye dependency theory, hello dependency theory]
by Alfredo Del Río-Casasola - 1361-1372 Tribute to Domenico Mario Nuti
[Industrial innovation in the Soviet Union: methodological perspectives and conclusions]
by Michael Ellman - 1373-1374 Corrigendum to: Social positioning and Commons’s monetary theorising
by Stephen Pratten
2021, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 857-882 F. H. Knight’s Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit and J. M. Keynes’ Treatise on Probability after 100 years
by Phil Faulkner & Alberto Feduzi & C R McCann & Jochen Runde - 883-900 The writing and reception of Risk, Uncertainty and Profit
by Ross B Emmett - 901-918 Uncertainty and general equilibrium: an evaluation of Professor Knight’s contributions to economics
by Geoffrey T F Brooke & Lydia Cheung - 919-932 The Early Enlightenment roots of Keynes’ probability concept
by Francisco Aristimuño & Ricardo Crespo - 933-950 Probability and arguments: Keynes’s legacy
by William Peden - 951-966 Keynes’ contribution to statistical science
by David C Schneider - 967-988 Knightian uncertainty: through a Jamesian window
by Mario J Rizzo & Malte Dold - 989-1007 On the relevance of Knight, Keynes and Shackle for unawareness research
by Ekaterina Svetlova - 1009-1026 Patterning uncertainty: partial likeness, analogy and likelihood1
by Roberto Scazzieri - 1027-1046 From Knightian to Keynesian uncertainty: contextualising Ellsberg’s ambiguity
by Carlo Zappia - 1047-1067 Financial markets and Keynes’s long-term expectations
by Marcello Basili & Carlo Zappia - 1069-1097 The safety of speculation …
by J E Woods - 1099-1125 Keynes and Knight on uncertainty: peas in a pod or chalk and cheese?
by Mark D Packard & Per L Bylund & Brent B Clark - 1127-1144 Keynes and Knight: risk-uncertainty distinctions, priority, coherence and change
by Rod O’Donnell - 1145-1163 Uncertainty and inequality in early financial thought: John Hicks as a reader of Knight and Keynes
by Roni Hirsch
2021, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 613-630 From dishwashing to dishwasher cooking: on social positioning and how users are drawn towards alternative uses of existing technology
by Ivano Cardinale & Jochen Runde - 631-654 The unity of science and the disunity of economics
by Angela Ambrosino & Mario Cedrini & John B Davis - 655-674 Habit and emotion: John Dewey’s contribution to the theory of change
by Emmanuel Petit & Jérôme Ballet