July 2002, Volume 418, Issue 6895
- 263-263 Cutbacks 'will cripple space station science'
by Tony Reichhardt - 263-263 NASA aims to reach Pluto by 2020
by Tony Reichhardt - 264-264 Publishers soldier on despite electronic bugs
by Rex Dalton - 264-264 US panel split on research cloning
by Kendall Powell - 265-265 Monkey smallpox trial suspended over painkiller use
by Erika Check - 265-265 Poliovirus advance sparks fears of data curbs
by Erika Check - 268-269 They said it couldn't be done..
by Alison Abbott - 270-272 Can you keep a secret?
by Erica Klarreich - 273-273 Names: a historical or political perspective?
by Sharona Even-Ram - 273-273 Are results of primate research worth the suffering it causes?
by Michelle Thew - 273-273 Only vital need justifies primate experiments
by Richard M. Lebovitz - 273-273 Little funding to develop non-animal testing
by Gill Langley - 275-276 Viewing life as cooperation
by Axel Meyer - 276-277 Unravelling a heavenly mystery
by Luigi Piro - 277-278 Darwin's personal voyage
by Keith Thomson - 278-278 Science in culture
by Martin Kemp - 279-279 Development: Weaving life's pattern
by Melvin Konner - 281-282 Survival of the entangled
by William Barnes - 282-283 Decisions, decisions!
by Brigid Hogan - 283-284 Malaria variorum
by Andrew G. Clark - 285-286 Plastic parameter
by Jonathan A. Zimmerman - 286-287 The extraordinary phagosome
by Joel A. Swanson - 287-288 Don't hold your breath
by Siu Sylvia Lee & Gary Ruvkun - 289-290 Cacao usage by the earliest Maya civilization
by W. Jeffrey Hurst & Stanley M. Tarka & Terry G. Powis & Fred Valdez & Thomas R. Hester - 290-291 Targeted transfection by femtosecond laser
by Uday K. Tirlapur & Karsten König - 291-291 Amyloid pores from pathogenic mutations
by Hilal A. Lashuel & Dean Hartley & Benjamin M. Petre & Thomas Walz & Peter T. Lansbury - 291-292 Recent temperature trends in the Antarctic
by John Turner & John C. King & Tom A. Lachlan-Cope & Phil D. Jones - 292-292 Recent temperature trends in the Antarctic
by J. E. Walsh & P. T. Doran & J. C. Priscu & W. B. Lyons & A. G. Fountain & D. M. McKnight & D. L. Moorhead & R. A. Virginia & D. H. Wall & G. D. Clow & C. H. Fritsen & C. P. McKay & A. N. Parsons - 293-300 A molecular programme for the specification of germ cell fate in mice
by Mitinori Saitou & Sheila C. Barton & M. Azim Surani - 301-303 Hot bubbles from active galactic nuclei as a heat source in cooling-flow clusters
by Marcus Brüggen & Christian R. Kaiser - 304-306 Plasmon-assisted transmission of entangled photons
by E. Altewischer & M. P. van Exter & J. P. Woerdman - 307-310 Atomistic mechanisms governing elastic limit and incipient plasticity in crystals
by Ju Li & Krystyn J. Van Vliet & Ting Zhu & Sidney Yip & Subra Suresh - 310-313 Dynamic fracture by large extraterrestrial impacts as the origin of shatter cones
by Amir Sagy & Ze'ev Reches & Jay Fineberg - 313-316 Climate-mediated energetic constraints on the distribution of hibernating mammals
by Murray M. Humphries & Donald W. Thomas & John R. Speakman - 317-320 An antioxidant function for DMSP and DMS in marine algae
by W. Sunda & D. J. Kieber & R. P. Kiene & S. Huntsman - 320-323 Genetic diversity and chloroquine selective sweeps in Plasmodium falciparum
by John C. Wootton & Xiaorong Feng & Michael T. Ferdig & Roland A. Cooper & Jianbing Mu & Dror I. Baruch & Alan J. Magill & Xin-zhuan Su - 323-324 Chromosome-wide SNPs reveal an ancient origin for Plasmodium falciparum
by Jianbing Mu & Junhui Duan & Kateryna D. Makova & Deirdre A. Joy & Chuong Q. Huynh & Oralee H. Branch & Wen-Hsiung Li & Xin-zhuan Su - 326-331 Dendritic spikes as a mechanism for cooperative long-term potentiation
by Nace L. Golding & Nathan P. Staff & Nelson Spruston - 331-335 Identification of genes expressed in C. elegans touch receptor neurons
by Yun Zhang & Charles Ma & Thomas Delohery & Brian Nasipak & Barrett C. Foat & Alexander Bounoutas & Harmen J. Bussemaker & Stuart K. Kim & Martin Chalfie - 336-340 Synaptotagmins I and IV promote transmitter release independently of Ca2+ binding in the C2A domain
by Iain M. Robinson & Ravi Ranjan & Thomas L. Schwarz - 340-344 The C2B Ca2+-binding motif of synaptotagmin is required for synaptic transmission in vivo
by J. M. Mackler & J. A. Drummond & C. A. Loewen & I. M. Robinson & N. E. Reist - 344-348 Calorie restriction extends Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan by increasing respiration
by Su-Ju Lin & Matt Kaeberlein & Alex A. Andalis & Lori A. Sturtz & Pierre-Antoine Defossez & Valeria C. Culotta & Gerald R. Fink & Leonard Guarente - 348-352 Adenovirus oncoproteins inactivate the Mre11–Rad50–NBS1 DNA repair complex
by Travis H. Stracker & Christian T. Carson & Matthew D. Weitzman - 352-352 Correction: Corrigendum: The mammalian sodium channel BNC1 is required for normal touch sensation
by Margaret P. Price & Gary R. Lewin & Sabrina L. Mcllwrath & Chun Cheng & Jinghul Xie & Paul A. Heppenstall & Cheryl L. Stucky & Anne G. Mannsfeldt & Timothy J. Brennan & Heather A. Drummond & Jing Qiao & Christopher J. Benson & Deirdre E. Tarr & Ron F. Hrstka & Baoll Yang & Roger A. Williamson & Michael J. Walsh
July 2002, Volume 418, Issue 6894
- 3-3 A chemical imbalance
by Paul Smaglik - 5-5 Gaining a lot from translation
by Jan Schmollinger - 113-113 Dubious data remain in print two years after misconduct inquiry
by Alison Abbott & Johanna Schwarz - 114-114 Botswana's AIDS laboratory squares up to HIV pandemic
by Michael Cherry - 114-114 Europe gets tough on labelling genetically modified foodstuffs
by Declan Butler - 115-115 Biology project left short of cash
by David Cyranoski - 115-115 AIDS meeting demands more than lip service
by Declan Butler - 116-116 Race is on to find alternative to animal tests
by Sally Goodman - 116-116 Japan lays out 55-point patent plan
by David Cyranoski - 117-117 Physicists plot mass production of neutrinos
by David Adam - 117-117 Public body appointed to clean up UK's nuclear legacy
by David Adam - 120-121 Time to wise up?
by Geoff Brumfiel - 122-124 The brave new world of RNA
by Carina Dennis - 125-125 Rebel army need not be a barrier to conservation
by Craig Turner & Pete Raines - 125-125 Jury out on Jefferson's alleged descendants
by Steven T. Corneliussen - 125-125 Interoperability calls for an unusual mix of skills
by Fabien Campagne - 127-128 Networking comes of age
by Sidney Redner - 128-129 A right royal feud
by Owen Gingerich - 129-129 Evolution by design?
by Brian Charlesworth - 131-131 Complexity: The bigger picture
by Tamas Vicsek - 133-135 Hominid revelations from Chad
by Bernard Wood - 135-137 Out on the edge
by William B. McKinnon - 137-137 Do the locomotion
by Roger V. Short - 138-138 Cleaning up catalysts
by Magdalena Helmer - 138-139 Bacterial game dynamics
by Martin A. Nowak & Karl Sigmund - 139-141 Repulsive encounters
by Giovanna Chimini - 141-142 Ants on a Turing trail
by Peter Hammerstein & Olof Leimar - 143-143 Snake circumvents constraints on prey size
by Bruce C. Jayne & Harold K. Voris & Peter K. L. Ng - 144-144 Multiply infected spleen cells in HIV patients
by Andreas Jung & Reinhard Maier & Jean-Pierre Vartanian & Gennady Bocharov & Volker Jung & Ulrike Fischer & Eckart Meese & Simon Wain-Hobson & Andreas Meyerhans - 145-151 A new hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad, Central Africa
by Michel Brunet & Franck Guy & David Pilbeam & Hassane Taisso Mackaye & Andossa Likius & Djimdoumalbaye Ahounta & Alain Beauvilain & Cécile Blondel & Hervé Bocherens & Jean-Renaud Boisserie & Louis De Bonis & Yves Coppens & Jean Dejax & Christiane Denys & Philippe Duringer & Véra Eisenmann & Gongdibé Fanone & Pierre Fronty & Denis Geraads & Thomas Lehmann & Fabrice Lihoreau & Antoine Louchart & Adoum Mahamat & Gildas Merceron & Guy Mouchelin & Olga Otero & Pablo Pelaez Campomanes & Marcia Ponce De Leon & Jean-Claude Rage & Michel Sapanet & Mathieu Schuster & Jean Sudre & Pascal Tassy & Xavier Valentin & Patrick Vignaud & Laurent Viriot & Antoine Zazzo & Christoph Zollikofer - 152-155 Geology and palaeontology of the Upper Miocene Toros-Menalla hominid locality, Chad
by Patrick Vignaud & Philippe Duringer & Hassane Taïsso Mackaye & Andossa Likius & Cécile Blondel & Jean-Renaud Boisserie & Louis de Bonis & Véra Eisenmann & Marie-Esther Etienne & Denis Geraads & Franck Guy & Thomas Lehmann & Fabrice Lihoreau & Nieves Lopez-Martinez & Cécile Mourer-Chauviré & Olga Otero & Jean-Claude Rage & Mathieu Schuster & Laurent Viriot & Antoine Zazzo & Michel Brunet - 157-159 Possible in situ formation of meteoritic nanodiamonds in the early Solar System
by Z. R. Dai & J. P. Bradley & D. J. Joswiak & D. E. Brownlee & H. G. M. Hill & M. J. Genge - 159-162 Phonon-enhanced light–matter interaction at the nanometre scale
by R. Hillenbrand & T. Taubner & F. Keilmann - 162-164 Pressure-induced insulator–conductor transition in a photoconducting organic liquid-crystal film
by Chong-yang Liu & Allen J. Bard - 164-167 Self-regeneration of a Pd-perovskite catalyst for automotive emissions control
by Y. Nishihata & J. Mizuki & T. Akao & H. Tanaka & M. Uenishi & M. Kimura & T. Okamoto & N. Hamada - 167-171 A satellite geodetic survey of large-scale deformation of volcanic centres in the central Andes
by Matthew E. Pritchard & Mark Simons - 171-174 Local dispersal promotes biodiversity in a real-life game of rock–paper–scissors
by Benjamin Kerr & Margaret A. Riley & Marcus W. Feldman & Brendan J. M. Bohannan - 174-177 Exceptional sperm cooperation in the wood mouse
by Harry Moore & Katerina Dvoráková & Nicholas Jenkins & William Breed - 177-181 Transmitter-evoked local calcium release stabilizes developing dendrites
by Christian Lohmann & Karen L. Myhr & Rachel O. L. Wong - 181-186 TRPV3 is a calcium-permeable temperature-sensitive cation channel
by Haoxing Xu & I. Scott Ramsey & Suhas A. Kotecha & Magdalene M. Moran & Jayhong A. Chong & Deborah Lawson & Pei Ge & Jeremiah Lilly & Inmaculada Silos-Santiago & Yu Xie & Peter S. DiStefano & Rory Curtis & David E. Clapham - 186-190 TRPV3 is a temperature-sensitive vanilloid receptor-like protein
by G. D. Smith & M. J. Gunthorpe & R. E. Kelsell & P. D. Hayes & P. Reilly & P. Facer & J. E. Wright & J. C. Jerman & J.-P. Walhin & L. Ooi & J. Egerton & K. J. Charles & D. Smart & A. D. Randall & P. Anand & J. B. Davis - 191-195 Release of chromatin protein HMGB1 by necrotic cells triggers inflammation
by Paola Scaffidi & Tom Misteli & Marco E. Bianchi - 195-199 Reciprocal regulation of CD4/CD8 expression by SWI/SNF-like BAF complexes
by Tian H. Chi & Mimi Wan & Keji Zhao & Ichiro Taniuchi & Lei Chen & Dan R. Littman & Gerald R. Crabtree - 200-203 Apoptosis disables CD31-mediated cell detachment from phagocytes promoting binding and engulfment
by Simon Brown & Isabelle Heinisch & Ewan Ross & Kate Shaw & Chris D. Buckley & John Savill - 203-206 Overexpression of β-carotene hydroxylase enhances stress tolerance in Arabidopsis
by P. A. Davison & C. N. Hunter & P. Horton - 207-211 NMR analysis of a 900K GroEL–GroES complex
by Jocelyne Fiaux & Eric B. Bertelsen & Arthur L. Horwich & Kurt Wüthrich - 211-211 Erratum: Optical pulsations from the anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U0142+61
by B. Kern & C. Martin - 213-213 Rna
by Richard Turner - 214-221 The antiquity of RNA-based evolution
by Gerald F. Joyce - 222-228 The chemical repertoire of natural ribozymes
by Jennifer A. Doudna & Thomas R. Cech - 229-235 The involvement of RNA in ribosome function
by Peter B. Moore & Thomas A. Steitz - 236-243 Alternative pre-mRNA splicing and proteome expansion in metazoans
by Tom Maniatis & Bosiljka Tasic - 244-251 RNA interference
by Gregory J. Hannon - 252-258 Emerging clinical applications of RNA
by Bruce A. Sullenger & Eli Gilboa
July 2002, Volume 418, Issue 6893
- 3-3 The chips are down
by Paul Smaglik - 3-3 Top physics lab names its leader
by David Cyranoski - 3-4 Fire-fighting senators move to set up wildfire research institutes
by Tony Reichhardt - 4-4 Gulf War syndrome research poised for cash injection
by Jonathan Knight - 4-4 Visitors to AIDS conference trapped in web of red tape
by Declan Butler - 4-5 Riding the biotech rollercoaster
by Paul Smaglik & Adam Smith - 5-5 Biotech woes set to hit academics
by Jonathan Knight - 5-5 Bell Labs inquiry spreads to superconductors
by Geoff Brumfiel - 6-6 Angry scientists march on Moscow in budget protest
by Bryon MacWilliams - 6-6 Recriminations inflame UK research debate
by David Adam - 7-7 US exchange scheme offers a taste of Europe
by Quirin Schiermeier - 7-7 France hails milestone in start-ups
by Sally Goodman - 11-13 Picture this
by Philip Ball - 14-15 Your destiny, from day one
by Helen Pearson - 17-17 Population should be on the Johannesburg agenda
by Wolfgang Lutz & Mahendra Shah - 17-17 Solve postgrad problems to attract new scientists
by T. L. Raoul Tan & Simone Lohner - 17-17 Beautiful vistas, but is this really science?
by Michael Phillips - 19-20 Evolution under pressure
by Jerry A. Coyne - 20-21 Competition between women
by Elizabeth Cashdan - 21-21 Science in culture
by David Cyranoski - 23-23 Ionosphere: High above the Earth
by Henry Rishbeth - 25-26 Stem-cell competition
by Stuart H. Orkin & Sean J. Morrison - 27-28 An older face for Mars
by Sean C. Solomon - 29-30 Fluid flow and broken symmetry
by Claudio D. Stern - 30-30 Stick it in the family album
by Chris Gunter - 30-31 Crystallization of silicon ideas
by John Robertson - 31-33 Enigmatic emission
by Takeshi Oka - 33-34 Demand management in cells
by Stephen Oliver - 34-35 Special treatment
by Giovanni Amelino-Camelia - 35-36 Early land vertebrates
by Robert Carroll - 37-38 Conserved function for embryonic nodal cilia
by Jeffrey J. Essner & Kyle J. Vogan & Molly K. Wagner & Clifford J. Tabin & H. Joseph Yost & Martina Brueckner - 38-39 RNA interference in adult mice
by Anton P. McCaffrey & Leonard Meuse & Thu-Thao T. Pham & Douglas S. Conklin & Gregory J. Hannon & Mark A. Kay - 39-40 Experimental quest for orbital waves
by M. Grüninger & R. Rückamp & M. Windt & P. Reutler & C. Zobel & T. Lorenz & A. Freimuth & A. Revcolevschi - 40-40 Experimental quest for orbital waves
by E. Saitoh & S. Okamoto & K. Tobe & K. Yamamoto & T. Kimura & S. Ishihara & S. Maekawa & Y. Tokura - 41-49 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Pluripotency of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adult marrow
by Yuehua Jiang & Balkrishna N. Jahagirdar & R. Lee Reinhardt & Robert E. Schwartz & C. Dirk Keene & Xilma R. Ortiz-Gonzalez & Morayma Reyes & Todd Lenvik & Troy Lund & Mark Blackstad & Jingbo Du & Sara Aldrich & Aaron Lisberg & Walter C. Low & David A. Largaespada & Catherine M. Verfaillie - 50-56 Dopamine neurons derived from embryonic stem cells function in an animal model of Parkinson's disease
by Jong-Hoon Kim & Jonathan M. Auerbach & José A. Rodríguez-Gómez & Iván Velasco & Denise Gavin & Nadya Lumelsky & Sang-Hun Lee & John Nguyen & Rosario Sánchez-Pernaute & Krys Bankiewicz & Ron McKay - 57-59 CO and H3+ in the protoplanetary disk around the star HD141569
by Sean D. Brittain & Terrence W. Rettig - 59-62 Interpretation of tomography and spectroscopy as dual forms of quantum computation
by César Miquel & Juan Pablo Paz & Marcos Saraceno & Emanuel Knill & Raymond Laflamme & Camille Negrevergne - 62-65 Mechanism of hydrogen-induced crystallization of amorphous silicon
by Saravanapriyan Sriraman & Sumit Agarwal & Eray S. Aydil & Dimitrios Maroudas - 65-68 Muted climate variations in continental Siberia during the mid-Pleistocene epoch
by Alexander A. Prokopenko & Douglas F. Williams & Mikhail I. Kuzmin & Eugene B. Karabanov & Galina K. Khursevich & John A. Peck - 68-72 Mineralogy of the mid-ocean-ridge basalt source from neodymium isotopic composition of abyssal peridotites
by Vincent J. M. Salters & Henry J. B. Dick - 72-76 An early tetrapod from ‘Romer's Gap’
by J. A. Clack - 76-79 A host–parasite interaction rescues Drosophila oogenesis defects
by Diana J. Starr & Thomas W. Cline - 79-85 Sequence and analysis of chromosome 2 of Dictyostelium discoideum
by Gernot Glöckner & Ludwig Eichinger & Karol Szafranski & Justin A. Pachebat & Alan T. Bankier & Paul H. Dear & Rüdiger Lehmann & Cornelia Baumgart & Genís Parra & Josep F. Abril & Roderic Guigó & Kai Kumpf & Budi Tunggal & Edward Cox & Michael A. Quail & Matthias Platzer & André Rosenthal & Angelika A. Noegel & Bart G. Barrell & Marie-Adèle Rajandream & Jeffrey G. Williams & Robert R. Kay & Adam Kuspa & Richard Gibbs & Richard Sucgang & Donna Muzny & Brian Desany & Kathy Zeng & Baoli Zhu & Pieter de Jong & Theodor Dingermann & Günther Gerisch & Peter Philippsen & Michael Schleicher & Stephan C. Schuster & Thomas Winckler - 85-89 Intracellular calcium stores regulate activity-dependent neuropeptide release from dendrites
by Mike Ludwig & Nancy Sabatier & Philip M. Bull & Rainer Landgraf & Govindan Dayanithi & Gareth Leng - 89-92 Capacitance steps and fusion pores of small and large-dense-core vesicles in nerve terminals
by Vitaly A. Klyachko & Meyer B. Jackson - 93-96 Dynamic interactions of cyclic AMP transients and spontaneous Ca2+ spikes
by Yuliya V. Gorbunova & Nicholas C. Spitzer - 96-99 Determination of left–right patterning of the mouse embryo by artificial nodal flow
by Shigenori Nonaka & Hidetaka Shiratori & Yukio Saijoh & Hiroshi Hamada - 99-104 AID mutates E. coli suggesting a DNA deamination mechanism for antibody diversification
by Svend K. Petersen-Mahrt & Reuben S. Harris & Michael S. Neuberger - 104-108 Ubiquitination of histone H2B regulates H3 methylation and gene silencing in yeast
by Zu-Wen Sun & C. David Allis - 108-108 Correction: Corrigenda: Sudden aseismic fault slip on the south flank of Kilauea volcano
by Peter Cervelli & Paul Segall & Kaj Johnson & Michael Lisowski & Asta Miklius - 108-108 Correction: Corrigenda: BH3-only Bcl-2 family member Bim is required for apoptosis of autoreactive thymocytes
by Philippe Bouillet & Jared F. Purton & Dale I. Godfrey & Li-Chen Zhang & Leigh Coultas & Hamsa Puthalakath & Marc Pellegrini & Suzanne Cory & Jerry M. Adams & Andreas Strasser
June 2002, Volume 417, Issue 6892
- 3-3 The digital revolution
by Paul Smaglik - 4-5 Silicon dreams in the biology lab
by Diane Gershon - 6-6 Cell biology gets plugged in
by Diane Gershon - 7-7 Computerized role models
by Robert Triendl - 885-885 Bush's advisers lean towards ban on research cloning
by Erika Check - 885-886 Code of conduct for bioethics branded 'soft' on corporate ties
by Nell Boyce - 886-886 Scientists jailed for alleged theft from Harvard laboratory
by Rex Dalton - 887-887 Lack of funds puts 'bubble fusion' replication on hold
by Geoff Brumfiel - 887-887 Fight against terror 'needs science institute'
by Erika Check - 888-888 CERN puts research on hold to build collider
by Alison Abbott - 888-888 Ocean carbon study to quit Hawaii
by Virginia Gewin - 889-889 Astronaut lands top research post in new French government
by Sally Goodman - 889-889 NASA launch heralds fresh wave of comet exploration
by Tony Reichhardt - 892-893 Altered states
by Mark Haw - 894-896 The society of proteins
by Alison Abbott - 897-897 Conflicts around a study of Mexican crops
by Andrew V. Suarez - 897-897 Conflicts around a study of Mexican crops
by Kenneth Worthy & Richard C. Strohman & Paul R. Billings - 897-898 Conflicts around a study of Mexican crops
by Matthew Metz & Johannes Fütterer - 898-898 Conflicts around a study of Mexican crops
by Nick Kaplinsky - 898-898 Impact-factor rewards affect Spanish research
by Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras & Emilio Delgado López-Cózar & Rafael Ruiz-Pérez & Víctor M. Fernández - 899-900 Our molecular history
by Masatoshi Nei - 900-900 Winning the fight against liver disease
by Arie J. Zuckerman - 900-901 A philosophical liberator
by Hans-Johann Glock - 903-903 Maxwell's demon: Slamming the door
by John Maddox - 905-906 Through a lens brightly
by Edwin L. Turner - 906-907 Lucky draw in the gene raffle
by Pamela M. Pollock & Paul S. Meltzer - 907-909 Thin-film cliffhanger
by Max G. Lagally & Zhenyu Zhang - 910-911 A receptor in symbiotic dialogue
by Herman P. Spaink - 911-913 How old roots lose their bounce
by David James - 913-914 Piece of cake
by Benjamin Tycko & Argiris Efstratiadis - 914-914 Darkened light
by David Jones - 915-916 Caffeine as a repellent for slugs and snails
by Robert G. Hollingsworth & John W. Armstrong & Earl Campbell - 916-916 Early-pregnancy origins of low birth weight
by Gordon C. S. Smith & Emily J. Stenhouse & Jennifer A. Crossley & David A. Aitken & Alan D. Cameron & J. Michael Connor - 917-922 Sub-laser-cycle electron pulses for probing molecular dynamics
by Hiromichi Niikura & F. Légaré & R. Hasbani & A. D. Bandrauk & Misha Yu. Ivanov & D. M. Villeneuve & P. B. Corkum - 923-925 Magnification of light from many distant quasars by gravitational lenses
by J. Stuart B. Wyithe & Abraham Loeb - 925-929 The nature and transport mechanism of hydrated hydroxide ions in aqueous solution
by Mark E. Tuckerman & Dominik Marx & Michele Parrinello - 929-933 Nonlinear dynamics of ice-wedge networks and resulting sensitivity to severe cooling events
by L. J. Plug & B. T. Werner - 933-936 Waning buoyancy in the crustal roots of old mountains
by Karen M. Fischer - 936-938 Bird-like fossil footprints from the Late Triassic
by Ricardo N. Melchor & Silvina de Valais & Jorge F. Genise - 938-941 Overlap of internal models in motor cortex for mechanical loads during reaching
by Paul L. Gribble & Stephen H. Scott - 941-944 Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein is a Nogo receptor ligand that inhibits neurite outgrowth
by Kevin C. Wang & Vuk Koprivica & Jieun A. Kim & Rajeev Sivasankaran & Yong Guo & Rachel L. Neve & Zhigang He - 945-948 Placental-specific IGF-II is a major modulator of placental and fetal growth
by Miguel Constância & Myriam Hemberger & Jennifer Hughes & Wendy Dean & Anne Ferguson-Smith & Reinald Fundele & Francesca Stewart & Gavin Kelsey & Abigail Fowden & Colin Sibley & Wolf Reik - 949-954 Mutations of the BRAF gene in human cancer
by Helen Davies & Graham R. Bignell & Charles Cox & Philip Stephens & Sarah Edkins & Sheila Clegg & Jon Teague & Hayley Woffendin & Mathew J. Garnett & William Bottomley & Neil Davis & Ed Dicks & Rebecca Ewing & Yvonne Floyd & Kristian Gray & Sarah Hall & Rachel Hawes & Jaime Hughes & Vivian Kosmidou & Andrew Menzies & Catherine Mould & Adrian Parker & Claire Stevens & Stephen Watt & Steven Hooper & Rebecca Wilson & Hiran Jayatilake & Barry A. Gusterson & Colin Cooper & Janet Shipley & Darren Hargrave & Katherine Pritchard-Jones & Norman Maitland & Georgia Chenevix-Trench & Gregory J. Riggins & Darell D. Bigner & Giuseppe Palmieri & Antonio Cossu & Adrienne Flanagan & Andrew Nicholson & Judy W. C. Ho & Suet Y. Leung & Siu T. Yuen & Barbara L. Weber & Hilliard F. Seigler & Timothy L. Darrow & Hugh Paterson & Richard Marais & Christopher J. Marshall & Richard Wooster & Michael R. Stratton & P. Andrew Futreal - 954-958 VEGF regulates haematopoietic stem cell survival by an internal autocrine loop mechanism
by Hans-Peter Gerber & Ajay K. Malik & Gregg P. Solar & Daniel Sherman & Xiao Huan Liang & Gloria Meng & Kyu Hong & James C. Marsters & Napoleone Ferrara - 959-962 A plant receptor-like kinase required for both bacterial and fungal symbiosis
by Silke Stracke & Catherine Kistner & Satoko Yoshida & Lonneke Mulder & Shusei Sato & Takakazu Kaneko & Satoshi Tabata & Niels Sandal & Jens Stougaard & Krzysztof Szczyglowski & Martin Parniske - 962-966 A receptor kinase gene regulating symbiotic nodule development
by Gabriella Endre & Attila Kereszt & Zoltán Kevei & Sorina Mihacea & Péter Kaló & György B. Kiss - 967-970 A large nucleolar U3 ribonucleoprotein required for 18S ribosomal RNA biogenesis
by François Dragon & Jennifer E. G. Gallagher & Patricia A. Compagnone-Post & Brianna M. Mitchell & Kara A. Porwancher & Karen A. Wehner & Steven Wormsley & Robert E. Settlage & Jeffrey Shabanowitz & Yvonne Osheim & Ann L. Beyer & Donald F. Hunt & Susan J. Baserga - 971-974 Structure of a bacterial quorum-sensing transcription factor complexed with pheromone and DNA
by Rong-guang Zhang & Katherine M. Pappas & Jennifer L. Brace & Paula C. Miller & Tim Oulmassov & John M. Molyneaux & John C. Anderson & James K. Bashkin & Stephen C. Winans & Andrzej Joachimiak