December 2003, Volume 23, Issue 3_4
- 217-232 Common Properties and Sectoral Specificities in the Dynamics of U.S. Manufacturing Companies
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi - 233-254 Experimental Evidence on Product Adoption in the Presence of Network Externalities
by Sujoy Chakravarty - 255-266 An Economic Analysis of Regulated Taxicab Markets
by Daniel Flores-Guri - 267-282 Contracts and Quality in the California Winegrape Industry
by Rachael E. Goodhue & Dale M. Heien & Hyunok Lee & Daniel A. Sumner - 283-299 Firm Size and Market Power in Carbonated Soft Drinks
by Franco Mariuzzo & Patrick Paul Walsh & Ciara Whelan - 301-314 Adoption of Product and Process Innovations in Differentiated Markets: The Impact of Competition
by Pia Weiss
December 2003, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 175-177 Introduction to the 2003 International Industrial Organization Conference Special Issue
by Christopher Snyder - 179-191 How Do Capital Markets Influence Product Market Competition?
by Michael Riordan - 193-215 Common Sense and Simplicity in Empirical Industrial Organization
by Ariel Pakes - 217-232 Common Properties and Sectoral Specificities in the Dynamics of U.S. Manufacturing Companies
by Giulio Bottazzi & Angelo Secchi - 233-254 Experimental Evidence on Product Adoption in the Presence of Network Externalities
by Sujoy Chakravarty - 255-266 An Economic Analysis of Regulated Taxicab Markets
by Daniel Flores-Guri - 267-282 Contracts and Quality in the California Winegrape Industry
by Rachael Goodhue & Dale Heien & Hyunok Lee & Daniel Sumner - 283-299 Firm Size and Market Power in Carbonated Soft Drinks
by Franco Mariuzzo & Patrick Walsh & Ciara Whelan - 301-314 Adoption of Product and Process Innovations in Differentiated Markets: The Impact of Competition
by Pia Weiss
September 2003, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 93-94 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence White - 95-119 Selected Economic Analysis at the Antitrust Division: The Year in Review
by David Sibley & Ken Heyer - 121-155 Economic Analyses of Mergers at the FTC: The Cruise Ships Mergers Investigation
by Mary Coleman & David Meyer & David Scheffman - 157-174 Economic Analysis at the Federal Communications Commission
by Mark Bykowsky & Jonathan Levy & William Sharkey & Tracy Waldon & Simon Wilkie
August 2003, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-24 Foreign Expansion by Italian Manufacturing Firms in the Nineties: an Ordered Probit Analysis
by Roberto Basile & Anna Giunta & Jeffrey Nugent - 25-41 Diversification Strategies and Corporate Coherence Evidence from Italian Leading Firms
by Stefano Valvano & Davide Vannoni - 43-64 Can Quality Certification Lead to Stable Cartels?
by Stéphan Marette & John Crespi - 65-83 Moral Hazard and the Market for Used Automobiles
by Wayne Dunham
June 2003, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 253-273 Firm Responses to Income Inequality and the Cost of Time
by B. Pashigian & Sam Peltzman & Jeanne-Mey Sun - 275-296 Competition and Service Quality in the U.S. Airline Industry
by Michael Mazzeo - 297-312 Changes in the Effects of Mandatory Rate Regulation On Growth in Hospital Operating Costs, 1980–1996
by John Schneider - 313-331 An Empirical Analysis of Electricity Regulation on Technical Change in Texas
by Mark Frank - 333-335 Alternating Currents: Electricity Markets and Public Policy, Timothy J. Brennan, Karen L. Palmer, and Martinez A. Salvador, editors
by David Savitski - 337-340 Buyer Power and Competition in European Food Retailing, Roger Clarke, Stephen Davies, Paul Dobson and Michael Waterson
by Bruce Marion
May 2003, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 183-206 Incentives for Anticompetitive Behavior by Public Enterprises
by David Sappington & J. Sidak - 207-223 Foreign Ownership and Productivity in the United Kingdom Estimates for U.K. Manufacturing Using the ARD
by Richard Harris & Catherine Robinson - 225-243 Entry and Exit in a Transition Economy: The Case of Poland
by Barbara Roberts & Steve Thompson
March 2003, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 103-119 Industrial Concentration, Output, and Trade: An Empirical Exploration
by Aidan Hollis - 121-138 Do Newspaper JOAs Charge Monopoly Advertising Rates?
by Charles Romeo & Russell Pittman & Norman Familant - 139-158 Firm Density and Industry R & D Intensity: Theory and Evidence
by Chang-Yang Lee - 159-174 Is R & D Financially Constrained? Theory and Evidence from Irish Manufacturing
by Spiros Bougheas & Holger Görg & Eric Strobl - 175-177 The Economics of Football, Stephen Dobson and John Goddard
by Rodney Fort - 179-182 The Impact of Rate-of-Return Regulation on Technological Innovation, Mark W. Frank
by Sheng-Ping Yang
February 2003, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-25 Advertising Bans, Monopoly, and Alcohol Demand: Testing for Substitution Effects using State Panel Data
by Jon Nelson - 27-46 Asymmetric Network Interconnection
by Michael Carter & Julian Wright - 47-65 Is Mobile Telephony a Natural Oligopoly?
by Tommaso Valletti - 67-84 Does Foreign Direct Investment Crowd Out Domestic Entrepreneurship?
by Koen De Backer & Leo Sleuwaegen - 85-87 The Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry, L. G. Thomas, III
by Larry Duetsch - 89-92 The Telecommunications Act of 1996: The ``Costs'' of Managed Competition, Dale E. Lehman and Dennis Weisman, editors
by Noel Uri - 93-95 Risk and Return in Transportation and Other U.S. and Global Industries, Manolis G. Kavussanos and Stelios N. Marcoulis
by Kristen Monaco
December 2002, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 335-335 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence White - 337-356 Economic Issues at the Federal Communications Commission
by Evan Kwerel & Johathan Levy & Robert Pepper & David Sappington & Donald Stockdale & John Williams - 357-371 Current Economic Issues at the FTC
by David Scheffman & Mary Coleman - 373-397 Recent Antitrust Enforcement Actions by the U.S. Department of Justice: A Selective Survey of Economic Issues
by Michael Katz - 399-418 The Effect of the Repsol-YPF Merger on the Argentine Gasoline Market
by Germán Coloma - 419-436 Technological Opportunity and Economies of Scale in Research Productivity: A Study on Three Global Industries
by Michael Fung
November 2002, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 231-249 Measuring the Impact of Regulation: A Study of Canadian Basic Cable Television
by Stephen Law & James Nolan - 251-270 Privatization, City Residency, and Black-White Earnings Differentials: Evidence from the Public Transit Sector
by James Peoples & Wayne Talley - 271-282 Diversification, Concentration and Economic Performance: Korean Business Groups
by Jeong-Pyo Choi & Thomas Cowing - 283-303 Exit and Survival in a Concentrating Industry: The Case of Daily Newspapers in the Netherlands
by H. Van Kranenburg & F. Palm & G. Pfann - 305-324 Price Dispersion on the Internet: Good Firms and Bad Firms
by Kathy Baylis & Jeffrey Perloff - 325-327 Global Price Fixing: Our Customers are the Enemy, John M. Connor
by Douglas Greer - 329-333 Pricing in Competitive Electricity Markets, A. Faruqui and K. Eakin, editors. Forward by J. Robert Malko
by David Savitski
September 2002, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 107-112 Editorial Introduction: Market Power in East Asian Economies
by David Round - 113-128 The Treatment of Market Power in Korea
by Kwangshik Shin - 129-143 Market Power in Chinese Taipei: Laws, Policies and Treatments
by Kung-Chung Liu & Yun-Peng Chu - 145-166 Competition Policy under Laissez-Faireism: Market Power and its Treatment in Hong Kong
by Edward Chen & Ping Lin - 167-183 Market Power in China: Manifestations, Effects and Legislation
by Jijian Yang - 185-204 The New Competition Law in Thailand: Lessons for Institution Building
by Nipon Poapongsakorn - 205-224 The Evolution of Competition Policy in Indonesia
by Mari Pangestu & Haryo Aswicahyono & Titak Anas & Dionisius Ardyanto
August 2002, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-20 Vertical Industry Linkages: Sources of Productivity Gains and Cumulative Causation?
by Frode Steen - 21-40 Taxation by Regulation and Regulation by Taxation: The Case of Local Cable TV Regulation
by Yasuji Otsuka & Bradley Braun - 41-54 Competitive Balance and Market Size in Major League Baseball: A Response to Baseball's Blue Ribbon Panel
by Martin Schmidt & David Berri - 55-71 How Much Do Strategic Groups Matter?
by Eduardo González-Fidalgo & Juan Ventura-Victoria - 73-88 Bid-Rigging in Auctions for Korean Public-Works Contracts and Potential Damage
by In Lee & Kyungdong Hahn - 89-101 Advertising, Its Determinants, and Market Structure
by Chang-Yang Lee - 103-105 Structure–Conduct–Performance: A Comment on Blaug's ``Is Competition Such a Good Thing? Static Efficiency versus Dynamic Efficiency''
by John Brown
June 2002, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 291-304 Sunk Cost and Entry
by Stephen Martin - 305-322 Effects of R & D Spillovers on the Profitability of Firms
by Petr Hanel & Alain St-Pierre - 323-348 Intermedia Substitutability and Market Demand by National Advertisers
by Alvin Silk & Lisa Klein & Ernst Berndt - 349-365 Predicting Household Switching Behavior and Switching Costs at Depository Institutions
by Elizabeth Kiser - 367-374 Substitution between Mobile and Fixed Telephones in Korea
by Nakil Sung & Yong-Hun Lee - 375-383 Predatory Pricing and the Speed of Antitrust Enforcement
by Andrew Eckert
May 2002, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 205-220 Generic Advertising of Intermediate Goods: Theory and Evidence on Free Riding
by Craig Depken & David Kamerschen & Arthur Snow - 221-238 Conduct in a Banking Monopoly
by Sherrill Shaffer - 239-252 Optimal Size in the Waste Collection Sector
by Barbara Antonioli & Massimo Filippini - 253-265 Advertising with Subjective Horizontal and Vertical Product Differentiation
by Victor Tremblay & Stephen Polasky - 267-282 Debt and Firms' Relationships: The Italian Evidence
by Claudio Piga - 283-289 Price Dispersion and Price Discrimination: Empirical Evidence from a Spot Market for Water
by David Yoskowitz
March 2002, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 105-113 Credit Unions: Fringe Suppliers or Cournot Competitors?
by Robert Feinberg - 115-126 Market Power and/or Efficiency: A Structural Approach
by Rigoberto Lopez & Azzeddine Azzam & Carmen Lirón-España - 127-150 Barriers to Mobility in Europe's Civil Aviation Markets: Theory and New Evidence
by Christos Pitelis & Mirko Schnell - 151-161 Peer-to-Peer File Sharing: The Case of the Music Recording Industry
by Peter Alexander - 163-181 Cost Efficiency and Product Mix Clusters across the Spanish Banking Industry
by Emili Tortosa-Ausina - 183-185 News from the Monopoly Front: Changes in Industrial Concentration, 1992–1997
by Frederic Pryor - 187-199 Group Profit, Market Share and Efficiency: Evidence from Australian Manufacturing
by Mita Bhattacharya
February 2002, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-14 New Firms' Survival and Market Turbulence: New Evidence from Spain
by Agustí Segarra & Maria Callejón - 15-31 Multinational Companies and Entrant Start-up Size: Evidence from Quantile Regressions
by Holger Görg & Eric Strobl - 33-50 Search Costs, Lags and Prices at the Pump
by Ronald Johnson - 51-59 Rolling Seas in Liner Shipping
by James Reitzes & Kelli Sheran - 61-79 Impact of Vertical Mergers on Industry Profitability: An Empirical Evaluation
by Sanjib Bhuyan - 81-98 Structure and Profitability in Banking Markets
by Steven Pilloff & Stephen Rhoades
December 2001, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 383-404 Do American and European Industrial Organization Economists Differ?
by Karl Aiginger & Mark McCabe & Dennis Mueller & Christoph Weiss - 405-421 The Effects of Global Competition on Total Factor Productivity in U.S. Manufacturing
by Louis Amato & Christie Amato - 423-433 The Impact of Generic Drug Competition on Brand Name Market Shares – Evidence from Micro Data
by Thomas Aronsson & Mats Bergman & Niklas Rudholm - 435-450 Does Local Competition Impact Interest Rates Charged on Small Business Loans? Empirical Evidence from Canada
by Ted Mallett & Anindya Sen - 451-465 The Effect of Bid Rigging on Prices: A Study of the Highway Construction Industry
by Srabana Gupta - 467-479 Staples and Office Depot: An Event-Probability Case Study
by Frederick Warren-Boulton & Serdar Dalkir - 481-496 Efficiency and Firm Ownership: Some New Evidence
by Zhiqiang Liu - 497-500 Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulation of Network Utilities, David M. Newbery
by Dale Lehman - 501-503 THE BANK MERGER WAVE: The Economic Causes and Social Consequences of Financial Consolidation, Gary A. Dymski. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe
by Edward Nissan - 505-508 Productivity, Innovation and Economic Performance, Ray Barrell, Geoff Mason, and May O'Mahoney, editors
by Louis Amato
November 2001, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 261-263 Editor's Announcement: Advent of a New General Editor: John E. Kwoka, Jr
by William Shephard - 265-278 Monopoly Rents and Price Fixing in Betting Markets
by David Paton & Leighton Vaughan Williams - 279-294 The Effects of Acuity and Utilization on Nursing Home Costs
by David Rosenbaum & Charles Lamphear & Ken Rebeck - 295-303 The Effect of Industry Concentration on Free Riding
by Wen Mao & Peter Zaleski - 305-328 The Determinants of Technology Adoption in Italian Manufacturing Industries
by Eleonora Bartoloni & Maurizio Baussola - 329-334 After The Fall: Stock Price Movements and the Deterrent Effect of Antitrust Enforcement
by John Thompson & David Kaserman - 335-350 Product Innovation, Process Innovation, and Size
by Michael Fritsch & Monika Meschede - 351-364 Entry and the Number of Firms in the Swedish Pharmaceuticals Market
by Nikas Rudholm - 365-380 Measuring Market Power in the U.S. Aluminum Industry: A Residual Demand Approach
by Sheng-Peng Yang
September 2001, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 129-147 How Much Will Consumers Pay? A Hedonic Analysis of the Cable Television Industry
by Diane Bruce Anstine - 149-164 The Effects of Rate Regulation on Mean Returns and Non-Diversifiable Risk: The Case of Cable Television
by Arthur Havenner & Thomas Hazlett & Zhiqiang Leng - 165-180 Economies and Diseconomies: Estimating Electricity Cost Functions
by Michael Maloney - 181-197 Innovation and Merger Decisions in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Eleanor Morgan - 199-209 Entry through Acquisition: Determinants of Multinational Firm Choices
by Helen Louri - 211-225 One Monopoly Is Better Than Two: Antitrust Policy and Microsoft
by Micha Gisser & Mark Allen - 227-242 Entry under Asymmetric Regulation
by Jaison Abel & Michael Clements - 243-256 Creating a Public Good to Fight Monopolization: The Formation of Broadcast Music, Inc
by Andrew Kleit - 257-260 The Economics of Sports, William S. Kern, editor
by Lawrence Hadley
August 2001, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor's Introduction: Symposium on Free-Market Competitive Goals and Antitrust Policies
by W. Shepherd - 3-18 Markets, Morals, or Wealth? Delusions of a Standardized Antitrust Value
by William Curran - 19-25 Economists as a Human Herd
by Donald Wellington - 27-36 Delusions Regarding the Proper Role of Markets and Antitrust Policy
by Dennis Mueller - 37-48 Is Competition Such a Good Thing? Static Efficiency versus Dynamic Efficiency
by Mark Blaug - 49-53 The Decline of Antitrust Enforcement
by Sam Peltzman - 55-69 Automobiles: The Old Economy Collides with the New
by John Kwoka - 71-80 The Magnesium Industry in Transition
by Marvin Lieberman - 81-98 The U.S. Motion Pictures Industry: An Empirical Approach
by E. Canterbery & A. Marvasti - 99-108 Pricing over the Cycle
by Harry Bloch & Michael Olive - 109-120 The Impact of Foreign Competition and New Technologies on the Demand for Heterogeneous Labor
by Ulrich Kaiser - 121-123 Sources of Industrial Leadership: Studies of Seven Industries, David C. Mowery and Richard R. Nelson, editors
by Rochelle Ruffer
June 2001, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 351-362 Did May Company's Acquisition of Associated Dry Goods Corporation Reduce Competition? An Event Study Analysis
by John Simpsom - 363-378 Inward Investment and Host Country Market Structure: The Case of the U.K
by Nigel Driffield - 379-396 Strategic Responses to Regulatory Policies: What Lessons Can Be Learned from the U.K. Contract Gas Market?
by Huw Dixon & Joshy Easaw - 397-416 The Size and Frequency of Price Changes: Evidence from Grocery Stores
by Elizabeth Powers & Nicholas Powers - 417-426 A Cointegration Analysis of Advertising and Sales Data
by Caroline Elliott - 427-444 Market Leadership Volatility in Japanese Industries
by Noriyuki Doi
May 2001, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 257-262 Microsoft's Pricing of Windows and the Economics of Derived Demand Monopoly
by Gregory Werden - 263-268 A Monopolist Would Still Charge More for Windows: A Comment on Werden
by Bernard Reddy & David Evans & Albert Nichols & Richard Schmalensee - 269-271 Microsoft's Pricing of Windows: A Reply to Reddy, Evans, Nichols, and Schmalensee
by Gregory Werden - 273-274 A Monopolist Would Still Charge More for Windows: A Comment on Werden's Reply
by Bernard Reddy & David Evans & Albert Nichols & Richard Schmalensee - 275-282 The Costs and Benefits of Long-Distance Entry: Regulation and Non-Price Discrimination
by Dennis Weisman & Michael Williams - 283-300 Productivity Change, Technical Progress, and Efficiency Improvement in Telecommunications
by Noel Uri - 301-326 New Trends in U.S. Industrial Concentration
by Frederic Pryor - 327-336 The Gradual Response of Market Power to Mergers in the U.S. Steel Industry
by Craig Gallet - 337-350 Price Effects of Across-State Regulation of U.S. Electric Utilities
by David Savitski
March 2001, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 147-160 The Welfare Effect of Advertising Restrictions in the U.S. Cigarette Industry
by Stephen Farr & Carol Horton Tremblay & Victor Tremblay - 161-173 The Effects of ATM Surcharges on Small Banking Organizations
by Robin Prager - 175-182 Regulation and Cost Inefficiency
by Van Kolpin - 183-200 Firms' Cost Functions: A Reconstruction
by Richard Miller - 201-218 Allocating Control over Firms: Stock Markets versus Membership Markets
by Gregory Dow - 219-227 Economies of Scale and Scope in Australian Telecommunications
by Harry Bloch & Gary Madden & Scott Savage - 229-241 U.S. Financial Services Consolidation: The Case of Corporate Credit Unions
by W. Frame & Tim Coelli - 243-254 Contributions in Industrial Organization, by Linguistic Groups, in Selected Journals
by Jean Mirucki
February 2001, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-4 Preface – Forensic Economics in Action: The Lysine Cartel
by John Connor - 5-21 “Our Customers Are Our Enemies”: The Lysine Cartel of 1992–1995
by John Connor - 23-31 Lysine and Price Fixing: How Long? How Severe?
by Lawrence White - 33-43 Indirect Damages from Price Fixing: The Alabama Lysine Case
by C. Taylor - 45-52 Beyond Illinois Brick: The Law and Economics of Cost Pass-Through in the ADM Price Fixing Case
by Ronald Cotterill & Leonard Egan & William Buckhold - 53-75 Price-Performance Competition and the Merger Guidelines
by Raymond Hartman - 77-90 R&D Cooperation in a Transaction Cost Perspective
by Leon Oerlemans & Marius Meeus - 91-103 Examining Industry Effects for Truck Drivers
by Kristen Monaco - 105-113 A Law of Large Numbers: Bidding and Compulsory Competitive Tendering for Refuse Collection Contracts
by AndréS GóMez-Lobo & Stefan Szymanski - 115-126 Profitability and Media Advertising in Greek Food Manufacturing Industries
by Ourania Notta & Kostas Oustapassidis - 127-131 NAFTA as a Means of Raising Rivals' Costs: A Comment
by W. Sawyer - 133-135 Industry Structure and Pricing. The New Rivalry in Infrastructure, Mark A. Jamison
by Rajiv Sharma - 137-139 The Theory of Innovation, Jon Sundbo
by Jim Love
December 2000, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 357-370 The Determinants of R & D Expenditures: A Study of the Canadian Biotechnology Industry
by Douglas Cumming & Jeffrey MacIntosh - 371-384 Do Economic Journals Obey Economic Prescriptions?
by Craig Freeman - 385-394 The Impact of Product Market Competition on Employment Determination in Unionised and Non-Unionised Firms: Firm Level Evidence for the U.K
by Jozef Konings & Patrick Walsh - 395-409 Switching Costs in Vertically Related Markets
by Tommaso Valletti - 411-426 Corporate Political Activities and Oligopoly Welfare Loss
by Sanjib Bhuyan - 427-439 The Influence of Credit Union and Savings and Loan Competition on Bank Deposit Rates in Idaho and Montana
by Robert Tokle & Joanne Tokle - 441-456 Why Do Established Firms Enter Some Industries and Exit Others? Empirical Evidence on Italian Business Groups
by Alessandro Sembenelli & Davide Vannoni - 457-463 Measuring the Economic Rate of Return on Assets
by J. Kapler - 465-470 A Note on Elasticity and Price Dispersions in the Music Recording Industry
by Franklin Mixon & Rand Ressler - 471-474 Book Review
by Donald Alexander
November 2000, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 229-248 Theories of Firms' Growth and the Generation of Jobs
by P. Hart - 249-265 Firms' Growth, Size and Age: A Nonparametric Approach
by José Fariñas & Lourdes Moreno - 267-276 A Time Series Analysis of Private College Closures and Mergers
by Laurie Bates & Rexford Santerre - 277-284 Cournot Oligopoly Conditions under which Any Horizontal Merger Is Profitable
by David Hennessy - 285-300 Determinants of Hazard Confronting New Entry: Does Financial Structure Matter?
by Georgios Fotopoulos & Helen Louri - 301-311 United Shoe Machineryand the Antitrust Significance of “Free” Service
by Jill Boylston Herndon - 313-323 EU Commission versus Volkswagen: New Evidence on Price Differentiation in the European Car Market
by Matthias Lutz - 325-341 Great School Milk Conspiracies Revisited
by Frank Scott - 343-353 Great School Milk Conspiracies Revisited: Rejoinder
by Robert Lanzillotti
September 2000, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 135-153 Vertical Restraints and the Market Power of Large Distributors
by William Comanor & Patrick Rey - 155-175 Reducing Structural Dominance and Entry Barriers in Russian Industry
by Harry Broadman - 177-191 Market Power in the Cheese Industry: Further Evidence
by Willard Mueller & Bruce Marion - 193-208 Partnerships, Profit Sharing, and Quality Competition in the Medical Profession
by W. Bradford & Robert Martin - 209-227 Defining Market Dominance: A Study of Antitrust Decisions on Business Acquisitions in New Zealand
by Nathan Strong & Alan Bollard & Michael Pickford