June 2009, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 263-283 Top management team conflict and entrepreneurial strategy making in China
by Haiyang Li & Jun Li - 285-308 Acquisition of organizational capabilities and competitive advantage of IJVs in transition economies: The case of Vietnam
by Wu Zhan & Roger Chen & M. Erramilli & Duc Nguyen - 309-331 How do internal capabilities and external partnerships affect innovativeness?
by Yu-Shan Su & Eric Tsang & Mike Peng - 333-351 Japanese keiretsu: Past, present, future
by Jean McGuire & Sandra Dow - 353-360 Extending the “P” perspective: An institutional account of management research in Australia
by Yue Wang
March 2009, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-3 APJM is now included in SSCI
by Mike Peng - 5-25 Competitive dynamics research: An insider’s odyssey
by Ming-Jer Chen - 27-35 Opportunities and challenges for academic returnees in China
by Dean Xu - 37-53 Negative externalities of close guanxi within organizations
by Chao Chen & Xiao-Ping Chen - 55-74 An assessment of alternative empirical measures of cultural distance: Evidence from the Republic of Korea
by Youngok Kim & Sidney Gray - 75-91 Organizational slack and firm performance during institutional transitions
by Zhongfeng Su & En Xie & Yuan Li - 93-118 Individualism–collectivism as predictors of BPO employee attitudes toward union membership in India
by Santanu Sarkar - 119-139 Adoption of professional management in Chinese family business: A multilevel analysis of impetuses and impediments
by Jianjun Zhang & Hao Ma - 141-162 A comparative analysis of the internationalization of Chinese and Japanese firms
by Xiaohua Yang & Yi Jiang & Rongping Kang & Yinbin Ke - 163-183 Economic and strategic considerations surrounding Chinese FDI in the United States
by Steven Globerman & Daniel Shapiro
December 2008, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 573-593 Institutions and the OLI paradigm of the multinational enterprise
by John Dunning & Sarianna Lundan - 595-613 The many futures of Asian business groups
by Michael Carney - 615-633 Managerial ties, firm resources, and performance of cluster firms
by Shujun Zhang & Xinchun Li - 635-665 Are strategy-performance relationships contingent on macroeconomic environments? Evidence from Japan’s textile industry
by Asli Colpan - 667-683 A strategic analysis of surging Chinese manufacturers: The case of Galanz
by Gloria Ge & Daniel Ding - 685-689 Arbitrary decisions in ranking studies: A commentary on Xu, Yalcinkaya, and Seggie (2008)
by Anne-Wil Harzing - 691-695 Are decisions “Arbitrary” in our international business ranking study? A response to Harzing (2008)
by Shichun Xu & Goksel Yalcinkaya & Steven Seggie
September 2008, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 361-374 Knowledge management and innovation strategy in the Asia Pacific: Toward an institution-based view
by Yuan Lu & Eric Tsang & Mike Peng - 375-394 Internationalization of R&D in China and India: Conventional wisdom versus reality
by Kazuhiro Asakawa & Ashok Som - 395-412 Managerial ties, absorptive capacity, and innovation
by Shanxing Gao & Kai Xu & Jianjun Yang - 413-428 Technological capabilities and firm performance: The case of small manufacturing firms in Japan
by Takehiko Isobe & Shige Makino & David Montgomery - 429-450 Knowledge management and innovation strategy: The challenge for latecomers in emerging economies
by Jiatao Li & Rajiv Kozhikode - 451-471 Impact of personal and cultural factors on knowledge sharing in China
by Qian Huang & Robert Davison & Jibao Gu - 473-487 The impact of state shares on corporate innovation strategy and performance in China
by Erming Xu & Han Zhang - 489-507 Does knowledge management matter for information technology applications in China?
by Danming Lin & Qiang Liang & Zongling Xu & Runtian Li & Weimin Xie - 509-535 Innovation in product architecture—A study of the Chinese automobile industry
by Hua Wang - 537-562 Multidimensional latent traits of perceived organizational innovation: Differences between Thai and Egyptian employees
by Nittaya Wongtada & Gillian Rice - 563-572 Developing theory from strategic management research in China
by Yuan Li & Mike Peng
June 2008, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 171-188 Research rankings of Asia Pacific business schools: Global versus local knowledge strategies
by Ram Mudambi & Mike Peng & David Weng - 189-207 Prolific authors and institutions in leading international business journals
by Shichun Xu & Goksel Yalcinkaya & Steven Seggie - 209-224 How to measure company productivity using value-added: A focus on Pohang Steel (POSCO)
by Marvin Lieberman & Jina Kang - 225-249 Business and government interdependence in China: Cooperative goals to develop industries and the marketplace
by Dean Tjosvold & Ann Peng & Yi Chen & Fang Su - 251-275 The turtle–hare race story revisited: Social capital and resource accumulation for firms from emerging economies
by Lei Li & Zhiang Lin & Bindu Arya - 277-295 Managers’ conflict management styles and employee attitudinal outcomes: The mediating role of trust
by Ka Chan & Xu Huang & Peng Ng - 297-315 Attributive change in top management teams as a driver of strategic change
by Riu Yokota & Hitoshi Mitsuhashi - 317-333 Export channel structure in a newly industrialized economy
by Ho-Fuk Lau - 335-359 The development of entrepreneurship in China
by Jing Yang & Jiatao Li
January 2008, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-4 More progress at APJM
by Mike Peng - 5-24 Change and continuity in Japanese corporate governance
by Toru Yoshikawa & Jean McGuire - 25-50 Risk and capital structure in Asian project finance
by Paul Vaaler & Barclay James & Ruth Aguilera - 51-69 The effects of emotional intelligence on job performance and life satisfaction for the research and development scientists in China
by Kenneth Law & Chi-Sum Wong & Guo-Hua Huang & Xiaoxuan Li - 71-91 Social capital and cross-selling within financial holding companies in an emerging economy
by Cheng-Min Chuang & Chih-Pin Lin - 93-112 Organizational values and procedures as antecedents for goal interdependence and collaborative effectiveness
by Guoquan Chen & Dean Tjosvold - 113-134 Parent country nationals or local nationals for executive positions in foreign affiliates: An empirical study of Japanese affiliates in Korea
by Naoki Ando & Dong Kee Rhee & Namgyoo Park - 135-151 A context-specific perspective of equal employment opportunity in Islamic societies
by Jawad Syed - 153-169 Real options and MNE strategies in Asia Pacific
by Tony Tong & Jing Li
December 2007, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 385-393 Celebrating 25 years of Asia Pacific management research
by Mike Peng - 395-396 APJM and NUS, 1980–90
by Soo Lee - 397-400 The Asia Pacific Journal of Management between 1992 and 1995
by Kian Lim - 401-410 The first decade of the Asia Academy of Management
by Chung-Ming Lau - 411-420 Asian management in the 21st century
by Geert Hofstede - 421-428 The limited relevance of culture to strategy
by Kulwant Singh - 429-446 The regional character of Asian multinational enterprises
by Simon Collinson & Alan Rugman - 447-466 How does strategic orientation matter in Chinese firms?
by Kevin Zhou & Caroline Li - 467-489 The adolescence of Asia management research: APJM, 1997–2006
by Erin Pleggenkuhle-Miles & Ramya Aroul & Sunny Sun & Yu-Shan Su - 491-496 Self-confidence does not come isolated from the environment
by Kevin Au - 497-507 In search of confidence: Context, collaboration, and constraints
by Xiaohua Yang & Siri Terjesen - 509-517 Does Asian management research need more self-confidence? Reflections from Russia
by Sheila Puffer & Daniel McCarthy - 519-525 Asian management research needs broader initiatives and focused incentives
by Kannan Ramaswamy - 527-534 Asian contexts and the search for general theory in management research: A rejoinder
by Klaus Meyer
September 2007, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 247-268 Venture capital in China: Past, present, and future
by David Ahlstrom & Garry Bruton & Kuang Yeh - 269-281 Venture capital in China: A view from Europe
by Mike Wright - 283-303 The influence of firm, industry and network on the corporate social performance of Japanese firms
by K. O’Shaughnessy & Eric Gedajlovic & Patrick Reinmoeller - 305-320 Four tigers and the dragon: values differences, similarities, and consensus
by Ho-Beng Chia & Carolyn Egri & David Ralston & Ping Fu & Min-Hsun Kuo & Chay-Hoon Lee & Yongyuan Li & Yong-Lin Moon - 321-340 Feeling trusted by business leaders in China: Antecedents and the mediating role of value congruence
by Dora Lau & Jun Liu & Ping Fu - 341-358 Location advantages and subsidiaries’ R&D activities in emerging economies: Exploring the effect of employee mobility
by Qin Yang & Crystal Jiang - 359-384 Business and management in China: A review of empirical research in leading international journals
by Diego Quer & Enrique Claver & Laura Rienda
June 2007, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 115-130 Knowledge management in technology-focused firms in emerging economies: Caveats on capabilities, networks, and real options
by Garry Bruton & Gregory Dess & Jay Janney - 131-150 The formation and evolution of non-equity strategic alliances in China
by Yue Wang & Stephen Nicholas - 151-169 Performance implications of nonmarket strategy in China
by Yuanqiong He & Zhilong Tian & Yun Chen - 171-189 Guanxi and leader member relationships between American managers and Chinese employees: open-minded dialogue as mediator
by Nancy Chen & Dean Tjosvold - 191-205 National and corporate culture differences in international strategic alliances: Perceptions of Chinese partners
by Li Dong & Keith Glaister - 207-225 Collectivism, individualism, and outgroup cooperation in a segmented China
by Bradley Koch & Pamela Koch - 227-246 Social tie, social capital, and social behavior: Toward an integrative model of informal exchange
by Peter Li
March 2007, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-7 Globalizing the Asia Pacific Journal of Management
by Mike Peng - 9-25 Digital piracy: Causes, consequences, and strategic responses
by Charles Hill - 27-42 Regional multinationals and the Korean cosmetics industry
by Chang Oh & Alan Rugman - 43-60 Evidence of the practical utility of Wong’s emotional intelligence scale in Hong Kong and mainland China
by Chi-Sum Wong & Ping-Man Wong & Kenneth Law - 61-73 Cointegration relationships of strategy variables among firms within strategic groups
by Shun-Jen Hsueh & Hsin-Hong Kang - 75-96 Perceived effectiveness of influence strategies among Hong Kong managers
by Joyce Leong & Michael Bond & Ping Fu - 97-114 Corruption in Asia: Pervasiveness and arbitrariness
by Seung-Hyun Lee & Kyeungrae Oh
December 2006, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 385-405 What determines the scope of the firm over time and around the world? An Asia Pacific perspective
by Mike Peng & Andrew Delios - 407-417 Business groups in East Asia: Post-crisis restructuring and new growth
by Sea-Jin Chang - 419-437 Business groups and their types
by Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra - 439-452 Business groups and market failures: A focus on vertical and horizontal strategies
by Mingfang Li & Kannan Ramaswamy & Barbara Pécherot Petitt - 453-466 Japanese horizontal keiretsu and the performance implications of membership
by Takehiko Isobe & Shige Makino & Anthony Goerzen - 467-483 Business group affiliation and firm performance in a transition economy: A focus on ownership voids
by Xufei Ma & Xiaotao Yao & Youmin Xi - 485-503 Impact of state ownership and control mechanisms on the performance of group affiliated companies in China
by Yuan Lu & Jun Yao - 505-520 Managerial ties, control and deregulation: An investigation of business groups entering the deregulated banking industry in Taiwan
by Hsi-Mei Chung - 521-536 Oscillating between a relationship-based and a market-based model: The Salim Group
by Marleen Dieleman & Wladimir Sachs - 537-557 Creating relational rents: The effect of business groups on affiliated firms’ performance in Indonesia
by Tirta Mursitama - 559-577 Indian business groups: Evolution and transformation
by Ben Kedia & Debmalya Mukherjee & Somnath Lahiri
September 2006, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 229-254 Change and Continuity in Southeast Asian Ethnic Chinese Business
by H. Yeung - 255-282 Up-grading and performance: the role of design, technology and business strategy in Hong Kong's electronics industry
by Howard Davies & David Ko - 283-298 Jeong exchange and collective leadership in Korean organizations
by Inju Yang - 299-317 Collectivist values for learning in organizational relationships in China: the role of trust and vertical coordination
by Alfred Wong & Dean Tjosvold - 319-343 Resolving ethical conflicts at workthrough cooperative goals and constructive controversy in the People's Republic of China
by Robin Snell & Dean Tjosvold & Sofia Fang - 345-367 The impact of participative leadership behavior on psychological empowerment and organizational commitment in Chinese state-owned enterprises: the moderating role of organizational tenure
by Xu Huang & Kan Shi & Zhijie Zhang & Yat Cheung - 369-384 Employee stock ownership and corporate R&D expenditures: evidence from Taiwan's information-technology industry
by Hsiang-Lan Chen & Yen-Sheng Huang
March 2006, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 5-27 Dragon multinationals: New players in 21 st century globalization
by John Mathews - 29-46 Publishing international (joint venture) research for impact
by Paul Beamish - 47-69 How organizations promote person-environment fit: using the case of japanese firms to illustrate institutional and cultural influences
by Tomoki Sekiguchi - 71-92 Bridging the distance: Managing cross-border knowledge holders
by Shenxue Li & Hugh Scullion - 93-113 An empirical study of SOEs' market orientation in transitional China
by Yuan Li & YongFeng Sun & Yi Liu
December 2005, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 315-320 Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Networks in Asia Pacific Business
by Tina Dacin & Andrew Delios - 321-336 How Network Strategies and Institutional Transitions Evolve in Asia
by Mike Peng & Jessie Zhou - 337-354 Globalization and the Renewal of Asian Business Networks
by Michael Carney - 355-380 The Internationalization of a Production Network and the Replication Dilemma: Building Supplier Networks in Mainland China
by Jonathan Brookfield & Ren-Jye Liu - 381-403 Career Success Networks in China: Sex Differences in Network Composition and Social Exchange Practices
by Nailin Bu & Jean-Paul Roy - 405-421 Does Networking with Colleagues Matter in Enhancing Job Performance?
by Ignace Ng & Irene Chow - 423-443 The Formation of Managerial Networks of Foreign Firms in China: The Effects of Strategic Orientations
by Julie Li - 445-463 Does a Micro-Macro Link Exist Between Managerial Value of Reciprocity, Social Capital and Firm Performance? The Case of SMEs in China
by Wei-ping Wu & Alicia Leung
September 2005, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 211-235 Development of Trust: A Study of Interfirm Relationships in Vietnam
by Thang Nguyen & Marc Weinstein & Alan Meyer - 237-256 The Effects of Work Stressors, Perceived Organizational Support, and Gender on Work-Family Conflict in Hong Kong
by Sharon Foley & Ngo Hang-yue & Steven Lui - 257-283 Corporate Governance and Performance in Publicly Listed, Family-Controlled Firms: Evidence from Taiwan
by Igor Filatotchev & Yung-Chih Lien & Jenifer Piesse - 285-306 The Exogamic Nature of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures
by Dominique Jolly
June 2005, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 115-121 Editorial—The APJM Since January 2004: On The Move
by Andrew Delios - 123-141 Perspectives—From China Strategy to Global Strategy
by Mike Peng - 143-157 Perspectives—New Era, New Realities: Musings on a New Research Agenda… from an Old Timer
by Rosalie Tung - 159-177 Determinants of Monitoring Capabilities in International Franchising: Foodservice Firms within East Asia
by Stephen Choo - 179-199 Supply Chain Relationships for Customer Satisfaction in China: Interdependence and Cooperative Goals
by Alfred Wong & Dean Tjosvold & Pengzhu Zhang - 201-203 Corruption and Governance in Asia
by Klaus Meyer
January 2005, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 5-22 Temporal Dynamics of Crossvergence: Institutionalizing MNC Integration Strategies in Post-Crisis ASEAN
by Tim Andrews & Nartnalin Chompusri - 23-39 Organizational Restructuring: Impact on Trust and Work Satisfaction
by Grace Lee & Albert Teo - 41-63 The Financial Impact of Organisational Downsizing Practices—The New Zealand Experience
by Peter Carswell - 65-88 International Diversification and Performance: Evidence from Singapore
by Lin Tongli & Er Ping & Winston Chiu - 89-106 What Determined Success During the Asian Economic Crisis?—The Importance of Experiential Knowledge and Group Affiliation
by Hui-mei Wang & Hengchiang Huang & Pratima Bansal
December 2004, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 403-423 Who Drives Unrelated Diversification? A Study of Indian Manufacturing Firms
by Kannan Ramaswamy & Mingfang Li & Barbara S. Pécherot Petitt - 425-444 Key Determinants of the Stage of Internationalisation of Australian Wineries
by Rumintha Wickramasekera & Edward Oczkowski - 445-467 Minimizing Competition? Entry-Level Compensation in Japanese Firms
by Yoshio Yanadori - 469-490 On the Relationship between Japanese Manufacturing Firms and their Domestic Subsidiaries
by Elizabeth L. Rose & Kiyohiko Ito - 491-513 Contributing to Global Management Knowledge: A Case for High Quality Indigenous Research
by Anne S. Tsui - 515-533 The Role of Trustworthiness in Maintaining Employee Commitment During Restructuring in China
by Gerald E. Fryxell & Robert S. Dooley & Wing-Sun Li - 535-559 Development and Validation of a Forced Choice Emotional Intelligence Measure for Chinese Respondents in Hong Kong
by Chi-Sum Wong & Kenneth S. Law & Ping-Man Wong
September 2004, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 263-285 Facing Constraints to Growth? Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs and Traditional Business Practices in East Asia
by David Ahlstrom & Michael N. Young & Eunice S. Chan & Garry D. Bruton - 287-304 Investors' Resources and Management Participation in International Joint Ventures: A Control Perspective
by Yanni Yan & John Child - 305-324 On the Intricacies of the Chinese Guanxi: A Process Model of Guanxi Development
by Xiao-Ping Chen & Chao C. Chen - 325-343 Transaction Cost, Social Capital and Firms' Synergy Creation in Chinese Business Networks: An Integrative Approach
by Wei-Ping Wu & W.L. Choi - 345-363 Trust as Networking Knowledge: Precedents from Australia
by Salvador T. Porras & Stewart Clegg & John Crawford - 365-389 Theorizing Chinese Employment Relations Comparatively: Exchange, Reciprocity and the Moral Economy
by Robert Westwood & Andrew Chan & Stephen Linstead - 391-394 The Management of Enterprises in the People's Republic of China
by Siah Hwee Ang
March 2004, Volume 21, Issue 1_2
- 5-24 Guest Editors' Introduction to Special Issue. Turnaround in Asia: Laying the Foundation for Understanding this Unique Domain
by David Ahlstrom & Garry D. Bruton - 25-48 The Evolution and Restructuring of Diversified Business Groups in Emerging Markets: The Lessons from Chaebols in Korea
by Hicheon Kim & Robert E. Hoskisson & Laszlo Tihanyi & Jaebum Hong - 49-74 Ownership and its Impact on Coping with Financial Crisis: Differences in State-, Mixed-, and Privately-Owned Enterprises in Thailand
by Hugh M. O'Neill & Dennis A. Rondinelli & Tibordee Wattanakul - 75-101 Turning Around a State Owned Enterprise: The Case of Scooters India Limited
by Sunil Kumar Maheshwari & David Ahlstrom - 103-122 Stakeholders, Structure and the Failure of Corporate Governance Reform Initiatives in Post-Crisis Thailand
by Steven White - 123-147 The Context-Specific Nature of Competence and Corporate Development
by Andrew H. Van de Ven - 149-170 An Exploratory Study of Company Turnaround in Australia and Singapore Following the Asia Crisis
by Gregory Fisher & Janet Lee & Leanne Johns - 171-188 The Institutions of Industrial Restructuring in Southeast Asia
by Michael Carney - 189-211 Strategic Reorientation and Responses to the Asian Financial Crisis: The Case of the Manufacturing Industry in Singapore
by Hwee Hoon Tan & Hai Hui See - 213-233 From Corporate Crisis to Turnaround in East Asia: A Study of China Huajing Electronics Group Corporation
by Vipin Gupta & Jifu Wang - 235-253 Stakeholder Influence and Radical Change: A Coordination Game Perspective
by Klaus E. Meyer
March 2003, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 133-134 Transcending Paradox: The Chinese “Middle Way” Perspective
by Ming-Jer Chen
August 2002, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 179-199 Transcending Paradox: The Chinese “Middle Way” Perspective
by Ming-Jer Chen
October 1991, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 159-173 Exploring subcultural differences in hofstede's value survey: The case of the Chinese
by Y Paul Huo & Donna Randall