August 2012, Volume 58, Issue 8
- 1482-1501 An Examination of the Efficiency, Foreclosure, and Collusion Rationales for Vertical Takeovers
by Jaideep Shenoy - 1502-1520 On the Conditional Risk and Performance of Financially Distressed Stocks
by Michael S. O'Doherty - 1521-1524 Money-Back Guarantees: Helping the Low-Quality Retailer
by Bruce McWilliams - 1525-1548 Social Learning Through Endogenous Information Acquisition: An Experiment
by Bogaçhan Çelen & Kyle Hyndman - 1549-1568 From Wires to Partners: How the Internet Has Fostered R&D Collaborations Within Firms
by Chris Forman & Nicolas van Zeebroeck - 1569-1584 Outsourcing a Two-Level Service Process
by Hsiao-Hui Lee & Edieal J. Pinker & Robert A. Shumsky - 1585-1591 Psychological Pressure in Competitive Environments: New Evidence from Randomized Natural Experiments
by Martin G. Kocher & Marc V. Lenz & Matthias Sutter
July 2012, Volume 58, Issue 7
- 1229-1248 Quantifying Managerial Ability: A New Measure and Validity Tests
by Peter Demerjian & Baruch Lev & Sarah McVay - 1249-1272 Public Opinion and Executive Compensation
by Camelia M. Kuhnen & Alexandra Niessen - 1273-1291 On Fair Routing from Emergency Departments to Hospital Wards: QED Queues with Heterogeneous Servers
by Avishai Mandelbaum & Petar Momčilović & Yulia Tseytlin - 1292-1304 Network Progeny? Prefounding Social Ties and the Success of New Entrants
by Peter W. Roberts & Adina D. Sterling - 1305-1321 Streaks in Earnings Surprises and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
by Roger K. Loh & Mitch Warachka - 1322-1340 Information Environment and Equity Risk Premium Volatility Around the World
by Sie Ting Lau & Lilian Ng & Bohui Zhang - 1341-1356 Efficient Cost Allocation
by Korok Ray & Maris Goldmanis - 1357-1373 Product and Price Competition with Satiation Effects
by Felipe Caro & Victor Martínez-de-Albéniz - 1374-1387 Measuring the Informative and Persuasive Roles of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions
by Andrew T. Ching & Masakazu Ishihara - 1388-1407 Contractual Flexibility, Rent Seeking, and Renegotiation Design: An Empirical Analysis of Information Technology Outsourcing Contracts
by Anjana Susarla - 1408-1421 The Power of Diversity over Large Solution Spaces
by Marco LiCalzi & Oktay Surucu
June 2012, Volume 58, Issue 6
- 1039-1058 Hiring Cheerleaders: Board Appointments of "Independent" Directors
by Lauren Cohen & Andrea Frazzini & Christopher J. Malloy - 1059-1071 Home Sweet Home: Entrepreneurs' Location Choices and the Performance of Their Ventures
by Michael S. Dahl & Olav Sorenson - 1072-1091 Consumption Externality and Yield Uncertainty in the Influenza Vaccine Supply Chain: Interventions in Demand and Supply Sides
by Kenan Arifoglu & Sarang Deo & Seyed M. R. Iravani - 1092-1105 An Evidence-Based Incentive System for Medicare's End-Stage Renal Disease Program
by Donald K. K. Lee & Stefanos A. Zenios - 1106-1121 Organizational Structure and the Limits of Knowledge Sharing: Incentive Conflict and Agency in Car Leasing
by Lamar Pierce - 1122-1140 Reconceptualizing Stars: Scientist Helpfulness and Peer Performance
by Alexander Oettl - 1141-1159 Specialization and Variety in Repetitive Tasks: Evidence from a Japanese Bank
by Bradley R. Staats & Francesca Gino - 1160-1177 Advance Selling When Consumers Regret
by Javad Nasiry & Ioana Popescu - 1178-1195 Double Marginalization in Performance-Based Advertising: Implications and Solutions
by Chrysanthos Dellarocas - 1196-1210 The Strategic Perils of Low Cost Outsourcing
by Qi Feng & Lauren Xiaoyuan Lu - 1211-1226 Information Technology and Trademarks: Implications for Product Variety
by Guodong (Gordon) Gao & Lorin M. Hitt
May 2012, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 843-859 The Extroverted Firm: How External Information Practices Affect Innovation and Productivity
by Prasanna Tambe & Lorin M. Hitt & Erik Brynjolfsson - 860-875 Information Transmission and the Bullwhip Effect: An Empirical Investigation
by Robert L. Bray & Haim Mendelson - 876-891 Signaling Quality via Queues
by Laurens G. Debo & Christine Parlour & Uday Rajan - 892-912 Rational Herding in Microloan Markets
by Juanjuan Zhang & Peng Liu - 913-931 Three-Way Complementarities: Performance Pay, Human Resource Analytics, and Information Technology
by Sinan Aral & Erik Brynjolfsson & Lynn Wu - 932-947 When to "Fire" Customers: Customer Cost-Based Pricing
by Jiwoong Shin & K. Sudhir & Dae-Hee Yoon - 948-960 Competition Between Organizational Groups: Its Impact on Altruistic and Antisocial Motivations
by Lorenz Goette & David Huffman & Stephan Meier & Matthias Sutter - 961-979 Impact of Performance-Based Contracting on Product Reliability: An Empirical Analysis
by Jose A. Guajardo & Morris A. Cohen & Sang-Hyun Kim & Serguei Netessine - 980-995 Dynamics of Rate-of-Return Regulation
by Alexander Nezlobin & Madhav V. Rajan & Stefan Reichelstein - 996-1011 Consistency Judgments, Embeddedness, and Relationship Outcomes in Interorganizational Networks
by Alberto Sa Vinhas & Jan B. Heide & Sandy D. Jap - 1012-1021 Modeling Purchasing Behavior with Sudden "Death": A Flexible Customer Lifetime Model
by Albert C. Bemmaor & Nicolas Glady - 1022-1037 Relicensing as a Secondary Market Strategy
by Nektarios Oraiopoulos & Mark E. Ferguson & L. Beril Toktay
April 2012, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 660-677 Bias in White: A Longitudinal Natural Experiment Measuring Changes in Discrimination
by Brian Rubineau & Yoon Kang - 678-695 Now IT's Personal: Offshoring and the Shifting Skill Composition of the U.S. Information Technology Workforce
by Prasanna Tambe & Lorin M. Hitt - 696-707 How Does the Variance of Product Ratings Matter?
by Monic Sun - 708-722 Broadening Focus: Spillovers, Complementarities, and Specialization in the Hospital Industry
by Jonathan R. Clark & Robert S. Huckman - 723-733 White Lies
by Sanjiv Erat & Uri Gneezy - 734-753 Local R&D Strategies and Multilocation Firms: The Role of Internal Linkages
by Juan Alcácer & Minyuan Zhao - 754-769 Traditional and IS-Enabled Customer Acquisition on the Internet
by Jeonghye Choi & David R. Bell & Leonard M. Lodish - 770-790 Managing an Available-to-Promise Assembly System with Dynamic Short-Term Pseudo-Order Forecast
by Long Gao & Susan H. Xu & Michael O. Ball - 791-804 On Evaluation Costs in Strategic Factor Markets: The Implications for Competition and Organizational Design
by David Gaddis Ross - 805-810 Optimal Forecasting Groups
by P. J. Lamberson & Scott E. Page - 811-830 Effect of Information Feedback on Bidder Behavior in Continuous Combinatorial Auctions
by Gediminas Adomavicius & Shawn P. Curley & Alok Gupta & Pallab Sanyal - 831-842 Probability and Time Trade-Off
by Manel Baucells & Franz H. Heukamp
March 2012, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 461-475 Fighting City Hall: Entry Deterrence and Technology Upgrades in Cable TV Markets
by Robert C. Seamans - 476-492 Constant Proportion Debt Obligations: A Postmortem Analysis of Rating Models
by Michael B. Gordy & SØren Willemann - 493-506 Cutting in Line: Social Norms in Queues
by Gad Allon & Eran Hanany - 507-522 Calendar Cycles, Infrequent Decisions, and the Cross Section of Stock Returns
by Ravi Jagannathan & Srikant Marakani & Hitoshi Takehara & Yong Wang - 523-533 Is Leasing Greener Than Selling?
by Vishal V. Agrawal & Mark Ferguson & L. Beril Toktay & Valerie M. Thomas - 534-549 Density Forecasting of Intraday Call Center Arrivals Using Models Based on Exponential Smoothing
by James W. Taylor - 550-569 Sequential Sampling with Economics of Selection Procedures
by Stephen E. Chick & Peter Frazier - 570-586 Bayesian Dynamic Pricing Policies: Learning and Earning Under a Binary Prior Distribution
by J. Michael Harrison & N. Bora Keskin & Assaf Zeevi - 587-601 Chasing a Moving Target: Exploitation and Exploration in Dynamic Environments
by Hart E. Posen & Daniel A. Levinthal - 602-605 Multiattribute One-Switch Utility
by Ilia Tsetlin & Robert L. Winkler - 606-623 Managing Delegated Search Over Design Spaces
by Sanjiv Erat & Vish Krishnan - 624-640 Pricing Kernels with Stochastic Skewness and Volatility Risk
by Fousseni Chabi-Yo - 641-657 Optimal Compensation and Pay-Performance Sensitivity in a Continuous-Time Principal-Agent Model
by Nengjiu Ju & Xuhu Wan
February 2012, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 219-235 Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Does Gender Matter?
by Renée B. Adams & Patricia Funk - 236-252 Does the Rolodex Matter? Corporate Elite's Small World and the Effectiveness of Boards of Directors
by Bang Dang Nguyen - 253-272 Keynes Meets Markowitz: The Trade-Off Between Familiarity and Diversification
by Phelim Boyle & Lorenzo Garlappi & Raman Uppal & Tan Wang - 273-292 A Global Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model with Home Preference
by Bruno Solnik & Luo Zuo - 293-307 Investor Sentiment and Analysts' Earnings Forecast Errors
by Paul Hribar & John McInnis - 308-319 The Party's Over: The Role of Earnings Guidance in Resolving Sentiment-Driven Overvaluation
by Nicholas Seybert & Holly I. Yang - 320-335 The Accrual Anomaly: Risk or Mispricing?
by David Hirshleifer & Kewei Hou & Siew Hong Teoh - 336-350 Investor Inattention and the Market Impact of Summary Statistics
by Thomas Gilbert & Shimon Kogan & Lars Lochstoer & Ataman Ozyildirim - 351-364 Market Madness? The Case of Mad Money
by Joseph Engelberg & Caroline Sasseville & Jared Williams - 365-383 Do Cultural Differences Between Contracting Parties Matter? Evidence from Syndicated Bank Loans
by Mariassunta Giannetti & Yishay Yafeh - 384-393 Bubbles and Information: An Experiment
by Matthias Sutter & Jürgen Huber & Michael Kirchler - 394-412 A Transaction-Level Analysis of Spatial Arbitrage: The Role of Habit, Attention, and Electronic Trading
by Eric Overby & Jonathan Clarke - 413-431 Penny Wise, Dollar Foolish: Buy-Sell Imbalances On and Around Round Numbers
by Utpal Bhattacharya & Craig W. Holden & Stacey Jacobsen - 432-444 Initial Public Offerings as Lotteries: Skewness Preference and First-Day Returns
by T. Clifton Green & Byoung-Hyoun Hwang - 445-460 Prospect Theory, Liquidation, and the Disposition Effect
by Vicky Henderson
January 2012, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 2-20 Split or Steal? Cooperative Behavior When the Stakes Are Large
by Martijn J. van den Assem & Dennie van Dolder & Richard H. Thaler - 21-34 The Behavioral Genetics of Behavioral Anomalies
by David Cesarini & Magnus Johannesson & Patrik K. E. Magnusson & Björn Wallace - 35-51 A Model of Casino Gambling
by Nicholas Barberis - 52-61 The Impact of Personal Experience on Behavior: Evidence from Video-Rental Fines
by Michael P. Haselhuhn & Devin G. Pope & Maurice E. Schweitzer & Peter Fishman - 62-77 Norms and Contracting
by Judd B. Kessler & Stephen Leider - 78-93 The Impact of Gender Composition on Team Performance and Decision Making: Evidence from the Field
by Jose Apesteguia & Ghazala Azmat & Nagore Iriberri - 94-113 Feedback, Self-Esteem, and Performance in Organizations
by Camelia M. Kuhnen & Agnieszka Tymula - 114-122 Gender, Competition, and Managerial Decisions
by Curtis R. Price - 123-140 Aggregation and Manipulation in Prediction Markets: Effects of Trading Mechanism and Information Distribution
by Lian Jian & Rahul Sami - 141-158 Apologies as Signals: With Evidence from a Trust Game
by Benjamin Ho - 159-178 A Case-Based Model of Probability and Pricing Judgments: Biases in Buying and Selling Uncertainty
by Lyle A. Brenner & Dale W. Griffin & Derek J. Koehler - 179-187 Paying to Be Nice: Consistency and Costly Prosocial Behavior
by Ayelet Gneezy & Alex Imas & Amber Brown & Leif D. Nelson & Michael I. Norton - 188-202 Imprecise Data Sets as a Source of Ambiguity: A Model and Experimental Evidence
by Ayala Arad & Gabrielle Gayer - 203-217 A Multimethod Approach to Identifying Norms and Normative Expectations Within a Corporate Hierarchy: Evidence from the Financial Services Industry
by Stephen V. Burks & Erin L. Krupka
December 2011, Volume 57, Issue 12
- 1-1 Management Insights
by Michael F. Gorman - 2083-2100 Corporate Governance, Debt, and Investment Policy During the Great Depression
by John R. Graham & Sonali Hazarika & Krishnamoorthy Narasimhan - 2101-2114 How Do Acquirers Retain Successful Target CEOs? The Role of Governance
by Julie Wulf & Harbir Singh - 2115-2129 Monte Carlo Algorithms for Default Timing Problems
by Kay Giesecke & Baeho Kim & Shilin Zhu - 2130-2144 Efficient Two-Dimensional Packing Algorithms for Mobile WiMAX
by Andrea Lodi & Silvano Martello & Michele Monaci & Claudio Cicconetti & Luciano Lenzini & Enzo Mingozzi & Carl Eklund & Jani Moilanen - 2145-2162 A Multiechelon Inventory Problem with Secondary Market Sales
by Alexandar Angelus - 2163-2179 Stochastic Capacity Investment and Flexible vs. Dedicated Technology Choice in Imperfect Capital Markets
by Onur Boyabatlı & L. Beril Toktay - 2180-2196 Securitization and Real Investment in Incomplete Markets
by Vishal Gaur & Sridhar Seshadri & Marti G. Subrahmanyam - 2197-2212 How Do Financial Firms Manage Risk? Unraveling the Interaction of Financial and Operational Hedging
by Kristine Watson Hankins - 2213-2227 Evaluating Value-at-Risk Models with Desk-Level Data
by Jeremy Berkowitz & Peter Christoffersen & Denis Pelletier - 2228-2244 Multiechelon Procurement and Distribution Policies for Traded Commodities
by Ankur Goel & Genaro J. Gutierrez
November 2011, Volume 57, Issue 11
- 1897-1912 The Effects of Focus on Performance: Evidence from California Hospitals
by Diwas Singh KC & Christian Terwiesch - 1913-1925 Competing Matchmakers: An Experimental Analysis
by Tanjim Hossain & Dylan Minor & John Morgan - 1926-1943 Covenants in Venture Capital Contracts
by Ola Bengtsson - 1944-1962 Cooperation Without Enforcement? A Comparative Analysis of Litigation and Online Reputation as Quality Assurance Mechanisms
by Yannis Bakos & Chrysanthos Dellarocas - 1963-1978 Skill, Luck, and the Multiproduct Firm: Evidence from Hedge Funds
by Rui J. P. de Figueiredo, Jr. & Evan Rawley - 1979-1995 Modeling Security-Check Queues
by Zhe George Zhang & Hsing Paul Luh & Chia-Hung Wang - 1996-1998 Simple Economics of the Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem
by Michael Salinger & Miguel Ampudia - 1999-2017 Stars and Misfits: Self-Employment and Labor Market Frictions
by Thomas Åstebro & Jing Chen & Peter Thompson - 2018-2039 Extracting Business Value from IT: A Sensemaking Perspective of Post-Adoptive Use
by J. J. Po-An Hsieh & Arun Rai & Sean Xin Xu - 2040-2053 Integrated Product Architecture and Pricing for Managing Sequential Innovation
by Vish Krishnan & Karthik Ramachandran - 2054-2066 Preference Reversals Under Ambiguity
by Hela Maafi - 2067-2081 Option Pricing Under a Mixed-Exponential Jump Diffusion Model
by Ning Cai & S. G. Kou
October 2011, Volume 57, Issue 10
- 1721-1736 Tournaments Without Prizes: Evidence from Personnel Records
by Jordi Blanes i Vidal & Mareike Nossol - 1737-1751 Selling to Strategic Consumers When Product Value Is Uncertain: The Value of Matching Supply and Demand
by Robert Swinney - 1752-1770 Dynamic Portfolio Optimization with Transaction Costs: Heuristics and Dual Bounds
by David B. Brown & James E. Smith - 1771-1787 Integrating Long-Term and Short-Term Contracting in Beef Supply Chains
by Onur Boyabatlı & Paul R. Kleindorfer & Stephen R. Koontz - 1788-1801 Exogenous Learning, Seller-Induced Learning, and Marketing of Durable Goods
by Bing Jing - 1802-1810 New Product Diffusion Decisions Under Supply Constraints
by Wenjing Shen & Izak Duenyas & Roman Kapuscinski - 1811-1812 Note: A Reply to "New Product Diffusion Decisions Under Supply Constraints"
by Teck-Hua Ho & Sergei Savin & Christian Terwiesch - 1813-1826 The Circulation of Ideas in Firms and Markets
by Thomas Hellmann & Enrico Perotti - 1827-1843 Demand Forecasting Behavior: System Neglect and Change Detection
by Mirko Kremer & Brent Moritz & Enno Siemsen - 1844-1860 Cash-Out or Flameout! Opportunity Cost and Entrepreneurial Strategy: Theory, and Evidence from the Information Security Industry
by Ashish Arora & Anand Nandkumar - 1861-1878 Intellectual Capital and Financing Decisions: Evidence from the U.S. Patent Data
by Qiao Liu & Kit Pong Wong - 1879-1895 Experienced vs. Described Uncertainty: Do We Need Two Prospect Theory Specifications?
by Mohammed Abdellaoui & Olivier L'Haridon & Corina Paraschiv
January 2011, Volume 57, Issue 9
- 1610-1622 The Dark Side of Rapport: Agent Misbehavior Face-to-Face and Online
by Sandy Jap & Diana C. Robertson & Ryan Hamilton
2011, Volume 57, Issue 9
- 1-1 Management Insights
by Michael F. Gorman - 1511-1511 Introduction to the Special Issue on Marketing Within the Enterprise and Beyond
by Pradeep K. Chintagunta & Preyas S. Desai
March 2011, Volume 57, Issue 9
- 1528-1545 Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitive Advantage: Overcoming the Trust Barrier
by Shuili Du & C. B. Bhattacharya & Sankar Sen - 1594-1609 The Stock Market in the Driver's Seat! Implications for R&D and Marketing
by Anindita Chakravarty & Rajdeep Grewal - 1692-1702 Pooling, Access, and Countervailing Power in Channel Governance
by George Hendrikse
September 2011, Volume 57, Issue 9
- 1655-1670 Durable Products, Time Inconsistency, and Lock-in
by Stephen M. Gilbert & Sreelata Jonnalagedda - 1671-1691 An Empirical Analysis of User Content Generation and Usage Behavior on the Mobile Internet
by Anindya Ghose & Sang Pil Han
February 2011, Volume 57, Issue 9
- 1512-1527 Label Confusion: The Groucho Effect of Uncertain Standards
by Rick Harbaugh & John W. Maxwell & Beatrice Roussillon - 1546-1563 Optimal and Competitive Assortments with Endogenous Pricing Under Hierarchical Consumer Choice Models
by A. Gürhan Kök & Yi Xu - 1564-1579 The Labor Illusion: How Operational Transparency Increases Perceived Value
by Ryan W. Buell & Michael I. Norton - 1580-1593 The Threat from Within: Account Managers' Concern About Opportunism by Their Own Team Members
by Brian R. Murtha & Goutam Challagalla & Ajay K. Kohli - 1623-1639 Creating Social Contagion Through Viral Product Design: A Randomized Trial of Peer Influence in Networks
by Sinan Aral & Dylan Walker - 1640-1654 Newspaper Reports and Consumer Choice: Evidence from the Do Not Call Registry
by Khim-Yong Goh & Kai-Lung Hui & Ivan P. L. Png - 1703-1719 Cyclical Bid Adjustments in Search-Engine Advertising
by Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang & Juan Feng
August 2011, Volume 57, Issue 8
- 1-1 Management Insights
by Michael F. Gorman - 1354-1372 Group Buying: A New Mechanism for Selling Through Social Interactions
by Xiaoqing Jing & Jinhong Xie - 1373-1386 Goodbye Pareto Principle, Hello Long Tail: The Effect of Search Costs on the Concentration of Product Sales
by Erik Brynjolfsson & Yu (Jeffrey) Hu & Duncan Simester - 1387-1405 Systemic Risk: What Defaults Are Telling Us
by Kay Giesecke & Baeho Kim - 1406-1423 A Generalized Measure of Riskiness
by Turan G. Bali & Nusret Cakici & Fousseni Chabi-Yo - 1424-1437 The Benefits of Aggregate Performance Metrics in the Presence of Career Concerns
by Anil Arya & Brian Mittendorf - 1438-1452 Hedging and Vertical Integration in Electricity Markets
by René Aïd & Gilles Chemla & Arnaud Porchet & Nizar Touzi - 1453-1468 Risk-Neutral Models for Emission Allowance Prices and Option Valuation
by René Carmona & Juri Hinz - 1469-1484 CEO Overconfidence and Innovation
by Alberto Galasso & Timothy S. Simcoe - 1485-1509 Deriving the Pricing Power of Product Features by Mining Consumer Reviews
by Nikolay Archak & Anindya Ghose & Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis
July 2011, Volume 57, Issue 7
- 1-1 Editorial Statement: Behavioral Economics
by Uri Gneezy & Teck-Hua Ho & John List - 1-1 Management Insights
by Michael F. Gorman - 1195-1211 Valuing the Treasury's Capital Assistance Program
by Paul Glasserman & Zhenyu Wang - 1212-1230 Mixed Source
by Ramon Casadesus-Masanell & Gastón Llanes - 1231-1249 Market Timing with Option-Implied Distributions: A Forward-Looking Approach
by Alexandros Kostakis & Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou & George Skiadopoulos - 1250-1266 Exclusive Territories and Manufacturers' Collusion
by Salvatore Piccolo & Markus Reisinger - 1267-1287 Modeling the Loss Distribution
by Sudheer Chava & Catalina Stefanescu & Stuart Turnbull - 1288-1299 When Acquisition Spoils Retention: Direct Selling vs. Delegation Under CRM
by Yan Dong & Yuliang Yao & Tony Haitao Cui - 1300-1319 Centralized vs. Decentralized Ambulance Diversion: A Network Perspective
by Sarang Deo & Itai Gurvich - 1320-1333 Preference Reversals for Ambiguity Aversion
by Stefan T. Trautmann & Ferdinand M. Vieider & Peter P. Wakker - 1334-1349 Testing for Prudence and Skewness Seeking
by Sebastian Ebert & Daniel Wiesen
June 2011, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 1-1 Management Insights
by Michael F. Gorman - 989-1008 Anticipatory Sorting and Gender Segregation in Temporary Employment
by Isabel Fernandez-Mateo & Zella King - 1009-1024 Managing Product Variety and Collocation in a Competitive Environment: An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Electronics Retailing
by Charlotte R. Ren & Ye Hu & Yu (Jeffrey) Hu & Jerry Hausman - 1025-1041 Optimal Housing, Consumption, and Investment Decisions over the Life Cycle
by Holger Kraft & Claus Munk - 1042-1054 Why Genius Leads to Adversity: Experimental Evidence on the Reputational Effects of Task Difficulty Choices
by Elena Katok & Enno Siemsen - 1055-1077 Optimal Preorder Strategy with Endogenous Information Control
by Leon Yang Chu & Hao Zhang - 1078-1093 Dynamic Price Competition with Fixed Capacities
by Victor Martínez-de-Albéniz & Kalyan Talluri - 1094-1110 Loss Aversion with a State-Dependent Reference Point
by Enrico G. De Giorgi & Thierry Post - 1111-1137 Trust in Forecast Information Sharing
by Özalp Özer & Yanchong Zheng & Kay-Yut Chen - 1138-1153 Mandatory Fair Value Accounting and Information Asymmetry: Evidence from the European Real Estate Industry
by Karl A. Muller, III & Edward J. Riedl & Thorsten Sellhorn - 1154-1171 The Impact of Demand Aggregation Through Delayed Component Allocation in an Assemble-to-Order System
by Fernando Bernstein & Gregory A. DeCroix & Yulan Wang - 1172-1194 Efficient Risk Estimation via Nested Sequential Simulation
by Mark Broadie & Yiping Du & Ciamac C. Moallemi
May 2011, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 1-1 Management Insights
by Michael F. Gorman - 797-816 Going, Going, Gone? The Apparent Demise of the Accruals Anomaly
by Jeremiah Green & John R. M. Hand & Mark T. Soliman - 817-827 Can Losing Lead to Winning?
by Jonah Berger & Devin Pope - 828-842 How Does Popularity Information Affect Choices? A Field Experiment
by Catherine Tucker & Juanjuan Zhang - 843-863 Incentives and Problem Uncertainty in Innovation Contests: An Empirical Analysis
by Kevin J. Boudreau & Nicola Lacetera & Karim R. Lakhani - 864-883 Designing Multiperson Tournaments with Asymmetric Contestants: An Experimental Study
by Hua Chen & Sung H. Ham & Noah Lim - 884-896 Overconfidence by Bayesian-Rational Agents
by Eric Van den Steen - 897-914 Retail Channel Structure Impact on Strategic Engineering Product Design
by Nathan Williams & P. K. Kannan & Shapour Azarm - 915-933 Entry and Patenting in the Software Industry
by Iain M. Cockburn & Megan J. MacGarvie - 934-959 Who Should Be Responsible for Software Security? A Comparative Analysis of Liability Policies in Network Environments
by Terrence August & Tunay I. Tunca - 960-974 Monte Carlo Bounds for Game Options Including Convertible Bonds
by Christopher Beveridge & Mark Joshi - 975-987 Risk Preferences at Different Time Periods: An Experimental Investigation
by Mohammed Abdellaoui & Enrico Diecidue & Ayse Öncüler
April 2011, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 1-1 Management Insights
by Michael F. Gorman - 611-627 Sabotage in Tournaments: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment
by Christine Harbring & Bernd Irlenbusch - 628-646 Fund Flows, Performance, Managerial Career Concerns, and Risk Taking
by Ping Hu & Jayant R. Kale & Marco Pagani & Ajay Subramanian - 647-666 Integrated Sequencing and Scheduling in Coil Coating
by Wiebke Höhn & Felix G. König & Rolf H. Möhring & Marco E. Lübbecke - 667-688 An Experimental Study of Information Revelation Policies in Sequential Auctions
by Timothy N. Cason & Karthik N. Kannan & Ralph Siebert - 689-704 Contract Complexity and Performance Under Asymmetric Demand Information: An Experimental Evaluation
by Basak Kalkanci & Kay-Yut Chen & Feryal Erhun - 705-712 Generating Ambiguity in the Laboratory
by Jack Stecher & Timothy Shields & John Dickhaut (deceased) - 713-726 Buying from the Babbling Retailer? The Impact of Availability Information on Customer Behavior
by Gad Allon & Achal Bassamboo