2006, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 708-724 Managing paradoxes in strategic decision-making
by John A. Parnell
2006, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 476-493 Performance value analysis for selection of facilities location in competitive supply chain
by Ramababu Kodali & Srikanta Routroy - 494-507 Globalisation and the Nigerian banking industry: efficiency and legitimacy considerations in the adoption of electronic banking (e-banking) services
by Abiodun O. Bada & Adekunle Okunoye & Ephrem Eyob & Adeyemi Adekoya & Emmanuel Omojokun - 508-524 Comparing culture, quality management, and CRM systems: a study of managers in the US and mainland China
by Sandra J. Hartman & Lillian Y. Fok & Jing Li & Wing Fok - 525-537 Barriers and success factors in the management of international operations: Mexico and China overview
by Sameer Kumar & Claudia P. Chase - 538-556 Enhancing management decision making in global enterprises using GIS principles
by A. James Wynne & Harry L. Reif & Chandrashekar D. Challa - 557-570 The globalisation of the hip hop market
by Paulette K. Polley-Edmunds & Edgar L. Williams
2006, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 356-376 The determinants of implementation stages of balanced scorecard
by Hueiling Chen & Rong-Ruey Duh & Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin - 377-387 Analysis of farmers' efficiency and growth factors in oil exporting Arabian gulf countries: the case of Oman
by P. Sunil Dharmapala & Lokman Zaibet - 388-407 Valuation of biotechnology firms: a quantitative modelling methodology
by Sanjoy Bose - 408-417 Measuring performance in competitive strategy research
by John A. Parnell & Nicholas O'Regan & Abby Ghobadian - 418-437 A scorecard for measuring the water supply utility performance: the case of large Indian metropolises
by Mukul Kulshrestha - 438-453 Performance measurement using linguistic terms in group decision-making
by Kaung-Hwa Chen & Chia-Chung Chan & Yung-Ming Shiu - 454-472 Fuzzy group decision making based on grey relative analysis
by Desheng Wu
2006, Volume 7, Issue 2/3
- 143-165 Marketing strategy based on customer behaviour for the LCD-TV
by Yu-Jing Chiu & Hsiao-Chi Chen & Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng & Joseph Z. Shyu - 166-179 Multi-attribute classification of credit cardholders: multiset approach
by Alexey B. Petrovsky - 180-188 The Analytic Hierarchy Process: wash criteria should not be ignored
by Thomas L. Saaty & Luis G. Vargas - 189-200 An Excel based approach to optimise trade-offs between freight expediting and safety stock inventory costs
by Kal Namit & Fidelis Ikem & Moula Cherikh & Ephrem Eyob - 201-215 Multi-criteria optimisation of budgeting decisions by telecommunication service providers in a simulation game
by Vadim Kyrylov & Carole Bonanni - 216-233 A hybrid computational intelligent system for multiobjective supplier selection problem
by Mohammad Reza Gholamian & Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Fatemi Ghomi & Mehdi Ghazanfari - 234-253 Towards an effective strategy model: conceptual development and qualitative assessment of an integrative typology
by Andrew L.S. Goh - 254-266 Transportation corridor decision-making with multi-attribute utility theory
by Josias Zietsman & Laurence R. Rilett & Seung-Jun Kim - 267-274 Consistency of the decision-maker in pair-wise comparisons
by Jozsef Temesi - 275-294 Knowledge management in academia: survey, analysis and perspective
by Jing Tian & Yoshiteru Nakamori & Jianwen Xiang & Kokichi Futatsugi - 295-312 Innovation success through corporate venturing: an empirical analysis of the relevant success factors
by Tino Michalski & Sebastian Nafe & Ahmed Usein - 313-327 Key success factors in new product development
by Bahman P. Ebrahimi & Robert P. McGowan & Tsungting Chung - 328-336 Axiomatic analysis of auction rules
by Somdeb Lahiri - 337-351 Escalate BSC power by AHP: innovative approach for strategy implementation
by Feng-Chuan Pan
2006, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-18 Knowledge-information autopoietic cycle: towards the wisdom systems
by Milan Zeleny - 19-35 The synergy of social network analysis and knowledge mapping: a case study
by Kelvin Chan & Jay Liebowitz - 36-57 Knowledge management and administration depend on semiotic information systems
by H. Will - 58-70 Learning objects in learning organisations: a knowledge management perspective
by Alex Koohang & Jacques Du Plessis & Johannes Britz - 71-87 Cognitive transformation of founder CEO in Acer: a case study
by Ming-Ji Lin & Yueh-Chin Chen - 88-104 An approach of electric power demand forecasting using data-mining method: a case study of application of data-mining technique to improve decision making
by Toshio Sugihara - 105-118 A framework for innovation decision making in the internet age
by Ping Lan - 119-139 Elements of knowledge management in multi-entity organisations
by Jan Chadam & Zbigniew Pastuszak
2005, Volume 6, Issue 3/4
- 203-212 Ethical decision making: some economic foundations
by P.M. Jackson - 213-231 Measurement of corporate social responsibility
by Michael Hopkins - 232-243 Seeing the opportunities in the big issues
by Bruce Nixon - 244-256 The "unlearning" of management: an ethical challenge
by Clive Bone & Alan Stainer - 257-272 Multiple levels of decision making: ethical management in various business contexts
by Marcel Van Marrewijk - 273-283 Good decision – bad business?
by Adrian Henriques - 284-298 Ethical interpretations of management decision making in higher education
by Steve Shelley - 299-314 A stakeholder management model for ethical decision making
by Simone De Colle - 315-325 Making situations visible: ethics, truth and decisions
by Michel Mestre & Alan Stainer & Lorice Stainer - 326-333 Moral principles defined: a decision-making perspective
by Adrian Bishop - 334-344 Shame, shame, shame: not on you, but what you have done
by Eshwar Lokanan & Gangaram Singh - 345-358 Leadership, decision making and internal stakeholder engagement
by S. Jaseem Ahmad & Nicholas O'Regan & Abby Ghobadian - 359-371 Sustainability and ethical decision making: the Bovince case
by Peter Rosen & Derek Hall & Lorice Stainer - 372-381 Ethical crisis management?
by Steve Mullins - 382-392 The impact of the Aarhus Convention on ethical management decision making
by Stephen Homewood
2005, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 101-111 Management accounting and performance measurement practices in service sector in Oman
by Ehab K.A. Mohamed & Md. Mostaque Hussain - 112-126 The impact of IT on economic growth: evidence from an empirical cross-country investigation
by Seung-Hoon Yoo - 127-147 An exploratory analysis of the impact of global telecommunications on electronics manufacturing site selection
by Denise J. McManus & Houston H. Carr & Charles A. Snyder & F. Nelson Ford - 148-157 Optimal mix of playground equipment
by Shaul P. Ladany & Michael G. Sklar - 158-179 Data envelopment analysis revisited: a neophyte's perspective
by Nuno Melao - 180-198 A choice modelling approach to evaluate effectiveness of brand development initiatives
by Arindam Banerjee & Dheeraj Awasthy & Vivek Gupta
2005, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-15 Observations on the use of mobile decision aids for consumer decision making
by Hans Van Der Heijden & Lotte Sangstad Sorensen - 16-32 Consumer preferences for location-based service attributes: a conjoint analysis
by Frank Kohne & Carsten Totz & Kai Wehmeyer - 33-46 Technology-based services: a study on the drivers and inhibitors of mobile banking
by Mari Suoranta & Minna Mattila & Juha Munnukka - 47-64 Mobile information and entertainment services: business models and service networks
by Carleen F. Maitland & Elisabeth A.M. Van De Kar & Uta Wehn De Montalvo & Harry Bouwman - 65-80 Mobile marketing: an analysis of key success factors and the European value chain
by Antonello Facchetti & Andrea Rangone & Filippo Maria Renga & Alberto Savoldelli - 81-100 Application-transparent adaptation in wireless systems beyond 3G
by Nikos Houssos & Konstantinos Kafounis & Vangelis Gazis & Nancy Alonistioti
2004, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 267-281 What do we think happened at ABB? Pitfalls in research about firm performance
by Philip M. Rosenzweig - 282-298 Developing an international corporate tax structure: the tale of a French biotech startup
by Peter Horn - 299-312 The European Union legislation regarding abuses of market power by firms
by Angeliki Papasava - 313-332 Web based support for collaborative course design and teaching among university faculties
by Michel R. Klein - 333-347 Managing trust and learning: an exploratory study
by Bala Chakravarthy & Hee-Jae Cho - 348-372 Goals, relationships, information and processes in global virtual team performance
by Michael Workman - 373-391 Question of maintaining innovative activities: proposing a cognitive grid of creativity
by Cecile Ayerbe & Cecile Fonrouge - 392-402 The next "killer ap" has been here all along: case studies as practical business applications
by William M. Shanahan
2004, Volume 5, Issue 2/3
- 99-116 Resource-based theory and its link to the global strategy, structure, and performance relationship: an integrative framework
by Olivier Furrer & Jeffrey A. Krug & D. Sudharshan & Howard Thomas - 117-134 Towards a strategic framework for competition in multi-product consumer markets
by Wyn Jenkins - 135-143 Organisational life cycle stage and strategy: must they match?
by Donald L. Lester - 144-170 Re-visiting the strategy-performance question: an empirical analysis
by Nicholas O'Regan & Abby Ghobadian - 171-195 Planning and firm performance: effects of multiple planning activities and technology policy
by Charles B. Shrader & Thomas I. Chacko & Pol Herrmann & Charles Mulford - 196-215 The longevity of the performance effects of the Miles and Snow strategic archetypes: a ten-year perspective in US banking
by Kenneth J. Hatten & William L. James & David G. Meyer - 216-245 The banking sector in Southern Africa: a test of the structure–performance hypothesis
by Charles C. Okeahalam - 246-262 Small-business internationalisation: the relationship between firm resources and export competitive patterns in exporting
by James A. Wolff & Timothy L. Pett
2004, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-20 Women entrepreneurs in a transition economy: the case of Vietnam
by William Scheela & Tran Thi Van Hoa - 21-34 Analysing metaphors used by victims of workplace bullying
by Michael Sheehan & Michelle Barker & Paul McCarthy - 35-46 We all stand together: using cluster associations to create worldwide presence for SMEs
by Patricia A. Rowe & David Pickernell & Michael J. Christie & Laura G. Putterill - 47-58 New applications of fuzzy logic in decision support systems
by Kostas Metaxiotis & John E. Psarras & John-Emanuel Samouilidis - 59-75 Supplier base reduction using data envelopment analysis
by Julio Cesar Neves & Raad Qassim - 76-92 Economic liberalisation and R&D and innovation responses of Indian public and private sector industries
by Pulak Das
2003, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 289-311 A structural model analysis of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award framework
by Soumen Ghosh & Robert B. Handfield & Vijay R. Kannan & Keah Choon Tan - 312-336 A performance evaluation model for governmental conflict management organisations - a study of labour management departments
by Chyi Shen & Ching-Yuan Huang & Pin-Yu Chu - 337-353 Constructing decision trees with multiple response variables
by Seong-Jun Kim & Kang Bae Lee - 345-366 Delegation: implications for Thai managers' job stress and performance
by Steve Bakalis & Therese A. Joiner - 367-381 Making better use of information: aiming towards "true north"
by Kathryn A.S. Lancaster & William J. Bellows - 382-404 What is really important for project success? A refined, multivariate, comprehensive analysis
by Dov Dvir & Stanislav Lipovetsky & Aaron J. Shenhar & Asher Tishler
2003, Volume 4, Issue 2/3
- 116-132 Economics, e-commerce and strategy development: resources and rent creation for digital goods providers on the internet
by Susanne Royer, Remco van der Velden - 133-142 Strategic decision making by e-commerce entrepreneurs
by Stephen Chen - 143-160 Predicting B2C start-up survival after two years: the wisdom of traditional conceptions
by Roland H. Simons - 161-177 Information supply on the internet: an analysis of supplier behaviour and consequences for customer decision making
by Mario Rese, Gernot Graefe - 178-193 How do firms measure their intellectual capital? Defining an empirical model based on firm practices
by Isabelle Guerrero - 194-209 E-service innovations through corporate entrepreneurship
by Tino Michalski - 210-229 Cooperation as an instrument of competence management to implement successful e-commerce business models
by Martin Gersch - 230-239 Sustainability of the new economy: cautionary lessons of "e" fads
by Andrew Griffiths, Damian Hine - 240-271 Methodology of multi-criteria decision making accounting for uncertainty and some applications
by Vladimir I. Kalika, Galina Rossinsky - 272-286 The role and importance of motivation in TQM success
by Jaleel Talaq, Pervaiz K. Ahmed
2003, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 11-23 Ethical investment and workplace bullying: consonances and dissonances
by P. McCarthy, M. Sheehan, M. Barker, M. Henderson - 24-34 Employee accounts of bullying at work
by Andreas P.D. Liefooghe - 35-46 Bullying and organisational politics in competitive and rapidly changing work environments
by Denise Salin - 47-64 The black hole in "bullying at work" research
by Charlotte Rayner, Cary L. Cooper - 65-81 Voices in the social construction of bullying at work: exploring multiple realities in further and higher education
by Duncan Lewis - 82-95 The rates and relative risks of workplace bullying in Ireland, a country of high economic growth
by Mona O’Moore, Jean Lynch, Niamh Nic Daeid - 96-112 The escalation of conflict: a case study of bullying at work
by Stig Berge Matthiesen, Elizabeth Aasen, Gisken Holst, Kenneth Wie, Stale Einarsen
2002, Volume 3, Issue 3/4
- 211-228 An inductive model for holographic decision making in industrial workspace design
by Frans M. van Eijnatten, Jimme A. Keizer - 229-242 Application of aggregate production planning models in developing countries
by A. Gunasekaran, H.B. Marri - 243-255 A comparative study of accounting standards of financial institutions in GCC countries
by Mostaque Hussain, Mazhar M. Islam, A. Gunasekaran, Kooros Maskooki - 256-279 Asian telecommunications: market deregulation and competition
by Celia Lopez Umali - 280-290 The Huckster and the Fox: a fable from the Exhibition Hall
by Jim Blythe - 291-304 Managing cross-cultural dysfunction in higher education – an exploratory study
by Atsede Woldie, Jim Blythe - 305-318 Propensity for participative decision making: a cross-cultural investigation
by John A. Parnell - 319-336 Performance implications of aligning generic strategies with the business environment
by P. Reklitis, P. Trivellas - 337-352 Assessing subjective influences on managerial decisions
by Andreas G. Nikolopoulos - 353-369 An R&D management model for MNCs' subsidiaries: an empirical study of European affiliates in Taiwan
by Kuo-Jen Su - 370-398 On importance assessment and expertise in non-routine decisions: an exploratory study on the cognition of the weighting process of capital goods' attributes
by Hans Heerkens, Beatrice Van der Heijden
2002, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 107-113 Business and a behavioural tradition revisited: a personal view
by A.L. Minkes - 114-138 A decision support system for assessing alternative projects for the design of a new road network: methodology and application of a case study
by Peter Nijkamp, Francesca Torrieri, Ron Vreeker - 139-150 General decision assurance principles and procedures for strategic planning
by John de Reuck & Olive Schmidenberg & Des Klass - 151-164 Adaptive demand-forecasting approach based on principal components time-series: an application of data-mining technique to the detection of market movement
by Toshio Sugihara - 165-179 Competitive advantage and growth: the challenge for small firms
by Gary A. Packham - 180-202 Modelling empirical data and decision making with neural networks
by Zoran Vojinovic, Vojislav Kecman, Rainer Seidel - 203-210 Instant wisdom: a study of decision making in the glare of publicity
by O.L. Wade
2002, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 2-18 The politics of management science: an inaugural lecture
by Peter Armstrong - 19-34 Evolution of artificial neural networks in business applications: an empirical investigation using a growth model
by M.A. Quaddus, M.S. Khan - 35-51 The automotive and electronics industries: processes and management of change
by N.C. Clifton, A. Hopkins, P. Jones, D.G. Pickernell - 52-66 A cross-cultural comparison of problem solving beliefs and behaviours: helping managers understand country differences
by Cheryl Van Deusen, Carolyn B. Mueller, Gordon Jones, Harris Friedman - 67-82 On evaluation of FDIs: principles, actualities and possibilities
by M.J. Foster - 83-95 Managing trust and risk in technology collaborations: a study of the fine fragrance industry
by A. Hoecht, P. Trott - 96-105 Why not teach some marketing theory?
by Gordon Pearson
2001, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 2-7 Organisational learning: a personal view
by Russ Vince - 8-15 Technological racing under public guidance
by Hans W. Gottinger - 16-34 Key issues in using information systems for strategic marketing decisions
by Shuliang Li, Barry J. Davies - 35-47 Cognition, capabilities and cooperation
by Brian J. Loasby - 48-64 Perceptions of bullying in organisations
by Duncan Lewis - 65-84 The interface between ethics, decision making and risk assessment in management decision making in matters of life and death: the Challenger launch decision as a case study
by Robert E. Allinson - 85-87 Prisoner of war camps: memories of a remarkable evening
by Owen L Wade
2000, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 2-13 The logic of a command methodology: decision conferencing reconceptualised
by John de Reuck & Olive Schmidenberg & Des Klass - 14-27 "Who steals my purse steals trash...": reputation as a factor in establishing the value of non-executive directors and members of audit committees
by Michael Page, Laura F. Spira - 28-43 Strategic warning: powerful buyers can seriously damage organisational health
by Marie McHugh, Chris Brotherton - 44-67 Chaos in Korea: discerning opportunities
by David McHardy Reid - 68-102 Japanese telecommunications and NTT Corporation: a case in deregulation
by Hans W. Gottinger, Makoto Takashima - 103-119 Examining the competing values framework in a higher educational context: implications of a Hong Kong study
by James S. Pounder - 120-128 A sociocultural-historical view of "knowledge": management understandings and applications
by Michael W. Small, Laurence Dickie