- 3187 Child Health and Infant Mortality in Brazil
by Denisard Alves & Walter Belluzzo - 3186 Desnutrición en Bolivia: la geografía y la cultura sí importan
by Rolando Morales & Ana María Aguilar & Alvaro Calzadilla - 3185 Undernutrition in Bolivia: Geography and Culture Matter
by Rolando Morales & Ana María Aguilar & Alvaro Calzadilla - 3182 Elasticidad de la sustitución de bienes no transables en Bolivia
by Gover Barja Daza & Javier Monterrey Arce & Sergio Villarroel Bohrt - 3181 The Elasticity of Substitution in Demand for Non-Tradable Goods in Bolivia
by Gover Barja Daza & Javier Monterrey Arce & Sergio Villarroel Bohrt - 3178 Repercusiones de la capacitación laboral pública y privada en Colombia
by Carlos Medina & Jairo Núñez - 3177 The Impact of Public and Private Job Training in Colombia
by Carlos Medina & Jairo Núñez - 3172 Elasticidad de la sustitución en la demanda de bienes no transables en Uruguay
by Fernando Lorenzo & Rosa Osimani & Patricio Valenzuela - 3171 The Elasticity of Substitution in Demand for Non-Tradable Goods in Uruguay
by Fernando Lorenzo & Rosa Osimani & Patricio Valenzuela
- 4386 Propiedad de la banca y conducta crediticia
by Alejandro Micco & Ugo Panizza - 4385 Bank Ownership and Lending Behavior
by Alejandro Micco & Ugo Panizza - 4384 Métodos de búsqueda y resultados en países en desarrollo: el caso de Venezuela
by Gustavo Márquez & Cristobal Ruiz-Tagle - 4383 Search Methods and Outcomes in Developing Countries: The Case of Venezuela
by Gustavo Márquez & Cristobal Ruiz-Tagle - 4382 Propiedad y desempeño de la banca
by Alejandro Micco & Ugo Panizza & Mónica Yañez - 4381 Bank Ownership and Performance
by Alejandro Micco & Ugo Panizza & Mónica Yañez - 4380 ¿Debe el gobierno participar en la actividad bancaria? El papel de la banca propiedad del Estado y de la banca de fomento
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Alejandro Micco & Ugo Panizza - 4379 Should the Government Be in the Banking Business? The Role of State-Owned and Development Banks
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Alejandro Micco & Ugo Panizza - 4378 Desigualdad, instituciones e informalidad
by Alberto Chong & Mark Gradstein - 4377 Inequality, Institutions, and Informality
by Alberto Chong & Mark Gradstein - 4376 Normativa del mercado laboral y desigualdad del ingreso: elementos de juicio de un grupo de países
by César Calderón & Alberto Chong & Rodrigo Valdés - 4375 Labor Market Regulations and Income Inequality: Evidence for a Panel of Countries
by César Calderón & Alberto Chong & Rodrigo Valdés - 4374 Privatización en México
by Alberto Chong & Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes - 4373 Privatization in Mexico
by Alberto Chong & Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes - 4372 Viabilidad fiscal en países de mercados emergentes con un enfoque en Ecuador
by Carlos Díaz Alvarado & Alejandro Izquierdo & Ugo Panizza - 4371 Fiscal Sustainability in Emerging Market Countries with an Application to Ecuador
by Carlos Díaz Alvarado & Alejandro Izquierdo & Ugo Panizza - 4370 Infraestructura, regímenes de competencia y costos del transporte aéreo: elementos de juicio de varios países
by Alejandro Micco & Tomas Serebrisky - 4369 Infrastructure, Competition Regimes and Air Transport Costs: Cross Country Evidence
by Alejandro Micco & Tomas Serebrisky - 4368 El aspecto empírico de las paradas repentinas: la importancia de sus efectos en el balance general
by Guillermo A. Calvo & Alejandro Izquierdo & Luis Fernando Mejía - 4367 On the Empirics of Sudden Stops: The Relevance of Balance-Sheet Effects
by Guillermo A. Calvo & Alejandro Izquierdo & Luis Fernando Mejía - 4366 Protección del empleo y flujo bruto de puestos de trabajo: un enfoque de diferencias en diferencias
by Alejandro Micco & Carmen Pagés-Serra - 4365 Employment Protection and Gross Job Flows: A Differences-in-Differences Approach
by Alejandro Micco & Carmen Pagés-Serra - 4362 La desigualdad y las instituciones
by Alberto Chong & Mark Gradstein - 4361 Inequality and Institutions
by Alberto Chong & Mark Gradstein - 4360 El efecto de las transferencias condicionadas sobre el desempeño de los planteles educativos y el trabajo infantil: pruebas de una evaluación de impacto ex post en Costa Rica
by Suzanne Duryea & Andrew Morrison - 4359 The Effect of Conditional Transfers on School Performance and Child Labor: Evidence from an Ex-Post Impact Evaluation in Costa Rica
by Suzanne Duryea & Andrew Morrison - 4358 Los efectos del sector público en el financiamiento de la vivienda: El mercado hipotecario de Uruguay
by Eduardo Gandelman & Nestor Gandelman - 4357 Financiamiento de la vivienda en Chile
by Felipe G. Morandé & Carlos Garcia - 4352 Las instituciones del financiamiento de la vivienda en Argentina
by Marcela Cristini & Ramiro Moya - 4351 Home Financing Institutions in Argentina
by Marcela Cristini & Ramiro Moya - 4338 El acoplamiento de servicios y asistencia a los hogares en países en desarrollo empleando datos de panel: el caso de Perú
by Alberto Chong & Jesko Hentschel & Jaime Saavedra-Chanduví - 4337 Bundling of Services and Household Welfare in Developing Countries Using Panel Data: The Case of Peru
by Alberto Chong & Jesko Hentschel & Jaime Saavedra-Chanduví - 3193 Poverty, Health Infrastructure and the Nutrition of Peruvian Children
by Martin Valdivia - 3192 The Role of Maternal Cognitive Ability in Child Health
by Luis Rubalcava & Graciela Teruel - 3191 Correlates and Determinants of Child Anthropometrics in Latin America: Background and Overview of the Symposium
by Jere R. Behrman & Emmanuel Skoufias - 3184 Effects of Land Titling on Child Health
by Sebastian Galiani & Ernesto Schargrodsky - 3183 The Elasticity of Substitution in Demand for Non-Tradable Goods in Costa Rica
by Gilberto E. Arce & Edgar Robles C. - 3179 The Elasticity of Substitution in Demand for Non-Tradable Goods in Latin America: The Case of Argentina
by Martín González Rozada & Pablo Andrés Neumeyer & Alejandra Clemente & Diego Luciano Sasson & Nicholas Trachter - 3176 Efectos de las políticas de capacitación en América Latina y el Caribe: el caso del Programa Joven
by Cristian Aedo & Sergio Nuñez - 3175 The Impact of Training Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Case of Programa Joven
by Cristian Aedo & Sergio Nuñez - 3174 An Econometric Cost-Benefit Analysis of Argentina's Youth Training Program
by Víctor Elías & Fernanda Ruiz Núñez & Ricardo Cossa & David Bravo - 3170 The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Employment, Capital, and Productivity Dynamics: Evidence from the Uruguayan Manufacturing Sector
by Carlos Casacuberta & Gabriela Fachola & Nestor Gandelman
- 4356 Situación actual del financiamiento de la vivienda en Bolivia
by Rolando Morales - 4355 La crisis de financiamiento hipotecario en Colombia: Causas y consecuencias
by Mauricio Cardenas & Alejandro Badel - 4354 Concentración y penetración foránea en los sectores bancarios latinoamericanos: repercusiones sobre la competencia y el riesgo
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Alejandro Micco - 4353 Concentration and Foreign Penetration in Latin American Banking Sectors: Impact on Competition and Risk
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Alejandro Micco - 4350 El mercado de crédito hipotecario de Perú
by Hugo Eyzaguirre & Carlos Calderón Seminario - 4349 The Mortgage Loan Market in Peru
by Hugo Eyzaguirre & Carlos Calderón Seminario - 4348 Inflación y flexibilidad del mercado laboral: La rueda que chilla es la que se engrasa
by Ana Maria Loboguerrero & Ugo Panizza - 4347 Inflation and Labor Market Flexibility: The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease
by Ana Maria Loboguerrero & Ugo Panizza - 4346 ¿Quién se beneficia con la normativa de los mercados laborales?: Chile, 1960-1998
by Claudio Montenegro & Carmen Pagés-Serra - 4345 Who Benefits from Labor Market Regulations? Chile 1960-1998
by Claudio Montenegro & Carmen Pagés-Serra - 4344 La integración regional y la ubicación de la inversión extranjera directa
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Ernesto H. Stein & Christian Daude - 4343 Regional Integration and the Location of FDI
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Ernesto H. Stein & Christian Daude - 4342 El ALCA y el destino de la inversión extranjera directa
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Ernesto H. Stein & Christian Daude - 4341 The FTAA and the Location of FDI
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Ernesto H. Stein & Christian Daude - 4340 Efectos de la unión monetaria sobre el comercio internacional: elementos de juicio iniciales de la Unión Monetaria Europea
by Alejandro Micco & Ernesto H. Stein & Guillermo Luis Ordoñez - 4339 The Currency Union Effect on Trade: Early Evidence from EMU
by Alejandro Micco & Ernesto H. Stein & Guillermo Luis Ordoñez - 4336 Difusión de la información en mercados internacionales
by Alejandro Izquierdo & Jacques Morriset & Marcelo Olarreaga - 4335 Information Diffusion in International Markets
by Alejandro Izquierdo & Jacques Morriset & Marcelo Olarreaga - 4334 Hacia un sistema de seguro social eficaz en América Latina: la importancia de una política fiscal anticíclica
by Miguel Braun & Luciano di Gresia - 4333 Towards Effective Social Insurance in Latin America: The Importance of Countercyclical Fiscal Policy
by Miguel Braun & Luciano di Gresia - 4332 Los mercados laborales latinoamericanos en los años 90: descifrar la década
by Suzanne Duryea & Olga Lucia Jaramillo & Carmen Pagés-Serra - 4331 Latin American Labor Markets in the 1990s: Deciphering the Decade
by Suzanne Duryea & Olga Lucia Jaramillo & Carmen Pagés-Serra - 4330 La privatización y la reestructuración de la fuerza laboral en todo el mundo
by Alberto Chong & Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes - 4329 Privatization and Labor Force Restructuring Around the World
by Alberto Chong & Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes - 4328 Las paradas repentinas y las estrategias cambiarias en América Latina
by Arturo Galindo & Alejandro Izquierdo - 4327 Sudden Stops and Exchange Rate Strategies in Latin America
by Arturo Galindo & Alejandro Izquierdo - 4326 ¿Fomentan el desarrollo los bancos propiedad del Estado? Elementos de juicio de las industrias manufactureras de una muestra de países
by Arturo Galindo & Alejandro Micco - 4325 Do State-Owned Banks Promote Growth? Cross-Country Evidence for Manufacturing Industries
by Arturo Galindo & Alejandro Micco - 4324 Conducción empresarial y flujos de capitales privados hacia América Latina
by Alberto Chong & Alejandro Izquierdo & Alejandro Micco & Ugo Panizza - 4323 Corporate Governance and Private Capital Flows to Latin America
by Alberto Chong & Alejandro Izquierdo & Alejandro Micco & Ugo Panizza - 4322 ¿Deben las empresas propiedad del Estado cambiar de presidente ejecutivo antes de una privatización? El caso de la industria de telecomunicaciones
by Alberto Chong & Virgilio Galdo - 4321 Should State-Owned Firms Change CEOs Before Privatization? The Case of the Telecommunications Industry
by Alberto Chong & Virgilio Galdo - 4320 La racionalización y los precios de la privatización en el sector de las telecomunicaciones
by Alberto Chong & Virgilio Galdo - 4319 Streamlining and Privatization Prices in the Telecommunications Industry
by Alberto Chong & Virgilio Galdo - 4318 La naturaleza cíclica de los flujos norte-sur de inversión extranjera directa
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Ugo Panizza & Ernesto H. Stein - 4317 The Cyclical Nature of North-South FDI Flows
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Ugo Panizza & Ernesto H. Stein - 4316 Sincronización de la intensidad del comercio internacional y el ciclo económico: ¿Hay alguna diferencia en los países en desarrollo?
by César Calderón & Alberto Chong & Ernesto H. Stein - 4315 Trade Intensity and Business Cycle Synchronization: Are Developing Countries any Different?
by César Calderón & Alberto Chong & Ernesto H. Stein - 4314 Más vale malo conocido: elementos de juicio sobre los costos de ingreso que encaran los bancos extranjeros
by Arturo Galindo & Alejandro Micco & César Manuel Serra - 4313 Better the Devil that You Know: Evidence on Entry Costs Faced by Foreign Banks
by Arturo Galindo & Alejandro Micco & César Manuel Serra - 3180 The Truth About Privatization in Latin America
by Alberto Chong & Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes - 3173 Peruvian Privatization: Impacts On Firm Performance
by Máximo Torero - 3167 Teacher Unionization and the Quality of Education in Peru: An Empirical Evaluation Using Survey Data
by Eduardo Zegarra & Renato Ravina - 3166 The Effects of Unions on Productivity: Evidence from Large Coffee Producers in Guatemala
by Sigfrido Lee & Carmen Urizar H. - 3164 Access to Credit and the Effect of Credit Constraints on Costa Rican Manufacturing Firms
by Alexander Monge-Naranjo & Luis J. Hall - 3154 Privatization in Bolivia: The Impact on Firm Performance
by Mauricio Garrón B. & Carlos Gustavo Machicado & Katherina Capra - 3151 Privatization in Colombia: A Plant Performance Analysis
by Carlos Pombo & Manuel Ramírez - 3150 The Effects of Privatization on Firms and on Social Welfare: The Chilean Case
by Rodrigo Gutierrez & Pablo Serra & Ronald Fischer - 3149 Costs and Benefits of Privatization: Evidence from Brazil
by A. Gledson de Carvalho & Francisco Anuatti-Neto & Milton Barossi-Filho & Roberto Macedo - 3148 The Costs and Benefits of Privatization in Argentina: A Microeconomic Analysis
by Federico Sturzenegger & Ernesto Schargrodsky & Sebastian Galiani & Paul Gertler - 1004 La competitividad de Perú después de la década de reforma: Diagnóstico y propuestas
by Alberto Melo - 1003 Designing Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets for Latin American Countries
by Frank A. Wolak - 1002 Colombia: Los problemas de competitividad de un país en conflicto
by Alberto Melo - 1001 Regulation and Competition in Mobile Telephony in Latin America
by Carlos Lapuerta & Juan Benavides & Sonia Jorge - 1000 La competitividad de Ecuador en la era de la dolarización: diagnóstico y propuestas
by Alberto Melo
- 4310 ¿Por qué deben las economías emergentes renunciar a su moneda nacional? El argumento a favor
by Enrique Mendoza - 4309 Why Should Emerging Economies Give Up National Currencies? A Case for Institutions Substitution
by Enrique Mendoza - 4308 Fricciones crediticias y 'paradas repentinas' en pequeñas economías abiertas: un marco de equilibrio del ciclo económico para crisis en mercados emergentes
by Cristina Arellano & Enrique Mendoza - 4307 Credit Frictions and 'Sudden Stops' in Small Open Economies: An Equilibrium Business Cycle Framework for Emerging Markets Crises
by Cristina Arellano & Enrique Mendoza - 4306 Limitaciones crediticias en América Latina: panorámica general de los elementos de juicio al nivel micro
by Arturo Galindo & Fabio Schiantarelli - 4305 Credit Constraints in Latin America: An Overview of the Micro Evidence
by Arturo Galindo & Fabio Schiantarelli - 4304 Un escrutinio a las reformas estructurales en América Latina
by Eduardo Lora & Ugo Panizza - 4303 Structural Reforms in Latin America under Scrutiny
by Eduardo Lora & Ugo Panizza - 4302 Las reformas estructurales en América Latina bajo la lupa
by Eduardo Lora & Ugo Panizza - 4301 Structural Reforms in Latin America under Scrutiny
by Eduardo Lora & Ugo Panizza - 4300 Paradas repentinas, tipo de cambio real y viabilidad fiscal: enseñanzas de Argentina
by Alejandro Izquierdo & Ernesto Talvi & Guillermo A. Calvo - 4299 Sudden Stops, the Real Exchange Rate and Fiscal Sustainability: Argentina's Lessons
by Alejandro Izquierdo & Ernesto Talvi & Guillermo A. Calvo - 4298 Políticas de capital humano: qué pueden conseguir y qué no en cuanto a la productividad y la reducción de la pobreza en América Latina
by Suzanne Duryea & Carmen Pagés-Serra - 4297 Human Capital Policies: What they Can and Cannot Do for Productivity and Poverty Reduction in Latin America
by Suzanne Duryea & Carmen Pagés-Serra - 4296 ¿Mejora la apertura financiera la asignación de la inversión? Elementos de juicio a nivel micro de países en desarrollo
by Arturo Galindo & Fabio Schiantarelli & Andrew Weiss - 4295 Does Financial Liberalization Improve the Allocation of Investment?: Micro Evidence from Developing Countries
by Arturo Galindo & Fabio Schiantarelli & Andrew Weiss - 4292 Internet y la capacidad de innovar en América Latina
by Alberto Chong & Alejandro Micco - 4291 The Internet and the Ability to Innovate in Latin America
by Alberto Chong & Alejandro Micco - 4290 Particularismo político alrededor del mundo
by Jessica Seddon Wallack & Alejandro Gaviria & Ugo Panizza & Ernesto H. Stein - 4289 Political Particularism around the World
by Jessica Seddon Wallack & Alejandro Gaviria & Ugo Panizza & Ernesto H. Stein - 4286 Legislación y control de riesgos de salud en América Latina y el Caribe
by Mónica Bolis - 4285 Legislation and control of health risks in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Mónica Bolis - 4248 Factores determinantes de los costos del transporte marítimo
by Alejandro Micco & Natalia Perez - 4247 Determinants of Maritime Transport Costs
by Alejandro Micco & Natalia Perez - 3169 Peruvian Privatization: Impacts On Firm Performance
by Máximo Torero - 3168 Bailouts in Costa Rica as a Result of Government Centralization and Discretionary Transfers
by Luis J. Hall & Gilberto E. Arce & Alexander Monge-Naranjo - 3165 Credit Constraints in Latin America: An Overview of the Micro Evidence
by Arturo Galindo & Fabio Schiantarelli - 3163 Adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean: Examining Time Allocation Decisions with Cross-Country Data
by Naercio Menezes-Filho & Reynaldo Fernandez & Paulo Picchetti & Ricardo Paes de Barros & Carlos Henrique Corseuil & Miguel Fogel & Daniel Santos & Simone Wajnman & Maria Carolina Leme - 3162 Working and Studying in Rural Latin America: Critical Decisions of Adolescence
by Lorena Alcazar & Silvio Rendon & Erik Wachtenheim - 3161 Adolescents and Young Adults in Latin America, Critical Decisions at a Critical Age: Young Adult Labor Market Experience
by Josefina Bruni Celli & Richard Obuchi - 3160 Decentralization, Fiscal Discipline in Sub-National Governments and the Bailout Problem: The Case of Argentina
by Juan Pablo Nicolini & Josefina Posadas & Juan Sanguinetti & Pablo Sanguinetti & Mariano Tommasi - 3159 The Economic Effects of Unions in Latin America: Their Impact on Wages and the Economic Performance of Firms in Uruguay
by Adriana Cassoni & Gaston J. Labadie & Gabriela Fachola - 3158 Union Density Changes and Union Effects On Firm Performance in Peru
by Jaime Saavedra-Chanduví & Máximo Torero - 3157 Unions and the Economic Performanceof Brazilian Establishments
by Naercio Menezes-Filho & Helio Zylberstajn & Jose Paulo Chahad & Elaine Pazello - 3156 The Economic Effects of Unions in Latin America: Teachers' Unions and Education in Argentina
by Maria Victoria Murillo & Mariano Tommasi & Lucas Ronconi & Juan Sanguinetti - 3155 Investment Equations and Financial Restrictions at Firm Level: The Case of Uruguay
by Julio de Brun & Eduardo Barbieri & Nestor Gandelman - 3153 Access to Long Term Debt and Effects on Firms' Performance: Lessons from Ecuador
by Fabio Schiantarelli & Fidel Jaramillo - 3152 Decentralization and Fiscal Discipline in Subnational Governments:The Bailout Problem in Uruguay
by Fernando Filgueira & Fernando Lorenzo & Juan Andrés Moraes & Herman Kamil & Andrés Rius - 3147 Determinants and Consequences of Financial Constraints Facing Firms in Argentina
by Jose Maria Fanelli & Ricardo N. Bebczuk & Juan J. Pradelli - 3146 Internal Capital Markets and Financing Choices of Mexican Firms Before and During the Financial Paralysis of 1995-2000
by Gonzalo Castaneda - 3145 Credit, Financial Liberalization and Manufacturing Investment in Colombia
by Maria Angelica Arbelaez & Juan Jose Echavarria - 3144 A Dynamic Analysis of Household Decision-Making in Urban Colombia, 1976-1998: Changes in Household Structure, Human Capital and its Returns, and Female Labor Force Participation
by Jairo Núñez & Fabio Sánchez Torres - 3143 Fiscal Decentralization in Mexico: The Bailout Problem
by Fausto Hernández Trillo & Alberto Díaz Cayeros & Rafael Gamboa González - 3142 Chile: Un caso poco frecuente de indisciplina fiscal (bailout) y endeudamiento encubierto en la educación municipal
by Claudia Serrano & Heidi Berner - 3141 Social Exclusion in Latin America: Introduction and Overview
by Jere R. Behrman & Alejandro Gaviria & Miguel Székely - 3140 Bank Relationships: Effect on the Availability and Marginal Cost of Credit for Firms in Argentina
by Jorge M. Streb & Javier Bolzico & Pablo Druck & Alejandro Henke & José Rutman & Walter Sosa Escudero - 3139 Rentier States and Geography in Mexico's Development
by Roberto Blum & Alberto Díaz Cayeros - 3138 Decentralization and Bailouts in Colombia
by Juan Jose Echavarria & Carolina Renteria & Roberto Steiner - 3137 State Government Bailouts in Brazil
by Afonso S. Bevilaqua - 3136 Social Exclusion: Residential Segregation in Bolivian Cities
by George Gray-Molina & Wilson Jimenez & Ernesto Perez de Rada - 3135 Geographical Exclusion in Rural Areas of El Salvador: Its Impact on Labor Market Outcomes
by Ana Regina Vides de Andrade & Anabella Lardé de Palomo & Lissette Calderón Martínez - 3134 Schooling Inequality among the Indigenous: A Problem of Resources or Language Barriers?
by Susan W. Parker & Luis Rubalcava & Graciela Teruel - 3133 Social Exclusion of Nicaraguans in the Urban Metropolitan Area of San Jose, Costa Rica
by Edward Funkhouser & Juan Pablo Pérez Sáinz & Carlos Sojo
- 4294 Reformas estructurales en América Latina: qué se ha reformado y cómo cuantificarlo
by Eduardo Lora - 4293 Structural Reforms in Latin America: What Has Been Reformed and How to Measure It
by Eduardo Lora - 4288 Las Reformas estructurales en América Latina: Qué se ha reformado y cómo medirlo
by Eduardo Lora - 4287 Structural reforms in Latin America: What has been reformed and how to measure it?
by Eduardo Lora - 4284 Los sistemas de innovación en América Latina y el Caribe
by Alberto Melo - 4283 The Innovation Systems of Latin America and the Caribbean
by Alberto Melo - 4282 La política industrial en América Latina y el Caribe a comienzos del siglo
by Alberto Melo - 4281 Industrial Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean at the Turn of the Century
by Alberto Melo - 4280 El ciclo de crecimiento de la tasa de interés en Estados Unidos y sus consecuencias para los mercados emergentes
by Carmen Reinhart & Guillermo A. Calvo & Eduardo Fernández-Arias & Ernesto Talvi - 4279 The Growth-Interest Rate Cycle in the United States and its Consequences for Emerging Markets
by Carmen Reinhart & Guillermo A. Calvo & Eduardo Fernández-Arias & Ernesto Talvi - 4278 Crecimiento y financiamiento externo en América Latina
by Carmen Reinhart & Guillermo A. Calvo & Eduardo Fernández-Arias & Ernesto Talvi - 4277 Growth and External Financing in Latin America
by Carmen Reinhart & Guillermo A. Calvo & Eduardo Fernández-Arias & Ernesto Talvi - 4276 Reforma del sector social en América Latina y el papel de los sindicatos
by Daniel Maceira & Maria Victoria Murillo - 4275 Social Sector Reform in Latin America and the Role of Unions
by Daniel Maceira & Maria Victoria Murillo - 4274 Reacción de los hogares a las sacudidas adversas del ingreso en América Latina
by Alejandro Gaviria - 4273 Household Responses to Adverse Income Shocks in Latin America
by Alejandro Gaviria - 4272 Los años 90 en América Latina: otra década de desigualdad persistente, pero con un poco menos de pobreza
by Miguel Székely - 4271 The 1990s in Latin America: Another Decade of Persistent Inequality, but with Somewhat Lower Poverty
by Miguel Székely - 4270 ¿Es el crecimiento económico bueno para los pobres? Seguimiento del ingreso bajo con medias generales
by James E. Foster & Miguel Székely - 4269 Is Economic Growth Good for the Poor? Tracking Low Incomes Using General Means
by James E. Foster & Miguel Székely - 4268 Movilidad intergeneracional en América Latina
by Jere R. Behrman & Alejandro Gaviria & Miguel Székely - 4267 Intergenerational Mobility in Latin America
by Jere R. Behrman & Alejandro Gaviria & Miguel Székely - 4266 Sacudidas salariales y variabilidad del consumo en México durante los años 90
by Miguel Székely & Orazio P. Attanasio - 4265 Wage Shocks and Consumption Variability in Mexico during the 1990s
by Miguel Székely & Orazio P. Attanasio - 4264 Volumen y calidad de la infraestructura y la distribución del ingreso: investigación empírica
by Alberto Chong & César Calderón - 4263 Volume and Quality of Infrastructure and the Distribution of Income: An Empirical Investigation
by Alberto Chong & César Calderón - 4262 Pobreza, Desigualdad, y Liberalización Comercial y financiera en América Latina
by Jere R. Behrman & Nancy Birdsall & Miguel Székely - 4261 Poverty, Inequality, and Trade and Financial Liberalization in Latin America
by Jere R. Behrman & Nancy Birdsall & Miguel Székely - 4260 Derechos de los acreedores y el mercado crediticio ¿Cuál es la situación actual?
by Arturo Galindo - 4259 Creditor Rights and the Credit Market: Where Do We Stand?
by Arturo Galindo - 4258 Los obstáculos al desarrollo empresarial y el tamaño de las firmas en América Latina
by Eduardo Lora & Patricia Cortés - 4257 Obstacles to Business Development and the Size of Firms in Latin America
by Eduardo Lora & Patricia Cortés - 4256 Políticas de orientación interna, instituciones, autócratas y crecimiento económico en América Latina: un análisis empírico
by Alberto Chong & Luisa Zanforlin - 4255 Inward-Looking Policies, Institutions, Autocrats, and Economic Growth in Latin America: An Empirical Exploration
by Alberto Chong & Luisa Zanforlin - 4254 Desigualdad, democracia y persistencia: ¿existe una curva Kuznets política?
by Alberto Chong - 4253 Inequality, Democracy, and Persistence: Is There a Political Kuznets Curve?
by Alberto Chong - 4252 Estructura y desarrollo de instituciones financieras y su relación con la confianza: elementos de juicio de varios países
by Arturo Galindo & Alberto Chong & César Calderón - 4251 Structure and Development of Financial Institutions and Links with Trust: Cross-Country Evidence
by Arturo Galindo & Alberto Chong & César Calderón - 4250 Protección de los acreedores y ciclos económicos
by Arturo Galindo & Alejandro Micco