- 323 B2C eCommerce Strategy and Market Structure: The Survey Based Approach
by Stefan W. Schmitz & Paul Peter Sint - 322 New Firm Formation by Industry over Space and Time: A Multi-Level Analysis
by Michael Fritsch & Oliver Falck - 321 Labor Supply of Married Females in Estonia
by Boriss Siliverstovs & Dmitri Koulikov - 320 The Politics of Endogenous Growth
by Chetan Ghate & Paul J. Zak
- 319 A Nation-Wide Laboratory: Examining Trust and Trustworthiness by Integrating Behavioral Experiments into Representative Surveys
by Ernst Fehr & Urs Fischbacher & Bernhard von Rosenbladt & Jürgen Schupp & Gert G. Wagner - 318 Stability Criteria and Convergence: The Role of the System of National Accounts for Fiscal Policy in Europe
by Tilman Brück & Andreas Cors & Klaus F. Zimmermann & Rudolf Zwiener - 317 The Effect of Family Income during Childhood on Later-life Attainment: Evidence from Germany
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Christian Schluter - 316 Die Einstellung zum Euro: eine empirische Analyse mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP)
by Bettina Isengard & Thorsten Schneider - 315 Assessing the Contribution of Public Capital to Private Production: Evidence from the German Manufacturing Sector
by Andreas Stephan - 314 Do Leading Indicators Help to Predict Business Cycle Turning Points in Germany?
by Ulrich Fritsche & Vladimir Kuzin - 313 Outsourcing and the Demand for Low-skilled Labour in German Manufacturing: New Evidence
by Ingo Geishecker - 312 Structural Unemployment and the Output Gap in Germany: Evidence from an SVAR Analysis within a Hysteresis Framework
by Ulrich Fritsche & Camille Logeay - 311 Accounting for Poverty Differences between the United States, Great Britain, and Germany
by Martin Biewen & Stephen P. Jenkins - 310 Endogenous Distribution, Politics and Growth
by Satya Das & Chetan Ghate - 309 Outsourcing and Firm-level Performance
by Bernd Görzig & Andreas Stephan - 308 Optimal Fiscal Policy in an Economy Facing Socio-Political Instability
by Chetan Ghate & Quan Vu Le & Paul J. Zak - 307 Corporate Donations to the Arts: Philanthropy or Advertising?
by Björn Frank & Kurt Geppert - 306 Back on Track?: Savings Puzzles in EU-Accession Countries
by Mechthild Schrooten & Sabine Stephan - 305 European Mothers' Time with Children: Differences and Similarities across Nine Countries
by Jutta M. Joesch & C. Katharina Spiess - 304 An Investigation into the 1999 Collapse of the Brazilian Real
by Omar F. Saqib - 303 Interpreting Currency Crises: A Review of Theory, Evidence, and Issues
by Omar F. Saqib - 302 The Dead-Anyway Effect Revis(it)ed
by Friedrich Breyer & Stefan Felder - 301 Does the Behaviour of Myopic Addicts Support the Rational Addiction model?: A Simulation
by Björn Frank - 300 A Schumpeter-Inspired Approach to the Construction of R&D Capital Stocks
by Jürgen Bitzer & Andreas Stephan - 299 Respondent Behavior in Panel Studies: A Case Study for Income-Nonresponse by Means of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)
by Jörg-Peter Schräpler - 298 Strategic Path Reliability in Information Networks
by Rajgopal Kannan & Sudipta Sarangi & S. S. Iyengar - 297 Stricter Enforcement May Increase Tax Evasion
by Rainald Borck - 296 Bug-Fixing and Code-Writing: The Private Provision of Open Source Software
by Jürgen Bitzer & Philipp J. H. Schröder - 295 Managerial Incentives, Innovation and Product Market Competition
by Zhentang Zhang - 294 Endogenous Costs and Price-Cost Margins
by Damien J. Neven & Lars-Hendrik Röller & Zhentang Zhang - 293 Long-Term Effects of Unpaid Overtime
by Markus Pannenberg - 292 The Covariance Structure of East and West German Incomes and its Implications for the Persistence of Poverty and Inequality
by Martin Biewen - 291 Alternative Measures of the Explanatory Power of Multivariate Probit Models with Continuous or Ordinal Responses
by Martin Spieß & Gerhard Tutz - 290 A Multilevel Analysis of Child Care and the Transition to Motherhood in Western Germany
by Karsten Hank & Michaela Kreyenfeld - 289 The Effect of Maternity Leave on Women's Pay in Germany 1984-1994
by Jan Ondrich & Katharina C. Spieß & Qing Yang - 288 Modelling Low Income Transitions
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - 287 How to Finance Eastern Enlargement of the EU
by Christian Weise - 286 German Exports to the Euro Area
by Sabine Stephan - 285 Are People Inequality Averse, and Do They Prefer Redistribution by the State?: Evidence from German Longitudinal Data on Life Satisfaction
by Johannes Schwarze & Marco Härpfer - 284 Youth Unemployment: Individual Risk Factors and Institutional Determinants: A Case Study of Germany and the United Kingdom
by Bettina Isengard - 283 Gaining Access to Housing in Germany: The Foreign Minority Experience
by Anita I. Drever & William A. V. Clark - 282 An Analysis of Institutional Change in the European Union with an Application to Social Policy
by Martin Kolmar - 281 To Aid, Insurance, Transfer, or Control: What Drives the Welfare State?
by Edward Castronova - 280 Riding the Transition Roller-Coaster: Flexibility and the Inter-Industry Wage Structure in Russia
by Ingo Geishecker & John P. Haisken-DeNew - 279 The Polish Zloty and Currency Speculation
by Tatiana Fic - 278 Does Religion Influence the Labour Supply of Married Women in Germany?
by Guido Heineck - 277 Smoke Signals: The Intergenerational Transmission of Smoking Behavior
by Christian Bantle & John P. Haisken-DeNew - 276 Maintenance of and Innovation in Long-Term Panel Studies: The Case of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)
by Jürgen Schupp & Gert G. Wagner - 275 Kapitaldeckung in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung: zur Berechnung der finanziellen Auswirkungen eines Umstiegs vom Umlage auf das Kapitaldeckungssystem
by Markus M. Grabka & Hanfried H. Andersen & Klaus-Dirk Henke & Katja Borchardt - 274 The Differential Influence of Women's Residential District on Their Risk of Entering Motherhood and First Marriage: A Discrete-Time Multilevel Analysis of Western German Panel Data, 1984 - 1999
by Karsten Hank - 273 Die sozioökonomischen Folgen eines einkommensabhängigen Kindergeldzuschlags: eine Mikrosimulation der "Grünen Kindergrundsicherung"
by Birgit Otto - 272 Bruttoeinkommensverteilung in Deutschland 1984 - 1999 und Ungleichheit unter ausländischen Erwerbstätigen
by Regina T. Riphahn - 271 The Personal Distribution of Income and Imputed Rent: A Cross-National Comparison for the UK, West Germany and the USA
by Joachim R. Frick & Markus M. Grabka - 270 Regional Social Contexts and Individual Fertility Decisions: A Multilevel Analysis of First and Second Births in Western Germany
by Karsten Hank - 269 Effects of Tariffication: Tariffs, Quotas and VERs under Monopolistic Competition
by Jan G. Jorgensen & Philipp J. H. Schröder
- 268 A Decision Heuristic for Party Identification: New British and German Data and a New Understanding for a Classic Concept
by Alan S. Zuckerman & Malcolm Brynin - 267 Kassenwechsel in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung: welche Rolle spielt der Beitragssatz?
by Johannes Schwarze & Hanfried H. Andersen - 266 Incentives to Retire Later: A Solution to the Social Security Crisis?
by Friedrich Breyer & Mathias Kifmann - 265 The Anatomy of Subjective Well-Being
by Bernard M. S. van Praag & P. Frijters & Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell - 264 Institutionen, Finanzsysteme und Transformation
by Hella Engerer & Mechthild Schrooten - 263 The Determinants of Church Attendance and Religious Human Capital in Germany: Evidence from Panel Data
by Guido Heineck - 262 The Subjective Costs of Health Losses Due to Chronic Diseases: An Alternative Model for Monetary Appraisal
by Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell & Bernard M. S. van Praag - 261 Options for Transporting Russian Gas to Western Europe: A Game-theoretic Simulation Analysis
by Andreas Chollet & Berit Meinhart & Christian von Hirschhausen & Petra Opitz - 260 Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure with Convex Downstream Costs
by Pio Baake & Ulrich Kamecke & Hans-Theo Normann - 259 Market Size and Factor Endowment: Explaining Comparative Advantage in Bilateral Trade by Differences in Income and Per Capita Income
by Dieter Schumacher - 258 Probleme einer steigenden Lebenserwartung in der privaten Rentenversicherung: Theorie und Empirie für Deutschland
by Johannes Leinert & Gert G. Wagner - 257 Auswirkungen der Einführung der Sozialversicherungspflicht für geringfügige Beschäftigung: eine Evaluation des "630-DM-Jobs"-Reformgesetzes
by Johannes Schwarze & Guido Heineck - 256 Decomposing Permanent and Transitory Poverty
by Jan Goebel - 255 Life Course Risks, Mobility Regimes, and Mobility Consequences: A Comparison of Sweden, Germany and the U.S
by Thomas A. DiPrete - 254 Why Funding Is not a Solution to the "Social Security Crisis"
by Friedrich Breyer - 253 Income Redistribution and the Political Economy of Social Health Insurance: Comparing Germany and Switzerland
by Friedrich Breyer - 252 Is There a "Dead-Anyway" Effect in Willingness to Pay for Risk Reduction?
by Friedrich Breyer & Markus M. Grabka - 251 Langfristige Folgen einer Einbeziehung der Selbständigen in die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung
by Mathias Kifmann - 250 Savings in Central Eastern Europe
by Mechthild Schrooten & Sabine Stephan - 249 Autonomous Organization of the (International) Scientific Community Would Simplify Data Protection in the Social Sciences and Encourage Reanalysis
by Gert G. Wagner - 248 Modellgestützte Analyse der ökologischen Steuerreform mit LEAN, PANTA RHEI: und dem Potsdamer Mikrosimulationsmodell
by Stefan Bach & Michael Kohlhaas & Bernd Meyer & Barbara Praetorius & Heinz Welsch - 247 Wettbewerb aller Krankenversicherungen kann Qualität verbessern und Kosten des Gesundheitswesens senken
by Wolfgang Buchholz & Birgit Edener & Markus Grabka & Klaus-Dirk Henke & Monika Huber & Hermann Ribhegge & Andreas Ryll & Hans-Jürgen Wagener & Gert G. Wagner - 246 Power Utility Re-regulation in East European and CIS Transformation Countries (1990-1999): An Institutional Interpretation
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Petra Opitz - 245 Estimating Causal Effects with Matching Methods in the Presence and Absence of Bias Cancellation
by Thomas A. DiPrete & Henriette Engelhardt - 244 Respondent Behavior in Panel Studies: A Case Study of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)
by Jörg-Peter Schräpler - 243 Gütesiegel als neues Instrument der Qualitätssicherung von Humandienstleistungen: Gründe, Anforderungen und Umsetzungsüberlegungen am Beispiel von Kindertageseinrichtungen
by Katharina Spieß & Wolfgang Tietze - 242 Ecological Labelling and the World Trade Organization
by Susanne Dröge - 241 Do Probit Models Help in Forecasting Turning Points in German Business Cycles?
by Ulrich Fritsche - 240 Auswirkungen der demographischen Entwicklung auf die Zahl der Pflegefälle: Vorausschätzungen bis 2020 mit Ausblick auf 2050
by Erika Schulz & Reiner Leidl & Hans-Helmut König - 239 Arbeitsmarktbindung Nichterwerbstätiger: zur Stillen Reserve in Europa
by Elke Holst & C. Katharina Spieß - 238 Leading Indicators of Euroland Business Cycles
by Ulrich Fritsche & Felix Marklein - 237 Institutionelle Determinanten der Erwerbsarbeit: Zur Notwendigkeit einer Gender-Perspektive in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften
by Elke Holst - 236 Optionen der Weiterentwicklung des Risikostrukturausgleichs in der GKV
by Friedrich Breyer & Mathias Kifmann - 235 Child Poverty Dynamics in Seven Nations
by Bruce Bradbury & Stephen P. Jenkins & John Micklewright - 234 Umfang und Kompensation von Überstunden: eine vergleichende Analyse für Westdeutschland und Großbritannien
by Markus Pannenberg & Gert G. Wagner - 233 The Dynamics of Child Poverty: Britain and Germany Compared
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Christian Schluter & Gert G. Wagner - 232 Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in the German Socio Ecoomic Panel (GSOEP): (1984 until 1999)
by Markus Pannenberg - 231 Erosion of Monopoly Power due to the Emergence of Linux
by Jürgen Bitzer
- 230 Unemployment and Productivity Growth: An Empirical Analysis within the Augmented Solow Model
by Michael Bräuninger & Markus Pannenberg - 229 Short Term Living Conditions and Long Term Prospects of Immigrant Children in Germany
by Joachim R. Frick & Gert G. Wagner - 228 Aggregation and Seasonal Adjustment: Empirical Results for EMU Quarterly National Accounts
by Katja Rietzler & Sabine Stephan & Jürgen Wolters - 227 Using Panel Data on Income Satisfaction to Estimate the Equivalence Scale Elasticity
by Johannes Schwarze - 226 A Forgotten Issue: Distributional Effects of Day Care Subsidies in Germany
by Michaela Kreyenfeld & C. Katharina Spieß & Gert G. Wagner - 225 Personelle Einkommensverteilung und der Einfluß von Imputed Rent
by Joachim R. Frick & Markus M. Grabka - 224 Fiscal Federalism in Western European and Selected Other Countries: Centralization or Decentralization? What Is Better for Economic Growth?
by Ulrich Thießen - 223 Volume and Comparative Advantage in East-West Trade
by Dieter Schumacher & Parvati Trübswetter - 222 To What Extent do Fiscal Regimes Equalize Opportunities for Income Acquisition Among Citizens?
by John E. Roemer & Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Johan Fritzell & Stephen P. Jenkins & Ive Marx & Marianne Page & Evert Pommer & Javier Ruiz-Castillo & Maria Jesus San Segundo & Torben Tranaes & Gert G.Wagner & Ignacio Zubiri - 221 Research and Technology Organisations in National Systems of Innovation
by Claudio Farina & Brigitte Preissl - 220 Fiscal Federalism and Financial Resources for Regional Development - Co-operative and Competitive Models: The International Experience - an Example for Russia?
by Bernhard Seidel & Mechthild Schrooten - 219 Estimating Welfare Indices: Household Weights and Sample Design
by Frank A. Cowell & Stephen P. Jenkins - 218 A Generalized Estimating/Pseudo-Score Equations Approach for the Estimation of Structural Equation Models
by Martin Spiess - 217 The Distribution of Income by Sectors of the Population
by Stephen P. Jenkins - 216 Re-employment Probabilities for Spanish Men: What Role Does the Unemployment Benefit System Play?
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Carlos García-Serrano - 215 Evaluation of a Pseudo-R2 Measure for Panel Probit Models
by Martin Spiess - 214 Do Current Income and Annual Income Measures Provide Different Pictures of Britain's Income Distribution?
by René Böheim & Stephen P. Jenkins - 213 Measuring Income Risk
by Simon Burgess & Karen Gardiner & Stephen P. Jenkins & Carol Propper - 212 Möglichkeiten zur Modellierung hoher Einkommen auf Grundlage der Einkommensteuerstatistik
by Stefan Bach & Bernd Bartholmai - 211 Social Security Privatization and Financial Market Risk: Lessons from U.S. Financial History
by Gary Burtless - 210 Take It or Leave It: (Non-) Take-up Behavior of Social Assistance in Germany
by Hilke Almut Kayser & Joachim R. Frick - 209 Globalisierung, Wettbewerb und Bildungspolitik
by Christian Weise - 208 Russia's Debt Crisis and the Unofficial Economy
by Claudia M. Buch & Ralph P. Heinrich & Lusine Lusinyan & Mechthild Schrooten - 207 Leading Indicators of German Business Cycles: An Assessment of Properties
by Ulrich Fritsche & Sabine Stephan - 206 Methodische und empirische Grundlagen der vierteljährlichen volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung
by Karin Müller-Krumholz - 205 Health Care Reform: Separating Insurance from Income Redistribution
by Friedrich Breyer & Andreas Haufler - 204 Money Demand in Europe: Evidence from the Past
by Elke Hahn & Christian Müller - 203 Self-Rated Health and Changes in Self-Rated Health as Predictors of Mortality: First Evidence from German Panel Data
by Johannes Schwarze & Hanfried H. Andersen & Silke Anger - 202 Demographic Change, Endogenous Labor Supply and the Political Feasibility of Pension Reform
by Friedrich Breyer & Klaus Stolte - 201 Why Do People Still Live in East Germany?
by Jennifer Hunt - 200 Reform of the Public Pension System in Germany
by Kai A. Konrad & Gert Wagner - 199 Die Zusammenarbeit von Staat und Markt in der Sozialpolitik: das Beispiel Betreuungsgutscheine und Qualitätsregulierung für die institutionelle Kinderbetreuung
by Michaela Kreyenfeld & Gert Wagner - 198 Combining an Ongoing Panel with a New Cross-Sectional Sample
by Martin Spiess & Ulrich Rendtel - 197 Derivation of Design Weights: The Case of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)
by Martin Spiess - 196 Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (GSOEP) 1984 until 1998
by Markus Pannenberg - 195 Zur Logik der Rentenanpassung: ein konstitutionenökonomischer Vorschlag
by Stefan Voigt & Gert G. Wagner - 194 Lohnspreizung und Arbeitslosigkeit: theoretische Erklärungsansätze und Stand empirischer Forschung
by Simone Kohnz & Georg Erber - 193 Banking Crises in Transition Countries - Theory and Empirical Evidence: The Case of Russia
by Ulrich Thießen - 192 Zum wirtschaftspolitischen Reformfortschritt der Ukraine und zur Konditionalität der westlichen Hilfe
by Ulrich Thießen
- 191 The Availability of Child Care and Mothers' Employment in West Germany
by Michaela Kreyenfeld & Karsten Hank - 190 Zur Dynamik von Erwerbstätigkeit und ehrenamtlichen Engagement in Deutschland
by Marcel Erlinghagen - 189 Subventionen im Maschinenbau
by Frank Stille & Dieter Teichmann - 188 Neuere Entwicklungen in der industrieökonomischen Forschung und die aktuelle Berichterstattung über die technologische Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands
by Alfred Haid & Markus Thomas Münter - 187 Ersparnis und Vorsorgeaufwendungen nach Haushaltsgruppen
by Klaus-Dietrich Bedau - 186 On the Optimality of Activist Policies with a Less Informed Government
by Jean-Pascal Bénassy - 185 Explaining Export Success in the UK and German Medical Equipment Industry
by Bob Anderton & Siegfried Schultz - 184 Das "Interviewer-Panel" des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels: Darstellung und ausgewählte Analysen
by Jörg-Peter Schräpler & Gert Wagner - 183 Fiscal Federalism: An International Comparison
by Bernhard Seidel & Dieter Vesper - 182 Cost-Cutting: A Strategy for Greater Wealth and Employment?: Results of Quantitative Scenarios for Germany to the Year 2010
by Bernd Görzig & Martin Gornig & Claudius Schmidt-Faber & Erika Schulz - 181 Kriterien und Vorschläge für einen Subventionsabbau: Kurzexpertise zur Strukturberichterstattung an den Bundesminister für Wirtschaft
by Bernd Bartholmai & Rainer Hopf & Bernhard Seidel & Frank Stille & Dieter Teichmann & Henning Klodt - 180 Entwicklungsperspektiven der Großsiedlung Leipzig-Grünau: Szenarien vor dem Hintergrund der Veränderung von Wirtschaft und Bevölkerung in der Stadtregion
by Martin Gornig & Hartmut Häußermann & Andrej Holm & Erika Schulz - 179 Vorlaufeigenschaften von Ifo-Indikatoren für Westdeutschland
by Ulrich Fritsche - 178 Money for Nothing and Your Chips for Free?: The Anatomy of the PC Wage Differential
by John P. Haisken-DeNew & Christoph M. Schmidt
- 177 Social Custom, Free-Riders, and Trade Union Membership in Germany and Great Britain
by Laszlo Goerke & Markus Pannenberg - 176 Senkung des Solidaritätszuschlages und Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer: Verteilungswirkungen per saldo gering
by Klaus-Dietrich Bedau - 175 Old-Age Security Reforms in Central Eastern Europe: The Cases of Czech Republic, Slovak, Hungary and Poland
by Mechthild Schrooten & Timothy M. Smeeding & Gert G. Wagner - 174 Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Lohnstückkosten in der Strukturanalyse
by Bernd Görzig - 173 The Institutional Framework of Ethnic Inclusion and Exclusion: A Cross-National Analysis of the Earnings of Foreigners in Germany and Immigrants in Canada
by Jeffrey G. Reitz & Joachim R. Frick & Tony Calabrese & Gert G. Wagner - 172 Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (GSOEP) 1984 until 1997
by Markus Pannenberg - 171 Die Energiewirtschaft am Kaspischen Meer: enttäuschte Erwartungen - unsichere Perspektiven
by Hella Engerer & Christian von Hirschhausen - 170 Länderfinanzausgleich - besteht Reformbedarf?
by Dieter Vesper - 169 Germany's Slump Explaining the Unemployment Crisis of the 1990s
by Ludger Lindlar & Wolfgang Scheremet - 168 Zukunftsgestaltung ohne Wirtschaftswachstum?: Ergebnisse eines Workshops des DIW im Auftrag von Greenpeace Deutschland
by Jürgen Blazejczak (Hrsg.) - 167 Trends in the Internationalisation of R&D: The German Perspective
by Marian Beise & Heike Belitz - 166 Does Germany Have the "World's Highest Wage Costs"?
by Ludger Lindlar & Wolfgang Scheremet - 165 Die Reform der geringfügigen Beschäftigung und das Arbeitsangebot verheirateter Frauen
by Johannes Schwarze - 164 Die Technologiepolitik der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: ein Überblick
by Angela Scherzinger - 163 Funktion und Design einer Ergänzungsstichprobe für das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP)
by Soep - 162 Reallöhne und Arbeitslosigkeit: eine einfache empirische Widerlegung der neoklassischen Beschäftigungstheorie
by Heiner Flassbeck - 161 Ursachen, Folgen und Bekämpfung von Korruption: liefern ökonomische Ansätze bestechende Argumente?
by Hella Engerer - 160 Der Einfluß alternativer Konzeptionen von Alterssicherungssystemen auf Sicherungsniveau, Altersarmut und Einkommensverteilung: ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und den USA
by Johannes Schwarze - 159 Prinzipien moderner Technologiepolitik
by Georg Erber - 158 Renten im Transformationsprozeß: zur Lage in Polen, Ungarn, Tschechien und der Slowakei
by Maria Lodahl & Mechthild Schrooten
- 157 Restructuring and Competition Strategies of Privatised Enterprises in East Germany: What Lessons for Russia?
by Alexander Eickelpasch & Tatjana Ribakova - 156 The Transition in East Germany: When is a Ten Point Fall in the Gender Wage Gap Bad News?
by Jennifer Hunt - 155 Regulatory Reform in the Energy Industry of Post-Soviet Countries: Same Name, Different Content
by Thomas W. Wälde & Christian von Hirschhausen - 154 Wer trägt die pauschale Lohnsteuer bei geringfügiger Beschäftigung?: eine Inzidenzanalyse der Stundenlöhne abhängig erwerbstätiger Frauen
by Johannes Schwarze - 153 Stabilität und Wandel von Generationenbeziehungen
by Jürgen Schupp & Marc Szydlik - 152 Dienstleistungen im Prozeß der Internationalisierung
by Martin Gornig & Frank Stille - 151 The Shipbuilding Industry in East and West: Industry Dynamics, Science and Technology Policies and Emerging Patterns of Cooperation
by Jürgen Bitzer & Christian von Hirschhausen - 150 Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (GSOEP) (1984 until 1996)
by Markus Pannenberg - 149 The Computer Software Industry in East and West: Do Eastern European Countries Need a Specific Science and Technology Policy?
by Jürgen Bitzer - 148 The Computer Industry in East and West: Do Eastern European Countries Need a Specific Science and Technology Policy?
by Jürgen Bitzer - 147 Methodological Aspects of Environmental Labour Market Analysis
by Jürgen Blazejczak & Dietmar Edler - 146 Die Geringfügigkeitsregelung und das Arbeitsangebot verheirateter Frauen: theoretische Überlegungen, ein ökonometrisches Modell und die Simulation von Reformvorschlägen
by Johannes Schwarze
- 145 Deregulation and Enterprization in Central and Eastern Telecommunication - a Benchmark for the West?
by Christian von Hirschhausen - 144 Industrial Restructuring in Ukraine: from Socialism to a Planned Economy?
by Christian von Hirschhausen - 143 Schattenwirtschaft in Osteuropa: Das Beispiel der Ukraine
by Ulrich Thießen - 142 The Economics of Fatherhood: An Analysis of Men in East Germany in Comparison to Men in West Germany
by James C. Witte & Gert Wagner - 141 Assimilation and Other Determinants of School Attainment in Germany: do Immigrant Children Perform as Well as Germans?
by John P. Haisken-DeNew & Felix Büchel & Gert G. Wagner - 140 Zur sozio-ökonomischen Lage von Zuwanderern in West-Deutschland
by Joachim R. Frick & Gert G. Wagner - 139 Unemployment, Labor Market Training Programs and Regional Wages: An Extended Wage Curve Approach
by Markus Pannenberg & Johannes Schwarze - 138 The Response of Wages and Actual Hours Worked to the Reduction of Standard Hours in Germany
by Jennifer Hunt - 137 Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (GSOEP) (1984 until 1995) [Subsamples A, B, C]
by Markus Pannenberg & Ulrich Rendtel - 137a Dokumentation des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP): Erhebungsdesign, Fallzahlen und erhebungsbedingte Ausfälle sowie die Schätzung von Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten bis Welle 12 (1984 bis 1995) [Stichprobe A, B und C]
by Markus Pannenberg & Ulrich Rendtel - 136 Methodische Fragen der Ermittlung des Wertes der Altbestände des ostdeutschen Anlagevermögens
by Frank Fleischer & Benno Makus - 135 Financing On-The-Job Training: Shared Investment or Promotion Based System?: Evidence from Germany
by Markus Pannenberg - 134 "Systemic Fatigue"?: Makroökonomische Denkmuster und Steuerungsprobleme in der Wirtschaftspolitik
by Renate Filip-Köhn - 133 Interregional Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of APEC and EU ; Paper Presented at the V. International Conference of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Seoul ; Dec.13, 1995 ; Revised Version
by Siegfried Schultz - 132 Labour Supply and Wages of Married and Cohabiting Women in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands: a Decomposition Analysis
by Jan D. Vlasblom & P. P. Gijsel & J. Siegers - 131 Strategie und Hauptergebnisse der Transformation in Polen
by Helga Herberg - 130 Four Decades of German Export Expansion - an Enduring Success Story?
by Ludger Lindlar - 129 Zur Industriepolitik in Europa
by Georg Erber & Ernst Hagemann & Stephan Seiter - 128 Zum Transformationsprozeß in der Russischen Föderation
by Mechthild Schrooten & Ulrich Weißenburger
- 127 Zur Neuorientierung der Außenwirtschaft in Polen
by Helga Herberg