- 61186 The Effects of Climate Change on GDP in the 21st Century: Working Paper 2025-02
by Chad Shirley & William Swanson - 61171 Understanding the Relationship Between Changes to Federal Fiscal Policy and Near-Term Real GDP Growth: Working Paper 2025-01
by Jaeger Nelson & Matthew Wilson
- 60314 Revisiting the Relationship Between Debt and Long-Term Interest Rates: Working Paper 2024-05
by Jeffrey Schafer - 60167 The Effects of Flood Damage on the Subsidy Cost of Federally Backed Mortgages: Working Paper 2024-04
by Evan Herrnstadt & Byoung Hark Yoo - 59880 How CBO Uses the ReEDS Model to Analyze Policies in the Electric Power Sector: Working Paper 2024-02
by David Adler - 58168 Flood Damage Avoided by Potential Spending on Property-Level Adaptations: Working Paper 2024-03
by Evan Herrnstadt & Jared Jageler
- 59629 Conditional Forecasting With a Bayesian Vector Autoregression: Working Paper 2023-08
by Byoung Hark Yoo - 59231 Exploring the Effects of Medicaid During Childhood on the Economy and the Budget: Working Paper 2023-07
by Elizabeth Ash & William Carrington & Rebecca Heller & Grace Hwang - 59056 Effects of Fiscal Policy on Inflation: Implications of Supply Disruptions and Economic Slack: Working Paper 2023-05
by U. Devrim Demirel & Matthew Wilson - 58964 Modeling the Demand for Electric Vehicles and the Supply of Charging Stations in the United States: Working Paper 2023-06
by David Austin - 58867 The Effects of Work Requirements on the Employment and Income of TANF Participants: Working Paper 2023-03
by Justin Falk - 58764 The U.S. Dollar as an International Currency and Its Economic Effects: Working Paper 2023-04
by Daniel Fried - 58305 Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Plans and the Distribution of Family Wealth: Working Paper 2023-02
by Nadia Karamcheva & Victoria Perez-Zetune - 57843 "Lesser-of" Payment Policies and the Use of Physicians' Services Among Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries: Working Paper 2023-01
by Tamara B. Hayford & Xiaotong Niu & Sandra L. Decker
- 58849 The Welfare Effects of Debt: Crowding Out and Risk Shifting: Working Paper 2022-10
by Michael Falkenheim - 58508 Current Work on the Distributional Analysis of Household Income Resulting From Policy Changes: Working Paper 2022-09
by Bilal Habib & Rebecca Heller - 57908 Budgetary Implications of Economic Scenarios With Higher and Lower Interest Rates: Working Paper 2022-04
by Congressional Budget Office - 57844 A Model for Pricing Federal Housing Finance Obligations: Working Paper 2022-06
by Congressional Budget Office - 57711 Quantifying the Uncertainty of Long-Term Economic Projections: Working Paper 2022-07
by Congressional Budget Office - 57637 Economic Effects of Five Illustrative Single-Payer Health Care Systems: Working Paper 2022-02
by Congressional Budget Office - 57582 A Markov-Switching Model of the Unemployment Rate: Working Paper 2022-05
by Congressional Budget Office - 57429 CBO’s Model for Estimating the Effect That Federal Taxes Have on Capital Income From New Investment: Working Paper 2022-01
by Paul Burnham & Dorian Carloni - 57398 Inflation Expectations and Their Formation: Working Paper 2022-03
by Jeffrey Schafer - 57254 The Congressional Budget Office’s Small-Scale Policy Model: Working Paper 2022-08
by Mark Lasky
- 57581 How CBO Estimates the Market Risk of Federal Credit Programs: Working Paper 2021-14
by Michael Falkenheim & Wendy Kiska - 57580 How Carbon Dioxide Emissions Would Respond to a Tax or Allowance Price: An Update: Working Paper 2021-16
by Ron Gecan - 57431 Data and Methods for Constructing Synthetic Firms in CBO’s Health Insurance Simulation Model, HISIM2: Working Paper 2021-15
by Lucas Goodman & Ben Hopkins & Alex Minicozzi & Eamon Molloy - 57430 Fiscal Substitution in Spending for Highway Infrastructure: Working Paper 2021-13
by Sheila Campbell and Chad Shirley - 57399 Distributional Effects of Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions With a Carbon Tax: Working Paper 2021-11
by Dorian Carloni & Terry Dinan - 57326 CBO’s Model and Projections of U.S. International Investment Holdings and Income Flows: Working Paper 2021-10
by Daniel Fried - 57264 Fair-Value Budgeting: Practical Issues: Working Paper 2021-08
by Michael Falkenheim - 57255 Governmental Risk Taking Under Market Imperfections: Working Paper 2021-07
by Michael Falkenheim - 57217 How Changes in the Distribution of Earnings Affect the Federal Deficit: Working Paper 2021-12
by Brooks Pierce - 57089 Revisiting the Extent to Which Payroll Taxes Are Passed Through to Employees: Working Paper 2021-06
by Dorian Carloni - 57062 Fair-Value Cost Estimation and Government Cash Flows: Working Paper 2021-05
by Michael Falkenheim - 57027 Discrete Choice Models for Estimating Labor Supply: Working Paper 2021-04
by Naveen Singhal - 57022 Estimating the Legal Status of Foreign-Born People: Working Paper 2021-02
by Julia Heinzel & Rebecca Heller & Natalie Tawil - 57021 The Economic Effects of Financing a Large and Permanent Increase in Government Spending: Working Paper 2021-03
by Jaeger Nelson & Kerk Phillips - 57010 CBO's Simulation Model of New Drug Development: Working Paper 2021-09
by Christopher P. Adams - 56905 CBO’s Model of Drug Price Negotiations Under the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act: Working Paper 2021-01
by Christopher Adams & Evan Herrnstadt
- 56811 How CBO Analyzes the Costs of Proposals for Single-Payer Health Care Systems That Are Based on Medicare’s Fee-for-Service Program: Working Paper 2020-08
by Congressional Budget Office - 56612 Key Methods That CBO Used to Estimate the Effects of Pandemic-Related Legislation on Output: Working Paper 2020-07
by John Seliski & Aaron Betz & Yiqun Gloria Chen & U. Devrim Demirel - 56522 Labor Market Effects of Tax Changes in Times of High and Low Unemployment: Working Paper 2020-05
by U. Devrim Demirel - 56505 CBO’s Projection of the Effect of Climate Change on U.S. Economic Output: Working Paper 2020-06
by Evan Herrnstadt & Terry Dinan - 56420 Federal Reinsurance for Terrorism Risk and Its Effects on the Budget: Working Paper 2020-04
by Perry Beider & David Torregrosa - 56356 CBO's Oil Price Forecasting Record: Working Paper 2020-03
by Ron Gecan - 56337 Income-Driven Repayment Plans for Student Loans: Working Paper 2020-02
by Nadia Karamcheva & Jeffrey Perry & Constantine Yannelis - 55884 A Simplified Model of How Macroeconomic Changes Affect the Federal Budget: Working Paper 2020-01
by Nathaniel Frentz & Jaeger Nelson & Dan Ready & John Seliski
- 55672 A Summary of Selected CBO Reports on Cash and Accrual Budgeting: Working Paper 2019-09
by Megan Carroll & David Torregrosa - 55659 CBO’s Medicare Beneficiary Cost-Sharing Model: A Technical Description: Working Paper 2019-08
by Congressional Budget Office - 55501 Inflation, Inflation Expectations, and the Phillips Curve: Working Paper 2019-07
by Yiqun Gloria Chen - 55447 The Effect of the Employer Match and Defaults on Federal Workers’ Savings Behavior in the Thrift Savings Plan: Working Paper 2019-06
by Justin Falk & Nadia Karamcheva - 55284 The Effect of Tax-Motivated Transfer Pricing on U.S. Aggregate Trade Statistics: Working Paper 2019-05
by Dorian Carloni & Daniel Fried & Molly Saunders-Scott - 55104 How Do Changes in Medical Malpractice Liability Laws Affect Health Care Spending and the Federal Budget? Working Paper 2019-03
by Karen Stockley - 55087 Sources and Preparation of Data Used in HISIM2—CBO’s Health Insurance Simulation Model: Working Paper 2019-04
by Jessica Banthin & Keren Hendel & Ben Hopkins & Geena Kim - 55018 The Effect of Government Debt on Interest Rates: Working Paper 2019-01
by Edward Gamber & John Seliski - 55011 Prices for and Spending on Specialty Drugs in Medicare Part D and Medicaid: An In-Depth Analysis: Working Paper 2019-02
by Anna Anderson-Cook & Jared Maeda & Lyle Nelson
- 54871 CBO’s Model for Forecasting Business Investment: Working Paper 2018-09
by Mark Lasky - 54371 Fiscal Substitution of Investment for Highway Infrastructure: Working Paper 2018-08
by Congressional Budget Office - 54234 How CBO Adjusts for Survey Underreporting of Transfer Income in Its Distributional Analyses: Working Paper 2018-07
by Bilal Habib - 54056 Comparing the Effects of Current Pay and Defined Benefit Pensions on Employee Retention: Working Paper 2018-06
by Justin Falk & Nadia Karamcheva - 53931 How Nominal Foreign Currency Depreciation Against the U.S. Dollar Affects U.S. Wealth: Working Paper 2018-05
by Dorian Carloni - 53616 CBO’s Projection of Labor Force Participation Rates: Working Paper 2018-04
by Congressional Budget Office - 53558 Estimating and Projecting Potential Output Using CBO’s Forecasting Growth Model: Working Paper 2018-03
by Robert Shackleton - 53537 How CBO Produces Its 10-Year Economic Forecast: Working Paper 2018-02
by Robert W. Arnold - 53441 An Analysis of Private-Sector Prices for Physicians’ Services: Working Paper 2018-01
by Daria Pelech
- 53387 Issues and Challenges in Measuring and Improving the Quality of Health Care: Working Paper 2017-10
by Congressional Budget Office - 53345 CBO's New Framework for Analyzing the Effects of Means-Tested Transfers and Federal Taxes on the Distribution of Income: Working Paper 2017-09
by Congressional Budget Office - 53270 Effects of Medicare Advantage Enrollment on Beneficiary Risk Scores: Working Paper 2017-08
by Alice Burns & Tamara Hayford - 53153 Did Treasury Debt Markets Anticipate the Persistent Decline in Long-Term Interest Rates?: Working Paper 2017-07
by Edward N. Gamber (CBO) - 53125 An Evaluation of Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Impute Nonfilers to the Population of Tax Return Filers: Working Paper 2017-06
by Shannon Mok - 52985 Distribution of Lifetime Medicare Taxes and Spending by Sex and by Lifetime Household Earnings: Working Paper 2017-05
by Xiaotong Niu - 52749 Modeling the Costs of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s Multiemployer Program: Working Paper 2017-04
by Wendy Kiska & Jason Levine & Damien Moore - 52748 Projecting Demand for the Services of Primary Care Doctors: Working Paper 2017-03
by Congressional Budget Office - 52567 An Analysis of Private-Sector Prices for Hospital Admissions: Working Paper 2017-02
by Jared Lane Maeda & Lyle Nelson - 52385 Inflation, Default, and the Currency Composition of Sovereign Debt in Emerging Economies: Working Paper 2017-01
by Daniel Fried
- 52199 Factors Affecting Revenue Estimates of Tax Compliance Proposals: Working Paper 2016-05
by Janet Holtzblatt & Jamie McGuire - 51919 Projecting Hospitals’ Profit Margins Under Several Illustrative Scenarios: Working Paper 2016-04
by Tamara Hayford & Lyle Nelson & Alexia Diorio - 51824 The Short-Term Effects of Tax Changes—Evidence for State Dependence: Working Paper 2016-03
by U. Devrim Demirel - 51610 CBO’s Approach to Estimating Expected Hurricane Damage: Working Paper 2016-02
by Terry Dinan - 51599 The Outlook for U.S. Production of Shale Oil: Working Paper 2016-01
by Mark Lasky
- 51097 The Costs to Different Generations of Policies That Close the Fiscal Gap: Working Paper 2015-10
by Felix Reichling & Shinichi Nishiyama - 51065 How CBO Estimates the Effects of the Affordable Care Act on the Labor Market: Working Paper 2015-09
by Edward Harris & Shannon Mok - 51027 Changes in Medicare Spending per Beneficiary by Age: Working Paper 2015-08
by Xiaotong Niu & Melinda Buntin & Joyce Manchester - 51005 How CBO Estimates Automatic Stabilizers: Working Paper 2015-07
by Frank Russek & Kim Kowalewski - 50871 Do Large-Scale Refinancing Programs Reduce Mortgage Defaults? Evidence From a Regression Discontinuity Design: Working Paper 2015-06
by Gabriel Ehrlich & Jeffrey Perry - 50216 China’s Growing Energy Demand: Implications for the United States: Working Paper 2015-05
by Andrew Stocking & Terry Dinan - 50171 Federal Reinsurance for Terrorism Risk in 2015 and Beyond: Working Paper 2015-04
by Perry Beider & David Torregrosa & Susan Willie - 50049 Pricing Freight Transport to Account for External Costs: Working Paper 2015-03
by David Austin - 49925 The Fiscal Multiplier and Economic Policy Analysis in the United States: Working Paper 2015-02
by Felix Reichling & Charles Whalen - 49908 Do We Know Why Earnings Fall with Job Displacement? Working Paper: 2015-01
by William J. Carrington
- 49837 Updated Death and Injury Rates of U.S. Military Personnel During the Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan: Working Paper 2014-08
by Matthew Goldberg - 49451 Assessing the Design of the Low-Income Subsidy Program in Medicare Part D: Working Paper 2014-07
by Andrew Stocking & James Baumgardner & Melinda Buntin & Anna Cook - 49433 Labor Force Participation Elasticities of Women and Secondary Earners within Married Couples: Working Paper 2014-06
by Robert McClelland & Shannon Mok - 45711 Modeling the Budgetary Costs of FHA's Single Family Mortgage Insurance: Working Paper 2014-05
by Francesca Castelli & Damien Moore & Gabriel Ehrlich & Jeffrey Perry - 45553 Examining the Number of Competitors and the Cost of Medicare Part D: Working Paper 2014-04
by Andrew Stocking & James Baumgardner & Melinda Buntin & Anna Cook - 45140 The Long-Run Effects of Federal Budget Deficits on National Saving and Private Domestic Investment: Working Paper 2014-02
by Jonathan Huntley - 45044 Market Efficiency and the U.S. Market for Sulfur Dioxide Allowances: Working Paper 2014-01
by Claudia Hitaj & Andrew Stocking
- 44970 International Trade and Carbon Leakage: Working Paper 2013-08
by Bruce Arnold - 44941 Fiscal Policy Effects in a Heterogeneous-Agent Overlapping-Generations Economy With an Aging Population: Working Paper 2013-07
by Shinichi Nishiyama - 44513 Why Has Growth in Spending for Fee-for-Service Medicare Slowed?: Working Paper 2013-06
by Melinda Buntin & Michael Levine - 44374 Optimal Annuitization with Stochastic Mortality Probabilities: Working Paper 2013-05
by Felix Reichling & Kent Smetters - 44306 Modeling Individual Earnings in CBO’s Long-Term Microsimulation Model: Working Paper 2013-04
by Jonathan A. Schwabish & Julie H. Topoleski - 44127 Implications of the Department of Defense Readiness Reporting System: Working Paper 2013-03
by Derek Trunkey - 44114 Options for Principal Forgiveness in Mortgages Involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Working Paper 2013-02
by Damien Moore & Mitchell Remy - 44002 Total Factor Productivity Growth in Historical Perspective: Working Paper 2013-01
by Robert Shackelton
- 43713 Offsetting a Carbon Tax’s Costs on Low-Income Households: Working Paper 2012-16
by Terry Dinan - 43699 Technical Challenges of the U.S. Army’s Ground Combat Vehicle Program: Working Paper 2012-15
by Bernard Kempinski & Christopher Murphy - 43691 Taxation of Owner-Occupied and Rental Housing: Working Paper 2012-14
by Larry Ozanne - 43676 Review of Estimates of the Frisch Elasticity of Labor Supply: Working Paper 2012-13
by Felix Reichling & Charles Whalen - 43675 A Review of Recent Research on Labor Supply Elasticities: Working Paper 2012-12
by Robert McClelland & Shannon Mok - 43641 Options for Modernizing Military Weather Satellites: Working Paper 2012-11
by Michael Bennett - 43476 Addressing Market Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Working Paper 2012-10
by David Austin - 43334 New Evidence on the Tax Elasticity of Capital Gains: Working Paper 2012-09
by Tim Dowd & Robert McClelland & Athiphat Muthitacharoen - 43278 Assessing the Short-Term Effects on Output of Changes in Federal Fiscal Policies: Working Paper 2012-08
by Felix Reichling & Charles Whalen - 43137 Food Insufficiency and Income Volatility in U.S. Households: The Effects of Imputed Earnings in the Survey of Income and Program Participation: Working Paper 2012-07
by Molly Dahl & Thomas DeLeire & Shannon Mok - 43033 The Earned Income Tax Credit and Expected Social Security Retirement Benefits Among Low-Income Women: Working Paper 2012-06
by Molly Dahl & Thomas DeLeire & Jonathan Schwabish & Timothy Smeeding - 42926 Revisiting the Excise Tax Effects of the Property Tax: Working Paper 2012-05
by Athiphat Muthitacharoen & George R. Zodrow - 42925 Lessons from Medicare's Demonstration Projects on Value-Based Payment: Working Paper 2012-02
by Lyle Nelson - 42924 Lessons from Medicare's Demonstration Projects on Disease Management and Care Coordination: Working Paper 2012-01
by Lyle Nelson - 42923 Comparing Benefits and Total Compensation in the Federal Government and the Private Sector: Working Paper 2012-04
by Justin Falk - 42922 Comparing Wages in the Federal Government and the Private Sector: Working Paper 2012-03
by Justin Falk
- 42753 The Impact of Hospital Mergers on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes: Working Paper 2011-05
by Tamara Hayford - 42752 An Evaluation of Large-Scale Mortgage Refinancing Programs: Working Paper 2011-04
by Deborah Lucas & Damien Moore & Mitchell Remy - 41581 Can Tax Rebates Stimulate Consumption Spending in a Life-Cycle Model? (Working Paper 2011-02)
by Jonathan Huntley & Valentina Michelangeli - 41511 Corporate Tax Incidence: A Review of Empirical Estimates and Analysis: Working Paper 2011-01
by Jennifer C. Gravelle - 41152 The Welfare Cost of Capital Taxation: An Asset Market Approach (Working Paper 2011-03)
by Marika Santoro & Chao Wei
- 21941 The Impact of the Estate Tax on Capital Gains Realizations: Evidence from the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997: Working Paper 2010-08
by Athiphat Muthitacharoen - 21920 Why Is China's Saving Rate So High? A Comparative Study of Cross-Country Panel Data: Working Paper 2010-07
by Juann H. Hung & Rong Qian - 21833 Unintended Consequences of Price Controls: An Application to Allowance Markets: Working Paper 2010-06
by Andrew Stocking - 21600 Will Health Insurance Mandates Increase Coverage? Synthesizing Perspectives from Health, Tax, and Behavioral Economics: Working Paper 2010-05
by David Auerbach & Janet Holtzblatt & Paul Jacobs & Alexandra Minicozzi - 21538 Input-Output Model Analysis: Pricing Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Working Paper 2010-04
by Kevin Perese - 21486 Corporate Tax Incidence: Review of General Equilibrium Estimates and Analysis: Working Paper 2010-03
by Jennifer C. Gravelle - 21400 Does Doctors' Experience Matter in LASIK Surgeries?: Working Paper 2010-01
by Juan M. Contreras & Beomsoo Kim & Ignez M. Tristao - 21397 Does Government Debt Crowd Out Investment? A Bayesian DSGE Approach: Working Paper 2010-02
by Nora Traum & Shu-Chun Susan Yang
- 41876 Consumption Responses to Permanent and Transitory Shocks to House Appreciation: Working Paper 2009-05
by Juan Contreras & Joseph Nichols - 41382 Using DSGE Models: Working Paper 2009-04
by Jonathan Huntley & Eric Miller - 41375 The CBO Infinite-Horizon Model with Idiosyncratic Uncertainty and Borrowing Constraints: Working Paper 2009-03
by Maria I. Marika Santoro - 41195 An Evaluation of CBO Forecasts: Working Paper 2009-02
by Jon Huntley & Eric Miller - 20516 Identifying Rates of Emigration in the United States Using Administrative Earnings Records: Working Paper 2009-01
by Jonathan A. Schwabish
- 20412 Taxation and Asset Pricing in a Production Economy: Working Paper 2008-10
by Maria I. Marika Santoro & Chao D. Wei - 20407 Panel Data Techniques and the Elasticity of Taxable Income: Working Paper 2008-11
by Seth H. Giertz - 20400 Financing Losses from Catastrophic Risks: Working Paper 2008-09
by Kent Smetters & David Torregrosa - 20206 Taxable Income Responses to 1990s Tax Acts: Further Explorations: Working Paper 2008-08
by Seth H. Giertz - 20141 The Labor Supply Response in Macroeconomic Models: Working Paper 2008-07
by Juan M. Contreras & Sven H. Sinclair - 20009 Reestimating the Phillips Curve and the NAIRU: Working Paper 2008-06
by Robert Arnold - 19992 An Assessment of CES and Cobb-Douglas Production Functions: Working Paper 2008-05
by Eric Miller - 19630 The Impact of Progressive Dividend Taxation on Investment Decisions: Working Paper 2008-03
by Maria I. Marika Santoro & Chao D. Wei - 19575 Have People Delayed Claiming Retirement Benefits? Responses to Changes in Social Security Rules: Working Paper 2008-04
by Joyce Manchester & Jae Song - 19565 China's Approach to Capital Flows Since 1978: Working Paper 2008-02
by Juann H. Hung - 19435 A Sensitivity Analysis of the Elasticity of Taxable Income: Working Paper 2008-01
by Seth H. Giertz
- 19355 The Fair Value of the Federal Deposit Insurance Guarantee: Working Paper 2007-13
by Judy Ruud - 19097 Does Experience Make Better Doctors? Evidence from LASIK Eye Surgeries: Working Paper 2007-12
by Juan M. Contreras & Beomsoo Kim & Ignez M. Tristao - 19096 The Empirical Relationship Between Lifetime Earnings and Mortality: Working Paper 2007-11
by Julian P. Cristia - 18952 Precautionary Demand for Foreign Assets in Sudden Stop Economies: An Assessment of the New Mercantilism: Working Paper 2007-10
by C. Bora Durdu & Enrique G. Mendoza & Marco Terrones - 18759 Guaranteed Versus Direct Lending: The Case of Student Loans: Working Paper 2007-09
by Deborah Lucas & Damien Moore - 18725 Health Insurance, Pensions, and Paid Leave: Access to Health Insurance at Small Firms in a Broader Benefit Context: Working Paper 2007-08
by Jean Marie Abraham & Thomas DeLeire & Annne Beeson Royalty - 18701 Output, Investment, and Growth in a World of Putty-Clay: Working Paper 2007-07
by Mark Lasky - 18566 The Natural Rate of Unemployment: Working Paper 2007-06
by David Brauer - 18540 The Student Loan Consolidation Option: An Analysis of an Exotic Financial Derivative: Working Paper 2007-05
by Deborah Lucas & Damien Moore - 18422 Assessing the Relationship between Economic Stability and Dynamic Employment Responses to Aggregate Shocks: Working Paper 2007-04
by Naomi N. Griffin - 18322 Measurement Error in the SIPP: Evidence from Matched Administrative Records: Working Paper 2007-03
by Julian Cristia & Jonathan A. Schwabish - 18295 Economic Flexibility in Microsimulation: An Age-Centered Regression Approach: Working Paper 2007-02
by John Sabelhaus & Lina Walker - 18287 Occupational Employment Risk and its Consequences for Unemployment Duration and Wages: Working Paper 2007-01
by Ignez M. Tristao
- 18272 Trends in High Incomes and Behavioral Responses to Taxation: Evidence from Executive Compensation and Statistics of Income Data: Working Paper 2006-14
by Nada O. Eissa & Seth H. Giertz - 18250 An Empirical Model of Factor Adjustment Dynamics: Working Paper 2006-13
by Juan M. Contreras - 18245 Quantitative Implications of Indexed Bonds in Small Open Economies: Working Paper 2006-12
by C. Bora Durdu - 18233 The Effect of a First Child on Female Labor Supply: Evidence from Women Seeking Fertility Services: Working Paper 2006-11
by Julian P. Cristia - 18108 Private Savings, Medicaid and Uncertain Nursing Home Expenses: Working Paper 2006-10
by Lina Walker - 18067 International Burdens of the Corporate Income Tax: Working Paper 2006-09
by William C. Randolph - 18017 The Slowdown in Medicare Spending Growth: Working Paper 2006-08
by Chapin White - 17861 Implications of Past Currency Crises for the U.S. Current Account Adjustment: Working Paper 2006-07
by Juann H. Hung & Young Jin Kim - 17738 Earnings Inequality and High Earners: Changes During and after the Stock Market Boom of the 1990s: Working Paper 2006-06
by Jonathan A. Schwabish - 17664 Uncertain Policy for an Uncertain World: The Case of Social Security: Working Paper 2006-05
by John Sabelhaus & Julie Topoleski - 17616 A Steady-State Analysis of Proposals to Reduce the Tax on Saving: Working Paper 2006-04
by Paul Burnham - 17611 The Elasticity of Taxable Income During the 1990s: A Sensitivity Analysis: Working Paper 2006-03
by Seth H. Giertz - 17603 Reallocation and Productivity Growth in Japan: Revisiting the Lost Decade of the 1990s: Working Paper 2006-02
by Naomi N. Griffin & Kazuhiko Odaki - 17588 Early Announcement of a Public Pension Reform in Italy: Working Paper 2006-01
by Maria I. Marika Santoro
- 17577 Median-voter Equilibria in the Neoclassical Growth Model under Aggregation: Working Paper 2005-09
by Marina Azzimonti & Eva de Francisco & Per Krusell - 17570 Are Married Women Secondary Workers? The Evolution of Married Women's Labor Supply in the U.S. from 1983 to 2000: Working Paper 2005-11
by Kyoo-il Kim & José Carlos RodrÃguez-Pueblita - 17567 Labor Adjustment, Productivity and Output Volatility: An Evaluation of Japan's Employment Adjustment Subsidy: Working Paper 2005-10
by Naomi N. Griffin - 16575 Putty-Clay Capital and an Index of Capital per Hour: Working Paper 2005-08
by Mark Lasky - 16517 Social Effects, Household Time Allocation, and the Decline in Union Formation: Working Paper 2005-07
by Almudena Sevilla-Sanz - 16494 Behavioral Effects of Social Security Reform in a Dynamic Micro-Simulation with Life-Cycle Agents: Working Paper 2005-06
by Amy Rehder Harris & John Sabelhaus & Almudena Sevilla-Sanz - 16493 How Does Differential Mortality Affect Social Security Finances and Progressivity? Working Paper 2005-05
by Amy Rehder Harris & John Sabelhaus - 16442 Does Social Security Privatization Produce Efficiency Gains? Working Paper 2005-04
by Shinichi Nishiyama & Kent Smetters - 16308 Testing Alternative Methods for Forecasting Capital Gains: Working Paper 2005-03
by Larry Ozanne - 16302 Limited Participation, Income Distribution and Capital-Account Liberalization: Working Paper 2005-02
by Eva de Francisco - 16237 A Sensitivity Analysis of the Elasticity of Taxable Income: Working Paper 2005-01
by Seth H. Giertz
- 16204 Return on Cross-Border Investment: Why Does U.S. Investment Abroad Do Better? Technical Paper 2004-17
by Juann H. Hung & Angelo Mascaro - 16189 Recent Literature on Taxable-Income Elasticities: Technical Paper 2004-16
by Seth H. Giertz - 16110 A Model to Project Flows into and out of Tax-Deferred Retirement Savings Accounts: Technical Paper 2004-15
by Paul Burnham - 16003 Estimating and Forecasting Capital Gains with Quarterly Models: Technical Paper 2004-14
by Jangryoul Kim & Preston Miller & Larry Ozanne - 15942 Uncertainty About Projections of Medicare Cost Growth: Technical Paper 2004-13
by Julie Topoleski - 15937 Valuing Federal Loans and Loan Guarantees Using Options-Pricing Methods: Technical Paper 2004-12
by Deborah Lucas & Marvin Phaup & Ravi Prasad - 15914 Macroeconomic Impacts of Stylized Tax Cuts in an Intertemporal Computable General Equilibrium Model: Technical Paper 2004-11
by Tracy Foertsch - 15896 Large Foreign Markets and Export-Led Growth in Developing Countries: Technical Paper 2004-10
by Ufuk Demiroglu - 15868 Health Shocks and the Demand for Annuities: Technical Paper 2004-09
by Sven H. Sinclair & Kent A. Smetters - 15799 Charitable Bequests and the Repeal of the Estate Tax: Technical Paper 2004-08
by Robert McClelland