June 2012, Volume 151, Issue 1-2
- 109-121 Is child labour a substitute for adult labour? The relationship between child labour and adult illness in Nepal
by Apsara Nepal & Mani Nepal - 123-126 L'entreprise autrement. By Freddy SARFATI
by Dominique Méda - 126-130 Social income and insecurity: A study in Gujarat. By Guy STANDING, Jeemol UNNI, Renana JHABVALA and Uma RANI
by Shahra Razavi - 130-134 The idea of labour law. Edited by Guy DAVIDOV and Brian LANGILLE
by Anne Trebilcock - 134-139 The role of collective bargaining in the global economy: Negotiating for social justice. Edited by Susan HAYTER
by Gerhard Bosch
December 2011, Volume 150, Issue 3-4
- 211-234 Posting of workers, EU enlargement and the globalization of trade in services
by Stéphane LALANNE - 235-254 Job attitudes, behaviours and well-being among different types of temporary workers in Europe and Israel
by Francisco J. GRACIA & José RAMOS & José María PEIRÓ & Amparo CABALLER & Beatriz SORA - 255-278 Primary school student employment and academic achievement in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
by David POST - 279-296 Trade union influence in Spanish manufacturing firms
by Carmen GARCÍA OLAVERRI & Emilio HUERTA - 297-317 Decent work in global production networks: Framing the policy debate
by Stephanie BARRIENTOS & Frederick MAYER & John PICKLES & Anne POSTHUMA - 319-340 Economic and social upgrading in global production networks: A new paradigm for a changing world
by Stephanie BARRIENTOS & Gary GEREFFI & Arianna ROSSI - 341-365 Economic and social upgrading in global production networks: Problems of theory and measurement
by William MILBERG & Deborah WINKLER - 367-369 Global value chains in a postcrisis world: A development perspective. Edited by Olivier CATTANEO, Gary GEREFFI and Cornelia STARITZ
by Naomitsu Yashiro & Koen De Backer - 369-374 Labour in global production networks in India. Edited by Anne POSTHUMA and Dev NATHAN
by Khalid Nadvi - 375-386 What makes child workers go to school? A case study from West Bengal
by Manoranjan Pal & Jadab K. Pal & Hare Ram Tiwari & Premananda Bharati - 387-403 Labour market reforms in Japan and the Republic of Korea: A comparative case study of policy-making in the 2000s
by Ji-Whan Yun - 405-417 Gender and reconciliation of work and family in Iran
by Narjes Mehdizadeh - 419-429 Factors shaping the development of working time regulation in the United States and Europe
by Allard E. Dembe - 431-438 New ILO standards on decent work for domestic workers: A summary of the issues and discussions
by Manuela Tomei & Patrick Belser - 457-461 Managing the margins: Gender, citizenship, and the international regulation of precarious employment. By Leah F. VOSKO
by Adelle Blackett - 461-469 The precariat: The new dangerous class. By Guy STANDING
by Zafar Shaheed
June 2011, Volume 150, Issue 1-2
- 1-41 Trade liberalization, employment and inequality in India and South Africa
by David KUCERA & Leanne RONCOLATO - 43-62 The administration and financing of paid sick leave
by Anke SCHLIWEN & Alison EARLE & Jeff HAYES & S. Jody HEYMANN - 63-79 Public pensions' sustainability and population ageing: Is immigration the solution?
by Felipe SERRANO & Begoña EGUÍA & Jesús FERREIRO - 81-98 Labour administration in sub-Saharan Africa: Functions and challenges in the light of ILO Convention No. 150
by Philippe AUVERGNON & Sandrine LAVIOLETTE & Moussa OUMAROU - 101-126 Labour market transition, income inequality and economic growth in China
by Ming LU & Hong GAO - 127-143 Employment relations “with Chinese characteristics”: The role of trade unions in China
by Ying ZHU & Malcolm WARNER & Tongqing FENG - 145-162 Industrial relations in China: A review based on a six-party model
by Zhining MA - 163-175 Failures of enterprise-level unionization in China: Implications for coalmine safety and beyond
by Chaojie LIU - 177-187 Social security for China's migrant workers
by Zhikai WANG - 189-201 From job search to hiring and promotion: The labour market experiences of ethnic minorities in Beijing
December 2010, Volume 149, Issue 4
- 407-422 Underpaid and overworked: A cross-national perspective on care workers
by Shahra RAZAVI & Silke STAAB - 423-440 The globalization of nurse migration: Policy issues and responses
by Nicola YEATES - 441-460 How care-work employment shapes earnings in cross-national perspective
by Michelle J. BUDIG & Joya MISRA - 461-476 The expansion of social care and reform: Implications for care workers in the Republic of Korea
by Ito PENG - 477-493 Care workers in Argentina: At the crossroads of labour market institutions and care services
by Valeria ESQUIVEL - 495-509 Hierarchies of care work in South Africa: Nurses, social workers and home-based care workers
by Francie LUND - 511-527 Care arrangements and bargains: Anganwadi and paid domestic workers in India
by Rajni PALRIWALA & N. NEETHA - 529-542 Nurses and home-based caregivers in the United Republic of Tanzania: A dis-continuum of care
by Ruth MEENA
September 2010, Volume 149, Issue 3
- 239-259 Older male labour force participation in OECD countries: Pension reform and “the reserve army of labour”
by Martin O'BRIEN - 261-285 Employment protection legislation and job stability: A European cross-country analysis
by Sandrine CAZES & Mirco TONIN - 287-313 Measuring firing costs: The case for direct methods
by Benoît Pierre FREYENS - 315-341 On-the-job training in Europe: Determinants and wage returns
by Cecilia ALBERT & Carlos GARCÍA-SERRANO & Virginia HERNANZ - 343-360 Female executives and the glass ceiling in Spain
by Cecilia Castaño & Juan Martían & Susana Vázquez & José Luís Martíanez - 361-372 Flexicurity in Belgium: A reform proposal based on economic principles
by Bart Cockx & Bruno Van der Linden - 373-386 Thailand's work and health transition
by Matthew Kelly & Lyndall Strazdins & Tarie D Ellora & Suwanee Khamman & Sam-ang Seubsman & Adrian C. Sleigh - 387-387 Hungary's casual employment regime is superseded by a stricter regulatory framework
by Róbert Tésits & Endre Szenoradszki
June 2010, Volume 149, Issue 2
- 151-162 A legal perspective on the economic crisis of 2008
by Alain SUPIOT - 163-183 It's financialization!
by Richard B. FREEMAN - 185-207 Will only an earthquake shake up economics?
by Ronald SCHETTKAT - 209-225 Global crisis and beyond: Sustainable growth trajectories for the developing world
by Jayati GHOSH - 227-237 Incomplete crisis responses: Socio-economic costs and policy implications
by Raymond TORRES
March 2010, Volume 149, Issue 1
- 1-29 Differences in the job satisfaction of high-paid and low-paid workers across Europe
by Konstantinos POULIAKAS & Ioannis THEODOSSIOU - 31-58 Is Asia adopting flexicurity?
by Paul VANDENBERG - 59-72 The consequences of job insecurity for employees: The moderator role of job dependence
by Beatriz SORA & Amparo CABALLER & José María PEIRÓ - 73-91 The cost of “doing business” and labour regulation: The case of South Africa
by Paul BENJAMIN & Haroon BHORAT & Halton CHEADLE - 93-105 The Indian informal sector: The impact of globalization and reform
by Eckhard Siggel - 107-119 Post-employment covenants in the United States: Legal framework and market behaviours
by Richard L. Hannah - 121-129 Hungary's experiment in legalizing casual employment
by Róbert Tésits & Endre Szenoradszki
December 2009, Volume 148, Issue 4
- 335-336 Introduction
by Paul OSTERMAN - 337-356 Low-wage work in five European countries and the United States
by Gerhard BOSCH - 357-373 Working at the boundary between market and flexicurity: Housekeeping in Danish hotels
by Tor ERIKSSON & Jingkun LI - 375-394 The French food-processing model: High relative wages and high work intensity
by Ève CAROLI & Jérôme GAUTIÉ & Annie LAMANTHE - 395-411 Job quality in call centres in Germany
by Claudia WEINKOPF - 413-438 Retail jobs in the Netherlands: Low pay in a context of long-term wage moderation
by Maarten VAN KLAVEREN & Wiemer SALVERDA & Kea TIJDENS - 439-459 Can more inclusive wage-setting institutions improve low-wage work? Pay trends in the United Kingdom's public-sector hospitals
by Damian GRIMSHAW
September 2009, Volume 148, Issue 3
- 215-233 Lessons from Latin America's neo-liberal experiment: An overview of labour and social policies since the 1980s
by Lydia FRAILE - 235-252 From social protection to vulnerability: Argentina's neo-liberal reforms of the 1990s
by Marta NOVICK & Miguel LENGYEL & Marianela SARABIA - 253-267 Between reform and inertia: Bolivia's employment and social protection policies over the past 20 years
by Fernanda WANDERLEY - 269-282 What Brazil learned from labour flexibilization in the 1990s
by Marcio POCHMANN - 283-300 Change in the Chilean social model
by Manuel RIESCO - 301-315 Persistence of an exclusionary model: Inequality and segmentation in Mexican society
by María Cristina BAYÓN - 317-334 Assessment of a hybrid reform path: Social and labour policies in Uruguay, 1985–2005
by Pablo ALEGRE & Fernando FILGUEIRA
June 2009, Volume 148, Issue 1-2
- 1-13 The global crisis, social protection and jobs
by Joseph STIGLITZ - 15-46 Work more to earn more? The mixed feelings of Europeans
by Lucie DAVOINE & Dominique MÉDA - 47-67 The “externalization” of labour law
by Antonio OJEDA AVILÉS - 69-91 Towards socially sensitive corporate restructuring? Comparative remarks on collective bargaining developments in Germany, France and Italy
by Guido BONI - 93-122 Student labour and academic proficiency in international perspective
by David POST & Suet-Ling PONG - 123-148 Technological change and income distribution in Europe
by Cristiano PERUGINI & Fabrizio POMPEI - 149-162 Transnational collective bargaining in Europe: The case for legislative action at EU level
by Edoardo Ales - 163-168 A Supreme Court challenge to Argentina's trade union model
by Adrián Goldin - 169-181 Core labour standards under the Administration of George W. Bush
by Christopher Candland - 183-193 Labour statistics: The boundaries and diversity of work
by Patrick Bollé
December 2008, Volume 147, Issue 4
- 297-320 An equilibrium analysis of the gender wage gap
by Graciela CHICHILNISKY & Elisabeth HERMANN FREDERIKSEN - 321-348 Informal employment: Two contested policy issues
by David KUCERA & Leanne RONCOLATO - 349-375 A strategic approach to labour inspection
by David WEIL - 377-402 Social protection in Chile: Reforms to improve equity
by Carmelo MESA-LAGO - 403-415 International labour standards: Recent developments in complementarity between the international and national supervisory systems
by Eric Gravel & Quentin Delpech - 416-432 The World Bank's “Employing Workers” index: Findings and critiques – A review of recent evidence
by Sangheon Lee & Deirdre McCann & Nina Torm - 433-438 Inequalities and financial globalization: A timely report
by Patrick Bollé
June 2008, Volume 147, Issue 2-3
- 115-134 Improving the quality of low-wage work: The current American experience
by Paul OSTERMAN - 135-162 The state of worker protections in the United States: Unregulated work in New York City
by Annette BERNHARDT & Siobhán McGRATH & James DeFILIPPIS - 163-198 Monitoring quality in work: European Employment Strategy indicators and beyond
by Lucie DAVOINE & Christine ERHEL & Mathilde GUERGOAT-LARIVIERE - 199-229 Promoting sustainable compliance: Styles of labour inspection and compliance outcomes in Brazil
by Roberto PIRES - 231-248 Tripartite consultation in China: A first step towards collective bargaining?
by Jie SHEN & John BENSON - 249-273 Offshore employment practices: An empirical analysis of routines, wages and labour turnover
by Kurt LOESS & Van V. MILLER & David YOSKOWITZ - 275-279 The social impact of policies to address climate change: A review of the issues
by Raymond Torres - 280-283 Job search, labour market intermediaries and employment promotion: The evidence from China
by Xiangquan Zeng & Yuxue Cui
March 2008, Volume 147, Issue 1
- 1-23 Toward managed flexibility: The revival of labour inspection in the Latin world
by Michael J. PIORE & Andrew SCHRANK - 25-42 Fixing minimum wage levels in developing countries: Common failures and remedies
by Catherine SAGET - 43-70 Continuity and change in the southern European social model
by Maria KARAMESSINI - 71-89 Do worker absences affect productivity? The case of teachers
by Raegen T. MILLER & Richard J. MURNANE & John B. WILLETT - 91-99 The status of self-employed workers in Spain
by Jaime Cabeza Pereiro - 100-104 Research on transnational social dialogue and International Framework Agreements (IFAs)
by Konstantinos Papadakis
September 2007, Volume 146, Issue 3-4
- 133-162 The evolution of labour law: Calibrating and comparing regulatory regimes
by Simon DEAKIN & Priya LELE & Mathias SIEMS - 163-187 Monopsony as a metaphor for the emerging post-union labour market
by Christopher L. ERICKSON & Daniel J.B. MITCHELL - 189-215 The right to work: Linking human rights and employment policy
by Guy MUNDLAK - 217-251 Intermittent child employment and its implications for estimates of child labour
by Deborah LEVISON & Jasper HOEK & David LAM & Suzanne DURYEA - 253-277 European employment models under pressure to change
by Gerhard BOSCH & Jill RUBERY & Steffen LEHNDORFF - 279-309 Informality, the State and the social contract in Latin America: A preliminary exploration
by Jaime SAAVEDRA & Mariano TOMMASI - 311-320 The (changing?) idea of labour law
by Guy Davidov - 321-329 Workers in the informal sector: Initiatives by India's National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (NCEUS)
by K.P. Kannan & T.S. Papola
March 2007, Volume 146, Issue 1-2
- 1-2 Editorial
by Adrián Goldin & Paul Osterman & Trilok Singh Papola & Gerry Rodgers & Mark Lansky - 3-20 Application of labour and employment law beyond the contract of employment
by Mark FREEDLAND - 21-40 Beyond corporate codes of conduct: Work organization and labour standards at Nike's suppliers
by Richard LOCKE & Thomas KOCHAN & Monica ROMIS & Fei QIN - 41-60 The distribution of earnings in OECD countries
by Anthony B. ATKINSON - 61-80 Outsourcing, offshoring and productivity measurement in United States manufacturing
by Susan HOUSEMAN - 81-107 The informal economy, insecurity and social cohesion in Latin America
by Víctor E. TOKMAN - 109-114 The European Commission's Green Paper on labour law
by Joaquín García Murcia - 115-119 Spain's 2006 labour reform
by Juan Gorelli Hernández
December 2006, Volume 145, Issue 4
- 257-278 Unions and microeconomic performance: A look at what matters for economists (and employers)
by Zafiris TZANNATOS & Toke S. AIDT - 279-307 Poverty lines around the world: A new methodology and internationally comparable estimates
by Richard ANKER - 309-338 Living wages around the world: A new methodology and internationally comparable estimates
by Richard ANKER - 339-371 The Swedish model in turbulent times: Decline or renaissance?
by Dominique ANXO & Harald NIKLASSON
September 2006, Volume 145, Issue 3
- 167-184 The social impact of globalization in the developing countries
by Eddy LEE & Marco VIVARELLI - 185-206 Free trade agreements and labour rights: Recent developments
by Cleopatra DOUMBIA-HENRY & Eric GRAVEL - 207-220 The Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: Progress achieved in national labour legislation
by Isabelle BOIVIN & Alberto ODERO - 221-239 Estimating the impact of job-search assistance: Assessment of a Russian programme targeting very low-income families
by Raymond STRUYK & Kirill CHAGIN
March 2006, Volume 145, Issue 1-2
- 7-36 The potential of temporary migration programmes in future international migration policy
by Martin RUHS - 37-64 The globalization of the labour market for health-care professionals
by Paul F. CLARK & James B. STEWART & Darlene A. CLARK - 65-90 Competing for talent: China's strategies to reverse the brain drain
by David ZWEIG - 91-118 Labour market effects of immigration into Italy: An empirical analysis
by Alessandra VENTURINI & Claudia VILLOSIO
December 2005, Volume 144, Issue 4
- 369-400 Women's labour force participation rates in Latin America
by Laís ABRAMO & Maria Elena VALENZUELA - 401-421 The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing: Potential effects on gendered employment in Pakistan
by Karin Astrid SIEGMANN - 423-450 Female labour force participation during economic crises in Argentina and the Republic of Korea
by Kye Woo LEE & Kisuk CHO - 451-472 Women in the Japanese labour market, 1947–2003: A brief survey
by Junko KUMAMOTO-HEALEY - 473-494 The socio-cultural dimension of women's labour force participation choices in Switzerland
by Fabio B. LOSA & Pau ORIGONI
September 2005, Volume 144, Issue 3
- 253-289 The standard-setting and monitoring activity of the ILO: Legal questions and practical experience
by Alfred WISSKIRCHEN - 291-318 The new labour law of the Russian Federation
by Arturo BRONSTEIN - 319-343 Is a stable workforce good for productivity?
by Peter AUER & Janine BERG & Ibrahim COULIBALY
June 2005, Volume 144, Issue 2
- 139-160 Starting the new millennium right: Decent employment for young people
by Gianni ROSAS & Giovanna ROSSIGNOTTI - 161-187 Understanding youth labour market disadvantage: Evidence from south-east Europe
by Alexandre KOLEV & Catherine SAGET - 189-210 The impact of children's work on schooling: Multi-country evidence
by Ranjan RAY & Geoffrey LANCASTER - 211-235 Child work in Zambia: A comparative study of survey instruments
by Niels-Hugo BLUNCH & Amit DAR & Lorenzo GUARCELLO & Scott LYON & Amy RITUALO & Furio C. ROSATI
March 2005, Volume 144, Issue 1
- 5-30 Labour law and new forms of corporate organization
by Marie-Laure MORIN - 31-54 The economics of peace: Trends and prospects of the Palestinian economy and labour market
by Philippe EGGER - 55-84 Circumventing macroeconomic conservatism: A policy framework for growth, employment and poverty reduction
by Iyanatul ISLAM - 85-114 Unemployment, job quality and poverty: A case study of Bulgaria
by Alexandre KOLEV
December 2004, Volume 143, Issue 4
- 299-339 Sex equality and social security: Selected rulings of the European Court of Justice
by Ingeborg HEIDE - 341-372 Tripartite cooperation, social dialogue and national development
by Tayo FASHOYIN - 373-392 Job instability in the Korean labour market: Estimating the effects of the 1997 financial crisis
by Joonmo CHO & Jaeho KEUM
September 2004, Volume 143, Issue 3
- 211-233 The Industry Employability Index: Taking account of supply and demand characteristics
by Andries GRIP & Jasper LOO & Jos SANDERS - 235-247 The productivity pay-off from effective allocation of IT and non-IT labour
by Stephan KUDYBA - 249-273 Social security reform and gender equality: Recent experience in central Europe
March 2004, Volume 143, Issue 1-2
- 7-43 The social dimension of globalization: A review of the literature
by Bernhard G. GUNTER & Rolph HOEVEN - 45-90 The changing structure of trade linked to global production systems: What are the policy implications?
by William MILBERG - 91-128 Globalization and perceptions of social inequality
by Malte LÜBKER - 129-160 Globalization, social exclusion and gender
by Marilyn CARR & Martha CHEN - 161-184 Inclusive development and decent work for all
by Ignacy SACHS - 185-207 Globalization and decent work policy: Reflections upon a new legal approach
by Jean-Michel SERVAIS
December 2003, Volume 142, Issue 4
- 401-418 Discrimination and equality at work: A review of the concepts
by Manuela TOMEI - 419-457 Collective bargaining and equality: Making connections
by Adelle BLACKETT & Colleen SHEPPARD - 459-469 Inequality at work in the informal economy: Key issues and illustrations
by Barbara HARRISS-WHITE - 471-505 Equal opportunities practices and enterprise performance: A comparative investigation on Australian and British data
by Virginie PÉROTIN & Andrew ROBINSON & Joanne LOUNDES - 507-541 Racial discrimination: Theories, facts and policy
by Marco FUGAZZA
September 2003, Volume 142, Issue 3
- 277-294 Extending social security: Policies for developing countries
by Wouter GINNEKEN - 295-316 Gender equality at work in sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of Mali's modern sector
by Saliha DOUMBIA & Dominique MEURS - 317-340 The certification of corporate conduct: Issues and prospects
by Olivier BOIRAL - 341-372 The effects of job-creation schemes in Morocco
by Mohammed BOUGROUM & Aomar IBOURK
June 2003, Volume 142, Issue 2
- 113-145 Decent work: Concept and indicators
by Dharam GHAI - 147-178 Measuring decent work with statistical indicators
by Richard ANKER & Igor CHERNYSHEV & Philippe EGGER & Farhad MEHRAN & Joseph A. RITTER - 179-212 Seven indicators to measure decent work: An international comparison
by David BESCOND & Anne CHÂTAIGNIER & Farhad MEHRAN - 213-238 A family of decent work indexes
by Florence BONNET & José B. FIGUEIREDO & Guy STANDING - 239-262 Decent work and development policies
by Gary S. FIELDS - 263-271 Decent work and human development
by Iftikhar AHMED
March 2003, Volume 142, Issue 1
- 5-28 Decent work and competitiveness: Labour dimensions of accession to the European Union
by Philippe EGGER - 29-47 Challenges facing nurses' associations and unions: A global perspective
by Paul F. CLARK & Darlene A. CLARK - 49-71 Trade and investment effects of forced labour: An empirical assessment
by Matthias BUSSE & Sebastian BRAUN
December 2002, Volume 141, Issue 4
- 309-329 People's Security Surveys: An outline of methodology and concepts
by Richard ANKER - 331-358 Good jobs, bad jobs: Workers' evaluations in five countries
by Joseph A. RITTER & Richard ANKER - 359-383 More training, less security? Training and the quality of life at work in Argentina, Brazil and Chile
by Maria Mercedes JERIA CÁCERES - 385-411 Distribution of income and job opportunities: Normative judgements from four continents
by Deborah LEVISON & Joseph A. RITTER & Rosamund STOCK & Richard ANKER - 413-440 Attitudes towards trade unions in Bangladesh, Brazil, Hungary and Tanzania
by Sukti DASGUPTA - 441-454 From People's Security Surveys to a Decent Work Index
September 2002, Volume 141, Issue 3
- 203-223 Maximizing benefit transfers to the poor: Evidence from South African employment programmes
by Lawrence HADDAD & Michelle ADATO - 225-252 Migration for the benefit of all: Towards a new paradigm for economic immigration
by Eric WEINSTEIN - 253-273 Senior citizens: Social dignity, status and the right to representative freedom of organization
March 2002, Volume 141, Issue 1-2
- 9-29 Employment, social justice and societal well-being
by Joseph E. STIGLITZ - 31-69 Core labour standards and foreign direct investment
by David KUCERA - 71-113 The greying population: A wasted human capital or just a social liability?
by Vincenzo SPIEZIA - 115-122 The challenge of decent work
by Robert B. REICH - 123-159 An empirical assessment of the informational society: Employment and occupational structures of G-7 countries, 1920–2000
by Yuko AOYAMA & Manuel CASTELLS
December 2001, Volume 140, Issue 4
- 379-401 The Occupational Wages around the World data file
by Richard B. FREEMAN & Remco H. OOSTENDORP - 403-428 Night work of women in industry: Standards and sensibility
by George P. POLITAKIS - 429-451 Devolving public employment services: Preliminary assessment of the Australian experiment
by Alfred M. DOCKERY & Thorsten STROMBACK
September 2001, Volume 140, Issue 3
- 237-269 Poverty reduction and decent work in developing countries: Do minimum wages help?
by Catherine SAGET - 271-291 The working poor in developing countries
by Nomaan MAJID - 293-325 Labour market flexibility in the transition countries: How much is too much?
by Sandrine CAZES & Alena NESPOROVA