2024, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 267-273 Effectiveness of Implementing PBL-SSI-Based Electronic Modules on Reflective Judgment and Communication Skills of Muhammadiyah High School Students
by Reno Esa Mahendra & Astrid Sri Wahyuni Sumah & Marlina Ummas Genisa - 274-282 Potential Trichoderma sp. from Peat Soil in Controlling Seed-Borne Pathogens and Growth Stimulator in Soybean (Glycine max L.)
by Ananta Rizki Diasi & Arika Purnawati & Sri Wiyatiningsih - 292-299 Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Biji Anggur (Vitis vinifera L.) terhadap Enterococcus faecalis
by Elsa Vera Nanda & Fathin Hamida & Dian Puspita & Vilya Syafriana - 300-307 Analysis of Proximatic Levels and Sensory Quality of Organic Fish Feed from Fermented Coconut Drain Flour and Maggot Flour
by Zeny Kurniawati & Aminah Asngad - 308-317 Integration of Proximate Levels and Sensory Quality of Organic Fish Feed Based on Fermented Coconut Flour and Cricket Flour
by Nadia Aprilia & Aminah Asngad - 327-333 Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) berbasis Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT)
by Ghina Safira & Lina Agustina - 334-342 Respon Hasil Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) pada Umur Pemangkasan Pucuk Dan Dosis TrichokomposRespon Hasil Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) pada Umur Pemangkasan Pucuk Dan Dosis Trichokompos
by Mila Yunianysyah Putri & F. Deru Dewanti & Ramdan Hidayat - 343-351 Population and Level of Noctuidae Pest Attack on Sweet Corn (Zea Mays Saccharata Sturt.)
by Eva Tri Agustin & Noni Rahmadhini & Ramadhani Mahendra Kusuma - v:8:y:2024:i:3:id:14880 Efikasi Formulasi Granular Kombinasi Trichoderma sp. dan Ekstrak Daun Bandotan terhadap Sclerotium rolfsii pada Porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus)
by Nabilla Nur Raniah - v:8:y:2024:i:3:id:15354 Potensi Trichoderma sp. Asal Tanah Gambut Sebagai Agensia Pengendali Biologi Jamur Patogen Terbawa Benih Padi
by Shinta Maulina Aizah & Arika Purnawati & Endang Triwahyu Prasetyawati - v:8:y:2024:i:3:id:15383 Petengoran Mangrove Forest, Pesawaran: Ecological and Ethnocentric Studies
by Adinda Rahmadini & Tanti Suciani & Aisyah Fitriani & Firza Fauziah & Zahra Turriza & Yudiyanto Yudiyanto & Anisatu Z. Wakhidah
2024, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 146-153 The Effect of Concentration of Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Biofertilizer on Growth and Yield of Purple Eggplants (Solanum melongena L.)
by Arsarizky Arief & Didik Utomo Pribadi & Ramdan Hidayat - 154-150 Antibacterial Activity of Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff Extract using Variations of Ultrasonic Frequency against Escherichia coli
by Sabina Oktavia & Meiskha Bahar & Sri Wahyuningsih & Fajriati Zulfa & Feda Anisah Makkiyah - 161-168 Proximate and Sensory Analysis of Organic Fish Feed Based on Fermented Coconut Flour and Earthworm Flour
by Dyah Ayu Lintang Sumunar & Aminah Asngad - 169-176 Application of Biopesticide Fobio Against Moler Disease (Fusarium oxysporum) on Three Varieties of Shallots in Probolinggo City
by Yola Salsabila Shafa & Sri Wiyatiningsih & Endang Tri Wahyu Prasetyawati - 177-192 The Effect of Bioactivator and Biochar Types on The Organic Waste Composing Process
by Erica Fabela & Siswanto Siswanto & Purnomo Edi Sasongko - 197-197 Test of the Effectiveness of Red Betel Leaves (Piper crocatum) on Alloxan-Induced Reduction of Blood Sugar Levels in Male White Mice (Mus musculus)
by Medi Andriani & Rizki Yulion Putra & Dini Galoh Rosyta - 198-208 The Effect of Planting Media Composition and NPK 16-16-16 Fertilizer Dosage on the Growth of Grafted Seedlings from Syzygium aqueum Burm.)
by Iftina Duta Prastika Prastika & Nora Augustien K. & Didik Utomo Pribadi - 209-217 The Effect of LED Light Intensity and Types of Planting Media on the Growth and Yield of Basil Plants (Ocimum basilicum L.) Indoor Hydroponic Wick System
by Mohamad Hisam Fachrudin Hisam & Juli Santoso & Ramdan Hidayat - 218-224 Producing Digital Biological Generations: Integrating Cinematography Techniques in Problem-Based Biological Environment Investigation Learning Models
by Agung Wibowo & Dwi Sulistiarini & Balqis Balqis - 225-233 Effect Of Vegetable Waste Feed On Protein Levels Of BSF Maggots (Hermetia illucens)
by Jernia Rulintan Sitorus - 234-243 The Effect Of Coconut Water, Onion Extract and Bamboo Boobs Extract on Robusta Coffee Seed Germination (Coffea canephora)
by Aldila Putri Selsha Kirani & Didik Utomo Pribadi & Nova Triani - 244-250 Enhancing the Growth and Yield of Soybean Plants with Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Liquid Organic Fertilizer
by Achmad Adnan & Rossyda Priyadarshini & Purwadi Purwadi - 258-266 The Effect of Adding Silk Worms (Tubifex tubifex) Feed on the Growth of Jelawat Fish (Leptobabus hoevenii [Bleeke, 1851])
by Nesty Apulina Br Ginting & Aceng Ruyani & Aprina Defianti & Deni Palindungan & Tomi Hidayat - v:8:y:2024:i:2:id:13245 Analysis of the Feasibility of Non-Text Reference Books as Popular Reading Material on the Benefits of Banana Gedebok
by Ridha Nirmalasari & Nursalina Nursalina & Nurul Septiana & Noor Hujjatusnaini
2024, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-7 Exploration and Implementation of Indigenous Microbes from Coal Waste as Bioaccumulator Agents for Heavy Metals Cd and Pb
by Nunung Eni Elawati & Catur Retno Lestari & Fibra Resputri - 8-12 The Characteristics of Solid Soap with Varied Additions of Kefir Cheese Whey
by Solikah Solikah & Kurniawan Kurniawan & Ashiqotul Husna & Isyana Nuha Pitaloka - 13-26 Development of Personalized Learning Student Worksheets to Practice Inquiry Skills
by Syane Triwulandari - 26-42 Exploring Microalgae Diversity in Indonesia: Harnessing Potential for Lead Bioremediation
by Feni Andriani & Dian Hendrayanti & Yasman Yasman - 43-52 Metabolite Profiling and Bioprospecting of Acrolejeunea fertilis (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Schiffn. from Kebun Raya Cibodas, West Java
by Nadhifa Tazkia Ramadhani & Windri Handayani & Yasman Yasman & Afiatry Putrika - 53-58 Probiotic Contents and Antioxidant Activity in Probiotic Drinks Patikala Fruit Juice (Etlingera Elatior (Jack) R.M.Smith) from Kolaka
by Nur Azizah & Muktafia Muktafia & Lisa Anjarsari & Sartika Gunawan Putri - 59-66 Comparative Study of Coffee Wood and Fern Board Planting Media on Phalaenopsis amabilis Vegetative Growth in the Seedling Phase
by Gita Maylita Sari & Maria Ulfah & Eko Retno Mulyaningrum - 67-74 Exopolysaccharides production by Lactobacillus fermentum under different growth conditions in coconut water medium
by Etin Diah Permanasari & Priyo Wahyudi & Fuji Fauziah & Jekson Robertlee - 75-83 Isolation and Activity Testing of Proteolytic Bacteria Associated With The Sponge Stylotella Sp. and It's Potential as an Antibacterial
by Mariana Septiani Seuk & Lukas Pardosi & Gergonius Fallo - 84-94 Gel Formulation of Coconut Shell Charcoal Extract and Sensitivity Test for Escherichia coli Bacteria
by - 95-103 Antifungal Activity of Bilimbi Leaves (Averrhoa bilimbi l.) Ethanol Extract on the Growht of Aspergillus flavus and Trichophyton mentagrophytes
by Melia Sari - 116-125 Secondary Metabolites of Bacillus sp. as Antifungal of Seed-borne Pathogen Fungi on Maize Seed Using Blotter Test Method
by Laras Setyowati & Arika Purnawati & Tri Mujoko & Fathul Mukaromah - 116-127 The Emergence and Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Biotechnology
by Jahanzaib Ali - v:8:y:2024:i:1:id:13008 Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL): Its Effectiveness in Increasing Students' Scientific Literacy Skills in Plant Physiology Course
by Yennita & Fitri Astriawati & Dewi Jumiarni
2023, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 242-250 Heterotrigona itama cockerell's nest exit activity (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponinae) in Pocut Merah Intan Forest Park, Aceh Besar Regency
by Suwarno Suwarno & Novrizal Akbar & Alia Rizki & Zuriana Siregar - 251-260 Fostering Biodiversity: Unleashing the Potential of Refugia to Enhance Arthropod Diversity in Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) Farms
by Catur Putri Enggit Reksiana & Wiwin Windriyanti & Ramadhani Mahendra Kusuma - 261-270 Development of E-module ESD Context Based on Flipped Classroom on Self-Awareness of Junior High School Students
by Sri Purnawati & Suhendar Suhendar & Jujun Ratnasari - 271-279 The Effect of ESD Integrated Zero waste Project on Collaboration Competence and Self-awareness on the concept of Climate Change
by Teti Damayanti & Suhendar Suhendar & Aa Juhanda - 280-290 Development of Learning Video: Mangroves and Phytoplankton in Batu Ampar, West Kalimantan
by Entin Daningsih & Ramadhan Ramadhan & Yuliana Ovan Da Costa - 291-296 The Implementation of Scaffolding in Team Games Tournament (TGT) to Improve Students’ Participation and Learning Performance on Reproduction System Topics
by Devi Arindasandy & Rita Nur Rahmawati & Rusdi Hasan & Marheny Lukitasari - 297-305 Modeling the Habitat Suitability of Javan Banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus) Using Geographic Information System in Ujung Kulon National Park
by Handayani Handayani & Dedy Duryadi Solihin & Hadi Sukadi Alikodra & Jakaria Jakaria & Puji Rianti & Rois Mahmud - 306-316 Producing Lactobacillus plantarum Dry Starter using Rice Bran Matrix
by Aprilia Nurhasna & Anja Meryandini & Titi Candra Sunarti - 317-325 Development of Guided Inquiry-Based E-Module on Class XI Islamic Integrated Human Reproductive System
by Purnama Uswatun Khasanah & Ridha Nirmalasari & Nanik Lestariningsih & Ayatusa'adah Ayatusa'adah - 326-332 [Retracted] Distribution and Diversity of Macroalgae in Seagrass and Coral Reef Ecosystems on the Coast
by Karel Mayakun & Sutthawan Prathep - 333-338 Development and Implementation of Educational Games as Science Learning Media
by Vera Ziden - 339-349 CRISPR-Cas9 System In Vivo Delivery to Combat HBV
by Jahanzaib Ali & Husnain Aslam & Abida Yousuf - 350-357 Development of an Electronic Module with Project Based Learning
by Nurul Fadhilah & Rahmatia Thahir - 358-364 Screening of Lipolytic Bacteria from Cemetery Soil
by Listy Hasti Mandiri & Triastuti Rahayu & Erma Musbita Tyastuti & Yasir Sidiq
2023, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 123-132 Bacteria Isolation from Public Cemeteries Soil and Test for Resistance to Antibiotics
by Anggita Juniar Laspartriana & Triastuti Rahayu & Erma Musbita Tyastuti & Yasir Sidiq - 143-148 Pharmaceutical Activity of Medicinal Plant Amaranthus viridis Linn. Due to Its Chemical Constituents: A Review
by Ali Haider & Muhammad Ikram & Urooj Fatima & Asma Javed - 209-214 Knowing the Role of the Teams Games Tournament Cooperative Learning Model on Student Learning Activeness
by Mohammad Ghaemi & Esmail Ebrahimi & Pariyaporn Ocak - 222-230 Test of Hypersensitivity and Antagonistic Reaction of Endophytic Bacteria from Klutuk Banana (Musa balbisiana)
by Ratih Dewianty & Triastuti Rahayu & Yasir Sidiq - 231-241 The Effect of Lamtoro Leaf POC and Tofu Liquid Waste on the Growth of Cayenne Chili (Capsicum frutescens)
by Siska Andriyani & Suparti Suparti
2023, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 15-23 Isolation and Characterization of Cambodian Tree Rhizospheric Bacteria (Plumeria acuminata) at Pracimaloyo TPU as a producer of IAA
by Sahasika Sean Putra & Triastuti Rahayu & Erma Musbita Tyastuti - 33-40 Insect Pest Diversity of Corn Plants (Zea mays) in Baringeng Village, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province
by Phika Ainnadya Hasan & Nurul Hidayah & Nur Fadillah - 68-72 Stages of Microspore Development in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
by Devi Bunga Pagalla - 88-95 Composition, Structure, and Carbon Stock of Tree in the System: Teak-Based Agroforestry in Gemawang Wonogiri Village
by Alifia Zahra Nanda Hasanah & Santhyami Santhyami - 106-117 Development of Animated Video Learning Media Using the Powtoon Application on the Theme of Caring for Living Things
by Bunga Indri Pertiwi & Iati Rusdiyani & Lukman Nulhakim
2018, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 104-115 Analisis Kemandirian Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Kelas X SMA YKPP Pendopo
by Array Array & Array Array & Array Array - 116-121 Pengukuran Indole- 3-Acetic Acid (IAA) pada Bacillus sp dengan Penambahan L-Tryptopan
by Array Array & Array Array - 122-128 Analisis Perbandingan Asam Lemak VCO dengan Metode Fermentasi dari Berbagai Varietas Kelapa
by Array Array & Array Array - 129-134 Keanekaragaman Jenis Kupu-Kupu (Lepidoptera) di Kawasan Penangkaran Wana Wisata Curug Cilember sebagai Sumber Belajar Sekolah Sekitarnya
by Ageng Supriyanto & Paska Sukandar & Susanti Murwitaningsih - 135-139 Keanekaragaman Hayati Fauna di Sungai Surgi Mufti Kecamatan Banjarmasin Utara
by Array Array & Array Array
2018, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 45-52 HKSA dan Penambatan Molekuler Senyawa Turunan Kumarin sebagai Anti Kanker Kolon
by Yeni Yeni & Supandi Supandi & Yulianindra Khalishah - 53-58 Pengembangan Mobile Learning Sistem Koordinasi Berbasis Android
by Restu Hardinata & Susanti Murwitaningsih & Gufron Amirullah - 59-67 Penerapan Media Kartu KUPUBIL sebagai Pengayaan Materi Ujian Nasional Biologi
by Fajar Adinugraha - 68-73 Identifikasi Rhodamin B dalam Lipstik dengan Metode KLT dan Spektrofotometri UV-VIS
by Hurip Budi Riyanti & Sutyasningsih Sutyasningsih & Anggun Wisnu Sarsongko - 74-80 Pengaruh Pendekatan Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Klasifikasi Mahluk Hidup di SMPK Binawirawan Maumere
by Mansur S - 81-87 Pengaruh Pemberian Mikroorganisme Lokal (MOL) Rebung Bambu Surat (Gigantochloa vesticillata (Willd.) Munro) terhadap Pertumbuhan Bayam Merah (Amaranthus tricolor L.)
by Gustomi Gustomi & Lutfah Nurusman & Susilo Susilo - 87-94 Pertumbuhan Organ Vegetatif Tomat Merah (Lycopersicum esculentum, L. var commune) dan Tomat Ungu (Lycopersicum esculentum, L. var indigo rose) Sebagai Sumber Belajar Biologi SMA Kelas XII
by Array Array & Array Array
2017, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 01-05 Hubungan antara Pengetahuan Lingkungan Hidup dengan Tingkat Kepedulian Warga Dalam Pengolahan Sampah di Bank Sampah Nusa Indah Raya
by Muhamad Saiful Bahri & Meitiyani Meitiyani & Yuni Astuti - 06-10 Uji Coba Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tim Games Tournament pada Konsep Sistem Pencernaan Makanan pada Manusia di Kelas XI IPA MAN Tasikmalaya
by Iim Halimatul Mu'minah - 11-18 Pengunaan Metode Giving Questions And Getting Answer Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa SMA
by Array Array - 19-23 Struktur Populasi Dan Aktivitas Harian Lutung Budeng (Tracypithecus auratus) Di Taman Wisata Alam Situgunung Sukabumi
by Hilman Faruq - 24-30 Keanekaragaman dan Pola Penyebaran Insekta Permukaan Tanah di Resort Cisarua Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango Jawa Barat
by Dwi Meilina Andrianni & Maryanti Setyaningsih & Susilo Susilo & Meitiyani Meitiyani & Agus Pambudi Darma - 31-37 Pembelajaran Kontekstual dengan Saintifik Inkuiri untuk Meningkatkan Literasi dan Sikap Sains Siswa
by Wati Sukmawati - 38-44 Inokulum Mikoriza Arbuskula sebagai Pupuk Hayati pada Tanaman Gandum (Triticum Aestivum L.)
by Erwin Erwin