March 2013, Volume XX, Issue Special I
- 444-454 The Regulation And Deregulation Of The Financial Markets – Current Tendencies And Perspectives In The Context Of Providing Financial Stability
by Isac Borş - 455-467 Early Warning Indicators Of Economic And Financial Instability Indexes
by Rodica Oana Ioniţă - 468-476 A Study Upon The Great Japanese Crisis
by Marius Ioan Mihuţ & Stanca Alexandra Pop - 477-488 The Long-Term Real Convergence Of Central And Eastern Europe Economies To The Euro Area –The Sigma And Beta Convergence
by Bogdan Andrei Dumitrescu - 489-504 Inflation Targeting And Financial Stability During The Financial Crisis
by Livia Maria Rotaru - 505-509 Competition: Classical Versus Neoclassical View
by Mihaela Cornelia Sandu - 510-519 On The Decline Of Middle Class As An Effect Of Globalization. Evidence From The Developed And Emergent Countries
by Monica Răileanu Szeles & Vlad Dumitrache - 520-529 Bridge Bank And Bad Bank Tools In Eu. An Efficiency Assessment Case Study
by Teodora Cristina Barbu & Iustina Alina Boitan - 530-537 Foreign Banks Appetite For Liquidity Risk And The Banking System Stability. Case Study For Romania
by Horaţiu Lovin - 538-548 Financial Contagion And Its Transmission Channels Between Piigs Economies
by Daniela Zapodeanu & Edina Kulcsar & Sorina Ioana Petriş - 549-556 Basel Iii - Issues And Implications For The Romanian Banking System
by Daniela Dandara - 557-562 Evaluating The Impact Of Banking Services Quality On Customer Loyalty In Credit Europe Bank (Romania)
by Corneliu Bente & Florina Maria Bente - 563-574 Banks Interest Rate Margins And Financial Deregulation In Mauritius
by Kheswar Jankee
December 2013, Volume XX, Issue 12(589)
- 1-2 After the transition
by Marin Dinu - 7-24 The impact of oil prices on sectoral returns: an empirical analysis from Borsa Istanbul
by Gaye GENCER & Sercan DEMIRALAY - 25-42 Aspects on the perception of young people regarding balneotherapy tourism in Romania
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Ion PÂRGARU & Andreea BOTOȘ & Anamaria-Cătălina RADU - 43-56 Model of analysis of the correlation between the population and the labor force market
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Alexandru MANOLE & Ligia PRODAN & Alexandru URSACHE - 57-66 Does convergence of incomes still exist among developed economies? Time series evidence in G7 countries
by Sakiru Adebola SOLARIN - 67-82 Analysis of the correlation between the evolution of the consumer loans and the evolution of household income in Romania
by Adrian MITROI & Alexandru OPROIU - 83-96 Exploring the determinants of the productivity of indian microfinance institutions
by Abdul RASHID & Koire TWAHA - 97-104 Fair value hedging, between opportunity and necessity
by Daniela SAHLIAN & Mihaela BOTEA & Daniela Livia TRAŞCĂ - 105-116 The VAT encashment system’s impact on return on invested capitals. Romania’s case
by Adriana Florina POPA & Florin DOBRE & Laura BRAD - 117-126 Regional dimension on competitiveness in the postcrisis period. Urban policy in Europe
by Margareta Stela FLORESCU - 127-138 Intangible assets as a source of competitiveness in the post-crisis economy. The role of brands
by Ana Maria DOBRE
November 2013, Volume XX, Issue 11(588)
- 1-2 The enlightenment of stability
by Marin Dinu - 7-24 Specific patterns in portfolio analysis
by Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE & Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL - 25-40 A turnpike theorem involving a modified Golden Rule
by Darong DAI & Kunrong SHEN - 41-52 General aspects regarding the evolution of GDP in Romania
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Alexandru MANOLE & Georgian ŞERBAN & Andreea Gabriela BALTAC & Adina Mihaela DINU - 53-72 Interday drifts in opening stock returns
by Andrey KUDRYAVTSEV - 73-82 Entrepreneurship among higher education graduates in 13 European countries
by Ana-Maria ZAMFIR & Eliza-Olivia LUNGU & Cristina MOCANU - 83-100 Innovative methods to analyze the stock market in Romania. Studying the volatility of the Romanian stock market with the ARCH and GARCH models using the “R” software
by Antoniade-Ciprian ALEXANDRU & Nicoleta CARAGEA & Ana-Maria DOBRE - 101-116 Anomalies on the capital markets from the former communist European countries
by Dragoş Ştefan OPREA - 117-126 Prerequisites for modeling price and return data series for the Bucharest Stock Exchange
by Andrei TINCA - 127-146 Between fiscal discipline and economic recovery. The solutions problem
by Anca Maria GHERMAN & George ŞTEFAN - 147-164 Origin of the product and the buying decision
by Cristina VEITH & Costin LIANU
October 2013, Volume XX, Issue 10(587)
- 1-2 The corrective austerity
by Marin Dinu - 5-22 The Balkan balneotherapy product – an approach from the destination marketing perspective
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Andreea BOTOȘ & Ion PÂRGARU - 23-32 A new vision on competitiveness within the post-crisis economy. Causes, evolutions and possible innovative solutions to fight against the undesirable effects of the economic crisis
by Laura Mariana CISMAŞ & Ruxandra Ioana PITORAC - 33-48 Estimating the size of Romanian shadow economy using Gutmann’s simple currency ratio approach
by Adriana Ana Maria DAVIDESCU - 49-64 Motivation of the public employee in Romania in the context of the economic crisis
by Amalia CRISTESCU & Larisa STANILĂ & Mădălina Ecaterina ANDREICA - 65-70 Urban revitalisation in the creative economy and the development of the creative society
by Mina FANEA-IVANOVICI - 71-78 Modeling the relationship between GDP and unemployment for Okun’s law specific to Pakistan during 1976-2010
by Muhammad Aamir KHAN & Abdul SABOOR & Sarfraz Ahmad MIAN & Aftab ANWAR - 79-96 Education for sustainability – a prerequisite for post-crisis economic competitiveness with possible inference for Romania
by Camelia Iuliana LUNGU - 97-110 Forecasting of the economic crisis using business cycles patterns
by Cristina VIŞAN & Dorel AILENEI - 111-126 The role of the human capital and investment in human capital within the sustainable socio-economic development. How labour force migration affects competitiveness?
by Liana SON & Graţiela Georgiana NOJA - 127-144 Costing systems design for sustainability
by Mihaela TURTUREA & Radu Dan TURCU
September 2013, Volume XX, Issue 9(586)
- 1-2 Underdevelopment's gravitation
by Marin Dinu - 7-26 The sustainable company: new challenges and strategies for more sustainability
by Victor DANCIU - 27-38 The impact of accounting information on managerial decisions – Empirical study conducted in the hospitality industry entities in Romania
by Sorin BRICIU & Carmen SCORŢE & Ioana MEŞTER - 39-50 Exchange rate volatility effects on export competitiveness. Romanian Case
by Anca GHERMAN & George ŞTEFAN & Adriana FILIP - 51-62 Do investors consider composite leading indicators? Time series evidence from emerging countries
by Mert TOPCU & Ulas UNLU - 63-72 Can Member States unlock the national competitiveness through export market share effects?
by Angela Cristina POPA & Călin CANTEMIR - 73-86 Innovation – a national priority, supported by the regional development agencies
by Elena ENACHE & Cristian MOROZAN - 87-102 Pros and cons of using derivatives
by Ramona GOGONCEA & Ioana-Diana PAUN - 103-114 Harmonization process in defining small and medium-sized enterprises. Arguments for a quantitative definition versus a qualitative one
by Maria-Mădălina BUCULESCU (COSTICĂ) - 115-126 Management strategies of the financial-economical crisis in the hotel’s domain
by Carmen IORDACHE - 127-144 Mathematics in economics. A perspective on necessity and sufficiency
by Silvia PALAȘCĂ - 145-167 Financial stability between liberalization and regulation
by Cristian IONESCU
August 2013, Volume XX, Issue 8(585)
- 1-2 Psychologized economicity
by Marin Dinu - 7-14 A regional model for labour demand in Romania
by Paul Costel ROTARU - 15-36 Romania’s accession to the Eurozone – a simulation using a simple DSGE model
by Mădălin VIZINIUC - 37-46 Occupational mobility networks of female and male higher education graduates
by Eliza-Olivia LUNGU & Ana-Maria ZAMFIR & Cristina MOCANU - 47-58 Creating competitive poles – the sustainable model for obtaining the competitive advantage
by Ramona-Mihaela MATEI - 59-68 Financial development and economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe
by Monica DUDIAN & Raluca Andreea POPA - 69-84 Neoclassical economic orthodoxy and the need for a new post-crisis economic paradigm
by Andrei JOSAN & Cristina (COVACI) VOICU - 85-92 Territorial analysis of discriminated groups
by Mihaela Hrisanta MOSORA - 91-106 The causal relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Current Account: an empirical investigation for Pakistan economy
by Danish Ahmed SIDDIQUI & Mohsin Hasnain AHMAD & Muhammad ASIM - 107-116 Interdependence between labor market and unemployment in the post-crisis economy
by Sorina ENACHE - 117-124 The internet is changing our world
by Daniela VÎRJAN - 125-136 Improvement of labor flexibility in Romanian companies using practices in the field in some EU countries
by Ionuț CĂȘUNEANU - 137-147 International monetary system – between crisis and reform
July 2013, Volume XX, Issue 7(584)
- 1-2 Indirect determinism
by Marin Dinu - 7-26 Oltenia’s identity – A systemic approach of a tourism destination’s universe
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Ion PÂRGARU & Andreea BOTOȘ & Anamaria-Cătălina RADU - 27-32 Perspectives of economics – behavioural economics
by Paula-Elena DIACON & Gabriel-Andrei DONICI & Liviu-George MAHA - 33-42 Business cycles synchronization in the European Union: truth or challenge?
by Cristina-Flavia TATOMIR & Oana Cristina POPOVICI - 43-58 Saving and economic growth: An empirical analysis for Euro area countries
by Elena-Adriana ANDREI & Cătălin-Emilian HUIDUMAC-PETRESCU - 59-76 Security of M-Commerce transactions
by Ion IVAN & Daniel MILODIN & Alin ZAMFIROIU - 77-86 A model for measuring value for money in professional sports
by Vlad ROŞCA - 87-94 The influence of modern epistemological streams. The case of epistemological anarchism
by Grigore Ioan PIROȘCĂ - 95-108 From a holistic approach of public policy to co-governance
by Luminiţa-Gabriela POPESCU - 109-118 Reference vectors in economic choice
by Teycir Abdelghani GOUCHA - 119-128 The economic and communication implications of tourism in Romania
by Claudia Elena PAICU & Diana Andreia HRISTACHE
June 2013, Volume XX, Issue 6(583)
- 1-2 The unanthropic context
by Marin Dinu - 7-34 Integrated marketing communication in tourism – an analysis. Case study: Muntenia and Oltenia
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Andreea BOTOŞ & Mihai ORZAN & Ion PÂRGARU & Octavian ARSENE - 35-52 Productivity change patterns in the Romanian banking system – the impact of size and ownership on total factor productivity
by Anca MUNTEANU & Petre BREZEANU & Leonardo BADEA - 53-60 Is there a difference between intrapreneurs and early-stage entrepreneurs in Romania?
by Annamária BENYOVSZKI & Ágnes NAGY & Tünde Petra PETRU - 61-76 Profit optimization during crisis periods
by Sorin BRICIU & Sorinel CĂPUȘNEANU & Andreea Elena CĂPRARIU - 77-98 Study on the perception of accounting professionals concerning intangible assets and intangible capital
by Cristina-Ionela FĂDUR & Marilena MIRONIUC - 99-118 The role of social factors in explaining crime
by Siti Nur Zahara HAMZAH & Evan LAU - 119-138 The metropolitan area as a knee-jerk response to the multilevel governance and its derived national public decisions
by Cătălin Daniel DUMITRICĂ & Ioana Teodora DINU - 139-148 Structural changes and productivity in the crisis period in Romania. The industry case
by Anca DACHIN & Felix-Constantin BURCEA
May 2013, Volume XX, Issue 5(582)
- 1-2 The natural foundation
by Marin Dinu - 7-14 Early warning models of financial distress. Case study of the Romanian firms listed on RASDAQ
by Mădălina Ecaterina ANDREICA - 15-26 Innovation: a path to competitiveness and economic growth. The case of CEE countries
by Ioan Radu PETRARIU & Robert BUMBAC & Radu CIOBANU - 27-32 Monetary autonomy under different exchange rate regimes in the long-run: the case of seven new EU countries
by Yu HSING - 33-52 The future of marketing: an appropriate response to the environment changes
by Victor DANCIU - 53-70 Education for sustainability – a prerequisite for post-crisis economic competitiveness with possible inference for Romania
by Camelia Iuliana LUNGU & Chirața CARAIANI & Cornelia DASCĂLU - 71-78 A regional model for labour demand in Romania
by Paul Costel ROTARU - 79-92 Robustness of public choice models of voting behavior
by Mihai UNGUREANU - 93-106 The evolution of sovereign wealth funds and their influence in the global economy. The case of China
by Ioana-Iulica MIHAI - 107-114 How does the labour’s market dynamic influence the level of the public pension in Romania in the actual economic context?
by Ioana BÎLBÎE - 115-124 The customers borrowing behavior during the financial crisis
by Alina LUCA (BRĂTUCU) - 125-134 Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Romania
by Camelia MORARU - 135-144 The image of the economic institutions in the context of global economy
by Laurențiu Gabriel FRÂNCU
April 2013, Volume XX, Issue 4(581)
- 1-3 The nomination of the market
by Marin Dinu - 5-24 The global crisis: Challenges to the banking system
by Ágnes NAGY & Annamária BENYOVSZKI - 25-32 Contributions to assessing the relative dimension of agglomeration theories
by Ion POHOAŢĂ & Raluca Irina CLIPA - 33-44 Hysteresis in unemployment: an empirical research for three member states of the European Union
by Chaido DRITSAK & Melina DRITSAKI - 45-62 Economics: the primary lesson to be taught and learned, as update
by Liviu C. ANDREI - 63-72 Need to implement corporate governance in the Romanian companies
by Sorin COSNEANU & Corneliu RUSSU & Vergina CHIRIŢESCU & Leonardo BADEA - 73-88 Aspects of labor market flexicurity in the Mediterranean and Anglo-Saxon models
by Alina Ştefania CHENIC (CREŢU) - 89-100 Impact of economic models on European Union economies development
by Cristina BURGHELEA & Corina Maria ENE & Carmen UZLĂU - 101-110 Cyclical convergence of Central and Eastern European countries to the Euro area core. New methodological approach
by Ileana ALEXE & Oana Cristina POPOVICI - 111-118 Models for the analysis of the labor market in Romania
by Gabriela TUDOSE & Lavinia Ştefania ŢOŢAN & Silvia Elena CRISTACHE
March 2013, Volume XX, Issue 3(580)
- 1-2 The sensitive symmetries
by Marin Dinu - 7-16 Sustainability of the public debt and the financial crisis
by Aura Gabriela SOCOL - 17-30 The lending channel and budget balance: empirical evidences from Central and Eastern European economies
by Bogdan-Gabriel MOINESCU - 31-52 Heterogeneous capital and consumption goods in a structurally generalized Uzawa’s model
by Wei-Bin ZHANG - 53-60 Differences between the nominal values of the gross domestic product and the provisional and semi-final variant
by Vergil VOINEAGU - 61-82 Forecasting the variance and return of Mexican financial series with symmetric GARCH models
by Fátima Irina VILLALBA PADILLA & Miguel FLORES-ORTEGA - 83-102 Meanings and spreading patterns of the “positive” concept in economic thought
by Angela ROGOJANU & George ŞERBAN-OPRESCU - 103-120 Implications of the single supervisory mechanism on ECB's functions and on credit institutions' activity
by Teodora Cristina BARBU & Iustina Alina BOITAN - 121-134 Analysing movements in investor’s risk aversion using the Heston volatility model
by Alexie ALUPOAIEI & Andrei HREBENCIUC & Ana-Maria SĂNDICĂ - 135-146 The labour market in the post-crisis economy: the case of Spain
by Mirela Ionela ACELEANU - 147-152 Liberalisation and regulation in the financial crisis – is behavioural economics a solution?
by Liviu-George MAHA & Paula-Elena DIACON & Gabriel-Andrei DONICI
February 2013, Volume XX, Issue 2(579)
- 1-2 The deideologizing of the market
by Marin Dinu - 7-22 Has accession to the EU affected business cycles?
by Panagiotis EVANGELOPOULOS & Dimitrios DAPONTAS - 23-36 The effect of the Romanian pension market concentration on the magnitude of pension revenues
by Vasile ROBU & Irina Daniela CIŞMAŞU & Maria Iuliana SANDU - 37-50 Interest rate channel in Romania: assessing the effectiveness transmission of monetary policy impulses to inflation and economic growth
by Vasile COCRIŞ & Anca Elena NUCU - 51-56 Romania's road to Euro zone. From structural balance to structural balance corrected for absorption
by Aura-Gabriela SOCOL - 57-68 ARDL investment model of Tunisia
by Abdulbaset M. HAMUDA & Veronika ŠULIKOVÁ & Vladimír GAZDA & Denis HORVÁTH - 69-80 A review of the economic crisis: solutions and failures in the European Union
by Marius-Cristian PANĂ - 81-88 Macroprudential policy and financial stability
by Bogdan CHIRIACESCU - 89-102 Public policies targeting labour market rigidities
by Andreea Claudia ŞERBAN - 103-112 National policy measures. Right approach to foreign direct investment flows
by Cătălin-Emilian HUIDUMAC-PETRESCU & Radu Marcel JOIA - 113-128 Influence of the prudential supervision over the capitalization of the Romanian insurance market
by Laura Elly NAGHI - 129-144 Social inequalities and poverty in current Romania
by Sergiu ȚÂRA - 145-158 Conceptual aspects regarding balneotherapy tourism marketing in Romania
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Codruța-Adina BĂLTESCU & Andreea BOTOȘ & Ion PÂRGARU - 159-168 East-European stock exchanges in the context of financial crisis
by Cătălina Claudia SAVA
January 2013, Volume XX, Issue 1(578)
- 1-2 The underground macroeconomics
by Marin Dinu - 7-34 Corruption, public integrity, and globalization in South-Eastern European states. A comparative analysis
by Andrew I.E. EWOH & Ani MATEI & Lucica MATEI - 33-50 The risks of Euro adoption in Romania – an analysis based on ten criteria
by Marius-Corneliu MARINAŞ - 51-62 The impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth: the Portuguese experience
by Nuno Carlos LEITÃO & Saeed RASEKHI - 63-72 The lack of consistency in budget deficit criteria in the Stability and Growth Pact
by Andrei HREBENCIUC - 73-86 Local reforms by political conditionality: trials and erros in Central and Eastern Europe
by Diana IANCU - 87-102 Employment in the EU countries: a panel data analysis
by Larisa STĂNILĂ & Mădălina ANDREICA & Amalia CRISTESCU - 103-112 Territorial efficiency of the cohesion policy in Romania
by Daniela Livia TRAŞCĂ & Mirela Ionela ACELEANU & Daniela SAHLIAN - 113-120 Corporate social responsibility and organizational identity in post-crisis economy
by Diana Andreia HRİSTACHE & Claudia Elena PAİCU & Nilgün İSMAİL - 121-130 Urban and rural educational system disparities in Romania
by Mihaela Roberta STANEF - 141-148 Adaptation of the tourism in Romania to the new economic context imposed by the global economic crisis (in 2010)
by Silvia IFTIME & Paulina Cornelia PODINA
December 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 12(577)
- 1-2 The double correctness
by Marin Dinu - 5-12 Proposal for the implementation of a fiscal rule system for Romania. Estimate for the reaction of the fiscal rule system to the output’s shocks
by Cristian SOCOL - 13-22 Aspects of signaling hazards and of identifying opportunities in crisis situations
by Ion IMBRESCU - 23-36 The lessons of the crisis on pension funds portfolio management
by Dan CONSTANTINESCU - 37-52 The effectiveness of public policies and structural funds in enhancing tourism development. The case of Romania
by Dragoş Dumitru JALIU - 53-60 Some considerations regarding the use of the fix and chained basis indices
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Alexandru MANOLE & Ion PÂRȚACHI & Lorand KRALIK - 61-72 Cultural heritage evaluation: a reappraisal of some critical concepts involved
by Mihaela IACOB & Felicia ALEXANDRU & Meral KAGITCI & Georgiana Camelia CREŢAN & Filip IORGULESCU - 73-98 Romanian government bond market
by Cornelia POP & Maria-Andrada GEORGESCU & Iustin Atanasiu POP - 99-110 Aspects regarding the analysis of the rationality of the buying decision of the Romanian consumer
by Corina PELĂU - 111-124 The influence of cluster type economic agglomerations on the entrepreneurship, in Romania
by Adriana REVEIU & Marian DÂRDALĂ - 125-142 Controversies concerning the connection higher education – human capital – competitiveness
by Liana BADEA & Angela ROGOJANU - 142-148 Consequences and possible solutions of financial crisis
by Alexandra ADAM & Silvia Elena IACOB
November 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 11(576)
- 1-2 Limitations of principle
by Marin Dinu - 5-14 Aspects regarding the analysis of inflation evolution
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Vergil VOINEAGU & Gabriela-Victoria ANGHELACHE & Alexandru MANOLE - 15-30 A macroeconometric panel data analysis of the shaping factors of labour emigration within the European Union
by Liana SON & Graţiela Georgiana NOJA - 31-44 Accounting’s shift to decision-based costing
by Gary COKINS & Sorinel CĂPUŞNEANU & Sorin BRICIU - 45-58 The Anglo-Saxon model of employment in the current economic context. The case of United Kingdom
by Mirela Ionela ACELEANU - 59-74 The economic analysis of bureaucracy and government growth
by Mihai UNGUREANU & Diana IANCU - 75-84 Correlating stock exchange indices under both normal and financial crisis conditions
by Gabriela-Victoria ANGHELACHE & Andreea NEGRU CIOBANU - 85-90 Improving public sector performance by strenghtening the relationship between audit and accounting
by Adelina DUMITRESCU - 91-106 Corporate social responsibility, a strategy to create and consolidate sustainable businesses
by Mariana Cristina GANESCU - 107-126 The political economy of women’s professional basketball in the United States: A structure-conduct-performance approach
by Ariel ANTHONY & Steven B. CAUDILL & Franklin G. MIXON, Jr. - 127-134 Social cohesion – a post-crisis analysis
by Alina Magdalena MANOLE
October 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 10(575)
- 1-2 The pendulum's option
by Marin Dinu - 5-14 Use of fixed income products within a company's portfolio
by Vasile DEDU & Dan Costin NIŢESCU - 15-30 An empiric approach of the FDI-taxation relationship in Romania
by Ioan TALPOȘ & Bianca Maria LUDOŞEAN (STOICIU) - 31-54 Public-private partnership role in increasing the quality of the health insurance services
by Dan CONSTANTINESCU - 55-70 The economic integration: concept and end of process
by Liviu C. Andrei - 71-84 The long run relationship between foreign direct investments, exports, and gross domestic product: panel data implications
by Mehmet ERYİĞİT - 85-92 Spending Power and match attendance: is Romanian football a normal or an inferior good?
by Vlad ROŞCA - 93-104 The readiness of employees for the future society. Case study
by Lorena BĂTĂGAN & Daniela Luminiţa CONSTANTIN - 105-114 Transition to a green economy – a challenge and a solution for the world economy in multiple crisis context
by Alina-Mihaela BABONEA & Radu-Marcel JOIA - 115-130 A VAR analysis of the connection between FDI and economic growth in Romania
by Bianca Maria LUDOŞEAN (STOICIU) - 131-142 EU budget reform in the context of the current economic crisis
by Ionela POPA & Denisa PARPANDEL & Diana CODREANU - 142-162 Technological innovation as a mean to increase economic competitiveness
by Daniela VASILE & Viorel VULTURESCU
September 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 9(574)
- 1-2 Epistemic stained-glass
by Marin Dinu - 5-16 Innovative clusters: a solution for the economic development of Romania
by Mihaela-Cornelia DAN - 17-28 Corruption, democracy and bureaucracy
by Aviral Kumar TIWARI - 29-36 Testing weak form informational efficiency on the Romanian capital market
by Andrei STĂNCULESCU & Eugen MITRICĂ - 37-48 The impact of labour market imbalances on regional disparities in the post-crisis context
by Gina Cristina DIMIAN - 49-64 Laggards or performers? CEE vs. PIIGS countries’ catch-up with the Euro Area in the last ten years
by Cristina TATOMIR & Ileana ALEXE - 65-76 Economy of Referential Preferences A new mathematical approach for choice theory and general equilibrium
by Teycir GOUCHA - 77-84 The industry of copies – obstacle for the economic recovery. Examples from the markets
by Daniel BELINGHER - 85-92 The road to the new economy
by Alina GINGHINĂ - 93-116 Globalization and the identity dilemma
by Alina-Petronela NEGREA - 117-121 Economic fundamentals: between consecration and contestation
by Monica-Gabriela GHERMAN
August 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 8(573)
- 1-2 Political macroeconomics
by Marin Dinu - 5-18 The new economic geography and regional policy in Romania
by Raluca Irina CLIPA & Ion POHOAŢĂ & Flavian CLIPA