October 2006, Volume 8(503), Issue 8(503)
- 67-72 Investment Process in Territorial Government Sectors
by Costantin Roman & Aureliana Geta Roman & Cleopatra Sendroiu - 73-78 Market and Money: Economic Instruments of Political Europe
by Iulian Brasoveanu & Florina Pînzaru - 79-84 Intangible Assets – Important Resources for Performant Enterprise Gestion
by Corina Grosu & Alina Almasan - 85-90 Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuation to the Romanian Foreign Currency Reserve
by Lavinia Diana Vasile - 91-96 Labour Force Migration Effects within European Union
by Carmen Mihaela Tudorache - 97-104 The Number of Human Population, a Statistical and Economical Synthesis of Alternative Evolution towards Demographical Explosion or Implosion
by Gheorghe Savoiu - v:8(503):y:2006:i:8(503):p: The European Model: Economic Growth, Convergence and Cohesion
by Cristian Socol & Aura Socol
September 2006, Volume 7(502), Issue 7(502)
- 1-1 Criza spiritului
by Marin Dinu - 3-8 Arguments for the Study of Institutionalism and Institutional Reform in Romania
by Ion Pohoata - 9-16 Organizational Transition and Change Resistance
by Ovidiu Nicolescu & Ciprian Nicolescu - 17-20 Economic Politics, between Individual Interest and Public Interest
by Dorel Ailenei - 21-30 Corporate Governance, between Classicism and Modernism
by Niculae Feleaga & Cristina Vasile - 31-50 Dilemmas of Modernity in Change
by Sultana Suta-Selejan - 51-58 The Economy Governing During Globalization Era
by Ion Bucur - 59-80 Romania. The Pillars for its Sustainable Development
by Mirela Roxana Chirita & Emilian M. Dobrescu - 81-84 Using Standard-Sole Cost Method for Performance Gestion Accounting and Calculation Cost in the Machine Building Industry
by Cleopatra Sendroiu & Aureliana Geta Roman & Costantin Roman - 85-92 The Prevailing of the Human Nature in the Economics of Adam Smith
by Mara Magda Maftei - 93-96 Growth and Efficiency at the Macroeconomic Level
by Alexandrina Duta & Nicoleta Sîrghi & Adina Popovici - 97-100 Pollution and Property: Is Relevant Market Failure Theory?
by Radu Simandan - 101-104 A Mental Value Perspective in Risk Decision Theory
by Roxana Davidescu & Alexandru Trifu
August 2006, Volume 6(501), Issue 6(501)
- 1-1 Dubla criza
by Marin Dinu - 3-8 Synthetic Analysis about Single-Criterion and Multi-Criterion Financial Assets Portfolio
by Leonardo Badea - 9-12 About Knowledge Society Pillars in Romania
by Ion Gh. Rosca - 23-32 Banking Activity for Sustainable Development
by Alexandra Eremia & Ion Stancu - 33-38 Engineering and Re-engineering Model of the Proceses for Implementing Quality Management System in Small and Medium Enterprises
by Ion Ionita & Cosmin Dobrin & Mihai Mieila - 39-46 Economics of Corruption. The Equilibrium, Political and Social Determinations
by Ani Matei & Lucica Matei - 47-52 Structural Changes of International Trade Flows under the Impact of Globalization
by Anca Dachin - 53-60 Controversies Regarding Goodwill Evaluation, Depreciation and Recording Policies
by Niculae Feleaga & Liliana Feleaga - 61-68 TRIPs Agreement, Important Multilateral WTO Treaty
by Oana-Maria Florescu - 69-72 Cultural Impacts in Managerial Accounting
by Flavius Guinea - 73-76 Some Aspects Regarding Banking Risk Management
by Lavinia Vasile - 77-80 History Economic Lessons. Rising and Collapse of Nicolas Fouquet
by Dan Popescu - 81-86 Human Development - Qualitative Dimensions of a Globalized World
by Petru Stefea & Marilen Pirtea - 87-94 Trends in Banking System Globalization
by Emanuela Mihaela Savu - 95-100 Migration Process Evolution in Europe
by Carmen Tudorache - v:6(501):y:2006:i:6(501):p: Adjusting Shocks Management in Euro Zone. The Asymmetrical Impact of the ECB Monetary Policy
by Marius-Corneliu Marinas
July 2006, Volume 5(500), Issue 5(500)
- 1-1 Modele si modele
by Marin Dinu - 3-24 Public Decisions and Culture
by Ioan Talpos & Bogdan Dima & Cosmin Enache & Mihai Mutascu - 25-28 Optimal Pareto Allocations and Public Goods Production Financing
by Daniela Marinescu & Dumitru Marin - 29-40 Financial Accounting Constitution or its Referential Matrix
by Liliana Feleaga & Niculae Feleaga - 41-46 Credit Risk Quantitative Evaluation in the Basel II Perspective
by Nicolae Dardac & Bogdan Moinescu - 47-56 The Underground Economy in Romania
by Costantin Roman & Aureliana Geta Roman & Cleopatra Sendroiu - 57-66 Research about Quality Life in Romania
by Constantin Anghelache & Alexandru Isaic-Maniu & Constantin Mitrut & Vergil Voineagu - 67-84 Possible Solutions for Solving Employment Crisis in Romania
by Cristina Iova - 85-90 Dashboard and Firms Performance Optimization Using Piloting Indicators
by Sorinel Capusneanu - 91-94 Hegemony and Stability of the International Economy
by Gheorghe Gruia - 95-100 Intermediaries in Market Economy - Classification and Objectives
by Letitia Rad - v:5(500):y:2006:i:5(500):p: Accountancy Against Financial Engineering Challenges
by Cicilia Ionescu
June 2006, Volume 4(499), Issue 4(499)
- 1-1 Cercetare si educatie
by Marin Dinu - 3-6 Cognitive Economics – a Challenge for Romania
by Ion Gh. Rosca - 27-32 The Adjustment of VaR to the Empirical Distribution of Returns
by Radu Lupu - 33-44 Models and Rules of Evaluation in International Accounting
by Niculae Feleaga & Liliana Feleaga - 45-56 Epistemological Suggestions in „Entropy Low and Economic Process”
by Emil Dinga & Cornel Ionescu - 57-62 Recognition and Evaluation of Assets Depreciation – Influences on Financial Reports
by Victoria Bogdan & Dorina Popa - 63-66 Jobs Decline – a Tragedy of the XXI Century?
by Dan Popescu - 67-74 Interaction between Economic Education and Strategic Planning in the New Complexity of the Social Life
by Gheorghe H. Popescu & Elvira Nica - 75-90 Sustainable Utilization Model of Natural Resources in Danube Delta
by Trifon Belancurencu - 91-96 External Balance Payments – Macroeconomic Analysis Instrument
by Madalina Dumbrava - v:4(499):y:2006:i:4(499):p: Romania's Accession to Second Modernity. Potential of Convergence
by Marin Dinu & Cristian Socol
June 2006, Volume 4(499)(supplement), Issue 4(499)(supplement)
- 9-42 Stadiul evolutiei economice a Romaniei in anul 2005
by Constantin Anghelache & Ion Gh. Rosca - 43-64 Problema convergentei economice
by Aurel Iancu - 65-88 Aspecte ale eficientei macroeconomice a investitiilor straine directe in Romania
by Gheorghe Zaman - 89-114 Contabilitatea din Romania la ora convergentelor cu directivele europene si referentialul international
by Niculae Feleaga - 115-126 Guvernanta corporativa – element de convergenta in procesul de aderare a Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana
by Sabina Funar & Mihaela Lutas - 127-136 Comunitatea academica si dezvoltarea durabila. Studiu de caz dezvoltat prin QFD
by Ioan Talpos & Eugen Falnita - 137-148 Managementul performantei – in perspectiva integrarii europene, a globalizarii si schimbarii
by Ioan Bogdan - 149-160 Dezvoltare – disparitati regionale – ocupare. Analiza pentru Bucuresti
by Coralia Angelescu & Mihaela Hrisanta Dobre - 161-166 Influenta educatiei asupra coeziunii economice si sociale in Romania
by Dorel Ailenei & Mihaela Hrisanta Dobre - 167-174 Convergenta contabila in conditiile regionalizarii
by Mihail Epuran & Ovidiu Megan - 175-190 Modalitati concrete de analiza a fenomenului bursier
by Petru Prunea - 191-208 Integrarea Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana si in economia mondiala necesita modernizarea cu prioritate a activitatilor productive
by Florea Dumitrescu - 209-218 Proiectarea politicilor macroeconomice optimale
by Nora Mihail - 219-224 Restructurare institutionala si politici europene
by Ion Bucur - 225-242 Modelul european in noua ordine mondiala
by Cornel Ionescu - 243-250 Crize organizationale interne. Tipologiile crizei
by Gheorghe H. Popescu - 251-262 Managementul mediului in Romania in perspectiva integrarii in Uniunea Europeana
by Cezar Militaru - 263-272 Principalele strategii si concepte ale Uniunii Europene in materie de ocupare si reducere a somajului
by Elvira Nica - 273-280 Mediul de afaceri din Romania sub impactul aderarii la Uniunea Europeana
by Marilena Papuc - 281-292 Romania si Uniunea Europeana – potential de convergente in domeniul ocuparii fortei de munca
by Silviu Bian - 293-298 Poate creste potentialul de convergenta tocmai prin aderare?
by Dragos Huru - 299-316 Impactul calculatiei de proiect asupra politicilor de gestiune a costurilor in conditiile globalizarii
by Aurelian Virgil Baluta - 317-332 Politica agricola comuna – cale de integrare europeana
by Roberta Stanef - 333-338 Reglementari ale politicii vamale a Romaniei din perspectiva integrarii in Uniunea Europeana
by Madalina Militaru - 339-362 Relatia convergenta reala – convergenta nominala in procesul de integrare in Uniunea Economica si Monetara
by Aura Niculescu - 363-374 Evaluarea comparativa a sistemelor de impozitare in statele membre ale Uniunii Europene
by Gheorghe Matei & Raluca Dracea - 375-382 Implicatiile Basel II asupra bancilor din Europa Centrala si de Est
by Roxana Nanu & Cristi Spulbar & Ramona Gruescu - 383-402 Evolutii si tendinte ale turismului valcean dupa 1990
by Marin Popescu - 403-430 Descompunerea cresterii economice in Romania. Sustenabilitatea procesului de convergenta economica
by Marinas Marius - 431-446 Flexibilizarea pietei muncii si depasirea crizei ocupationale in Romania
by Alina Stefania Cretu & Cristina Iova - 447-464 Analiza comparativa a aplicabilitatii modelelor Markowitz si Sharpe privind gestiunea titlurilor financiare
by Leonardo Badea - 465-472 Ameliorarea rentabilitatii si solvabilitatii – posibilitati si restrictii
by Gabriela Ciurariu - 473-480 Globalizare – integrare – competitivitate romaneasca redusa
by Alexandru Trifu - 481-490 Provocari cheie privind piata muncii din Romania si raspunsul politicii de ocupare
by Speranta Pirciog - 491-500 Model de identificare a mixului optim a surselor de diferentiere ale unei afaceri
by Oliver Constantin Pricop - 501-514 Sistemul contabil national din perspectiva aderarii Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana
by Cicilia Ionescu - 515-530 Problema impozitarii in contextul integrarii europene
by Cristina Covaci - 531-546 Etape in definirea leadership
by Ioana Dornescu
May 2006, Volume 3(498), Issue 3(498)
- 1-1 Comunitati epistemice
by Marin Dinu - 3-6 John Kenneth Galbraith, A Life in Order to Fulfill a Perfect Society
by Cornel Ionescu - 7-10 SME’s and Basel 2 Challenge
by Mario G.R. Pagliacci - 11-16 Romanian Market Researches in Global Market Context
by Victor Danciu - 17-26 About some Methodological Aspects of Budgetary Sustainability
by Emil Dinga - 27-36 New Values in Credit Risk Management
by Ioan Trenca - 37-44 International Accounting Convergences Related to EU Admitance
by Liliana Feleaga & Niculae Feleaga - 45-50 Systemic Model for Optimal Regulation in Public Service
by Ani Matei & Lucica Matei - 51-56 VAR Methodology Used for Exchange Risk Measurement and Prevention
by Ion Stancu & Florentina Balu - 57-62 The Explanatory Model of Globalization
by Marin Dinu - 63-68 Privatization between Professionism and Transparency
by Viorel Lefter - 73-78 Correlation Analysis between Nominal and Real Convergence. The Romanian Case
by Marius-Corneliu Marinas - 79-90 Research about Romanian Labor Force at the end of 2005
by Constantin Anghelache & Alexandru Isaic-Maniu & Constantin Mitrut & Vergil Voineagu - 91-96 Organizational Factors Impact about Touristic Services Consumer Satisfaction
by Carmen Babaita - 97-104 Social European Model between Descriptive and Contrafactual
by Liviu-Catalin Moraru & Gabriel Staicu - 105-110 Measuring the Degree of Local Administration Action in Economic Development
by Elena Botezat & Marcel Bolos - 111-114 Romanian Fiscal Policy in Perspective of Admittance in EU
by Eugen Mitrica - 115-124 Facing a New Globalization Model – Altermondialisation Perspectives
by Mircea Dutu - 125-130 Option Pricing with Stochastic Volatility and Jump Diffusion Processes
by Radu Lupu - v:3(498):y:2006:i:3(498):p: Bonds Evaluation - A Pillar for Investment Decision
by Gabriela Anghelache
April 2006, Volume 2(497), Issue 2(497)
- 1-1 Schimbarea din mers
by Marin Dinu - 3-6 In memoriam – Nicholas Georgescu- Roegen. A New Paradigm
by Ion Pohoata - 7-12 European Level Test of Romanian Enterprise Governance
by Niculae Feleaga - 13-18 Investment Patterns on Emerging Stock Markets
by Adrian Zoicas-Ienciu - 19-26 Capitals Cost and the Investments Actualisation Rate
by Ion Stancu - 27-34 Public Sector and Europeanization Challenges
by Lucica Matei - 35-40 Credit Institutions Management Evaluation using Quantitative Methods
by Nicolae Dardac & Bogdan Moinescu - 41-46 Oportunities and Dimensions of a Romanian Environment Code
by Mircea Dutu - 47-54 Financial Investment Services Regulation
by Gabriela Anghelache - 55-64 Local Public Administration Reform. The Romanian Case
by Tudorel Andrei & Marius Profiroiu & Mihai Turturean - 65-70 An Algoritm for the Alocation Optimization of Trading Executions
by Claudiu Vinte - 71-76 Unemployment in Romania. A Retrospective Study
by Alina Badulescu - 83-92 Knowledge Society and the Communication Economy in Romania
by Mihail Epuran & Alina Almasan - 93-100 Demographic Evolution in Romania – Convergence or Peripherisation?
by Adriana Veronica Litra - 101-106 Macroeconomic Proportions and Corellations
by Constantin Anghelache & Alexandru Isaic-Maniu & Constantin Mitrut & Vergil Voineagu - 107-114 Romania's Dilemmas in Perspective of EMU Integration
by Cristian Socol & Aura Niculescu - 115-120 Supranational as Intermediate State. An Escape Project from Adversity Era
by Marin Dinu - v:2(497):y:2006:i:2(497):p: Sistemic Approach – a Complexity Management Instrument
by Vadim Dumitrascu
March 2006, Volume 1(496), Issue 1(496)
- 1-1 Un punct de sprijin
by Marin Dinu - 3-7 Limits of Inflation Targeting Strategy
by Cristian Socol & Aura Niculescu - 8-12 Measuring the Company Performance
by Ion Stancu - 13-15 Higher Economic Education System. A Postindustrial Approach
by Ion Gh. Rosca - 16-25 Short-run and Current Analysis Model in Statistics
by Constantin Anghelache & Alexandru Isaic-Maniu & Constantin Mitrut & Vergil Voineagu - 26-33 The Structural Convergence of the Romanian Economy. Comparative Analysis
by Marius-Corneliu Marinas - 34-42 „Uthopia – The Castle with Dreams and Hopes”
by Dan Popescu - 43-47 Testing the Informational Efficiency on the Romanian Financial Market
by Bogdan Dima & Marilen Pirtea & Aurora Murgea - 48-55 The Knowledge Economy – New Economy?
by Niculae Niculescu - 56-59 The Evolution of the Romanian Capital Market – Limits and Performances
by Gabriela Anghelache - 60-63 Human Resources and the Competitive Organizational Management
by Viorel Lefter - 64-72 Re-spiritualization in the Changing Process by Creativity, Responsability, Hope
by Constantin Popescu - 73-79 A New Approach in Rentability and Capital Risk Management
by Leonardo Badea - 80-84 A New Agenda for Economic Science
by Ion Bucur - 85-88 Asymmetrical Information and Uncertainty on the Capital Market
by Petru Prunea - 89-93 Economic Growth Models Transition
by Coralia Angelescu - 94-97 Challenges in Global Economy
by Nicolae Danila - 98-102 Public Economy versus Planned Economy. Current Approaches and Problems
by Ani Matei - 103-107 The Deadlock of Sustainable Development
by Mircea Dutu - 108-111 The Dichotomy Real – Nominal in Romanian Economy Evolution
by Gheorghe H. Popescu & Elvira Nica - 112-116 The Rational Relevance of the Diffuse Paradigms
by Marin Dinu