August 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 8(573)
- 19-28 Recent evidence on concentration and competition in Turkish banking sector
by Fatih MACIT - 29-36 Solutions against crisis applicable to the oro-dental health system in Romania
by Adriana DUŢESCU & Oana STĂNILĂ & Daniela SAHLIAN & Daniela TRAŞCĂ - 37-52 The bad public decisions’ ripple – setting the education off balance. Marketing simulation – education design decisions
by Ioana Teodora DINU - 55-76 Prepayment risk, impact on credit products la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti în perioada 1997-2012
by Dan Costin NIŢESCU - 85-96 Financial stability, monetary policy and budgetary coordination in EMU
by Claudiu Tiberiu ALBULESCU - 97-102 Central Bank independence
by Vasile DEDU & Tiberiu STOICA - 103-124 Re(De)-Forming public administration: an expert outlook on reform planning in Romania
by Diana-Camelia IANCU - 125-134 The economic crisis – implications on methods and instruments used in quality of life studies
by Mihaela CONSTANTINESCU - 135-152 The Wagner hypothesis from the perspective of the Romanian economy
by Ana-Maria ŢEPUŞ - 153-166 Effects of interest rate, exchange rate and their volatilities on stock prices: evidence from banking industry of Pakistan
by Syed Tehseen JAWAID & Anwar Ul HAQ - 167-176 Considerations on hospital financing in the context of health care decentralization
by Cătălin BULGARIU
July 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 7(572)
- 1-2 The economic antinomy
by Marin Dinu - 5-12 Estimating the probability of stock market crashes for Bucharest Stock Exchange using stable distributions
by Daniel Traian PELE - 13-24 Analysis of the Romanian employment rate. A panel data approach
by Larisa APARASCHIVEI - 25-52 Consumer characteristics influencing milk consumption preference. The Turkey case
by Rüştü YAYAR - 43-52 A regional analysis of the effects generated by the economic crisis and its impact on the outstanding loan portfolio in Romania
by Alina BRĂTUCU (LUCA) & Ioana BÎLBÎE - 53-64 The amortization of fixed assets in terms of deferred taxes
by Mihaela TULVINSCHI - 65-70 Impact of the economic crisis on human resources development in Greek health system
by Dimitrios KANELLOPOULOS - 71-84 Economics and “underground” economy theory
by Cristina VOICU - 85-96 Entrepreneurial behaviour consequences on small and medium-sized firms’ innovation
by Renata Antonie NIŢU & Emőke-Szidónia FEDER - 97-110 The role of tender offer in FDI selection. Study case: Romania
by Sebastian ENE - 111-132 Characteristics and drivers of venture capital investment activity in Romania
by Mihaela DIACONU - 133-146 Globalization – tourism – communication, competitiveness triangle on the market affected by the economic crisis
by Ionel Gabriel HOCIUNG & Laurenţiu Gabriel FRÂNCU - 147-160 New approaches to business cycle theory in current economic science
by Monica DOBRESCU & Claudia Elena PAICU
June 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 6(571)
- 1-2 Still the Opposite!
by Marin Dinu - 5-12 Basel III – Between Global Thinking and Local Acting
by Vasile DEDU & Dan Costin NIȚESCU - 13-32 Recovery of the Tourism Potential of the Central Development Region. Case Study
by Erika KULCSÁR - 33-50 Fiscal, Monetary Policies and Institutions’ Role (Political, Social and Economic) in Pakistan
by Tariq HUSSAIN & Muhammad Wasif SIDDIQI - 51-58 Outsourcing. The Concept
by Victor-Adrian TROACĂ & Dumitru-Alexandru BODISLAV - 59-74 The Analysis of the Ethnical Discrimination on the Manpower’s Market under the Economical Crisis
by Mihaela Hrisanta DOBRE & Eugeniu TUDOR - 75-84 The Local Development Initiatives in the Rural Development Context
by Liviu-Cosmin MOSORA - 85-104 Post-crisis Economy of the European Union in the Global Context
by Cristian IONESCU - 105-110 New Approaches to Social Economy
by Daniela VÎRJAN - 111-120 The Role of Accounting and Accounting Law in Establishing Public Economic Policies in the Post-crisis Period
by Aurelian Virgil BĂLUŢĂ - 121-134 Impact and Limitations Deriving from Basel II within the Context of the Current Financial Crisis
by Oana Miruna DĂNILĂ - 135-142 Models of the Economic Growth and their Relevance
by Nicolae MOROIANU & Daniela MOROIANU - 143-156 The Limit between the Rational and Irrational Behaviour in the Economic Science
by Cristian MARINESCU - 157-164 The Bureaucracy in the Current Economic Climate
by Laurenţiu Gabriel FRÂNCU & Gabriel Ionel HOCIUNG - 165-174 Analysis of the American Economic System – from the Old Capitalism to the New Capitalism
by Radu-Marcel JOIA & Cătălin-Emilian HUIDUMAC-PETRESCU - 175-184 The Economics of State Aid Control in the European Union during the Financial Crisis: the Challenge for a Post-Crisis Rhetoric
by Radu Cristian MUŞETESCU
May 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 5(570)
- 1-2 The Consensus of Hierarchy
by Marin Dinu - 5-18 Optimal Labor Contracts with Asymmetric Information and More than Two Types of Agent
by Daniela Elena MARINESCU & Dumitru MARIN - 19-32 Inflation Targeting in the Romanian Banking Brushwood
by Georgiana BALABAN & Dorel AILENEI - 33-46 Oligarchy versus Democracy and Regulation versus Deregulation under the Globalization Effect
by Dumitru-Alexandru BODISLAV - 55-76 Using Garch-in-Mean Model to Investigate Volatility and Persistence at Different Frequencies for Bucharest Stock Exchange during 1997-2012
by Iulian PANAIT & Ecaterina Oana SLĂVESCU - 77-92 Preparation of Financial Statements for Sme’s in Romania. Interest for Cash-Flow Statement
by Nicoleta FARCANE & Sorinel CĂPUŞNEANU & Sorin BRICIU - 115-124 The Biblical Matrix of Economics
by Grigore PIROŞCĂ & Angela ROGOJANU - 125-136 The Sustainable Development Model
by Cristina BURGHELEA - 137-144 Comportamentul financiar al populaţiei în timpul crizei
by Bogdan CHIRIACESCU & Luminița TĂTĂRICI & Cristina VIŞAN - 142-150 Business Incubators – Favorable Environment for Small and Medium Enterprises Development
by Camelia MORARU & Alexandru RUSEI - 145-156 Education and Crisis
by Marius-Cristian PANĂ - 157-168 The Post-Crisis Healthcare System: Effects of the Economic Crisis in Romania
by Marta Christina SUCIU & Cristian Adrian STAN & Luciana PICIORUŞ & Cosmin Ionuţ IMBRIŞCĂ - 177-184 Procedural and Systematic Crisis Approach and Crisis Management
by Dragoş Ionuţ TĂNASE
April 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 4(569)
- 1-2 Mystical Economics
by Marin Dinu - 5-16 Study Regarding Fiscal Policy – Corporative Social Responsibility Correlation
by Georgeta VINTILĂ & Ștefan Daniel ARMEANU & Maria-Oana FILIPESCU & Maricica MOSCALU & Paula LAZĂR - 17-30 Investment Activities of Businesses and the Use of European Financial Support in the Czech Republic at the Time of Crisis
by Dagmar ČÁMSKÁ & Jiří KLEČKA - 31-48 Organisational Behaviour Influence Elements in the New Economic Paradigm
by Laura-Maria DINDIRE - 49-58 Effects of the Trilemma Policies on Inflation, Growth and Volatility in Bulgaria
by Yu HSING - 59-78 Non Security – Premise of Cybercrime
by Ion IVAN & Daniel MILODIN & Cătălin SBORA - 79-92 The Economic Crisis and Working Capital Management of Companies
by Hana SCHOLLEOVA - 93-104 Contributions to the Substantiation of the National, Original and Coherent Strategy of Interruption of the Involution of Romania’s Agriculture
by Gabriela MOLĂNESCU - 105-114 The Swedish Model in Employment. Post-Crisis Solutions
by Mirela Ionela ACELEANU - 115-126 Optimizing Human Resource Management within Companies Experiencing Accelerated Growth, in an Unstable Economy
by Mircea Alexandru DINU & Dumitru-Alexandru BODISLAV - 127-144 Modern Gravity Models of Internal Migration. The Case of Romania
by Daniela BUNEA - 145-156 The Financial Contribution of International Footballer Trading to the Romanian Football League and to the National Economy
by Vlad ROŞCA - 167-176 Challenges of the Economic Science During the Crisis
by Ioana MOLDOVAN & Raluca Andreea POPA
March 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 3(568)
- 1-2 Silent Confusions
by Marin Dinu - 5-14 Inflation Game Redistributions and Economic Crisis Path
by Dorel AILENEI & Amalia CRISTESCU - 15-26 Estimation of the Mechanisms for Automatic Fiscal Stabilization. The Romanian Case
by Aura Gabriela SOCOL & Cristian SOCOL - 27-40 Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Romanian Capital Market in the European Context
by Leonardo BADEA - 41-58 Current Research on Flexibilizing the Labor Market – second part –
by Daniel ŞTEFAN & Costantin ROMAN & Aureliana Geta ROMAN - 51-76 The Indian Stock Market and the Great Recession
by Arindam MANDAL & Prasun BHATTACHARJEE - 77-90 Credit Risk Assessment under Basel Accords
by Oana Miruna DĂNILĂ - 91-108 An Analysis of Current Labor Market Developments and Structures in European Union – in Correlation with Labor Market Flexicurity Requirements
by Alina Ştefania CHENIC (CREŢU) - 109-120 “Underground” Economy Nature – Conceptual Status
by Cristina VOICU - 121-136 The Analysis of the Representativeness of Results Obtained after Applying the Method of Job Evaluation through Tasks
by Dorin Leonard NISTOR - 137-148 Implications of Educational Attainment on Labour Market
by Claudia ŞERBAN
February 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 2(567)
- 1-2 Goliath
by Marin Dinu - 5-12 Quantitative vs. Qualitative in the Romanian Fiscal Adjustment
by Cristian SOCOL - 13-30 Amplification Effects and Unconventional Monetary Policies
by Cécile BASTIDON GILLES & Nicolas HUCHET & Philippe GILLES - 31-38 Theoretical considerations about implementation of IAS 41 in Romania
by Liliana FELEAGĂ & Niculae FELEAGĂ & Vasile RĂILEANU - 39-48 Migration and Tourism Demand
by Nuno Carlos LEITÃO & Muhammad SHAHBAZ - 49-58 Current Research on Flexibilizing the Labor Market – first part –
by Daniel ȘTEFAN & Costantin ROMAN - 59-68 Crisis: a Return to Rationality
by Liviu Cătălin MORARU & Iulian TĂNASE - 69-80 Assessing the Sectoral Dynamics of Non-performing Loans: Signs from Financial and Real Economy
by Bogdan MOINESCU & Adrian CODIRLAŞU - 81-88 Globalism and Corporate Identity in the Post-crisis Economy
by Diana Andreia HRISTACHE & Silvia Elena IACOB - 89-96 New Approaches for Monetary Policy
by Alexandra ADAM - 97-196 The Need of a New Economic Model
by Alexandru Cătălin POPA
January 2012, Volume XVIII(2012), Issue 1(566)
- 1-2 Inter-regnum
by Marin Dinu - 5-20 Testing the Asymmetry of Shocks with Euro Area
by Marius-Corneliu MARINAŞ - 21-40 The Population and the Labor Force Market
by Constantin ANGHELACHE - 41-56 Negative Income Tax and Labor Market Participation. A Short Run Analysis
by Samir AMINE & Pedro LAGES DOS SANTOS - 57-66 The Industry – a Vulnerable Source of Economic Recovery in Romania
by Anca DACHIN - 67-76 Sustainable Development of South-West Oltenia Region in the Current Economic Crisis
by Camelia MARIN & Isabella SIMA & Mihaela RUXANDA - 77-84 The New and the Future Look of the Economy
by Liliana CRĂCIUN - 85-96 The Spread of Economic Ideas among Romanian People. Case Study: Alexandru D. Xenopol
by Angela ROGOJANU & Liana BADEA & Laurenţiu-George ŞERBAN-OPRESCU - 97-112 Using Quantitative Data Analysis Techniques for Bankruptcy Risk Estimation for Corporations
by Ştefan Daniel ARMEANU & Georgeta VINTILĂ & Maricica MOSCALU & Maria-Oana FILIPESCU & Paula LAZĂR - 113-126 The New Governance and Globalization
by Costantin ROMAN & Aureliana Geta ROMAN & Alexandru BOGHIU - 127-142 The Political Economy of World Heavyweight Boxing during the Great Depression
by Vlad ROŞCA
December 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 12(565)
- 1-2 The Negative of the World
by Marin Dinu - 5-14 The Monetary Policy and the Real Estate Market
by Vasile DEDU & Tiberiu STOICA - 15-32 Considerations regarding the Valuation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage
by Filip IORGULESCU & Felicia ALEXANDRU & Georgiana Camelia CREŢAN & Meral KAGITCI & Mihaela IACOB - 33-42 Institutional Metamorphoses regarding the Exercise of External Public Audit in Romania
by Ionel BOSTAN - 43-58 Oltenia – Micro-destination of Cultural and Medical Spa Tourism
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Ion PÂRGARU & Anca-Daniela VLĂDOI & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Carmen PUIU - 59-70 The Challenges of Basel III for Romanian Banking System
by Anca Elena NUCU - 71-88 A Static Analysis of Pakistan’s Trade Policy with Selected Asian Countries
by Summaira MALIK & Amatual R. CHAUDHARY - 89-106 Social and Environmental Issues in Corporative Management: A Romanian Story
by Cornelia DASCĂLU & Chiraţa CARAIANI & Gina Raluca GUŞE & Camelia Iuliana LUNGU & Anca CODREANU - 107-114 General Equilibrium Analysis of Electricity Market Liberalization in Singapore: A Comparative Study
by Fenglong XIAO - 115-124 Equity Risk Premium for Investments Projects in Renewable Resources
by Carmen LIPARĂ & Anamaria ALDEA & Anamaria CIOBANU
November 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 11(564)
- 1-2 The Gnoseological Crisis
by Marin Dinu - 5-20 Modeling the Market Risk in the Context of the Basel III Acord
by Nicolae DARDAC & Alina GRIGORE - 21-26 Public Relations as Promotional Activity
by Almira CURRI-MEMETI - 27-34 Forecast Intervals for Inflation in Romania
by Mihaela BRATU - 35-42 Brief Reflections on the Development of the FDI Theory
by Iulia Monica OEHLER-ÅžINCAI - 43-52 Early School Leaving: Reasons and Consequences
by Erika GYÖNÖS - 53-58 Impact of FDI and Trade Openness on Economic Growth: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and Malaysia
by Zaheer Khan KAKAR & Bashir Ahmad KHILJI - 59-66 Dissolution of the Commercial Companies due to the Passing of Time Established as a Duration of the Company – Theoretical and Practical Aspects
by Cornelia LEFTER & Ovidiu Ioan DUMITRU - 67-78 National and Regional Competitiveness in the Crisis Context. Successful Examples
by Gina Cristina DIMIAN & Aniela DANCIU - 79-88 The Global Crisis and Cyclical Theory
October 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 10(563)
- 1-2 The Ideological Reductionism
by Marin Dinu - 5-22 Optimal Licensing Contracts with Three Innovation Types
by Daniela MARINESCU & Dumitru MARIN - 23-28 Novelties in Competition Regulation in Romania. Impact on Competitors
by Cornelia LEFTER & Oana OPREA (TEODORESCU) - 29-44 A Cause and Effect Analysis of University – Business Cooperation for Regional Innovation in Romania
by Cristina ŞERBĂNICĂ - 45-56 Moldavia and Maramureş – Micro-destinations for Relaunching the Romanian Tourism
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Ion PÂRGARU & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Anca-Daniela VLĂDOI & Monica Paula RAŢIU - 57-74 Corporate Social Responsibility – between Desideratum and Reality
by Anca Maria HRISTEA - 75-90 Identification of Critical Points in the Quality Management System
by Tünde SZABÓ - 91-98 Econometric Modeling of GDP Time Series
by Elena-Adriana ANDREI & Elena BUGUDUI - 99-120 Impact of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Output: A Case Study of Pakistan
by Nawaz AHMAD - 121-126 The Management of Waste Containing Asbestos in Romania and the European Union
by Silvian IONESCU - 127-144 Technological Innovation: Concept, Process, Typology and Implications in the Economy
by Mihaela DIACONU
September 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 9(562)
- 1-2 Novum Organum Oeconomicum
by Marin Dinu - 5-16 Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: The Case of Romania
by Niculae FELEAGĂ & Liliana FELEAGĂ & Voicu Dan DRAGOMIR & Adrian Doru BIGIOI - 17-26 Banat-Crişana as Micro-destination – Elements of Tourism Image and Tourism Identity
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Anca-Daniela VLĂDOI & Codruţa BĂLTESCU & Marilena STOIAN - 27-32 News in Competition Regulation in Romania. Institutional Consolidation of the Competition Council
by Cornelia LEFTER & Oana OPREA (TEODORESCU) - 33-40 Education and the Characteristics of Public Goods. Overlaps and Differences
by Tatiana MOŞTEANU & Georgiana Camelia CREŢAN - 41-60 The Remittance-GDP Relationship in the Liberalized Regime of Bangladesh: Cointegration and Innovation Accounting
by Biru Paksha PAUL & Anupam DAS - 61-70 Limiting Civil Liability in the Sphere of Business Auditing
by Carmen COSTULEANU & Ionel BOSTAN & Emil HOROMNEA & Marcel COSTULEANU & Carmen CODREANU - 71-88 Analysis of the Possibility to Organize the Management Accounting through the Target Costing (TC) Method in the Romanian Entities
by Sorinel CĂPUŞNEANU & Sorin BRICIU - 89-102 Enhancement of Cooperation and Communication between Universities and the Business Environment, Requirement for a Good Functioning of the Knowledge Triangle: Education, Research, Innovation
by Laura DINDIRE & Mihaela ASANDEI & Cristina GĂNESCU - 103-128 Predicting Bankruptcy in Pakistan
by Abdul RASHID & Qaiser ABBAS - 129-138 Analysis of the Correlation between GDP and the Final Consumption
by Constantin ANGHELACHE - 139-148 German SMEs Affected by the World Crisis
by Roxana Gabriela HODOROGEL - 149-154 Contributions to the Legislative Provisions Governing the Management of Waste Containing Asbestos in Romania and EU
by Silvian IONESCU - 155-172 Tourism Competitiveness Index – An Empirical Analysis Romania vs. Bulgaria
by Mihai CROITORU - 173-180 Socio-economic Models During the Period of Crisis
August 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 8(561)
- 1-2 The Signaling Crisis
by Marin Dinu - 5-16 Empirical Study on the Financial Reporting of Intangible Assets by Romanian Companies
by Cristina-Ionela FĂDUR & Daniela CIOTINĂ & Marilena MIRONIUC - 17-30 Optimum Repartition of Transport Capacities in the Logistic System using Dynamic Programming
by Gheorghe BĂŞANU & Victor TELEAŞĂ & Eduard ARMEANU - 31-52 User Types in Online Applications
by Ion IVAN & Dragoş PALAGHITA & Sorin VINTURIS - 53-60 Optimality of Fiscal Policy in Romania in Terms of Laffer Curve
by Adina TRANDAFIR & Petre BREZEANU - 61-74 The Causal Relationship between Health and Education Expenditures in Malaysia
by Chor Foon TANG & Yew Wah LAI - 75-82 Law Antimonopoly of China – a Model of European Inspiration
by Cornelia LEFTER & Oana OPREA (TEODORESCU) - 83-92 Work: Social Status and the Role of Work along History – Since Ancient Times to Modern Times
by Mirela Ionela ACELEANU - 93-110 Determination of Import Demand in Pakistan: The Role of Expenditure Components
by Muhammad Irfan CHANI & Zahid PERVAIZ & Amatul R. CHAUDHARY - 111-122 Stock Markets Correlation: before and during the Crisis Analysis
by Ioana MOLDOVAN - 123-136 The Decision to Invest and Economic Growth. Romania’s Case
by Raluca Andreea POPA & Matei CRĂCIUN - 137-147 Economic Crisis Perspective between Current and Forecast
by Cristina BURGHELEA
July 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 7(560)
- 1-2 The Decline of Modernity
by Marin Dinu - 5-18 Characteristics of Criteria for Selecting Investment Projects under Uncertainty
by Dan ARMEANU & Adrian ENCIU & Dorina POANTA - 19-30 Online Services Management Support for an Intelligent Locality
by Lorena BĂTĂGAN & Adrian POCOVNICU - 31-42 The Meanings of “Made in Romania” among the Romanian Consumers
by Cătălin Mihail BARBU - 43-52 Forms and Strategies of the Banks to Enter on a Foreign Market
by Nicoleta HURDUC & Alin NIŢU - 54-64 Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on the Stock Market: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Yu HSING - 65-72 The European Recovery Economic Plan and Quality of Public Finances – Instruments for Monitoring and Improving Fiscal and Economic Systems
by Mircea SOROCEANU & Carolina Daniela LUPAŞCU - 73-84 An Optimization of the Risk Management using Derivatives
by Ovidiu ŞONTEA & Ion STANCU - 85-100 Towards to the Respiritualization of the Economics
by Constantin POPESCU & Mihaela COMĂNESCU - 101-110 Financial Crisis from the Trust and Loss Aversion Perspective in Emerging Romanian Capital Market
by Antoniade-Ciprian ALEXANDRU & Nicoleta CARAGEA - 111-132 The Contribution of the Neo-Schumpeterian Approach to the Development of the Economic Theory: Emphasis on the Meso-Economic Level
by Radu HERMAN & Remus AVRAM - 133-142 Dobrogea as Romanian Tourism Micro-destination
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Anca-Daniela VLĂDOI & Ion PÂRGARU & Daniel MOISE - 143-154 The Rethinking of the Economic Activity Based on Principles of Eco-Efficiency
by Daniela VÎRJAN - 155-164 The Correlation between the Conceptual System of the Political Economy and that of the Accountancy – a Solution for Reducing the Risks Connected to the Administration Activities in any Stage of the Economic
by Aurelian Virgil BĂLUŢĂ
June 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 6(559)
- 1-2 Reloading Economics
by Marin Dinu - 5-26 The Impact of Sovereign Credit Ratings on the Issuance of Government Bonds in Central and Eastern Europe
by Ion STANCU & Ana-Maria MINESCU - 27-46 Optimal Licensing Contracts with Adverse Selection and Informational Rents
by Daniela MARINESCU & Dumitru MARIN - 47-54 Morality, Ethics and True Image in Business Accounting
by Ionel BOSTAN & Carmen COSTULEANU & Emil HOROMNEA & Marcel COSTULEANU - 55-62 Intra-Industry Trade in Tourism Services
by Nuno Carlos LEITÃO - 63-72 Operational Risk Modeling
by Gabriela ANGHELACHE & Ana Cornelia OLTEANU - 73-112 Trends in Trade and Investment Flows between the EU and the BRIC Countries
by Iulia Monica OEHLER-ŞINCAI - 113-128 The Evaluation of the Competitiveness State of Manufacturing Companies in Romania – an Approach According to Mereuţă Model
by Daniela Livia TRAŞCĂ - 129-140 The Birth of the Regulated Company in the Macroeconomic Environment
by Alexandru BODISLAV - 141-156 FDI in the Service Sector – Propagator of Growth for India?
by Chitrakalpa SEN - 157-164 The Economic Theory and the Global Crisis, between Theoretical Solutions and the Economic Reality
by Nicolae MOROIANU & Daniel BELINGHER
May 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 5(558)
- 1-2 The Fall of Hierarchical Systems
by Marin Dinu - 5-16 Model for the Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Banking Supervision Activity
by Nicolae DARDAC & Elena GEORGESCU - 17-44 The State and the Economy – Theoretical Aspects and Empirical Evidence for the EU
by Simona-Gabriela MAŞCA - 45-58 Fiat versus Representative Money under Debate, or How Right Keynes Was Once (!)
by Liviu C. ANDREI - 59-76 Education and Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Evidence from Senegal
by Barassou DIAWARA & Mazhar MUGHAL - 77-90 Bayes-Nash Equilibrium and Game Theory in Public Expenditure Management
by Petru FILIP & Marcel Ioan BOLOŞ & Cristian Ioan OTGON - 91-106 The Economic Crisis and Several Effects on Global Economy
by Florina BRAN & Carmen Valentina RĂDULESCU & Ildikó IOAN & Florentina Olivia BĂLU - 107-122 Tourism as a Factor in Economic Recovery
by Cristina BURGHELEA & Cristina VIŞAN - 123-134 Economic Science and Postmodernism: Ethics Return
by Cosmin MARINESCU - 135-146 Romanian Economic Environment Entrepreneurial Activities Analysis and Risk Evaluation
by Georgeta VINTILĂ & Ştefan Daniel ARMEANU & Maria Oana FILIPESCU & Maricica MOSCALU & Paula LAZĂR - 147-158 Transylvania – Romanian Tourism Micro-destination
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Codruţa BĂLTESCU & Anca-Daniela VLĂDOI & Ion PÂRGARU & Virgil NICULA - 159-168 The Crisis of Economic Theory in the Middle of the Economic Crisis
by Silvia MĂRGINEAN & Roberta Mihaela STANEF & Alina Ştefania CREŢU
April 2011, Volume XVIII(2011), Issue 4(557)
- 1-2 Making Instruments Fictitious
by Marin Dinu - 5-16 Linear, Step by Step Managerial Performance, versus Exponential Performance
by George MOLDOVEANU & Ion Gh. ROŞCA - 17-36 Exploratory Study Regarding the Commercial Credit Policy of Romanian Companies
by Cristina-Ionela FĂDUR & Daniela CIOTINĂ & Marilena MIRONIUC - 37-48 A Critical Examination of Foreign Aid Policy. Why it Fails to Eradicate Poverty?
by Vasile DEDU & Gabriel STAICU & Dan Costin NIŢESCU