December 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 12(601)
- 153-164 Is Cash Conversion Cycles Optimum in Turkish Listed Food-Beverage Firms?
by Filiz KONUK & Feyyaz ZEREN - 165-184 Comparative analysis of the financial discount rate and of the net present value of a public investment project throughout its life
by Bogdan Ioan COJOCEA
November 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 11(600)
- 1-2 The distinctivities of the complexity
by Marin Dinu - 7-26 Enhancing the capacity for innovation of public administration. An exploratory study on e-Governance, ICT, knowledge management in Romania
by Ani MATEI & Carmen SĂVULESCU - 27-42 Exchange rates and foreign exchange reserves in Turkey: nonlinear and frequency domain causality approach
by Tayfur BAYAT & Mehmet SENTURK & Selim KAYHAN - 43-56 The challenges of accounting profession as generated by controlling
by Costantin ROMAN & Aureliana-Geta ROMAN & Elena MEIER - 57-70 A cross-country comparison of the personal income tax systems progressivity
by Cătălina COZMEI & Elena Claudia ŞERBAN - 71-84 Covered bonds vs. assets securitization
by Silviu Eduard DINCĂ - 85-94 A mark-up model of inflation for Morocco
by Hicham BENNOUNA - 95-104 Economic benefits of the infrastructure projects implemented in the Reservation of the Danube Delta Biosphere
by Mihai PĂUNICĂ - 105-120 Ontological constraints on rational irrationality: the case of electoral preferences
by Mihai UNGUREANU - 121-140 Relationship between the misalignment of the real exchange rate and capital flight in the developing countries
by Abdessalem GOUIDER & Ridha NOUIRA - 141-156 The leadership role of a local public administration CIO: the case of Bucharest
by Cristina Elena NICOLESCU & Bogdan BERCEANU
October 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 10(599)
- 1-2 The turbulence of cycles
by Marin Dinu - 7-20 How growth-friendly are productive public expenditures? An empirical analysis for Eastern Europe
by Petru-Ovidiu MURA - 21-32 The validity of Marshall-Lerner condition in Turkey: A cointegration approach
by Hakan TÜRKAY - 33-58 Turn Of the Month Effect and Financial Crisis: A new explanation from the Greek Stock Market (2002-2012)
by Evangelos VASILEIOU - 59-70 Econometric model used in the capital market analysis
by Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL - 71-76 Economic order, catallactics and entrepreneurship
by Alina CREŢU & Roxana Lucia MIHAI & Irina Florentina BĂJAN - 77-88 Public-private partnership in the context of regional development – a solution for renewable energy projects?
by Alina-Mihaela BABONEA & Monica-Gabriela GHERMAN - 89-118 Mixed strategy Nash Equilibrium and Quantal Response Equilibrium. An experimental comparison using RPS games
by Alexandru VOLACU
September 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 9(598)
- 1-4 The epistemic abandonment
by Marin Dinu - 7-22 Diversifying the risk through portfolio investment
by Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE & Constantin ANGHELACHE - 23-42 Heterogeneous funding patterns and income structure of Croatian banks: panel data evidence
by Ana KUNDID - 43-50 Young people’s considerations regarding the fidelity of tourism products consumption
by Andreea BOTOŞ & Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Anamaria-Cătălina RADU & Nicolae TEODORESCU - 51-60 A stochastic convergence analysis for selected East Asian and Pacific countries: A Fourier unit root test approach
by Veli YILANCI & Ercan SARIDOĞAN & Okşan ARTAR - 61-70 Economic disparities between urban and rural Romanian labor market
by Mihaela Roberta STANEF - 71-82 Corporate social responsibility reporting of the banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro
by Andrijana ROGOŠIĆ - 83-92 Demo-economic restructuring in South-Muntenia development region. Causes and effects on the regional economy
by Ionuţ BUŞEGA - 93-102 Adaptability and competitiveness of Romanian aeronautical industry in the European context
by Daniela MOCENCO - 103-114 Assessment of key determinants for economic growth in Pakistan
by Sami ULLAH & Saleem KHAN & Farid ULLAH - 115-125 The public debt management and the political marketing in the context of negative economic fluctuations on a global level
by Claudia BENCHESCU & Cosmin-Mihai LEFTER & Daniel Constantin PETREA & Alexandru BODISLAV
August 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 8(597)
- 1-3 Fundamental transfers
by Marin Dinu - 7-18 The analysis of regional earnings inequalities in Romania
by Amalia CRISTESCU & Larisa STĂNILĂ & Maria Denisa VASILESCU - 17-24 Wavelet based sample entropy analysis: A new method to test weak form market efficiency
by Anoop S. KUMAR & B. KAMAIAH - 25-38 Assessing integration of EU banking sectors using lending margins
by Radu MUNTEAN - 39-56 Measuring the governance in Pakistan: An introduction to KU Index
by Rana Ejaz Ali KHAN & Shafqut ULLAH - 57-66 Importance of financial perspective indicators in Balanced Scorecard in a leasing company
by Alina CHIŢU & Mădălina Elena OPRIŞ - 67-90 Quality based credit risk mitigation for bank performance enhancement: empiric study at Indonesia bank
by Nini AVIENI - 67-98 Natural capital in the global crisis context
by Constantin CONSTANTINESCU - 99-110 The development of Human Capital in the global crisis context
by Ortansa FLOREA (MOISE)
July 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 7(596)
- 1-3 Two words
by Marin Dinu - 7-22 Through creativity and innovation to economic development: is it possible in Romania?
by Mihaela DIACONU - 23-42 The analysis of the influence factors affecting the performance of pharmaceutical companies
by Dana-Maria BOLDEANU & Irina-Bogdana PUGNA - 43-54 Sensory marketing strategies. Case study: Oltenia
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Mihail-Cristian DIŢOIU & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Lucian-Florin ONIŞOR & Ion PÂRGARU - 55-66 Financial development and domestic savings in emerging Asian countries
by Yılmaz BAYAR - 67-86 Between objective and subjective in the sustainable development and the identification of crisis mitigation solutions
by Mihaela MUREŞAN & Emilia GOGU - 87-98 Appreciate the impact of relevant costing for decision making in Ready-Made Garments (RMG) industry of Bangladesh
by Mohammad Mazibar RAHMAN & Saiful ISLAM - 99-112 The economic crisis and the great problems of mankind
by Cătălin-Emilian HUIDUMAC-PETRESCU & Alexandru Cătălin POPA - 113-128 New theoretical foundations for economic policy
by Monica DOBRESCU - 129-143 Mutual influence of economic growth and economic development and its impact on social transformations
by Oleksandr KOSTYUCHYK
June 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 6(595)
- 1-3 The natural regulator
by Marin Dinu - 7-22 Assessing fiscal sustainability in some selected countries
by Alexis CRUZ-RODRÍGUEZ - 23-36 Some insights about determinants of economic growth in Romania. An empirical exercise
by Monica Pop SILAGHI & Ramona MEDEŞFĂLEAN - 37-50 Evolution of comovement between commodity futures: does biofuels matter?
by Dinçer DEDEOĞLU - 51-60 Romanian banking activity spatial distribution between 2009 and 2012
by Alina LUCA (BRĂTUCU) - 61-72 The impact of the current financial and economic crisis on the European labor market – an approach based on a new paradigm in the labor field
by Bogdan JIANU - 73-84 Perspectives on FDI in the context of economic crisis
by Raluca Andreea POPA & Ioana GAVRIL - 85-110 Interrelationship of biases: effect investment decisions ultimately
by Atif KAFAYAT - 111-120 Opinions on the government assets evaluation
by Valentin MAVRODIN & Vasile ILIE
May 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 5(594)
- 1-2 The methodological predicament
by Marin Dinu - 7-18 Increase of company performances and shareholders’ satisfaction by using design for adaptability (DFA)
by Sorin BRICIU & Sorinel CĂPUŞNEANU & Dan TOPOR & Raul BURDEA - 19-36 Forecasting crude oil market volatility in the context of economic slowdown in emerging markets
by Bernard MORARD & Florentina Olivia BĂLU - 37-50 The sensory brand of the destination. Case study: Transylvania
by Mihail-Cristian DIŢOIU & Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Gabriel BRĂTUCU & Lucian-Florin ONIŞOR & Andreea BOTOȘ - 51-68 Difficulties of the supporting pensioners by current employees – alternative to pension systems at international level. Empirical analysis in Romania
by Mirela CRISTEA & Nicu MARCU & Raluca DRĂCEA - 69-84 Single market fragmentation. The influence of the public decision system’s features upon the national decision system: A case study of the Romanian Eco-duty
by Lucica MATEI & Teodora I. DINU - 85-96 Effects of macroeconomic variables on poverty in Iran (Application of bootstrap technique)
by Farhad Khodadad KASHI & Mohammad Nabi SHAHIKI TASH - 97-112 Determination of factors affecting willingness to pay for low SAR value cell phones: A case study of Turkey
by Rüştü YAYAR & Yücel EROL & Derya DEMIR - 113-126 Implications of the financial crisis to the relevance of Taylor rule Case study: European Union
by Cătălin-Emilian HUIDUMAC-PETRESCU & Alexandru Cătălin POPA - 127-146 Non-performing loans – dimension of the non-quality of bank lending/loans and their specific connections
by Bogdan Florin FILIP - 147-153 Regional implications of salary in the European Union
by Andreea-Monica PREDONU
April 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 4(593)
- 1-2 Reversed triads
by Marin Dinu - 7-22 Banking relationship management – A new paradigm?
by Vasile DEDU & Dan Costin NIȚESCU - 23-38 The analysis of time intervals for establishing types of users
by Ion IVAN & Alin ZAMFIROIU & Bogdan VINTILĂ - 39-52 VAR analysis on Foreign Direct Investment in Romania
by Marinela GEAMĂNU - 53-66 Using the regression model for the portfolios analysis and management
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL - 67-80 The role of small and medium enterprises and poverty in Pakistan: An empirical analysis
by Sharafat ALI & Humayun RASHID & Muhammad Aamir KHAN - 81-98 Dimensions of the destination’s sensory profile. Case study: Muntenia
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Mihail-Cristian DIŢOIU & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Lucian-Florin ONIŞOR - 99-112 Corporate Governance in Eastern Europe: Case of Romania and Russian Federation
by Issam MF SALTAJI - 113-130 Study on the competitiveness of Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (SMEs) in Vâlcea County
by Daniel Sorin MANOLE & Elena NISIPEANU & Răzvan DECUSEARĂ - 131-142 Relation between monetary announcement and Phillips Curve? An empirical study from Malaysia
by Abey P. PHILIP - 143-152 Management priorities to increase labor force flexibility in the Romanian organizations
by Ionuţ CĂŞUNEANU - 153-166 Behavioral finance: new research trends, socionomics and investor emotions
by Adrian MITROI & Alexandru OPROIU
March 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 3(592)
- 1-2 The methodological cat
by Marin Dinu - 7-30 Assessment modalities of the Master Plan for the Romanian tourism development 2007-2026
by Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Andreea BOTOŞ & Nicolae TEODORESCU & Anamaria-Cătălina RADU & Ion PÂRGARU - 31-44 Frameworks for a sustainable development indicators system
by Camelia-Daniela HAŢEGAN & Clementina IVAN-UNGUREANU - 45-56 Sustainability of public co-financing of investment projects with EU financial assistance in Romania
by Anca DACHIN & Monica Gabriela GHERMAN - 57-66 Time series analysis in loan management information systems
by Julian VASILEV - 67-74 The impact of the image of the organization in terms of the online communication paradigm
by Diana Andreia HRISTACHE & Claudia Elena PAICU & Nilgün ISMAIL - 75-102 Why liquidity interventions are they optimal in the case of Morocco for financial stability?
by Abouch MOHAMED & Firano ZAKARIA & Abouch Mohamed AMINE - 103-114 Global European economic model
by Cristina BURGHELEA & Anda GHEORGHIU & Cristiana TINDECHE & Anca GHEORGHIU - 115-122 Evolutions and prospects in Romania’s economy
by Mihaela Daniela NICULESCU & Miron DUMITRESCU & Andrei Mihai CRISTEA & Oana Camelia IACOB - 123-132 Choosing the career path – An unemployment enhancer factor
by Ortansa FLOREA (MOISE)
February 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 2(591)
- 1-2 The consensus of the ideal
by Marin Dinu - 7-18 Sovereign wealth funds, catalyzers for global financial markets
by Vasile DEDU & Dan Costin NIȚESCU - 19-34 Manipulative marketing: persuasion and manipulation of the consumer through advertising
by Victor DANCIU - 35-66 Global financial crisis-driven mutations affecting the transmission mechanism customized to monetary policy strategies. A VAR, SVAR and BVAR approach
by Iulian Vasile POPESCU - 67-76 Examining Public Private Partnerships in ASEAN countries: the role of investment climate
by Chandra EMIRULLAH & Muhammad AZAM - 87-98 The financial auditor’s credibility in postcrisis economic policies
by Florin DOBRE & Adriana Florina POPA & Laura BRAD - 99-108 The implications of the economic crisis on public old age pension spending in European countries
by Marta Christina SUCIU & Ileana GURAN TEODORESCU - 109-114 Fiscal consolidation through fiscal rules?
by Alexandra ADAM & Silvia Elena IACOB - 115-125 The effects of bureaucracy over the business environment from Romania
by Laurențiu Gabriel FRÂNCU
January 2014, Volume XXI, Issue 1(590)
- 1-2 Axial vacuum
by Marin Dinu - 7-26 Stochastic evolutionary cartel formation
by Darong DAI & Kunrong SHEN - 27-36 Earnings analysis at industry level
by Amalia CRISTESCU & Larisa STANILĂ - 37-50 Analysis of the correlation between the real estate loan stock and the average unit value of urban housing
by Dumitra STANCU & Alexandru OPROIU - 51-62 Debt and economic growth: Is there any causal effect? An empirical analysis with structural breaks and Granger causality for Greece
by Stylianou TASOS - 63-74 Behavioral finance: biased individual investment decision making; like the company but dislike the investment
by Adrian MITROI - 74-86 The role of community foundations in local development – Slovak experience
by Ladislav POLIAK - 87-102 The role of small and medium enterprises in improving employment and in the post-crisis resumption of economic growth in Romania
by Mirela Ionela ACELEANU & Daniela Livia TRAŞCĂ & Andreea Claudia ŞERBAN - 103-114 The issue of competing currencies. Case study – Bitcoin
by Angela ROGOJANU & Liana BADEA - 115-120 Test of the bank lending channel: The case of Hungary
by Yu HSING - 121-130 The dimensions of the global financial crisis
by Liliana CRĂCIUN & Manuela Violeta OCHEA - 131-140 Budgeting mechanisms in public administration – meeting today’s and tomorrow’s development challenges
by Adelina DUMITRESCU & Tatiana-Camelia DOGARU
December 2013, Volume XX, Issue Special II
- 7-17 Internal market information system (IMI), a step towards european single labor market
by Cristina ANDREI - 18-28 Politici de combatere a muncii nedeclarate în unele state membre UE
by Valeriu ANTONOVICI - 29-41 Estimates of the rise of neet and youth unemployment in South East European countries
by Mariana BĂLAN - 42-54 School-to-work transitions in Europe: speed of convergence to permanent employment
by Mariana BĂLAN & Emilia VASILE - 55-77 The concept of participatory society and the potential impact on the European social model
by Florin BONCIU - 78-86 Particularităţi ale implementării standardelor de securitate şi sănătate în muncă la nivelul firmelor din România
by Elena CONDREA & Anca Cristina STANCIU & Mihaela CONSTANDACHE & Raluca Daniela RIZEA - 87-98 Unele consideraţii teoretice şi practice privind înţelesul termenului de funcţionar public în lumina dispoziţiilor din noul Clasificare Penal
by Victoria CRISTIEAN - 99-108 Investiţiile străine directe şi creşterea economică în România
by Cristina DUHNEA & Andreea-Daniela MORARU - 109-118 Stimularea ocupării în rândul tinerilor: promotor al creşterii economice şi inovării
by Alina Ligia DUMITRESCU & Cornel ALBU - 119-131 Politici privind intelectualizarea muncii în sprijinul stimulării economiei
by Mihail DUMITRESCU & Adelina DUMITRESCU - 132-140 Programul operaţional sectorial dezvoltarea resurselor umane (2007-2013) şi rolul acestuia în vederea obţinerii unei dezvoltări sustenabile a pieţei muncii în România
by Cătălin Daniel DUMITRICĂ & Dragoş DINCĂ - 141-150 Some implications of EU's sustainable growth strategy on European labour market
by Ovidiu FOLCUŢ & Ramona GRIGORE - 151-162 Responsabilitatea corporatistă faţă de salariaţi. Studiu asupra sectorului automotive european
by Cristina GĂNESCU - 163-183 Compatibilizarea ofertei educaţionale cu piaţa muncii - percepţia stakeholderilor
by Adriana GRIGORESCU & Luminiţa Mirela OLTEANU - 184-198 Europa, încotro?
by Rosemarie HAINEŞ - 199-210 Dinamica ocupării forţei de muncă sectoriale în regiunile din România şi ţările UE – principalele caracteristici şi tendinţe
by Marioara IORDAN & Mihaela-Nona CHILIAN & Ion GHIZDEANU & Radu LUPU & Dalina Maria ANDREI3 - 211-218 Contractul individual de muncă: mecanisme şi practici în unele state membre UE
by Corina Georgiana LAZĂR - 219-226 A comparison between knowledge based European cities indexes
by Víctor-Raúl LÓPEZ RUIZ & Domingo NEVADO PEÑA & José Luis ALFARO NAVARRO - 227-238 Conjoint analysis on job preferences of the Romanian youth
by Monica Mihaela MAER MATEI & Eliza-Olivia LUNGU & Cristina MOCANU & Ana-Maria ZAMFIR - 239-246 Demands and tendences on the current work market from Romania
by Nicu MARCU & Georgeta-Madalina MEGHISAN - 247-257 The impact of unemployment on the development of macroregions
by Aurel MARIN - 258-267 Quality of work - an essential condition for a successful labour market
by Luise MLADEN & Clasificare Codruta Ilinca DRĂGOIU - 268-275 A management information system supported on intangibles assets
by Domingo NEVADO PEÑA & Víctor-Raúl LÓPEZ RUIZ & Adriana GRIGORESCU - 276-287 Youth employment and measures to increase employability during the crisis
by Daniela PAŞNICU & Gabriela TUDOSE - 288-299 Indicatori ai performanţei forţei de muncă din industrie în context european
by Carmen Beatrice PĂUNA & Tiberiu DIACONESCU & Gabriela BILEVSKY - 300-311 Politica salarială şi creşterea economică în România. Abordare econometrică
by Elena PELINESCU - 312-322 Sustainability of pension and health care programs in the European Union
by John M. POLIMENI & Raluca I. IORGULESCU - 323-331 New aspects regarding the public wage system
by Radu Razvan POPESCU - 332-345 Politici de atragere a ISD pentru stimularea economiei. Cazul României şi al Irlandei
by Oana Cristina POPOVICI & Adrian Cantemir CĂLIN - 346-357 Modalităţi de a îmbunătăţi fluxurile de ISD în ţările din Europa Centrală şi de Est utilizând instrumentele politicii publice
by Oana Cristina POPOVICI & Adrian Cantemir CĂLIN - 358-365 Estimări şi prognoze în ocuparea forţei de muncă europene
by Andreea-Monica PREDONU - 366-377 Piaţa forţei de muncă in sectorul terţiar – realităţi şi perspective
by Cecilia Irina RABONTU & Aniela BALACESCU - 378-389 Innovation performance of Romania within UE in 2020
by Steliana SANDU & Adrian Bogdan CIOCANEL - 390-400 National labor market rigidities
by Luminiţa Leocadia SÂRBU - 401-405 Strategii financiar-fiscale specific actualei economii româneşti
by Titus SEREDIUC - 406-416 Aspects of the implementation of quality management systems in the hospitality industry in the context of sustainable development
by Anca Cristina STANCIU & Elena CONDREA & Cristina RACOCEANU - 417-429 An age and gender analysis of the minimum wage impact upon the Romanian labour market
by Larisa STANILA & Madalina Ecaterina POPESCU & Amalia CRISTESCU - 430-445 The FGB-LM model
by Massimiliano TANCIONI & Elton BEQIRAJ - 446-457 Creative graduate/creative employee – a big challenge for economics education
by Ada Mirela TOMESCU & Elena Aurelia BOTEZAT - 458-463 Promovarea participării tinerilor cu risc de marginalizare socială pe piaţa muncii
by Dan ŢOP - 464-473 Imbalances of labor market at national level
by Daniela TUDORACHE - 474-483 Alternative convenţionale pe piaţa muncii din România – contractul individual de muncă şi contractul zilierilor
by Aurelian Gabriel ULUITU - 484-490 Modelul social european: un concept de continuă actualitate
by Nicolae VOICULESCU & Maria Iuliana VOICULESCU
March 2013, Volume XX, Issue Special I
- 10-16 Investment Strategies Of Romanian Private Pension Funds
by Maria Luiza Moş & Liliana Donath & Victoria Şeulean - 17-29 An empirical analysis of the causality relationship between insurance and economic growth
by Ana-Maria Burcă & Ştefan Daniel Armeanu & Meral Kagitci - 30-37 Car Insurance – Engine For The Romanian Insurance Market
by Gherasim Solovestru Domide & Alexandru Domide - 38-51 Efficient Market Hypothesis In European Emerging Unit-Linked Insurance Markets
by Cristina Ciumaş & Diana-Maria Chiş - 52-60 Developments In The Insurance Industry In Europe In Economic And Financial Crisis
by Viorel Crăciuneanu - 61-73 Creation And Operationalization Of The National Reserve Fund In Case Of Natural Calamities In Romania – Alternative For Post-Disaster Financing Improvement
by Gabriel Arthur Zelinschi & Gherasim Solovestru Domide & Adriana Rodica (Năstase) Vîrban - 74-88 The Role Of International Financial Institutions (Ifis) And Export Credit Agencies (Ecas) In Supporting Cross Border Public Private Partnership (Ppp) In Emerging Markets: The Challenging Case Of The Icelandic Energy Sector
by Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson - 89-101 Optimal Management In The Context Of Corporate Governance
by Nora Chiriţă & Marcel Boloş & Ioana-Alexandra Bradea - 102-108 The Advantages, Disadvantages And Controversies Of Private Equity Funds
by Florin Mavris - 109-113 The Choices Between Fair Value And Historical Cost Accounting For Non-Current Real Assets At Latvian, Lithuanian And Estonian Listed Companies During The Reporting Year Of 2011
by Justine Jaunzeme - 114-130 The Impact Of Corporate Governance Measures On The Performance Of Enterprises
by Ilie Vasile & Lavinia Mihaela Guţu & Adina Ionela Străchinaru - 131-137 The Domestic And Foreign Investors Takeover Bid Decision: Case Of Romania
by Laura Brad & Radu Ciobanu & Anca Munteanu & Florin Dobre - 138-146 Changing Of Growth Paradigm: From Mergers And Acquisition To Balance Sheet Restructuring
by Angela Mitu & Dalina Dumitrescu - 147-163 Social Responsibility And Performance Of Financial Institutions
by Silvia Stănoiu - 164-167 Modelling the use of alternative channel allocation in granting benefits of social assistance
by Adrian Vintilescu Belciug & Lăcrămioara Corcheş & Daniela Creţu & Adriana Lupu - 168-179 Impact Of Public Debt On The Romanian Economy In Conditions Of Economic Crisis
by Mirela Anca Postole & Marilena Ciobănaşu - 180-196 Measuring The Dynamics Of Local Revenues Autonomy In Romania. An Analysis Of Several Financial Decentralization And Local Autonomy Indicators
by Tatiana Moşteanu & Maria Letiţia Brătulescu - 197-206 Some aspects regarding the state aid in Romania - Member State of European Union
by Daniela Lidia Roman - 207-212 Public Procurement Awards In Romania
by Attila Gyorgy - 213-220 Determinants Of Underground Economy In Eu Countries
by Eugenia Ramona Mara & Diana - Claudia Sabău-Popa - 221-225 The Inheritance Tax In Germany
by Robert Păiuşan & Valentin Ionuţ Panea - 226-239 Selected Determinants On Welfare Enhancement. A Theoretical And Empirical View
by Liliana Donath & Anca Brad (Gheorghioiu) - 240-249 Vulnerabilities Of The European Versus Romanian Tax System
by Rodica Gherghina & Georgiana Camelia Creţan - 250-264 Content Analysis Of An Exploratory Study Regarding The Communication Of Local Administration In Western Romania
by Florina Maria Bente & Corneliu Bente - 265-273 Some means of avoiding of international juridical double taxation used by Romania
by Daniela Lidia Roman - 274-289 Investigation On The Perception Of Quality Within European Economic Higher Education
by Emilia Câmpeanu & Viorica Chirilă & Georgiana Camelia Creţan - 290-298 Investigation of the profitability of moving average strategies on the Romanian stock market
by Olivia Andreea Baciu - 299-305 The Influence Of Financial Derivatives In Emerging Capital Markets
by Felicia Ramona Birău - 306-324 Adoption Model For Regulatory Of Financial Markets
by Mitică Pepi - 325-332 Rationality Versus Irrationality On The Romanian Capital Market
by Ion Stancu & Dumitra Stancu - 333-338 Leniency Policy For Competitive Activity
by Ilie Moga - 339-356 A Simulation Of Agent-Based Models For High Frequency Trading On The Stock Exchange Market
by Diana Dezsi - 357-372 Testing The Random Walk Hypothesis And The Long Memory For The Romanian Capital Market
by Ioana Sorina Mihuţ & Mihaela Lutas & Andreea Pece - 373-379 The Performance Of Roc On The Bse
by Dan Gabriel Anghel - 380-389 The Propagation Effects Of Financial Crisis On Ljubljana Stock Exchange
by Felicia Ramona Birău - 390-391 Main Results Of Analyses Undertaken On The Arbitrage Pricing Model
by Andrei Stănculescu - 392-399 Influence Of Regime Switching To Risk In Port-Modern Portfolio Management
by Cristina Geambaşu & Liviu Geambaşu & Iulia Jianu - 400-412 Market Timing And Selectivity Within Romanian Balanced Funds Industry
by Angela-Maria Filip & Maria Miruna Pochea & Mihaela-Daniela Morariu - 414-423 Is The Evolution Of The Exchange Rate Leu/Euro Still Influenced By The Shocks Of Interest Rate On Romanian Market?
by Gabriela Preda - 424-430 The Impact Of The Global Economic Crisis On Macroeconomic Aggregates In Brics Countries And Usa
by Jelena Tošković & Jasna Marković & Marija Gačić - 431-443 Romania On The Way Of Euro Adoption
by Ionuţ Dumitru & Ionela Jianu (Dumitru)