2021, Issue fothcoming
- 242850 Relational Incentives Theory
by Gallus, Jana & Reiff, Joseph & Kamenica, Emir & Fiske, Alan Page
2021, Issue forthcoming
- 226350 Promise, Trust and Betrayal: Costs of Breaching an Implicit Contract
by Levy, Daniel & Young, Andrew T. - 232047 What does corporate social advocacy signal? Evidence from boycott participation decisions
by Afego, Pyemo N. & Alagidede, Imhotep P. - 233468 A Real-Business-Cycle model with institutional quality: The Case of Bulgaria (1999-2018)
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 233469 A Real-Business-Cycle model with endogenous discounting and a government sector
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 233514 The role of endogenous capital depreciation rate for business cycle dynamics: lessons from Bulgaria (1999-2018)
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 233515 A model with knowledge externalities and educational policy
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 233762 Stuck at Zero: Price Rigidity in a Runaway Inflation
by Snir, Avichai & Chen, Haipeng (Allan) & Levy, Daniel - 234137 A Real-Business-Cycle model with human capital accumulation: Lessons for Bulgaria (1999-2018)
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 234138 The role of inventories for the propagation of aggregate fluctuations: Lessons for Bulgaria (1999-2019)
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 234152 Understanding the effect of a Soft Drinks Industry Levy on Consumer Well-Being in the UK: First Estimates
by Fage, Bradley & Vasilev, Aleksandar - 243087 Addressing the Severity and Intensity of Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: How Relevant is the ICT and Financial Development Pathway?
by Ofori, Isaac K. & Armah, Mark K. & Taale, Francis & Ofori, Pamela E. - 243165 An RBC model with Epstein-Zin (non-expected-utility) recursive preferences: lessons from Bulgaria (1999-2018)
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 246273 What Drives Financial Sector Development in Africa? Insights from Machine Learning
by Ofori, Isaac K. & Quaidoo, Christopher & Ofori, Pamela E. - 247710 Towards The Quest To Reduce Income Inequality In Africa: Is There A Synergy Between Tourism Development And Governance?
by Ofori, Isaac K. & Dossou, Toyo A. M. & Akadiri, Seyi S.
2021, Issue Sonderband 38
2021, Issue Sonderband 37
- 160-187 Öffentlichkeit und Global Governance
[The Public Sphere in Global Governance]
by Zürn, Michael
2021, Issue OnlineFirst Articles
- 1-1 Mainstream Voters, Non-Voters and Populist Voters: What Sets Them Apart?
by Koch, Cédric M. & Meléndez, Carlos & Kaltwasser, Cristóbal Rovira
2021, Issue Online first articles
- 233981 The Effect of Board Composition and Managerial Pay on Saudi Firm Performance
by Al-Faryan, Mamdouh Abdulaziz Saleh
2021, Issue Online First Articles
- 1-1 Aging during COVID-19 in Germany: a longitudinal analysis of psychosocial adaptation
by Schlomann, Anna & Bünning, Mareike & Hipp, Lena & Wahl, Hans-Werner - 242495 Trends in subjective income poverty rates in the European Union
by Želinský, Tomáš & Mysíková, Martina & Garner, Thesia I.
2021, Issue Online First
- 251861 Internal migration industries: Shaping the housing options for refugees at the local level
by Bernt, Matthias & Hamann, Ulrike & El-Kayed, Nihad & Keskinkilic, Leoni
2021, Issue Online Early
- 1-34 Discrimination, Narratives and Family History: An Experiment with Jordanian Host and Syrian Refugee Children
by Barron, Kai & Harmgart, Heike & Huck, Steffen & Schneider, Sebastian O. & Sutter, Matthias
2021, Issue Latest Articles
- 1-1 Veni vidi VC – the backend of the digital economy and its political making
by Cooiman, Franziska - 1-1 How African countries respond to fake news and hate speech
by Garbe, Lisa & Selvik, Lisa-Marie & Lemaire, Pauline - 1-1 Economic Development and the Death of the Free Market
by Fix, Blair - 1-1 Putting electoral competition where it belongs: comparing vote-based measures of electoral competition
by Wagner, Aiko & Krause, Werner - 228533 The Great Debt Divergence and its Implications for the Covid-19 Crisis: Mapping Corporate Leverage as Power
by Baines, Joseph & Hager, Sandy Brian - 229186 Commodity Traders in a Storm: Financialization, Corporate Power and Ecological Crisis
by Baines, Joseph & Hager, Sandy Brian - 251845 The re-coding of rural development rationality: tracing EU Governmentality and Europeanisation at the local level
by Stoustrup, Sune Wiingaard - 251851 Straddling multiple streams: focusing events, policy entrepreneurs and problem brokers in the governance of English fire and rescue services
by Eckersley, Peter & Lakoma, Katarzyna
2021, Issue Forthcoming
- 235937 Is military spending quantitatively important for business cycle fluctuations?
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2021, Issue Early View Articles
- 231990 Panic buying research: A systematic literature review and future research agenda
by Billore, Soniya & Anisimova, Tatiana
2021, Issue Early View
- 247150 Workin’ moms ain’t doing so bad: Evidence on the gender gap in working hours at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic
[Läuft bei Müttern: Zur Entwicklung der Geschlechterunterschiede in der Arbeitszeit während der Anfangsphase der COVID-19-Pandemie]
by Knize, Veronika & Tobler, Lina & Christoph, Bernhard & Fervers, Lukas & Jacob, Marita - 253377 Platform ecology: A user‐centric and relational conceptualization of online platforms
by Ibert, Oliver & Oechslen, Anna & Repenning, Alica & Schmidt, Suntje
2021, Issue Beiheft 18
- 7-38 Schule und Schulpolitik während der Corona- Pandemie: Nichts gelernt? [Editorial]
[Schools and School Politics During the Corona Pandemic: Nothing Learned?]
by Fickermann, Detlef & Edelstein, Benjamin & Gerick, Julia & Racherbäumer, Kathrin - 127-146 Lernrückstände nach Corona – und wie weiter? Anmerkungen zu den aktuell debattierten bildungspolitischen Maßnahmen zur Schließung von Lernlücken
[Learning Gaps aft er Corona – and now what? Comments on the Currently Debated Policy Interventions for the Closing of Learning Gaps]
by Helbig, Marcel
2021, Issue Beiheft 17
- 7-30 Schule während der Corona-Pandemie. Neue Ergebnisse und Überblick über ein dynamisches Forschungsfeld [Editorial]
[Schooling during the Corona Pandemic. New Results and an Overview of a Dynamic Field of Research]
by Fickermann, Detlef & Edelstein, Benjamin - 103-212 Schule und Corona. Ein Überblick über Forschungsaktivitäten an Hand von Projektsteckbriefen
[Schooling and Corona. An Overview of Research Activities on the Basis of Project Profiles]
by Fickermann, Detlef & Edelstein, Benjamin
2021, Issue Ahead-of-Print Articles
- 1-1 Board Level Employee Representation and Tax Avoidance in Europe
by Vitols, Sigurt
2021, Issue Ahead of Print
- 240927 Competing Combinatorial Auctions
by Kittsteiner, Thomas & Ott, Marion & Steinberg, Richard
2021, Issue Advance Articles
- 1-1 Ethnic and Religious Discrimination in the Wedding Venue Business: Evidence from Two Field Experiments in Germany and Austria
by Carol, Sarah & Kuipers, Coco & Koesling, Philipp & Kaspers, Milan - 1-1 Diverging Trends in Single-Mother Poverty across Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom: Toward a Comprehensive Explanatory Framework
by Zagel, Hannah & Hübgen, Sabine & Nieuwenhuis, Rense
2021, Issue 375
- 1-1 Can geopolitics derail the pandemic treaty?
by Kickbusch, Ilona & Holzscheiter, Anna
2021, Issue 98
- 23-48 The 1-2-3 Toolbox of Mainstream Economics: Promising Everything, Delivering Nothing
by Bichler, Shimshon & Nitzan, Jonathan - 58-86 Redistributing Income Through Hierarchy
by Fix, Blair
2021, Issue 97
- 78-95 The Ritual of Capitalization
by Fix, Blair
2021, Issue 95
- 29-41 The Rise of Human Capital Theory
by Fix, Blair - 109-117 Unbridgeable: Why Political Economists Cannot Accept Capital as Power
by Bichler, Shimshon & Nitzan, Jonathan
2021, Issue 15
- 431-443 Personal resilience and its influence on COVID-19 stress, anxiety and fear among graduate students in the Philippines
[Resiliencia personal y su influencia en el estrés, la ansiedad y el miedo de COVID-19 entre los estudiantes graduados en Filipinas]
by Oducado, Ryan Michael & Parreño-Lachica, Geneveve & Rabacal, Judith - 487-502 Internet use, eHealth literacy and fear of COVID-19 among nursing students in the Philippines
[Uso de Internet y la alfabetización en eSalud con temor al COVID-19 entre estudiantes de enfermería en Filipinas]
by Oducado, Ryan Michael & Tuppal, Cyruz & Estoque, Homelo & Sadang, Jonaid & Superio, Daryl & Real, Don Vicente & Roa, Mary Nellie & Malaga, Xerxes & Quiros, Jejomar & Fajardo, Maria Teresa & Dela Rosa, Ronnell
2021, Issue 12
- 233062 Gender Score Development in the Berlin Aging Study II : A Retrospective Approach
by Nauman, Ahmad Tauseef & Behlouli, Hassan & Alexander, Nicholas & Kendel, Friederike & Drewelies, Johanna & Mantantzis, Konstantinos & Berger, Nora & Wagner, Gert G. & Gerstorf, Denis & Demuth, Ilja & Pilote, Louise & Regitz-Zagrosek, Vera
2021, Issue 11/2021
- 67-69 Übersicht der Bewilligungen und Zulassungen nach dem UZK – Abkürzungen/Antragstellung
by Weerth, Carsten
2021, Issue 9/2021
- 59-60 Die Einfuhr eines Zebrafells im Reiseverkehr – Prüfungen im Artenschutzrecht (Teil 2)
by Weerth, Carsten
2021, Issue 7-8/2021
- 51-52 Die Einfuhr eines Zebrafells im Reiseverkehr – Prüfungen im Artenschutzrecht (Teil 1)
by Weerth, Carsten
2021, Issue 3/2021
- 5-10 Eine kurze Geschichte der Weltzollorganisation – aktuelle Entwicklungen
by Weerth, Carsten
2021, Issue 2/2021
- 105-110 Werkswohnen 2.0: die Wiederbelebung unternehmerischer Wohnungsversorgung
by Kitzmann, Robert & Lange, Margo & Michelczak, Geena
2021, Issue 1
- 1-9 German Unification and the Political Order – Thirty Years Later
by Kocka, Jürgen - 127-164 Important shades in the meaning of military culture – an etymological study
by Dimitrov, Kiril
2021, Issue (OnlineFirst)
- 253370 Vulnerability and Resilience Embedded in Discourses: Literature, Media, and Actors’ Cultural Knowledge in German and Polish River Regions
by Heimann, Thorsten & Barcz, Anna & Christmann, Gabriela & Bembnista, Kamil & Buchta-Bartodziej, Petra & Michalak, Anna
2021, Issue (Latest articles)
- 253373 Austerity, political control and supplier selection in English local government: implications for autonomy in multi-level systems
by Eckersley, Peter & Flynn, Anthony & Ferry, Laurence & Lakoma, Katarzyna
2021, Issue (Articles in press)
- 253375 On the role of key players in rural social innovation processes
by Richter, Ralph & Christmann, Gabriela B.
- 1-1 Kurzarbeit im Korsett der Versicherungslogik: Es ist Zeit, die „Bazooka“ neu zu justieren
by Schmid, Günther - 1-1 Nonstandard work schedules in 29 European countries, 2005–15: differences by education, gender, and parental status
by Gracia, Pablo & Jui-Han, Wen & Li, Jianghong - 1-4 Introduction
by Basco, Rodrigo & Stough, Roger & Suwala, Lech - 3-6 Introductory Chapter: Demographic Analysis
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 3-23 Introduction: A New Approach for Studying Political Contention – Contentious Episode Analysis
by Kriesi, Hanspeter & Hutter, Swen & Bojar, Abel & Altiparmakis, Argyrios & Gessler, Theresa & Hunger, Sophia & Pilati, Katia & Schulte-Cloos, Julia - 6-21 The Collaborative Economy in Action: Context and Outline of Country Reports
by Klimczuk, Andrzej & Česnuitytė, Vida & Avram, Gabriela - 7-32 Spatial familiness and family spatialities—searching for fertile ground between family business and regional studies
by Basco, Rodrigo & Suwala, Lech - 13-19 Wie wichtig ist die Zivilgesellschaft? Einführende Bemerkungen
by Grande, Edgar - 19-35 The Silver Economy as a Constructive Response in Public Policy on Aging
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 24-43 Selecting and Coding Contentious Episodes
by Bojar, Abel & Hutter, Swen & Hunger, Sophia - 25-31 Zwölf Jahre Zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter (AEO)
by Weerth, Carsten - 25-40 Corona protests in Germany: insights into a new movement
by Oppermann, Daniel - 34-40 Wie die gesundheitlichen Folgen der Pandemie von sozialen Ungleichheiten abhängen – und was wir daraus lernen sollten
by Heisig, Jan Paul - 37-58 Gewerkschaften als zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure in der Bundesrepublik
by Schroeder, Wolfgang - 47-67 Digital Sovereignty
by Pohle, Julia & Thiel, Thorsten - 53-73 Auslaufmodell Privatauto – von der Notwendigkeit, mentale Pfadabhängigkeiten zu überwinden
by Canzler, Weert & Knie, Andreas - 55-70 Including smallholders with vertical coordination
by Bitsch, Linda & Atoyan, Silva & Richter, Barbara & Hanf, Jon & Gagalyuk, Taras - 56-63 Künstliche Intelligenz als Herausforderung für demokratische Partizipation
by Thiel, Thorsten & Rostalski, Frauke - 61-77 Neue Konflikte und neue soziale Bewegungen in Deutschland
by Rucht, Dieter - 67-90 Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Mapping Contentiousness
by Gessler, Theresa & Hutter, Swen - 68-84 Fallstudie zum Onboarding von Beschäftigten in Kliniken
by Eilers, Jens & Sulíková, Rozália & Böcker, Nicole - 88-109 Anonymity: The Politicisation of a Concept
by Thiel, Thorsten - 91-109 Actor Configurations and Coalitions in Contentious Episodes
by Gessler, Theresa & Hutter, Swen - 96-112 International information policy: UNESCO in historical perspective
by Pohle, Julia - 108-130 Place leadership and corporate spatial responsibilities
by Albers, Hans-Hermann & Suwala, Lech - 116-135 Interplays of economic and knowledge power. Neoliberal think tank networks and the return and universalization of entrepreneurship
by Plehwe, Dieter - 118-132 Digitale Transformation im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Digitalisierungsstrategien und Gestaltung von Arbeit 4.0
by Dispan, Jürgen - 121-127 Weiterbildung
by Ehlert, Martin - 121-140 Was wird aus dem harten Kern? Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf das Engagement für Geflüchtete
by Berg, Clara van den & Grande, Edgar & Hutter, Swen - 139-162 Governing Children’s Rights in Global Social Policy—International Organizations and the Thin Line Between Child Protection and Empowerment
by Holzscheiter, Anna - 143-150 Globale Gesundheitssicherung, nur wie? Kontroversen eines Politikfelds
by Hanrieder, Tine - 150-165 Think tanks and the politics of climate change
by Plehwe, Dieter - 155-164 Rechtspopulismus und organisierte Zivilgesellschaft
by Schroeder, Wolfgang & Greef, Samuel & Ten Elsen, Jennifer & Heller, Lukas - 155-181 The Development of Neoliberal Measures of Competitiveness
by Plehwe, Dieter - 165-181 Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen der Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland
by Grande, Edgar - 184-188 Prekäre Beschäftigung und mögliche Ursachen
by Stuth, Stefan - 189-211 Digitale Energiezukünfte und ihre Wirkungsmacht: Visionen der smarten Energieversorgung zwischen Technikoptimismus und Nachhaltigkeit
by Rohde, Friederike & Quitzow, Leslie - 215-223 Gewalt im Namen der Götter? Gewaltlegitimierende Verse in religiösen Schriften steigern die Unterstützung für tödliche religiöse Gewalt
by Koopmans, Ruud & Kanol, Eylem - 219-235 Tax-price elasticity of charitable donations – evidence from the German taxpayer panel
by Adena, Maja - 221-249 Meaning-in-use: Zum Verhältnis von Normativität und Normalität in der Normenforschung
by Gholiagha, Sassan & Hansen-Magnusson, Hannes & Hofius, Maren - 237-255 Family firms and corporate spatial responsibilities in Germany: Implication for urban and regional planning and management
by Albers, Hans-Hermann & Suwala, Lech - 255-263 Building Smart Healthy Inclusive Environments for All Ages with Citizens
by van Staalduinen, Willeke & Dantas, Carina & van Hoof, Joost & Klimczuk, Andrzej - 271-285 Soziale Lagen und soziale Schichtung
by Bünning, Mareike - 319-340 Digitale Souveränität - Von der Karriere eines einenden und doch problematischen Konzepts
by Pohle, Julia & Thiel, Thorsten - 332-344 Soziale Ungleichheit und gesundheitliches Risiko in der Pandemie
by Heisig, Jan Paul - 344-353 How can we improve tax incentives for charitable giving? Lessons from field experiments in fundraising
by Adena, Maja - 363-375 Gesundheitsdaten als öffentliches Gut
[Health Data as a Public Good]
by Heisig, Jan Paul & Li, Jianghong & Allmendinger, Jutta - 379-382 Politische Integration und politisches Engagement
by Weßels, Bernhard - 403-415 Abschied vom Auto? Verkehrshandeln zwischen Disruption und Pfadabhängigkeit
by Canzler, Weert - 413-435 COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe: Focus on Czechia, Hungary, and Bulgaria
by Löblová, Olga & Rone, Julia & Borbáth, Endre - 449-454 Räumliche Mobilität: (noch) schneller und weiter
by Canzler, Weert - 507-528 Lean Production in Germany: A Contested Model
by Krzywdzinski, Martin - 517-529 The Recent Past and Possible Futures of Citizen Science: Final Remarks
by Perelló, Josep & Klimczuk, Andrzej & Land-Zandstra, Anne & Vohland, Katrin & Wagenknecht, Katherin & Narraway, Claire & Lemmens, Rob & Ponti, Marisa - 225334 BTI - Togo Country Report: Political and Socio-Economic Development (2019-2021)
by Kohnert, Dirk - 232309 Demokratie in Zeiten der Digitalisierung
by Thiel, Thorsten - 232310 Demokratie und Digitalisierung. Ein Blick auf das politische System Deutschlands
by Ulbricht, Lena - 242488 Führung in Teilzeit? Eine empirische Analyse zur Verbreitung von Teilzeitarbeit unter Führungskräften in Deutschland und Europa
by Hipp, Lena & Sauermann, Armin & Stuth, Stefan
2020, Volume forthcoming
- 213856 Different samples, different results? How sampling techniques affect the results of field experiments on ethnic discrimination
by Auspurg, Katrin & Schneck, Andreas & Thiel, Fabian
2020, Volume Sonderband 35
- 255-278 Algorithmen und Politisierung
[Algorithms and politicization]
by Ulbricht, Lena
2020, Volume I, Issue III (July 2020)
2020, Volume 363, Issue 2
- 3-6 Commentary on SARS-CoV-2 and agricultural policy
by Herzfeld, Thomas
2020, Volume 310, Issue 3
2020, Volume 287, Issue 1927
- 1-10 Cold War spy satellite images reveal long-term declines of a philopatric keystone species in response to cropland expansion
by Munteanu, Catalina & Kamp, Johannes & Nita, Mihai Daniel & Klein, Nadja & Kraemer, Benjamin M. & Müller, Daniel & Koshkina, Alyona & Prishchepov, Alexander V. & Kuemmerle, Tobias
2020, Volume 278
- 232058 Industrial demand response: How network tariffs and regulation (do not) impact flexibility provision in electricity markets and reserves
by Richstein, Jörn C. & Hosseinioun, Seyed Saeed
2020, Volume 266
- 222435 Flexible electricity use for heating in markets with renewable energy
by Schill, Wolf-Peter & Zerrahn, Alexander
2020, Volume 265
- 229163 The impact of a gain-sharing cost-reflective tariff on waste management cost under incentive regulation: The Italian case
by Di Foggia, Giacomo & Beccarello, Massimo
2020, Volume 240, Issue 2-3
- 351-386 Macroeconomic Long-Run Effects of the German Minimum Wage when Labor Markets are Frictional
by Braun, Helge & Döhrn, Roland & Krause, Michael & Micheli, Martin & Schmidt, Torsten
2020, Volume 240, Issue 2/3
- 201-231 The Impact of the German Minimum Wage on Individual Wages and Monthly Earnings
by Burauel, Patrick & Caliendo, Marco & Grabka, Markus M. & Obst, Cosima & Preuss, Malte & Schröder, Carsten & Shupe, Cortnie
2020, Volume 240, Issue 1
- 111-120 Early Childhood Education and Care Quality in the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) - the K2ID-SOEP Study
by Spieß, Christa Katharina & Schober, Pia S. & Stahl, Juliane F.
2020, Volume 224
- 234605 Analysis of the necessity and efficiency of the HEI diploma holder professional retraining needs in Adjara Autonomous Republic
by Abuselidze, George & Davitadze, Lia
2020, Volume 210
- 234515 Social responsibility of business and government in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic
by Abuselidze, George & Slobodianyk, Anna
2020, Volume 196
- 222602 Coal phase-out in Germany – Implications and policies for affected regions
by Oei, Pao-Yu & Hermann, Hauke & Herpich, Philipp & Holtemöller, Oliver & Lünenbürger, Benjamin & Schult, Christoph
2020, Volume 185
- 223345 Quantifying the soil erosion legacy of the Soviet Union
by Wuepper, David & Borrelli, Pasquale & Müller, Daniel & Finger, Robert
2020, Volume 180
- 510-543 Parental labour supply responses to the abolition of day care fees
by Huebener, Mathias & Pape, Astrid & Spiess, C. Katharina
2020, Volume 179
- 116-140 Political corruption in the execution of public contracts
by Chiappinelli, Olga
2020, Volume 176
- 106723-106723 Sustainable Development and Populism
by Kroll, Christian & Zipperer, Vera
2020, Volume 164
- 231521 Analysis and Control of Bankruptcy and Reorganization Processes: Case Studies Using Accounting Data
by Abuselidze, George & Slobodianyk, Anna
2020, Volume 160, Issue 1
- 89-102 Attitudes towards climate change migrants
by Helbling, Marc
2020, Volume 151, Issue 2
- 669-690 Can We Compare Conceptions of Democracy in Cross-Linguistic and Cross-National Research? : Evidence from a Random Sample of Refugees in Germany
by Jacobsen, Jannes & Fuchs, Lukas Marian
2020, Volume 151, Issue 1
- 231-257 Early-career complexity before and after labour-market deregulation in Italy: Heterogeneity by gender and socio-economic status across cohorts
by Struffolino, Emanuela & Raitano, Michele
2020, Volume 148
- 1266-1279 Solar PV generation in Colombia - A qualitative and quantitative approach to analyze the potential of solar energy market
by López, Andrea Ruíz & Krumm, Alexandra & Schattenhofer, Lukas & Burandt, Thorsten & Montoya, Felipe Corral & Oberländer, Nora & Oei, Pao-Yu
2020, Volume 147, Issue 3
- 781-803 Being Working Poor or Feeling Working Poor? The Role of Work Intensity and Job Stability for Subjective Poverty
by Filandri, Marianna & Pasqua, Silvia & Struffolino, Emanuela
2020, Volume 144
- 225348 The political economy of coal in Poland: Drivers and barriers for a shift away from fossil fuels
by Brauers, Hanna & Oei, Pao-Yu
2020, Volume 133
2020, Volume 130
- 1-1 Between stranded assets and green transformation: Fossil-fuel-producing developing countries towards 2055
by Ansari, Dawud & Holz, Franziska
2020, Volume 127
- 1-3 The aggregation challenge
by Humphreys, Macartan & Scacco, Alexandra
2020, Volume 124
- 569-578 Does poverty negate the impact of social norms on cheating?
by Boonmanunt, Suparee & Kajackaite, Agne & Meier, Stephan
2020, Volume 122, Issue 3
- 1140-1180 A Head-to-Head Comparison of Augmented Wealth in Germany and the United States
by Bönke, Timm & Grabka, Markus M. & Schröder, Carsten & Wolff, Edward N.
2020, Volume 122
- 266408 The impact of ECB policy on structural reforms
by Rieth, Malte & Wittich, Jana
2020, Volume 120
- 311-324 Bribing the Self
by Gneezy, Uri & Saccardo, Silvia & Serra-Garcia, Marta & van Veldhuizen, Roel
2020, Volume 119
- 30-55 Games played through agents in the laboratory — a test of Prat & Rustichini's model
by Ensthaler, Ludwig & Huck, Steffen & Leutgeb, Johannes
2020, Volume 118
- 225003 Interactions between bank levies and corporate taxes: How is bank leverage affected?
by Bremus, Franziska & Schmidt, Kirsten & Tonzer, Lena
2020, Volume 115, Issue 9
- 629-633 Gemba-Digitalisierung: Wie japanische Automobilunternehmen IoT-Technologien einsetzen
[Gemba Digitization – How Japanese Automotive Companies Are Using IoT Technologies]
by Holst, Hajo & Aoki, Katsuki & Herrigel, Gary & Jürgens, Ulrich & Mokudai, Takefumi & Müller, Marvin & Schaede, Carsten & Schröder, Martin & Sinopoli, Robert
2020, Volume 115
- 162-179 The Real Effects of the Bank Lending Channel
by Jiménez, Gabriel & Mian, Atif & Peydró, José-Luis & Saurina, Jesús
2020, Volume 111, Issue 3
- 275-287 From Corona Virus to Corona Crisis: The Value of An Analytical and Geographical Understanding of Crisis
by Brinks, Verena & Ibert, Oliver
2020, Volume 109
- 103-115 From global drivers to local land-use change: Understanding the northern Laos rubber boom
by Junquera, Victoria & Meyfroidt, Patrick & Sun, Zhanli & Latthachack, Phokham & Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne
2020, Volume 107
- 222453 Legal harmonization, institutional quality, and countries’ external positions: A sectoral analysis
by Bremus, Franziska & Kliatskova, Tatsiana
2020, Volume 100, Issue 2
- 112-116 Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen: viel Zustimmung, aber auch große Ablehnung
by Schupp, Jürgen - 133-137 Was die Wirtschaftspolitik vom Wirtschaftsnobelpreis des Jahres 2019 lernen kann
by Menkhoff, Lukas & Seitz, Helke
2020, Volume 100, Issue 1
- 5-5 Batteriezellen aus Europa?
by Belitz, Heike & Gornig, Martin - 12-16 Über die Ursachen und das mögliche Ende der niedrigen Zinsen in Deutschland
by Fratzscher, Marcel & Kriwoluzky, Alexander - 29-34 Grundrentenplan der großen Koalition: Welche Risiken soll die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung versichern?
by Klammer, Ute & Wagner, Gert G.
2020, Volume 99, Issue 2
- 59-75 Institutional Ownership and Firm Value: A Study on the Bist Manufacturing Index
by Doğan, Mesut
2020, Volume 98, Issue 1
- 1-46 Corporate Social Responsibility in der deutschen Landwirtschaft - Verbreitung, Ausgestaltung, Motive
by Schaft, Franziska & Brosig, Stephan
2020, Volume 92
- 1-40 Abuse of dominance and antitrust enforcement in the German electricity market
by Duso, Tomaso & Szücs, Florian & Böckers, Veit - 99-108 Food security in Kenya: Insights from a household food demand model
by Korir, Lilian & Rizov, Marian & Ruto, Eric
2020, Volume 89
- 1-1 An auction story: How simple bids struggle with uncertainty
by Richstein, Jörn C. & Lorenz, Casimir & Neuhoff, Karsten
2020, Volume 88
- 1-1 Nudging cooperation in public goods provision
by Barron, Kai & Nurminen, Tuomas
2020, Volume 87, Issue 6
- 2777-2826 Top of the Class: The Importance of Ordinal Rank
by Murphy, Richard & Weinhardt, Felix
2020, Volume 87, Issue 2
- 257-264 Democracy in Lockdown
by Kovács, Kriszta
2020, Volume 85, Issue 6
- 1084-1116 The Variability of Occupational Attainment: How Prestige Trajectories Diversified within Birth Cohorts over the Twentieth Century
by Lersch, Philipp M. & Schulz, Wiebke & Leckie, George
2020, Volume 85, Issue 4
- 1021-1044 Social Innovation in Rural Regions: Older Adults and Creative Community Development
by Noack, Anika & Federwisch, Tobias
2020, Volume 82, Issue 4
- 1321-1336 Information Technology and Political Engagement: Mixed Evidence from Uganda
by Grossman, Guy & Humphreys, Macartan & Sacramone-Lutz, Gabriella
2020, Volume 82, Issue 3
- 934-952 Tied and Troubled: Revisiting Tied Migration and Subsequent Employment
by Krieger, Magdalena
2020, Volume 82, Issue 2
- 566-586 Paternal Part-Time Employment and Fathers' Long-Term Involvement in Child Care and Housework
by Bünning, Mareike
2020, Volume 78, Issue 1
- 1-42 Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing: A Meta-Analysis
by Ohlendorf, Nils & Jacob, Michael & Minx, Jan Christoph & Schröder, Carsten & Steckel, Jan Christoph - 35-51 Choreographies of entrepreneurship: How different formats of co-presence are combined to facilitate knowledge creation in seed accelerator programs
[Choreographien von Unternehmensgründungen: Wie verschiedene Formate physischer Kopräsenz in Seed-Accelerator-Programmen für die Produktion unternehmerischen Wissens kombiniert werden]
by Kuebart, Andreas Sebastian Carl & Ibert, Oliver
2020, Volume 77, Issue 1
- 100-112 Descriptive Analysis of Employment In Azerbaijan: Possibilities of the Dutch Disease
by Niftiyev, Ibrahim
2020, Volume 75, Issue 6=888
- 93-99 Welche Zukunft nach der Corona-Pandemie? Eine Kritik des Zukunftspakets der Bundesregierung
by Simonis, Udo E.
2020, Volume 75, Issue 2=884
2020, Volume 75, Issue 2
2020, Volume 75, Issue 1
- 183-213 Do Benefits from Dynamic Tariffing Rise? Welfare Effects of Real-Time Retail Pricing Under Carbon Taxation and Variable Renewable Electricity Supply
by Gambardella, Christian & Pahle, Michael & Schill, Wolf-Peter
2020, Volume 73, Issue 6
- 411-417 Sozialökologischer Umbau der Weltwirtschaft oder Handelskrieg mit anderen Mitteln? Covid-19 und die Transformation globaler Produktionsnetzwerke
by Butollo, Florian - 438-444 Europäische Arbeitsmarktpolitik nach der Krise
by Schmid, Günther & Schroeder, Wolfgang - 445-453 Wer regiert in der Krise? Demokratie in Zeiten der Pandemie
by Merkel, Wolfgang
2020, Volume 73, Issue 3
2020, Volume 73
- 225351 Time to care? The effects of retirement on informal care provision
by Fischer, Björn & Müller, Kai-Uwe - 234514 The Peculiarities of the Budgetary Policy of Georgia and the Directions of Improvement in Association with EU
by Abuselidze, George & Mamuladze, Linda
2020, Volume 72, Issue S1
- 79-104 Berufliche Aspirationen im Kontext regionaler Berufsstrukturen
[Occupational Aspirations in the Context of Regional Occupational Structures]
by Flohr, Matthias & Menze, Laura & Protsch, Paula - 157-195 Occupational Closure and Wage Inequality: How Occupational Closure Effects Vary Between Workers
[Wie berufliche Schließungseffekte zwischen Arbeitnehmergruppen variieren]
by Giesecke, Johannes & Groß, Martin & Stuth, Stefan - 317-349 Der Einfluss der beruflichen Geschlechtersegregation und beruflicher Arbeitszeitarrangements auf Teilzeitarbeit: Gleiche Übergangsbedingungen für Frauen und Männer?
[The Influence of Occupational Sex Segregation and Occupational Working Time Arrangements on Part-time Work: Equal Opportunities for Women and Men?]
by Althaber, Agnieszka & Leuze, Kathrin - 483-510 No Future, No Training? Explaining Cross-national Variation in the Effect of Job Tasks On Training Participation
[Keine Zukunft, keine Weiterbildung? Zur Erklärung von Länderunterschieden im Effekt von Tätigkeiten auf die Weiterbildungsbeteiligung]
by Ehlert, Martin
2020, Volume 72, Issue 8
- 1352-1377 A brain drain in Russian agriculture? Migration sentiments among skilled Russian rural youth
by Kvartiuk, Vasyl & Petrick, Martin & Bavorova, Miroslava & Bednaříková, Zuzana & Ponkina, Elena
2020, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-54 Wahlprognosen in bewegten Zeiten
by Weßels, Bernhard - 45-48 Zankapfel Übergang Grundschule – Gymnasium: Veränderungen im Bundesländervergleich seit 1949
by Helbig, Marcel & Nikolai, Rita
2020, Volume 70, Issue 51
- 41-45 Das Recht auf Bildung verwirklichen. Herausforderungen für Schule und Bildungspolitik in Deutschland
by Wrase, Michael & Allmendinger, Jutta