2010, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 131-143 Estimation of Value at Risk: extreme value and robust approaches
by Grażyna Trzpiot & Justyna Majewska
2009, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 5-6 Editorial - decision making in politics and business
by Jan W. Owsiński - 7-26 Group judgment with ties. A position-based approach
by Hanna Bury & Dariusz Wagner - 27-46 A cost allocation framework for LP and GLP games
by Mariusz Kaleta & Eugeniusz Toczyłowski - 47-60 Simulation model of consumer decision making
by Agnieszka Kowalska-Styczeń - 61-75 A priori veto power of the president of Poland
by Jacek W. Mercik - 77-91 Applying fuzzy parameters in pricing financial derivatives inspired by Kyoto Protocol
by Piotr Nowak & Maciej Romaniuk - 93-108 Application of an evolutionary algorithm to simulation of the CO2 emission permits market with purchase prices
by Jarosław Stańczak - 110-124 Fairness and squareness: fair decision making rules in the EU Council?
by František Turnovec - 125-140 A compensation-based pricing scheme in markets with non-convexities
by Izabela Żółtowska & Eugeniusz Toczyłowski
2009, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 5-18 Classification of Data Envelopment Analysis models
by Anna Ćwiąkała-Małys & Violetta Nowak - 19-26 Method of determining the value of an electrical energy contract
by Barbara Gładysz - 27-46 Linear versus nonlinear causality for DAX companies
by Henryk Gurgul & Łukasz Lach - 47-63 Important applications of the super-efficiency CCR model to economic analysis
by Bogusław Guzik - 65-85 Use of the input–output matrix to determine the hierarchy of information on the Internet
by Ireneusz Kaczmar - 87-94 Prior distributions for Bayes factors and latent class model selection
by Robert Kapłon - 95-117 A method for selecting an effective investment project portfolio
by Bogdan Rębiasz - 119-128 Method of planning construction projects, taking into account risk factors
by Dariusz Skorupka
2009, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 5-7 Editorial
by David Ramsey - 9-18 Airport interval games and their Shapley value
by Gök Sırma Zeynep Alparslan & Rodica Branzei & Stef Tijs - 19-28 Allocation rules incorporating interval uncertainty
by Rodica Branzei & Marco Dall’Aglio - 29-37 More on one-commodity market games
by Massimiliano Ferrara - 39-49 Cost allocation in partition function form games
by Lech Kruś - 51-74 Large population evolutionary games played within a life history framework
by David Ramsey - 75-104 Measuring conflict and power in strategic settings
by Giovanni Rossi
2009, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-25 The application of Wrocław taxonomy in the comparative analysis of public universities
by Anna Ćwiąkała-Małys - 27-35 Preliminary selection in the decision-making process of venture capital funds
by Aleksandra Grzech - 37-54 Long memory of volatility measures in time series
by Tomasz Wójtowicz & Henryk Gurgul - 55-75 Basic analytical capabilities of the CCR-DEA model
by Bogusław Guzik - 77-90 Probability of ruin for a dependent, two-dimensional Poisson process
by Stanisław Heilpern - 91-101 On new immunization strategies under random shocks on the term structure of interest rates
by Alina Kondratiuk-Janyska & Marek Kaluszka - 103-119 Can tori arise in a two–regional model with fixed exchange rates
by Peter Maličký & Rudolf Zimka - 121-142 Methods of resource management – the case of healthcare
by Justyna Uziałko & Edward Radosiński
2008, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 5-17 The research into the impact of the uncertain factors on the Black–Scholes model parameters
by Aleksandra Anusik - 19-28 Application of regression trees in the analysis of electricity load
by Barbara Gładysz & Dorota Kuchta - 29-46 CCR-DP model with dominated inflation function of inputs
by Bogusław Guzik - 47-60 Scale curve – a robust and nonparametric approach to study a dispersion and interdependence of multivariate distributions
by Daniel Kosiorowski - 61-70 Robust choice of investment projects
by Dorota Kuchta - 71-88 Usability in software manufacturing process
by Rafał Michalski - 89-105 The DEA method in public sector institutions efficiency analysis on the basis of higher education institutions
by Joanicjusz Nazarko & Marta Komuda & Katarzyna Kuźmicz & Elżbieta Szubzda & Joanna Urban - 107-132 Scheduling algorithms of synchronized movement of many objects
by Zbigniew Tarapata
2008, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 5-15 Estimation of long-term project risk during project realization – combination of the earned value and present value methods
by Barbara Gładysz & Dorota Kuchta - 17-32 Forecasting of the financial threat. Predictional value of the Polish models of discrimination analysis
by Mirosław Hamrol & Jarosław Chodakowski - 33-41 Market symphony
by Jacek Juzwiszyn - 43-52 Efficiency of genetic algorithm as forecasting instrument of time series
by Adam Kucharski - 53-69 The efficiency of the marketing planning model in the network organizations
by Katarzyna Rupik - 71-87 Multiples modification in assessment of M&A processes
by Andrzej Rutkowski - 89-105 Research of the New Connect market enterprises economic situation. Methodology and test revision of suggesting models
by Maria Sierpińska & Piotr Szczepankowski - 107-116 Errors in estimation of cost of capital in investment appraisal and their significance
by Tomasz Wiśniewski
2008, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 5-16 The process of costs calculation according to the concept of time-driven activity based costing
by Agnieszka Bojnowska - 17-35 Polish Stock Market and some foreign markets - dependence analysis by copulas
by Henryk Gurgul & Roland Mestel & Robert Syrek - 37-54 Liquidity and liquidity cost vs. bank profitability. A model analysis attempt
by Bogusław Guzik - 55-73 On measuring the sensitivity of the optimal portfolio allocation
by Iwona Konarzewska - 75-86 Balanced Scorecard and Balanced Scorecard for processes and activities – case study of a car dealer
by & Radosław Ryńca - 87-104 Cash flow in corporate bankruptcy. A literature review
by Dariusz Wędzki - 105-109 Power, Freedom and Voting. Essays in honour of Manfred J. Holler - book review
by David Ramsey
2008, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-13 Time-driven activity based costing – an improvement of standard activity based costing
by Agnieszka Bojnowska - 15-33 Measuring efficiency using isoquants in input-productivity space. Multiple-input case
by Bogusław Guzik - 35-45 Genetic algorithms in stock forecasting – deleting outliers
by Adam Kucharski - 47-59 Implementation of Balanced Scorecard for processes and activities
by Dorota Kuchta & Radosław Ryńca - 61-82 Interactive fuzzy numbers arithmetic in financial analyses
by Bogdan Rębiasz - 83-96 Investment decisions and portfolios classifications based on robust methods of estimation
by Grażyna Trzpiot & Justyna Majewska
2007, Volume 17, Issue 3-4
- 5-20 An attempt to create a budget in a state school of higher education
by Anna Ćwiąkała Małys - 21-34 Data Envelopment Analysis – a method for measuring the relative technical efficiency
by Anna Domagała - 35-56 Evaluating the efficiency of decision making units using panel Data Envelopment Analysis – empirical example for Polish commercial banks
by Anna Domagała - 57-70 Efficiency isoquants as a function of input productivities or input – absorption of outputs
by Bogusław Guzik - 71-92 Including substitution of inputs in DEA models
by Bogusław Guzik - 93-110 Balanced scorecard and balanced scorecard for processes and activities
by Dorota Kuchta & Radosław Ryńca - 111-119 Graph reduction method for fuzzy graph
by Izabela Kutschenreiter-Praszkiewicz - 133-145 Analysis of the relationships between indexes on Polish and American Stock Exchange
by Grzegorz Przekota
2007, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 5-14 The generalized sensibility analysis of the profit in a company which produces n-assortments
by Anna Ćwiąkała Małys & Wioletta Nowak - 15-34 The analysis of the short-term power system load forecasting model based on the fuzzy clustering
by Grzegorz Dudek - 35-54 Estimating the economic entities efficiency on the basis of partial efficiency isoquants
by Bogusław Guzik - 55-69 Audit of software quality by valuing method
by Grażyna Hołodnik-Janczura - 71-81 Process approach in Polish companies
by Dorota Kuchta & Radosław Ryńca - 83-103 Models of scheduling synchronized movement of many objects
by Zbigniew Tarapata - 105-119 Trade credit portfolio selection – a markovian approach
by Dariusz Wędzki
2007, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-27 Resource allocation under uncertainty: choice models and computational procedures
by Helena Gaspars - 29-43 Indirect tax revenue curves-consumer demand models point of view. Particular case: asymptotic zero demand models
by Bogusław Guzik - 45-61 Dependent binomial distribution and its application in reinsurance and credits
by Stanisław Heilpern - 63-78 Activity Based Costing: cost analysis of dean’s office at universities
by Agata Klaus & Radosław Ryńca & Michał Kowalski - 79-90 The conditions of decision making in transactions of linked enterprises
by Janusz Kroik & Zbigniew Malara - 91-104 An employee outsourcing profitability in the municipal service
by Zofia Sekuła
2006, Volume 16, Issue 3-4
- 5-27 A conception of a new algorithm for the project time-cost analysis
by Helena Gaspars - 29-56 Long-run properties of trading volume and volatility of equities listed in DJIA index
by Henryk Gurgul & Tomasz Wójtowicz - 57-68 Statistical methods for analysing the relationship between bank profitability and liquidity
by Bogusław Guzik - 69-85 Mean error of prediction for a method of empirical growth extrapolation
by Bogusław Guzik - 87-97 The deficit and the overfilling in a system of ,,Transport–Reserves” type with multi-component non-homogenous transportation
by Mieczysław J. Król & Mirosław Liana - 99-112 An attempt at evaluating the direction and tempo of the transport infrastructure transformation in new EU members and EU aspiring countries
by Karol Kukuła & Jacek Strojny - 113-131 Efficiency and risk of investment projects – probability distribution or possibility distribution
by Bogdan Rębiasz - 133-143 Modelling of risk in the building projects
by Dariusz Skorupka
2006, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 5-30 The impact of institutional investors on risk and stock return autocorrelations in the context of the Polish pension reform
by Henryk Gurgul & Paweł Majdosz - 31-54 Estimation of the Product Life Cycle market model
by Bogusław Guzik - 55-62 The determination of span of control
by Marian Hopej & Janusz Martan - 63-71 The use of time consecrated to the realization of individual activities as a parameter to allocate resources cost to activities in Activity Based Costing
by Michał Kowalski & Dorota Kuchta - 73-80 On some inflation model based on the past price dynamics
by Walter M. Rusin - 81-88 Measuring financial risks under uncertainty
by Grażyna Trzpiot
2006, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-19 Time-cost analysis (CPM-COST). Algorithm versus optimization model
by Helena Gaspars - 21-38 Testing the weak form of efficiency on czech and slovak stock market
by Jana Hančlova & Eva Rublikova - 39-54 Capital accumulation, overlapping generations and dynamic efficiency in pension funding
by Joseph Hanna - 55-72 A retrospective review of categorical data analysis – theory and marketing practice
by Robert Kapłon - 73-83 Testing hypothesis on stability of expected value and variance
by Grzegorz Kończak & Janusz Wywiał - 85-103 Balanced activity scorecard – combination of activity based costing and activity based management with balanced scorecard
by Dorota Kuchta & Radosław Ryńca - 105-111 Probabilities of a lower-limit barrier in the problem of the identification of a barrier in the functioning of a certain inventory storage and issue system
by Jerzy Świątek & Tadeusz Galanc
2005, Volume 15, Issue 3-4
- 7-22 Solving Vehicle Routing Problems with evolutionary algorithms
by Radosław Jadczak - 23-34 On different estimators of a population mean based on ranked sets
by Barbara Kowalczyk - 35-42 Fuzzy solution of the linear programming problem with interval coefficients in the constraints
by Dorota Kuchta - 43-62 Simulation methods for production programming
by Edward Radosiński & Jacek Zabawa - 63-83 Methods of finding the effective portfolio for semi-variance
by Anna Rutkowska-Ziarko - 85-98 Optimal recruitment system of candidates to schools
by Zbigniew Świtalski - 99-111 Co-integrating relationship between terms of trade, money and current account: the Italian evidence
by Giovanna Tagliabue - 129-145 Parametric probabilistic dominance – multicriteria model
by Michał Zawisza
2005, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 5-36 Multiple criteria decision support in organizational and management chosen problems solving
by Wiktor Adamus & Anna Gręda - 37-41 Calculation of decision making probability using probit and logit models
by Barbara Butryn & Marek Fura - 43-52 Modified Shapley-Shubik power index for parliamentary coalitions
by Mariusz Mazurkiewicz & Jacek W. Mercik - 53-58 Lower-limit barrier in the problem of the identification of a barrier in the functioning of a certain inventory storage and issue system
by Jerzy Świątek & Tadeusz Galanc - 59-81 Multivariate analysis of bankruptcy on the example of building industry
by Dariusz Wędzki - 83-90 The multivariate models of the reserves control and their applications
by Aleksander Wojna & Aneta Kłodzińska
2005, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-24 Conditional forecasting of the trade area dimension
by Edward Bieleninik & Jan Mikuś - 25-41 Effect of dividend and repurchase announcements on the Polish stock market
by Henryk Gurgul & Paweł Majdosz - 43-52 Modeling information technology effectiveness
by Aleksander Lotko - 53-70 The model for supporting mediator in bilateral negotiations. Part II
by Tomasz Wachowicz - 71-83 Binomial model of real option valuation
by Zofia Wilimowska & Małgorzata Łukaniuk - 85-95 Real option valuation methods – Black–Scholes models
by Zofia Wilimowska & Małgorzata Łukaniuk
2004, Volume 14, Issue 3-4
- 5-18 A procedure of choice of shares portfolio which is to provide supervision of unsystematic risk
by Tomasz Brzęczek - 19-31 Sampling inspections plans from numerical point of view
by Jindřich Klůfa - 33-51 Implementation of Activity Based Costing method in commercial company – case study
by Dorota Kuchta & Michał Kowalski - 53-66 Single equivalent of double majority voting system
by Jacek Mercik - 67-82 Estimating the fractal dimension of time series of currence values using area division method
by Grzegorz Przekota & Daniel Przekota - 83-89 Process density functions in the problem of the identification of a barrier in the functioning of a certain inventory storage and issue system
by Jerzy Świątek & Tadeusz Galanc - 91-98 Some properties of risk measures
by Grażyna Trzpiot - 99-115 A model for supporting mediator in bilateral negotiations. Part I
by Tomasz Wachowicz
2004, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 5-20 Evaluation of the quality of logistic process of industrial enterprise with modified method of generalized parameter. Part I
by Anna Dobrowolska & Jan Mikuś - 21-36 Evaluation of the quality of logistic process of industrial enterprise with modified method of generalized parameter. Part II
by Anna Dobrowolska & Jan Mikuś - 37-50 Approximation of plane point finite system by a figure being the sum of point and straight line
by Agata Korczak - 51-60 Optimization costs of switching portfolio as transportation problem
by Krzysztof Piasecki - 61-68 Stopping rules for the estimation of the parameters of bivariate and trivariate binominal distributions
by Alessandro Zini
2004, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-19 Determinants of labour demand on the basis of enterprises’ opinions in business survey data
by Aleksandra Gaweł - 21-35 A strategy for the choice of modal response in an interactive decision support system
by Radosław. P. Katarzyniak & Agnieszka Pieczyńska-Kuchtiak - 37-51 The critical chain method in project management – a formal description
by Dorota Kuchta - 53-66 Forecasting the euro/dollar changes using predicted values of stock index: selected econometric models and multilayer perceptron
by Aleksandra Matuszewska & Dorota Witkowska - 67-77 Forecasting of the portfolio profil rate
by Jan Mikuś - 79-91 Remarks on Boston Consulting Group Method (BCG)
by Jan Mikuś & Edward Bieleninik
2003, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 5-6 In memory of Professor Stefan Chanas
by Dorota Kuchta - 7-22 A definition of subjective possibility
by Didier Dubois & Henri Prade & Philippe Smets - 23-31 The transportation problem under probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties
by Ludmiła Dymowa & Marek Dolata - 35-42 Minimization of the expected number of late jobs in a single machine system with fuzzy processing times and fuzzy due dates
by Barbara Gładysz & Dorota Kuchta - 43-47 The two-machine open shop problem with fuzzy processing times
by Barbara Gładysz & Dorota Kuchta - 49-59 Approximation of a fuzzy number preserving entropy-like nonspecifity
by Przemysław Grzegorzewski - 61-73 On probabilistic interpretation of fuzzy numbers
by Stanisław Heilpern - 75-83 On the unknown contribution of Stefan Chanas to the stochastic flow shop analysis
by Jerzy Kamburowski - 85-96 Sensitivity analysis in sequencing problems
by Adam Kasperski - 97-114 Improved solutions for vehicle routing and scheduling with fuzzy time windows and fuzzy goal
by Przemysław Kobylański & Michał Kulej - 115-123 A generalisation of a solution concept for the linear programming problem with interval co-efficients
by Dorota Kuchta - 125-137 The graded numbers in the Analytic Hierarchy Process
by Maria Teresa Lamata - 139-148 Certainty and uncertainty versus precision and vagueness
by Walenty Ostasiewicz - 149-165 Bicriterial fuzzy portfolio selection
by Paweł Sewastianow & Monika Jończyk - 167-183 Solving NP-Hard problems by using fuzzy sets-based heuristics
by José Luis Verdegay & Edmundo Vergara-Moreno - 185-208 Computing efficiently floats of all activities in a series-parallel network with duration intervals
by Paweł Zieliński - 209-213 A review of the book by Prof. Tadeusz Trzaskalik "Introduction to operations research with computer"
by Dorota Kuchta
2003, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 5-18 An application of target costing method in project planning
by Tomasz Błaszczyk - 19-45 Rank estimators for a change-point in Koziol-Green model
by Lenka Koblížková - 47-57 Investigation of seasonal fluctuations in Slovak hotel’s administration
by Peter Laco & Žaneta Šulajowá - 59-68 A prediction operator for the process of introducing products into the market and of a demand for these products
by Jan Mikuś & Krzysztof Janczewski - 69-89 An application of target costing method in project planning
by Iwona Pisz & Zbigniew Banaszak - 91-107 K-partitioning of graph by means of evolutionary algorithm
by Józef Wojnarowski & Stanisław Zawiślak & Szymon Kozik & Grzegorz Frej
2003, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 5-30 Application of neural networks for predicting partial variations effects of the company turnover in the spatial-brand structure. Part II
by Edward Bieleninik & Jan Mikuś - 31-45 Methods of an unobservable categories analysis
by Zofia Mielecka-Kubień - 47-60 Some application of the taxonomy of structures and solutions of co–operative games to the analysis of results of election
by Andrzej Młodak - 61-75 On the problem of paths counting in graphs
by Zbigniew Tarapata - 77-87 The utility function in the models of risk controls
by Aleksander Wojna
2003, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-17 Analysis of effects of social and managerial skills training
by Eva Jarošová & Eva Jarošová - 19-30 On some methodological aspect of the life quality measurement
by Anna Krefft & Tadeusz Galanc & Henryk Filipowski - 31-44 Reducing the number of parameters of a multi-component transportation occurring in store management systems
by Mirosław Liana - 45-58 Forecasting of a general number of the specified product buyers generated by a diffusion model
by Jan Mikuś - 59-77 The assessment of efficiency of a cybernetical and economical system of “transport–resources”
by Tomasz Pisula - 79-89 Fluctuations in an open economy model under fixed exchange rate regime
by Radovan Rusnák & Rudolf Zimka