1999, Volume 19, Issue 7-8
1998, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 343-353 Analysis of marketing mix interaction effects and interdependencies: a normative approach
by Marc Logman & Wilfried Pauwels - 355-363 A model of management teams
by Eduardo Ley & Mark F.J. Steel - 365-376 The efficiency of TVA power distributors
by E. Tylor Claggett & Gary D. Ferrier - 377-382 Thanks for the memories: baseball veterans' end-of-career salaries
by Ira Horowitz & Christopher Zappe - 383-384 OPERATIONS RESEARCH: METHODS, MODELS, AND APPLICATIONS, edited by Aronson, J.E. and Zionts, S., Quorum Books, Westport, CT, 400 pp., $65.00 (cloth)
by J.H. Dulá - 385-385 Association of Financial Economists 17th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 7-9, 2000
by Larry Lang
1998, Volume 19, Issue 4-5
- 201-203 Laboratory economics and managerial decision making
by Stuart Mestelman - 205-223 Demand shocks, advance production and market power: some lessons about markets from the laboratory
by Douglas D. Davis & K. Ramagopal - 225-238 What have we learned from emissions trading experiments?
by R. Andrew Muller & Stuart Mestelman - 239-257 Experiments in decision-making under risk and uncertainty: thinking outside the box
by Steven R. Elliott - 259-275 Extending the lessons of laboratory experiments on tax compliance to managerial and decision economics
by James Alm & Michael McKee - 277-298 Laboratory experiments in corporate and investment finance: a survey
by C. Bram Cadsby & Elizabeth Maynes - 299-310 Absolute and relative rewards for individuals in team production
by David L. Dickinson & R. Mark Isaac - 311-326 Employee versus conventionally-owned and controlled firms: an experimental analysis
by Norman Frohlich & John Godard & Joe A. Oppenheimer & Frederick A. Starke - 327-341 An experimental study of a dynamic principal-agent relationship
by Werner Güth & Wolfgang Klose & Manfred Königstein & Joachim Schwalbach
1998, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 141-156 An economic analysis of matrix structure, using multinational corporations as an illustration
by Tailan Chi & Paul Nystrom - 157-165 Managing gray markets through tolerance of violations: a transaction cost perspective
by Mark Bergen & Jan B. Heide & Shantanu Dutta - 167-177 EPA enforcement, firm response strategies, and stockholder wealth: an empirical examination
by J.C. Bosch & E. Woodrow Eckard & Insup Lee - 179-187 Forecasting among alternative strategies in the management of uncertainty
by Tobias F. Rötheli - 189-195 Whom to license patented technology
by Sang-Seung Yi - 197-199 Book Review: TITAN: THE LIFE OF JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, SR., by Chernow, R., New York: Random House, 1998
by W.F. Shughart - 199-200 Book Review: THE SOURCES OF ECONOMIC GROWTH, by Nelson, R.R., Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996
by R.N. Langlois
1998, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 71-79 Valuation effects of foreign divestitures
by Stephen F. Borde & Jeff Madura & Aigbe Akhigbe - 81-120 Price adjustment at multiproduct retailers
by Daniel Levy & Shantanu Dutta & Mark Bergen & Robert Venable - 121-126 Does it pay to venture abroad? Exporting behavior and the performance of firms in Indian industry
by Pradeep K. Chhibber & Sumit K. Majumdar - 127-135 Interest rate risk and utility risk premia during 1982-93
by S. Keith Berry - 137-137 Book Review: POWER STRUCTURE: OWNERSHIP, INTEGRATION, AND COMPETITION IN THE U.S. ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY, by Kwoka, J.E., Jr., Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996
by Henry E. Kilpatrick, Jr - 137-138 Book Review: THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF MERGERS, by Coate, M.B. and Rodriguez, A.E., Monterey, CA: Center for Trade and Commercial Policy, Monterey Institute of International Studies, 1997
by Francois Melese - 139-140 Book Review: VERTICAL INTEGRATION IN CABLE TELEVISION, by Waterman, D. and Weiss, A.A., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997
by Alden F. Abbott
1998, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-11 Does it matter that the prosecutor is also the judge? The administrative complaint process at the Federal Trade Commission
by Malcolm B. Coate & Andrew N. Kleit - 13-30 Growth opportunities, corporate governance and the market value of multinational joint ventures
by Michael A. Fröhls & Art Keown & Mark McNabb & John Martin - 31-41 Corporate groups, liquidity, and overinvestment by Belgian firms quoted on the Brussels stock exchange
by Marc Deloof - 43-54 The status of the core in the airline industry: the case of the European market
by Andreas Antoniou - 55-58 Analysis of divisional profitability using the residual income profile: a note on cash flows and rates of growth
by Dimitrios V. Kousenidis & Christos I. Negakis & Iordanis N. Floropoulos - 59-62 A spreadsheet application of Dorfman and Steiner's rule for optimal advertising
by Charles E. Hegji - 63-64 Book review: Money for nothing: politicians, rent extraction, and political extortion, by McChesney, F.S., Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 1997
by J. High - 65-66 Book review: Stee-rike four! What's wrong with the business of baseball? by Marburger, D.R.(ed.), Westport, CT and London: Praeger Publisher, 1997
by B. Goff
1997, Volume 18, Issue 7-8
- 519-528 Protection of minority interest and the development of security markets
by Franco Modigliani & Enrico Perotti - 529-544 Privatization success and failure: finance theory and regulation in the transitional economies of Albania and the Czech Republic
by Michael A. Goldstein - 545-561 The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: the stock market casts its vote…
by D. Katherine Spiess & Paula A. Tkac - 563-586 Shareholder litigation: share price movements, news releases, and settlement amounts
by James D. Beck & Sanjai Bhagat - 587-599 The causes and consequences of accounting fraud
by Mason Gerety & Kenneth Lehn - 601-610 Institutional investors and corporate monitoring: a demand-side perspective
by Jonathan R. Macey - 611-626 Explaining the shape of corporate law: the role of competition
by William J. Carney - 627-643 Corporate value and ownership structure in the post-takeover period: what role do institutional investors play
by Steven L. Jones & Darrell Lee & James G. Tompkins - 645-666 Limits on managerial discretion in management buyouts: the effectiveness of institutional, market and legal mechanisms
by John Easterwood & Anju Seth & Ronald Singer - 667-679 Why both insider trading and non-mandatory disclosures should be prohibited
by Naveen Khanna - 681-692 State antitakeover legislation and firm financial policy
by William N. Pugh & John S. Jahera - 693-708 Management optimism and corporate acquisitions: evidence from insider trading
by Ekkehart Boehmer & Jeffry M. Netter - 709-718 Stock price volatility, transactions costs and securities transactions taxes
by Allen B. Atkins & Edward A. Dyl - 719-729 Investor self-selection: evidence from a mutual fund survey
by Gordon J. Alexander & Jonathan D. Jones & Peter J. Nigro - 731-745 Stock-price reaction to equity issues of utilities: the influence of regulatory climate
by Greg Filbeck & Raymond F. Gorman & Gautam Vora
1997, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 417-420 Firm response to environmental regulation and environmental pressures
by Mark A. Cohen - 421-431 Firm ownership patterns and motives for voluntary pollution control
by Jon D. Harford - 433-442 EPA's toxic release inventory: stimulus and response
by Jeffrey C. Terry & Bruce Yandle - 443-453 Sustainability and corporate environmental focus: an analysis of Danish small and medium sized companies
by Henning Madsen & Knud Sinding & John P. Ulhøi - 455-469 Schumpeterian competition and environmental R&D
by John T. Scott - 471-489 Organizational strategy, managerial decision-making, and market-based environmental policies: utility company bidding behavior in the sulfur dioxide allowance trading auctions
by Douglas J. Lober & Michael Bailey - 491-506 'Green money' in the bank: firm responses to environmental financial responsibility rules
by James Boyd - 507-516 Environmental taxation: a green stick or a green carrot for corporate social performance?
by Alain Verbeke & Chris Coeck
1997, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 349-365 The effects of corporate antitakeover provisions on long-term investment: empirical evidence
by James M. Mahoney & Chamu Sundaramurthy & Joseph T. Mahoney - 367-374 The economic causes and consequences of corporate divestiture
by Myeong-Hyeon Cho & Mark A. Cohen - 375-381 Optimal ticket pricing for performance goods
by Daniel R. Marburger - 383-389 Testing the convergence hypothesis for Greece
by Costas Siriopoulos & Dimitrios Asteriou - 391-398 R&D in a strategic delegation game
by Jianbo Zhang & Zhentang Zhang - 399-411 The virtue of human universals and cooperation: a review essay of Matt Ridley's The Origins of Virtue
by Lívia Markóczy & Jeff Goldberg - 413-414 Book review: Privatizing Transportation Systems, edited by Hakim, S., Seidenstat, P. and Bowman, G., Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1996
by Wayne K. Talley - 414-416 Book review: The economic laws of scientific research, by Kealey, T., Houndmills, Hampshire: Macmillan Press and New York: St Martin's Press, 1996
by William F. Shughart II
1997, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 279-294 The Structuring of Interfirm Exchanges in Business Know-How: Evidence from International Collaborative Ventures
by Tailan Chi & Thomas W. Roehl - 295-308 Managerial Efficiency, Managerial Succession and Organizational Performance
by John L. Fizel & Michael P. D'Itri - 309-327 A Pilot Exploration of Random Period Duration in Experimental Financial Markets: A Treatment Variable?
by Darren Duxbury - 329-334 Efficient Intertemporal Utility Pricing under Uncertainty
by L. Dean Hiebert - 335-342 A Note on the Pythagorean Theorem of Baseball Production
by John Ruggiero & Lawrence Hadley & Gerry Ruggiero & Scott Knowles - 343-344 Pythagoras's Petulant Persecutors
by Ira Horowitz - 345-346 BOOK REVIEW: CURB RIGHTS: A FOUNDATION FOR FREE ENTERPRISE IN URBAN TRANSIT, by Klein, D. B., Moore, A. T. and Reja, B., Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1997
by Paul A. Pautler
1997, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 209-225 Competition and market power in the European airline industry: 1976-90
by Purvez F. Captain & Robin C. Sickles - 227-234 Life cycle cost: an individual consumer's perspective
by Yehoshua Liebermann & Meyer Ungar - 235-245 Do supervisory inputs matter in a capital-intensive industry? Some evidence from a Japanese car transplant
by Murugappa Krishnan & Ashok Srinivasan - 247-254 Market structure and the value of growth
by Keith W. Chauvin & Mark Hirschey - 255-269 Asset specificity, unionization and the firm's use of debt
by Joseph K. Cavanaugh & John Garen - 271-272 Book review: The ownership of enterprise, by Hansmann, H., Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996
by William F. Shughart - 273-274 Book review: Regulations, institutions, and commitment: comparative studies of telecommunications, by Levy, B. and Spiller, P. T. (eds), New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996
by J. P. Singh
1997, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 71-72 Japanese Technology Management: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Masao Nakamura - 73-85 Inventory Reduction and Productivity Growth: A Comparison of Japanese and US Automotive Sectors
by Marvin B. Lieberman & Shigeru Asaba - 87-100 Japanese-American Joint Restructuring of National Steel Corporation
by Yoshi Tsurumi & Hiroki Tsurumi - 101-112 The Concept and Practice of the Production Seat System
by Takayoshi Tamura & Seiichi Fujita & Takeo Kuga - 113-129 Target Costing Performance Based on Alternative Participation and Evaluation Methods: A Laboratory Experiment
by Yasuhiro Monden & Mahmuda Akter & Naoto Kubo - 131-139 Top-down Production Management: A Recent Trend in the Japanese Productivity-enhancement Movement
by W. Mark Fruin & Masao Nakamura - 141-152 Issues on Japan's Intellectual Product
by Takanobu Nakajima & Koichi Hamada - 153-175 Does Culture Matter in Inter-Firm Cooperation? Research Consortia in Japan and the USA
by Masao Nakamura & Ilan Vertinsky & Charlene Zietsma - 177-193 Optoelectronics in Japan: A Market Evaluation of Government High-Technology Policy
by Gary R. Saxonhouse - 195-208 Environmental Management in Japan: Applications of Input-Output Analysis to the Emission of Global Warming Gases
by Hitoshi Hayami & Masao Nakamura & Mikio Suga & Kanji Yoshioka
1997, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-10 Do institutional shareholders police management?
by Paul Clyde - 11-26 Japanese Equity Market Response to U.S. Administered Protection Decisions
by Richard K. Harper & William L. Huth - 27-31 Two-stage Budgeting as an Economic Decision-making Process for Spanish Consumers
by José Alberto Molina - 33-46 The Limitations of Signalling by the Choice of Accounting Methods
by Ann Gaeremynck - 47-53 A Note on Fixed Costs and the Profitability of Depository Intermediaries
by Iftekhar Hasan & Stephen D. Smith - 55-60 Information Revelation via Takeovers in Correlated Environments
by Rudolf Kerschbamer - 61-64 Book review: Contrived Competition, by Vietor, R.H.K, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1994
by Roger Sherman - 64-66 Book review: The Emerging New Order in Natural Gas: Markets versus Regulation, by De Vany, A.S. and Walls, W.T., Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995
by Thomas Peyton Lyon - 66-68 Book review: Real Options: Managerial Flexibilty and Strategy in Resource Allocation, by Trigeorgis, L., Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1996
by Stephen C. Henry
July/August 1994, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 279-289 Paying for performance: Efficiency wages and mutuality
by Hilary Ingham & Steve Thompson - 291-298 How do large minority shareholders wield control?
by David A. Butz - 299-315 An empirical analysis of the corporate control, tax and incentive motivations for adopting leveraged employee stock ownership plans
by Anne Beatty - 317-327 Shareholder wealth effects when an officer of one corporation joins the board of directors of another
by Stuart Rosenstein & Jeffrey G. Wyatt - 329-340 Firm performance and board composition: Some new evidence
by Scott W. Barnhart & M. Wayne Marr & Stuart Rosenstein - 341-357 Evidence on the effects of hostile and friendly tender offers on employment
by Diane Kowalski Denis - 359-368 Ownership structure and board composition: A multi‐country test of agency theory predictions
by Jiatao Li - 369-381 Managerial incentives for undertaking exchange offers
by Yash P. Joshi & Anil K. Makhija - 383-397 The theory of corporate takeover bids: A subgame perfect approach
by Suresh Deman
May 1990, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 73-86 An analysis of shareholder rights plans
by John S. Strong & John R. Meyer - 87-98 Resale price maintenance in a model of consumer search
by Jonathan H. Hamilton - 99-109 Strategic groupings as competitive benchmarks for formulating future competitive strategy: A modelling approach
by K. Ravi Kumar & Howard Thomas & Avi Fiegenbaum - 111-121 Unplanned buying and in‐store stimuli in supermarkets
by Russell Abratt & Stephen Donald Goodey - 123-125 A model for sealed‐bid auctions with independent private value and common value components
by J. Richard Harrison - 127-130 Competition, regulation and bribery: A further note
by Da‐Hsiang Donald Lien - 131-139 The theory of industrial organization by Tirole, Jean. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988, pp. xii, 479, isbn 0–262‐20071‐6
by Marius Schwartz
December 1988, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 257-262 Concentration ratios, strategy and performance: The case of the Norwegian telecommunications industry
by Kjell Grønhaug & Tor Fredriksen - 263-268 Evaluating capital investment projects
by Moshe Ben‐Horim & Narayanaswamy Sivakumar - 269-273 Production theory with profit‐constrained revenue‐maximization: The duality approach
by Nava Kahana & Shmuel Nitzan - 275-278 Risk aversion, forward markets and the competitive labor‐managed firm under price uncertainty
by Leonard F. S. Wang & David C. Bowles - 279-281 Costs and goals of the multiproduct firm
by George W. Ladd - 283-285 Welfare effects from non‐linear taxation of multiproduct monopoly
by Brian D. Kluger - 287-290 Portfolio selection in thinly traded environments—a case study
by Graham D. I. Barr & David J. Bradfield - 291-300 Firm‐level determinants of export intensity
by B. B. Schlegelmilch & J. N. Crook - 301-309 The pricing of electricity in South Africa: A critical assessment of the De Villiers Commission of inquiry
by Brian Kantor - 311-330 Informational efficiency tests of quarterly macroeconometric GNP forecasts from 1976 to 1985
by Frederick L. Joutz - 331-338 Decision making in the multiproduct firm: Adaptability and firm organization
by Lawrence J. Haber & David T. Levy
March 1988, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-19 The determinants and effects of actual, abandoned and contested mergers
by P. Holl & J. F. Pickering - 21-25 Corporate control and management compensation: Evidence on the agency problem
by Edward A. Dyl - 27-34 New public stock issues by seasoned and unseasoned firms: A comparative analysis in a turbulent environment—the case of israel
by Ran Barniv & Samuel B. Bulmash - 35-40 Between markets and hierarchies: The multinational operations of Japanese general trading companies
by Peter Enderwick - 41-47 Government subsidies and the value of the firm
by Sasson Bar‐Yosef & Yoram Landskroner - 49-58 Competition in the brewing industry: Does further concentration imply collusion?
by Andrew J. Chalk - 59-63 Risk, rent seeking and the social cost of monopoly power
by Joseph M. Jadlow & Janice W. Jadlow - 65-73 Financial markets and the limits of regulation
by Richard A. Wall & Michael Gort - 75-76 Investment performance of Canadian real estate stocks using sharpe's performance index: A comment
by Charles Bram Cadsby - 77-82 Profit maximization and marketing strategies: Demand rotation and social influences
by C. J. Aislabie & C. A. Tisdell - 83-85 The source and consequences of stop orders: A conjecture
by Adrian E. Tschoegl
March 1983, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-15 Business behaviour and management structure—1: A case study comparison of managerial initiative and control in four industrial enterprises
by A. L. Minkes & C. S. Nuttall - 16-34 Business behaviour and management structure—2: A case study comparison of managerial initiative in four industrial enterprises
by A. L. Minkes & C. S. Nuttall - 35-39 An iterative method for determining the internal rate of return
by Franklin Lowenthal - 40-43 Alternative sources of technology: An analysis of induced innovations
by Albert N. Link - 44-49 Theory and history in marketing
by Jerry Kirkpatrick - 50-62 Cost‐benefit evaluation of a new technology for treatment of peptic ulcer disease
by Morton L. Paterson
December 1982, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 177-187 Efficiency and regulation: A basis for reform: 2nd annual MDE lecture, Pace University, Graduate School of Business, New York City, USA
by Michael A. Crew - 188-193 A note on profitability as a measure of company efficiency
by A. T. O'Donnell & J. K. Swales - 194-204 Multinationalization in the pharmaceutical industry as a response to national health policies
by Günter Heiduk - 205-212 Workers' co‐operatives in Denmark
by Donald A. R. George - 213-217 Managerial considerations in evaluating the role of licensing in technological development strategies
by Bela Gold - 218-224 New firms and employment creation
by P. S. Johnson & R. B. Thomas - 225-232 Distribution, efficiency and incentives in organizations
by Felix R. Fitzroy - 233-243 Product strategy and size of firm in the UK fertilizer market
by R. W. Shaw - 244-250 Appropriate index number formulae for productivity measurement at the plant/organizational level
by M. S. Silver - 251-251 Vehicle safety inspection systems: How effective?
by Brian Summers - 251-252 Industrial innovation in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States
by Bruce Williams
September 1982, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 117-121 Activity analysis with activity switching
by Michael J. Panik - 122-130 The regulation of the UK pharmaceutical industry: A cost‐benefit analysis
by Keith Hartley & Alan Maynard - 131-139 Innovations and market structure in West German industries
by M. Neumann & I. Böbel & A. Haid - 140-147 Quantity and price controls by the firm under demand uncertainty and welfare implications
by Zvi Adar & Ruth Arad - 148-156 The cotton weaving industry in European countries: Size of firm, static and dynamic efficiency
by Paolo Giuiuzza & Sergio Mariotti - 157-163 Concentration, unionization and the distribution of income in Canadian manufacturing industry
by Abraham Hollander - 164-171 Monitoring multinationals in Scotland: Some preliminary evidence on appraising corporate behaviour
by Neil Hood & David Stewart & Stephen Young - 172-173 Monopoly in money and inflation: The case for a constitution to discipline government
by Roger Sandilands - 173-175 Industrial location and regional systems
by R. Rothschild & H. W. Armstrong - 175-176 International production and the multinational enterprise
by Peter J. Buckley
March 1982, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-6 Production theory, uncertain prices and investment portfolios
by Lawrence J. Haber & Meir Statman - 7-15 The firm's insurance decision. Some questions raised by the capital asset pricing model
by Brian G. M. Main - 16-23 Management in Japanese society
by Kanji Asakura - 24-29 Economies of scale in advertising
by Mark Hirschey - 30-35 Reflections on the relative economic decline of the United Kingdom
by Gordon R. Fryers & Peter A. O'Donnell - 36-40 A sensitivity analysis of expected profitability of pharmaceutical research and development
by Henry Grabowski & John Vernon - 41-47 The bounds of entrepreneurship: Inter‐organizational relationships in the process of industrial innovation
by A. L. Minkes & G. R. Foxall - 48-51 Opportunity costs: Their place in the theory and practice of production
by Oscar W. Jensen - 52-52 Industry, prices and markets
by Ronald Savitt - 52-53 Fundamentals of managerial economics
by W. Guy Scott - 53-54 The economics of industrial organisation
by W. Duncan Reekie - 54-55 Business economics for engineers
by Stephen Hill - 55-56 Incomes policies, inflation and relative pay
by K. I. Sams
December 1981, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 197-210 The eclectic theory of international production: A case study of the international hotel industry
by John H. Dunning & Matthew McQueen - 211-219 A test of internalization theory
by Alan M. Rugman - 220-228 The determinants of foreign direct investment: An analysis of US manufacturing industries
by Thomas A. Pugel - 229-246 Market servicing by multinational manufacturing firms: Exporting versus foreign production
by Peter J. Buckley & Robert D. Pearce - 247-255 Multinational corporations: Trade and investment across the East‐West divide
by Stanley J. Paliwoda - 256-262 Foreign exchange risk: Relevance and management
by Christine R. Hekman - 263-271 The cost of capital in the international firm
by Ian H. Giddy - 272-272 Combating managerial obsolescence
by David Murray - 273-274 Variety, equity and efficiency‐product variety in an industrial society
by Erich Kaufer - 274-275 The international supply of medicines: Implications of US regulatory reform
by W. Duncan Reekie
September 1981, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 129-132 Can managerial economics aid the chief executive officer?: 1st annual MDE lecture, Pace University, Graduate School of Business, New York City, USA
by Wm. Howard Beasley III - 133-138 The sales response to advertising: A reconsideration
by Brian Sturgess & Robert Young - 139-144 A new approach to peak load pricing
by Robert S. Main - 145-159 Labour market segmentation and wage dynamics
by Christoph Deutschmann - 160-168 Product liability: The special problem of medicines
by A. D. W. Massam - 169-178 Technical change, inflation and pricing decisions
by Robert Shone - 179-185 The causes and development of health care system costs: The danish experience
by P. E. Pyndt - 186-191 Robustness as a corporate objective under uncertainty
by Neil Dorward & Paul Wiedemann