2024, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-14 Comprehensive Review on Social and Environmental Practices in GVCs
by Belabbas Iméne - 15-26 Challenges of the Accounting Profession in Accounting Systems Connected to Taxation: Business Taxation in Romania Compared to Hungary
by State Violeta & Voinea Cristina-Maria & Tănase Loredana-Cristina & Pajrok Andor - 27-42 The Impact of Personal Data on Motivating Human Resources Performance- a Case Study of Electricity and Gas Distribution Corporation Algeria
by Kina Abdelhafid & Djenouhat Assia - 43-58 Digital Marketing and E-Commerce in AI Era
by Purcărea Ioan-Matei - 59-66 Promotion and Adaptation of Agricultural Investments in Morocco in the Face of Climate Change: Challenges and Sustainable Strategies
by Essalhi Khadija & Kartobi Salah-Eddine - 67-80 Event Promotion of Tourist Destinations using Local Ethnical Particularities
by Kandzija Vinko & Marcu Laura & Cucui Gabriel - 81-94 Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing a Universal Social Health Protection Model: a Comparative Analysis of Low, Middle, and High-Income Countries
by Moussane Aboutayeb & Elazzouzi Mohamed - 95-102 The Effective Business Model: some Theoretical and Practical Considerations
by Mihaylova Lyudmila & Papazov Emil - 103-108 In Foresight, the Economic Future Sometimes Conjugated in the Past Tense. Some Lessons from Experience
by Redslob Alain - 109-118 The BRICS Prepare the New International Order
by Negreponti-Delivanis Maria
2024, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-14 Nexus between Unemployment, Income Inequality, Political Stability, and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study of the Nepalese Economy
by Arjun Kumar Dahal & Prem Bahadur Budhathoki & Ganesh Bhattarai - 15-26 The Role of Coaching in University Start-Up Creation: A Study of Students from Badji Mokhtar Annaba University
by Afif Hana & Belaid Mohamed Mouloud & Radu Valentin - 27-38 Forced Fiscal Regulation: Impact Factors and Efficiency
by Butmalai Valentina & Săracu Alina-Florentina & Susanu Irina & Abedin Bahareh - 39-52 Varying Levels of Financial and Non-Financial Information Disclosure in the European Union - FSE and BSE Analysis
by Tăbîrcă Alina Iuliana & Djaouahdou Réda - 53-72 The Effect of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation and Organizational Performance in Public Sector Organizations
by Sokolic Danijela & Croitoru Gabriel & Florea Nicoleta Valentina & Robescu Valentina Ofelia & Cosac Alexandru - 73-86 Romanian Tourism Branding Model
by Ștefan Maria-Cristina & Ionescu Luiza & Andreiana Violeta-Andreea - 87-94 The Role and Importance of the Financial Audit Report in the Decision-Making Process in Audited Companies
by Voinea Cristina Maria & State Violeta & Coman Dan Marius & Dascălu Ana-Maria - 95-104 The Impact of Demographic Evolutions on the Pension System in Romania
by Mocanu Florina & Istudor Ileana Iulia & Drăgoi Elena-Violeta & Preda Larisa Elena - 105-118 The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
by Duică Mircea Constantin & Vasciuc Săndulescu Cristina Gabriela & Panagoreț Dragoș - 119-130 The Impact of Legislative Changes in the Educational Environment Concerning the Bullying Phenomenon
by Mihai Vasile Iuliana & Hrestic Maria-Luiza & Nicolae Stan Ana-Maria
December 2023, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-14 The Correlation Between the Principal’s Leadership Style and the Commitment of Teachers in Arab Schools in Israel
by Hiba Khadija - 15-22 Potential Years of Life Lost and Its Implication on Economic Output: Assessment of OECD Members and Candidate Countries for the Period 1993-2018
by Leiva Perez William H. - 23-38 Investment Risk – Bibliometric Analysis at the Level of EU States
by Bratiloveanu Alexandra & Ignat Nicoleta Daniela & Croitoru Ionuț Marius - 39-48 Operationalizing Business Strategy by Questioning
by Papazov Emil & Mihaylova Lyudmila - 49-54 Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Impact of Implementing an Integrated Territorial Approach for Regional Development
by Stoyanova Mariela - 55-72 The Impact of Effective Leadership in the Digital Age on Organizational Effectiveness
by Croitoru Gabriel & Cumpanaşu Vasile & Cosac Alexandru & Croitoru Mihai Bogdan - 73-86 Coordination of Communication Budget with Marketing Objectives in the Banking Sector
by Manea Miruna Ioana & Marcu Laura - 87-100 Forensic Accounting, a Tool for Detecting and Preventing the Economic Fraud
by Anghel Gabriela & Poenaru Cristina-Elena - 101-110 Social Innovation – a Powerful Statement from Companies for a Sustainable Environment
by Barb Roxana-Maria - 111-129 Climate Change and Population Growth Rate: any Implications for Economic Growth in Nigeria?
by Kareem Rasaki Olufemi & Isiaq Temitope Shukrat & Fabunmi Boluwatife Esther & Taiwo Abdulqodir Babatunde
July 2023, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-6 Blockchain Governance: Challenges and Opportunities for Decentralized Decision-Making
by Wehbe Kassam & Popescu Constanța - 7-16 Change, Catalyst for a Quality Education in the Public Education System
by Diaconu Nicușor & Diaconu Stănciulescu Melania Andreea & Dragnea Alexandrescu Nicoleta-Aura - 17-24 Integration of Digital Technology in Enterprises
by Ionescu Luiza & Founanou Mathurin & Toma Maria - 25-36 Mathematical Modelling Designed for Monitoring Traceability and Quality Statistical Control in Romanian SMEs
by Mircea Raul Bogdan & Lile Ramona & Tucu Dumitru & Gal Lucian & Babanatsas Theoharis - 39-46 Ensuring the Population with Medical Services in Disadvantaged Areas, a Challenge for the Medical Staff
by Minciună Grigore Silvia & Stegăroiu Ion - 47-59 From Digitization to Artificial Intelligence in External Public Audit
by Lazăr Pleşa Teodora & Popescu Constanța & Pleşa Iliodor Tiberiu - 59-66 Digitization of the Educational Environment-an Inevitable Change
by Bondac Georgiana-Tatiana & Hrestic Luiza-Maria - 67-76 The Impact of Monetary Policy on Bank Lending in Romania in the Context of Covid-19
by Drăgoi Violeta Elena & Preda Larisa Elena & Dincă Diaconu Lavinia Roxana & Dincu Ana-Mariana - 77-90 Qualitative Analysis of Teleworking Research – an International Overview
by Zhan Xiaoyu & Wang Fang & Popescu Delia-Mioara - 91-104 Crowdfunding: Study of the Viability of a New Method of Financing Small and Medium Enterprises in Algeria
by Zouambi Anaïs Radja & Bouchetara Mehdi & Zerouti Messaoud
October 2022, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-18 Exploring the Position of Modern Technologies in Activating the Remote Audit Approach in Light of the Corona Pandemic - a Big 4 Case Study –
by Tebergaoui Nabila Nehla & Djaouahdou Reda & Benhaoues Karima & Tăbîrcă Alina Iuliana - 19-32 Start-ups and Business Accelerators in Algeria: Financing and Marketing
by Fetni Said & Barhoum Hadjer - 33-42 Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth in WAEMU Countries: an Empirical Analysis using Panel Data
by Moussavou Ferdinand - 43-54 Leadership Influence on Work Satisfaction Level in COVID-19 times in Romanian SMES
by Sanda Cristina Maria & Stegăroiu Ion & Sanda Grigorie - 55-66 The Need to Implement Change in Educational Leadership
by Anghel Blidaru Roxana Maria - 67-76 The Management of the Corruption Phenomenon and its Approaches
by Ghibanu Ionuț Adrian & Ștefan Maria Cristina & Andreiana Violeta Andreea & Stoica Georgiana - 77-82 A Critical Analysis of the Current Financial Statements and How they Manage to Provide or Imagine Faithfully to Complete the Market Value of the Companies
by Dumitru Soare Cati-Loredana & Gîju George Ciprian & Drăgoi Violeta Elena & Preda Larisa - 83-92 Competitive Strategies on the Romanian Market. A Possible Case Study
by Ivan Cornelia Denisa & Marcu Laura & Savu Bogdan Cătălin - 93-100 Analysis of the Profitability of an SME from the Perspective of Quality Management
by Mircea Raul Bogdan - 101-112 The Impact of ISO 56000 Standard on Managerial Practices towards Sustainable Development - A Prospective Study on an Algerian International Port Company -
by Rezak Rayane & Djenouhat Assia & Kherbachi Hamid
April 2022, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-14 Adaptation of Dâmbovița Educational Services to Students needs in the Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic
by Ștefan Maria-Cristina & Andreiana Violeta-Andreea & Stoica Georgiana Daniela & Ghibanu Adrian Ionuț - 15-24 Analysis of the Financial Leverage Effect in the Context of Interest Rates Increase
by Ionescu Luiza & Toma Maria & Founanou Mathurin - 25-32 Analysis on the Impact of Business Support Measures Regarding the Continuity of Economic Activity in Pandemic Context
by Voinea Cristina -Maria & State Violeta & Coman Dan Marius - 33-42 Combining Pedagogical Methods with Marketing Techniques to Increase Youth Attachment to Educational Institutions
by Furdui Monica & Marcu Laura & Sula Ledia - 43-54 Considerations regarding the Accounting of Value Added Tax – National Particularities within the European Context
by Necula Anda Ileana & Manole Andrei Marcel & Şenchea Florea Anca Daniela & Stancu Liţă Izabela - 55-66 COVID 19 Pandemic and the Reaction of the Supreme Audit Institutions. Lessons Learned at the End of the Pandemic
by Lazăr Pleşa Teodora Nicoleta & Popescu Constanța & Pleşa Iliodor Tiberiu - 67-74 Evolution and Professional Revolution for Accounting Professionals
by Boharu Mircea Mihaela-Raluca & Savu Andreea-Cristina & Diana Bolcu Leliana & Nicolic Deian - 75-88 Increasing the Efficiency of The Romanian Tourism Sector by Improving the Service Management and using Mathematical Modeling
by Sayin Ferhan & Croitoru Gabriel & Robescu Valentina Ofelia & Florea Nicoleta Valentina - 89-102 Tertiary Education in Europe. What is Romania’s place?
by Zaharia Marian & Gogonea Rodica Manuela & Bălăcescu Aniela & Păunescu Loredana Maria & Aydin Halil Ibrahim - 103-114 The Position of Romania within the European Union Budget in the Context of the Crisis caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Drăgoi Violeta Elena & Preda Larisa Elena
July 2019, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 7-19 Electricity Supply and Economic Diversification in Nigeria (1981-2016)
by Ajibola Akinyemi A. & Isiaka Muideen A. & Nnoli Ikenna T. & Abimbola Christiana A. - 21-28 Aspects of the Evolution of the Romanian Tourists’ Preferences Concerning the Domestic Tourist Destinations
by Bălăcescu Aniela & Zaharia Radu Șerban - 29-38 Obtaining Value and Performance by Managing Effectively the Customers’ Complaints
by Duica Mircea Constantin & Florea Nicoleta Valentina & Dobrescu Tiberiu Alexandru - 39-50 Neuro-Linguistic Programming: History, Conception, Fundamentals and Objectives
by Furduescu Bogdan-Alexandru - 51-64 Human Capital Development and Macroeconomic Performance in Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach
by Maku Olukayode E. & Ajike Emmanuel O. & Chinedu Solomon - 65-72 Leadership in the Digital Era
by Mihai Roxana-Lucia & Creţu Alina - 73-78 Dashboard – Control and Pilot Instrument in the Romanian Patrimonial Entities
by Toma Maria - 79-88 The Role and the Importance of Human Resources in Obtaining Organization Performances
by Popescu Constanța & Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana & Grapă Bogdana Gabriela - 89-98 Study Regarding the Respect of Professional Ethics and Deontology in the Promotion of Accounting Services in Romania
by State Violeta & Tănase Loredana Cristina & Petre Raluca-Georgiana - 99-106 Agile Time Management as an Innovation in an Enterprise
by Łęgowik-Małolepsza Małgorzata - 107-118 Qualitative Research in WoS of the Link between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance
by Tăbîrcă Alina Iuliana & Ivan Oana Raluca & Radu Florin & Djaouahdou Réda - 119-124 Unveiling the Theoretical Mistakes in the World Bank Formation and its Implication on Survival of Africa Monetary Union
by Shobande Olatunji Abdul & Mark Kingsley Chinonso
November 2018, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 7-16 The Sharing Economy and Sustainability: a Case Study of India
by Kaushal Leena Ajit - 17-24 The Corelation between Labour Market and Education – Results of a Comparative Study Conducted in the Hungarian, Romanian and British Educational Systems
by Máthé Ilona - 25-32 IoT and EU Law – E-Human Security
by Tăbuşcă Alexandru & Tăbuşcă Silvia-Maria & Garais Gabriel - 33-44 The Populist Political Parties and their Overthrow in the Prevalent Order
by Negreponi-Delivanis Maria - 45-56 Competitiveness for Knowledge Society: from Nature to New Developments and Challenges
by Hadjitchoneva Juliana & Ivanov Angel & Hadjiev Kristian - 57-68 Entrepreneurial Education - a New Challenge for Universities in Romania
by Croitoru Gabriel & Duica Mircea Constantin & Manolache Dorin Claudiu & Banu Mihaela Ancuta - 69-82 Innovative Model of Management and University Quality through Results Indicators; the KPI’s Cross Impact Matrix of the Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins
by Escobar Claudio Ruff & Toledo Marcelo Ruiz - 83-94 The Role of Computerized Solutions in Consolidating Financial Results from the European and Anglo-Saxon Accounting Systems
by Stoica Raluca & Stefan Veronica - 95-108 Aspects of Innovation and Technology Transfer in Romania
by Stanciu Silvius - 109-114 Managerial Accounting - an Essential Component of the Information System
by Andrei Gheorghe & Gâlmeanu Raluca & Radu Florin - 115-126 Enabling Customer-Centricity and Relationship Management using Net Promoter Score
by Florea Nicoleta Valentina & Tănăsescu Dorina Antoneta & Duică Anişoara - 127-138 Integrated Reporting in the Context of Corporate Governance. Case study on the Adoption of Integrated Reporting of Romanian Companies listed on BSE
by Ivan Oana Raluca
April 2018, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 7-16 Peer-to-Peer Learning Networks, Source of Training of Staff in Romanian Micro-Enterprises
by Diaconu Mihaela & Dutu Amalia - 17-28 Monetary Policy and Export Diversification in Nigeria
by Philip Ifeakachukwu Nwosa & Akinyemi Alao Ajibola - 29-38 Integrate CAATS Technologies into Data Selection and Data Analysis
by Coman Dan Marius & Coman Mihaela Denisa & Munteanu Ciprian Costel - 39-46 Multiculturality and Interculturality in Tourism
by Máthé Ilona - 47-58 Selecting the Right Suppliers in Procurement Process along Supply Chain-a Mathematical Modeling Approach
by Duica Mircea Constantin & Florea Nicoleta Valentina & Duica Anisoara - 59-66 Would you Make the Right Decision? – Decision Making Biases in Economy - Related Dilemmas
by Gödör Zsuzsanna & Szabó Georgina - 67-76 Applied Analysis of the Impact of Inventory Valuation Methods on the Financial Situation and Financial Performance
by Ionescu Luiza & Toma Maria & Founanou Mathurin - 77-86 Increasing Awareness about Contagious Diseases through Information Campaigns in Romania
by Marcu Laura - 87-92 Wellness Tourism: What Motivates the Consumer
by Árpási Zoltán - 93-100 Comparative Management of Human Resources between USA and Japan
by Mitu Evelyne Ingrid & Vasic Mile - 101-108 The Phenomenon of Climate Change in Organization and HR-Related Literature: A Conceptual Brief Analysis
by Mousa Mohamed - 109-118 Economic Evaluation of Health Programs – Health Expenditures in the European Union
by Kremastioti Vasiliki & Anastasiou Athanasios & Liargovas Panagiotis & Komninos Dimitrios & Dermatis Zacharias
October 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 7-16 Comparative Analysis of Consulting Services in Five European Countries
by Dobrea Răzvan Cătalin & Ispas Mihaela - 17-24 Actions of National Bank of Romania on Bank Liquidity
by Drăgoi Violeta Elena & Preda Larisa Elena - 25-32 Communication, a Premise of Efficiency and Effectiveness in Current Society
by Iacob Silvia Elena & Bădina Rădulescu Mihaela Loredana - 33-40 Measurement and Assessment of Effectiveness of Auxiliary Processes of Production in Management of the Cement Industry Companies
by Łegowik-Małolepsza Małgorzata - 41-48 Study Regarding the Process of Identifying and Evaluating Risks in a Public Entity
by Tănase Loredana Cristina & State Violeta - 49-56 The Promotion of Young Entrepreneurs for Development Small and Medium Business
by Doga-Mîrzac Mariana - 57-64 Optimal Employment Formula – Accounting and Tax Approach
by Voinea Cristina Maria - 65-74 Entrepreneurial Education in Schools – a Prerequisite in European Context
by Serb Tanislav Maria Cristina & Oachesu Madalina Maria & Popescu Delia Mioara - 75-90 The Upshot of Money Supply and Inflation in Nigeria
by Ditimi Amassoma & Sunday Keji & Emma-Ebere Onyedikachi O. - 91-102 Comparative Analysis between the Sports Management Systems in Romania and Norway
by Popescu Ciprian Gheorghe - 103-110 Corporate Communication Management. A Management Approach
by Mihai Roxana-Lucia - 111-122 Artificial Conditions in Managing Agriculture European Funds
by Parjoleanu Raluca
April 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 7-16 Information Management and Companies’ Logistics Cooperation
by Tomasz Lis & Paula Bajdor - 17-22 Sustainable Regional Development Policy in Romania - Coordinates
by Popescu Constanta & Ristea Ana-Lucia & Popescu Constantin - 23-30 Ethical Behavior and Assuring the Quality of Provided Services – the Case of Accounting Firms
by State Violeta - 31-36 Sino-Algerian B2B Relational Exchange via E-Marketplace: Case Study of Algerian Import Companies
by Djenouhat Assia & Djaouahdou Reda - 37-46 Analysis on Online Purchase of Clothing in Romania
by Marcu Laura & Stana Larisa - 47-56 Improving Communication and Relationship with Customers using Models to Measure their Value
by Florea Nicoleta Valentina & Duica Anisoara - 57-66 Impact of Supply Chain Solutions on Environmental Performance of Biomass Use – LCA-based Research Case
by Nitkiewicz Tomasz & Ociepa-Kubicka Agnieszka - 67-80 Cost Centers from Hospital Units. Study Case
by Puțan Alina & Ivan Oana Raluca & Tamas Attila - 81-88 The effects of the Current Crisis on the Management of Credit Institutions in Romania
by Drăgoi Elena Violeta & Preda Larisa Elena - 89-96 A Reserch regarding Targoviste’s Inhabitant’s Opinion on what are the Massage’s Benefits on Health and Wellness
by Badicu Georgiana-Daniela - 97-106 Comparative Analysis of the Distribution of Goods in Two Outlets: Carrefour and Auchan Ploiesti
by Ștefan Maria-Cristina & Andreiana Violeta - Andreea - 107-114 A Case Study on Vedanta Alumina Ltd (VAL) Orissa India: State and FDI versus Democracy?
by Kaushal Leena Ajit
December 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 7-16 Using Simulation and Six Sigma to Analyze and Improve Motivation Process of Teachers from Undergraduate Institutions
by Duică Anişoara & Florea Nicoleta Valentina & Duică Mircea Constantin & Iancu Dorin - 17-24 Management in Agritourism Promotion as an Element of Support Agritourism Services by Local Authorities
by Brzozowska Anna & Niedziółka Arkadiusz - 25-30 The Evolution of the Regional Development Policies
by Popescu Constanţa & Ristea Ana Lucia & Popescu Constantin - 31-40 Low-Cost Aerial Transport in Europe
by Badicu Georgiana Daniela & State Violeta - 41-48 The Efficiency of the Macroeconomic Policies
by Badea Sorin Gabriel & Ştefan Maria-Cristina - 49-56 The Effects of Motivation on Employees Performance in Organizations
by Robescu Ofelia & Iancu Alina-Georgiana - 57-62 Foreign Direct Investments, Open Source to Increase the Participation of Romania within Global Production Networks
by Constantinescu Lucreţia Mariana - 63-68 The Place and Role of Information System in Exercising the Financial Control
by Radu Florin & Giju Ciprian & Tăbîrcă Alina Iuliana - 69-78 The Information Integration in the SMEs
by Coman Dan Marius & Horga Mihaela & Coman Denisa-Mihaela - 79-86 Return on Investment – Indicator for Measuring the Profitability of Invested Capital
by Zamfir Mariana & Manea Marinela Daniela & Ionescu Luiza - 87-96 Alternative Methods for Business Process Planning
by Stefan Veronica & Radu Valentin - 97-104 The Risk of Insolvency and its Impact on Romanian Banks
by Drăgoi Elena Violeta & Preda Larisa Elena