September 2018, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1089-1107 The geographic distribution of Knowledge Economy (KE) within the European Union (EU)
by Hadad Shahrazad - 1108-1118 Factors of communication mix on social media and their role in forming customer experience and brand image
by Bacik Radovan & Fedorko Richard & Nastisin Ludovit & Gavurova Beata - 1119-1132 Assessing students’ entrepreneurial skills needed in the Knowledge Economy
by Bejinaru Ruxandra - 1133-1149 Factors influencing the job search and job selection in students of Generation Y in the Czech Republic in the employer branding context
by Bejtkovský Jiří
June 2018, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 848-858 Use of scenario development and personal learning environment and networks (PLE&N) to support curriculum co-creation
by Tsui Eric & Dragicevic Nikolina - 859-879 Intellectual capital research and practice: 7 myths and one golden rule
by Bratianu Constantin - 880-896 Openness to co-creation as a method of reducing the complexity of the environment and dynamizing companies’ competitive advantages
by Adamik Anna & Nowicki Michał & Szymańska Katarzyna - 897-912 Cultural heritage markets: are traders traitors? Winners and losers from cross-border shifts of historical artefacts
by Jora Octavian-Dragomir & Apăvăloaei Matei-Alexandru & Iacob Mihaela - 913-928 Attitude toward innovativeness based on personality traits in the SME sector. Czech Republic case study
by Kozubíková Ludmila & Čepel Martin & Zlámalová Monika - 929-945 Gazelles in services: what are the specifics of their existence in Slovakia?
by Kubičková Viera & Krošláková Monika & Michálková Anna & Benešová Dana - 946-965 Modeling systems thinking in action among higher education leaders with fuzzy multi-criteria decision making
by Shukla Divya - 966-984 Salespeople’s innovativeness: a driver of sales performance
by Ferdinand Augusty Tae & Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih - 985-994 Board independence, earnings management and the moderating effect of family ownership in Jordan
by Idris Mohammed & Siam Yousef Abu & Nassar Mahmoud - 996-1013 Trends in ethnocentrism of Romanian consumers and their attitudes towards the marketplace
by Stamule Stere
March 2018, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 710-729 Customer trust as mediator in the creation of customer relationship intention
by Dimyati Mohamad & Subagio N. Ari - 730-747 Factors differentiating between concentric and sprinkled multiple-patronage shoppers in Kuwait
by Aldousari Abdullah A. & Elsayed Ismail M. - 748-760 Examining the moderating effect of shopping value on private-label and loyalty in Indian grocery stores
by Bhat Ishfaq Hussain & Singh Sapna - 761-776 Non-performing loans decision making in the Romanian banking system
by Pop Ionuț-Daniel & Chicu Nicoleta & Răduțu Andrei - 777-795 Mediating role of meaningful work between resources and work engagement in Bangladesh’s private banks
by Nawrin Rubaba - 796-811 Motivational factors for educational tourism: marketing insights
by Harazneh Ibrahim & Al-Tall Raad Meshall & Al-Zyoud Mohammad Fahmi & Abubakar A. Mohammed - 812-830 Tourism industry in the new member states. Key countries and destinations
by Ana Maria-Irina - 831-847 The need for digital and soft skills in the Romanian business service industry
by Foerster-Pastor Foerster-Metz Ulrike Stefanie & Golowko Nina
December 2017, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 524-539 Socio-demographic and lifestyle determinants of loyalty program participation in the Czech Republic
by Formánek Tomáš & Tahal Radek - 540-551 Spin-off and market share in the Indonesian Islamic banking industry: a difference in difference analysis
by Al Arif M. Nur Rianto - 551-570 Examining obligations to society for QS Stars best ranked universities in social responsibility
by Păunescu Carmen & Drăgan Denisa & Găucă Oana - 571-590 Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: Modeling emotional intelligence as mediator
by Majeed Nauman & Ramayah T. & Mustamil Norizah & Nazri Mohammad & Jamshed Samia - 591-613 The efficacy of control environment as fraud deterrence in local government
by Nuswantara Dian Anita & Maulidi Ach & Pujiono - 614-632 Human resource management practices stimulating knowledge sharing
by Matošková Jana & Směšná Petra - 633-651 Systems competing for mobile factors: decision making based on hard vs. soft locational factors
by Clodnițchi Roxana - 652-673 The Europeanisation of Romanian football: What do UEFA country coefficients reveal?
by Roșca Vlad I. - 674-696 Exploring the e-CRM – e-customer- e-loyalty nexus: a Kenyan commercial bank case study
by Oumar Timothy K. & Mang’Unyi Eric E. & Govender Krishna K. & Rajkaran Sookdhev - 697-709 The influence of relationship beliefs on gift giving
by Rai Dipankar & Lin Chien-Wei & Hong JungHwa & Kulick George
September 2017, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 346-360 Trademark dilution: comparing the effects of blurring and tarnishment cases over brand equity
by Macías Washington & Cerviño Julio - 361-375 The adverse effects of inferior innovations
by Chang Joseph W. & White D. Steven - 376-401 Investigating the construct validity of quality measures influencing online shopping in a South African context
by Hung-Joubert Yu-ting - 402-415 The influence of knowledge management “bottleneck” on company’s performance
by Subanidja Steph & Hadiwidjojo Djumilah - 416-430 Strategies for developing knowledge economy in Romania
by Hadad Shahrazad - 431-442 Testing music selection automation possibilities for video ads
by Wiesener Oliver - 443-455 How to succeed in the digital age? Monitor the organizational context, identify risks and opportunities, and manage change effectively
by Fonseca Luis Miguel & Domingues José Pedro - 456-473 The growth poles and the lagging regions of Romania – a county level approach for 2015 –
by Strat Vasile Alecsandru & Stefan Cristian - 474-499 Organizational Diversity Commitment: A Web-Based Investigation
by Vasconcelos Anselmo Ferreira - 500-523 Knowledge strategies aiming to improve the intellectual capital of universities
by Bejinaru Ruxandra
June 2017, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 171-188 Moral character effects in endorser perception
by Chang Joseph W. - 189-207 Intercultural marketing: Culture and its influence on the efficiency of Facebook marketing communication
by Copuš Lukáš & Čarnogurský Karol - 208-221 Employing nation branding in the Middle East - United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar
by Zeineddine Cornelia - 222-236 The impact of nation branding campaigns on country image. Case Study: Romania
by Andrei Anca-Georgiana - 237-251 Validating an instrument for measuring brand equity of CSR driven organizations in Malaysia
by Singh Dara Singh Karpal & Islam Md. Aminul - 252-276 Corporate social entrepreneurship versus social intrapreneurship: same idea, different trajectories ?
by Hadad Shahrazad & Cantaragiu Ramona - 277-296 Corporate and supply chain network governance of third party logistics service providers: Effects on buyers’ intention to continue the relationship
by Salih Börteçine Avci & İsmail İyigün - 297-315 Investigating the impact of environmental attitude on the decision to purchase a green product with the mediating role of environmental concern and care for green products
by Esmaeilpour Majid & Bahmiary Elahe - 316-333 Profitability and efficiency evaluation of the financial management of a socio-economic intervention
by Garcia Rosario Cano - 334-345 The Common Energy Market of the European Union–Challenges and Perspectives
by Şanta Ana-Maria Iulia
March 2017, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-11 A new optimization model for market basket analysis with allocation considerations: A genetic algorithm solution approach
by Heydari Majeed & Yousefli Amir - 12-36 A review on green supply chain aspects and practices
by Islam Shamimul & Karia Noorliza & Fauzi Firdaus Bin Ahmad & Soliman Mohamed - 37-48 Comparison of four microfinance markets from the point of view of the effectuation theory, complemented by proposed musketeer principle illustrating forces within village banks
by Hes Tomáš & Sulaiman Haiyan & Bali Chávez Guillermo & Mintah Samuel & Salman Ali - 49-60 A plea for quality in internship programmes – evidence from the business and administration students’ experience
by Goia Simona & Marinaș Cristian Virgil & Igret Ramona Ștefania - 61-77 Effect of call-clubs to institute local network effects in mobile telecommunication and its′ implications on brand loyalty
by Karunarathne E. A .C. P & Jing Zhang - 78-102 Introducing the religio-centric positional advantage to Indonesian small businesses
by Hendar Hendar & Ferdinand Augusti Tae & Nurhayati Tatiek - 103-123 Sponsorship investments: do they deliver brand awareness for all sponsors?
by Mpolokeng Sephapo Catherine - 124-139 The Pay-What-You-Want game: What can be learned from the experimental evidence on Dictator and Trust Games?
by Greiff Matthias & Egbert Henrik - 140-154 The focus of marketing communication efforts of smes within south Africa
by Kallier Safura Mohamed - 155-170 The importance of international experience for Romanian students in establishing career priorities
by Butum Lavinia
December 2016, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 553-565 The Influence of Scheduling Style on Assortment Size
by Rai Dipankar & Lin Chien-Wei (Wilson) & Ierlan Magdoleen T. - 566-596 A review of the empirical literature on Pay-What-You-Want price setting
by Gerpott Torsten J. - 597-609 Intrapreneurial behavior: an empirical investigation of personality traits
by Farrukh Muhammad & Ying Chong Wei & Mansori Shaheen - 610-623 The heterogeneous landscape of innovation in female led-businesses – cross-country comparisons
by Filculescu Adina - 624-637 Managing loyalty through brand image, judgement and feelings for leveraging power brands
by Panda Rajshree & Kapoor Deepa
September 2016, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 484-497 New business models for state companies in the oil industry
by Tanţău Adrian D. & Khorshidi Mohammadreza - 498-512 Risk management method for small photovoltaic plants
by Kirova Milena & Velikova Preslava - 512-531 Effective energy planning for improving the enterprise’s energy performance
by Păunescu Carmen & Blid Laura - 532-543 Public reactions towards wind energy instalments. Case study: Romania and the Netherlands
by Nichifor Maria Alexandra - 544-552 Energy security: between markets and sovereign politics
by Dudau Radu & Nedelcu Alexandra Catalina
July 2016, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 410-430 Sugar in disguise or healthy indulgence: A cross-cultural comparision of the perceptions of dietary vice/virtue bundles
by Jiraporn Napatsorn & Charinsarn Alisara Rungnontarat & Sheridan Michael - 431-448 Motivational effects of pay dispersion in pay for performance programs implemented in Romanian companies
by Urieşi Sebastian - 449-457 Trends in the internationalization of European higher education in a convergence perspective
by Dima Alina Mihaela & Vasilache Simona - 458-469 HR strategy – necessity or fad for business sustainability?
by Ghinea Valentina Mihaela & Moroianu Mădălina - 470-483 Investigating the impact of viral message appeal and message credibility on consumer attitude toward the brand
by Esmaeilpour Majid & Aram Farshad
April 2016, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 341-354 Brand importance across product categories in the Czech Republic
by Formánek Tomáš & Tahal Radek - 355-370 Redesigning the marketing mix for eco-friendly product consumption among non-purchasers in India
by Chockalingam Senthil Nathan & Isreal Densingh Joshua - 371-379 Keep calm and carry on: A crisis communication study of Cadbury and McDonalds
by Telang Achyut & Deshpande Amruta - 380-393 Social networking in Bangladesh: Boon or curse for academic engagement?
by Mouri Dey & Ali Arshad Chowdhury - 394-409 Regional differences in entrepreneurial perceptions and implications for the Romanian competitiveness policy
by Nicolae Mariana & Ion Irina & Nicolae Elena
December 2015, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 270-283 The impact of brand image fit on attitude towards a brand alliance
by Riley Debra & Charlton Nathalie & Wason Hillary - 284-303 Testing knowledge sharing effectiveness: trust, motivation, leadership style, workplace spirituality and social network embedded model
by Rahman Muhammad Sabbir & Osman-Gani AAhad M. & Momen Md. Abdul & Islam Nazrul - 304-315 Promises of silent salesman to the FMCG industry: an investigation using linear discriminant analysis approach
by Shekhar Suraj Kushe & Raveendran P.T. - 316-329 Using CSR to mitigate information asymmetry in the banking sector
by Semenescu Andreea & Curmei Cătălin Valeriu - 330-340 Youth motivations to watch sports in Indian context: exploring cross-nationality and cross-gender differences
by Yousaf Anish & Bashir Makhmoor & Amin Insha
October 2015, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 163-184 Examining multi-level effects on corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility
by Mazzei Matthew J. & Gangloff Ashley K. & Shook Christoper L. - 185-207 Analytic hierarchy process analysis for choosing a corporate social entrepreneurship strategy
by Hadad Shahrazad - 208-225 Students’ perceived risk and investment intention: the effect of brand equity
by Washington Macías & Shirley Espinoza & Lisset Gutiérrez & Regina Rodríguez - 226-243 Demonstrating a lack of brand/cause effects on point of sale donations
by Coleman Joshua T. & Peasley Michael C. - 245-269 A study of interaction of materialism and money attitude and its impact on car purchase
by Rimple Manchanda & Srikant Manchiraju & Naseem Abidi & Jitendra Kumar Mishra
September 2015, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 89-102 What is materialism? Testing two dominant perspectives on materialism in the marketing literature
by Manchiraju Srikant & Krizan Zlatan - 103-117 Customer love: Research on the ranking of food and beverage locations
by Bahar Türk & Aysel Erciş - 118-131 Demographics-based differences in the relationship between perceived CSR and customer loyalty in the dairy products market
by Moisescu Ovidiu-Ioan - 132-147 Perceived justice and recovery satisfaction: the moderating role of customer-perceived quality
by Jha Subhash & Balaji M.S. - 148-162 Factors influencing consumers’ light commercial vehicle purchase intention in a developing country
by Kemal Çelik & Erkan Oktay & Muhsin Doğan Ebül & Ömer Özhancı
June 2015, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-2 Guest Editorial
by Tanţău Adrian - 3-11 Romania needs a strategy for thermal energy
by Leca Aureliu - 12-33 Energy efficiency model for small/medium geothermal heat pump systems
by Staiger Robert & Tanţău Adrian - 34-52 Factors of impact on the evolution of electricity markets from renewable energy sources: a comparison between Romania and Germany
by Clodnițchi Roxana & Chinie Alexandra Cătălina - 53-62 Sustainable business models for wind and solar energy in Romania
by Nichifor Maria Alexandra - 63-73 The need of a win-win regulation regarding the harmonization of advantages for the renewable energy sector and the concerns about the environment
by Moraru Dan - 74-91 German enterprises and the changes in energy economics due to increased concerns regarding environmental sustainability
by Weber Gregor