2015, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 229-248 Does the Social Cost of Carbon Matter? Evidence from US Policy
by Robert W. Hahn & Robert A. Ritz
2014, Volume 43, Issue S2
- 1-34 Benefit-Cost Paradigms in Financial Regulation
by Eric A. Posner & E. Glen Weyl - 35-61 The Compelling Case for Stronger and More Effective Leverage Regulation in Banking
by Anat R. Admati - 63-105 Challenges for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulation
by John H. Cochrane - 107-120 Efficiency and Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Financial System
by Thomas Philippon - 121-149 On Experimentation and Real Options in Financial Regulation
by Matthew Spitzer & Eric Talley - 151-171 Pareto Efficiency with Different Beliefs
by Gabrielle Gayer & Itzhak Gilboa & Larry Samuelson & David Schmeidler - 173-182 Challenges to a Policy Treatment of Speculative Trading Motivated by Differences in Beliefs
by Darrell Duffie - 183-207 Why Do Hedgers Trade So Much?
by Ing-Haw Cheng & Wei Xiong - 209-237 Consumer Credit: Too Much or Too Little (or Just Right)?
by Jonathan Zinman - 239-252 A Simple Framework for Estimating Consumer Benefits from Regulating Hidden Fees
by Sumit Agarwal & Souphala Chomsisengphet & Neale Mahoney & Johannes Stroebel - 253-271 The Futility of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Financial Disclosure Regulation
by Omri Ben-Shahar & Carl E. Schneider - 273-296 Rules, Standards, and Complexity in Capital Regulation
by Prasad Krishnamurthy - 297-329 Rules and Standards When Compliance Costs Are Private Information
by Maciej H. Kotowski & David A. Weisbach & Richard J. Zeckhauser - 331-349 Accounting for Financial Innovation and Borrower Confidence in Financial Rule Making: Analogies from Health Policy
by Daniel Carpenter - 351-378 The Empty Call for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Financial Regulation
by Jeffrey N. Gordon - 379-405 The Institutional Framework for Cost-Benefit Analysis in Financial Regulation: A Tale of Four Paradigms?
by Robert P. Bartlett III
2014, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 209-248 Inferences from Litigated Cases
by Daniel Klerman & Yoon-Ho Alex Lee - 249-289 The Economic Value of a Law Degree
by Michael Simkovic & Frank McIntyre - 291-321 Does Class Size Affect the Gender Gap? A Natural Experiment in Law
by Daniel E. Ho & Mark G. Kelman - 323-357 Bias in the Legal Profession: Self-Assessed versus Statistical Measures of Discrimination
by Heather Antecol & Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Eric Helland - 359-400 On the Evolution of Collective Enforcement Institutions: Communities and Courts
by Scott E. Masten & Jens Prüfer - 401-425 Climate Impacts on Economic Growth as Drivers of Uncertainty in the Social Cost of Carbon
by Elisabeth J. Moyer & Mark D. Woolley & Nathan J. Matteson & Michael J. Glotter & David A. Weisbach
2014, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-35 Does Anyone Read the Fine Print? Consumer Attention to Standard-Form Contracts
by Yannis Bakos & Florencia Marotta-Wurgler & David R. Trossen - 37-63 A Model of Cause Lawyering
by Scott Baker & Gary Biglaiser - 65-93 Does More Speech Correct Falsehoods?
by Edward Glaeser & Cass R. Sunstein - 95-135 Optimal Agency Bias and Regulatory Review
by Ryan Bubb & Patrick L. Warren - 137-153 Forfeiture of Illegal Gains, Attempts, and Implied Risk Preferences
by Murat C. Mungan & Jonathan Klick - 155-187 Decomposing Racial Disparities in Prison and Drug Treatment Commitments for Criminal Offenders in California
by John MacDonald & Jeremy Arkes & Nancy Nicosia & Rosalie Liccardo Pacula - 189-207 On the Interaction between Legal and Reputational Sanctions
by Edward M. Iacobucci
2013, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 249-274 What Is Privacy Worth?
by Alessandro Acquisti & Leslie K. John & George Loewenstein - 275-302 A Fundamental Enforcement Cost Advantage of the Negligence Rule over Regulation
by Steven Shavell - 303-330 Case-by-Case Adjudication and the Path of the Law
by Anthony Niblett - 331-368 Does Separation of Powers Promote Stability and Moderation?
by Matthew C. Stephenson - 369-397 Does Information about Arbitrators' Win/Loss Ratios Improve Their Accuracy?
by Alon Klement & Zvika Neeman - 399-422 Jury Size and the Hung-Jury Paradox
by Barbara Luppi & Francesco Parisi
2013, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-34 Conceptualizing Contractual Interpretation
by Alan Schwartz & Joel Watson - 35-68 Testing for Change in Procedural Standards, with Application to Bell Atlantic v. Twombly
by William H. J. Hubbard - 69-82 Negligence, Strict Liability, and Collective Action
by David Gilo & Ehud Guttel & Erez Yuval - 83-110 Detecting and Punishing Unconscious Bias
by Philip E. Tetlock & Gregory Mitchell & L. Jason Anastasopoulos - 111-150 The Law and Policy of Judicial Retirement: An Empirical Study
by Stephen J. Choi & Mitu Gulati & Eric A. Posner - 151-186 Strategic Citations to Precedent on the U.S. Supreme Court
by Yonatan Lupu & James H. Fowler - 187-222 Assessing the Contribution of the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill to Growth in the U.S. Incarceration Rate
by Steven Raphael & Michael A. Stoll - 223-247 Discovery and Disclosure with Asymmetric Information and Endogenous Expenditure at Trial
by Amy Farmer & Paul Pecorino
2012, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 239-267 Do Lawyers Really Believe Their Own Hype, and Should They? A Natural Experiment
by Zev J. Eigen & Yair Listokin - 269-289 The Economics of Necessity
by Keith N. Hylton - 291-319 Who Should Be Immune from Tort Liability?
by Gerrit De Geest - 321-346 Evidence of Discrimination
by Nicola Persico - 347-383 Do Judges Vary in Their Treatment of Race?
by David S. Abrams & Marianne Bertrand & Sendhil Mullainathan - 385-418 The Evolution of Gender Employment Rate Differentials within Racial Groups in the United States
by Candace Hamilton Hester & Chris Meyer & Steven Raphael - 419-458 Racial Disparities in Wiretap Applications before Federal Judges
by Thomas J. Miles - 459-493 Subjective and Objective Indicators of Racial Progress
by Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers
2012, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-36 When Is Compliance with the Law Socially Desirable?
by Steven Shavell - 37-66 The Public Utility Pyramids
by Paul G. Mahoney - 67-93 When and Why Individuals Obey Contracts: Experimental Evidence of Consent, Compliance, Promise, and Performance
by Zev J. Eigen - 95-130 Prosecution Associations in Industrial Revolution England: Private Providers of Public Goods?
by Mark Koyama - 131-164 Human Rights Violations after 9/11 and the Role of Constitutional Constraints
by Benedikt Goderis & Mila Versteeg - 165-207 Loss Aversion, Omission Bias, and the Burden of Proof in Civil Litigation
by Eyal Zamir & Ilana Ritov - 209-238 Game-Theoretic Bankruptcy Valuation
by Barry E. Adler
2011, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 273-293 Bargaining with Double Jeopardy
by Saul Levmore & Ariel Porat - 295-332 Judicial Expenditures and Litigation Access: Evidence from Auto Injuries
by Paul Heaton & Eric Helland - 333-365 Does Law Matter? Theory and Evidence from Single-Subject Adjudication
by Michael D. Gilbert - 367-404 The Economics of International Refugee Law
by Ryan Bubb & Michael Kremer & David I. Levine - 405-437 Do Standards of Review Matter? The Case of Federal Criminal Sentencing
by Joshua B. Fischman & Max M. Schanzenbach - 439-466 Soft Negligence Standards and the Strategic Choice of Firm Size
by Juan José Ganuza & Fernando Gomez - 467-502 The Multiple-Stage Process of Judicial Review: Facial and As-Applied Constitutional Challenges to Legislation before the U.S. Supreme Court
by Stefanie A. Lindquist & Pamela C. Corley
2011, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-1 Tribute to Eric Posner
by Thomas J. Miles & Omri Ben-Shahar - 1-37 Household Consumption and Personal Bankruptcy
by Ning Zhu - 39-83 An Institutionalization Effect: The Impact of Mental Hospitalization and Imprisonment on Homicide in the United States, 1934-2001
by Bernard E. Harcourt - 85-113 Judicial Deference to Inconsistent Agency Statutory Interpretations
by Yehonatan Givati & Matthew C. Stephenson - 115-148 The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law
by Omri Ben-Shahar & Eric A. Posner - 149-203 International Trade, National Treatment, and Domestic Regulation
by Robert W. Staiger & Alan O. Sykes - 205-244 Motions for Lead Plaintiff in Securities Class Actions
by Stephen J. Choi - 245-271 Optimal Remedies for Bilateral Contracts
by Francesco Parisi & Barbara Luppi & Vincy Fon
2010, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 325-358 The Evolution of a Legal Rule
by Anthony Niblett & Richard A. Posner & Andrei Shleifer - 359-374 Bayesian Contractual Interpretation
by Yair Listokin - 375-397 Consent and Exchange
by Oren Bar-Gill & Lucian Arye Bebchuk - 399-432 Witness Intimidation
by Brendan O'Flaherty & Rajiv Sethi - 433-467 Inferring the Winning Party in the Supreme Court from the Pattern of Questioning at Oral Argument
by Lee Epstein & William M. Landes & Richard A. Posner - 469-496 Decoupling as Transactions Tax
by Nuno Garoupa & Chris William Sanchirico - 497-546 Punitive Damages in Securities Arbitration: An Empirical Study
by Stephen J. Choi & Theodore Eisenberg - 547-576 Borrowing and Nonborrowing among International Courts
by Erik Voeten
January 2010, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-31 A Theory of Loopholes
by Leo Katz - 33-61 Saving Your Home in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
by Michelle J. White & Ning Zhu - 63-108 On the Design of the Appeals Process: The Optimal Use of Discretionary Review versus Direct Appeal
by Steven Shavell - 109-157 Attorneys as Arbitrators
by Stephen J. Choi & Jill E. Fisch & A. C. Pritchard - 159-200 The Fashion Lottery: Cooperative Innovation in Stochastic Markets
by Jonathan M. Barnett & Gilles Grolleau & Sana El Harbi - 201-244 An Empirical Study of Compensation Paid in Eminent Domain Settlements: New York City, 1990-2002
by Yun-chien Chang - 245-288 Revisiting the Debate over Attorneys' Contingent Fees: A Behavioral Analysis
by Eyal Zamir & Ilana Ritov - 289-324 The Market Reaction to Legal Shocks and Their Antidotes: Lessons from the Sovereign Debt Market
by Michael Bradley & James D. Cox & Mitu Gulati
June 2009, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 255-307 Bargaining around Bankruptcy: Small Business Workouts and State Law
by Edward R. Morrison - 309-343 Are "Pay Now, Terms Later" Contracts Worse for Buyers? Evidence from Software License Agreements
by Florencia Marotta-Wurgler - 345-382 All-or-Nothing versus Proportionate Damages
by Shmuel Leshem & Geoffrey P. Miller - 383-418 Less Can Be More: Conflicting Ballot Proposals and the Highest Vote Rule
by Michael D. Gilbert & Joshua M. Levine - 419-443 Citation to Legislative History: Empirical Evidence on Positive Political and Contextual Theories of Judicial Decision Making
by Michael Abramowicz & Emerson H. Tiller - 445-470 Do Norms Reduce Torture?
by Michael J. Gilligan & Nathaniel H. Nesbitt - 471-503 The Laws of Lawlessness
by Peter T. Leeson - 505-532 Conflicts of Interest, Disclosure, and (Costly) Sanctions: Experimental Evidence
by Bryan K. Church & Xi (Jason) Kuang - 533-567 Constitutional Agreement during the Drafting of the Constitution: A New Interpretation
by Ben Baack & Robert A. McGuire & T. Norman Van Cott
January 2009, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-20 Implicit Quotas
by Roland G. Fryer, Jr. - 21-59 Negative Liability
by Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci - 61-88 The Economics of Presidential Pardons and Commutations
by William M. Landes & Richard A. Posner - 89-120 Asymmetric Information and the Law of Servitudes Governing Land
by Antony Dnes & Dean Lueck - 121-155 Plaintiphobia in State Courts? An Empirical Study of State Court Trials on Appeal
by Theodore Eisenberg & Michael Heise - 157-168 Legal Change: Selective Litigation, Judicial Bias, and Precedent
by Thomas J. Miceli - 169-206 The Influence of Retention Politics on Judges' Voting
by Joanna M. Shepherd - 205-233 The Role of Politics and Economics in Explaining Variation in Litigation Rates in the U.S. States
by Tonja Jacobi - 235-253 Advantage Defendant: Why Sinking Litigation Costs Makes Negative-Expected-Value Defenses but Not Negative-Expected-Value Suits Credible
by Warren F. Schwartz & Abraham L. Wickelgren
June 2008, Volume 37, Issue S2
- 1-4 Introduction to the Conference on Law and Happiness
by Eric A. Posner & Cass R. Sunstein - 5-31 Measuring Well-Being for Public Policy: Preferences or Experiences?
by Paul Dolan & Tessa Peasgood - 33-79 Happiness Inequality in the United States
by Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers - 81-113 Who Is the Happy Warrior? Philosophy Poses Questions to Psychology
by Martha C. Nussbaum - 115-132 Two Recommendations on the Pursuit of Happiness
by Christopher K. Hsee & Fei Xu & Ningyu Tang - 133-156 Hive Psychology, Happiness, and Public Policy
by Jonathan Haidt & J. Patrick Seder & Selin Kesebir - 157-194 Illusory Losses
by Cass R. Sunstein - 195-216 Pain and Suffering Awards: They Shouldn't Be (Just) about Pain and Suffering
by Peter A. Ubel & George Loewenstein - 217-251 Death, Happiness, and the Calculation of Compensatory Damages
by Andrew J. Oswald & Nattavudh Powdthavee - 253-292 Happiness Research and Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Matthew Adler & Eric A. Posner - 293-324 What Does Happiness Research Tell Us About Taxation?
by David A. Weisbach - 325-353 The Effect of Crime on Life Satisfaction
by Mark A. Cohen
June 2008, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 339-378 Transnational Forum Shopping as a Trade and Investment Issue
by Alan O. Sykes - 379-430 Case Law versus Statute Law: An Evolutionary Comparison
by Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto & Patricio A. Fernandez - 431-458 A Switching Costs Explanation of Tying and Warranties
by Edward Iacobucci - 459-501 The Human and Economic Dimensions of Altruism: The Case of Organ Transplantation
by Richard A. Epstein - 503-534 Completing Contracts in the Shadow of Costly Verification
by Albert Choi & George Triantis - 535-550 Taxing Cap-and-Trade Environmental Regulation
by Ethan Yale - 551-576 Does Nonprofit Status Signal Quality?
by Anup Malani & Guy David - 577-594 Realistic Standards: Optimal Negligence with Limited Liability
by Juan José Ganuza & Fernando Gómez
January 2008, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-35 Judicial Fact Discretion
by Nicola Gennaioli & Andrei Shleifer - 37-85 On Optimal Legal Change, Past Behavior, and Grandfathering
by Steven Shavell - 87-129 Bias in Judicial Citations: A Window into the Behavior of Judges?
by Stephen J. Choi & G. Mitu Gulati - 131-159 How Much Irrationality Does the Market Permit?
by Alan Schwartz - 161-188 Social Distance and Self-Enforcing Exchange
by Peter T. Leeson - 189-227 Don't Buy Shares without It: Limited Liability Comes to American Express
by Mark I. Weinstein - 229-272 The Fairness Opinion Puzzle: Board Incentives, Information Asymmetry, and Bidding Strategy
by Yasuhiro Ohta & Kenton K. Yee - 273-313 A Primary-Activity Approach to Proof Burdens
by Chris William Sanchirico - 315-338 The Effect of Conflicting Moral and Legal Rules on Bargaining Behavior: The Case of No-Fault Divorce
by Tess Wilkinson-Ryan & Jonathan Baron
June 2007, Volume 36, Issue S2
- 1-8 Introduction: Current Research on Medical Malpractice Liability
by Anup Malani - 9-45 Physicians' Insurance Limits and Malpractice Payments: Evidence from Texas Closed Claims, 1990-2003
by Kathryn Zeiler & Charles Silver & Bernard Black & David A. Hyman & William M. Sage - 47-78 When Tort Resolutions Are "Wrong": Predictors of Discordant Outcomes in Medical Malpractice Litigation
by David M. Studdert & Michelle M. Mello - 79-119 The Impact of Malpractice Risk on the Use of Obstetrics Procedures
by Beomsoo Kim - 121-142 Medical Malpractice Reform and Physicians in High-Risk Specialties
by Jonathan Klick & Thomas Stratmann - 143-182 Does Malpractice Liability Keep the Doctor Away? Evidence from Tort Reform Damage Caps
by David A. Matsa - 183-229 An Empirical Study of the Impact of Tort Reforms on Medical Malpractice Settlement Payments
by Ronen Avraham - 231-259 An Empirical Assessment of Early Offer Reform for Medical Malpractice
by Joni Hersch & Jeffrey O'Connell & W. Kip Viscusi - 261-289 Unlimited Subrogation: Improving Medical Malpractice Liability by Allowing Insurers to Take Charge
by Kenneth S. Reinker & David Rosenberg
June 2007, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 213-251 Mandatory Disclosure and Stock Returns: Evidence from the Over-the-Counter Market
by Allen Ferrell - 253-273 Contingent Fees, Moral Hazard, and Attorney Rents: A Laboratory Experiment
by Michael McKee & Rudy Santore & Joel Shelton - 275-324 The Condominium versus Cooperative Puzzle: An Empirical Analysis of Housing in New York City
by Michael H. Schill & Ioan Voicu & Jonathan Miller - 325-354 Contractual Holdup and Legal Intervention
by Steven Shavell - 355-377 The Economics of Stigma: Why More Detection of Crime May Result in Less Stigmatization
by Alon Harel & Alon Klement - 379-396 Sanctions by Social Norms and the Law: Substitutes or Complements?
by Yoshinobu Zasu - 397-429 Qualified Ratification: Explaining Reservations to International Human Rights Treaties
by Eric Neumayer - 431-477 A Unilateral Accident Model under Ambiguity
by Joshua C. Teitelbaum
January 2007, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-26 Post-Siliconix Freeze-Outs: Theory and Evidence
by Guhan Subramanian - 27-62 Economic Efficiency, Nuisance, and Sewage: New Lessons from Attorney-General v. Council of the Borough of Birmingham, 1858–95
by Leslie Rosenthal - 63-80 Total Liability for Excessive Harm
by Robert Cooter & Ariel Porat - 81-106 Punishing the Innocent along with the Guilty: The Economics of Individual versus Group Punishment
by Thomas J. Miceli & Kathleen Segerson - 107-140 The Problematic Value of Mathematical Models of Evidence
by Ronald J. Allen & Michael S. Pardo - 141-170 Comparisons of the Incentive for Insolvency under Different Legal Regimes
by Elizabeth Klee & Lewis Kornhauser - 171-187 The Effect of Judicial Expedience on Attorney Fees in Class Actions
by Eric Helland & Jonathan Klick - 189-212 If Only Half of International Agreements Have Dispute Resolution Provisions, Which Half Needs Explaining?
by Barbara Koremenos
June 2006, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 1-1 2006 Ronald H. Coase Prize
by Posner - 285-302 Murky Waters: The Law and Economics of Salvaging Historic Shipwrecks
by Paul Hallwood & Thomas J. Miceli - 303-325 Conflict or Credibility: Research Analyst Conflicts of Interest and the Market for Underwriting Business
by James C. Spindler - 327-337 Does Wrongful Conviction Lower Deterrence?
by Henrik Lando - 339-363 A Strategic Interpretation of Legal Transplants
by Nuno Garoupa & Anthony Ogus - 365-398 Asbestos Litigation: Procedural Innovations and Forum Shopping
by Michelle J. White - 399-440 The Effect of Judicial Independence on Courts: Evidence from the American States
by Daniel Berkowitz & Karen Clay - 441-474 Public Policies and Private Decisions: The Effect of Child Support Measures on Marriage and Divorce
by Vicky Barham & Rose Anne Devlin & Jie Yang - 475-524 A Demand-Side Theory of Antitakeover Defenses
by Sharon Hannes
January 2006, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-29 The Appeals Process and Adjudicator Incentives
by Steven Shavell - 31-59 The Unreluctant Litigant? An Empirical Analysis of Japan’s Turn to Litigation
by Tom Ginsburg & Glenn Hoetker - 61-84 Product Defects and the Value of the Firm in Japan: The Impact of the Product Liability Law
by Sumiko Takaoka - 85-117 The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit’s Impact on Patent Litigation
by Matthew D. Henry & John L. Turner - 119-142 Demand for a Jury Trial and the Selection of Cases for Trial
by Joni Hersch - 143-174 Divorce Laws and the Structure of the American Family
by Stéphane Mechoulan - 175-198 Subsidizing Addiction: Do State Health Insurance Mandates Increase Alcohol Consumption?
by Jonathan Klick & Thomas Stratmann - 199-242 Debiasing through Law
by Christine Jolls & Cass R. Sunstein - 243-283 Does the U.S. Constitution Need an Equal Rights Amendment?
by Lisa Baldez & Lee Epstein & Andrew D. Martin
June 2005, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 295-341 Who Should Pay for Bankruptcy Costs?
by Arturo Bris & Alan Schwartz & Ivo Welch - 343-369 The Effects of Seeking Punitive Damages on the Processing of Tort Claims
by Thomas A. Eaton & David B. Mustard & Susette M. Talarico - 371-396 Discrimination and Nepotism: The Efficiency of the Anonymity Rule
by Chaim Fershtman & Uri Gneezy & Frank Verboven - 395-444 Juror Understanding of DNA Evidence: An Empirical Assessment of Presentation Formats for Trace Evidence with a Relatively Small Random-Match Probability
by Dale A. Nance & Scott B. Morris - 445-470 How Do Changes in Welfare Law Affect Domestic Violence? An Analysis of Connecticut Towns, 1990–2000
by Jennifer Nou & Christopher Timmins - 471-513 Enforcement, Private Political Pressure, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization Escape Clause
by Kyle Bagwell & Robert W. Staiger - 515-555 Trade Remedies and World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement: Why Are So Few Challenged?
by Chad P. Bown - 557-598 Power Plays and Capacity Constraints: The Selection of Defendants in World Trade Organization Disputes
by Andrew T. Guzman & Beth A. Simmons - 599-630 Is the International Court of Justice Biased?
by Eric A. Posner & Miguel F. P. de Figueiredo - 631-666 Public versus Private Enforcement of International Economic Law: Standing and Remedy
by Alan O. Sykes
January 2005, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Dirt on Coming Clean: Perverse Effects of Disclosing Conflicts of Interest
by Daylian M. Cain & George Loewenstein & Don A. Moore - 27-55 Recollection Bias and the Combat of Terrorism
by W. Kip Viscusi & Richard J. Zeckhauser - 57-92 Racial and Sex Disparities in Prison Sentences: The Effect of District-Level Judicial Demographics
by Max Schanzenbach - 93-136 Words That Kill? An Economic Model of the Influence of Speech on Behavior (with Particular Reference to Hate Speech)
by Dhammika Dharmapala & Richard H. McAdams - 137-159 Civil Litigation with Mandatory Discovery and Voluntary Transmission of Private Information
by Amy Farmer & Paul Pecorino - 161-206 Asset Securitization and Asymmetric Information
by Edward M. Iacobucci & Ralph A. Winter - 207-237 The Filtering Effect of Sharing Rules
by Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci & Gerrit De Geest - 239-272 Bilateral Accidents with Intrinsically Interdependent Costs of Precaution
by Dhammika Dharmapala & Sandra A. Hoffmann