2025, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-41 Trump’s Lower Court Judges and Religion: An Initial Appraisal
by Stephen J. Choi & Mitu Gulati & Eric A. Posner - 43-81 Learning or Networking? The Causal Effect of Judges Sitting by Designation
by Chang-Ching Lin & Yun-chien Chang - 83-115 Should Like Cases Be Decided Alike? A Formal Analysis of Formal Equality
by Benjamin B. Johnson & Richard Jordan - 117-164 Courts’ Decisions, Cooperative Investments, and Incomplete Contracts
by Alessandro De Chiara - 165-198 Modeling Fee Shifting with Computational Game Theory
by Michael Abramowicz - 199-237 Informational Properties of Liability Regimes
by Claude Fluet & Murat C. Mungan - 239-255 Deterrence by Insurance
by Roy Baharad
2024, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 267-296 Expecting Corporate Prosociality
by Hajin Kim - 297-338 Product Liability and Reasonable Product Use
by Florian Baumann & Alexander Rasch - 339-368 Law without Hierarchy
by Joseph Warren - 369-389 Installment Loans
by Carlie Malone & Paige Marta Skiba - 391-434 The Economic Consequences of Hedge Fund Regulation: An Analysis of the Effect of the Dodd-Frank Act
by Fernán Restrepo - 435-488 Subjective Beliefs about Contract Enforceability
by J.J. Prescott & Evan Starr - 489-526 The Loan Market Response to Dropdown and Uptier Transactions
by Vincent S. J. Buccola & Greg Nini
2024, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-20 Inconsistency on Multimember Courts
by Alan D. Miller & Shiran Rachmilevitch - 21-65 “Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls”: Fiduciary Duties in Venture-Capital-Backed Start-Ups
by Sarath Sanga & Eric Talley - 67-114 Self-Insuring against Liability Risk: Evidence from Physicians’ Home Values in States with Unlimited Homestead Exemptions
by Eric Helland & Anupam B. Jena & Dan P. Ly & Seth A. Seabury - 115-158 Employers’ Neighborhoods and Racial Discrimination
by Amanda Agan & Sonja Starr - 159-207 The Law of Restitution for Mistaken Payments: An Economic Analysis
by Dhammika Dharmapala & Nuno Garoupa - 209-236 Fines versus Damages: Experimental Evidence on Investments in Care
by Florian Baumann & Tim Friehe & Pascal Langenbach - 237-265 Lost Profits and Unjust-Enrichment Damages for the Misappropriation of Trade Secrets
by Luigi Alberto Franzoni & Arun Kumar Kaushik
2023, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 273-304 Are Lawyers’ Case Selection Decisions Biased? A Field Experiment on Access to Justice
by Jens Frankenreiter & Michael A. Livermore - 305-344 Misprioritized Information: A Theory of Manipulation
by Oren Bar-Gill & Omri Ben-Shahar - 345-375 Measuring the Countermajoritarian Nature of Supreme Court Decisions
by Eugenia Artabe & Alex Badas - 377-416 A New Theory of Impossibility, Impracticability, and Frustration
by Yehonatan Givati & Yotam Kaplan - 417-443 The Credibility Effect: Defamation Law and Audiences
by Yonathan A. Arbel - 445-483 Defamation with Bayesian Audiences
by Yonathan Arbel & Murat C. Mungan
2023, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-50 Litigation with Inalienable Judgments
by Erik Hovenkamp & Steven C. Salop - 51-81 Circumvention of Law and the Hidden Logic behind It
by Leo Katz & Alvaro Sandroni - 83-106 Does the Severity of Sanctions Influence Learning about Enforcement Policy? Experimental Evidence
by Tim Friehe & Pascal Langenbach & Murat C. Mungan - 107-136 When Homemakers Are Compensated: The Effect of Homemaking Provisions on Spousal Time Allocation
by H. Crystal Wong - 137-191 Regulating Product Return Policies: The Trade-off between Efficiency and Distribution
by Shmuel I. Becher & Eberhard Feess & Roee Sarel - 193-239 Judgment-Contingent Penalties: Signaling in Negative-Expected-Value Suits
by Shay Lavie & Avraham Tabbach - 241-271 Permitting Prohibitions
by Bernardo Guimaraes & Bruno Meyerhof Salama
2022, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Journal of Legal Studies at Fifty
by William H. J. Hubbard & Edward R. Morrison - 249-288 Computational Complexity and Tort Deterrence
by Joshua C. Teitelbaum - 289-320 Does the Threat of Overthrow Discipline the Elites? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment
by Konstantin Chatziathanasiou & Svenja Hippel & Michael Kurschilgen - 321-328 Introduction: A Second Wave of Comparative Constitutional Studies
by Adam Chilton & Mila Versteeg - 329-370 The Effect of Constitutional Gender Equality Clauses
by Adam Chilton & Mila Versteeg - 371-401 Majority Nationalism Laws and the Equal Citizenship of Minorities: Experimental, Panel, and Cross-Sectional Evidence from Israel
by Netta Barak-Corren & Noam Gidron & Yuval Feldman - 403-426 Migrant-Family Separation and Higher-Order Laws’ Diverging Normative Force
by Kevin L. Cope & Charles Crabtree - 427-453 Aspirational Rules
by Adi Leibovitch & Alexander Stremitzer - 455-481 Unconstitutional States of Emergency
by Christian Bjørnskov & Stefan Voigt & Mahdi Khesali
2022, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-38 Compromising Accuracy to Encourage Regulatory Participation
by Scott Baker & Anup Malani - 39-62 An Aggregation Theory of Character Evidence
by Hillel J. Bavli - 63-92 Privacy and Information Avoidance: An Experiment on Data-Sharing Preferences
by Dan Svirsky - 93-131 Third-Party Moral Hazard and the Problem of Insurance Externalities
by Gideon Parchomovsky & Peter Siegelman - 133-175 Hard Cases Make Bad Law? A Theoretical Investigation
by Sepehr Shahshahani - 177-208 Criminal Stereotypes of Muslim and Arab Americans and the Impact on Evaluations of Ambiguous Criminal Evidence
by Joseph J. Avery & DongWon Oh & Lauren Feldman & Reuven Cooper & Joel Cooper - 209-248 The Exclusionary Rule Revisited
by Nuno Garoupa & Murat Mungan
2021, Volume 50, Issue S2
- 1-7 Introduction
by Thomas J. Miles - 9-25 Classical Liberal Property and the Question of Institutional Choice
by Thomas W. Merrill - 27-52 Field Preemption: Opening the “Gates of Escape” from Tort Law
by Catherine M. Sharkey - 53-70 Stakeholder Dynamics in Land Development Projects
by Karen Bradshaw - 71-89 Hyde Park’s Two Turns in the Takings Clause Spotlight
by Lior Jacob Strahilevitz - 91-110 The Genius of Common-Law Intellectual Property
by Shyamkrishna Balganesh - 111-128 Lessons for Today’s Fields of Intellectual Property and Trade from Epstein’s Insights about Private Law and History
by F. Scott Kieff - 129-149 Patent Injunctions, Economics, and Rights
by Adam Mossoff & Eric R. Claeys - 151-178 Interest Groups Repairing Unconstitutionality: India’s Ninth Schedule
by Shruti Rajagopalan - 179-198 Old Chicago against Static Welfare Economics
by Malte F. Dold & Mario J. Rizzo - 199-217 Epstein on Health Law and Policy
by David A. Hyman - 219-237 Transaction Cost Economics, Labor Law, and the Gig Economy
by Seth Oranburg & Liya Palagashvili - 239-273 Still in Mortal Peril? Recent Research Suggests a New Agenda for Health Care Reform
by Anup Malani - 275-291 Classical Liberal Criminal Law
by Rachel E. Barkow - 293-312 Epstein on Private Discrimination: Searching for Common Ground
by Richard H. McAdams
2021, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 219-260 Contract Design When Relationship-Specific Investment Produces Asymmetric Information
by Albert H. Choi & George Triantis - 261-302 Judicial Accountability and Racial Disparity in Criminal Appeals
by Anna Harvey & Sidak Yntiso - 303-330 Masked Evaluations: The Role of Gender Homophily
by Heidi H. Liu - 331-378 Insolvency Institutions, Pledgeable Assets, and Efficiency
by Miguel García-Posada - 379-405 The Personal Finances of United States Supreme Court Justices and Decision-making in Economic Litigation
by Jordan Carr Peterson & Thora Giallouri & Elli Menounou - 407-443 Discovery and Disclosure in a Signaling Model of Final-Offer Arbitration
by Amy Farmer & Paul Pecorino - 445-472 Optimal Enforcement with Heterogeneous Private Costs of Punishment
by Brian Galle & Murat C. Mungan
2021, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-34 Rethinking Law School Tenure Standards
by Adam Chilton & Jonathan S. Masur & Kyle Rozema - 35-74 Unexpected Effects of Expected Sanctions
by Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci & Alex Raskolnikov - 75-110 Religious Exemptions Increase Discrimination toward Same-Sex Couples: Evidence from Masterpiece Cakeshop
by Netta Barak-Corren - 111-144 A Theory of Defiant Courts in Nondemocratic Regimes
by Nuno Garoupa & Leyla D. Karakas - 145-185 Domestic Politics and Settlement in Investor-State Arbitration
by Weijia Rao - 187-217 Party Building or Noisy Signaling? The Contours of Political Conformity in Chinese Corporate Governance
by Lauren Yu-Hsin Lin & Curtis J. Milhaupt
2020, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 243-285 On the Redesign of Accident Liability for the World of Autonomous Vehicles
by Steven Shavell - 287-334 Short and Distort
by Joshua Mitts - 335-379 Leniency and Damages: Where Is the Conflict?
by Paolo Buccirossi & Catarina Marvão & Giancarlo Spagnolo - 381-429 Procurement and Accidents: The Liability Curse
by Juan-José Ganuza & Fernando Gómez - 431-466 Cybercrime and Punishment
by Ye Hong & William Neilson - 467-485 Extension: Lawyers’ Role-Induced Bias Arises Fast and Persists despite Intervention
by Holger Spamann
2020, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-32 Disagreement and Capital Structure Complexity
by Kenneth Ayotte - 33-72 Promises, Reliance, and Psychological Lock-In
by Rebecca Stone & Alexander Stremitzer - 73-101 Harm Displacement and Tort Doctrine
by Yehonatan Givati & Yotam Kaplan - 103-152 Disclosure Rules in Contract Law
by Oren Bar-Gill & Ariel Porat - 153-198 Is Police Behavior Getting Worse? Data Selection and the Measurement of Policing Harms
by Aurélie Ouss & John Rappaport - 199-242 Judicial Elections and Criminal Case Outcomes
by Gregory DeAngelo & Bryan C. McCannon
2019, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 245-274 Price and Prejudice: An Empirical Test of Financial Incentives, Altruism, and Racial Bias
by Kristen Underhill - 275-305 Deterrence, Contagion, and Legitimacy in Anticorruption Policy Making: An Experimental Analysis
by Amadou Boly & Robert Gillanders & Topi Miettinen - 307-339 Preferences for Criminal Justice Error Types: Theory and Evidence
by Yehonatan Givati - 341-375 Conforming against Expectations: The Formalism of Nonlawyers at the World Trade Organization
by Julian Nyarko & Jerome Hsiang - 377-408 Policy Disagreement and Judicial Legitimacy: Evidence from the 1937 Court-Packing Plan
by Alex Badas - 409-440 Mandatory Disclosure: Theory and Evidence from Industry-Physician Relationships
by Daniel L. Chen & Vardges Levonyan & S. Eric Reinhart & Glen Taksler - 441-473 Engineering the Rule of Law in Ancient Athens
by Robert K. Fleck & F. Andrew Hanssen
2019, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-44 The Insignificance of Clear-Day Poison Pills
by Emiliano M. Catan - 45-79 Constitutional Folk Theories as a Guide to Constitutional Values? The Case of the Legislative Veto
by Edward H. Stiglitz - 81-116 Active Firms and Active Shareholders: Corporate Political Activity and Shareholder Proposals
by Geeyoung Min & Hye Young You - 117-157 Rent Seeking and Bias in Appeals Systems
by Tim Friehe & Ansgar Wohlschlegel - 159-188 Costly Pretrial Agreements
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli & Giovanni Immordino - 189-216 To Serve and Collect: The Fiscal and Racial Determinants of Law Enforcement
by Michael D. Makowsky & Thomas Stratmann & Alex Tabarrok - 217-244 Follow the Leader? Testing for the Internalization of Law
by Shaun Larcom & Luca A. Panzone & Timothy Swanson
2018, Volume 47, Issue S1
- 1-4 Optimal Design of Guest Worker Programs: An Introduction
by Adam S. Chilton & Tom Ginsburg & Eric A. Posner - 5-44 Testing for Repugnance in Economic Transactions: Evidence from Guest Work in the Gulf
by Michael A. Clemens - 45-88 Why Countries Sign Bilateral Labor Agreements
by Adam S. Chilton & Eric A. Posner - 89-127 Labor Immigration Policies in High-Income Countries: Variations across Political Regimes and Varieties of Capitalism
by Martin Ruhs - 129-147 Reflections on the Role of Law in the Gulf Migration System
by Andrew Gardner - 149-168 On the Rights of Temporary Migrants
by Christian Barry & Luara Ferracioli - 169-194 Guest Worker Programs and Reasonable, Feasible Cosmopolitanism
by Richard Arneson - 195-227 A Property Rights Approach to Temporary Work Visas
by Alessandra Casella & Adam B. Cox - 229-245 Circles of Trust: A Proposal for Better Migrant Screening
by Tom Ginsburg & Alberto Simpser - 247-269 Global Reputation for Guest Workers
by Moran Sadeh
2018, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 235-268 Copyright Protection and Cumulative Creation: Evidence from Early Twentieth-Century Music
by Stephanie Holmes Didwania - 269-294 Judicial Effort and the Appeals System: Theory and Experiment
by Eberhard Feess & Roee Sarel - 295-323 Legal Centralization: A Tocquevillian View
by Bertrand Crettez & Bruno Deffains & Olivier Musy - 325-348 Tailoring Negligence Standards to Accident Records
by Alice Guerra & Tobias M. Hlobil - 349-390 Estimating the Effect of Leisure on Judicial Performance
by Tom S. Clark & Benjamin G. Engst & Jeffrey K. Staton - 391-418 On the Perils of Commitment to Punishment when Criminals Are Strategic
by Shaun Larcom & Mare Sarr - 419-447 The Systems Fallacy: A Genealogy and Critique of Public Policy and Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Bernard E. Harcourt
2018, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-43 The Legal Academy's Ideological Uniformity
by Adam Bonica & Adam Chilton & Kyle Rozema & Maya Sen - 45-82 Reputation and Litigation: Why Costly Legal Sanctions Can Work Better than Reputational Sanctions
by Scott Baker & Albert H. Choi - 83-118 Does Reason Writing Reduce Decision Bias? Experimental Evidence from Judges in China
by Zhuang Liu - 119-149 What Drives Bankruptcy Forum Shopping? Evidence from Market Data
by Jared A. Ellias - 151-180 Detection and Correction of Case-Publication Bias
by Edward K. Cheng - 181-207 In-Kind Transfers and the Law of Torts
by Assaf Jacob & Alon Klement & Yuval Procaccia - 209-234 Improved Statistical Methods for the Calculation of Damages in Discrimination Lawsuits
by Scott Susin & Ioan Voicu
2017, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 237-280 The Inevitability and Ubiquity of Cycling in All Feasible Legal Regimes: A Formal Proof
by Leo Katz & Alvaro Sandroni - 281-307 Harmful, Harmless, and Beneficial Uncertainty in Law
by Scott Baker & Alex Raskolnikov - 309-338 Discretionary Disenfranchisement: The Case of Legal Financial Obligations
by Marc Meredith & Michael Morse - 339-369 Shared Ownership of Intangible Property Rights: The Case of Patent Coassignments
by Andrea Fosfuri & Christian Helmers & Catherine Roux - 371-398 Affiliation Bias in Arbitration: An Experimental Approach
by Sergio Puig & Anton Strezhnev - 399-426 Stretch It but Don't Break It: The Hidden Cost of Contract Framing
by Richard R. W. Brooks & Alexander Stremitzer & Stephan Tontrup - 427-448 Patient Patents: Can Certain Types of Patent Litigation Be Beneficially Delayed?
by Doug Lichtman
2017, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-50 You Are in Charge: Experimentally Testing the Motivating Power of Holding a Judicial Office
by Christoph Engel & Lilia Zhurakhovska - 51-92 After the Override: An Empirical Analysis of Shadow Precedent
by Brian J. Broughman & Deborah A. Widiss - 93-128 Mandatory Minimums and the Sentencing of Federal Drug Crimes
by David Bjerk - 129-160 Board Interlocks and Outside Directors' Protection
by Michal Barzuza & Quinn Curtis - 161-185 Vicarious Liability for Managerial Myopia
by James Cameron Spindler - 187-206 Jurors' Presumption of Innocence
by Nicholas Scurich & Richard S. John - 207-236 Adam Smith, Prophet of Law and Economics
by Paul G. Mahoney
2016, Volume 45, Issue S2
- 1-11 Contracting over Privacy: Introduction
by Omri Ben-Shahar & Lior Jacob Strahilevitz - 13-39 Self-Regulation and Competition in Privacy Policies
by Florencia Marotta-Wurgler - 41-67 Simplification of Privacy Disclosures: An Experimental Test
by Omri Ben-Shahar & Adam Chilton - 69-95 Is Privacy Policy Language Irrelevant to Consumers?
by Lior Jacob Strahilevitz & Matthew B. Kugler - 97-121 A Query-Theory Perspective of Privacy Decision Making
by Idris Adjerid & Sonam Samat & Alessandro Acquisti - 123-136 Contracting for Privacy Precaution (and a Laffer Curve for Crime)
by Ian Ayres - 137-161 Optimal Defaults in Consumer Markets
by Oren Bar-Gill & Omri Ben-Shahar - 163-190 Ambiguity in Privacy Policies and the Impact of Regulation
by Joel R. Reidenberg & Jaspreet Bhatia & Travis D. Breaux & Thomas B. Norton - 191-215 Do Privacy Notices Matter? Comparing the Impact of Violating Formal Privacy Notices and Informal Privacy Norms on Consumer Trust Online
by Kirsten Martin
2016, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 223-254 The Supreme Court, the Media, and Public Opinion: Comparing Experimental and Observational Methods
by Katerina Linos & Kimberly Twist - 255-280 Justice Is Less Blind, and Less Legalistic, than We Thought: Evidence from an Experiment with Real Judges
by Holger Spamann & Lars Klöhn - 281-330 Relative Judgments
by Adi Leibovitch - 331-366 Black Sheep or Scapegoats? Implementable Monitoring Policies under Unobservable Levels of Misbehavior
by Berno Buechel & Gerd Muehlheusser - 367-400 Prenups
by Peter T. Leeson & Joshua Pierson - 401-436 Supreme Court Justices' Loyalty to the President
by Lee Epstein & Eric A. Posner - 437-469 Is the Government Fiscally Blind? An Empirical Examination of the Effect of the Compensation Requirement on Eminent-Domain Exercises
by Ronit Levine-Schnur & Gideon Parchomovsky - 471-505 The Heavy Costs of High Bail: Evidence from Judge Randomization
by Arpit Gupta & Christopher Hansman & Ethan Frenchman
2016, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-41 The Prison Boom and Sentencing Policy
by Derek Neal & Armin Rick - 43-72 A Theory of Whistleblower Rewards
by Yehonatan Givati - 73-103 Law Enforcement in a Federal System: On the Strategic Choice of Sanction Levels
by Tim Friehe & Thomas J. Miceli - 105-141 Punitive Police? Agency Costs, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Procedure
by Dhammika Dharmapala & Nuno Garoupa & Richard H. McAdams - 143-171 Multiple Causation, Apportionment, and the Shapley Value
by Samuel Ferey & Pierre Dehez - 173-201 Sharing Residual Liability: The Cheapest Cost Avoider Revisited
by Emanuela Carbonara & Alice Guerra & Francesco Parisi - 203-221 Evenwel, Voting Power, and Dual Districting
by Paul H. Edelman
2015, Volume 44, Issue S2
- 319-335 Introduction: Legal Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty
by David Weisbach - 337-365 A Bayesian Framework for the Precautionary Principle
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar - 367-385 Randomizing Regulatory Approval for Adaptive Diversification and Deterrence
by Charles F. Manski - 387-422 Regulating Ambiguous Risks: The Less than Rational Regulation of Pharmaceuticals
by W. Kip Viscusi & Richard J. Zeckhauser - 423-445 Abating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Electric Power Generation: Model Uncertainty and Regulatory Epistemology
by Alan H. Sanstad - 447-473 On Sturdy Policy Evaluation
by William A. Brock & Steven N. Durlauf - 475-507 Rationally Arbitrary Decisions in Administrative Law
by Adrian Vermeule - 509-528 Gambling over Growth: Economic Uncertainty, Discounting, and Regulatory Policy
by Daniel A. Farber
2015, Volume 44, Issue S1
- 1-6 Introduction
by Thomas J. Miles & Omri Ben-Shahar - 7-33 Salience Theory of Judicial Decisions
by Pedro Bordalo & Nicola Gennaioli & Andrei Shleifer - 35-58 The Law and Positive Political Theory of Panel Effects
by Emerson H. Tiller - 59-85 The Politics of Opinion Assignment and Authorship on the US Court of Appeals: Evidence from Sexual Harassment Cases
by Sean Farhang & Jonathan P. Kastellec & Gregory J. Wawro - 87-105 Judicial Noncompliance with Mandatory Procedural Rules under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
by M. Todd Henderson & William H. J. Hubbard - 107-131 The Role of Competence in Promotions from the Lower Federal Courts
by Stephen J. Choi & Mitu Gulati & Eric A. Posner - 133-159 Judicial Decision Making: A Dynamic Reputation Approach
by Alma Cohen & Alon Klement & Zvika Neeman - 161-185 Partisanship in State Supreme Courts: The Empirical Relationship between Party Campaign Contributions and Judicial Decision Making
by Michael S. Kang & Joanna M. Shepherd - 187-229 Is Justice Really Blind? Race and Reversal in US Courts
by Maya Sen - 231-267 Do Attorney Surveys Measure Judicial Performance or Respondent Ideology? Evidence from Online Evaluations
by Thomas J. Miles - 269-293 Do the Justices Vote Like Policy Makers? Evidence from Scaling the Supreme Court with Interest Groups
by Joshua B. Fischman - 295-317 Revisiting the Ideology Rankings of Supreme Court Justices
by Lee Epstein & William M. Landes & Richard A. Posner
2015, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 249-276 Disgorgement Damages for Accidents
by Robert Cooter & Ariel Porat - 277-314 An Empirical Study of Political Bias in Legal Scholarship
by Adam S. Chilton & Eric A. Posner - 315-360 An Economic Analysis of Black-White Disparities in the New York Police Department's Stop-and-Frisk Program
by Decio Coviello & Nicola Persico - 361-388 Decriminalizing Delinquency: The Effect of Raising the Age of Majority on Juvenile Recidivism
by Charles E. Loeffler & Ben Grunwald - 389-416 On the Equilibrium Effects of Nudging
by Ran Spiegler - 417-452 The Failure of Constitutional Torture Prohibitions
by Adam S. Chilton & Mila Versteeg - 453-476 Price Caps in Multiprice Markets
by Oren Bar-Gill
2015, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-37 Testing for Racial Prejudice in the Parole Board Release Process: Theory and Evidence
by Shamena Anwar & Hanming Fang - 39-74 Assessing Racial Disparities in Parole Release
by Stéphane Mechoulan & Nicolas Sahuguet - 75-111 Free at Last? Judicial Discretion and Racial Disparities in Federal Sentencing
by Crystal S. Yang - 113-141 The Hierarchical Influence of Courts of Appeals on District Courts
by Christina L. Boyd - 143-182 Does the Endowment Effect Justify Legal Intervention? The Debiasing Effect of Institutions
by Jennifer Arlen & Stephan Tontrup - 183-227 Do Institutional Investors Value the Rule 10b-5 Private Right of Action? Evidence from Investors' Trading Behavior following Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd
by Robert P. Bartlett III