January 2016, Volume 43, Issue 147
- 107-115 Amady Aly Dieng, 1932–2015: radical African nationalist, genuine Marxist, witty and free thinker
by Jean Copans & Françoise Blum - 116-130 Growth of Chinese trade and investment flows in DR Congo – blessing or curse?
by Malancha Chakrabarty - 131-141 The other face of the Zimbabwean crisis: The black market and dealers during Zimbabwe's decade of economic meltdown, 2000–2008
by Tapiwa Chagonda - 142-150 The murder of Gilles Cistac: Mozambique's future at a crossroads
by Ana Ganho - 151-159 Does sub-Saharan Africa need capitalist philanthropy to reduce poverty and achieve food security?
by Behrooz Morvaridi - 160-163 The price of civilization: reawakening virtue and prosperity after the economic fall
by Jörg Wiegratz - 163-165 In the name of the people: Angola's forgotten massacre
by John Saul
August 2016, Volume 43, Issue 0
- 1-1 Dedication and acknowledgements
by The Editors - 2-6 Remembering Lionel Cliffe
by Peter Lawrence - 7-16 Land, liberation and democracy: the life and work of Lionel Cliffe
by Peter Lawrence - 17-21 Lionel Cliffe: the politically engaged intellectual worker
by Mike Powell - 22-40 Village land politics and the legacy of
by Elisa Greco - 41-59 Cotton and textiles industries in Tanzania: the failures of liberalisation
by Andrew Coulson - 60-68 Reflections on land policy and the independence settlement in Kenya
by Brian Van Arkadie - 69-85 Agrarian transformation in the Near East and North Africa: influences from the work of Lionel Cliffe
by Ray Bush - 86-98 Old wine in new bottles? Revisiting contract farming after agrarian reform in Zimbabwe
by Lloyd Sachikonye - 99-114 ‘I am a paramount chief, this land belongs to my ancestors’: the reconfiguration of rural authority after Zimbabwe's land reforms
by Grasian Mkodzongi - 115-129 Analysing the history of agrarian struggles in Tanzania from a feminist perspective
by Marjorie Mbilinyi - 130-144 The importance of land in rethinking rural transformation, agrarian revolution and unfinished liberation in Africa
by Nancy Andrew - 145-166 The ZIPA moment: Dzino, Mugabe and Samora Machel
by John S. Saul - 167-186 Lionel Cliffe and the generation(s) of Zimbabwean politics
by David Moore - 187-189 Morality and economic growth in rural West Africa: indigenous accumulation in Hausaland
by Caroline Ifeka
October 2015, Volume 42, Issue 146
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 497-507 Labour in the time of platinum
by Gavin Capps - 508-525 Rustenburg's labour recruitment regime: shifts and new meanings
by Kally Forrest - 526-544 Enclave Rustenburg: platinum mining and the post-apartheid social order
by Andries Bezuidenhout & Sakhela Buhlungu - 545-560 The invisible hands: women in Marikana
by Asanda Benya - 561-576 ‘Igneous’ means fire from below: the tumultuous history of the National Union of Mineworkers on the South African platinum mines
by T. Dunbar Moodie - 577-590 The unmaking and remaking of industrial relations: the case of Impala Platinum and the 2012–2013 platinum strike wave
by Crispen Chinguno - 591-605 ‘AMCU by day, workers’ committee by night’: Insurgent Trade Unionism at Anglo Platinum (Amplats) mine, 2012–2014
by Luke Sinwell - 606-624 Claims from below: platinum and the politics of land in the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela traditional authority area
by Gavin Capps & Sonwabile Mnwana - 625-632 Striking together: women workers in the 2012 platinum dispute
by Nyonde Ntswana - 633-642 Accelerated mechanisation and the demise of a mass-based labour force? Platinum mines in South Africa
by Paul Stewart - 643-656 The 2014 platinum strike: narratives and numbers
by Andrew Bowman & Gilad Isaacs - 657-665 Briefing on the report
by Dick Forslund - 666-677 What about the workers? The demise of COSATU and the emergence of a new movement
by Leonard Gentle - 678-680 The global development crisis
by Peter Dwyer - 681-682 Oil, democracy, and development in Africa
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom
July 2015, Volume 42, Issue 145
- 455-466 The key questions in the AIDS epidemic in 2015
by Alan Whiteside
September 2015, Volume 42, Issue 145
- 335-341 The political economy of HIV
by Deborah Johnston & Kevin Deane & Matteo Rizzo - 342-361 Trapped in the prison of the proximate: structural HIV/AIDS prevention in southern Africa
by Bridget O'Laughlin - 362-375 The political economy of concurrent partners: toward a history of sex-love-gift connections in the time of AIDS
by Mark Hunter - 376-393 Wealthy and healthy? New evidence on the relationship between wealth and HIV vulnerability in Tanzania
by Danya Long & Kevin Deane - 394-413 Paying the price of HIV in Africa: cash transfers and the depoliticisation of HIV risk
by Deborah Johnston - 414-436 Exploring the complexity of microfinance and HIV in fishing communities on the shores of Lake Malawi
by Eleanor MacPherson & John Sadalaki & Victoria Nyongopa & Lawrence Nkhwazi & Mackwellings Phiri & Alinafe Chimphonda & Nicola Desmond & Victor Mwapasa & David G. Lalloo & Janet Seeley & Sally Theobald - 437-454 Revisiting the economics of transactional sex: evidence from Tanzania
by Kevin Deane & Joyce Wamoyi - 467-476 15 years of 'War on AIDS': what impact has the global HIV/AIDS response had on the political economy of Africa?
by Sophie Harman - 477-487 Breaking out of silos - the need for critical paradigm reflection in HIV prevention
by Justin O. Parkhurst & Moritz Hunsmann - 488-496 Microfinance and HIV prevention
by Janet Seeley
June 2015, Volume 42, Issue 144
- 167-173 On territorialising power and rendering space and resources legible
by Reginald Cline-Cole - 174-189 The politics of land registration in Ethiopia: territorialising state power in the rural milieu
by Davide Chinigò - 190-205 Zimbabwe's land reform: new political dynamics in the countryside
by Ian Scoones - 206-224 Bulldozers, homes and highways: Nairobi and the right to the city
by Ambreena Manji - 225-244 Landlords in the making: class dynamics of the land grab in Mbarali, Tanzania
by Elisa Greco - 245-261 Renewable energy in South Africa's minerals-energy complex: a 'low carbon' transition?
by Lucy Baker - 262-278 The reform-underdevelopmentalism nexus in a dependent state: a case study of the Nigerian banking sector reforms
by Sylvanus I. Ebohon - 279-298 Beyond urban vulnerability: interrogating the social sustainability of a livelihood in the informal economy of Nigerian cities
by Thaddeus Chidi Nzeadibe & Peter Oluchukwu Mbah - 299-313 A political economy of sub-Saharan African language press: the case of Nigeria and South Africa
by Abiodun Salawu - 314-315 Pepe Roberts, 1943-2015
by Janet Bujra & Gavin Williams - 316-324 Five funerals, no weddings, a couple of birthdays: Terry Ranger, his contemporaries, and the end of Zimbabwean nationalism - 24 October 2013-3 January 2015
by David Moore - 325-333 The popular uprising in Burkina Faso and the Transition
by Lila Chouli
March 2015, Volume 42, Issue 143
- 1-6 Divisive democracy and popular struggle in Africa
by Hannah Cross - 7-21 Fighting talk: Ruth First's early journalism 1947-1950
by Christopher Webb - 22-43 Visions of liberation: the Algerian war of independence and its South African reverberations
by Allison Drew - 44-61 Free and fair? Citizens' assessments of the 2013 general election in Kenya
by Seema Shah - 62-76 Sex, citizenship and the state in Nigeria: Islam, Christianity and emergent struggles over intimacy
by Ebenezer Obadare - 77-91 Angolan civil society activism since the 1990s: reformists, confrontationists and young revolutionaries of the 'Arab spring generation'
by Nuno Vidal - 92-106 Different means of protest, same causes: popular struggles in Burkina Faso
by Bettina Engels - 107-123 Violence and democracy in South Africa's community protests
by Marcel Paret - 124-140 The revolt of small towns: the meaning of Morocco's history and the geography of social protests
by Koenraad Bogaert - 141-147 Horse-trading on EU-African Economic Partnership Agreements
by Dirk Kohnert - 148-155 L'insurrection populaire et la Transition au Burkina Faso
by Lila Chouli - 156-165 International crude oil theft: elite predatory tendencies in Nigeria
by Eddy Akpomera
October 2014, Volume 41, Issue sup1
- 1-6 New African development?
by Ray Bush & Graham Harrison - 7-25 From a marginalised to an emerging Africa? A critical analysis
by Ndongo Samba Sylla - 26-48 Growth, capital accumulation and economic porosity in Mozambique: social losses, private gains
by Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco - 49-63 'A nation in a hurry': the costs of local governance reforms in Rwanda
by Niamh Gaynor - 64-74 Securitisation of development in Ethiopia: the discourse and politics of developmentalism
by Fana Gebresenbet - 75-94 From immersion to simulation: remote methodologies and the decline of area studies
by Mark Duffield - 95-107 'African Peasants and Revolution' revisited
by Henry Bernstein - 108-114 An interview with Samir Amin
by Samir Amin & Ray Bush - 115-127 Fairtrade cooperatives in Ethiopia and Uganda: uncensored
by C. Cramer & D. Johnston & C. Oya & J. Sender - 128-137 Konza City and the Kenyan software services strategy: the great leap backward?
by Jyoti Saraswati
October 2014, Volume 41, Issue 142
- 475-482 Theorising Africa: some facts and fictions
by Alfred Zack-Williams - 483-499 The empire's new clothes: Africa, liberal interventionism and contemporary world order
by Zubairu Wai - 500-515 Mining for peace: diamonds, bauxite, iron ore and political stability in Guinea
by Mamadou Diouma Bah - 516-529 Chiefs, NGOs and alternative conflict resolution mechanisms in post-conflict Sierra Leone
by Felix Marco Conteh - 530-544 Regulation, taxation and violence: the state, quasi-state governance and cross-border dynamics in the Great Lakes Region
by Filip Reyntjens - 545-560 The development planning era and developmental statehood: the pursuit of structural transformation in Nigeria
by Eka Ikpe - 561-578 Wasta! The long-term implications of education expansion and economic liberalisation on politics in Sudan
by Laura Mann - 579-593 Modernity in material form? Mobile phones in the careers of Ghanaian market women
by Jenna Burrell - 594-608 Dependency in international regimes: the case of the apparel industry in sub-Saharan Africa
by Moses Mpuria Kindiki - 609-622 'When freedom died' in Angola: Alves and after
by John S. Saul - 623-633 The freedom to be silent? Market pressures on journalistic normative ideals at the Nation Media Group in Kenya
by Herman Wasserman & Jacinta Mwende Maweu - 634-644 South Africa: how the ANC wins elections
by Martin Plaut - 645-651 South Africa's elections 2014: more than more of the same?
by Henning Melber
September 2014, Volume 41, Issue 141
- 335-340 On ROAPE , historical (dis)continuities and textual activism
by Reginald Cline-Cole & Gary Littlejohn - 341-357 Emerging powers, state capitalism and the oil sector in Africa
by Ian Taylor - 358-373 Resource conflict and militant Islamism in the Golis Mountains in northern Somalia (2006-2013)
by Markus Virgil Hoehne - 374-388 Two 'transitions': the political economy of Joyce Banda's rise to power and the related role of civil society organisations in Malawi
by Clive Gabay - 389-405 Philanthrocapitalism: appropriation of Africa's genetic wealth
by Carol B. Thompson - 406-423 How and why chiefs formalise land use in recent times: the politics of land dispossession through biofuels investments in Ghana
by Festus Boamah - 424-440 Zimbabwe's 'new' smallholders: who got land and where did they come from?
by Gareth David James - 441-457 Militarising - and marginalising? - African Studies USA
by William G. Martin & Brendan Innis McQuade - 458-465 The death of Dag Hammarskjöld
by Henning Melber - 466-473 Dwindling but surviving: South Sudan and external involvement in the current crisis
by Aleksi Ylönen
June 2014, Volume 41, Issue 140
- 167-171 Understanding people and power in African political economy
by Hannah Cross - 172-184 The Africana paradigm in Capital : the debts of Karl Marx to people of African descent
by Biko Agozino - 185-200 Political economy of the Namibian tourism sector: addressing post-apartheid inequality through increasing indigenous ownership
by Julia Jänis - 201-215 Aid for Trade and African agriculture: the bittersweet case of Swazi sugar
by Pamela Richardson-Ngwenya & Ben Richardson - 216-231 Jatropha as a biofuel crop and the economy of appearances: experiences from Kenya
by Carol Hunsberger - 232-248 The land grab, finance capital, and food regime restructuring: the case of Egypt
by Marion Dixon - 249-263 Oil and the Post-Amnesty Programme (PAP): what prospects for sustainable development and peace in the Niger Delta?
by Cyril Obi - 264-283 Industrial transformation or business as usual? Information and communication technologies and Africa's place in the global information economy
by James T. Murphy & Pádraig Carmody & Björn Surborg - 284-287 Lionel Cliffe, 1936-2013: a comradely scholar in Nyerere's nationalist Tanzania
by Issa G. Shivji - 288-291 Lionel Cliffe, 1936-2013
by Peter Lawrence & Morris Szeftel - 292-296 The shadow of Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013
by Bill Freund - 297-305 Nelson Mandela and the politics of South Africa's unfinished liberation
by Alexander Beresford - 306-310 Transformation or end of Tanzanian trade unions? A comment on Matteo Rizzo's dissenting remarks
by Gundula Fischer - 311-315 A response to Gundula Fischer's comment
by Matteo Rizzo - 316-322 The dynamics of the loss of oil revenues in the economy of North Sudan
by Mohammed Hussein Sharfi - 323-331 Zuma: party leadership as electoral liability
by Roger Southall - 332-333 ROAPE's Africa Research Fund: a report
by Janet Bujra & Colin Stoneman & Gary Littlejohn
March 2014, Volume 41, Issue 139
- 1-11 Não vamos esquecer (We will not forget)
by Gavin Williams & Leo Zeilig & Janet Bujra & Gary Littlejohn - 12-17 The Ruth First Papers Project: digitising the Ruth First archive
by Vanessa Rockel & Matt Mahon - 18-37 Ruth First: the analysis and practice of politics in South Africa
by Gavin Williams - 38-43 Remembering Ruth First at the CEA
by Colin Darch - 44-59 Ruth First: a revolutionary life in revolutionary times
by Bridget O'Laughlin - 60-83 Ruth First and the Mozambican miner
by Marc Wuyts - 84-96 Remembering Ruth: the voice, the face, the work and the silence
by Alpheus Manghezi - 97-104 Building an alternative consensus for political action: Ruth First as journalist and activist
by Don Pinnock - 105-119 Ruth First: internationalist activist, researcher and teacher: the long road to Mozambique
by Anna Maria Gentili - 120-124 'More comfortably without her?': Ruth First as writer and activist
by John S. Saul - 125-133 'Today is human rights day': Ruth First, human rights and the United Nations
by Barbara Harlow - 134-152 From exile to the thick of the struggle: Ruth First and the problems of national liberation, international sanctions and revolutionary agency
by Leo Zeilig - 153-156 The hidden thread: Russia and South Africa in the Soviet era
by Colin Darch - 157-159 Liberation movements in power: party and state in southern Africa
by Leo Zeilig - 160-165 Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the war against apartheid
by Gary Littlejohn
December 2013, Volume 40, Issue 138
- 507-518 'The art of neoliberalism': accumulation, institutional change and social order since the end of apartheid
by Nicolas Pons-Vignon & Aurelia Segatti - 519-536 Swimming against the tide: the Macro-Economic Research Group in the South African transition 1991--94
by William Freund - 537-555 Stuck in stabilisation? South Africa's post-apartheid macro-economic policy between ideological conversion and technocratic capture
by Aurelia Segatti & Nicolas Pons-Vignon - 556-571 Expectations and outcomes: considering competition and corporate power in South Africa under democracy
by Gertrude Makhaya & Simon Roberts - 572-588 Poverty, grants, revolution and 'real Utopias': society must be defended by any and all means necessary!
by Firoz Khan - 589-604 South Africa: the transition to violent democracy
by Karl von Holdt - 605-619 Marikana, turning point in South African history
by Peter Alexander - 620-627 Longevity of the Tripartite Alliance: the post-Mangaung sequence
by Raphaël Botiveau - 628-638 Labour market restructuring in South Africa: low wages, high insecurity
by Miriam Di Paola & Nicolas Pons-Vignon - 639-646 Marikana: fragmentation, precariousness, strike violence and solidarity
by Crispen Chinguno - 647-648 Epistemologies of African conflicts: violence, evolutionism, and the war in Sierra Leone
by Hironori Onuki - 649-650 Violence in a time of liberation: murder and ethnicity at a South African gold mine, 1994
by Tapiwa Chagonda - 651-652 Suret-Canale de la résistance à l'anticolonialisme
by Leo Zeilig - 653-654 The fate of Sudan: the origins and consequences of a flawed peace process
by John Markakis
September 2013, Volume 40, Issue 137
- 341-342 Editorial
by Claire Mercer - 343-357 One hippopotamus and eight blind analysts: a multivocal analysis of the 2012 political crisis in the divided Republic of Mali
by Baz Lecocq & Gregory Mann & Bruce Whitehouse & Dida Badi & Lotte Pelckmans & Nadia Belalimat & Bruce Hall & Wolfram Lacher - 358-374 The legacies of Thomas Sankara: a revolutionary experience in retrospect
by Ernest Harsch - 375-393 Rescuing African bodies: celebrities, consumerism and neoliberal humanitarianism
by Patricia Daley - 394-409 The rise and fall of trade unionism in Zimbabwe, Part II: 1995--2000
by Paris Yeros - 410-427 Neoliberal globalisation and evolving local traditional institutions: implications for access to resources in rural northern Ghana
by Joseph A. Yaro - 428-446 Cultural interfaces of self-determination and the rise of the neo-Biafran movement in Nigeria
by Godwin Onuoha - 447-465 Have we heard the last? Oil, environmental insecurity, and the impact of the amnesty programme on the Niger Delta resistance movement
by Daniel Egiegba Agbiboa - 466-474 Do African cities have markets for plastics or plastics for markets?
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 475-484 The Ghanaian elections of 2012
by Bob Kelly & R. B. Bening - 485-495 Are public--private partnerships (PPPs) the answer to Africa's infrastructure needs?
by John Loxley - 496-497 Domesticating vigilantism in Africa
by Rita Abrahamsen - 498-500 War and the crisis of youth in Sierra Leone
by Tunde Zack-Williams - 501-502 The political economy of pharmaceutical patents: sectional interests and the African group at the WTO
by Ismail Lagardien - 503-505 Biopolitics, militarism and development: Eritrea in the twenty-first century
by Daniel R. Mekonnen
June 2013, Volume 40, Issue 136
- 179-184 Neo-imperialism and African development
by Alfred Zack-Williams - 185-201 Industrial policy and the political settlement in Tanzania: aspects of continuity and change since independence
by Hazel Gray - 202-218 Labour and underdevelopment? Migration, dispossession and accumulation in West Africa and Europe
by Hannah Cross - 219-232 The rise and fall of trade unionism in Zimbabwe, Part I: 1990--1995
by Paris Yeros - 233-250 Accumulation with or without dispossession? A 'both/and' approach to China in Africa with reference to Angola
by Jesse Salah Ovadia - 251-273 Rural wage employment in Africa: methodological issues and emerging evidence
by Carlos Oya - 274-289 Deep Integration in north--south relations: compatibility issues between the EU and South Africa
by Simone Claar & Andreas Nölke - 290-308 Informalisation and the end of trade unionism as we knew it? Dissenting remarks from a Tanzanian case study
by Matteo Rizzo - 309-320 Land dispossession and rural social movements: the 2011 conference in Mali
by Giuliano Martiniello - 321-330 How unstable is the Horn of Africa?
by Martin Plaut - 331-332 Security beyond the state: private security in international politics
by Lars Buur - 333-335 Chronique d'une transition and La face cachée de la révolution tunisienne: Islamisme et occident, une alliance à haut risque
by Hannah Cross - 336-338 Urban appropriation and transformation: bicycle taxi and handcart operators in Mzuzu, Malawi
by Philani Moyo - 339-340 South--South cooperation: Africa on the centre stage
by Olabisi Delebayo Akinkugbe
March 2013, Volume 40, Issue 135
- 1-12 Neither war nor peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): profiting and coping amid violence and disorder
by Miles Larmer & Ann Laudati & John F. Clark - 13-31 Making use of the past: the Rwandophone question and the ‘Balkanisation of the Congo’
by Lars-Christopher Huening - 32-50 Beyond minerals: broadening ‘economies of violence’ in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
by Ann Laudati - 51-66 ‘You say rape, I say hospitals. But whose voice is louder?’ Health, aid and decision-making in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Nicole C. D'Errico & Tshibangu Kalala & Louise Bashige Nzigire & Felicien Maisha & Luc Malemo Kalisya - 67-82 Military business and the business of the military in the Kivus
by Judith Verweijen - 83-97 Effective responses: Protestants, Catholics and the provision of health care in the post-war Kivus
by Laura E. Seay - 98-115 From devastation to mobilisation: the Muslim community's involvement in social welfare in post-conflict DRC
by Ashley E. Leinweber - 116-131 God and Caesar in the Democratic Republic of Congo: negotiating church--state relations through the management of school fees in Kinshasa's Catholic schools
by Kristof Titeca & Tom De Herdt & Inge Wagemakers - 132-140 Looking beyond reform failure in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Stylianos Moshonas - 141-151 Uncertainty and powerlessness in Congo 2012
by Theodore Trefon - 152-162 The Sicomines agreement revisited: prudent Chinese banks and risk-taking Chinese companies
by Johanna Jansson - 163-167 The trouble with the Congo: local violence and the failure of international peacebuilding
by Jason K. Stearns - 168-169 Political economy of media transformation in South Africa
by Jason Robinson - 170-171 Chocolate nations: living and dying for cocoa in West Africa
by Georgios Tsopanakis - 172-173 Getting Somalia wrong? Faith, war and hope in a shattered state
by Mohamed Haji Ingiriis - 174-175 Political culture and nationalism in Malawi: building Kwacha
by Clive Gabay