December 2009, Volume 36, Issue 122
- 575-594 Violence and National Development in Nigeria: The Political Economy of Youth Restiveness in the Niger Delta
by Jeremiah O. Arowosegbe - 595-603 Removing Neocolonialism's APRM Mask: A Critique of the African Peer Review Mechanism
by Patrick Bond - 604-610 Durable Solution, Help or Hindrance? The Failings and Unintended Implications of Relief and Recovery Efforts for Kenya's Post-election IDPs
by Gabrielle Lynch - 611-619 Questioning Pro-poor Responses to the Global Economic Slump
by Peter T. Jacobs - 621-629 Introduction
by Lionel Cliffe & Mahmood Mamdani - 630-635 Understanding Sudan's Saviors and Survivors: Darfur in the Crossfire between Humanitarian Fundamentalism and Khartoum's Divide and Rule
by Harry Verhoeven & Lydiah Kemunto Bosire & Sharath Srinivasan - 637-640 Tributes to Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem (1961--2009)
by Alfred B. Zack-Williams & Ibrahim Abdullah & 'Funmi Olonisakin - 641-643 Haroub Othman (1942--2009)
by Janet Bujra & Lionel Cliffe - 644-649 Arrighi and Africa: Farewell Thoughts
by John S. Saul - 651-652 Chris Allen (8 December 1942--29 September 2008)
by Gavin Williams - 653-655 Saviors and Survivors; Darfur, Politics and the War on Terror
by Bill Freund - 656-657 Votes, Money and Violence: Political Parties and Elections in Sub-Saharan Africa
by J. Shola Omotola - 657-659 Neoliberalism, Civil Society and Security in Africa
by Trevor Parfitt - 659-660 Managing Instability in Algeria: Elites and Political Change since 1995
by Jacob Mundy - 660-662 Decolonization and Empire: Contesting the Rhetoric and Reality of Resubordination in Southern Africa and Beyond
by Marinko Banjac - 662-663 The United Nations, Peace and Security: From Collective Security to the Responsibility to Protect
by Linnea Bergholm
September 2009, Volume 36, Issue 121
- 311-316 Africa's Future is up to Africans. Really?
by Tunde Zack-Williams & Graham Harrison - 317-333 Understanding the ‘Zuma Tsunami’
by Roger Southall - 335-351 Defence Expenditures, Arms Procurement and Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Susan Willett - 353-367 Fighting HIV and AIDS: Reconfiguring the State?
by Sophie Harman - 369-388 The International Criminal Court and African Conflicts: The Case of Uganda
by Issaka K. Souaré - 389-407 Women's Organisations Seeking Gender Justice in the Sudan 1964--1985
by Asma Mohamed Abdel Halim - 409-426 Policy-driven Inter-ethnic Conflicts in Southern Ethiopia
by Boku Tache & Gufu Oba - 427-433 The Student Movement in Nigeria: Antinomies and Transformation1
by Sylvester Odion-Akhaine - 433-441 Rooting Transformative Feminist Struggles in Tanzania at Grassroots
by Demere Kitunga & Marjorie Mbilinyi - 441-450 The Ghanaian Election of 2008
by Bob Kelly - 451-459 Southern African Liberation Movements as Governments and the Limits to Liberation1
by Henning Melber - 461-462 Under the Tree of Talking: Leadership for Change in Africa
by Mike Powell - 462-464 Inside Rebellion: The Politics of Insurgent Violence
by Christopher Cramer - 464-466 The Intestines of the State: Youth, Violence and Belated Histories in the Cameroon Grassfields
by Ben Page - 466-467 Corruption and Development: The Anti-Corruption Campaigns
by Laura Routley - 467-468 The World Bank: Development, Poverty, Hegemony
by David P. Thomas - 469-470 Africa and Fortress Europe: Threats and Opportunities
by Ali Bilgic - 470-472 Fearless Fighter: An Autobiography
by Dean Kampanje Phiri & Jessica Mzamu Kampanje - 472-473 Death and the King's Horseman
by Ekua Ekumah
June 2009, Volume 36, Issue 120
- 151-163 Conflict and Peace in the Horn of Africa
by Lionel Cliffe & Roy Love & Kjetil Tronvoll - 167-180 The Ethiopia--Eritrea Conflict and the Search for Peace in the Horn of Africa
by Terrence Lyons - 181-192 Post-war Ethiopia: The Trajectories of Crisis
by Christopher Clapham - 193-207 The End of Democracy? Curtailing Political and Civil Rights in Ethiopia
by Lovise Aalen & Kjetil Tronvoll - 209-221 The Politics of Silence: Interpreting Stasis in Contemporary Eritrea
by Richard Reid - 223-233 Somalia: ‘They Created a Desert and Called it Peace(building)’
by Ken Menkhaus - 235-251 How Liberal Peacebuilding May Be Failing Sierra Leone
by Carla Castañeda - 253-269 Revisiting Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Paulo Freire and Contemporary African Studies
by David P. Thomas - 271-272 In memoriam Chris Allen (8 December 1942--29 September 2008)
by Gavin Williams - 273-282 Development in Africa: What is the Cutting Edge in Thinking and Policy?
by Elizabeth Schmidt & James H. Mittelman & Fantu Cheru & Aili Mari Tripp - 283-286 What Will the World Financial Crisis Do to Africa?
by Peter Lawrence - 287-294 Angola: Thirty Years of Dos Santos
by Alex Vines & Markus Weimer - 294-299 ‘Dollarisation’ in Zimbabwe and the Death of an Industry
by Rory Pilossof - 301-302 Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power
by Carl Death - 302-303 Revolt and Protest: Student Politics and Activism in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Dave Renton - 304-305 The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers
by Barry Riddell - 305-307 Mineworkers in Zambia: Labour and Political Change in Post-Colonial Africa
by John Lungu - 307-308 High Stakes and Stakeholders. Oil Conflict and Security in Nigeria
by Rita Abrahamsen - 308-310 Becoming Somaliland
by Michael Walls
March 2009, Volume 36, Issue 119
- 9-21 Public Service Provision in a Failed State: Looking Beyond Predation in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Theodore Trefon - 63-78 The Student-Intelligentsia in sub-Saharan Africa: Structural Adjustment, Activism and Transformation
by Leo Zeilig - 79-92 The End of a ‘Special Relationship’? The New EU--ACP Economic Partnership Agreements
by Adrian Flint
December 2008, Volume 35, Issue 118
- 539-553 Public/Private, Global/Local: The Changing Contours of Africa's Security Governance
by Rita Abrahamsen & Michael C. Williams - 555-570 Beyond the Tarmac Road: Local Forms of Policing in Sierra Leone & Rwanda
by Bruce Baker - 571-584 Democracy & its Discontents: Vigilantism, Sovereignty & Human Rights in South Africa
by Lars Buur - 585-598 Private Security & Local Politics in Somalia
by Stig Jarle Hansen - 599-612 Security for All? Politics, Economy & the Growth of Private Security in Swaziland
by Hamilton Sipho Simelane - 613-628 The Role of Private Military Companies in US-Africa Policy
by Kwesi Aning & Thomas Jaye & Samuel Atuobi - 629-633 Unlocking the Relationship Between the WTO & Regional Integration Arrangements (RIAs)
by Fredrik Söderbaum - 634-644 Demystifying Africa's Security
by Jeremy Keenan - 645-654 Outsourcing the Making of Militaries: DynCorp International as Sovereign Agent
by Sean McFate - 655-659 The Dynamics of Private Security in Senegal
by Cyrus O'Brien - 660-665 Prison Privatisation in the African Context
by Andrew Coyle CMG - 666-673 The Nigerian Feminist Movement: Lessons from Women in Nigeria , WIN
by Bene E. Madunagu
September 2008, Volume 35, Issue 117
- 361-366 Scrambling to the Bottom? Mining, Resources & Underdevelopment
by Ray Bush - 367-385 Regulation & Legitimacy in the Mining Industry in Africa: Where does Canada Stand?
by Bonnie Campbell - 387-401 Liberalisation of the Gold Mining Sector in Burkina Faso
by Sabine Luning - 403-415 Copper Mining Agreements in Zambia: Renegotiation or Law Reform?
by John Lungu - 417-434 Enter the Dragon? Chinese Oil Companies & Resistance in the Niger Delta
by Cyril I. Obi - 435-447 Oil, Sovereignty & Self‐Determination: Equatorial Guinea & Western Sahara
by Alicia Campos - 449-466 Uranium Goes Critical in Niger: Tuareg RebellionsThreaten Sahelian Conflagration
by Jeremy Keenan - 467-473 Mining Investment & Community Struggles
by Daniel Owusu-Koranteng - 473-482 Hope & Oil: Expectations in São Tomé e Príncipe
by Gisa Weszkalnys - 482-486 Copper & controversy in the DR Congo
by Henry Kippin - 486-493 The Zimbabwe Arms Shipment Campaign
by Miles Larmer - 494-500 Child poverty in Africa
by Meredeth Turshen - 500-507 Memories of Ruth First in Mozambique
by João Paulo Borges Coelho - 508-514 Africa: International Food Price Rises & Volatility
by Vincent Tickner - 514-516 USDA top officials vs. USDA data
by Daryll E. Ray - 516-519 Agrofuels from Africa, not for Africa
by Carol B. Thompson - 520-521 Apollo L. Njonjo
by Susanne D. Mueller
June 2008, Volume 35, Issue 116
- 179-183 Editorial: The Politics of Capital
by Reginald Cline‐Cole & Graham Harrison - 185-202 South Africa: Revisiting Capital's ‘Formative Action’
by Carolyn Bassett - 203-220 Ethiopia: Reforming Land Tenure
by Wibke Crewett & Benedikt Korf - 221-235 Tanzania: Decentralising Power or Spreading Poverty?
by Arrigo Pallotti - 237-254 Uganda: Pastoral Conflict & Gender Relations
by Kennedy Agade Mkutu - 255-279 ‘Uncomfortable Collaborations’: Contesting Constructions of the ‘Poor’ in South Africa
by Shannon Walsh & Patrick Bond & Ashwin Desai & Shannon Walsh - 281-299 The ANC for Sale? Money, Morality & Business in South Africa
by Roger Southall - 301-314 Egypt: The Anatomy of Succession
by Joshua Stacher - 315-323 Sierra Leone: Beyond Change & Continuity
by Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh - 323-330 Eritrea 2008: The Unfinished Business of Liberation
by Lionel Cliffe - 331-335 A View from Eritrea: Any Chance of Change Without War?
by Peter Martell - 335-340 A New Generation of Heterodox Development Scholars
by Peter Jacobs
March 2008, Volume 35, Issue 115
- 5-6 Good Friends & Good Partners: The ‘New‘ Face of China-African Co-operation
by Marcus Power & Giles Mohan - 7-22 What Does the Rise of China Do for Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa?
by Raphael Power - 23-42 New African Choices? The Politics of Chinese Engagement
by Giles Mohan & Marcus Power - 43-58 History & Identity in the Construction of China's Africa Policy
by Chris Alden & Cristina Alves - 59-71 Explaining the Rise of ‘Human Rights’ in Analyses of Sino-African Relations
by Shaun Breslin & Ian Taylor - 73-92 China & India as Africa's New Donors: The Impact of Aid on Development
by Dorothy McCormick - 93-106 China & the Contradictions of ‘Non-interference’ in Sudan
by Daniel Large - 107-114 African National Congress Change in Leadership: What Really Won it for Zuma?
by Claire Ceruti - 115-116 China & India in Africa: An Introduction
by Lucy Corkin & Sanusha Naidu - 116-128 India's Growing African Strategy
by Sanusha Naidu - 128-133 Competition or Collaboration? Chinese & South African Transnational Companies in Africa
by Lucy Corkin - 134-137 China's Developmental Model Comes to Africa
by Martyn Davies - 137-140 China faces reality in Africa
by Lindsey Hilsum - 140-144 The Political Crisis in Kenya: A Call for Justice & Peaceful Resolution
by Maina Kiai - 155-173 China in Africa: A Review Essay
by Giles Mohan
December 2007, Volume 34, Issue 114
- 613-618 Class, Resistance & Social Transformation
by Ray Bush - 619-635 Zimbabwean Farm Workers in Northern South Africa
by Blair Rutherford & Lincoln Addison - 637-660 Petro-Insurgency or Criminal Syndicate? Conflict & Violence in the Niger Delta
by Michael Watts - 661-678 South Africa: The End of Apartheid & the Emergence of the 'BEE Elite'
by Bill Freund - 679-694 Between Socialism & Neo-Liberalism: Mafia Island, Tanzania, 1965-2004
by Pat Caplan - 695-708 Filling in the Blanks: The Potency of Fragmented Imageries of the State
by Morten Nielsen - 709-717 Debates
by James H. Mittelman - 719-756 Briefings
by Asma Mohamed Abdel Halim
September 2007, Volume 34, Issue 113
- 417-422 Imperial, Neo-Liberal Africa?
by Alfred B. Zack-Williams & Giles Mohan - 423-441 D. R. Congo: Explaining Peace Building Failures, 2003-2006
by Séverine Autesserre - 443-460 The Print Media in South Africa: Paving the Way for ‘Privatisation’
by Anne Mayher & David A. Mcdonald - 461-476 Somaliland: A New Democracy in the Horn of Africa?
by Stig Jarle Hansen & Mark Bradbury - 477-496 Poverty, Petroleum & Policy Intervention: Lessons from the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline
by Nikola Kojucharov
June 2007, Volume 34, Issue 112
- 221-225 Trading Africa's Future
by Graham Harrison & Colin Stoneman - 227-245 Trading Partners or Trading Deals? The EU & US in Southern Africa
by Colin Stoneman & Carol Thompson - 247-266 EU Trade Policy & the Future of Africa's Trade Relationship with the EU
by Paul Goodison - 267-277 ‘Fair Trade’ with Africa
by Michael Barratt Brown - 279-295 What is the Future for EU-Africa Agricultural Trade After CAP Reform?
by Paul Goodison - 297-311 The European Union & the Commodity Debate: From Trade to Aid
by Jan Orbie - 313-331 ‘Like Worms in the Entrails of a Natural Man’: A Conceptual Analysis of Warlords
by Anthony Vinci - 333-352 The Burundi Peace Negotiations: An African Experience of Peace--making
by Patricia Daley - 353-370 Rebuilding the Future or Revisiting the Past? Post-apartheid Afrikaner Politics
by Rebecca Davies
March 2007, Volume 34, Issue 111
- 5-10 Another World is Possible
by Branwen Gruffydd Jones & Janet Bujra & Roy Love - 11-27 Debating the Year of Africa
by William Brown - 29-37 Primitive Accumulation, Enclavity, Rural Marginalisation & Articulation
by Patrick Bond - 39-56 From People's Education to Neo-Liberalism in South Africa
by Salim Vally - 57-66 Struggles Around the Commodification of Daily Life in South Africa
by Prishani Naidoo - 67-84 Ten Propositions about Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa
by Roger Southall - 85-101 Changing Concepts of Articulation: Political Stakes in South Africa Today
by Gillian Hart - 103-121 The Radicalised State: Zimbabwe's Interrupted Revolution
by Sam Moyo & Paris Yeros - 123-138 The South African Communist Party (SACP) in the Post--apartheid Period
by David P. Thomas - 139-151 The Future of Africa's Trade with Europe: ‘New’ EU Trade Policy
by Paul Goodison
September 2006, Volume 33, Issue 110
- 619-634 Religion, Ideology & Conflict in Africa
by Roy Love - 635-650 Confronting Categorical Assumptions About the Power of Religion in Africa
by Maia Green - 651-663 An Accidental Sect: How War Made Belief in Sierra Leone
by Paul Richards - 665-678 Pentecostal Presidency? The Lagos-Ibadan ‘Theocratic Class’ & the Muslim ‘Other’
by Ebenezer Obadare - 679-692 World Bank & Heavenly Bank in Poverty & Prosperity: The Case of Tanzanian Faith Gospel1
by Päivi Hasu - 693-708 Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt & Sudan
by Mohammed Zahid & Michael Medley - 709-720 Comprehensive Peace? An Analysis of the Evolving Tension in Eastern Sudan
by Sara Pantuliano - 721-736 Youth Cultures & the Fetishization of Violence in Nigeria
by Caroline Ifeka
September 2006, Volume 33, Issue 109
- 377-389 Mainstreaming the African environment in development?
by Reginald Cline-Cole & Phil O'keefe - 391-406 Demystifying the Niger Delta conflict: Towards an integrated explanation
by Uwafiokun Idemudia & Uwem E. Ite - 407-424 Resisting (nuclear) power? Environmental regulation in South Africa
by Carl Death - 425-448 The politics of urban water reform in Ghana1
by Lindsay Whitfield - 449-466 Lifescapes & governance: The Régulo system in Central Mozambique
by Ian Convery - 467-482 Chad/Darfur: How two crises merge
by Roland Marchal - 483-495 A political ecology of wildlife conservation in Africa
by Samantha Jones - 497-513 Can the Poor Help GM Crops? Technology, representation & cotton in the Makhathini flats, South Africa
by Harald Witt & Rajeev Patel & Matthew Schnurr - 515-523 The world bank & urban programmes in Zimbabwe: A critical appraisal
by Edward Ramsamy - 525-542 Angola: Can the politics of disorder become the politics of democratisation & development?
by Steve Kibble1 - 561-576 Africa: The struggle, intellectual & political, continues…
by John S. Saul
June 2006, Volume 33, Issue 108
- 175-184 North Africa: Power, politics & promise
by Ray Bush & Jeremy Keenan - 185-206 Domination & control in Tunisia: Economic levers for the exercise of authoritarian power
by Béatrice Hibou - 207-217 The political contradictions of Algerian economic reforms
by Lahouari Addi - 219-235 Libya: Reforming the impossible?
by Alison Pargeter - 237-254 State welfare in Egypt since adjustment: Hegemonic control with a minimalist role
by Mariz Tadros - 255-267 Autonomy & Intifadah : New Horizons in Western Saharan Nationalism
by Jacob Mundy - 269-296 Security & insecurity in North Africa
by Jeremy H. Keenan - 297-309 America, China & the Scramble for Africa's Oil
by Michael Klare & Daniel Volman - 311-324 ‘Between a rock & a hard place’: North Africa as a region of emigration, immigration & transit migration
by Martin Baldwin-Edwards
March 2006, Volume 33, Issue 107
- 5-9 State, class & civil society in Africa
by Roy Love & Giles Mohan & Tunde Zack-Williams - 11-31 The politics of control in Kenya: Understanding the bureaucratic-executive state, 1952--78
by Daniel Branch & Nicholas Cheeseman - 33-47 In search of economic development in Kenya: Colonial legacies & post-independence realities
by Miatta Fahnbulleh - 49-65 Negotiating Ethnicity: Identity politics in contemporary Kenya-super-1
by Gabrielle Lynch - 67-80 The gender of wealth: markets & power in Central Kenya
by Amrik Heyer - 81-91 Kenya: Conflict in the ‘Badlands’: The Turbi massacre in Marsabit district
by Oscar Gakuo Mwangi - 113-129 Class relations: AIDS & socioeconomic privilege in Africa
by Janet Bujra
December 2005, Volume 32, Issue 106
- 501-503 Africa from SAPs to PRSP: Plus ca change plus C'est la Meme Chose
by Tunde Zack-williams & Giles Mohan - 505-520 A city under Siege: Banditry & modes of accumulation in Nairobi, 1991-2004
by Musambayi Katumanga - 521-534 Modern slavery, global capitalism & deproletarianisation in West Africa
by Kate Manzo - 535-548 John Garang's legacy to the peace process, the SPLM/A & the south
by John Young - 549-568 Reconsidering the power of the IFIs: Tanzania & the world bank, 1978-1985
by Duncan Holtom - 569-594 New Barbarians at the Gate: Losing the liberal peace in Africa
by Susan Willett
June 2005, Volume 32, Issue 104-105
- 213-214 Oiling the wheels of imperialism
by Giles Mohan & Tunde Zack-WiIlliams - 215-233 Cultural determinism, Western hegemony & the efficacy of defective states
by Tim Jacoby - 235-252 Global flows: Terror, oil & strategic philanthropy
by Sandra T. Barnes - 253-268 Sovereignty & democratic exclusion in the new South Africa
by Lars Buur - 269-293 The political economy of Angolan growth: Social & regional structure
by Steven Kyle - 295-308 Six months on: What shift is there in the EU approach to EPA negotiations?
by Paul Goodison - 383-393 Debate
by M. H. Khalil Timamy
March 2005, Volume 32, Issue 103
- 5-7 Imperialism & African Social Formations
by Lionel Cliffe - 9-27 Class & protest in Africa: New waves
by David Seddon & Leo Zeilig - 29-45 Reaction & Resistance to Neo-liberalism in Zambia
by Miles Larmer - 47-62 Win-win or new imperialism? Public-private partnerships in Africa mining
by Suzanne Dansereau - 63-77 Beating the odds: The quest for justice by South African asbestos mining communities1
by Jock McCulloch