December 2012, Volume 39, Issue 134
- 551-568 Assessing South Africa's New Growth Path: framework for change?
by Ben Fine - 569-589 Organised labour and the politics of class formation in post-apartheid South Africa
by Alexander Beresford - 590-613 ‘A disciplining method for holding standards down’: how the World Bank planned Africa's slums
by Amanda Alexander - 614-628 A hierarchy of struggles? The ‘economic’ and the ‘political’ in Egypt's revolution
by M. Abdelrahman - 629-644 Running as a resource of hope? Voices from Eldoret
by Grant Jarvie & Michelle Sikes - 645-654 The legacy of Meles Zenawi
by Martin Plaut - 655-664 Land grabs, government, peasant and civil society activism in the Senegal River Valley
by Jeanne Koopman - 665-671 Sharpening the Weapons of the weak : a response to Carin Runciman
by Luke Sinwell - 672-681 Development ethics: means of the means?
by Trevor Parfitt
September 2012, Volume 39, Issue 133
- 401-407 The revolution in permanence
by Ray Bush & Claire Mercer - 408-426 Doubly dispossessed by accumulation: Egyptian fishing communities between enclosed lakes and a rising sea
by Andreas Malm & Shora Esmailian - 427-450 Rwanda's Vision 2020 halfway through: what the eye does not see
by An Ansoms & Donatella Rostagno - 451-464 Beyond the siege state -- tracing hybridity during a recent visit to Eritrea
by Tanja R. Müller - 465-478 Probing the historical sources of the Mauritian miracle: sugar exporters and state building in colonial Mauritius
by Ryan Saylor - 479-499 ‘Why government should not collect taxes’: grand corruption in government and citizens' views on taxation in Cameroon
by Rogers Tabe Egbe Orock & Oben Timothy Mbuagbo - 500-511 Will Africa's Green Revolution squeeze African family farmers to death? Lessons from small-scale high-cost rice production in the Senegal River Valley
by Jeanne Koopman - 512-524 Plusieurs chemins : how different stakeholders at different scales in Malian society are fragmenting the state
by Franklin Charles Graham - 525-535 Somalia: oil and (in)security
by Michael Walls & Steve Kibble - 536-537 Tanzania in transition: from Nyerere to Mkapa
by Janet Bujra - 538-539 Oil and Insurgency in the Niger Delta: Managing the Complex Politics of Petrol Violence
by J. Shola Omotola - 540-541 African awakening: the emerging revolutions
by Gary Blank - 542-546 Ethiopia: the last two frontiers
by Gaim Kibreab
June 2012, Volume 39, Issue 132
- 209-211 Markets and identities in Africa: honouring Gavin Williams
by Abdul Raufu Mustapha & Reginald Cline-Cole & Gary Littlejohn - 213-223 Neoliberal accumulation and class: a tribute to Gavin Williams
by Lionel Cliffe - 225-242 A force for good? Markets, cellars and labour in the South African wine industry after apartheid
by Joachim Winfried Ewert - 243-260 Was privatisation necessary and did it work? The case of South Africa
by Anne Pitcher - 261-278 Weber meets Godzilla: social networks and the spirit of capitalism in East Asia and Africa
by Kate Meagher - 279-294 Worker agency in colonial, apartheid and post-apartheid gold mining workplace regimes
by Timothy Sizwe Phakathi - 295-313 The political economy of oil and ‘rebellion’ in Nigeria's Niger Delta
by Kathryn Nwajiaku-Dahou - 315-333 A bourgeois reform with social justice? The contradictions of the Minerals Development Bill and black economic empowerment in the South African platinum mining industry
by Gavin Capps - 335-341 Dani Wadada Nabudere, 1932--2011: an uncompromising revolutionary
by Yash Tandon - 343-344 Remembering Dani Wadada Nabudere
by David Simon - 345-350 Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA): advancing the theft of African genetic wealth
by Carol B. Thompson - 351-365 Zimbabwe's clogged political drain and open diamond pipe
by Patrick Bond & Khadija Sharife - 367-374 ‘Still on top, but ANC is left shaken’: reflections on the 2011 local government elections in South Africa
by Philani Moyo - 375-388 Malawi in crisis, 2011--12
by Diana Cammack - 389-390 Natural resources and local livelihoods in the Great Lakes region of Africa: a political economy perspective
by Richard B. Dadzie - 391-392 Zambia, mining and neoliberalism: boom and bust on the globalized Copperbelt
by Pádraig Carmody - 393-395 War veterans in Zimbabwe's revolution: challenging neo-colonialism and settler and international capital
by Joseph Hanlon & Teresa Smart - 396-398 Borders and borderlands as resources in the Horn of Africa
by Roy Love - 399-400 Revolutionary traveller: freeze-frames from a life
by Tapiwa Chagonda
March 2012, Volume 39, Issue 131
- 1-10 Five decades on: some reflections on 50 years of Africa's independence
by Alfred Zack-Williams - 101-102 Kicking off a debate on Tanzania's 50 years of independence
by Lionel Cliffe - 103-116 Nationalism and pan-Africanism: decisive moments in Nyerere's intellectual and political thought
by Issa G. Shivji - 117-125 Tanzania fifty years on (1961--2011): rethinking ujamaa , Nyerere and socialism in Africa
by John S. Saul - 127-131 Fifty years of making sense of independence politics
by Lionel Cliffe - 133-133 Brand Africa: multiple transitions in global capitalism -- a preface
by Gary Littlejohn - 135-150 Brand Africa: multiple transitions in global capitalism
by Lisa Ann Richey & Stefano Ponte - 151-159 Dag Hammarskjöld, the United Nations and Africa
by Henning Melber - 161-170 An exposition of development failures in Mozambique
by Benedito Cunguara - 181-192 Sierra Leone at 50: confronting old problems and preparing for new challenges
by Yusuf Bangura - 193-194 The European Union's Africa policies: norms, interests and impact
by Stephen Hurt - 195-197 A swamp full of dollars: pipelines and paramilitaries in Nigeria's oil frontier
by Usman A. Tar - 198-199 Congo Masquerade: The political culture of aid inefficiency and reform failure
by Stylianos Moshonas - 200-202 War and the politics of identity in Ethiopia: the making of enemies and allies in the Horn of Africa
by John Markakis - 203-205 Architects of poverty: why African capitalism needs changing
by Philani Moyo - 206-207 Intervention as indirect rule: civil war and statebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Dan Fahey
January 2012, Volume 39, Issue 131
- 11-25 Tracks of the third wave: democracy theory, democratisation and the dilemma of political succession in Africa
by Bernard Ugochukwu Nwosu - 27-43 Neo-patrimonialism and the discourse of state failure in Africa
by Zubairu Wai - 45-62 Rubbishing: a wrong approach to Eritrea/Ethiopia union
by Simon Weldehaimanot & Semere Kesete - 63-84 Victim of its own success? The platinum mining industry and the apartheid mineral property system in South Africa's political transition
by Gavin Capps - 171-180 Whither agrarian reform in South Africa?
by Peter Jacobs
November 2011, Volume 39, Issue 131
- 85-100 Beyond the fringe? South African social movements and the politics of redistribution
by Steven Friedman
December 2011, Volume 38, Issue 130
- 551-564 A quick fix? A retrospective analysis of the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement
by Øystein H. Rolandsen - 565-585 Our struggle and its goals : a controversial Eritrean manifesto
by Simon Weldehaimanot & Emily Taylor - 587-604 Abductions, kidnappings and killings in the Sahel and Sahara
by Franklin Charles Graham - 605-605 Differing voices
by Gary Littlejohn - 607-614 Questioning resistance in post-apartheid South Africa: a response to Luke Sinwell
by Carin Runciman - 653-654 Governing sustainable development: partnerships, protests and power at the World Summit
by David Williams - 655-656 Africa's World War: Congo, the Rwandan genocide, and the making of a continental catastrophe
by Zach Warner - 657-659 A paradox of victory: COSATU and the democratic transformation in South Africa
by Björn Beckman - 660-661 Trade relations between the EU and Africa: development, challenges and options beyond the Cotonou Agreement
by Sevidzem Stephen Kingah - 662-663 Money and power: the great predators in the political economy of development
by David Moore - 664-665 HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: politics, aid and globalization
by Colin McInnes
September 2011, Volume 38, Issue 129
- 357-365 Humanitarian imperialism
by Ray Bush & Giuliano Martiniello & Claire Mercer - 367-386 The Egyptian revolution: crisis of neoliberalism and the potential for democratic politics
by Angela Joya - 387-402 Labour protests in Egypt: causes and meanings
by Rabab El-Mahdi - 403-417 Urban renewal and social development in Morocco in an age of neoliberal government
by Sami Zemni & Koenraad Bogaert - 419-433 From resistance to governance: Eritrea's trouble with transition
by Dan Connell - 435-453 Towards more stringent sustainability standards? Trends in the cut flower industry
by Lone Riisgaard - 455-466 Achieving equitable water use in the Nile Basin: time to refocus the discourse on collective human security?
by Janot Mendler de Suarez - 467-479 Social and political geography of the Tunisian revolution: the alfa grass revolution
by Habib Ayeb - 481-495 Neoliberal threats to North Africa
by Patrick Bond - 497-498 Development without freedom: how aid underwrites repression in Ethiopia
by Roy Love - 499-500 Famine and foreigners: Ethiopia since Live Aid
by Michael Seifu - 501-503 Popular politics and resistance movements in South Africa
by Carl Death - 504-505 Creating memorials, building identities: the politics of memory in the Black Atlantic
by Robbie Shilliam - 506-507 The rise of China and India in Africa: challenges, opportunities and critical interventions
by Vincent Duclos - 508-509 The early morning phone call: Somali refugees' remittances
by Abdi Ismail Samatar
June 2011, Volume 38, Issue 128
- 187-192 The accumulation of dispossession
by Ray Bush & Janet Bujra & Gary Littlejohn - 193-214 Land grabbing in Southern Africa: the many faces of the investor rush
by Ruth Hall - 215-234 The politics of agrofuels and mega-land and water deals: insights from the ProCana case, Mozambique
by Saturnino M. Borras & David Fig & Sofía Monsalve Suárez - 235-256 Strategic privatisation: rehabilitating the Mozambican sugar industry
by Lars Buur & Carlota Mondlane & Obede Baloi - 257-276 Land concentration and accumulation after redistributive reform in post-settler Zimbabwe
by Sam Moyo - 277-287 Who wants to be a millionaire? Nigerian youths and the commodification of kidnapping
by Oarhe Osumah & Iro Aghedo - 289-302 Canada and the geopolitics of mining interests: a case study of the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Delphine Abadie - 303-307 Egypt: a permanent revolution?
by Ray Bush - 309-316 An Arab spring
by Marion Dixon - 317-325 Against the flow -- new power dynamics and upstream mobilisation in the Nile Basin
by Alan Nicol & Ana Elisa Cascão - 327-334 Elections in the imperial periphery: Ethiopia hijacked
by Glenn Brigaldino - 335-343 Somaliland: progress, state and outsiders
by Michael Walls & Steve Kibble - 345-346 Land, liberation and compromise in Southern Africa
by Grasian Mkodzongi - 347-349 Zimbabwe's land reform: myths & realities
by Lionel Cliffe - 350-351 The governance of daily life in Africa: ethnographic explorations of public and collective services
by Gisa Weszkalnys - 352-353 The Arab state and neoliberal globalization: the restructuring of state power in the Middle East
by Angela Joya - 354-356 Book Review
by Colin Darch
March 2011, Volume 38, Issue 127
- 1-6 Poverty reduction and the chronically rich
by Graham Harrison - 7-21 The political economy of salt in the Afar Regional State in northeast Ethiopia
by Dereje Feyissa - 23-42 The agrarian question in Tanzania: using new evidence to reconcile an old debate
by Bernd E.T. Mueller - 43-60 Ill health unleashed? Cities and municipal services in Ghana
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 61-76 Is ‘another world’ really possible? Re-examining counter-hegemonic forces in post-apartheid South Africa
by Luke Sinwell - 77-83 Introduction to the theme
by John S. Saul - 85-92 Angola: reinventing pasts and futures
by David Sogge - 93-101 Mozambique -- not then but now
by John S. Saul - 103-111 Namibia: a trust betrayed -- again?
by Henning Melber - 113-121 South African splinters: from ‘elite transition’ to ‘small-a alliances’
by Patrick Bond - 123-134 Zimbabwe: liberation nationalism -- old and born-again
by Richard Saunders - 135-142 The end of the oil gambit: economic contraction and Africa
by Gary Littlejohn - 143-149 Offshore finance in Ghana: why not?
by William Vlcek - 151-157 The hidden element in the 2010 public-sector strike in South Africa
by Claire Ceruti - 159-167 Interview with Shahenda Maklad
by Yasmine M. Ahmed & Reem Saad - 169-173 Report on conference of European Association of Social Anthropologists, Maynooth, Ireland, 24--28 August 2010
by Cristiana Panella - 175-176 Identity economics: social networks and the informal economy in Nigeria
by Ignasio Malizani Jimu - 177-178 Global agro-food trade and standards: challenges for Africa
by Ben Richardson - 179-180 Agricultural land redistribution: toward greater consensus
by Lionel Cliffe - 181-182 Empire, development and colonialism: the past in the present
by Peter Wilkin - 183-184 Moolaadé
by Usman Tar - 185-186 Peace versus justice? The dilemma of transitional justice in Africa
by Jasna Dragovic-Soso
December 2010, Volume 37, Issue 126
- 395-402 It is (always) the political economy, stupid!
by Reginald Cline-Cole & Graham Harrison - 403-419 Making a liberal state: ‘good governance’ in Ghana
by David Williams - 421-435 Versions of violence: Zimbabwe's domestic violence law and symbolic politics of protection
by Lene Bull Christiansen - 437-450 Repression of Sudanese civil society under the National Islamic Front/National Congress Party
by Bashir Ali - 451-464 India's rise to power: where does East Africa fit in?
by Amrita Narlikar - 465-482 Ties that bind or binds that tie? India's African engagements and the political economy of Kenya
by Gerard McCann - 483-495 Oil as the ‘curse’ of conflict in Africa: peering through the smoke and mirrors
by Cyril Obi - 497-500 Basil Davidson (1915--2010): a tribute
by Lionel Cliffe - 501-501 Ken Coates (1930--2010)
by Lionel Cliffe - 503-516 Poverty reduction is not development
by Rick Rowden - 517-525 Poverty in Uganda
by Ndinwane Byekwaso - 527-532 What the Nigerien coup d'état means to the world
by Franklin Charles Graham - 533-540 What drives Turkey's involvement in Africa?
by Mehmet Ozkan - 541-542 The threat of race: reflections on racial neoliberalism
by Manuela Honegger - 543-544 Snakes in Paradise: NGOs and the Aid Industry in Africa
by Pádraig Carmody - 545-546 Dispossession and access to land in South Africa: an African perspective
by Giuliano Martiniello - 547-548 Mining in Africa: regulation and development
by Ray Bush - 549-552 Critical reflections on the Eritrean war of independence: social capital, associational life, religion, ethnicity and sowing seeds of dictatorship
by Dan Connell
September 2010, Volume 37, Issue 125
- 251-262 Social movement struggles in Africa
by Miles Larmer - 263-279 The extraversion of protest: conditions, history and use of the ‘international’ in Africa
by Marie-Emmanuelle Pommerolle - 281-297 Internal dynamics, the state, and recourse to external aid: towards a historical sociology of the peasant movement inSenegal since the 1960s
by Marie Hrabanski - 299-314 Peasant struggles in Mali: from defending cotton producers’ interests to becoming part of the Malian power structures
by Alexis Roy - 315-328 The politicisation of sexuality and rise of homosexual movements in post-colonial Cameroon
by Patrick Awondo - 329-344 Claiming workers' rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo: the case of the Collectif des ex-agents de la Gécamines
by Benjamin Rubbers - 345-359 West African social movements ‘against the high cost of living’: from the economic to the political, from the global to the national
by Bénédicte Maccatory & Makama Bawa Oumarou & Marc Poncelet - 361-371 The zombies of development economics: Dambisa Moyo's Dead Aid and the fictional African entrepreneurs
by Toby Leon Moorsom - 373-379 Sudan's 2010 elections -- victories, boycotts and the future of a peace deal
by Edward Thomas - 381-386 Why planning does not work? Land use planning and residents' rights in Tanzania
by Joe L.P. Lugalla - 387-389 African land questions, agrarian transitions and the state: the contradictions of neo-liberal land reforms
by Giuliano Martiniello - 390-391 Development and the African diaspora: place and the politics of home
by Chandran Komath - 392-393 Becoming Zimbabwe: A history from the pre-colonial period to 2008
by Miles Larmer
June 2010, Volume 37, Issue 124
- 119-121 Demanding development
by Graham Harrison & Claire Mercer - 123-137 Fake capitalism? The dynamics of neoliberal moral restructuring and pseudo-development: the case of Uganda
by Jörg Wiegratz - 139-152 Ubuntu bashing: the marketisation of ‘African values’ in South Africa
by David A. McDonald - 153-171 Sudan's uncivil war: the global--historical constitution of political violence
by Alison J. Ayers - 173-186 Local violence and international intervention in Sudan
by Gunnar M. Sørbø - 187-200 The Anglo-Leasing corruption scandal in Kenya: the politics of international and domestic pressures and counter-pressures
by Jérôme Y. Bachelard - 201-212 South Africa -- the ANC's difficult allies
by Martin Plaut - 213-220 ‘Green revolution’ for whom? Women's access to and use of land in the Mozambique Chókwè irrigation scheme
by Roberta Pellizzoli - 221-227 A contest of visions: Ethiopia's 2010 election
by Kwesi Sansculotte-Greenidge - 228-237 Patrons and petits patrons : knowledge and hierarchy in illicit networks of trade in archaeological objects in the Baniko region of Mali
by Cristiana Panella - 239-240 Scribbles from the den: essays on politics and collective memory in Cameroon
by Joyce Ashuntantang - 241-242 France and the new imperialism. Security policy in sub-Saharan Africa
by Paul Kirkness - 243-244 The quest for sustainable development and peace: the 2007 Sierra Leone elections
by Mala Mustapha - 245-246 Oil and politics in the Gulf of Guinea
by Marcus Power - 247-248 Zunami! The South African elections of 2009
by Gillian Hart - 249-250 Landmarked: land claims and restitution in South Africa
by Derick Fay
March 2010, Volume 37, Issue 123
- 1-5 Post-neoliberalism?
by Graham Harrison - 7-23 Oil, land and conflict: the decline of Misseriyya pastoralism in Sudan1
by Sara Pantuliano - 25-40 Rebellion of the poor: South Africa's service delivery protests -- a preliminary analysis
by Peter Alexander - 41-59 From formal- to informal-sector employment: examining the Chinese presence in Zambia
by Aleksandra W. Gadzala - 61-69 Race, class, gender and voice: four terrains of liberation
by John S. Saul - 71-85 The state and the question of development in sub-Saharan Africa
by Kevin R. Cox & Rohit Negi - 87-88 Briefings reloaded: tell us about it
by Gary Littlejohn - 89-91 Nigeria: politics and the end of oil
by Sylvester Odion Akhaine - 92-95 Frelimo landslide in tainted election in Mozambique
by Joseph Hanlon - 96-98 South African farmers in the new scramble for African land
by Giuliano Martiniello - 99-105 After the rainbow: following the footprints of the May 2008 xenophobic violence in South Africa
by Ashwin Desai - 107-108 Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa
by Vincent Tickner - 109-110 The state of the state: institutional transformation, capacity and political change in South Africa
by Mala Mustapha - 111-112 Globalization and restructuring of African commodity flows
by Elisa Da Vià - 113-114 The risks of knowledge: investigations into the death of the Hon. Minister John Robert Ouko in Kenya, 1990
by Elly Omondi Odhiambo - 115-116 The World Bank and social transformation in international politics: liberalism, governance, and sovereignty
by Graham Harrison - 117-118 A new scramble for Africa? Imperialism, investment and development
by Miles Larmer
December 2009, Volume 36, Issue 122
- 475-478 Against One-dimensional Africa
by Graham Harrison & Reginald Cline-Cole - 479-497 Knocking on a Wide-open Door: Chinese Investments in Africa
by Peter Kragelund - 499-517 Transnational Resource Flow and the Paradoxes of Belonging: Redirecting the Debate on Transnationalism, Remittances, State and Citizenship in Africa
by Ebenezer Obadare & Wale Adebanwi - 519-537 Revolutionising Local Politics? Radical Experiments in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Uganda in the 1980s
by J. Tyler Dickovick - 539-553 Do We Understand the Linkages between Economic Growth, Poverty Targets and Poverty Reduction?
by Thorkil Casse & Stig Jensen - 555-573 Violent Conflicts and Sustainable Development in Bayelsa State
by Ibaba S. Ibaba