July 2020, Volume 46, Issue 162
- 686-690 Volume Index
by The Editors
July 2020, Volume 42, Issue 143
- 1-6 Divisive democracy and popular struggle in Africa
by Hannah Cross - 7-21 Fighting talk: Ruth First's early journalism 1947–1950
by Christopher Webb - 22-43 Visions of liberation: the Algerian war of independence and its South African reverberations
by Allison Drew - 44-61 Free and fair? Citizens’ assessments of the 2013 general election in Kenya
by Seema Shah - 62-76 Sex, citizenship and the state in Nigeria: Islam, Christianity and emergent struggles over intimacy
by Ebenezer Obadare - 77-91 Angolan civil society activism since the 1990s: reformists, confrontationists and young revolutionaries of the ‘Arab spring generation’
by Nuno Vidal - 92-106 Different means of protest, same causes: popular struggles in Burkina Faso
by Bettina Engels - 107-123 Violence and democracy in South Africa's community protests
by Marcel Paret - 124-140 The revolt of small towns: the meaning of Morocco's history and the geography of social protests
by Koenraad Bogaert - 141-147 Horse-trading on EU–African Economic Partnership Agreements
by Dirk Kohnert - 148-155 L'insurrection populaire et la Transition au Burkina Faso
by Lila Chouli - 156-165 International crude oil theft: elite predatory tendencies in Nigeria
by Eddy Akpomera
July 2019, Volume 46, Issue 161
- 357-368 ‘They’re all in it together’: the social production of fraud in capitalist Africa
by Jörg Wiegratz - 369-386 Cartels as ‘fraud’? Insights from collusion in southern and East Africa in the fertiliser and cement industries
by Thando Vilakazi & Simon Roberts - 387-414 The rise of microcredit ‘control fraud’ in post-apartheid South Africa: from state-enforced to market-driven exploitation of the black community
by Milford Bateman - 415-441 Black economic empowerment policy in Durban, eThekwini, South Africa: economic justice, economic fraud and ‘leaving money on the table’
by Sarah Bracking - 442-458 Fake drugs: health, wealth and regulation in Nigeria
by Gernot Klantschnig & Chieh Huang - 459-479 The political economy of intellectual property rights: the paradox of Article 27 exemplified in Ghana
by Christiaan De Beukelaer & Martin Fredriksson - 480-495 Is fin-tech the new panacea for poverty alleviation and local development? Contesting Suri and Jack’s M-Pesa findings published in Science
by Milford Bateman & Maren Duvendack & Nicholas Loubere - 496-514 Anti-fraud measures in Southern Africa
by Nataliya Mykhalchenko & Jörg Wiegratz - 515-523 Visions of stagnation and maldistribution: monopoly capital, ‘white monopoly capital’ and new challenges to the South African Left
by Adam Aboobaker - 524-527 Neoliberalism and the moral economy of fraud
by Jan Beek - 528-528 Statement of retraction: The role of multinational oil corporations (MNOCs) in Nigeria: more exploitation equals less development of oil-rich Niger Delta region
by The Editors
April 2019, Volume 46, Issue 160
- 171-181 Not quite post-political
by Elisa Greco & Jörg Wiegratz & Leo Zeilig - 182-183 Ruth First Prize
by Clare Smedley - 184-203 The 1968 years: revolutionary politics in Senegal
by Pascal Bianchini - 204-222 Trade union mobilisation and democratic institutionalisation in the Republic of Niger
by Sebastian Elischer - 223-245 Black economic empowerment policy and state–business relations in South Africa: the case of mining
by Andrew Bowman - 246-260 Resistance and repression in Zimbabwe: a case study of Zimplats mine workers
by Paddington Mutekwe - 261-278 Soldiers in business: the pitfalls of METEC’s projects in the context of Ethiopia’s civil–military relations
by Tefera Negash Gebregziabher - 279-293 Borders and boundaries in the state-making of Eritrea: revisiting the importance of territorial integrity in the rapprochement between Eritrea and Ethiopia
by Tanja R. Müller - 294-303 Placing African labour in global capitalism: the politics of irregular work
by Nick Bernards - 304-316 Whose Africa is rising?
by Moses Khisa - 317-335 The transformation of African–Russian economic relations in the multipolar world-system
by Tamás Gerőcs - 336-346 Energy hegemony and maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea: rethinking the regional trans-border cooperation approach
by Raymond Adibe & Chikodiri Nwangwu & Gerald E. Ezirim & Nnamdi Egonu - 347-356 Rolling back the right to strike: amendments to South Africa’s Labour Relations Act and their implications for working-class struggle
by Carin Runciman
January 2019, Volume 46, Issue 159
- 1-13 The fast-track land reform and agrarian change in Zimbabwe
by Grasian Mkodzongi & Peter Lawrence - 14-32 The changing agrarian economy in Zimbabwe, 15 years after the Fast Track Land Reform programme
by Toendepi Shonhe - 33-54 Family farms and the markets: examining the level of market-oriented production 15 years after the Zimbabwe Fast Track Land Reform programme
by Rangarirai Gavin Muchetu - 55-70 The complexity of farmworkers’ livelihoods in Zimbabwe after the Fast Track Land Reform: experiences from a farm in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
by Manase Kudzai Chiweshe & Takunda Chabata - 71-85 The negotiability of state legal and bureaucratic authority during land occupations in Zimbabwe
by Arnold Chamunogwa - 86-100 Contested histories and contested land claims: traditional authorities and the Fast Track Land Reform programme in Zimbabwe, 2000–2017
by Innocent Dande & Joseph Mujere - 101-116 The fragility of empowerment: changing gender relations in a Zimbabwean resettlement area
by Lincoln Addison - 117-134 Young people and land in Zimbabwe: livelihood challenges after land reform
by Ian Scoones & Blasio Mavedzenge & Felix Murimbarimba - 135-142 The wretched of the earth and strategy: Fanon’s ‘Leninist’ moment?
by Chris James Newlove - 143-156 Presidential transitions and generational change in Southern African liberation movements
by Roger Southall - 157-167 The role and influence of the IMF on economic policy in South Africa’s transition to democracy: the 1993 Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility revisited
by Vishnu Padayachee & Ben Fine - 168-169 An ounce of practice
by Colin Stoneman
October 2018, Volume 45, Issue 158
- 515-521 The state and accumulation in Africa
by Alfred Zack-Williams - 522-540 Indirect rule redux: the political economy of diamond mining and its relation to the Ebola outbreak in Kono District, Sierra Leone
by Raphael Frankfurter & Mara Kardas-Nelson & Adia Benton & Mohamed Bailor Barrie & Yusupha Dibba & Paul Farmer & Eugene T. Richardson - 541-557 ‘Goats eat where they are tied up’: illicit and habitual corruption in Mozambique
by Inge Tvedten & Rachi Picardo - 558-573 RETRACTED ARTICLE: The role of multinational oil corporations (MNOCs) in Nigeria: more exploitation equals less development of oil-rich Niger Delta region
by Oluwatoyin O. Oluwaniyi - 574-591 Negotiating statist neoliberalism: the political economy of post-revolution Egypt
by Heba Khalil & Brian Dill - 592-608 State monopoly of telecommunications in Ethiopia: origins, debates, and the way forward
by Téwodros W. Workneh - 609-677 Connections 2: Roape Workshop in Dar es Salaam, 16–17 April 2018
by Janet Bujra & Jacqueline Mgumia & Leo Zeilig & Issa Shivji & Matt Swagler & Arndt Hopfmann & Tunde Zack-Williams & Amber Murrey & Gacheke Gachihi & Sabatho Nyamsenda & Chambi Chachage & Marjorie Mbilinyi & Janet Bujra & Jacqueline Mgumia & Leo Zeilig & Issa G. Shivji & Matt Swagler & Arndt Hopfmann & Tunde Zack-Williams & Amber Murrey & Gacheke Gachihi & Sabatho Nyamsenda & Chambi Chachage & Marjorie Mbilinyi - 678-686 Populism in Southern Africa under liberation movements as governments
by Henning Melber - 687-691 The Horn of Africa: state formation and decay
by Habtom Yohannes - 692-696 Volume index
by The Editors
July 2018, Volume 45, Issue 157
- 365-377 In tribute to our comrade Samir Amin, 1931–2018
by Hannah Cross & Leo Zeilig - 378-392 The new struggles of precarious workers in South Africa: nascent organisational responses of community health workers
by Mondli Hlatshwayo - 393-407 The land–water nexus: a critical perspective from South Africa
by Michela Marcatelli - 408-431 The Rwandan agrarian and land sector modernisation: confronting macro performance with lived experiences on the ground
by An Ansoms & Giuseppe Cioffo & Neil Dawson & Sam Desiere & Chris Huggins & Margot Leegwater & Jude Murison & Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka & Johanna Treidl & Julie Van Damme - 432-450 From terrorism to talakawa: explaining party turnover in Nigeria's 2015 elections
by A. Carl LeVan & Matthew T. Page & Yoonbin Ha - 451-466 Trump's tariff impact on Africa and the ambiguous role of African agency
by Dirk Kohnert - 467-477 (Middle-) Class analysis in Africa: does it work?
by Roger Southall - 478-490 The dominance of foreign capital and its impact on indigenous technology development in the production of liquefied natural gas in Nigeria
by Okorie Albert - 491-500 Sino-Angolan agricultural cooperation: still not reaping rewards for the Angolan agricultural sector
by Leon Parker & Elsje Fourie - 501-510 The rise of oligarchy in Ethiopia: the case of wealth creation since 1991
by Tefera Negash Gebregziabher & Wil Hout - 511-513 Dedan Kimathi on trial: colonial justice and popular memory in Kenya’s Mau Mau rebellion / Living with Nkrumahism: nation, state, and pan-Africanism in Ghana
by Matthew Quest
April 2018, Volume 45, Issue 156
- 181-185 The state: the executive committee of global capitalism?
by Peter Lawrence & Leo Zeilig - 186-202 From colonisation to globalisation: a history of state capture by the tobacco industry in Malawi
by Julia Smith & Kelley Lee - 203-222 South African business nanny state: the case of the automotive industrial policy post-apartheid, 1995–2010
by David Masondo - 223-249 Capital accumulation and capital controls in South Africa: a class perspective
by Ilias Alami - 250-266 Navigating ‘taxation’ on the Congo River: the interplay of legitimation and ‘officialisation’
by Maria Eriksson Baaz & Ola Olsson & Judith Verweijen - 267-334 Radical political economy and industrialisation in Africa: ROAPE/Third World Network-Africa Connections workshop, held in Accra, Ghana, 13–14 November 2017
by Ray Bush & Yao Graham & Leo Zeilig & Ray Bush & Yao Graham & Leo Zeilig & Peter Lawrence & Giuliano Martiniello & Ben Fine & Max Ajl & Bettina Engels & Gordon Crawford & Gabriel Botchwey - 335-344 Ifeoma Okoye: socialist-feminist political horizons in Nigerian literature
by Adam Mayer - 345-353 Rentierism and security privatisation in the Nigerian petroleum industry: assessment of oil pipeline surveillance and protection contracts
by Raymond Adibe & Ejikeme Nwagwu & Okorie Albert - 354-362 Inheriting power: Somaliland’s political institutions and the 2017 presidential election
by Aleksi Ylönen - 363-364 Burkina Faso: a history of power, protest and revolution
by Bettina Engels
January 2018, Volume 45, Issue 155
- 1-6 On filling voids
by Reginald Cline-Cole & Leo Zeilig - 7-24 Rethinking class and culture in Africa: between E. P. Thompson and Pierre Bourdieu
by Pnina Werbner - 25-43 Between feminism and unionism: the struggle for socio-economic dignity of working-class women in pre- and post-uprising Tunisia
by Loes Debuysere - 44-63 The struggles of precarious youth in Tunisia: the case of the Kerkennah movement
by Lorenzo Feltrin - 64-84 Delinking, food sovereignty, and populist agronomy: notes on an intellectual history of the peasant path in the global South
by Max Ajl - 85-90 Introduction: revolution and counter-revolution in Egypt
by Cemal Burak Tansel & Brecht De Smet - 91-103 Behind every Caesar a new one? Reflections on revolution and counter-revolution in Egypt in response to Gramsci on Tahrir
by Anne Alexander & Sameh Naguib - 104-114 Again on the revolutionary subject: problematising class and subalternity in Gramsci on Tahrir
by Roberto Roccu - 115-124 Passive revolutions and the dynamics of social change in the peripheries
by Cemal Burak Tansel - 125-134 Critical interventions in debates on the Arab revolutions: centring class
by Sara Salem - 135-145 Rejoinder: reading Tahrir in Gramsci
by Brecht De Smet - 146-157 Afro-euphoria: is Ghana’s economy an exception to the growth paradox?
by Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo - 158-167 Capitalism in Africa: mutating capitalist relations and social formations
by Horman Chitonge - 168-175 The Russian Revolution and the development challenge – Part II: the Russian Revolution and the mantra of developmentalism
by Arndt Hopfmann - 176-179 Taken for a ride: grounding neoliberalism, precarious labour and public transport in an African metropolis
by Bill Freund
October 2017, Volume 44, Issue 154
- 513-521 Political economies of the everyday
by Alfred Zack-Williams - 522-522 Ruth First prize
by The Editors - 523-540 Africa’s next debt crisis: regulatory dilemmas and radical insights
by Carolyn Bassett - 541-558 How far does neoliberalism go in Egypt? Gender, citizenship and the making of the ‘rural’ woman
by Karim Malak & Sara Salem - 559-576 ‘Only the people can defend this struggle’: the politics of the everyday, extrajudicial executions and civil society in Mathare, Kenya
by Peris S. Jones & Wangui Kimari & Kavita Ramakrishnan - 577-594 Reform and counter-reform in Kenya's land governance
by Jacqueline M. Klopp & Odenda Lumumba - 595-610 Gendering the extraverted state: the politics of the Kenyan sex workers’ movement
by Eglė Česnulytė - 611-623 Military corruption in war: stealing and connivance among Zimbabwean foot soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (1998–2002)
by Godfrey Maringira - 624-642 Ambivalent outcomes of statebuilding: multiplication of brokers and educational expansion in the Democratic Republic of Congo (2004–13)
by Cyril Owen Brandt - 643-645 A tribute to Ken Post, 1935–2017
by Robin Cohen - 646-653 The Russian Revolution and the development challenge – Part I: the Russian Revolution and a myriad of global cleavages
by Arndt Hopfmann - 654-661 For a multidimensional class analysis in Africa
by Joël Noret - 662-672 Eritrea: a mafia state?
by Martin Plaut - 673-682 The impact of Chinese textile imperialism on Nigeria’s textile industry and trade: 1960–2015
by Murtala Muhammad & Mansur Ibrahim Mukhtar & Gold Kafilah Lola - 683-684 Neoliberal moral economy: capitalism, socio-cultural change and fraud in Uganda
by Stefano Ponte - 685-689 Volume index
by The Editors
July 2017, Volume 44, Issue 153
- 353-357 Neoliberalism, labour power and democracy – the sense of an ending
by Hannah Cross - 358-380 Neoliberal democratisation, colonial legacies and the rise of the non-state provision of social welfare in West Africa
by Lauren M. MacLean - 381-398 A comparative political economy of regional migration and labour mobility in West and Southern Africa
by Hannah Cross & Lionel Cliffe - 399-414 The International Labour Organization and African trade unions: tripartite fantasies and enduring struggles
by Nick Bernards - 415-431 Institutionalised conflict, subaltern worker rebellions and insurgent unionism: casual workers’ organisation and power resources in the South African Post Office
by David Dickinson - 432-448 ‘We recommend compliance’: bargaining and leverage in Ethiopian–US intelligence cooperation
by Sobukwe Odinga - 449-465 China and Namibia, 1990 to 2015: how a new actor changes the dynamics of political economy
by Gregor Dobler - 466-475 The myth of economic growth in Africa
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 476-486 Oil and democratisation in Ghana
by Ehis Michael Odijie - 487-498 Beyond forceful measures: Tanzania’s ‘war on poaching’ needs diversified strategies more than militarised tactics
by Mathew Bukhi Mabele - 499-509 The difference that ‘capitalism’ makes: on the merits and limits of critical political economy in African Studies
by Stefan Ouma - 510-511 Africa and International Relations in the 21st century
by Samuel Oyewole
April 2017, Volume 44, Issue 152
- 173-188 Extraction and beyond: people’s economic responses to restructuring in southern and central Africa
by Vito Laterza & John Sharp - 189-203 Towards a life of poverty and uncertainty? The livelihood strategies of Gécamines workers after retrenchment in the DRC
by Benjamin Rubbers - 204-219 Money, migration and masculinity among artisanal miners in Katanga (DR Congo)
by Jeroen Cuvelier - 220-236 Multiple livelihoods and social relations in the South African Lowveld, 1986–2013
by Kees (C. S.) van der Waal - 237-251 After the mines: the changing social and economic landscape of Malawi–South Africa migration
by Jessica A. Johnson - 252-271 From fatalism to mass action to incorporation to neoliberal individualism: worker safety on South African mines, .1955–2016
by Paul Stewart & Dhiraj Kumar Nite - 272-291 ? Mining in South Africa in the last 30 years – an overview
by Hugh Macmillan - 292-311 Contested labour and political leadership: three mineworkers’ unions after the opposition victory in Zambia
by Esther Uzar - 312-321 The 2015 general elections in Nigeria: new media, party politics and the political economy of voting
by Mala Mustapha - 322-335 Liberia’s run-up to 2017: continuity and change in a long history of electoral politics
by Robtel Neajai Pailey & David Harris - 336-345 Assembling effective industrial policy in Africa: an agenda for action
by Pádraig Carmody - 346-351 A flawed freedom: rethinking southern African liberation; South Africa – the present as history: from Mrs Ples to Mandela and Marikana
by Peter Lawrence
January 2017, Volume 44, Issue 151
- 1-9 On political economies of governance and resistance to (mis)rule
by Reginald Cline-Cole - 10-29 For richer, for poorer: why ethnicity often trumps economic cleavages in Kenya
by Biniam E. Bedasso - 30-46 Politics, development and the instrumentalisation of (de)centralisation in Sierra Leone
by Felix Marco Conteh - 47-65 Statistics versus livelihoods: questioning Rwanda’s pathway out of poverty
by An Ansoms & Esther Marijnen & Giuseppe Cioffo & Jude Murison - 66-84 The politics of recognition, and the manufacturing of citizenship and identity in Senegal’s decentralised charcoal market
by Papa Faye - 85-103 Rethinking peace-building practices through the Somaliland experience
by Marta Regina Fernández y Garcia - 104-121 Mozambican economic porosity and the role of Brazilian capital: a political economy analysis
by Isabela Nogueira & Ossi Ollinaho & Eduardo Costa Pinto & Grasiela Baruco & Alexis Saludjian & José Paulo Guedes Pinto & Paulo Balanco & Carlos Schonerwald - 122-130 Elite capture and state neglect: new evidence on South Africa’s land reform
by Ruth Hall & Thembela Kepe - 131-141 Beyond ethnicity: the violence in Western Uganda and Rwenzori’s 99 problems
by Anna Reuss & Kristof Titeca - 142-154 The African middle class(es) – in the middle of what?
by Henning Melber - 155-164 Burkina Faso: from Thomas Sankara to popular resistance
by Leo Zeilig - 165-169 Understanding Eritrea: inside Africa's most repressive state
by Habtom Yohannes - 170-172 Africa: why economists get it wrong
by Alfred Zack-Williams
October 2016, Volume 43, Issue 150
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 533-539 Natural resources, economic rents and social justice in contemporary Africa
by Alfred Zack-Williams - 540-541 Call for Speakers/Papers
by The Editors - 542-555 Diamonds, dependence and De Beers: monopoly capitalism and compliance with the Kimberley Process in Namibia
by Nathan Munier - 556-575 Diamond pricing and valuation in South Africa’s extractive political economy
by Khadija Sharife & Sarah Bracking - 576-591 Rethinking ‘expert sense’ in international development: the case of Sierra Leone’s housing policy
by Steven Nabieu Rogers - 592-607 Crystallising contention: social movements, protests and riots in African Studies
by Joschka Philipps - 608-629 Mind the gap? Civil society policy engagement and the pursuit of gender justice: critical discourse analysis of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Africa 2003–2015
by Paul Chaney - 630-647 Centralising rents and dispersing power while pursuing development? Exploring the strategic uses of military firms in Rwanda
by Pritish Behuria - 648-657 The appeal of third termism and militarism in Burundi
by Patricia Daley & Rowan Popplewell - 658-667 Representing Eritrea: geopolitics and narratives of oppression
by Tanja R. Müller - 668-680 The political economy of regime survival: Algeria in the context of the African and Arab uprisings
by Hamza Hamouchene & Brahim Rouabah - 681-684 Pan-Africanism and Communism: the Communist International, Africa and the diaspora, 1919–1939
by Alfred Zack-Williams
July 2016, Volume 43, Issue 149
- 337-337 Ruth First prize
by The Editors - 338-349 African women’s struggles in a gender perspective
by Emmanuelle Bouilly & Ophélie Rillon & Hannah Cross - 350-364 Bridging social divides: leadership and the making of an alliance for women’s land-use rights in Morocco
by Yasmine Berriane - 365-381 (De-)Politicising women’s collective action: international actors and land inheritance in post-war Burundi
by Marie Saiget - 382-399 Women’s mobilisation for legislative political representation in Africa
by Aili Mari Tripp - 400-415 Women’s activism around gender-based violence in South Africa: recognition, redistribution and representation
by Amanda Gouws - 416-435 Senegalese mothers ‘fight clandestine migration’: an intersectional perspective on activism and apathy among parents and spouses left behind
by Emmanuelle Bouilly - 436-450 Women’s protests: gender, imprisonment and resistance in South Africa (Pollsmoor Prison, 1970s–90s)
by Natacha Filippi - 451-469 ‘I acted like a man’: exploring female ex-insurgents’ narratives on Nigeria’s oil insurgency
by Temitope Oriola - 470-477 The geopolitics of Turkey's ‘humanitarian diplomacy’ in Somalia: a critique
by Theodore Baird - 478-488 Waste and well-being: a political economy of informal waste management and public policy in urban West Africa
by Bernard Ugochukwu Nwosu & Thaddeus Chidi Nzeadibe & Peter Oluchukwu Mbah - 489-503 Financialisation and economic growth in Nigeria
by Ejike Udeogu - 504-517 Diminishing returns and agricultural involution in Côte d'Ivoire's cocoa sector
by Ehis Michael Odijie - 518-527 Swaziland: the struggle for political freedom and democracy
by Bongani Masuku & Peter Limb - 528-529 Women and the informal economy in urban Africa: from the margins to the centre
by Egle Cesnulyte - 529-530 Muslim families in global Senegal: money takes care of shame
by Hannah Cross - 530-532 Gender and the political economy of conflict in Africa: the persistence of violence
by Fenella Porter
April 2016, Volume 43, Issue 148
- 167-173 Africa and the drugs trade revisited
by Gernot Klantschnig & Margarita Dimova & Hannah Cross - 174-189 Illicit livelihoods: drug crops and development in Africa
by Neil Carrier & Gernot Klantschnig - 190-205 Securing (in)security: relinking violence and the trade in in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
by Ann A. Laudati - 206-226 Chain work: the cultivation of hierarchy in Sierra Leone’s cannabis economy
by Christopher A. Suckling - 227-242 ‘The first dragon to slay’: unpacking Kenya’s war on drugs
by Margarita Dimova - 243-259 Military Kinship, Inc.: patronage, inter-ethnic marriages and social classes in South Sudan
by Clémence Pinaud - 260-276 Ethnic minorities and the land question in Nigeria
by Jeremiah O. Arowosegbe - 277-293 Modernising agriculture through a ‘new’ Green Revolution: the limits of the Crop Intensification Programme in Rwanda
by Giuseppe Davide Cioffo & An Ansoms & Jude Murison - 294-294 Editorial Notice
by Alexander Beresford - 295-311 From the shop floor to the kitchen table: the shifting centre of precarious workers’ politics in South Africa
by Ben Scully - 312-319 The political economy of heroin and crack cocaine in Tanzania
by Sheryl McCurdy & Pamela Kaduri - 320-327 Separatist tensions and violence in the ‘model post-conflict state’: Mozambique since the 1990s
by Colin Darch - 328-336 Exodus: immigration and multiculturalism in the 21st century
by Peter Lawrence
January 2016, Volume 43, Issue 147
- 1-7 Africa rising?
by Alexander Beresford - 8-25 Dependency redux: why Africa is not rising
by Ian Taylor - 26-42 Sovereignty, the ‘resource curse’ and the limits of good governance: a political economy of oil in Ghana
by Jon Phillips & Elena Hailwood & Andrew Brooks - 43-57 The political economy of the media in the Somali conflict
by Nicole Stremlau & Emanuele Fantini & Ridwan M. Osman - 58-72 An historical geographical analysis of South Africa's system of accumulation: 1652–1994
by Justin van der Merwe - 73-88 The coming crisis of Zuma's ANC: the party state confronts fiscal crisis
by Roger Southall - 89-106 Trade unions, the state and ‘casino capitalism’ in South Africa's clothing industry
by Nicoli Nattrass & Jeremy Seekings