1998, Volume 25, Issue 77
- 503-504 Ethiopia/Eritrea conflict
by The Editors - 504-508 Guerre absurde entre l'ethiopie et l'erythrée
by Jean‐Louis Péninou - 508-526 Why? The eritrean‐Ethiopian conflict
by The Editors - 526-528 The link between patenting of life forms, Genetic Engineering & Food insecurity
by Wangari Maathai - 529-531 Let nature's harvest continue African counter-statement to Monsanto
by The Editors - 531-532 ‘Dictated trade: the case against the Africa growth & opportunity Act’
by William Martin - 533-534 Statement from civil society & religious organisations of east & central Afrca regarding the escalating violent conflict in the great lakes region
by The Editors - 535-538 Book notes
by Roy Love & Ray Bush & Morris Szeftel - 539-540 Books received
by The Editors
1998, Volume 25, Issue 76
- 1-1 Editorial working group
by The Editors - 173-177 Commentary: ‘globalization’ & the regulation of Africa
by Ray Bush & Morris Szeftel - 179-188 Culture, environment & the enemies of complexity
by Harri Englund - 189-206 Strategies for change: women & politics in Eritrea & South Africa
by Dan Connell - 207-219 Observations on some theories of current agrarian change
by Serap Kayatekin - 221-240 Misunderstanding African politics: corruption & the governance agenda
by Morris Szeftel - 241-262 Women in politics & gender equity in policy: South Africa & Uganda
by Anne Goetz - 263-264 Radicalism, relevance & the future of
by Giles Mohan - 265-273 ROAPE & the radical Africanist: what next?
by John Saul & Colin Leys - 275-285 Kenya's democracy experiment: the 1997 elections
by Rok Ajulu - 285-287 Innovation in mali
by Alex Smith - 287-288 50,000 protest in UK to cancel third world debt
by Anita Franklin - 289-298 Book reviews
by Michael Brown & Janet Bujra - 299-312 World Views directory of organizations: Africa‐related publishers and distributors
by Thomas Fenton & Mary Heffron - 313-399 Current Africana 1996
by The Editors
1998, Volume 25, Issue 75
- 1-1 Editorial working group
by The Editors - 5-7 The machinery of external control
by Chris Allen - 9-24 Waiting for oprah & the new US constituency for Africa
by Bill Martin - 25-46 Constructing alternatives to structural adjustment in Africa
by Pádraig Carmody - 47-71 Losing Lomé: the potential impact of the commission guidelines on the ACP non‐least developed countries
by Patrick Watts - 73-88 Three steps forward, two steps back: ideology & urban ecology in South Africa
by David McDonald - 89-100 The ‘NGO‐isation’ of Kenyan society: USAID & the restructuring of health care
by Julie Hearn - 101-111 Moi's flawed mandate: the crisis continues in Kenya
by Roger Southall - 112-123 Congo/Ex‐Zaire: through the looking glass
by Carole Collins - 123-124 New Secretary‐general for the francophonie
by David Seddon - 124-132 The second national population census of Mozambique
by Graham Harrison - 132-133 Cut backs in Japanese aid
by David Seddon - 133-147 Liberia: railroading peace
by Victor Tanner - 148-149 An opportunity for Southern African women
by The Editors - 149-152 Africa today and tomorrow
by Julius Nyerere - 153-159 Book reviews
by John Markakis & Deborah Potts - 159-162 Book notes
by Roy Love & Ray Bush & Morris Szeftel - 163-163 Books received
by The Editors
December 1997, Volume 24, Issue 74
- 503-513 Africa's environmental crisis: challenging the orthodoxies
by Ray Bush - 515-536 Promoting (anti‐)social forestry in northern Nigeria?
by Reginald Cline‐Cole - 537-547 Governance & local environmental management in Africa
by Philip Woodhouse - 549-566 The government must not dictate’: rural‐urban migrants’ perceptions of Zimbabwe's land resettlement programme
by Deborah Potts & Chris Mutambirwa - 567-582 Relief & rehabilitation in complex emergencies
by Phil O'Keefe & John Kirkby - 583-589 Desertification: the uneasy interface between science, people & environmental issues in Africa
by David Thomas - 591-600 Reconstructing the Congo
by Carole J.L. Collins - 600-601 Mohamed Kadamy under arrest
by David Styan - 603-607 Book reviews
by Claire Oxby & Phil Grantham
September 1997, Volume 24, Issue 73
- 307-310 Commentary
by Ray Bush & Morris Szeftel - 311-328 Developing differences: post‐structuralism & political economy in contemporary development studies
by Giles Mohan - 329-337 Who needs civil society?
by Chris Allen - 339-353 ‘For fear of being condemned as old fashioned’: liberal democracy vs. popular democracy in sub‐saharan Africa
by John S. Saul - 355-371 ‘It's terminal either way’: an analysis of armed conflict in liberia, 1989--1996
by Quentin Outram - 373-380 Kamajors, ‘sober’ & the militariat: civil society & the return of the military in sierra leonean politics
by A.B. Zack‐Williams - 380-388 Social science research on AIDS in Africa: Questions of content, methodology and ethics (Recherches dans les Sciences Humaines sur le SIDA en Afrique: Problèmes de contenu, de méthodologie et de déontologie)
by Carolyn Baylies & Janet Bujra - 388-389 AIDS drugs cut to ‘Guinea Pigs’
by Lucy Johnston & Ruaridh Nicoll
June 1997, Volume 24, Issue 72
- 165-170 Zaïre, South Africa: moving forward?
by Chris Allen - 171-184 International commercial rivalries & the zai'rian copper nationalisation of 1967
by David Gibbs - 185-202 Agricultural issues in the former homelands of South Africa: the Transkei
by Gina Porter & Kevin Phillips‐Howard - 203-218 Trade unions & the ANC in the ‘New’ South Africa
by Gregor Gall - 219-236 Liberal democracy vs. popular democracy in Southern Africa
by John S Saul - 237-248 What's left?: The South African communist party after apartheid
by Simon Adams - 249-263 ‘From demons to democrats’: mali's student movement 1991--1996
by Zeric Kay Smith - 265-269 Letting Yahya Jammeh off lightly?
by John A. Wiseman - 269-276 In & against the market
by Michael Barratt Brown - 277-286 The congo is back!
by Carole J.L. Collins - 287-292 Sierra leone: the militariat strikes again
by Steve Riley - 293-297 Book reviews
by Motlasti Thabane & Adam Leach - 297-301 Book notes
by Roy Love & Ray Bush & Morris Szeftel
1997, Volume 24, Issue 71
- 1-1 Editorial working group
by The Editors - 3-10 NGOs & the development industry
by Mike Powell & David Seddon - 11-34 Happy ever after in the marketplace: non‐government organisations and uncivil society
by Sheelagh Stewart - 35-55 New development agendas: changes in UK NGO policies & procedures
by Tina Wallace - 57-73 Aid, NGOs and grassroots development: Northern Burkina Faso
by Nicholas Atampugre - 75-86 ‘To seek happiness’: development in a West African village in the Era of democratisation
by Lars Rudebeck - 87-97 The mercenary business: ‘executive outcomes’
by Jeremy Harding - 99-112 Legitimacy, land & democracy in Niger
by Christian Lund - 113-128 The 1996 Zambian elections: still awaiting democratic consolidation
by Carolyn Baylies & Morris Szeftel - 129-131 On the Idea of an International Bantustan
by Roy Love - 131-137 Peacekeeping and an ‘african high command’: plus ca change, c' est la meme chose
by Alfred Zack‐Williams - 147-153 The US: backing out of Africa
by Jim Cason - 153-156 Japanese aid and Africa
by David Seddon & Makoto Sato - 157-160 Book notes
by Roy Love & Ray Bush & Morris Szeftel - 160-161 Books received
by The Editors