June 2014, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 75-98 Selling college: a longitudinal study of American college football bowl game public service announcements
by Barbara F. Tobolowsky & John Wesley Lowery - 99-121 Positioning university as a brand: distinctions between the brand promise of Russell Group, 1994 Group, University Alliance, and Million+ universities
by Sheila Furey & Paul Springer & Christine Parsons - 122-143 Identifying and analyzing touchpoints for building a higher education brand
by Monica Khanna & Isaac Jacob & Neha Yadav - 144-163 Branding a state university: doing it right
by Ruby Roy Dholakia & Linda A. Acciardo
July 2013, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 135-154 Factors influencing student satisfaction in universities in the Gulf region: does gender of students matter?
by Sanjai K. Parahoo & Heather L. Harvey & Rana M. Tamim - 155-174 Overcoming potential negative consequences of customer orientation in higher education: closing the ideological gap
by Adam Nguyen & Joseph Rosetti - 175-203 Measuring consumer-based brand equity for Indian business schools
by Ashita Aggarwal Sharma & Vithala R. Rao & Sapna Popli - 204-225 Student needs and motives when attending a university: exploring the Syrian case
by Anas Al-Fattal & Rami Ayoubi - 226-257 Antecedents and Consequences of Student Satisfaction with e-Learning: The Case of Private Universities in Egypt
by Marwa Medhat Headar & Nadia Elaref & Omneya Mokhtar Yacout - 258-282 We've got minorities, yes we do: visual representations of racial and ethnic diversity in college recruitment materials
by Timothy D. Pippert & Laura J. Essenburg & Edward J. Matchett
June 2013, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-14 The communication of global citizenship through Public Service Announcements: a US study
by Michael J. Clayton & Kevin V. Cavanagh & Matt Hettche - 15-33 Assessing university brand personality through logos: an analysis of the use of academics and athletics in university branding
by Brandi A. Watkins & William J. Gonzenbach - 34-61 Reputational interdependence: an examination of category reputation in higher education
by David Finch & Sarah McDonald & Julie Staple - 62-89 What do graduates think? An analysis of intention to repeat the same studies and university
by Teodoro Luque Martínez & Luis Doña Toledo - 90-112 Institutional commitment of traditional and non-traditional-aged students: a potential brand measurement?
by Leslie J. Wardley & Charles H. B�langer & Valorie M. Leonard - 113-134 Unlocking the potential of the Internet to improve college choice: a comparative case study of college-access Web tools
by Nathan Daun-Barnett & Dilip Das
December 2012, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 167-181 Students as global citizens: strategies for mobilizing studies abroad
by Marianne D. Sison & Linda Brennan - 182-205 Institutional branding: a content analysis of public service announcements from American universities
by Michael J. Clayton & Kevin V. Cavanagh & Matt Hettche - 206-230 Students' choice of universities in Germany: structure, factors and information sources used
by Katrin Obermeit - 231-256 Antecedents to the export market orientation of Hungarian higher education institutions, and their export performance consequences
by Gábor Nagy & József Berács - 257-272 Values education and student satisfaction: German business students' perceptions of universities' value influences
by Dirk C. Moosmayer & Florian U. Siems
June 2012, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-9 Marketing for Higher Education in Developing Countries: emphases and omissions
by Felix Maringe & Maha Mourad - 11-33 Perception of education quality in private universities of Bangladesh: a study from students' perspective
by Husain Salilul Akareem & Syed Shahadat Hossain - 35-54 Non-academic service quality: comparative analysis of students and faculty as users
by Khurram Sharif & Norizan Mohd Kassim - 55-70 Students' evaluations and perceptions of learning within business schools in Egypt
by Abeer A. Mahrous & Wael Kortam - 71-81 Higher Education Institution branding as a component of country branding in Ghana: Renaming Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
by Robert Williams & Collins Osei & Maktoba Omar - 83-100 Students' trust, value and loyalty: evidence from higher education in Brazil
by Claudio Hoffmann Sampaio & Marcelo Gattermann Perin & Cláudia Simões & Hamilton Kleinowski - 101-116 Modeling antecedents of student loyalty in higher education
by Marcelo Gattermann Perin & Claudio Hoffmann Sampaio & Cláudia Simões & Rosiane Pólvora de Pólvora - 117-151 Does educational level matter in adopting online education? A Malaysian perspective
by Hanif Haghshenas & Ehsan Aminaei Chatroudi & Fredy Anthony Njeje - 153-165 African universities in the global knowledge economy: the good and ugly of internationalization
by James Otieno Jowi
August 2011, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 133-156 Sex doesn't matter: the role of gender in the formation of student-university relationships
by Jana Bowden & Leigh Wood
September 2011, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 115-132 Market heal thyself: the challenges of a free market in higher education
by Jane Hemsley-Brown - 157-179 Viewing international students as state stimulus potential: current perceptions and future possibilities
by Deborah L. Owens & Prashant Srivastava & Aniqa Feerasta - 181-201 The role of culture, competitiveness and economic performance in explaining academic performance: a global market analysis for international student segmentation
by Chris Baumann & Hamin - 203-214 An Aristotelian model for ethical higher education marketing: The role of practical wisdom
by Paul Gibbs
February 2011, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 47-60 Reaching the non-traditional stopout population: a segmentation approach
by Kim Schatzel & Thomas Callahan & Crystal J. Scott & Timothy Davis - 85-105 Academic Visual Identity (AVI): an act of symbolic leadership
by Trent Masiki
March 2011, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 7-24 Potential of the social media as instruments of higher education marketing: a segmentation study
by Efthymios Constantinides & Marc C. Zinck Stagno - 61-83 International student destination choice: the influence of home campus experience on the decision to consider branch campuses
by Stephen Wilkins & Jeroen Huisman
June 2011, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-5 Performing the university as foolish institution
by Craig Prichard - 107-114 A future for undergraduate education in UK business schools?
by Anna Goatman & Dominic Medway
December 2010, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 25-46 Do UK universities communicate their brands effectively through their websites?
by Chris Chapleo & María Victoria Carrillo Durán & Ana Castillo Díaz
December 2010, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 167-173 Theory, curricula and ethics: is it the ‘Time and Being’ for a radical approach?
by Anthony Lowrie & Jane Hemsley-Brown - 175-190 Understanding the characteristics of effective professors: the student's perspective
by Thorsten Gruber & Alexander Reppel & Roediger Voss - 191-208 Customer prioritization in higher education: targeting ‘right’ students for long-term profitability
by L. Jean Harrison-Walker - 209-239 Weighing the difference: the validity of multiplicative and subtractive approaches to item weights in an instrument assessing college choice decisions
by Michael J. Roszkowski & Scott Spreat - 241-257 On using humor to market higher education: at whose expense is the clowning?
by Jason Johnson
June 2010, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-17 A market segmentation approach for higher education based on rational and emotional factors
by Fernando Angulo & Albena Pergelova & Josep Rialp - 19-48 The influence of organizational image on college selection: what students seek in institutions of higher education
by Andrea M. Pampaloni - 49-68 Tertiary education: an investigation of location selection criteria and preferences by international students -- The case of two Australian universities
by Binta Abubakar & Tekle Shanka & Gerry Nkombo Muuka - 69-84 Contextual influences: building brand community in large and small colleges
by J. Harry McAlexander & Harold F. Koenig - 85-117 Branding MBA programs: the use of target market desired outcomes for effective brand positioning
by Louise A. Heslop & John Nadeau - 119-134 Do specialized MBA programs cultivate alumni relationships and donations?
by Jennifer Wiggins Johnson & Veronica Thomas & Joann Peck - 135-143 The small college enrollment officer: relationship marketing at work
by Brian A. Vander Schee - 145-165 The role of trust in creating value and student loyalty in relational exchanges between higher education institutions and their students
by Sergio W. Carvalho & Márcio de Oliveira Mota
December 2009, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 109-124 Social Networking as an Admission Tool: A Case Study in Success
by Thomas J. Hayes & Doug Ruschman & Mary M. Walker - 125-141 The Impact of Quality on Satisfaction, Revenue, and Cost as Perceived by Providers of Higher Education
by Abhay Shah - 142-165 An Examination of Integrated Marketing Communication in U.S. Public Institutions of Higher Education
by Dawn M. Edmiston-Strasser - 166-178 Using the Process of Disruption to Find New Markets and to Develop New Marketing Programs for Management Education
by Mark John Somers - 179-190 Clients' Satisfaction with Monopolistic Services and Commitment to the Organization: A University Context
by James L. Thomas & Brent J. Cunningham
May 2009, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-25 Using Institutional Selection Factors to Develop Recruiting Profiles: Marketing Small, Private Colleges and Universities to Prospective Student Athletes
by Gary R. Johnson & Colby Jubenville & Benjamin Goss - 26-37 A Longitudinal Study of Changes in Marketing Practices at Private Christian Colleges
by Brian A. Vander Schee - 38-64 Education as Service: The Understanding of University Experience Through the Service Logic
by Irene C. L. Ng & Jeannie Forbes - 65-84 Higher Education Institutions: Satisfaction and Loyalty among International Students
by Audhesh K. Paswan & Gopala Ganesh - 85-107 Prospective Students' Perceptions of University Brands: An Empirical Study
by Roger Bennett & Rehnuma Ali-Choudhury
March 2008, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 145-170 An Integrative Analysis of Reputation and Relational Quality: A Study of University-Student Relationships
by Sung-Un Yang & Sue Westcott Alessandri & Dennis F. Kinsey - 186-215 Aspects of Educational Delivery within Sino-Foreign Educational Alliances: Is This the Real Key to Success?
by Mike Willis
January 2008, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 171-185 Changing the Name of a Major University: A Case Study and How-To Guide
by Diana L. Haytko & Greg Burris & Sarah M. Smith
February 2008, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 124-144 Positioning in Market Space: The Evaluation of Swedish Universities' Online Brand Personalities
by Robert A. Opoku & Magnus Hultman & Esmail Saheli-Sangari
June 2008, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 79-101 Factors Influencing Word-of-Mouth Recommendations by MBA Students: An Examination of School Quality, Educational Outcomes, and Value of the MBA
by Grady Bruce & Rachel Edgington
January 2008, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 102-123 A Market/Value Based Approach to Satisfy Stakeholders of Higher Education
by Gordon W. McClung & Mary W. Werner
April 2008, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 169-188 De-Mystifying the U.S. News Rankings: How to Understand What Matters, What Doesn't and What You can Actually Do About It
by Joe Brennan & Robert Brodnick & Diana Pinckley - 189-215 Conjoint Analysis of Study Abroad Preferences: Key Attributes, Segments and Implications for Increasing Student Participation
by Michael S. Garver & Richard L. Divine - 216-237 SERVMO: A Measure for Service-Driven Market Orientation in Higher Education
by B.H. Voon - 238-255 Service Strategies for Higher Educational Institutions Based on Student Segmentation
by Amit K. Ghosh & Rajshekhar Javalgi & Thomas W. Whipple - 256-291 Underlying Consumer-Valuing Structures of Baby Boomers as Older Adults in Community Colleges: A Grounded Theory
by Louis Mark Palazesi & Beverly L. Bower & Robert A. Schwartz - 292-325 University Student Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis
by Michael D. Clemes & Christopher E.C. Gan & Tzu-Hui Kao
January 2007, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 240-263 An Exploratory Study of International Students Studying and Living in a Regional Area
by Peter Townsend & Huay Jun Poh
November 2007, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 216-239 Study Motivations and Study Preferences in the Korean Hospitality and Tourism Field
by Samuel Seongseop Kim & Myong Jae Lee & Kaye Chon
November 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-33 Internationalization or International Marketing? Two Frameworks for Understanding International Students' Choice of Canadian Universities
by Liang-Hsuan Chen - 34-49 Stressors for College Bound High School Students Based on Sex of Respondents
by Gregory M. Broekemier & Kay A. Hodge - 50-78 Marketing for Higher Education: A Relationship Marketing Approach
by Øyvind Helgesen
August 2007, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor'S Note
by Thomas J. Hayes
January 2007, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 117-145 A University Name Change: Significance of Faculty Involvement
by Cleamon Moorer - 147-167 Retaining a Legacy While Avoiding Trademark Infringement: A Case Study of One University's Attempt to Develop a Consistent Athletic Brand Identity
by Sue Westcott Alessandri
April 2006, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 49-65 Differences in Characteristics of Online versus Traditional Students: Implications for Target Marketing
by Iryna Pentina & Concha Neeley
November 2006, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-11 Does Advertising Pervert Higher Education? Is There a Case for Resistance?
by Paul Gibbs - 13-15 Advertising Can Be an Effective Integrated Marketing Tool
by Larry D. Lauer
October 2006, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 17-47 Measuring and Investigating Pretrial Multi-Expectations of Service Quality Within the Higher Education Context
by Sunita Prugsamatz & Joo-Gim Heaney & Frank Alpert - 67-90 Marketing Online Degree Programs: How Do Traditional-Residential Programs Compete?
by Jonathan Adams & Vicki Eveland - 91-116 Market Orientation of Spanish Public Universities: A Suitable Response to the Growing Competition
by Carlos Flavián & Javier Lozano
February 2006, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 105-134 An Examination of Influences and Factors on the Institutional Selection Processes of Freshmen Student-Athletes at Small Colleges and Universities
by Benjamin D. Goss & Colby B. Jubenville & Jaime Orejan
March 2006, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-23 The Impact of Marketing Actions on Relationship Quality in the Higher Education Sector in Jordan
by Basheer A. M. AL-ALAK - 25-43 Marketing Colleges to Home-Schooled Students
by Perry Haan & Cam Cruickshank - 45-82 The Development and Application of a Market Entry Process for Foreign Universities Entering the Chinese Higher Education Market
by Mike Willis - 83-104 A Comparison of SERVQUAL and I-P Analysis: Measuring and Improving Service Quality in Egyptian Private Universities
by Mohamed M. Mostafa - 135-155 The Impact of New Major Offerings on Student Retention
by Paul L. Sauer & Joseph B. O'Donnell
January 2006, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 97-114 Building a University Brand from Within: A Comparison of Coaches' Perspectives of Internal Branding
by Kimberly M. Judson & Linda Gorchels & Timothy W. Aurand - 115-141 Why Do Chinese Universities Seek Foreign University Partners: An Investigation of the Motivating Factors Behind a Significant Area of Alliance Activity
by Mike Willis - 143-158 Understanding MBA Consumer Needs and the Development of Marketing Strategy
by Lynn Dailey & Murphy Anderson & Cristina Ingenito & David Duffy & Paul Krimm & Scott Thomson
April 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 47-80 Gender Differences in Students' and Parents' Evaluative Criteria When Selecting a College
by Phylis M. Mansfield & Jacquelyn Warwick
December 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-24 Marketing a U.S. University to International Students: Which Approach Is Best--Standardization, Adaptation, or Contingency? An Investigation of Consumer Needs in Seven Countries
by Abhay Shah & Heidi Laino - 25-45 Segmenting University Students on the Basis of Their Expectations
by Maria Fuentes Blasco & Irene Gil Saura
November 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 47-76 Accreditation in Higher Business Education in the Private Sector: The Case of Jordan
by Hala Ahmad Sabri & Ghaleb Awad El-Refae - 77-95 Measuring Student Choice Criteria Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour: The Case of Taiwan, Australia, UK, and USA
by Terry Gatfield & Ching-huei Chen
March 2005, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-30 An Identification and Analysis of Students' Expectations and Views Regarding Foreign-Sourced Tertiary Education Programs Delivered in China: Investigating the Next Stage of Internationalisation and Market Entry for Foreign Universities
by Mike Willis - 31-46 Factors Influencing International Students' Choice of an Education Destination--A Correspondence Analysis
by Tekle Shanka & Vanessa Quintal & Ruth Taylor - 81-102 Choice Modeling New Zealand High School Seniors' Preferences for University Education
by David K. Holdsworth & Derek Nind - 105-127 Postgraduate International Students from Asia: Factors Influencing Satisfaction
by Rodney Arambewela & John Hall & Segu Zuhair - 129-153 University Marketing: Perceptions, Practices and Prospects in the Less Developed World
by Felix Maringe - 155-179 The Perceptual Impact of U.S. News & World Report Rankings on Eight Public MBA Programs
by Nissa Dahlin-Brown
February 2005, Volume 14, Issue 2
February 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 23-49 Why Do Students Switch from One University to Another: The View of Students Studying for a Foreign Degree in Hong Kong
by Mike Willis - 51-79 Adjustment in University Students Admitted by High School Recommendations as Compared with Their Classmates
by Chau-kiu Cheung & David Ping-Pui Lok & David Kin-keung Chan
June 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 97-115 Demographic and Psychographic Variables Associated with Hispanic Business Majors Intending to Pursue Graduate Studies: Marketing Implications
by Russell Adams & Morris Kalliny & Anshu Saran & Gilberto de los Santos
December 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 81-95 At the End of the Day, I Want to Be Close to Home: Adult Students' Preferences for College Proximity to Work and Home
by Michael J. Roszkowski & Paul J. Reilly
April 2004, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 61-79 Building a University Brand Community: The Long-Term Impact of Shared Experiences
by James H. McAlexander & Harold F. Koenig & John W. Schouten
February 2004, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 19-36 Marketing Medical Education: An Examination of Recruitment Web Sites for Traditional and Combined-Degree M.D. Programs
by Roberta L. Schneider - 37-59 The Composition of Consideration and Choice Sets in Undergraduate University Choice: An Exploratory Study
by Philip L. Dawes & Jennifer Brown
February 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-21 An Evaluation of How Student Expectations Are Formed in a Higher Education Context: The Case of Hong Kong
by Mike Willis & Rowan Kennedy - 107-121 The Application of the Chinese Sense of “Balance” to Agreements Signed Between Chinese and Foreign Institutions in the Chinese Higher Education Sector: Adding Depth to a Popular Cultural Concept
by Mike Willis
June 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 93-106 Attracting College Candidates: The Impact of Perceived Social Life
by Anthony J. Capraro & Michelle L. Patrick & Melissa Wilson
July 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 61-77 Investigating the Significance of VFR Visits to International Students
by Ruth Taylor & Tekle Shanka & Jeff Pope
September 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 41-60 International and Local Student Satisfaction: Resources and Capabilities Perspective
by Felix T. Mavondo & Yelena Tsarenko & Mark Gabbott - 79-91 Student Satisfaction and Retention: A Conceptual Model
by Clinton B. Schertzer & Susan M. B. Schertzer
February 2003, Volume 13, Issue 1-2
- 101-125 Perceived Risk in College Selection: Differences in Evaluative Criteria Used by Students and Parents
by Jacquelyn Warwick & Phylis M. Mansfield - 179-197 Alumni Perceptions of a Move to NCAA Division IA Football Membership
by Donald P. Roy & Susan K. Harmon & Timothy R. Graeff
April 2003, Volume 13, Issue 1-2
- 1-15 Key Elements of a Successful Drive Toward Marketing Strategy Making
by Cynthia W. Cann & Marie A. George - 17-31 A, B, CD, DVD: Marketing Higher Education to the Millennial Generation
by Lee F. Furbeck & Marc L. Harding & Darin R. Wohlgemuth & David R. Bousquet - 33-55 Building a Better Applicant Pool--A Case Study of the Use of Predictive Modeling and Market Segmentation to Build and Enroll Better Pools of Students
by Bart Herridge & Robert Heil - 57-75 Planning and Implementing Institutional Image and Promoting Academic Programs in Higher Education
by Rubeena Çetin - 77-86 Marketing Maps: Illustrating How Marketing Works
by James F. Gyure & Susan G. Arnold
January 2003, Volume 13, Issue 1-2
- 87-99 An Update on the Use of Ranks in Calibrating and Marketing Higher Education
by Stewart Page & Ken Cramer - 127-157 Encouraging Future Helping Behaviors: The Role of Student-Faculty Relationships in Higher Education Marketing
by Dennis B. Arnett & C. Michael Wittmann & Bennie J. Wilson - 159-177 Looking East--Looking West: Exploring the Views of Hong Kong University Students About Traditional Chinese Cultural Values in Terms of the Delivery of Foreign Programs
by Mike Willis
January 2003, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 69-83 Choice-Based Segmentation As an Enrollment Management Tool
by Mark R. Young
October 2002, Volume 15, Issue 1
May 2002, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 23-40 Marketing the University to Student-Athletes: Understanding University Selection Criteria
by Kimberly M. Judson & Jeffrey D. James & Timothy W. Aurand
December 2002, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 15-34 The Collegiate Student Orientation Scale (CSOS): Application of the Marketing Concept to Higher Education
by Dennis N. Bristow & Kenneth C. Schneider - 35-47 Strategy Development for Incumbent Urban Universities: Moving Forward in an Increasingly Competitive Environment
by Kirk Smith - 49-68 Impact of Internet Images: Impression-Formation Effects of University Web Site Images
by Srividya Ramasubramanian & James F. Gyure & Nasreen M. Mursi
November 2002, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-14 An Investigation of the Influence Acknowledgement Programs Have on Alumni Giving Behavior: Implications for Marketing Strategy
by Frank G. Bingham & Charles J. Quigley & Keith B. Murray
June 2002, Volume 12, Issue 1
November 2002, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-14 Attitudes About Marketing in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study
by John M. McGrath - 15-29 The Current State of Marketing Activity Among Higher Education Institutions
by Cynthia M. Newman - 49-75 Determinants of Awareness, Consideration, and Choice Set Size in University Choice
by Philip L. Dawes & Jennifer Brown
February 2002, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-18 Factors That Predict Academic Reputation Don't Always Predict Desire to Attend
by Michael J. Conard & Maureen A. Conard - 19-27 A Response to “Beyond the Mission Statement: Alternative Futures for Today's Universities”
by Frank G. Bingham & Charles J. Quigley & Keith B. Murray
April 2001, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 29-49 Price Elasticity of Per-Credit-Hour Tuition Charges and the Effects on Four-Year Graduation Rates
by Carol W. DeMoranville & Paula Bogott O'Donnell - 51-66 Comparing Two Survey Research Approaches: E-Mail and Web-Based Technology versus Traditional Mail
by Colleen M. Howes & Mark R. Mailloux
November 2001, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-16 A Profile of Today's Distance Learners: An Investigation of Demographic and Individual Difference Variables of Distance and Non-Distance Learners
by Gary Latanich & Sarath A. Nonis & Gail I. Hudson - 17-37 Using College Web Sites for Student Recruitment: A Relationship Marketing Study
by Bart Kittle & Diane Ciba - 39-64 An Identification of the Marketing Implications of the Various Forms of Market Entry for Foreign Universities Seeking to Enter the Hong Kong Higher Education Market
by Mike Willis - 65-84 Strategic Alliances Between Chinese and Foreign Universities: Was a Staggered Form of Entry Used?
by Mike Willis
October 2001, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-20 Exploring the Decision Process of School Leavers' and 'Mature Students' in University Choice
by Debra Harker & Peter Slade & Michael Harker - 21-37 A Process for Developing Regional Business School—Business Community Relationships
by John W. Henke & Eileen Peacock & Kenneth M. York - 39-60 Gender Effects on the Major Selection Process—A Five-Year Study: Implications for Marketing Business Programs of Small Private Colleges to Women
by Eric Kolhede - 61-89 Country Image and Expectations Toward International Programs in Business Administration Among Thai Students
by Krairoek Pinkaeo & Mark Speece - 91-107 Characterizing the Decision Process Leading to Enrollment in Master's Programs: Further Application of the Enrollment Process Model
by Gregory Stiber
December 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Student Is Not the Customer—An Alternative Perspective
by Darlene Bay & Harold Daniel
October 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 39-61 Segmenting Markets in Urban Higher Education: Community- Versus Campus-Centered Students
by Thomas A. Klein & Patsy F. Scott & Joseph L. Clark - 63-72 Appreciating the Needs of Non-Traditional Students: Women as a Growing Market for Colleges and Universities
by Matthew D. Shank & Margaret H. Winchell & Margaret Myers - 73-95 The Identification, Application and Use of Four Distinct Levels of Sino-Foreign Cooperation in the State Higher Education Sector
by Mike Willis
November 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 21-38 Marketing Executive MBA Programs: A Comparison of Student and Sponsoring Organization Decision Considerations
by Ann E. Carrel & Denise D. Schoenbachler
October 2000, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-11 Key Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction Related to Recruitment and Retention
by Kevin M. Elliott & Margaret A. Healy - 51-62 The Expected Monetary Value of a Student: A Model and Example
by Ronald Hoverstad & Ray Sylvester & Kevin E. Voss
September 2000, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 13-33 Means-End Theory: Getting the Service Customers's Attention
by Deborah E. Rosen & Timothy B. Greenlee - 35-49 Using “Relationship Marketing” Theory to Develop a Training Model for Admissions Recruiters
by James F. Gyure & Susan G. Arnold - 63-82 Beyond the Mission Statement: Alternative Futures for Today's Universities
by Donna S. Finley & Gayla Rogers & John R. Galloway
August 2000, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 61-76 Improve Your Marketing Results by Asking Peter F. Drucker's “Five Most Important Questions”
by Constance Rossum & Geoffrey Baum - 77-97 Brand as Relevance
by Robert A. Sevier
September 2000, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 21-44 University Experiences, the Student-College Relationship, and Alumni Support
by James H. McAlexander & Harold F. Koenig
July 2000, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-20 An Examination of Students' Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education
by Michael D. Clemes & Lucie K. Ozanne & Lam Tram - 45-59 The Role of Advising in Non-Returning Students' Perceptions of Their University
by Mark Peterson & Judy A. Wagner & Charles W. Lamb
March 2000, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 11-26 Lots of Fun, Not Much Work, and No Hassles: Marketing Images of Higher Education
by Michael L. Klassen - 27-38 MBA Marketing Curriculum for the 21st Century
by Kenneth Saban & Conway Lackman & John Lanasa & David Burns - 39-57 Critical Success Factors in the Marketing of an Educational Institution: A Comparison of Institutional and Student Perspectives
by Tim Mazzarol & Geoffrey N. Soutar & Vicky Thein - 59-69 Ranking of Canadian Universities: A New Marketing Tool
by Stewart Page
July 2000, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-9 Evaluating Belief Strength and Consistency in the Assessment of University Image
by James A. Karrh
January 2000, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-12 Technology Fees Can Be Used to Improve Marketing Strategies in Public Urban Universities
by James Wetzel & Dennis O'Toole & Michael W. Little - 13-26 Characterizing the Decision Process Leading to Enrollment in Doctoral Programs: Theory, Application, and Practice
by Gregory F. Stiber - 43-53 At the Intersection of Demand Creation and Demand Fulfillment: Which Schools Are Getting There First and Why
by Michael Klassen & Eric Sitzman
May 1999, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 27-41 A Scale for Measuring Student Perceptions of Quality: An Australian Asian Perspective
by Terry Gatfield
December 1999, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 81-94 Quality Assessment of College Admissions Processes
by Caroline Fisher & Elizabeth Weymann & Amy Todd
November 1999, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 69-80 An Analysis of Academic Reputation as Perceived by Consumers of Higher Education
by Michael J. Conard & Maureen A. Conard
September 1999, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 53-67 When Marketing Really Matters: The Survival of a Russian Post-Graduate Institute
by David R. Decker & Yuri A. Sokurienko
June 1999, Volume 9, Issue 4
October 1999, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 25-35 The Role of Senior Public Relations Administrators in Institutional Decision Making: Are They at the Table?
by Anthony C. Peyronel
August 1999, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 37-52 Institutional Advertising in Higher Education
by Bart Kittle
June 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 73-89 Employer Satisfaction with Job Skills of Business College Graduates and Its Impact on Hiring Behavior
by Sharon R. Paranto & Mayuresh Kelkar
September 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 25-38 Portrayal of Older Students by Colleges and Universities
by Robin T. Peterson & Frank K. Bryant
July 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-13 Differences in College Choice Criteria Between Deciding Students and Their Parents
by Greg M. Broekemier & Srivatsa Seshadri
April 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 49-72 Expected Service Quality as Perceived by Potential Customers of an Educational Institution
by Abhay Shah & Charles Zeis & Hailu Regassa & Ahmad Ahmadian
January 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 15-24 Higher Education Marketing: A Challenge
by Richard M. Canterbury
May 1998, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 59-81 An Investigation of the Perceptions of Business Students Regarding Non-Traditional Business Education Formats
by John W. Barnes & John Hadjimarcou
February 1998, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-17 The Impact Discounts and the Price-Quality Effect Have on the Choice of an Institution of Higher Education
by Charles J. Quigley & Frank G. Bingham & Elaine M. Notarantonio & Keith Murray - 83-91 Impact of Universities' Promotional Materials on College Choice
by Jami J. Armstrong & D. Barry Lumsden
December 1998, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 19-40 Concepts in Conflict: Students and Customers--An Australian Perspective
by Linda Brennan & Lynne Bennington