April 2018, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 314-332 Demand-following or supply-leading? Trade openness and financial development in China
by Jiao-Jiao Fan & Ruzhi Xu & Chi Wei Su & Qing-Hua Shi - 333-349 The impact of parallel market exchange rate volatility and oil exports on real GDP in Syria: Evidence from the ARDL approach
by Zouhair Mrabet & Mouyad Alsamara - 350-363 Nonlinear effects of exchange rate changes on the South African bilateral trade balance
by Bernard Njindan Iyke & Sin-Yu Ho
February 2018, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 125-144 Tourism development, environmental pollution and economic growth: A theoretical analysis
by Manash Ranjan Gupta & Priya Brata Dutta - 145-167 Mean reversion of inflation rates in seven Eastern European countries: An application of a fourier quantile unit root test
by Deng-Kui Si & Xiao-Lin Li - 168-183 Foreign aid and economic growth: evidence from Cambodia
by Seng Sothan - 184-199 Foreign aid and trade reform: Evidence from ACP-EU data
by Jean-Marc Malambwe Kilolo - 200-219 The domestic content of Mexico's maquiladora exports: A long-run perspective
by Juan Carlos Castillo & Gaaitzen de Vries - 220-234 Estimating the speeds of long-run technological catch-up and growth of total factor productivity for countries
by Ying-Hsiu Chen
January 2018, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-24 An analysis of Korea's export performance using US import data
by Kyungmin Kim - 25-53 The European Union–West Africa Economic Partnership Agreement: Small impact and new questions
by Antoine Bouët & David Laborde & Fousseini Traoré - 54-73 Dynamics of capital account and current account in Sri Lanka
by Biswajit Maitra - 74-90 The impact of exchange rate regimes on economic growth: Empirical study of a set of developing countries during the period 1974–2006
by Majidah Ashour & Chen Chen Yong - 91-101 Trade liberalization, division of labor and welfare under oligopoly
by Kenji Fujiwara & Keita Kamei - 102-122 Impacts of intermediate trade on sector structure
by Denis Stijepic & Helmut Wagner - 123-123 Best Paper Prize 2017
by The Editors
November 2017, Volume 26, Issue 8
- 885-906 Human capital, life expectancy, and the environment
by Chen Wu - 907-923 The impact of international trade on emigration in developing countries
by Dambar Uprety - 924-954 Induced clean technology adoption and international trade with heterogeneous firms
by Jingbo Cui - 955-978 International spillovers of China's structural reforms
by Chin-Yoong Wong & Yoke-Kee Eng - 979-999 Foreign exchange rate and trade balance dynamics in East African countries
by Fetene Bogale Hunegnaw & Soyoung Kim - 1000-1024 Similarity in trade structure: Evidence from ASEAN + 3
by Thi Nguyet Anh Nguyen & Thi Hong Hanh Pham & Thomas Vallée
October 2017, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 759-776 The effects of exports on facility environmental performance: Evidence from a matching approach
by Jingbo Cui & Hang Qian - 777-800 The role of intermediate demand and technology for international competitiveness of the KIBS sector: evidence from European Union countries
by Joanna Wyszkowska-Kuna - 801-828 Do taxes influence the organizational boundaries of international firms? An incomplete-contracting model with empirical evidence
by Xiangjun Ma - 829-850 Good governance, innovation, economic growth and the stock market turnover rate
by Mohammad Hossein Setayesh & Abbas Ali Daryaei - 851-864 Does international capital flow lead to a housing boom? A time-varying evidence from China
by Chi Wei Su & Zhi-Feng Wang & Rui Nian & Yanping Zhao - 865-883 Do stronger intellectual property rights lead to more R&D-intensive imports?
by Wen Chen
August 2017, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 633-648 The regional trade dynamics of Turkey: a panel data gravity model
by Julian Frede & Hakan Yetkiner - 649-676 Export diversification and real exchange rate in emerging Latin America and Asia: A South–North vs. South-South decomposition
by Thi Anh-Dao Tran & Minh Hong Phi & Diadié Diaw - 677-692 The impact of agricultural and trade policies on price transmission: The case of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
by Abdulmajid Bobokhonov & Jan Pokrivcak & Miroslava Rajcaniova - 693-711 Estimating the impact of trade specialization and trade policy on poverty in developing countries
by Amelia U. Santos-Paulino - 712-723 Factors underlying sanitary and phytosanitary regulation for food and agricultural imports notified by WTO members
by Sofía Boza & Jazmín Muñoz - 724-758 Globalization and technology adoption: evidence from emerging economies
by Syeda Tamkeen Fatima
July 2017, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 509-533 Technological structure of trade and BOP-constrained growth in Turkey
by Ayşe Özden Birkan - 534-551 Terms-of-trade shocks and macroeconomic volatility in developing countries: panel smooth transition regression models
by Nabil Alimi & Nabil Aflouk - 552-565 New perspectives on corruption contagion
by John O'Trakoun - 566-584 Greenfield FDI, cross-border M&As, and government size
by Ayesha Ashraf & Dierk Herzer & Peter Nunnenkamp - 585-611 Exporting status and success in innovation: evidence from CIS micro data for EU countries
by Jože Damijan & Črt Kostevc & Matija Rojec - 612-632 Strategic trade policies with first-mover and second-mover advantages in a vertical structure
by Kangsik Choi & DongJoon Lee & Seonyoung Lim
May 2017, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 385-409 Domestic regulation, import penetration and firm-level productivity growth
by Sarra Ben Yahmed & Sean Dougherty - 410-424 Intellectual property rights, FDI, and technological development
by Xianzhong Yi & Alireza Naghavi - 425-450 Imports and productivity: the impact of geography and factor intensity
by Marcel van den Berg & Charles van Marrewijk - 451-472 Does dollar-pegging matter? A closer look at US trade deficits with China and Germany
by Chengjun Shi & Jing Li - 473-487 A causal relationship between trade efficiency and economic efficiency: Evidence from dynamic simultaneous equations models
by Saeed Rasekhi & Zahra Sheidaei & Seyed Peyman Asadi - 488-507 The impact of civil war on foreign direct investment flows to developing countries
by Chengchun Li & Syed Mansoob Murshed & Sailesh Tanna
April 2017, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 257-276 Pakistan's agricultural exports, determinants and its potential: an application of stochastic frontier gravity model
by Rao Muhammad Atif & Liu Haiyun & Haider Mahmood - 277-294 Testing competing destinations gravity models – evidence from BRIC International
by Felipa de Mello-Sampayo - 295-315 Globalization and school enrollment in a panel of countries
by Heather Congdon Fors - 336-360 Trade openness, foreign direct investment, and finance-growth nexus in the Eurozone countries
by Rudra P. Pradhan & Mak B. Arvin & John H. Hall & Mahendhiran Nair - 361-384 Trade preferences and political equilibrium associated with trade liberalization
by Shoya Ishimaru & Soo Hyun Oh & Seung-Gyu Sim
February 2017, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 133-153 Revisiting the effect of regional integration on African trade: evidence from meta-analysis and gravity model
by Sylvanus Kwaku Afesorgbor - 154-173 How do firms finance their exports? – evidence from China
by Xiaobing Huang & Xiaolian Liu - 174-194 Asymmetric cointegration with threshold adjustment model of exchange rates and the trade balance in Turkey
by Dincer Dedeoglu & Kaan Ogut - 195-208 Dumping in a product differentiated reciprocal trade industry emitting global pollution
by Yasunori Ishii - 209-227 Technology gap, imported capital goods and productivity of manufacturing plants in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Eugene Bempong Nyantakyi & Jonathan Munemo - 228-255 Impacts of short-term interest rates on stock returns and exchange rates: Empirical evidence from EAGLE countries
by Oguzhan Ozcelebi & Nurtac Yildirim
January 2017, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-24 Trade and technology adoption
by Ayhab F. Saad - 25-44 Evidence on Orcutt's hypothesis using Turkish–US commodity trade
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Nazif Durmaz - 45-64 Learning-by-importing in emerging innovation systems: evidence from Ecuador
by Juan Fernández & Juan Carlos Gavilanes - 65-88 Global agricultural trade liberalization: Is Sub-Saharan Africa a gainer or loser?
by J. Alexander Nuetah & Xian Xin - 89-110 The effect of trade and political institutions on economic institutions
by Usman Khalid - 111-130 Cross-border mergers and market concentration in a vertically related industry: theory and evidence
by Avik Chakrabarti & Yi-Ting Hsieh & Yuanchen Chang - 131-131 Best paper Prize 2016
by The Editors
November 2016, Volume 25, Issue 8
- 1045-1070 Revisiting national border effects in foreign trade in goods of Canadian provinces
by Farrukh Suvankulov - 1071-1089 Trade liberalization and export sophistication in Vietnam
by Dong Xuan Nguyen - 1090-1100 Does credit composition matter for current account dynamics? Evidence from Turkey
by Nazli Toraganli & Hasan Murat Ertugrul - 1101-1121 The endogenous skill bias of technical change and wage inequality in developing countries
by Alberto Behar - 1122-1143 Outward FDI from the USA and host country financial transparency
by Bebonchu Atems & John K Mullen - 1144-1166 Revisiting FDI-led growth hypothesis: the role of sector characteristics
by Feride Gönel & Tolga Aksoy - 1167-1168 China's war against the many faces of poverty: Towards a New Long March, by J. Yang and P. Mukhopadhaya
by Aaron Nicholas
October 2016, Volume 25, Issue 7
- 913-937 The role of endowments, technology and size in international trade: new evidence from product-level data
by Cong S. Pham & Mehmet Ali Ulubaşoğlu - 938-958 The impact of economic globalisation on unemployment: The Malaysian experience
by Atif Awad & Ishak Youssof - 959-977 Sectoral exports dynamics of Turkey: Evidence from panel data estimators
by Bulent Guloglu & Guzin Bayar - 978-991 The Feldstein--Horioka puzzle in South Africa: A fractional cointegration approach
by Luis A. Gil-Alana & Christophe André & Rangan Gupta & Tsangyao Chang & Omid Ranjbar - 992-1009 Does the spillover of China's economic growth exist? Evidence from emerging markets
by Ming-Chieh Wang & Tai-Feng Chen - 1010-1043 Modeling of FDI in business services: Additional effects in case of Ukraine's European integration
by Zoryana Olekseyuk
September 2016, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 787-808 Strategic trade policy and union-firm bargaining agenda
by Luciano Fanti & Domenico Buccella - 809-833 Differentiation, labor market and globalization
by Amal Hili & Rim Lahmandi-Ayed & Hejer Lasram - 834-856 Does Taiwan's entry into the WTO truly reduce its agricultural output values?
by Chia Yi Cheng & Chen Fu Lu & Yu Hui Chen - 857-879 Is exchange rate stability beneficial for stabilizing consumer prices in China?
by Chi Wei Su & Heng-Guo Zhang & Hsu-Ling Chang & Rui Nian - 880-896 Re-examination of price level differentials using economic freedom index
by Karam Shaar & Mohamed Ariff - 897-913 GDP growth determinants and foreign direct investment causality: the case of Iran
by Parviz Asheghian
August 2016, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 615-635 A league of their own: services exporters -- a developing country perspective
by N. Nergiz Dincer & Ayça Tekin-Koru - 636-690 Rhetorics of saving--investment correlations and the international mobility of capital: A survey
by Tarlok Singh - 691-705 Local human capital formation and optimal FDI
by Muhammad Asali & Adolfo Cristobal-Campoamor & Avner Shaked - 706-723 The relationship between Co 2 emissions, energy consumption, economic growth and FDI: the case of Turkey
by Korhan Gökmenoğlu & Nigar Taspinar - 724-756 The effects of integration agreements in Western Hemisphere trade, 1970--2014
by Fernando Martin-Mayoral & Gabriela Morán Carofilis & John Cajas Guijarro - 757-784 Participation in export and Chinese firms’ capacity utilization
by Xian-Liang Tian
June 2016, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 453-478 Exchange-rate variability and industry trade flows between Malaysia and Japan
by Muhammad Aftab & Karim Bux Shah Syed & Rubi Ahmad & Izlin Ismail - 479-503 The effects of offshoring on employer-provided training
by Emilia Barbu & Xueda Song - 504-535 Productive capabilities: An empirical analysis of their drivers
by Christian Daude & Arne Nagengast & Jose Ramon Perea - 536-569 Technology spillovers: Kenya and Malaysia compared
by Bethuel Kinyanjui Kinuthia - 570-589 The structure and sustainability of current account deficit: Turkish evidence from regime switching
by Nurgun Topalli & İbrahim Dogan - 590-613 International knowledge spillovers through high-tech imports and R&D of foreign-owned firms
by Heike Belitz & Florian Mölders
June 2016, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 291-324 Productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment: evidence from Turkish micro-level data
by Syeda Tamkeen Fatima - 325-356 Determinants of FDI inflows to Arab economies
by Omar G. Aziz & Anil V. Mishra - 357-376 Nonlinear Taylor rules in Central Eastern European countries
by Chi Wei Su & Hsu-Ling Chang & Chengsi Zhang - 377-402 Impact of EU agricultural policy on developing countries: A Uganda case study
by Ole Boysen & Hans Grinsted Jensen & Alan Matthews - 403-425 Do overseas investments create or replace trade? New insights from a macro-sectoral study on Japan
by Raphaël Chiappini - 426-451 IPR protection vs. innovation subsidy: What is the choice for the emerging South?
by Darong Dai & Kunrong Shen
March 2016, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 131-164 On tariff changes and firm-production evolution: insights from Turkish manufacturing
by Alessia Lo Turco & Daniela Maggioni - 165-191 On the relationship between public and private spending in developing and developed countries
by Magda Kandil - 192-212 Technology-based ventures and sustainable development: Cointegrating and causal relationships with a panel data approach
by Islem Khefacha & Lotfi Belkacem - 213-239 Financial system, R&D intensity and comparative advantage
by Nurullah Gur & Veysel Avşar - 240-265 Multinational firms and host country market structure: A review of empirical literature
by Rosa Portela Forte - 266-289 Is Africa integrating? Evidence from product markets
by Lawrence Edwards & Neil Rankin
February 2016, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-22 Trade-diverting free trade agreements, external tariffs, and feasibility
by Baybars Karacaovali - 23-46 Does rising import competition harm local firm productivity in less advanced economies? Evidence from the Vietnam's manufacturing sector
by Tinh Doan & Son Nguyen & Huong Vu & Tuyen Tran & Steven Lim - 47-70 Impact of political dispute on international trade based on an international trade Inoperability Input-Output Model: A case study of the 2012 Diaoyu Islands Dispute
by Xianhua Wu & Yingying Wang & Lingjuan Yang & Shunfeng Song & Guo Wei & Ji Guo - 71-79 A tariff on a productive factor and import competing supply
by Henry Thompson - 80-102 Distributional effects of multilateral and preferential trade liberalisation: The case of Paraguay
by Elizabeth Jane Casabianca - 103-130 The optimal supply of congested public goods for homogeneous and heterogeneous customers
by Tchai Tavor & Uriel Spiegel
December 2015, Volume 24, Issue 8
- 1037-1053 Exports, investment and production growth: A dynamic heterogeneous firm model with learning and entry costs
by Ruohan Wu & Mario Javier Miranda - 1054-1076 Free-trade areas and special protection
by Chrysostomos Tabakis - 1077-1102 Financial liberalization and remittances: Recent panel evidence
by James T. Bang & Aniruddha Mitra & Phanindra V. Wunnava - 1103-1116 Labour demand in the EU and returns to scale: A production function approach
by Lino P. Briguglio & Melchior Vella - 1117-1129 Optimum choice of invoice currency with correlated exchange rates-super-†
by Mahmudul Anam & Ghulam Hussain Anjum & Shin-Hwan Chiang - 1130-1151 The gravity model, African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and US trade relations with sub-Saharan Africa
by Dal Didia & Mihai Nica & Geungu Yu
October 2015, Volume 24, Issue 7
- 883-905 Does firm size matter in exporting and using FTA schemes?
by Kazunobu Hayakawa - 906-921 Educating voters for protection
by Hisashi Sawaki - 922-946 Human capital and FDI: Development process of the developing country in an overlapping generation model
by Tadashi Morita & Kouki Sugawara - 947-967 The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and export diversification
by Nathaniel P.S. Cook & Jason Cannon Jones - 968-1013 Regional economic integration and multinational firm strategies
by Sanghyun Hwang & Seungrae Lee - 1014-1035 Interactions between trade and environmental policies in the Czech Republic
by Olga Kiuila
September 2015, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 751-766 The impact of bilateral tax treaties: A multi-country analysis of FDI inflows into India
by K.V. Bhanu Murthy & Niti Bhasin - 767-808 Trade, scale or social capital? Technological progress in poor and rich countries
by João Tovar Jalles & Jose Tavares - 809-821 Effects of exchange rate changes on East Asian technology-intensive exports
by Atsuyuki Kato - 822-834 Tariff and Consumption Tax Reforms in a Developing Tourism Economy
by Hamid Beladi & Chi-Chur Chao & Jean-Pierre Laffargue - 835-859 The role of exports in India's economic growth
by Pradeep Agrawal - 860-882 Trade openness, income levels, and economic growth: The case of developing countries, 1970--2009
by Daniel Sakyi & Jose Villaverde & Adolfo Maza
August 2015, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 591-615 Human development effects of large changes in food prices: Does openness policy matter?
by Mohammadou Nourou - 616-637 The ‘ amelioration ’ of child labor, ‘a modest proposal’
by Michaël Bonnal - 638-659 Entry to foreign markets and productivity: Evidence from a matched sample of Turkish manufacturing firms
by Başak Dalgıç & Burcu Fazlıoğlu & Deniz Karaoğlan - 660-695 Regional concentration of FDI in post-reform India: A district-level analysis
by Frank Bickenbach & Wan-Hsin Liu & Peter Nunnenkamp - 696-723 The gravity of financial development
by Rafael Cezar - 724-750 A model of endogenous growth that elucidates the complexity of South--North convergence
by Michael Hübler
June 2015, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 451-464 Uncovered interest parity and monetary integration in East Asian countries based on China
by Hsu-Ling Chang & Chi Wei Su - 465-498 The welfare impacts of a revenue-neutral switch from tariffs to VAT with intermediate inputs and a VAT threshold
by Lourenço S. Paz - 499-522 Importing, exporting and the productivity of services firms in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Neil Foster-McGregor & Anders Isaksson & Florian Kaulich - 523-541 Product quality, firm heterogeneity and trade liberalization
by Antoine Gervais - 542-569 Technology transfers and industry closures
by Daniel Leonard & Ngo Van Long - 570-589 Stability of long-run growth in East Asian countries: New evidence from panel stationarity test with structural breaks
by Omid Ranjbar & Xiao-Lin Li & Tsangyao Chang & Chien-Chiang Lee
April 2015, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 315-340 The impact of trade facilitation on poverty and inequality: Evidence from low- and middle-income countries
by Cuong Nguyen Viet - 341-372 Linkage between international trade and economic growth in GCC countries: Empirical evidence from PMG estimation approach
by Jamel Jouini - 373-394 Creative destruction and export patterns
by Jørgen Drud Hansen & Virmantas Kvedaras & Jørgen Ulff-Møller Nielsen - 395-408 Causal relation between economic growth and domestic credit in the economic globalization: Evidence from the Hatemi-J's test
by Giray Gozgor - 409-428 Estimating the effect of the Internet on international trade
by Faqin Lin - 429-449 Saving and investment rates in the BRICS countries
by László Kónya
March 2015, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 173-200 Remittances and investment in education: Evidence from Ghana
by Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong & Elizabeth Asiedu - 201-227 Exchange volatility and export performance in Egypt: New insights from wavelet decomposition and optimal GARCH model
by Jamal Bouoiyour & Refk Selmi - 228-246 Accounting for quality differences in human capital and foreign direct investment
by Namsuk Choi - 247-280 Sovereign risk and procyclical fiscal policy in emerging market economies
by Yui Suzuki - 281-293 Interest-group lobbying for free trade: An empirical case study of international trade policy formation
by Klas Rönnbäck - 294-313 Welfare and quality improvement in an international market
by Yu-Yen Chen & Jiunn-Rong Chiou & Yan-Shu Lin
February 2015, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-23 Tariffs and EU countries foreign direct investment: Evidence from a dynamic panel model
by Paola Cardamone & Margherita Scoppola - 24-42 The impact of monetary policy on oil price persistence: An application of the smooth regime-switching model
by Po-Chin Wu & Shiao-Yen Liu & Sheng-Chieh Pan - 43-75 Broad versus regional integration: what matters more for economic development?
by Steven Yamarik & Sucharita Ghosh - 76-104 Trade creation and diversion effects in the Mediterranean area: Econometric analysis by gravity model
by Bassem Kahouli & Samir Maktouf - 105-131 Is starting FDI more productive than staying at home? Manufacturing and service sectors in Japan
by Yukiko Ito - 132-146 Do people really support trade restrictions? Cross-country evidence
by Channary Khun & Sajal Lahiri & Sokchea Lim - 147-171 Current account reversals and structural change in developing and industrialized countries
by William D. Craighead & David R. Hineline
December 2014, Volume 23, Issue 8
- 1089-1111 Innovation, quality and exports: The case of Italian SMEs
by Cesare Imbriani & Piergiuseppe Morone & Giuseppina Testa - 1112-1144 There will be exports and licensing: The effects of patent rights and innovation on firm sales
by Kristie Briggs & Walter G. Park - 1145-1169 The saving rate and the upgrade of the trade commodity structure in developing countries: A dynamic H-O model under an oligopolistic market structure
by Xiaobing Xing & Jiexiang Xu - 1170-1205 WTO subsidy rules and tariff liberalization: evidence from accession of China
by Piyush Chandra - 1206-1237 Modeling FDI based on a spatially augmented gravity model: Evidence for Central and Eastern European Countries
by Markus Leibrecht & Aleksandra Riedl - 1238-1261 Financial development, the choice of technology, and comparative advantage
by Binglin Gong & Haiwen Zhou - 1262-1276 Agricultural productivity differences and credit market imperfections
by Keigo Nishida
October 2014, Volume 23, Issue 7
- 923-945 Environmental regulations and the export performance of South Korean manufacturing industries: A dynamic panel approach
by Woo-Yong Song & Bongsuk Sung - 946-978 Trade reform and firm-level labor demand in Cameroon
by Ousmanou Njikam - 979-999 Facilitating international production networks: The role of trade logistics
by Daniel Saslavsky & Ben Shepherd - 1000-1017 Current account sustainability in advanced economies
by Matteo Lanzafame - 1018-1037 The impact of trade openness on the unemployment rate in G7 countries
by Giray Gozgor - 1038-1058 Revisit the nexus of trade openness and GDP growth: Does the financial system matter?
by Liang-Chou Huang & Shu-Hwa Chang - 1059-1087 A method for calculating export supply and import demand elasticities
by Stephen Tokarick
September 2014, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 755-784 Health and wealth: Short panel Granger causality tests for developing countries
by Weichun Chen & Judith A. Clarke & Nilanjana Roy - 785-795 A trade and domestic tax reform in imperfectly competitive markets
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ryoma Kitamura - 796-814 Welfare and market-access effects of piecemeal tariff reforms on environmentally preferable products
by Shinya Kawahara - 815-836 Economic growth, trade and capital flows: A causal analysis of post-liberalised South Africa
by Sean J. Gossel & Nicholas Biekpe - 837-861 Efficiency and productivity comparisons between outsourcers and non-outsourcers: Evidence from a metafrontier production function with endogenous switching
by Yi-Chen Lin & Li-Chih Chiang - 862-877 The rise of the machines: Capital imports and real manufacturing wages in 57 nations
by Alberto Posso & Aaron Soans - 878-905 The skill premium and economic growth with costly investment, complementarities and international technological-knowledge diffusion
by Oscar Afonso & Pedro Neves & Maria Thompson - 906-922 The effects of cross-regional free trade agreements under a vertical industry structure
by Yasushi Kawabata
August 2014, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 579-599 FDI, market signal and financing constraints of firms in China
by Lin Chen & Changyuan Luo - 600-625 Financial underdevelopment, distorted lending and export market survival
by Ziliang Deng & Lei Hou - 626-655 Effect of exchange rate volatility on industry trade flows between Malaysia and China
by Abdorreza Soleymani & Soo Y. Chua - 656-681 External tariffs under a free-trade area
by Patricia Tovar - 682-709 The welfare effects of business-cycle-induced immigration
by Nikolaj Malchow-møller & Jan Rose Skaksen - 710-734 The dynamics of trade composition: Do trade-type interdependencies matter?
by T. Fernández-núñez & M.A. Márquez - 735-753 Current account sustainability in Latin America
by Vicente Donoso & Victor Martin
June 2014, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 425-454 Optimal taxation and growth with public goods and costly enforcement
by Pierre-Richard Agénor & Kyriakos C. Neanidis - 455-475 Workers' remittances and Dutch Disease in Bangladesh
by Mamta B. Chowdhury & Fazle Rabbi - 476-490 A tale of six states: How similar are the Gulf Cooperation Council countries?
by Ken Imanak Sagynbekov - 491-510 Optimal infant industry protection during transition to World Trade Organization membership - A numerical analysis for the Vietnamese motorcycle industry
by Tran Lam Anh Duong - 511-539 Parallel imports and piracy in a North-South model
by Yasukazu Ichino - 540-577 Foreign acquisition and post-privatization exit of state-owned firms
by Grzegorz Pac
April 2014, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 315-328 Can tariff and tax reforms deliver welfare improvements under imperfect competition?
by Ourania Karakosta & Nikos Tsakiris