2001, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 19-36 The real dollar-yen exchange rate, asymmetries in trade flows and the current account in a perfect-foresight model for developing East Asia
by Peter Stockman - 37-54 Economic development and growth convergence in China
by Hak Choi & Hongyi Li - 55-68 Income disparities in the transition of China: reducing negative effects by dispelling misconceptions
by Siang Ng & Yew-Kwang Ng - 69-81 A trade theoretic analysis of outward capital flows: with special reference to Hong Kong
by Bharat Hazari & Chyau Tuan & Linda Ng - 83-100 A CGE model of 'Dutch disease' economics in Taiwan
by Day-Yang Liu & Wen-Jui Yang - 101-114 International competition and wage differentials - the case of Taiwan
by Hsin Chang Lu - 115-134 Myths about miracles: the case of Thailand
by Peter Warr
1999, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 321-342 A dynamic monetary model with costly foreign currency
by Marcelo Bianconi - 343-358 On the gains from an expansion in factor mobility in bilateral trade
by Paul Comolli - 359-371 Foreign direct investment, urban unemployment and welfare
by Shigemi Yabuuchi - 373-388 The impact of tied aid on trade flows between donor and recipient countries
by Lucia Tajoli - 389-417 Economic growth and the long run balance of payments constraint in Spain
by Jose M. Serrano Sanz & Marcela Sabate & Dolores Gadea - 419-430 Parametric and semi-parametric estimation of the effect of firm attributes on efficiency: the electricity generating industry in India
by Madhu Khanna & Kusum Mundra & Aman Ullah - 437-455 Free entry in the Indian automobile industry: a calibration model
by Paul Jensen & Kala Krishna
1999, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 241-256 Industry concentration and optimal discriminatory commercial policies
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 257-278 Risk sharing and quasi-credit
by Marcle Fafchamps - 279-308 Production uncertainty, enforcement, and smuggling: a stochastic model
by Scott Fausti - 309-318 Globalization and economic development
by Sven Arndt - 319-320 Book Reviews
by Pasquale Sgro
1999, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 143-184 Trade, employment and fertility transition
by Aiting Goh - 185-193 History, coordination and optimality: some policy lessons
by Devashish Mitra - 195-207 On the welfare analysis of a cross-border merger
by Tarun Kabiraj & Manas Chaudhuri - 209-229 Export instability, income terms of trade instability and growth: causal analyses
by Teame Ghirmay & Subhash Sharma & Richard Grabowski - 231-240 Economic integration, industrial policy and institutional design in the developing world
by Hillel Rapoport
1999, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Oliver Morrissey & David Greenaway - 3-26 The political economy of trade policy reform: social complexity and methodological pluralism
by Douglas Nelson - 27-40 Foreign direct investment as an engine of growth
by V. N. Balasubramanyam & M. Salisu & David Sapsford - 41-51 Exports, export composition and growth
by David Greenaway & Wyn Morgan & Peter Wright - 53-71 Exports of African manufactures: macro policy and firm behaviour
by Arne Bigsten & Paul Collier & Stefan Dercon & Marcel Fafcharnps & Bernard Gauthier & Jan Willern Gunning & Jean Habarurema & Anders Isaksson & Abena Oduro & Remco Oostendorp & Cathy Pattillo & Mans Soderborn & Francis Teal & Albert Zeufack - 73-88 Export policy and the WTO
by Sam Laird - 89-105 Trade reform, macroeconomic performance and export growth in ten Latin American countries, 1979-95
by Michael Bleaney - 107-123 Aggregate supply response in Tanzanian agriculture
by Andrew McKay & Oliver Morrissey & Charlotte Vaillant - 125-141 The transmission of world agricultural prices in Cote d'Ivoire
by T. A. Lloyd & C. W. Morgan & A. J. Rayner & C. Vaillant
1998, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 373-387 Terms of trade and economic growth in a world of constrained capital mobility
by Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås - 389-403 Job security, wage bargaining and duopoly outcomes
by Sudipa Majumdar & Bibhas Saha - 405-423 Income distribution in the United States: Kuznets' inverted-U hypothesis and data non-stationarity
by Peter Jacobsen & David Giles - 425-437 Rural non-farm development: a trade-theoretic view
by Kenneth Reinert - 439-449 Reciprocal dumping and trade policy
by Krishnendu Ghosh Dastidar - 451-453 Book Reviews
by Bradley Ruffle
1998, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 261-277 Economic growth, leadership and capital flows: the leapfrogging effect
by Elise Brezis & Daniel Tsiddon - 279-297 Why gradualism?
by Halvor Mehlum - 299-315 On wage-inequalities in the North and in the South
by Hing-Man Leung - 317-338 Efficiency wages, unemployment and international factor movements
by Bharati Basu - 339-354 An exogeneity analysis of financial deepening and economic growth: evidence from Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan
by Andy Kwan & Yangru Wu & Junxi Zhang - 355-365 The transmission of Dutch disease and labour migration
by Jackline Wahba
1998, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 151-173 The adding up problem: a targeting approach
by Kala Krishna - 175-205 Public goods and the transfer paradox in an overlapping generations model
by Mitsuyoshi Yanagihara - 207-220 Technical change in a Ricardian model of North-South trade with increasing returns to scale
by Michael Benarroch - 221-236 International trade and uneven growth: a model with intersectoral spillovers of knowledge
by Marina Murat & Francesco Pigliaru - 237-256 Trade policy, export expansion, human capital and growth
by Robert McNab & Robert Moore
1998, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-38 International economic law and .the interface between trade and environmental regulation
by Jeff Waincymer - 39-54 The knowledge revolution
by Graciela Chichilnisky - 55-69 Pollution and economic growth
by Eric O'N. Fisher & Charles van Marrewijk - 71-85 Optimal pollution and foreign-investment taxes in a small open economy
by Chi-Chur Chao & Eden Yu - 87-110 GDP growth, terms-of-trade effects, and total factor productivity
by Kevin Fox & Ulrich Kohli - 111-137 Export trade, trade derivatives, and economic growth of Hong Kong: a new scenario
by Chyau Tuan & Linda Fung-Yee Ng - 139-141 Book Reviews
by Oded Stark
1997, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 329-344 Real exchange rate dynamics and trade liberalization: the case of multiple tariffs and unemployment
by Ragnar Torvik - 345-357 Multiple goods and growth
by K. W. Liu - 359-375 Allocation of investment in a new market economy
by Taradas Bandyopadhyay & Tapan Biswas - 377-391 Government resource revenues, fiscal policy and precautionary saving
by Øystein Thøgersen - 393-417 Estimating the pro-competitive gains from trade liberalization: an application to Mexican manufacturing
by Jean-Marie Grether - 419-425 Migration, intermediate inputs and real wages
by Ivan Pastine & Tuvana Pastine - 427-434 Review article Progress and paradox in international economics
by Adam Klug
1997, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 123-133 India's economy and the reforms of the 1990s: genesis and prospect
by Kaushik Basu & Prasanta Pattanaik - 135-164 India's economic reforms: some lessons from East Asia
by Nirupam Bajpai & Jeffrey Sachs - 165-178 The context and consequences of economic liberalization in India
by Prabhat Patnaik - 179-208 Governance and reform in India
by Nirvikar Singh - 209-230 The Enron story and its lessons
by Kirit Parikh - 231-247 Fiscal adjustment and the role of state governments
by M. Govinda Rao - 249-286 The unfinished agenda: Indian agriculture under the structural reforms
by Servaas Storm - 287-297 The effect of trade policy reforms on labour markets: evidence from India
by Uma Karmbhampati & Pravin Krishna & Devashish Mitra - 299-324 Economic reforms and relative price movements in India: a 'supply shock' approach
by Subir Gokarn
1997, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 Quality-biased technical progress and North-South trade
by Brian Copeland & Ashok Kotwal - 15-28 Variable labour supply, taxes, employment and welfare under various rules of international taxation of capital
by Panos Hatzipanaytou & Michael Michael - 29-42 Jobs, education and the underdevelopment trap
by Katsuya Takii - 43-62 The European Monetary System and various tests of policy convergence
by Ashok Parikh & David Bailey & David Lovatt - 63-82 An empirical analysis on the determinants of the real exchange rate in African countries
by M. O. Odedokun - 83-100 Development and welfare in the presence of an urban informal sector: a three-sector general equilibrium approach
by Ajitava Raychaudhuri & Sandip Chatterjee - 101-112 The impact of multinational corporations on a developing country: a trade off in the long run?
by Mariam Khawar - 113-116 Book Reviews
by Basant Kapur