2007, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 399-417 International R&D Rivalry with Spillovers and Policy Cooperation in R&D Subsidies and Taxes
by Pei-Cheng Liao - 419-439 Autocracy, Democracy, and FDI Inflows to the Developing Countries
by Benhua Yang - 441-463 An Analysis of a Rules-based Approach to Disciplining Export Credits in Agriculture
by James Rude & Jean-Philippe Gervais - 465-490 Globalization, Financial Liberalization and the Behavior of the Long Run Money Demand in the Bangladesh Economy
by MD. Akhtaruzzaman
2007, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 155-175 Export-led Growth in South Asia: A Panel Cointegration Analysis
by Purna Chandra Parida & Pravakar Sahoo - 177-198 A Theory of Conflicts of Interest in Banking Relationships
by Wook Sohn - 199-205 Another look at the Relationship between Telecommunications Investment and Economic Activity in the United States
by Yemane Wolde-Rufael - 207-231 The Structure and Composition of India's Exports and Industrial Transformation (1980-2000)
by Abhijit Sharma & Michael Dietrich - 233-253 Consequences of Economic Partnership Agreements between East and Southern African Countries and the EU for Inter- and Intra-regional Integration
by Axel Borrmann & Matthias Busse & Manuel De La Rocha - 255-278 A Threshold Analysis of the Relationship Between Governance and Growth
by Edward N. Gamber & Amy K. S. Scott - 279-296 Re-examining International Technological-Knowledge Diffusion
by Oscar Afonso & Paulo B. Vasconcelos - 297-316 Households' Preferences and Exchange Rate Overshooting
by Christian Pierdzioch
2007, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-26 Inter-industry Wage Differentials and Allocative Inefficiency
by Anders Sørensen - 27-47 Policies to Reduce Rent Seeking in Controlled Markets
by Sunwoong Kim & Yoon-Ha Yoo - 49-59 Entry Invitations in a Market with Network Effects
by Namhoon Kwon - 61-70 Technological Progress, Terms of Trade, and Monopolistic Competition
by Chul Chung - 71-89 Financial Panic and Exchange Rate Overshooting during Currency Crises
by Soyoung Kim & Sunghyun Henry Kim - 91-114 Optimal Tax Combination in an Aging Japan
by Akira Okamoto - 115-131 The Effects of Public Expenditure on Private Consumption: A Disaggregated Analysis for Spain (1970-1997)
by Julian Ramajo & Agustin Garcia & Montserrat Ferre - 133-154 Is the Cyprus Pound Real Effective Exchange Rate Misaligned? A BEER Approach
by Charalambos Pattichis & Marios Maratheftis & Stavros Zenios
2006, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 385-407 Time-Varying Fundamentals of the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate
by Kari Heimonen - 409-430 Opportunity Costs, Competition, and Firm Selection
by Gamal Atallah - 431-459 Endogenous Imitation and Technology Absorption in a Model of North-South Trade
by Anusua Datta & Hamid Mohtadi - 461-476 The Threshold Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade Volume: Evidence from G-7 Countries
by Yanhong Zhang & Hui Chang & Jean Gauger - 477-494 Tax Incidence in a Model with Efficiency Wages and Unemployment
by Vassilis Rapanos - 495-513 A Reappraisal of the Border Effect on Relative Price Volatility
by Yin-Wong Cheung & Kon Lai - 515-522 Pricing Geometric Asian Options under the CEV Process
by Bin Peng - 523-540 Corruption and Capital Flight: An Empirical Assessment
by Quan Le & Meenakshi Rishi
2006, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 253-266 The social cost of foreign exchange reserves
by Dani Rodrik - 267-284 Emigrants' remittances and Dutch Disease in Cape Verde
by Yves Bourdet & Hans Falck - 285-302 Granger causality tests among openness to international trade, human capital accumulation and economic growth in China: 1952-1999
by Wong Hock Tsen - 303-320 Social security expenditure and GDP in OECD countries: A cointegrated panel analysis
by Chien-Chiang Lee & Chun-Ping Chang - 321-341 Measuring the size of the hidden economy in Trinidad & Tobago, 1973-1999
by Alain Maurin & Sandra Sookram & Patrick Kent Watson - 343-355 A model of liability dollarization and myopic governments
by Adam Honig - 357-368 Specialization in a dynamic trade model: An overlapping generations case
by Akihiko Kaneko - 369-383 Regional development and rural-based export processing zones in developing countries
by Kazuhiro Tetsu
2006, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 129-147 Demand for education in China
by Gregory Chow & Yan Shen - 149-160 The effect of exchange rates on prices, wages, and profits: A case study of the United Kingdom in the 1990s
by Joseph Gagnon - 161-177 Asymmetric adjustment towards long-run PPP: Some new evidence for Asian economies
by Mark Holmes & Ping Wang - 179-196 International R&D spillovers revisited: Human capital as an absorptive capacity for foreign technology
by Noh-Sun Kwark & Yong-Sang Shyn - 197-209 Did Japanese consumers become more prudent during 1998-1999? Evidence from household-level data
by Masahiro Hori & Satoshi Shimizutani - 211-225 Country and industry-level determinants of vertical specialization-based trade
by Don Clark - 227-240 Financial liberalization and the stationarity of money multiplier
by Darrin Downes & Winston Moore & Dwayne Jackson - 241-252 The determinants of economic growth of transition economies: Economic reform versus initial conditions
by Young-Sun Lee & Hyung-Gon Jeong
2006, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-18 Population age structure and real exchange rates in the OECD
by Andreas Andersson & Par Osterholm - 19-36 A further investigation of the link between trade and income
by Jan Ondrich & J. David Richardson & Shuo Zhang - 37-62 Pollution effects of free trade areas: Simulations from a general equilibrium model
by Nicolas Peridy - 63-77 Causality between exports, world income and economic growth in Pakistan
by Mohammad Afzal - 79-86 An empirical test of purchasing power parity in selected developing countries: a panel data approach
by Shidong Zhang & Thomas Lowinger - 87-107 Technical efficiency of small scale farmers: An application of the stochastic frontier production function to rural and urban farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria
by Igbekele Ajibefun & Adebiyi Daramola & Abiodun Falusi - 109-128 Is there a duration dependence in Taiwan's business cycles?
by Shyh-Wei Chen & Chung-Hua Shen
2005, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 483-499 Are business cycles independent in the G7?
by Philip Bodman & Mark Crosby - 501-522 An alternative method of estimating the worker's reservation wage
by Madhu Mohanty - 523-541 Tests of the CAPM under structural changes
by Ho-Chuan Huang & Wan-hsiu Cheng - 543-562 Other financial institutions' portfolio behaviour and policy implications: A study of India
by Tomoe Moore & Christopher Green - 563-577 Estimating a monetary policy reaction function for the dominican republic
by Jose Sanchez-fung - 579-587 On the new export sector in developing countries
by Masao Oda & Robert Stapp & Ichiro Mihara
2005, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 355-377 On discretion versus commitment and the role of the direct exchange rate channel in a forward-looking open economy model
by Alfred Guender - 379-395 Has the 'franc fort' exchange rate policy affected the inflationary dynamics? Theory and new evidence
by Moise Sidiropoulos & Jamel Trabelsi & Costas Karfakis - 397-416 A theory of efficient coexistence
by Shyh-fang Ueng - 417-446 Free trade versus strategic trade as a choice between two 'second best' policies: A symmetric versus asymmetric information analysis
by Delia Ionascu & Kresimir zigic - 447-459 Standardization in electronic money
by Imho Kang & Jeong-yoo Kim - 461-472 How stable is the demand for money in Greece?
by Mohsen Bahmani-oskooee & Charikleia Economidou - 473-482 Do frontier equity markets exhibit common trends and still provide diversification opportunities?
by William Miles
2005, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 125-128 Editors' introduction
by John Heywood & Sunwoong Kim - 129-145 Labour market institutions without blinders: The debate over flexibility and labour market performance
by Richard Freeman - 147-168 The two institutional logics: exit-oriented versus commitment-oriented institutional designs
by David Ellerman - 169-196 Labour market institutions and economic performance in the Netherlands
by Lei Delsen & Erik Poutsma - 197-222 Does employment protection reduce the demand for unskilled labour?
by Kirsten Daniel & W. S. Siebert - 223-234 Unions and the use of flexible staffing in korea: evidence from an establishment survey
by Injae Lee & Dong-bae Kim - 235-250 Does profit sharing reduce conflict with the boss? Evidence from Germany
by John Heywood & Uwe Jirjahn & Georgi Tsertsvadze - 251-281 Employee participation and involvement in korea: evidence from a new survey and field research
by Takao Kato & Ju HO Lee & Kang-sung Lee & Jang-soo Ryu - 283-303 On using mandatory retirement to reduce workforce in korea
by Joonmo Cho & Sunwoong Kim - 305-319 Pension reforms and employment
by Alejandra Cox Edwards - 321-353 Analysing workplace safety policies in hong kong with a simulation method
by Xiangdong Wei & Steve Russell & Robert Sandy
2005, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-9 On the relationship between telecommunications investment and economic growth in the United States
by Richard Beil & George Ford & John Jackson - 11-35 Integration versus non-integration: specific investments and ex-post resource distribution
by Yutaka Suzuki - 37-49 Pricing of a new product with consumer learning
by Sunku Hahn - 51-62 Exchange market pressure in Turkey 1993-2004: an application of the girton-roper monetary model
by Inci Parlaktuna - 63-90 Evidence of non-linearities in the bilateral real exchange rates of the British pound
by Ahmed Asseery - 91-94 Impact of labour unions on the merger incentive of firms
by Hyung Bae - 95-114 Cost asymmetry, oligopolistic competition and optimal trade and industrial policies
by Winston Chang & Hajime Sugeta - 115-123 Input demand with cost uncertainty
by Moawia Alghalith
2004, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 147-159 A time-series approach to the determination of savings rates
by Rodney Paul - 161-178 Analysis of loan guarantees among the Korean Chaebol affiliates
by Taeyoung Doh & Keunkwan Ryu - 179-193 Competition policy in open economies
by Aidan Hollis & Lasheng Yuan - 195-213 Long swing in appreciation and short swing in depreciation and does the market not know it?—the case of Taiwan
by Chung-Hua Shen & Shyh-Wei Chen - 215-236 Corporate financial policy with pension accounts: an extension of the Modigliani-Miller theorem
by Chongmin Kim - 237-243 Price uncertainty, future markets and correlation
by Harald Battermann & Udo Broll - 245-257 Equality of interest rates revisited: the multi-country evidence
by Song-Zan Chiou Wei & Zhen Zhu - 259-274 Foreign exchange reserves and import demand in a developing economy: the case of Pakistan
by Augustine Arize & John Malindretos & Elias Grivoyannis
2004, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 3-32 A dynamic analysis of the Korea-Japan free trade area: simulations with the G-cubed Asia-Pacific model
by Warwick McKibbin & Jong-Wha Lee & Inkyo Cheong - 33-48 Selective migration, union wage setting and unemployment disparities in West Germany
by Jens Suedekum - 49-64 Infrastructure and sectoral output along the road to development
by Felix Rioja - 65-78 Money and physical capital are complementary in kenya
by Nicholas Odhiambo - 79-102 Intra-household transfers and old-age security in America, 1890-1950
by Chulhee Lee - 103-118 Direct and indirect forecasting of the money multiplier and velocity of circulation in the United Kingdom
by Imad Moosa & Jae Kim - 119-137 The impact of China's accession to the WTO on its economy: an imperfect competitive CGE analysis
by Hong Zhang
2003, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 1-14 Horizontal and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade: The Case of Asean Trade in Manufactures
by Dene Hurley - 15-27 Devalution, Output and Wages
by JoaoRicardo Faria & Francisco Galrao Caneiro - 29-41 Intra-Industry Trade And Strategic Trade Police In The Presence of Public Firms
by Debashis Pal & Mark White - 43-60 Capital Inflows-National Saving Dynamics in Tunisia: Evidence from Cointegration, Weak Exogeneity and Simultaneous Error Correction Modelling
by Nejib Hachicha - 61-83 An Empirical Analysis of Ricardian Equivalence on Real Exchange Rate and Current Account: Korea
by Chae-Deug Yi - 85-105 Manufactured Exports, Capital Good Imports, and Economic Growth: Experience of Mexico and Brazil
by M. Imam Alam - 107-123 Entry Deterrence and Entry Inducement in an Industry with Complementary Products
by Jeong-Yoo Kim
2003, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-17 Determinants Of Intraindustry Trade Between The United States And Industrial Nations
by Don Clark & Denise Stanley - 1-18 Determinants of Intraindustry Trade Between the United States and Industrial Nations
by Don Clark & Denise Stanley - 19-38 Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Imports in Spain
by M. T. Alguacil & V. Orts - 39-54 A Reassessment Of Balance Of Payments Constrained Growth: Results From Panel Unit Root And Panel Cointegration Tests
by Dimitris Christopoulos & EFthymios Tsionas - 55-75 Information Technology and Its Impact on Economic Growth and Productivity In Korea
by Seon-Jae Kim - 77-97 Oligopsonistic Intermediate Input and Patterns of Trade
by Stephen Devadoss & Wongun Song - 99-112 Dual Labor Markets And Strategic Efficiency Wage
by Mohamed Jellal & Francois-Charles Wolff - 113-142 Structural Changes and the Scope of Inflation Targeting in Korea
by Gongpil Choi
2002, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-26 Openness And The Output-Inflation Tradeoff: Floating Vs. Fixed Exchange Rates
by Yuen Chi-Wa - 27-51 The Effects of Capital Controls on Exchange Rate Volatility and Output
by M. Frenkel & G. Shimidt & G. Stadtmann & Nickle Christiane - 53-73 Bilateral Intra-Industry Trade in a Multi-Country Helpman-Krugman Model
by Robert C. Shelburne - 75-96 Endogenous Choice of Trade Instrument Under Uncertainty
by Gervais Jean-Philippe & Harvey E. Lapan - 97-106 Causality Between Exports, Imports and Income In Trinidad and Tobago
by Howard Michael - 107-119 Purchasing Power Parity By sectors From Selected European Countries: Cointegration and Structural Breaks
by Amalia Morales Zumaquero - 121-139 Non-Linearities, Regime Switching and the Relationship Between Asian Equity and Foreign Exchange Markets
by Mark J. Holmes & Maghrebi Nabil
2002, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-21 Estimating the Size of Bequests in Japan: 1986-1994
by Shimono Keiko & Ishikawa Miho - 23-37 Trade and Financial Liberalisation and Endogenous Growth in Bangladesh
by Jalal Siddiki - 39-58 Testing for Sunspot in the Foreign Exchange Market
by Sangdai Ryoo - 59-78 Indra-Industry Trade, Endogenous Technical Change, Wage Inequality and Welfare
by Roberto De Santis - 81-95 Export-Flexible Firms and Forward Markets
by Wong Kit Pong - 97-113 A Trade Model of Intermediate Products With Transportation Cost
by Kim Chong-Sup - 115-133 Infant Industry Protection Revisited
by Aditya Bhattacharjea - 135-145 Measuring Exchange Market Pressure and the Degree of Exchange Market Intervention for the Greek Drachma
by Apergis Nicholas & Eleftheriou Sophia
2002, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-18 Learning About Models and Their Fit to Data
by Adrian Pagan - 19-29 On Budget Deficits And Interest Rates: Another Look At The Evidence
by Ali Darrat - 31-36 Budget Deficits and Interest Rates in a Small Open
by George Vamvoukas - 37-45 On the Use of Innovation Correlations to Study Cyclical Co-Movements in GDP and Its Components
by Abeysinghe Tilak & Choy Keen - 47-63 A Macroeconometric Model of Income Disparity in China
by Shan Jordan - 65-83 Learning, experience and the dynamics of north-south Trade and technology transfer
by Benarroch Michael & James Gaisford - 85-95 Stability of the Demand for Money in Korea
by Bahmani-Oskooee Mohsen & Shin Sungwon - 97-114 Habits And Durability In Consumption And The Effects Of Exchange Rate Policies
by Mansoorian Arman & Neaime Simon - 115-128 Monetary Bands And Monetary Neutrality
by Hahm Sang-Moon
2002, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-19 Coase and the Reform of Securities Markets
by Johnson Simon - 21-42 Asymmetry In Economic Fluctuations In The Us Economy: The Pre-War And The 1946-1991 Periods Compared
by Magda Kandil - 43-71 Equilibrium Contracts In a Bilateral Monopoly with Unequal Bargaining Powers
by Dasgupta Siddhartha & Devadoss Stephen - 73-93 Financial Innovations And Demand For United States M1 And M2 Components
by Choudhry Taufiq - 95-104 How IncomeElastic Is The Consumers Demand For Services In Singapore?
by M. Renuka & K. P. Kalirajan - 105-125 Asymmetric Volatility of Exchange Rate Returns Under The EMS: Some Evidence From Quantile Regression Approach for Tgarch Models
by Beum-Jo Park - 127-138 Incomplete contracts And Vertically Integrated Multinational Enterprises
by Tang Linghui - 139-158 Fiscal Policy And The Composition Of Private Consumption: Some Evidence From The U.A. And Canada
by Malley Jim & Molana Hassan
2001, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 427-448 An Econometric analysis of IBRD creditworthiness
by David McKenzie - 449-465 The quality of human capital, educational reform and economic growth
by Gwanghoon Lee - 467-489 Testing for PPP in developing countries using confirmatory analysis and different base countries: an application to Asian countries
by Salah Nusair - 491-504 An incentive pricing with two types of qualities and users
by Choong-Young Jung - 505-520 On the intensity and balance of intra-European migration
by Tapan Biswas & Jolian McHardy - 521-546 Liquidity effects and habit formation in a sticky price model
by Yongseung Jung - 547-559 Financial development and economic growth in Greece: an empirical investigation with Granger causality analysis
by Nikolaos Dritsakis & Antonios Adamopoulos - 561-579 Gender wage differentials and discrimination in Korea: comparison by knowledge intensity of industries
by Jin Hwa Jung & Kang-Shik Choi
2001, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 283-297 Price volatility of south-east fishery's quota species: an empirical analysis
by Shekar Bose - 299-319 Population age structure and private consumption in Spain
by Begona Eguia & Cruz Echevarria - 321-335 Insulation properties of separating exchange markets
by Fuhmei Wang - 337-352 The role of domestic demand in the economic growth of Malaysia: a cointegration analysis
by Lai Yew Wah - 353-364 Determinants of cyclical properties of the price-cost margin in US manufacturing industries
by In Kwon Lee - 365-387 Synergy, learning and the changing industrial structure
by Tarun Kabiraj & Ching Chyi Lee - 389-407 Stock prices and long-run demand for money: evidence from Malaysia
by Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah - 409-417 Limited liability effect on product safety
by Hyung Bae
2001, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-17 Deadlock In Geneva: The Battle Over Export Subsidies In Agriculture
by James Gaisford & William Kerr - 19-36 BANK LENDING TO LDCs: LESSONS FROM THE 1970s
by Justino De La Cruz Martinez - 55-64 Non-Separable Consumption-Labor Choice And The International Transmission Of Monetary Policy Shocks: A Note
by Christian Pierdzioch - 65-78 A Duration Analysis Of The Adoption Of Privatization Policy: Evidence From The Telecommunications Sector In The Asia-Pacific Region
by Sang Hyup Lee - 79-103 Cost-At-Risk And Benchmark Government Debt Portfolio In Korea
by Joon-Ho Hahm & Jinho Kim - 105-127 Consumer Durables And The Interest Rate
by Kiseok Hong
2001, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-15 Minimum Wages And Employment: The Case Of German Unification
by Bernhard Heitger - 17-27 Financial Innovation And The Demand For Money: Evidence From The Philippines
by R. W. Hafer & Ali Kutan - 29-41 On Shibata'S Negation Of Lump-Sum Transfers In Global Warming Control
by Robert Kohn - 43-55 On Shibata'S Negation Of Lump-Sum Transfers In Global Warming Control: Rejoinder
by Hirofumi Shibata - 57-82 Horizontal Innovation, Market Power And Growth
by Alberto Bucci - 83-99 Two-Stage Contests With Additive Carryovers
by Sanghack Lee - 101-120 Exports, Export Composition And Growth: A Simultaneous Error-Correction Model For Tunisia
by Nejib Hachicha - 121-138 The Wage Growth And Inflation Nexus In A Dynamic Multivariate Context: New Evidence From Greece
by George Hondroyiannis
2001, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 1-39 Limited Downside Risk In Portfolio Selection Among U.S. and Pacific Basin Equities
by W. Jansen Dennis - 23-32 Asymmetric Central Bank Reaction Function: An Application of Smooth Transition Regression
by Kevin Denny - 33-46 Public Spending and Private Investment: Evidence From Greece
by E. C. Mamatzakis - 47-58 Asymmetry in the Response of Price-Cost Margins to the Level of Demand Across Booms and Slumps: the Case of U.S. Industries* I thank Editor of this journal and an anonymous referee for their helpful suggestions and
by In Kwon Lee - 59-79 Planned Obsolescence As A Signal of Quality
by Choi Jay Pil - 81-94 Time-Varying Behavior and Asymmetry in EMS Exchange Rates
by Nikiforos Laopodis - 95-115 Trade Policy and Productivity Growth in OECD Manufacturing
by Benjamin Nancy & Michael Ferrantino - 117-136 Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Korea and Japan and Its Transmission Via International Trade
by Chung Hyun-Sik & Rhee Hae-Chun
2001, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-29 The Determinants and Prospects of Economic Growth in Asia
by Radelet Steven & Sachs Jeffrey & Lee Jong-Wha - 31-54 Export-Output Causality and the Role of Exports in Irish Growth: 1950-1997
by Doyle Eleanor - 55-72 Financial Factors and the Empirical Behavior of Money Demand: A Case Study of Malaysia
by Mansor Ibrhim - 73-84 Stability of Money Demand and Monetary Policy in Papua New Guinea (PNG): An Error Correction Model Analysis
by Chinna Kannapiran - 85-108 Asset Price And Current Account Dynamics
by Kim Kyung-Soo & Lee Jaewoo - 109-128 Long-Run Purchasing Power Parity and Structural Change: The Official and Parallel Foreign Exchange Markets For Dollars In Greece
by Georgios Kouretas & Leonidas Zarangas - 129-146 A Quantitative Analysis of the Effects of Capital Controls: Spain, 1986-1990
by Oscar Bajo-Rubio & Sosvilla-Rivero Simon - 147-167 Entrepreneurial Selection, Financial Markets, and Patterns of International Trade
by Bin Xu
June 2001, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-26 Cyclical Movements in Hours and Effort Under Sticky Wages-super-
by Bils Marks & Chang Yongsung - 27-49 Changes in Employment and Hours, and Family Income Inequality in the United.States, 1969--1989
by Lee Chulhee - 51-56 On Professor Kohn and Expected Utility: Correction and Clarification
by Horowitz Ira - 57-62 On Professor Kohn and Expected Utility: Correction and Clarification-Rejoinder
by Robert E. Kohn - 63-76 Long-Run Economic Growth In Europe: Is It Endogenous Or Neoclassical?
by Karras Georgios - 77-98 Money, Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Rate As Indicator Variables Of Monetary Policy
by Lee TongHung & Hwang Hoyoung