June 2001, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 99-113 Imperfect Competition, Returns To Scale and Productivity Growth In Australian Manufacturing: A Smooth Transition Approach To Trade Liberalisation
by Edward Oczkowski & Kishor Sharma - 115-132 The 1990 Trade Liberalisation Policy of Turkey: An Applied General Equilibrium Assessment
by Roberto A. De Santis
2001, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-19 Credit Markets and Unemployment in the Short Run and in the Long Run
by Wasmer Etienne & Weil Philippe - 21-40 Rent Seeking, The Bracero Program And Current Mexican Farm Labor Policy
by Lisa Basurto & Charles Delorme & David Kamerschen - 41-59 Exchange Rate Pass-Through in an International Duopoly model with Brand Loyalty
by Chang Byoung-Ky - 61-93 Optimal Currency Target Zones: How Wide Should Exchange Rate Bands Be?
by Joon-Hwan Im - 95-113 An Empirical Assessment Of Monetary Policy Responses To Capital Inflows In Asia Before The Financial Crisis
by Sung Yeung Kwack - 115-139 Dynamics of Macroeconomic Adjustment with Growth: Some Simulation Results
by Sushanta Mallick - 145-164 A Coalition-Form Analysis Of The “One Country - One Vote” Rule In The Governing Council Of The European Central Bank
by Ulrich Bindseil - 165-174 Currency Hedging For Export-Flexible Firms
by Kit Pong Wong
2000, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-40 Risky Habits and the Marginal Propensity to Consume Output of Permanent Income, or, How Much Would a Permanent Tax Cut Boost Japanese Consumption?
by D. Carroll Christopher - 41-57 The Behavior of the Current Account in Response to Unobservable and Observable Shocks
by Irandoust Manuchehr & Sjoo Boo - 59-75 Foreign Exchange Intervention For Internal Balance
by Kim Kyung Soo - 77-86 The Optimal Taxation of Income From International Investment: A Geometric Analysis
by Mackie James & J. Rousslang Donald - 87-102 Damage Estimation and Its Accuracy Antitrust Policy Implication
by Lee In Kwon - 103-123 The Role of Gatt in Trade Negotiations: A Game-Theoretic Perspective
by Kim Gi-Hong - 125-141 Labor Surplus in Korea: A Reassessment
by Osborne Evan - 143-163 The Return to Capital and Convergence in a Two Sector Model of Endogenous Growth
by E. Young Song
2000, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-40 Tax Policy with Quasi-Geometric Discounting
by Krusell Per & Kuruscu Burhanettin & Anthony Smith - 41-49 Does Consumption Respond More Strongly to Stock Market Declines Than to Increases?
by Shirvani Hassan & Wilbrate Barry - 51-61 The Long-Run Effects of Depreciation of The Dollar on Sectoral Output
by Bahmani-Oskooee Mohsen & Mirzaie Aghdas - 63-74 Conservative Monetary Policy Rule and Inflation Mitigation Policies
by Whang Seong Hyeon - 75-86 Do Dirty Industries Conduct Offshore Assembly In Developing Countries?
by Don Clark & Marchese Serafino & Zarrilli Simonetta - 87-100 Product Compatibility and Technological Innovation
by Jeong-Yoo Kim - 101-121 Balassa-Samuelson Theory and Predictability of the US/UK Real Exchange Rate
by Kim Chung-Han - 123-136 A Re-Examination of the Linder Hypothesis: A Random-Effects Tobit Approach
by M. A. Mcpherson & M. R. Redfearn & M. A. Tieslau
2000, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-39 An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Hedge Contracts on Bidding Behavior in a Competitive Electricity Market
by Frank Wolak - 41-66 Multinationals, Information Update, and Product Adaptation
by Shuai Xiaobing - 67-84 The Savings Ratio and Financial Repression in Trinidad and Tobago
by J Pentecost Eric & Ramlogan Carlyn - 85-111 Methodological Extensions of First-Order Adjustment Models: An Application to U.S. Industries
by Jo Sunghan - 113-132 Does Latin America Have More to Gain From Exchange Rate Liberalization than Sub-Saharan Africa?
by Armah Bartholomew - 133-150 The Impact of Financial and Fiscal Variables on Economic Growth: The Case of India and Korea
by Dua Pami & Rashid Aneesa Ismail & Salvatore Dominick - 151-160 Exports, Imports and Income in Taiwan: An Examination of the Export Led Growth Hypothesis
by T. Chang & W. Fang & W. Liu & Thompson Henry - 161-179 Engine of Export-Oriented Catching-Up: Small Firms
by Wontack Hong
2000, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-31 Are Americans More Altruistic than the Japanese? A U.S.-Japan Comparison of Saving and Bequest Motives
by C. Y. Horioka & H. Fujisaki & W. Watanabe & T. Kouno - 33-45 On The Dynamic Incentive of Price-Quality Differentiation By A Monopolist Firm
by Guy Ho Wang - 47-60 Does Inflation Variability Affect the Demand for Money in China? Evidence from Error-Correction Models
by A. C. Arize & Malindretos John - 61-69 A Theorem on the Gains from International Factor Mobility
by Comolli Paul - 71-84 Simultaneous Price And Quantity Determination In A Joint Profit Maximizing Bilateral Monopoly Under Dynamic Optimization
by Devadoss Stephen & Cooper Kevin - 85-97 The Welfare Effects of U.S. Most-Favored-Nation Tariff Treatment of Exports From China: An Empirical Inquiry
by Dong Qi Hong - 99-110 An Incentive Contract With Asymmetric Information
by Jung Choong-Young & Kim Jae-Cheol & Lee Sang-Ho - 111-131 Capital Accumulation And Trade Policy:The Case Of Korea
by Nam Chong-Hyun & Kim Chang-Jin
1999, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 1-13 Export Promotion, Sectoral Unemployment and National Welfare
by Chi-Chur Cho & Eden Yu - 17-34 Factor Growth, Urban Unemployment and Welfare Under Variable Returns to Scale
by Jai-Young Choi - 35-51 Core and Periphery in the World Economy: An Empirical Assessment of the Integration of the Developing Countries Into the World Economy
by Horvath Julius & Grabowski Richard - 53-70 The Welfare Analysis of Trade Policies: The Optimal Government Intervention Timing under Incomplete Information
by Young-Han Kim - 71-79 Is There A J-Curve? A New Estimation for Japan
by Gupta-Kapoor Anju & Ramakrishnan Uma - 81-100 Aggregate Risk and Social Value of Information in A Production Economy
by Lee Young Whan - 101-118 Two And One Sided Conflict: Effectiveness and Scale in a Ratio Form of Conflict Technology
by Noh Suk Jae - 119-128 Cointegration Approach to Estimating Bilateral Trade Elasticities Between U.S. and Her Trading Partners
by Bahmani-Oskooee Mohsen & Taggert Brooks
1999, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-18 Sticky Prices and Alternative Monetary Feedback Rules: How Robust is the Overshooting Phenomenon?
by Bernd Kempa & Michael Nelles - 19-35 Are Financial Deepening and Economic Growth Causally Related? Another Look at the Evidence
by Alif Darrat - 37-49 Income Redistribution Effects in the Presence of Region-Specific Factors
by Eor Myong-Keun & Ardeshir Dalal - 51-58 Are the U.S. Current Account Deficits Really Sustainable?
by Fountas Stilianos & Wu Jyh-Lin - 59-65 Fluctuations In Consumer Durables Expenditure And Fixed Investment of Korea
by Kiseok Hong - 67-75 On the Role Exports in the Economic Growth of Malaysia: A Multivariate Analysis
by Yousif. Al-Yousif - 77-95 Unemployment Insurance and State Economic Activity
by Won Lee Kyung & James Schmidt & George Rejda - 97-123 Money Demand and Seasonal Cointegration
by Shen Chung-Hua & Huang Tai-Hsin
1999, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-20 Entrepreneurial Development in Late Industrialization: A Comparative Analysis
by Yoon Chang-Ho - 21-30 Inflation Uncertainty and Momey Demand: Evidence from a Monetary Regime Changed and the Cases of Greece
by Apergis Nicholas - 31-37 The Intertemporal Causal Dynamics Between Fixed Capital Formation and Economic Growth in The Group-Of-Seven Countries
by Khalifa Ghali & Al-Mutawa Ahmed - 39-58 Consumption Growth, Income Growth and Earings Uncertainty: Simple Cross-Country Evidence
by Hahm Joon-Ho - 59-74 Immigration, Unemployment and Welfare
by Chesney Marc & Bharat Hazari & Pasquale SGRO - 75-88 Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate: The Role of Openness
by Karras Georgios - 89-102 Determinants of the Exchange Rate Regime: A Time Series Analysis for Chile
by Leon Javoer - 103-123 An Inquiry Into the Rationale for Economic Espionage
by Merrill Whitney & James Gaisford
1999, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-18 Regional Intergration, Foreign Investment, And Optimal Trade And Investment Policies
by Tsai Pan-Long - 19-26 Export as an Option
by Broll Udo - 27-93 Mercosur and the U.S.: an International General Equilibrium Evaluation of the Regional Integration
by Diao Xinshen & Somwaru Agapi - 45-55 An Empirical Analysis of The Effects of Government Spending on Capital Investment: Evidence from O.E.C.D. Countries
by D. Giannaros & B. Kolluri & M. Panik - 57-70 Sources of Fluctuations in the Housing Market
by Kim Myeong-Soo & N. Edward Coulson - 71-79 Risk-Neutrality versus Risk A version in a Model of Production Efficiency under Uncertainty
by Robert Kohn - 81-101 Regional Price Dynamics and Countervailing Duties: Did the Canada-U.S. Hog/Pork Dispute Have a Permanent Impact?
by Larue Bruno & Tanguay Luc - 103-120 Dynamic Causal Chain of Money, Output, Interest Rate and Prices in Malaysia: Evidence Based On Vector Error- Correction Modelling Analysis
by Tan Hui Boon & Baharumshah Ahmad Zubaidi
1998, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 1-22 Monopoly Unions and Corporatism: Implications for Strategic Trade Policy
by S. Bandyopadhyay & S. C. Bandyopadhyay - 23-47 The Effects of De-Regulation on Share-Market Efficiency in the Asia-Pacific
by Nicolaas Groenewold & Mohamed Ariff - 49-63 The Liquidity Effect of Money Shocks on Short-Term Interest Rates: Some International Evidence
by Benjamin Kim & Noor Ghazali - 65-77 Contributions of State-Owned Enterprises to the Growth of Total Output
by Francois Doamekpor - 79-87 Domestic Saving and Foreign Investment in Australia: A Granger Causality Test
by Jordan Shan & Fiona Sun - 89-104 Money Growth Variability and Stock Returns: An Innovations Accounting Analysis
by Dewan Abdullah - 105-116 Birth, Death, and Consumption: Overlapping Generations and the Random Walk Hypothesis
by William Smith
1998, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 1-16 Inflation Convergence in the ERM: Evidence for Manufacturing and Services
by Mark Holmes - 17-29 Using Indonesia's Real Exchange Rate to Test Ricardian Equivalence
by Yoopi Abimanyu - 31-40 The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on U.S. Imports: An Empirical Investigation
by A. C. Arize - 41-62 A Contribution on the Empirics of Trade, Migration and Economic Growth for Australia and Canada
by Philip Bodman - 63-75 A Three-Factor Agricultural Production Function: The Case of Canada
by Cristina Echevarria - 77-88 R&D Spillovers, Technology Cartel, and Monopoly Regulation
by Sang-Ho Lee - 89-96 Cointegration Approach to Estimate the Long-Run Trade Elasticities in LDCs
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee - 97-111 Vertical Product Differentiation and the Value of Time
by Udayan Roy
1998, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-16 Exchange Rate Variability and Exchange Market Intervention: Spot vs. Forward
by Hui-Kuan Tseng - 17-34 Fiscal Policy under Flexible Exchange Rates: When is Expansion Contractionary?
by Pekka Ahtiala - 35-53 Asymmetric Fluctuations and the Third Moments in the Real Business Cycle Theory
by Chang-Kon Choi - 55-76 Import-Subsidy Coordination and the Gains from International Diffusion Of Differentiated Middle Products
by Hwan Lin - 77-91 Trade Efficiency and Trade Points: Small Versus Large Players
by Laura Lu & Panos Mourdoukoutas - 93-104 Private and Givernment Investment: A Study of Three OECD Countries
by Mehdi Monadjemi & Hyeonseung Huh - 107-116 Production with Two Factors and Many Goods Large Firms in a Small Open Economy
by Henry Thompson - 117-136 Costly Monitoring in Financial Markets and Capital Outflow Restrictions
by Xu Bin
1998, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-24 Savings, Investment, Growth and Financial Distortions in Pacific Asia and Other Developing Areas
by Maxwell Fry - 25-37 The Persistence And Japan's Trade Surplus
by Chulho Jung & Khosrow Doroodian - 39-51 Transactions Demand for Money and the Inverse Relation Between Inflation and Output: the Case of Korean Economy
by Chan Il Park - 53-74 Financial and Capital Account Liberalization in the Pacific Basin: Korea and Taiwan During the 1980's
by Menzie Chinn & William Maloney - 75-93 International Taxation When Domestic Distributional Policy is Constrained
by Yong Yang - 95-104 The Effects of Inflation and Exchange Rate Policies on Direct Investment to Developing Countries
by Young Seok Ahn & Slamet Seno Adji & Thomas Willett - 105-119 The Term Structure of Taiwan Money Market Rates And Rational Expectation
by Shen Chung-Hua - 121-139 Sensitivities of Import Demand and Export Supply in an Open Developing Economy: the Evidence from Taiwan, 1961-1994
by Eric Wang - 141-153 Financing Export-Oriented Catching-Up in Korea: Credit-Rationing, Sustained High Growth and Financial Chaos
by Wontack Hong
1997, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-16 The Effects of Economic Integration Between North and South Korea: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Suk-In Chang - 17-37 Economic Development, Life-Cycle Consumption and Planning Hirizon
by John Baffore-Bonnie & Mohammed Khayum - 39-50 Dynamic Modelling of the Current Accounts: Evidence from the Caribbean
by Roland Craigwell & Sudesh Samaroo - 51-72 Can The World Trading System Accommodate More East Asian Style Exporters?
by G. Chris Rodrigo & Will Martin - 73-873 Determinants of Import Demand in Thailand
by Dipendra Sinha - 85-101 The Earnings Experience of Rural-Urban Migrants in Korea
by Bun Song Lee & Joseph Phillips - 103-112 Response of Domestic Production to Depreciation in Korea: an Application of Johansen's Conintegration Methodology
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Hyun-Jae Rhee - 113-126 International Transmission of Government Spending, Monopolistic Competition and North-South Trade
by Sajid Anwar
1997, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-12 The Distributional Effects of U.S. Textile and Apparel Protection
by Kenneth Hanson & Kenneth Reinert - 13-33 A Model of Spillovers Through Labor Recruitment
by Lawrence Kaufmann - 35-46 Delegation and Strategic Trade Policy
by David Collie - 47-59 Rationality and the Risk Premium on the Australian dollar
by Bruce Felmincham & Peter Mansfield - 61-74 Global Sensitivity of Neoclassical and Factor Proportions Models to Production Technology
by Jon Ford & Henry Thompson - 75-83 Do Outward-Oriented Developing Economies Industrialize Faster?
by Don Clark & David Walker - 85-102 Birth, Death, and Dynamic Inefficiency in an Endogenous Growth Model
by James Kahn & Jong-Soo Lim & Changyong Rhee - 103-115 Foreign Corporate Acquisition Activity Domestic Union Status in the U.S
by Bartholomew Armah & James Peoples
1997, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-20 Endogenous Time Preference and Endogenous Growth
by Howell Zee - 21-37 Import Liberalization, Urban Unemployment, and Capital Mobility: a Welfare Analysis
by Anil Lal - 39-57 The Australian Trade Balance and Current Account: a Time Series Perspective
by Philip Bodman - 59-71 The Short-and Long-Run Relationships Between the Exchange Rate of the Dollar and Producer Prices in the U.S
by Farrokh Nourzad - 73-101 Risk and International Parity Conditions: A Synthesis from Consumption Based Models
by Thomas Chiang & Jose Trinidad - 103-116 Financial Integration and Market Efficiency: Some International Evidence from Cointegration Tests
by Ky-Hyang Yuhn - 117-135 International Public Goods Coordination: Do Trade Barriers Matter?
by Y. Stephen Chiu
1997, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-14 On Measuring The True Cost of Living for the Developing Country: Case of Korea
by Tong Hun Lee & Keun Jon Chung - 15-38 Dynamic Inconsistency and Exchange-Rate Target Zones: A Welfare Analysis
by Zhen Zhu - 39-50 The Relationship Between The Real Exchange Rate and The Trade Balance: An Empirical Reassessment
by Hassan Shirvani & Barry Wilbratte - 51-67 Are Asian Markets Integrated? Evidence for Six Countries Vis-A-Vis Japan
by Imad Moosa & Razzaque Bhatti - 69-86 The Impact of International Trade on Real Wages in U.S. Manufacturing, 1985-1989
by Hans-Jurgen Engelbrecht - 87-108 How Real are Real Exchange Rates?
by Yoonbai Kim - 109-114 Are Imports and Exports of Korea Cointegrated?
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Hyun-Jae Rhee