2002, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 145-177 Country survey XVI the defence sector in the economy of a declining superpower: Soviet Union and Russia, 1965-2001
by Christopher Davis - 179-186 Endogenous Growth and Defense Expenditures: A New Explanation of the Benoit Hypothesis
by Ching-chong Lai & Jhy-yuan Shieh & Wen-Ya Chang - 187-197 Defense Spending and Economic Growth: Some Empirical Evidence from the Arab Gulf Region
by Yousif Khalifa Al-Yousif - 215-243 A Review of Recent Advances and Future Directions in the Quantitative Literature on Civil War
by Nicholas Sambanis
2002, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 81-83 Introduction
by Julide Yildirim & Selami Sezgin - 85-107 Survey and Review of the Defense Economics Literature on Greece and Turkey: What Have We Learned?
by Jurgen Brauer - 109-119 The Effects of Defence Spending Reductions: A CGE Estimation of the Foregone Peace Dividend in the Case of Greece
by Emmanuel Athanassiou & Christos Kollias & Stavros Zografakis - 121-128 The Demand for Turkish Defence Expenditure
by Selami Sezgin & Julide Yildirim - 129-136 Budgetary Trade-Offs Between Defense, Education and Health Expenditures: The Case of Turkey
by Onur Ozsoy - 137-143 Arms Racing and the Costs of Arms Imports: A Stochastic Model
by Christos Kollias & Kleanthis Sirakoulis
2002, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-11 US Military Expenditures and Economic Growth: Some Evidence from Spectral Methods
by Michael Gerace - 13-30 Military Debt: Perspectives from the Experience of Arab Countries
by Randa Alami - 31-53 Country Survey XV: Defence Policy and Spending in Belgium
by Wally Struys - 55-60 Defense Spending Promotes Aggregate Output in the United States--Evidence from Cointegration Analysis
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu - 61-75 Why is there so much Peace?
by Peter Stauvermann - 199-214 Plunder or Trade?
by Robert Rider
2001, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 497-535 Modelling international conflict under conditions of state level economic and political uncertainty
by Anthony Lyons - 537-568 The impact of procurement-driven technological change on U.S. manufacturing productivity growth
by David Saal - 569-587 Preserving defense technologies: A strategy for economic conversion
by Richard Streeter & Guy Hagen & Edward Patenaude & Dennis Killinger - 589-607 Country survey military expenditure in Cyprus
by Christos Kollias
2001, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 363-367 Introduction
by Alain Cuenca & Aurelia Valino - 369-393 An analysis of defence spending in Spain: A long-run approach
by Maria-Dolores Gadea & Antonio Montanes - 395-415 Defence spending in Spain
by Aurelia Valino Castro - 417-437 Government defence research establishments: The uncertain outcome of institutional change
by Jordi Molas-Gallart - 439-464 Controlling the international exchanges of armaments and dual-use technologies: The case of Spain
by Mikel Buesa - 465-485 Has Spain been free-riding in nato? An econometric approach†
by Pedro Gonzalez De La Fe & Daniel Montolio - 487-496 Nato in the post-cold war: An empirical analysis
by Claudia Perez-Formes & Alain Cuenca
2001, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 271-284 Better weapons or better troops?
by Jonathan Lipow & Eli Feinerman - 285-302 Rent-seeking models of international competition: An experimental investigation
by Bruce Linster & Richard Fullerton & Michael Mckee & Stephen Slate - 303-324 A neural network measurement of relative military security - the case of Greece and Cyprus
by A. S. Andreou & G. A. Zombanakis - 325-336 Does UK defence spending crowd-out UK private sector investment?
by James Scott - 337-338 Globalisation in the defence industry: An exploration of the paradigm for us and European defence firms and the implications for being global players
by Derrick Neal & Trevor Taylor - 361-362 Book review
by Peter Lock
2001, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 175-196 Exploring multi-country dynamic relations between trade and conflict
by Heejoon Kang & Rafael Reuveny - 197-214 The investment/labor ratio in the Russian armed forces: Lessons from the us?
by Alexei izyumov & John Vahaly - 215-227 Media congestion limits media terrorism
by John Scott - 229-247 Manufacturing scale, lot sizes and product complexity in defense and commercial manufacturing
by Todd Watkins & Maryellen Kelley - 249-270 Models of alliances: Internalizing externalities and financing
by Kevin Siqueira & Todd Sandler
2001, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 87-102 Individual preferences and the demand for military expenditure
by David Throsby & Glenn Withers - 103-144 Measuring defense conversion in Russian industry
by John Earle & Ivan Komarov - 145-156 The great power dilemma: The trade-off between defense and growth in great Britain, 1830-1980
by David Lai - 157-174 European defence: The cost of partial integration
by Marc Guyot & Radu Vranceanu
2001, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction
by Selami Sezgin & Keith Hartley - 5-26 Defence spending and economic growth: A causal analysis for Greece and Turkey
by Paul Dunne & Eftychia Nikolaidou & Dimitrios Vougas - 27-45 Measuring the extent of defence expenditures: The Turkish case with Turkish data
by Gulay Gunluk-Senesen - 47-67 Military expenditure and economic growth: A demand and supply model for Greece, 1960-96
by Paul Dunne & Eftychia Nikolaidou - 69-86 An empirical analysis of turkey's defence-growth relationships with a multi-equation model (1956-1994)
by Selami Sezgin
2000, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 549-551 Introduction: Defence, peace and economic growth in South Africa
by Paul Dunne & Andre Roux - 553-571 Military spending and economic growth in South Africa
by Peter Batchelor & J. Paul Dunne & David Saal - 573-585 Defence spending and economic growth in South Africa: A supply and demand model
by Paul Dunne & Eftychia Nikolaidou & Andre Roux - 587-596 Military expenditure and employment in South Africa
by Paul Dunne & Duncan Watson - 597-613 The impact of arms production on the South African manufacturing industry
by Alvin Birdi & Paul Dunne & David Saal - 615-641 Corporate performance and military production in South Africa
by Peter Batchelor & Paul Dunne & Sepideh Parsa - 643-659 Peace as an international public good: An application to Southern Africa
by Jurgen Brauer & Andre Roux
2000, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 443-444 Editorial Introduction: Arms Exports, Controls and Production
by Paul Levine & Somnath Sen & Ron Smith - 445-459 The benefits and costs of the UK arms trade
by Keith Hartley - 461-480 Potential and actual arms production: Implications for the arms trade debate
by Jurgen Brauer - 481-503 Export controls, market structure and international coordination
by Maria del Carmen Garcia-Alonso & Keith Hartley - 505-531 Arms export controls and emerging domestic producers
by Paul Levine & Fotis Mouzakis & Ron Smith - 533-548 Arms trade, arms control, and security: Collective action issues
by Todd Sandler
2000, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 333-368 Life cycle costs for decision support - a study of the various life cycle costs used at different levels of defence policy and management
by David Kirkpatrick - 369-401 Country Survey XIII: Japan's security posture and defense industry prospects
by Michael Chinworth - 403-426 Financial versus human resources in the Greek-Turkish arms race: A forecasting investigation using artificial neural networks
by A. S. Andreoua & G. A. Zombanakisb - 427-435 A note on defence spending in turkey: New findings
by Selami Sezgin - 437-442 Book Review
by Nick Hooper & Stephen Martin
2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-16 Defence and peace economics: A ten-year retrospective
by Keith Hartley & Todd Sandler - 17-30 Concepts of defense economics for the 21st century
by Martin McGuire - 31-43 The econometrics of arms races
by Ron Smith & J. Paul Dunne & Eftychia Nikolaidou - 45-54 Arms Races
by Michael Intriljgator & Dagobert Brito - 55-71 Exchange of goods or exchange of blows? New directions in conflict and exchange
by Charles Anderton - 73-91 Simultaneous provision of defense and aid: Empirical evidence from the united states-Japan alliance
by Minoru Okamura - 93-103 Themes in defence manpower economics and challenges for the future
by John Warner & Beth Asch - 105-125 Disarmament in the next millennium
by Jacques Fontanel & Fanny Coulomb - 127-148 An analysis of the Washington naval agreements and the economic provisions of arms control theory
by Cassady Craft - 149-172 Country survey XII: South Africa
by Andre Roux - 173-184 A note on the causal relationship between defence spending and growth in Greece: 1955-93
by Christos Kollias & Stelios Makrydakis - 185-195 Your country needs you! Forced recruitment in Honduras
by Andy Thorpe & Sam Cameron - 197-214 Comment: Why “an identified systemic model of the democracy-peace nexus” does not persuade
by John Oneal & Bruce Russett - 215-229 Democracy and peace: Reply to oneal and russett
by Patrick James & Eric Solberg & Murray Wolfson - 231-269 Resourcing for defense: Solving the roles and missions puzzle
by Alfonso Diaz & Emily Goldman - 271-299 Remaking the military industrial relationship: A French-American comparison
by Ann Markusen & Claude Serfati - 301-312 Defence closure and job loss: The case of swan hunter on tyneside
by Andy Pike & James Cornford & John Tomaney - 313-328 The defence industry supply chain: Linkage patterns in the south west of england
by Tim Williams - 329-331 Book Review
by Stephen Martin
1999, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 305-310 Introduction
by Manas Chatterji - 311-334 Defence spending, fiscal federalism, and economic growth in India: A new approach
by Jean-Claude Berthelemy & Remy Herrera & Somnath Sen - 335-345 India and South Asian security
by Sumit Ganguly & Rahul Mukherji & Rajesh Rajagopalan - 347-359 Pakistan's defense industry: An effort towards self-reliance?
by Ayesha Siddiqa-Agha - 361-381 Sri Lanka: The security problems of a small state
by K. M. de Silva - 383-400 Missile technology export conflicts in Asia:1 China and the USA, India and Pakistan in the 1990s
by Shuji Kurokawa
December 1999, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors
1999, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 225-246 An evolutionary game theoretical approach to the theory of international regimes
by Nuno Garoupa & Joao Gata - 247-272 The military production function
by Gregory Hildebrandt - 273-303 Price competition in a model of arms trade
by Mary Carmen Garcia-Alonso
1999, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 117-137 Protection against national emergency: International public goods and insurance
by Toshihiro Ihori - 139-169 Economic factors shaping arms production in less industrialized countries
by Michael Brzoska - 171-190 Rent seeking and defence expenditure
by Philip Jones - 191-223 Government contracting options: A model and application
by Edward Keating
1999, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-37 An identified systemic model of the democracy-peace nexus
by Patrick James & Eric Solberg & Murray Wolfson - 39-54 Increasing returns to scale and the arms race: The end of the Richardson paradigm?
by Dagobert Brito & Michael Intriligator - 55-77 Defence procurement of dual-use goods: Is there a single market in the European union?
by Stephen Martin & Keith Hartley & Andrew Cox - 79-102 France and its allies: A comparative study of defence spending trends since 1985
by Marc Aufrant - 103-116 The economic policy of acquiring foreign currency in wartime: The example of Croatia
by Maria Hedvall
1998, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 317-320 Introduction
by Eric Brunat - 321-338 Production, conversion, specificity of assets, and markets: Constraints for a global restructuring in Russia
by Eric Brunat & Serguei Malakhov - 339-365 Lessons learned from conversion in Russia and Western Europe
by Ksenia Gonchar & Herbert Wulf - 367-379 Conversion and personnel in the Russian military-industrial-complex
by Ovsey Shkaratan & Jacques Fontanel - 381-394 Great expectations: Russian defence conversion
by Jordin Cohen & Michael Ward - 395-406 The Kaliningrad defence industry: Problems of conversion
by Yuri Zverev
1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 171-222 Country survey XI: Defence and the Israeli economy
by Michael Beenstock - 223-236 Prices and quantities in the arms trade
by Paul Levine & Fotis Mouzakis & Ron Smith - 237-281 Worldwide military spending, 1990-95
by Jerald Schiff & Sanjeev Gupta & Benedict Clements - 283-297 From war to economic recovery: Peace as a public good in Angola
by Manuel Ennes Ferreira & Carlos Barros - 299-316 Adam smith: A defence economist
by Fanny Coulomb
1998, Volume 9, Issue 1-2
- 1-1 Editorial announcement on the death of Mancur Olson
by Todd Sandier & Keith Hartley - 1-2 Foreword
by Stefan Markowski & Peter Hall - 3-37 Challenges of defence procurement
by Stefan Markowski & Peter Hall - 39-61 Defence procurement in the UK
by Keith Hartley - 63-81 Defence procurement as an industrial policy tool: The Spanish experience
by Jordi Molas-Gallart - 83-97 The defence-industry interface: The Dutch approach
by Erik Dirksen - 99-118 Switzerland - The pragmatic approach to defence procurement
by Stefan Markowski - 119-136 Defence procurement and industry policy - A Singapore perspective
by Chinniah Manohara - 137-165 Defence procurement and domestic industry: The Australian experience
by Peter Hall & Stefan Markowski & Douglas Thomson - 167-169 Book review
by Matthew Uttley
1997, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 319-353 The future challenges of NATO: An economic viewpoint
by Todd Sandler - 355-379 Is there a Greek-Turkish arms race?: Evidence from cointegration and causality tests
by Christos Kollias & Stelios Makrydakis - 381-409 Country survey X: Defence spending in Turkey
by Selami Sezgin
1997, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 251-266 Evaluating the trade-off between military spending and investment in the United States
by David Gold - 267-306 Country survey IX: Spain
by Jordi Molas-Gallart - 307-317 Book review
by Gregory Hildebrandt
1997, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 145-187 Alternative models of Greek defence expenditures
by Christos Avramides - 189-204 Defence spending and growth in turkey 1954-1993: A causal analysis
by Christos Kollias - 205-224 The impact of defense and non-defense public spending on growth in Asia and Latin America
by James Murdoch & Chung-Ron Pi & Todd Sandler - 225-241 Estimating non-transparent military expenditures: The case of china (PRC)
by Digby Waller - 243-249 Book review
by Bernard Udis & Selami Sezgin
1997, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-16 Not for security only: The demand for international status and defence expenditure an introduction
by Hans Kammler - 17-35 The cold war, great-power traditions and military posture: Determinants of British defence expenditure after 1945
by Keith Hartley - 37-55 The end of the “French grandeur policy”
by Jacques Fontanela & Jean-Paul Hebert - 57-76 The US military build-up 1980-1985: What the one trillion dollars purchased
by Jeffrey Salmon - 77-100 Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the missile gap: Determinants of us military expenditure in the wake of the sputnik shock
by Andreas Wenger - 101-121 Conscription, peace-keeping, and foreign assistance: NATO burden sharing in the post-cold war era
by Jyoti Khanna & Todd Sandler - 123-143 Costs, risks, and benefits of a global military capability for the European union
by Reimund Seidelmann